Davos 2016 - The Transformation of Finance

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Its painful to listen to these billionaire jack-asses fumble through a very "high level" discussion of blockchain tech and how they can benefit.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2016 🗫︎ replies

109 counties have been excluded by banks due to regulation ?

No one takes a pause..

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/digitizedcurrencynow 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2016 🗫︎ replies
Hello everybody, and good afternoon, and welcome to the session called "The Transformation of Finance." It promises to be a very interesting discussion. In fact, so interesting that there's almost a riot outside the door right now of people queueing up to listen to the bankers, which is great. Great start. But we are indeed at a very, very interesting moment in finance. I've been coming to Davos since 2007, and I think there have been three phases in terms of the Davos debate about finance. Back in 2007, the first time I came, bankers were on top of the world. Everyone was in love with credit derivatives, financial innovation was celebrated, bankers threw great parties and held their heads high, and it was certainly a time when finance was booming. Then, of course, we had the crash, and for the past few years, most of the panels at Davos have been dominated by endless discussions about regulation, what went wrong, essentially bankers saying sorry or not saying sorry, and lots of discussion about what could be done in the future to make things safer. A very backward looking, very inward looking debate. What's interesting about this year's agenda in Davos, if you haven't pawed through the program yet is that there is barely a discussion about regulation at all. Thankfully, we don't have to worry about those wretched acronyms anymore. Instead, it's a much more forward looking discussion about FinTech, about the big changes that are sweeping through finance, and potentially transforming finance in ways that are both positive and negative. Now, as someone who's a journalist and paid to be cynical, my day job is I oversee the Financial Times in North America. There's part of me that thinks, well, maybe this is just a new way to distract people from some of the underlying problems that still haven't been solved in the core of banking. Certainly, if you talk to bankers, their entries are still bulging with regulatory issues. Or you can say actually this is the real story and while we've all been worrying about the backward looking crisis in the last two years, we've been fighting the last war. In fact, the biggest challenge to incumbent bankers today is not the crisis and regulation, but the new players. Or you could say actually this is going to be what revitalizes banking and allows the bankers to suddenly become beloved by everybody and maybe, just maybe, makes the bankers suddenly very fond of the regulators, because guess what? Maybe they're going to protect them from the new disruptive forces. Lots of changes, lots of very interesting issues, and we have a terrific panel here to discuss it. We have three incumbent financial, two incumbent bankers, one incumbent insurance sector representative. At the very end, known to most of who is Tom de Swaan who runs Zurich Insurance Group. We have in the middle, you can see, John Cryan from Deutsche Bank, co-CEO. And next to me on my immediate left, you're right, is James Gorman from Morgan Stanley. But we also have an incumbent or a semi-incumbent who may-- sorry, disruptor-- not incumbent. A disruptor, semi-disruptor. I'm glad you didn't flounce at the panel in a fit of-- Yes, well, compared to some of the real start-ups, they may think of you as an incumbent now. Anyway, a disruptor, Dan Schulman from Paypal. And of course, we have Christine Lagarde who runs the IMF, who takes an overview of what's going on. So I'd like to start with a quick overview from Madame Lagarde. The IMF has spent a lot of time in the last few years looking at the financial crisis and what's wrong with banking. But today, you have something slightly different to unveil, don't you? Because the IMF has taken a slightly different role, a slightly different direction in terms of looking at finance. Can you tell us a bit about that and tell us briefly where you see finance going in the next few years? Thank you, Gillian, for setting the agenda and a tough question. First of all, I think your point about regulations is well taken it, yet the entire regulatory environment is not completely settled yet, and there is still work to be done in various areas. I think the cross-border resolution is one of them, which has not yet been completely settled. And I think there are issues to be resolved between the US and Europe in terms of over-the-counter derivatives and clearing systems which are not really exchanging information on this stage at the level and at the speed where they should. So in those two areas, at least, more regulation is still to be defined and agreed upon. Two points. There are new ways of doing the regular traditional business and for those of us who have kids or young adults in the family you know that they don't go to a bank. Probably many of them have not stepped into the branch of any particular bank, yet they do banking. But they do it in a different way, using different channels, using different modus operandi, which has nothing to do with interfacing with a person or with an account manager, and that's for the retail basic banking, which is certainly disrupting the business of many traditional institutions, including some possibly in the room. There's is a the second point that I wanted to make which is one where we have done a little bit of homework. And I'm saying on purpose a little bit of homework because it's the beginning of process. And that touches on virtual currencies and the ways in which block chains technology ledgers can actually disrupt the business in a much deeper way and another way of doing the same business. And frankly, I'm saying that this is the beginning because we know relatively little about the virtual currencies. What we know is that they're not yet a major component. I want to give you the numbers, because I think they matter. The current total market value of virtual currencies is about $7 billion US at the moment, and if you compare that with US currencies in circulation-- I mean, banknotes, coins-- it's about $1.4 trillion. And if you include US money supply, otherwise known as M2, you are talking about $12 trillion. So what we're talking about these VCs is really a very small compartment of the total currencies around the world and the total creation of money using different means. So it's still a small component, small item, maybe nothing to worry about. But just like so many things, it's a bit like The Tale of Two Cities. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Well, virtual currencies you could argue is extremely beneficial, beneficial for the customers. It brings better value, it reduces costs, it provides financial inclusion, it provides versatility, it reaches out to places where people were not bankable in some very far and remote places where technology is beginning to make huge entries. That's the best of time. Worst of time, it's a great instrument for crime. Because a lot of it has nothing to do with central control, with the central banks, with supervision, with regulatory environment, and it's a very nice way-- and people who look into how terrorism is financed will tell you a lot more than I would-- but I've heard them. But it's certainly a potential instrument for illicit transactions, for money laundering, for terrorist financing. Equally, if it was to develop significantly, it would be also a potential threat to financial stability, because it's completely outside the realm of regulated activity and there are some tell risk scenario that you could actually think of. Third, and we don't see that as a risk going forward for the moment, it could disrupt monetary policy. Too small to really be a concern at the moment. Our bottom line-- and that's very preliminary because we believe that this scene is going to change massively going forward-- but bottom line, just as we heard in 2008, the investment bankers who were just coming into the net of supervision and regulation didn't like it very much. But had to resort to it, saying to all of us, please look at the funds, and see what the hedge funds are doing, and why they shouldn't be included in the net. It might very well be the case that going forward a lot of those that are regulated and supervised by virtue of what is defined as the banking activity, whatever form it takes-- retail, investment, or more innovative-- might very well say please include them as well, and these go beyond the shadow banking, which is a bit more into the net of regulators and supervisors. You've asked me to be short, so I'll stop here. Thank you. For those of you who'd like to read the entire report I'm sure the IMF has got plenty of copies to hand out. It's available on the net as well. Exactly. Or you can download it on your cell phones right now. But so from Basel III to the block chain, that's quite a big thing to span. But I'm curious, James and John, when you look at your inbox about what you are actually dealing with day in, day out in running big banks today do you care about any of this electronic stuff, virtual currencies, or are you still fighting the last war in dealing with the regulatory onslaught from the last crisis? And what do you think are going to be the big forces shaping finance going forward? James, would you like to go first because your nearest to me. I can jump on you easiest. Thank you, Gillian. Yeah, we care a lot. We're in an industry that is driven by technology. And whether it was the advent of the ATM machine or the advent the credit card or any of the evolutions and innovations of the last 50 years in finance, it's part and parcel of what we do. In fact, we had our earnings call yesterday. We focused a lot on what we're doing with our core businesses. The first email I got from one of our board of directors was about an article relating to FinTech in the paper that day. And it was a healthy reminder that while we're talking to investors about what is in front of us, we have to have enough of a share of our mind looking forward to what might challenge us in the future or what might be opportunities. But if you go back to the simple inbox, I'd love to say that the banking sector is done with regulation. We know what the regulatory world looks like. We have a fully integrated global regulatory system. As Madame Lagarde just said, we clearly don't, that all of the rule changes that have been put in place over the last several years have finished, and I don't think anybody could say that that's actually the case. So in terms of inbox, we spent a lot of time worrying about regulation. The GSIT buffer as an example, for the globally systemically important banks is a major new step that's coming down the track. TLAC, one of those acronyms that we're trying to avoid, has been something all the banks have been adjusting to. So if you're not focused on how the regulatory environment can shape the kinds of businesses that you're in and dictate the kinds of returns you can expect from them you're not doing your job. At the same time, if you're not focused on how some of these innovations are disrupting different parts of the financial system, and how you can embrace them, and use them to win business, not just defensively then you're not doing your job. In our space, I think into the world of disruption, we've got, obviously, Dan from the payment sector. There's the credit sector, and then there's investment sector. We'll come back to this, I'm sure, in the discussion. But I think there are very distinct challenges for each of those sectors, and in very different stages of maturation, and that's largely driven by what the economic proposition is to the client by going entirely digital through payments, through credit, or through wealth management. John, how do you see it? When you look forward to say, five years how do you think the banking sector will look? Do you think you'll have a different set of rivals? Well, I think we've always had to cope with new entrants into the various aspects of finance which we as a bank at least prosecute. We've essentially three businesses. We're a traditional banking business where we take deposits. It's the reason why banks are regulated is the taking of deposits and people sometimes forget that. We have a stockbroking business which has borne the brunt of much of the regulation oddly because the source of the crisis was actually just an extension of credit. And then we have a fiduciary business which so far has been the business that has benefited interestingly from most of the legislation and rules that have been introduced since the financial crisis. They've generally benefited funds under management and fund managers which is an unusual beneficiary when you think about what went wrong. In banking, there is clearly some risk that we would be disintermediated or made irrelevant because we've been slow to move in technology terms. There is a degree though to which we are still protected by, for example, clearing rules. Although Paypal can move a lot of money around, ultimately, clearing, particularly in US dollars is tightly controlled. And very often the payments are made from one bank to another bank by means of something other than a bank. So banks still involved. I think on the stockbroking side, we're really just trading electrons anyway. Everything's been dematerialized and I think we cope with that relatively well. On the question of whether cash will exist in future, I think we do actually spend quite a bit of time on that because cash, I think, in 10 years time probably won't. There's no need for it. It's terribly inefficient and expensive. But if you think about money, and there is actually a lexicon today, so I'm not plagiarizing it. If you think, there are really three functions of cash-- Feel free to read out the FT to the audience. There are three functions of cash. And if you look at it, block chain technology itself is quite interesting. Bitcoin I don't think is. Block chain I'm much more interested in what will come later. I'm much more interested in data than I am in process. I think where we're really struggling is with data, and the rules around data, and the new regulations on data, and the obligations on banks to report on data much more so than process. But if you look at block chain technology, I think it can be used for digital identity purposes. If that's acceptable to the G20, because this is going to be a super national initiative and the US is going to have to take a leading role in this. But if we look at money, it's used as a medium of exchange. But we barter in lots of things that aren't money at the moment, including bitcoin. It's just another medium of barter. It's a bit opaque, so it's used for buying pornography and potentially for other illicit purposes. It hasn't gained too much traction. It's a bit complicated so I think people will be put off by that complication. Money is used as a store of value and bitcoin hasn't proven to be a very good one. I think it's gone from about $200 a bitcoin to $300 to $1,000 or something. And it hasn't been reliable at the moment. It's not very liquid. There are only 21 million of them, so you divide them up into very, very small chunks if you need to use them. So as a store of value it hasn't been terribly reliable, and they're better stores of value sometimes than cash. And it's interesting whether if the oil price has fallen, has the dollar just gone up or has it fallen? And everything's relative. The other the measure, the other aspect of cash that's important is as a unit of measure. We account in cash terms. We express our accounts in dollars or euros or however we account. And I don't think there's much threat there because it's just convenient, it's decimal, it's easy to use. But we do worry about cash, because I think that should be dematerialized. I think the world has enough robust technology. And I think governments would be interested in that. Because it's the old adage that the money launderer's greatest friend is the 500 euro note because it's anonymous and it's a relatively large denomination. It would be better if everything were traceable. So can I just jump in there quickly and say is either Morgan Stanley or Deutsche Bank, are you developing a block chain technology right now? The technology's developed. It's the use of that technology-- Are you using it? --and we wouldn't presume to do it ourselves. We working with lots of other companies, and we're planning on useful ways of using it. And one of the issues I have is people are too prone to get excited by a technology rather than its useful application. And we have to be practical. We're never going to develop technologies of that nature that thoroughly. They're very complicated. But there could be uses way beyond bitcoin because they essentially are a protected unique identifier. And that could be useful. James, are you about to launch a block chain function at Morgan Stanley? I'm going to ask Tom that as well. No. But others have and we'll access the technology. We partner with a lot of people. I'm more focused honestly on things that take away human interaction. Our business is built around-- we're a service business-- we're built around people. People making intelligent decisions, guiding clients whether it's allocating assets, whether it's trading in different currencies. And what parts of our business model are susceptible to being disintermediated in that way. And whether it's through robo advice, can you build an expert advice model for all people, or only for people with very simple portfolios? Whether it's through electronic trading. Do you really need traders sitting on desks and to what extent do you need them? Whether it's through developing expert systems to model M&A transactions and due diligence on those? There are lots of ways where we have historically added value. We obviously believe we'll continue to add value on those, but where are the pieces that we can adopt and embrace technology that give our clients more certainty with what they're doing? So we're adding value at the higher end, the true advisory end of the spectrum. So this is a-- and by the way, there's a little bit of, I think, near hysteria about FinTech. It's real. It's here. It's disruptive, but it's not going to change everybody's life tomorrow. This is going to unfold over many, many years in different ways so as large corporations, nobody's got the wisdom to see how every product is going to unfold perfectly. So you have to make bets, you have to form partnerships, you have to have alliances, to have to hire talent to come from outside of the banking system. A lot of things that we're doing is basically building optionality. Right. Out of curiosity, before we come to Tom, looking at you in the audience, how many of you in the audience use online banking? So almost everybody does. How many of you have ever used a robo-advisor? OK, three of you, four of you. Interesting. And how many of you have faith that block chain is a viable product or process that will actually form part of financing in the next say four, five years? Someone's put two hands up. They're such an enthusiast. Probably a CEO from [INAUDIBLE]. Exactly. Well, I must say, bad news. That's only a third. The other two thirds of the audience is looking a bit suspicious about this. Anyway, Tom, how is this playing out in insurance? Because I can't imagine you're about to jump on the block chain bandwagon. No, no, no. But let me start by saying that the insurance industry, especially in Europe, is just gaining some breath after the introduction of Solvency II. So when we talk about regulatory impact on the way we do business it has been phenomenal. Some of my colleagues are still trying to stand up after the implementation of Solvency II. As far as FinTech is concerned, I think that McKinsey reports show that the insurance industry will be the most affected, one of the most affected parts of the economy as far as technology in financial services industry is concerned. And one of the main reasons being obviously that risk pools are being affected. The possibility to use big data, to make risk more granular is enormous. And you can even have a debate on the basis of insurance, which is based on solidarity that somebody wants to insure something that might happen. If he knows that it's going to happen, we don't want to insure it anymore, and he won't take out insurance unless actually the house is on fire. So that is a major fundamental discussion that takes place in the insurance industry. The only problem is, and I think that is a point that was made by John as well, is the timing of the thing. We know that cars become more intelligent. We know that accidents will decrease tremendously when we all have sensors in our cars that avoid head-on collisions. Unfortunately, at this point of time given the level of oil prices, people have more cars, use more cars, drive more, and we have more accidents. So it's very difficult in the present environment too. We can have a theoretical debate about risk pools. You can have a theoretical debate about the solidarity element in insurance. But the day-to-day management of the company is, to put it bluntly, it's much, much more important. I think that you have to life at the top of a financial institution was not easy, is not easy, and will not become easier because there's unpredictability of how fast technology will influence our work. It's very difficult. You know that it's coming. On the other hand, we still have to manage the business we have at this point of time. So we have to find the right balance. You have to find alliances with disruptors. I'm a firm believer that disruptors need us, the incumbents. I have not spoken to one disruptor who actually wants to take insurance risk on his balance sheet. He wants to sell the products. He wants to sell us products, but he doesn't want to take the insurance risk on the balance sheet. In that respect, I think that the incumbents, at least the insurance side of the incumbents, have a strong argument to create alliances with disruptors, take them in, and use them, and they use us to the benefit of both in order to create new products, create new distribution systems, and enhance the value of both the disruptor and the incumbent. Right. Well, thank you. Well, Dan, as somebody who is the non-incumbent on the panel, when you hear the incumbents saying that they think the disruptors are dying to do alliances with them, and they need the incumbents, when you hear this talk about the incumbents embracing technology and things, do you think that this is simply a case of the incumbents becoming a bit savvier, a bit sexy with their electronic stuff? Or do you think actually what we're going to see is disruptors, outsiders come into finance, and change it in a much more radical way in the years ahead? I don't think it's either/or and I think partnerships are going to be important for everybody. But I will say when I was at American Express, what I used to say all the time is that the biggest impediment to our future success was our past success. And I really think a lot of big companies extrapolate from what was, and don't reimagine what could be. And that's a danger for a lot of big companies. I think there are five key trends, in my view, that are going on right now that I think we all need to keep in mind. First of all, money is absolutely digitizing in front of us right now. Checks are disappearing. Cash we talked about. All over the world, money is digitizing. However, let's not forget, 85% of the world's transactions are still in cash right now. So we've got a long way to go on that, but it is just inexorable. It is going to happen. Money is digitizing and will continue to do so going forward. Second thing is mobile is exploding across the world right now. And it's not just mobile. Everyone knows that, but the bill of materials for a smartphone is now under $30. So everybody is going to have a smartphone. It's as simple as that. When you have a smartphone, you've got all the power of a bank branch in the palm of your hand. And to me this combination of money digitizing and the explosion of smartphones enables us to think about basic consumer transactions in a fundamentally different way. Imagine thinking about banking and starting it in a world of software and mobile. It would be fundamentally different for basic consumer financial services. Not for mortgages or some of the other wealth management, but for that. And I believe that affords an opportunity to bring in the billions of people across the world that are outside the system right now. And that is a thing that we are very focused on. Third, the amount of data is exploding everywhere. And it's not going to stop. People are like let's hold it back, we're worried about it. It's exploding and algorithms are the weapon of the digital company, and if they're the weapon and the ammunition is data then the more data you have, the better quality, the better you can create value propositions that allow you to target various segments of the market, and serve them in better ways. Of course, there's the flip side. You've got security and privacy issues that you need to think about. You got discrimination that you have to worry about. But data's exploding and it is going to fundamentally change value propositions out there in lending, in numerous areas. Fourth thing, industry lines are blurring right now and product lines are blurring. So you have got circling around digital payments right now, you've got technology companies, whether it be Google or Facebook or Amazon, Microsoft. So you've got tech companies. You've got carriers-- mobile carriers-- circling around it. You've got OEMs handset manufacturers. You have merchants circling around it, because merchants fundamentally see mobile and digital payments as a redefinition of commerce. How do they create new value propositions to use mobile and software to get closer to their customers. That's going to happen, and we're not going to get in the way of it, and it's already starting. And so how do we create platforms and API sets and software to enable merchants get closer to their consumers. And then finally, the fifth trend is security. It's something I think about literally every single day. We have a tremendous amount of data and information. Authentication is very, very tough these days. Everybody's password has been compromised. That is the truth of the matter. So it isn't protecting somebody from logging in. They're going to log in with real identification into account. Real ones. It's yours. We know exactly which ones you have. We know what your username is. We know your password. We know stuff about you and the bad guys have it. So you got to have a huge amount of data, and I think scale really matters here, because what you have to do is take that data and information, and create walls as best you can. But then make sure you have information and data that spots abnormal behavior, and prevents it from leaving the system. And so I think those five things are happening and FinTech is in the middle of that. But this is going to be a combination of regulators, incumbents, new people pushing in to this market, and I think it will fundamentally redefine basic financial services more in the next five years than what's occurred in the last 30. Wow. That puts the 2008 crisis in perspective. Can I ask, how many people in the room agree with John's prediction that cash will no longer exist in 10 years time? OK, that's a pretty striking statement given that 85% of the world's transactions are done in cash right now. There's no way. Not in volume, in number. It's 85% in number, not in volume. That's right. Of the transactions. There is a big difference between the two. While I'm on that question how many of you think that the current big lineup of big name banks, some of which are represented on the panel, will continue to dominate banking in the next 10 years. In 10 years time, do you think we'll still have the same big name banks dominating banking? OK. One. One person has stuck his neck out and said the future belongs to the big name banks. I guess the key question I wonder about this is to what degree are the regulators prepared for this? Because it strikes me right now, and I firmly believe the 2008 crisis was partly caused by tremendous levels of fragmentation in the regulation community and central banking world which prevented them from seeing what was going on. But once again we have a lot of fragmentation. We have people looking at tech in one regulatory department and people looking at finance as another. Who wants to jump in on the regulators? Tom. I think that the regulators first have to question what are we going to regulate before they actually start regulating. You or Dan was referring to the incredible amount of data that is being generated, and that the financial industry will use to service their customers, develop products, analyze the risk perspective of their customers, et cetera, et cetera. One of the biggest issues there is that the financial world is still rebuilding trust. We not there rebuilding trust. And the question is how can we while we're rebuilding trust also convince our customers that we should be allowed to use their data in order to service them better and create new products? And I think one of the problems from the regulatory side-- I used to be a regulator, I'm not a regulator anymore-- is that they have to define what they're going to regulate. Are they going to regulate privacy further? Are they going to regulate the transfer of that data across borders? And how do you then see too that you have a regulatory environment that is globally applicable otherwise you can't use it at all. So I think that is a much bigger problem, that before you start regulating that you have to know what to regulate. Dan, and then I know John's got something he wants to say. But Dan first then. Let's start off by saying I think that most of us in this panel would agree that in general what regulators want and what we want is very, very similar. We want protection for consumers. We want it to be a transparent type of system. We want security for that. I don't think anybody can argue with that. It's hard to argue with it. You could, but you'd get kicked out of the system immediately. But I think the issue really is what are we trying to regulate and how are we trying to do that? For instance, again, when I at AMEX and we were doing stress testing. We were stress testing what if the housing market collapsed this much and what would happen, et cetera. I'm like you know what? Honestly, that's not the next stress that's going to happen. The big next stress is the financial system's going to be hacked for one or two days, and there's going to be a pandemonium that's going to happen, and that's going to be the stress. It's not what happened, it is probably what is likely to happen going forward. And that wasn't part of the stress test, for instance. I think it's a big oversight because I think, not to be pessimistic, I think it's likely that something like that could happen in our system. I hope it doesn't, but we face pretty serious opponents out there. Right. Number two is I think we need to be able to innovate responsibly. There needs to be some sort of sandbox where you can try things and not run the risk of running afoul of regulation. Because there are so many cool things that we could do that are very different today in terms of using data and information to increase lending, to think about financial health, and inclusion in different ways. But you want to be careful you don't run afoul of regulation, but there needs to be some sort of sandbox to go and do that. As I think about it, we're moving into a new world. I believe that. I'm not saying it's going to happen tomorrow whatsoever. I'm a pragmatic person around this. But we are moving into a new world. That's going to happen. And new worlds demand new ways of thinking about our regulatory environment as well. John, I know it's something that's close to your heart, the issue of regulation and data. Well, I'd just like to go on the record saying I like regulators very much. Are there any regulators in the audience? If there is, take notes. One. There's one regulator who wants to admit to it. Sometimes we refer to regulators and what we really mean is policymakers. And regulators' jobs really are to ensure, they supervise in normally a constructive way, and they enforce policy and rules. But the rules are set by generally other people with feedback from the industry, but also from regulators. I think some people, my observation is that much of the debate in finance that's focused on regulation has focused on quite a numeric aspect of regulation. We've looked at prudential regulation, we looked at adequacy of capital and liquidity. And there's been a lot of debate about that. And banks have generally gone from being under-capitalized 10 years ago to being now relatively safe. There's still a lot of tinkering going on because the rules have become complicated and when rules become complicated they get arbitraged by people who are cleverer than the people who set the rules in the first place or think they are. And that's been the case since regulation was invented. The much more complex regulation is almost a stealth regulation. And that's when, for example, banks but other institutions within the finance world are asked to take on roles that are societal roles, they are utility roles. And one-- and this is not specifically a Deutsche Bank point-- but I think we've been slow to recognize that we are an extension of law enforcement. And the obligation goes beyond clients because it reaches potential clients. And our obligations, for example, to report to crime agencies suspicious activity where the demand on the determination of what constitutes suspicious activity is very, very onerous and is not single transaction related or single client related. It's pattern related, so we need to develop pattern recognition systems to help ourselves. Where conduct of sale for financial institutions sets huddles that are much higher than for many other industries. And many other industries are presumed to be effectively competitive and financial services presumed not to be. So if you want to sell a kilo of sugar at an egregiously high price as part of your business model, you probably won't sell very much and so the market will put you out of business and that's fine. If you want to sell an insurance product for a better margin than the market, you can actually be prosecuted for not treating customers fairly. A lot of that goes to management of data and that's my point about hardware these days. If you buy some new hardware, you normally save costs because the old hardware just costs you more to run even in electricity terms. Software doesn't cost that much these days to develop, and you can partner with people who can do it very effectively. Cleaning data, managing data, organizing data, storing data, maintaining data, reporting on data is incredibly complex. And those are the standards to which I feel we are at the highest we are held. And we've not got a good legacy. We haven't done well. We've had fragmented systems. We've never had standardized data even when we've had standardized processes. And our inheritance as an industry is pretty lousy. Now, if you talk to Tom, he'll say, well, wait a minute, presumably I've got pension policies that were written in the 1940s or '50s potentially still in force. The world has changed 100 times since then. How am I meant to manage that sort of information? We're in the odd position of having to go back to people who've been clients for 20, 30, saying can you now prove to us you are who you say you are? And they say, well, surely by now you know. And of course we do, but we're held to a different standard. And I'm finding, personally, that we're thinking too much about data. We should have thought more about it. And we need to get smarter, and I think that's where we need to get really smart on new technologies. That's a fascinating point. I wanted to try and bring the audience in for questions in a few moments, but I quickly want to ask, James or Christine, do you have any strong views to add to this about? Yes. Yes, I'm sure you do. I'll give you a chance. Thank you, Gillian. I'd like to add three points. One is the point made by Dan about having a sandbox where you can experiment, where you can test without running too high risks, I think is a really interesting proposition. And I think it's important to keep it as a sandbox, and not to make it the courtyard where everybody is actually playing. Because essentially, what you're doing-- all of you, many of us-- is actually dealing with public good. And when you're dealing with public good, when you're dealing with trust to do it in a sandbox to make sure that you limit the damage that you do when you experiment I think is exactly the right thing to do. And part of the regulations that we've put in place since 2008 has been about precisely protecting the public good, and making sure that taxpayers' money is actually not on the line when too many mistakes have been made or when the tools that have been experimented in the sandbox have been elevated to a higher level. So that's point number one. Point number two, I was actually a little bit challenged by the point that I think you made, John, when you said that regulations in the banking and finance business is actually decided by policymakers as if governments were in charge or parliaments were in charge. And I have my slight doubt about it, because when you are inside the system, and when you see how regulations get negotiated, yes, governments participate. But most of the hard work which eventually defines the capital adequacy ratios, the liquidity ratios, the leverage ratio, TLAC, as debated as it was, it's very much in the Basel committee. It's very much in the FSB. That all of that is worked out and eventually channeled into the regulatory system as defined by virtue of it being decided by parliament. So I would say for bad or for good-- and I'm not taking a view here because there is a lot of good about it-- but the profession itself has a lot to do with how supervision is defined and how regulations are determined. And there's a lot of negotiations to be had in that respect. We have seen it since 2008. I would add that on the accounting front, it has been very much delegated to professionals. And when you look at the international accounting standards, many of them are actually decided by the profession itself, rightly or wrongly. But I would contend that parliaments and sovereign representatives are part of the process, but they're a small part of the process relative to other industries. Final point that I would like to make. I was fascinated by what you said about data, and the abundance of data, and the fact that cleaning up of data, and management of data is going to be the thing of the future and critically important. And I was wondering-- and that's a question, Gillian, if I may ask-- whether the [INAUDIBLE] of de-risking, which is big for some countries around the world, and many more than we think, which consists for those who are not in the know on that, which consists of some banks deciding to cut off links and ties with correspondent banks in those countries that are not capable to provide the data. Know your clients, know your client's clients that is expected from some authorities, particularly in the US. Whether that de-risking, which is bad news really for some countries, which otherwise can operate legitimate businesses, and legitimate households banking, whether that abundance of data, and the improvement of managing those data can actually help limit this de-risking or avoid it altogether. Do you want to answer that briefly and then I'm going to ask James. Or you can chuck it to James if you want to. I think the answer today is no, because the issue with correspondent banking, and we just stopped onboarding clients in 109 countries, which we agreed with our regulators were high stress countries. And the ask in correspondent banking is to know your correspondent bank's clients. And data protection rules prevent you from knowing your correspondent bank's clients. So the question is which law do you want to break? And instead of breaking either, we exited correspondent banking. And all that leads to is marginalization and social exclusion for the 109, in our case, riskiest and therefore least developed countries in the world. Wow. That's a sobering point. James? There's a lot of ground to cover there, Gillian. OK, you have two minutes, and then we'll bring the audience in. Or you can take a pause, I'll ask the audience first. No. I'll give you two minutes worth. Two topics. One is regulation, one is ROE. On regulation, the regulators will and should get involved in the shadow banking sector, which obviously they're involved in the core regulated banking sector, already in the shadow banking sector to the extent that there are cyber issues. Because I agree with the point that is the big enchilada. To the extent that there are systemic issues created through concentration of risk and risk of contagion, and to the extent that there are issues that affect consumer confidence, because at the heart of the banking system is trust. It's the Jimmy Stewart movie about It's a Wonderful Life. When trust goes, people want their money back. Banks don't have their money. They've given it to somebody else, and that is sitting in somebody else's house. And that's actually what started the financial crisis was a lack of trust when individuals and corporations saw banks taking credit hits. As a result, they pulled their money out thinking those hits would wipe out the equity. When they pulled their money, it created a liquidity run. And with a liquidity run eventually everybody dies unless the all-time great steps in, which is the governments and bail it out, which is what happened. So on this whole FinTech shadows system, regulators can and should get involved where it's cyber, where it's systemic on credit, risk of contagion, and where there's real consumer issues. I think just broadly, two quick broad comments. One, we can't talk about banks or financial institutions. Are you correspondent banking or is it project finance? Is it consumer lending? Is it student card lending? Is it credit card lending? Is it use of debit cards? Is it wealth management? Is it trust services? There are too many things going on under this, so we'd need many hours to do that, but that's for another day. The important issue is the core banking industry pre-crisis had an ROE of about 25%. And that was because it was running balance sheets on capital with a ratio of about 40 times. As a result of regulatory action, sensibly, the banking industry has a capital ratio of about 11 times and an ROE, unfortunately, of less than 10%. So in terms of scale of change, you've taken one of the most important industries in the world, and taken the ROE from 25% to call it 5%. FinTech and these changes that are happening in and around that, they're not rounding errors, but they're not transformative at that scale yet. Within certain products, certain parts of payment system, peer-to-peer lending, they're becoming much more than that. But it's system wide. Regulation remains the number one game at least the here and now. Right. Right. Thank you. That's a very, very good point indeed. I'd like to bring the audience in for questions. We've only got about 10 minutes. There a lot of you. I can see a lot of you have strong feelings about these issues. I should say I was in a session earlier discussing FinTech and there was a very strong division in people's about whether they thought it was good or bad. But I think there are some microphones. Please keep your comments or questions extremely short or I will cut you off. And it will courteous but not compulsory to identify yourself. So who would like to ask a question? OK. I can see Mr. Block Chain at the front. George Bachiashvili, Georgian Co-Investment Fund. So basically, your bread and butter is storing other people's money, making transactions with other people's money, doing the same for the stocks, and issuing credit. All of that is done much more efficiently by block chain even today in a decentralized way. Why are you so ignorant, I may say so, because it's a big train coming right towards your direction, and I don't see much concerns from your side. I'm very glad that Ms. Lagarde is much more positive about block chain. So James and John, are you the rabbits in the headlights of the train coming down the track? I don't think so. Not in the next four or five years. I can't see block chain being adopted that rapidly. At the moment we're regulated to take a dematerialized form of cash. That's what we do. So we borrow money from people A at one rate. We lend it to people, group B, at a high rate, and try not to lose it. You could argue that deposits, the deposit product, is no longer relevant in today's society. And James' business is geared around, much more around not specifically wanting to take so much deposits. He's got a much more developed wealth management business. And his client base, presumably, is better served by offering a broader range of potential investment opportunities than a simple deposit rate of return. Banks have been regulated to take deposits, and a good use of those deposits was to lend them to other people for a positive margin. And that's traditionally how banking's built up. There's no compulsory reason, but banks had a competitive advantage conferred on them because they also dealt in people's money. And when you deal in people's money, you generally have a direct indicator of the health and therefore creditworthiness of the person to whom you're lending money. And so if you can bank, i.e. manage the cash flow of your debt then you can manage that, arguably, over a cycle better than someone who's blind to the cash flow performance of a borrower. I'm old enough and probably cynical enough-- and you can suggest that I'm complacent enough-- to know that there have been various cycles of disruptors in credit who've come along, and they've grown incredibly quickly. And they've worried banks. I'm old enough to remember the centralized mortgage lenders in the UK. I'm a Brit. In the late 1980s, early 1990s, they took market share from building societies by lending to people who either in the end couldn't pay back, didn't have a house of the value that was sufficient to cover the debt, or didn't want to pay it back. And they did disrupt for awhile. But on the credit side, I wouldn't be complacent. But I would not be so worried about crowd funding, for example, where the ultimate aim is to lend to people. Banks, I think, just have a competitive advantage because they have insight into cash flows. OK. So banks have a competitive advantage. James, do you agree? I don't think anybody on the panel said that block chain was not relevant, and I don't think anybody suggested that it's not something that we're looking at. In fact, it is, so I would take your characterization of ignorance and turn it around as pragmatism. If you look at how we actually make money, you have to look at what the block chain technology would do to disrupt that source of revenue. Is block chain going to stop us from bringing Alibaba to market? So you have to look at how we make money before you make the assertion that our business is in a state of inexorable demise. There are parts of the financial sector, and the payment system, and the storage of data, and the use of that data which are clearly affected by it. But there are large parts that are not. They're affected actually by other forms of financial technology. Dan, as the disruptor on the panel, do you think block chain is over-hyped? Well, we just brought on a board member who is one of the experts in crypto currency in the world, so we're obviously thinking about it quite a bit. I think people have a rightly disaggregated bitcoin the currency versus the underlying technology. Part of the promise of the underlying technology is a reduction in transaction costs, which Christine rightly mentioned helps with perhaps financial inclusion, et cetera. The problem is you have a currency that's bouncing around so much that you have to immediately translate it into fiat currency, and there's a 1% fee to go do that, so you take away some of that efficiency right now because of the volatility of the currency associated with it. I do think that it's very possible that the rails in which we move money evolve into more of internet based rails as opposed to proprietary rails that are run now by some of the networks. But I feel-- and this is going to be weird for a disruptor-- but I feel the same way. I think there's a lot to think about yet with crypto currency, not the least of which is what is the regulatory final say going to be on that. You have multiple governments with multiple different views on it right now. But we allow bitcoin into Paypal as a payment mechanism right now through Coinbase because there are some people who want to do that. But I'm not going to repeat the host of issues with it, but it's very interesting. Well, sadly, very sadly-- and we could talk about this for another couple hours I think-- we are pretty much out of time. I do apologize. It's been a fascinating discussion. I've taken away several key points. One is that clearly there are some extraordinary changes going on right now, which probably haven't had the attention they deserve until recently because the media investing public and the public have been focused so much on the financial crisis. Secondly, there's clearly an urgent need for regulators to think about this and policy makers too. And certainly papers like the IMF's paper are going to help spur that debate. And thirdly, to me it's still very unclear about who's actually going to be the winner here or not. Clearly, the incumbents are still dealing with the legacy of regulation and distracted by that. And yet they do still have a pretty incumbent position in many areas. So it's going to be a very interesting fight going on. The one thing I am pretty clear about is that whatever bank notes you got in your wallet right now, frame them. Because eventually they'll be a collectible item. So thank you all very much indeed.
Channel: World Economic Forum
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Keywords: world economic forum, WEF, Davos, Davos 2016
Id: JwkC8WaN5T4
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Length: 55min 54sec (3354 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2016
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