DaVinci Resolve 15 - Managing Media

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hi I'm Sherwin and I'm a DaVinci Resolve certified trainer in this video I'm gonna walk you through some of the exciting features of the media page now you can start resolved without going into the media page but that's actually the first place that I go to when I'm in resolve because I know that when I spend a little bit more time importing organizing and prepping my my project in the media page the less time I spend you know looking for the stuff that I need and that ultimately gives me so much more time to be creative so let's dive right in if your interface looks a little bit different than mine go ahead and reset the UI layout so go to the workspace menu and reset your UI layout now at the top of the media page is the interface toolbar this is where you can show and hide different parts of the interface now below this is the media storage you can find a list of all your drives and the contents in the drive let me open up my hyper light media and I'll navigate to the medbay and I'm gonna click on the clip and by doing so it brings it up in the viewer in the viewer I can preview my clips using the transport control I can use my spacebar to play and pause I can even use my mouse to hover over a clip and I'll see this right in the viewer now this is called the live media preview this is an amazing feature that can save you a lot of time you can quickly scrub through a lot of clips and final clip that you want this feature is turned on and off in the options menu in your viewer to the right of that is the audio panel this is where you can see audio meters and a waveform below that is the metadata panel this is where you can see metadata that's associated with your clip and you can also find different categories to customize it when you're ready to import your media you can bring it down into the media pool located at the bottom of your media page the media pool is the place where all your media stays and results going to look in that media pool for the rest of the projects so now that we've got the interface so now that we've talked about the interface let's jump into the media storage and import some clips you can import clips in many different ways but let me show you some of the ways that I like to import of course there's the drag and drop I'll switch to this folder and I'll drag all of these in and I can create a bin by right-clicking and add bin so I'll name it one cryopod let me jump back to the master and I'll bring these clips inside that fold in that bin another way to import media is to just click and drag the folder from your media storage down into the media pool and when I do that resolve will automatically import and create bins for you another awesome feature is let's jump outside a resolve into the system windows so I've got a folder here and you see the folder subfolders and media inside the folder I'm going to click and drag that directly in the media pool and resolve will recognize the folder structure and the media inside and import and create bins for you now this is a really cool feature now imagine you were given a drive full of you know thousands and thousands of clips and folders and all you need to do is drag that main folder into the media pool and resolve will recognize that entire folder structure and create a bin structure that mirrors that so that's going to save you a ton of time and again allow you to start working and being creative so now that we've got some of our clips imported let's take a look at the media pool in the media pool I'm in my thumbnail view I can increase the size of my thumbnails by dragging the slider I can also sort these clips with these categories in this drop down menu again I'm currently in the thumbnail view I can switch over to ListView now list view is really cool because it gives you a bunch of different columns of information about the clip that you know in thumbnail view you don't see that much so you can also double click on the column header to sort by default resolve gives you a number of columns if you want to customize it you can right click and it'll bring up this list you can select deselect columns I'm going to hide a few more ok and let's say this is the column layout that you like that works best for your workflow you can save this as a preset so I'm right-clicking on the column header and at the very top it says create column layout so I'll call this basic so so next I want to talk about a few other ways that I use to help streamline my you know importing and organization I'll bring up this clip here in the viewer and you can see that the clip name is an alphanumeric string pretty much what the camera created typically when I'm editing it's much easier for me to understand what the clip is when it's named something like the scene intake so I'm gonna rename this to the slate I'll name it one take 3 now when I do that I'm only changing the clip name if you look in the metadata panel the original media file still stays the same so the clip name is just what resolve will used to reference this media file for the rest of the pages another thing that I like to do is first we'll switch over the thumbnail view now thumbnail view is great because it gives me a really nice frame of my clip and I can quickly sort through you know let's say a large bin of footage and I can quickly scrub through that and I can see what that thumbnail is now jumping back to this screen you can see that this the slate totally obscures the shot so I have no idea what's in the shot other than a big slate so using my live media preview I can hover through and what I want to do is set this frame so it's much more representative of the shot so I'll find a frame that looks good and I think this frame looks good because it not only shows me the what the the frame but it also shows me in a moment here so this scene is an important and she's purpose and her performance is really good so I'll right-click and I'll set this as the poster frame and when I do that I can scrub through and when I jump away it goes back to that frame so this is a really nice feature to have so that it again saves you more time next thing I want to do is so now that we've got the media organized and prepped the next thing I want to do is jump into sinking the first thing I'll do is I'll just organize the sidebar with the bins I'll right-click and sort by name okay so I'll jump into my manual bin there are two different ways of sinking and resolve you can manually sync or auto sync well first talk about manual syncing now in general the principles are you find a visual sync point find an audio sync point and then tell resolve sync it at this frame so let's first find our visual sync point click this and bring it into our viewer thankfully the here's the slate so we can easily find a visual sync point which is the frame which these sticks come together so I'm using my keyboard to go back and I'll stop it on the frame for the audio sync point I'm going to my audio panel I'll click on the waveform tab and I want to make sure I load up the correct take sound file so it's one take three now I'm going to find the sound sync point which is right here now that found both points I'm going to tell resolve to link it at the bottom of the audio panel is this link audio button when I link it my audio transport disappears because it's now linked to my video so let's find a spot where we have dialogue and alright great sync now we've got clean audio with this picture and that's how easy it is to manually sync so let's go to auto syncing I'm clicking in my auto sync bin I'm going to increase the size right so let's take a let's take a listen to the audio files first okay we have clean production sound and let's listen to okay so not-so-clean so what we're gonna do is replace the camera audio with this clean production sound so let me highlight and right-click any of the clips I'll go to auto sync audio resolve gives you two different ways of auto syncing you can sync by timecode or by wave form now since these clips don't have time code embedded we're going to just use based on wave form click that resolve will analyze both clips and align them to match and perfect great so you can auto sync one at a time or you can tell resolve to do the work for you and batch sync a ton of clips so let me select these four Clips here and I'll right click and base and do based on waveform again now you can see that resolve is starting to sink and it's going to analyze all four of these clips and once it's done we should have everything synced so let's check this out it's great and then great so this is an amazing feature in resolve now imagine this you have a bin of let's say hundred clips right you've got to sync them you don't have to manually sync them or auto sync one at a time you can just tell resolve a sync this bin I'm gonna go get a sandwich better be done when I come back so and this is all done and this is such an amazing feature again it will save you so much time now one of the cool things is when when sound gets synced to the video clips the metadata from the sound gets embedded into the video so metadata is and and that's really what the the job of a DI Tia's they'll sink and then afterwards they're gonna look at the metadata prep it and let it go to editorial larger productions and post facilities for for them metadata is absolutely essential to their workflow and you know a lot of them use resolve in the media page you can actually work with metadata in the very same way and that's really cool so let me show you some of the different ways that you can work with metadata that will speed up your workflow so let me bring up a clip and let's look at the metadata panel I'm going to hide my audio panel just to give myself just to give metadata panel a little bit more room at the top right is a drop down menu these are different categories of metadata and you can enter in custom metadata for it so what we're gonna do is tag some clips with you know character's name and the the type of shot it is and put that into the metadata then we're gonna use something a special bin called a smart bin to filter those results and you'll see what's going to happen let me jump back into the shot and seen metadata category and let me first tag this clip all right so we have one character and around a medium shot so for this character her name is Amelie Anna and the shot shot type shot size let's call it a medium alright and we've tagged our first clip with metadata it's really simple you can also tag multiple clips with metadata or tag them multiple at a time so let's look through so this contains two characters and it's in OTS and over the shoulder so well enter in first emiliana second character's name is filip and I'll type in over and we'll use over four OTS at the bottom we'll save it and now we tagged both of these clips with that metadata so now that we've done the work prepping our clips let's go create a smart bin so I'll add a smart bin and I want the smart bin to search for all the clips that contain Emiliana so I'm going to name the smart bin emiliana shots ends below are all the different categories of of the search criteria we entered information in the shot in scene metadata category then we entered into the keywords field and watch what happens I'll type in E M I'm not gonna even finish and you can see that it pulls up all the shots that were tagged with that so I'm going to create the smart bin there so now we've got shots that contain Emiliana now smart bins are always looking in your media pool for things that match its criteria so let's tag another clip with metadata and the keywords and watch what happens when I jump back to Emiliana shots one take three is there so it automatically populates your bin depending on you know whatever metadata fits its criteria I'm hoping you see how cool smart bins are because you can start seeing all the different ways that you can use a smart bin to speed up your searches to help with organization now the next thing I want to show you is using metadata to do some clip renaming now this is really cool I'll jump into my dailies bin and in this dailies bin you can see that there's metadata already for most of these clips what I want to do is use this metadata tell resolve use this metadata rename my Clips so highlights all of these clips I'll select all using command 8 right-click and I'll go into clip attributes I'll go into the name tab and in the clip name this is where I'll do some work I want to make sure the naming convention is something similar to let's say a scene and then a take number so I'll first type in s out a percent and that brings up metadata variables so it's pretty much all these metadata fields in this list I'm looking for scene and I'll do a space and I'll type in take I'll type in percent and then I'll look for the take number then so this is a very fairly you know straightforward way but I actually want to add a little bit more description to it because there's metadata for it I want to make this clip name much more descriptive so I also want to know which camera it was Sean on so I'll type in Cam and then I'll do the variable of Cam number then I'll also do the shot type so Oh percent shot type okay so check this out renamed all of these clips are renamed in a matter of seconds so I'll click this and you can see that it's renamed of this take let me let this sink in for you it just renamed a ton of clips for you automatically so just imagine you know the time savings I mean if I had to do this manually like click here and then type all this stuff in let's say you had hundreds of clips I mean by the time you finish like you know there'd be like a new version of resolve out there so this is amazing it speeds up your workflow now remember this only works when you take the time to tag organize and prep your footage so this again if you if you remember to spend some time doing that you're gonna spend less time organ searching for your media again ultimately leaving so much more time to be creative now that you've imported tagged your metadata and synced clips you're ready to edit so I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you have a better understanding of the power of the media page now if you're interested in learning more please visit the Blackmagic Design forum this is a great resource to go to you can communicate directly with the people who make the software and the people that actually use the software and this is the place that I go to all the time to find answers and you know it's actually a really cool place to connect with other people for more training options you can for example training partners certified books and additional videos please visit the DaVinci Resolve training website on the Blackmagic Design website additionally you can go into the resolved help menu and select DaVinci Resolve training I hope you're excited about the media page this is a really great page and thanks for watching
Channel: Blackmagic Design
Views: 73,227
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Id: d0J_vr2xOJM
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Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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