David Wilkerson - Taking Hold of the New Covenant | Full Sermon

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welcome to all her visiting tonight we trust the Lord will manifest his word to you as he's manifested his presence here in our worship we thank God for his presence all the time amen good morning okay don't forget our services Tuesday night Wednesday Thursday our intercessory prayer meeting night and then Friday night Bible School keep those services all in mind would you turn to Psalm 89 please psalm 89 89th psalm i want to read one verse before we proceed verse 34 please my message tonight taking hold of the Covenant hope taking hold of the new covenant taking hold of the new covenant verse 34 my covenant will I not break they're all to the thing that has gone out of my lips my covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that has gone out of my lips we're going to talk about a subject that many of you have never even heard a single message about other maybe then from this pulpit let me ask how many of you have heard other than from this pulpit how many of you have ever heard one full message on the new covenant would you raise your hand please amazing just this mattering of hands here tonight just a few who have heard about the covenant that's why it's so very important that we deal with it more and more we trust that the Lord will begin to open our eyes when I was just a young preacher I don't even know how old I was but the Lord in prayer one day led me to the 25th Psalm and he said I'm going to make this the theme your life and it gave me the very versus I'll just read them to you don't turn there this is from Psalm 25 verses 12 to 14 what man is he that feareth the Lord him shall he teach in the way he shall choose his social dwell ADIZ his seed shall inherit the earth the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him and he will show them his covenant he will show them his covenant now this is a promise for every single believer that fears the Lord that trust in him fully God says I'm going to show you the Covenant now that means that you have to believe that you have to claim it you have to press into it but we're gonna see tonight a glimpse just one view another view of what the new covenant means Heavenly Father I pray for the Holy Spirit to come down upon this house from the balcony to the choir to everyone listening to me and those who will hear this message on tape or video Lord Jesus you're trying to open to the body of Jesus Christ on these last days truths that'll set us free that will keep us from the wicked one and the time of storm when the enemy comes in like a flood in the last final hour of this time Lord Jesus I pray your Holy Spirit quicken us now we have got to pray Lord for an opening of our understanding that we may see a new way here no we're not interested in preaching a sermon tonight we're interested in you opening your heart and your mind to us and giving us the revelation that we need in these last days that you'll put in our hands the truth that truly changes our lives and sets us free Oh Holy Spirit of Living God quicken me to speak this and quicken our ears to hear it I pray in Jesus name Amen now this promise has been made to all believers that if you fear the Lord God says and the secret of the Lord is of them that fear him and this has been a secret that's been hidden for many many years from the body of Jesus Christ I tell you in all my years I have not heard a full message I've heard it mentioned I've never heard a full message on the meaning of the New Covenant now I know there's been some talk about the Old Covenant and in fact if you get into that you get into one covenant after now the covenant after covenant after covenant throughout the Old Testament and and I have never yet heard anybody who can fully explain all these covenants to me but God said he was going to make a new covenant for the last days people and and I have not heard that now when I was a young preacher I'm trying to figure out why this has not been taught when I was a young preacher I was more or less led to believe that covenant theology was a theology of a number of old dead Scotties churches and that it produced a permissive lifestyle because you see when you understand the glory of the covenant and what God agreed to with Christ it's so glorious it's so life reing that many people take advantage of it and have in the past and and they have misused the Covenant another reason why the theology of the Covenant or the teaching of the Covenant has not been revealed to the church in the last days is because the scripture says that God said I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah and so what dispensationalist have said well Israel Israel Jew is a Jew Jerusalem is Jerusalem it's natural and so they have assigned it into the Millennial age saying that this is for the Jews and so it's been neglected because we've said Israel's thief they've said Israel's Israel Jewish Jew and it is a Jerusalem is Jerusalem it's natural it's you can fly there you can go there so it's just been put aside they said it's not for us and folks I'm telling you now and listen to what the pastor's saying tonight this is going to be the one truth that God opens up in the last days because it's going to be the most freeing truth it's been neglected it has not been sought out because theologians have told us it is not for us it's for the Jew or that it's in the past and it has nothing to do with us today it's amazing that Paul can teach so much about the New Covenant be totally ignored by the church I saw this when I was just a young man and I've been seeking and praying about it and it's only lately the Lord seen fit to open just a few views into this and I've told God I'll not let go of this I spent all my time praying for the revelation of this New Covenant because I believe it's the secret of waking up the last day Church I believe it releases such power and if the devil the Bible says is going to come down to us in the last days having great wrath knowing his time is short and he's going to send a flood against the church against against this woman the church how much more do you and I have to have the secret of the Lord in our hands how to overcome and the power and the glory of the new covenant has to be released in our spirits in our minds it has to come and I told God I will not let him go I'm not gonna let me go until he shows and unveils this new covenant and I believe they're going to be many others I see God revealing this to pastor Carter in a very clear way you're going to see others who are praying and seeking God now I know that the prosperity people are going to come and they're going to try to abuse it and carry it off and carry it off into some extreme but let that be what it may God will not let this truth be hidden much longer because this is the last day and this truth is going to come forth now let me show to you I'm going to prove to you that this covenant belongs to you and me now the only reason the only way you can lay hold of the Covenant the New Covenant is to be absolutely persuaded that is meant for you and me today that it's not for some Jewish nation it's not for natural Israel or natural Jerusalem the natural Jew it is for spiritual Israel there are two Israel's there are two kinds of Jews there are two kinds of Jerusalem's we're going to go right into it now Reles first mention is found in genesis 32:28 was the name God gave to Jacob by faith it was his regenerate and he said thy name shall be called no more Jacob but Israel that name was given to him only after his spirit his carnal spirit was broken he was given the name Israel as a faith name and represented all the seed of faith all the children that would come to God by faith through Abraham and his seed and this now through Jacob and his seed truly God the Bible says is good to Israel even to such as I have a clean heart he says God is good to Israel those who have a clean heart now he distinguishes Israel as those who have a clean heart the natural Jew at the time had no clean heart because the blood had not been sprinkled on them it is only those no heart can be clean other than through the sprinkling of the blood so he's distinguishing between is to Israel's immediately Romans 96 not as though the Word of God hath taken none effect but they're not all Israel which are of Israel in other words natural Israel is not just Israel there is an Israel according to Galatians 6:16 the Israel of God Glacius 3:7 know you therefore that they which are faith they are the sons of Abraham not the natural Jew but the spiritual Jew by faith is in Jesus Christ is the seed of Abraham the spiritual seed of Abraham romans 9 8 they which are the children of the flesh they're not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the scene nothing could be clearer in all Scripture Galatians four twenty five and six this agar is Sinai in Arabia and answereth to Jerusalem which now is he said there is a natural Israel there's a natural Jerusalem he said which now is in bondage with all her children but Jerusalem which is above is free and is the mother of his all he said this to Jerusalem's not to Israel's one natural and one spiritual revelation to 28 Romans 2:28 freeze not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh but here's a Jew who is one inwardly and circumcision is that which is of the heart and in the spirit and not of the letter whose praise is not of men but of God now the New Covenant is for spiritual Israel all Jews and all Gentiles who have put their trust and faith in Jesus Christ if you're in Christ you are the new Jew you are the new Israel and you are born again in the New Jerusalem Hebrews 8:6 but now now in the New Covenant he is obtained a more excellent ministry he's a mediator of a better covenant now folks when Jeremiah gave the announcement of the new covenant was going to come to the new the new Israel the natural Israel is divided into two groups at the time they had two different kings two different centers of worship and there were enmity with each other so this could not have been to the natural Jew there were no position they didn't have the clean heart they didn't have the hunger for God they were backslidden they were in idolatry they were two different groups they were mixed up they were enemies and enmity with God and with each other so is no possibility could be given under Jeremiah's first announcement of the new covenant that have been to the natural Jew now who are who are the parties remember a covenant is agreement between two parties and what is to be done and what is not to be done and we would call it a contract and once this contract has been finalized it had penalties by the law if when party did not fulfill the terms of the Covenant now there are terms made by each party now who are these parties Bible says that God made a new covenant now he said with Israel and Judah but Israel and Judah the spiritual Israel it's you and me in Christ were brought into it later we're brought into it because we're brought into Christ but the two parties of this covenant is God the Father God the Son now listen to me closely before the earth was begun before the world existed before time itself the Heavenly Father and his son remember Jesus the Son of God though he was not in flesh and the bosom his father created all things all things were created by him and for him now in eternity God the Father God the Son realized things the first Adam was going to fail he's going to bring reproach God said I will not lose this generation that I created I will not lose mankind I will not let him go I will not let this fail and in time before it was all any the world was created there was an agreement there was a covenant made between God the Father God the Son that there would be a Redemption made that there would be a sacrifice made God said to his son if you will go and be the slain Redeemer the Lamb of the father I make a covenant with you and this covenant this agreement was made not in private but every word of this covenant all the conversation of this government has been revealed in the word God wanted us to know every detail all the terms of the Covenant made because he wanted us free choice in his security I'm gonna show to you in just a few moments these terms were not made in secret now I want you to follow me very very close if you will all the contracting and all the conversations of this come between God his son all the terms of the Covenant were ultimately recorded and they are here in the word the Spirit of the Lord when inspired this made sure that every word that was spoken on that covenant time was made between the father and his son was fully recorded so we know the details let me give you an example of covenant conversation between the father and his son recorded in the scripture don't go there but psalm 89 19 then thou speakest and vision to thy holy one and said I've laid help on one that is mighty I've exalted one chosen out of the people this is the father speaking and covenant to his son he is saying to his son now son this seems like a mystery but I'm going to ask if you to go into the world and I'm going to send you to people who will become who have become by sin weak and miserable hopeless and overwhelmed and they will be unable to find their way back to me and they will be lost they will absolutely be lost I must have you go he said I've appointed you and I've laid help upon your shoulder and I've made you mighty for the purpose this is God what he's saying there I have laid help on one who is mighty I've exalted and chosen went out of the people he said I have chosen you my son I want you to go and my behalf this is an agreement the father's making and he's spelling out the terms of his going and then Christ will spell out the terms of his accepting it you'll see it all it becomes very very clear as we go on now the purpose of God in making a covenant with his own son was to recover lost humanity from the power of the devil this was God's rescue plan out of the very clutches of Satan and it was done absolutely and divine love for God was not willing that a single one should perish came out of the heart of God's heart of love now when when God said that he set up the terms he said you're gonna go but I'm going to lay help on you I'm gonna make you my tea you're going to be called the Mighty One and Jesus answers back in so many words father you've made help on me on my shoulders you've sent me to rescue the imprisoned heal the hurting break satanic strongholds to reconcile creation back to you and here in his own words recorded is his acceptance of this term of his father listen to this is Jesus accepting the terms of the Covenant lo he's speaking to his father I come in the volume of the book it's written of me I delight to do thy will oh my god that's Jesus saying father I accept they help you lay on me I accept your might and your power I'm going to need it for what you've sent me to do so I've come now to submit myself I've come now to do your will jesus said my meat will now be to do your will and to finish your work and everything Jesus did on this earth he did it as fulfillment of the terms of the Covenant every healing every bit of good that he did every word that he spoke of divine life everything he received of his father it was given to him before time was created every word was spoken to him when he said I do it my father only what I see and hear for my father he saw it and heard it before he ever came this commandment I've received him my father then I said lay down my life he said that was one of the terms when I go I'm going to have to lay down my life and I agree John 12:49 I've not spoken to myself but the father has sent me who sent me he these Commandments what I should say and what I should speak when the covenant was made when it was cut the Lord told him laid out his whole ministry before him the Word of God clearly states that the terms of the Covenant and all of the requirements were laid out and here are some of the requirement it's all recorded in the scripture first of all God said the term of the Covenant on his part was he was to divest himself of all of his glory he was to strip himself of all the appearance of his Godhead he had to strip himself of all godness scripture says then another term he was taken a human body and then jesus answered a body have you prepared for me he said I agree to the terms he said you'll be born of a woman Jesus if it was written of him and gods sent forth his son made of a woman he was to take on the form of a servant here's to be holy harmless undefiled he was endured great sufferings he was reproaches in Justices he the Father said part of the term that covenant you'll be termed a man of sorrows you'll be acquainted with much grief he was to grow up in the presence of his Heavenly Father without any form or comeliness he said I'm the father said I'm going to have to watch you grow up even from childhood as an undesirable he shall grow up beforehand before whom before his father he should grow up before him as a tender plant as a root out of dry ground having no Foreman no comeliness and then part of the term was also this and after all this you're to humble yourself you're going to be placed in the hands of wicked man and a great agony you're gonna lay down your life isn't offering I'm going to lay the sins of the whole world upon you son he said this is the term then the father says your ministers going to be one first of all of a priest you're going to have to carry this seed of yours all through time and bring them into eternity he said I'm going to make you a shepherd you're going to go under many ministries but your main ministry is going to be a shepherd and then he handed him a list of names he said these are the names this is your flock that I have known from the foundation of the world I even in the womb I will number their members even in the womb I will count every hair he said I want you to be a shepherd and if one of them ever goes astray I want you to take him in there are in your arms into your bosom and bring them back you're going to go as a shepherd you would lead him beside still waters you're going to restore their soul you're going to cause them to have all the green pastures they need you're going to comfort them no wonder the scripture said he called his sheep fires by their own names he knew their names John 6:37 all that the father given me they're going to come to me and they shall come to me they the company I will no wise cast out because I came down from heaven not to do my will but the will of him that sent me the father said if you go for me if you cut this covenant with me to go and seek my lost here's a list of what I'm going to require of you here are the terms you're going to have to preach tidings good tidings to the meek you're gonna bind up the brokenhearted you're going to proclaim Liberty to the captives you're going to open prison doors to those that are bound you're gonna bear with the weaknesses of the frail you're not gonna break any bruised you're not gonna quit any smoke flax but you're gonna tenderly deal with ignorance you're gonna supply all the shortcomings with your strengths you're gonna feed the flock you gather the Lambs you gently lead the young you'll give your strength to those who are weak you'll guide them with your counsel and you will promise to send them the Holy Spirit to take them on when you leave you will cherish them you'll protect them and then you'll bring them home to going with you now God says if you will do that my son let me tell you what I come to to do with you and for you and these are all clearly revealed in the scripture nothing is hidden the father says to his son if you will go first of all you'll have the Holy Spirit without measure and that's exactly what God did the Spirit of the Lord is upon me Jesus said for God giveth not the son giveth this not the spirit by measure unto him God did not give the spirit by measure he didn't get it in drips and dribbles he didn't get a drop of the spirit here and there now you and I received the Holy Ghost in measure but he said if you go I will empower you with my spirit you will have the Holy Spirit on you every hour you will not go in your own strength you will go in the power and the anointing of the Holy Ghost you remember the moment the Dove came and settled upon and this my beloved son the Holy Spirit was upon him he did all his works through the power of the Spirit unlimited in the spirit secondly if you go you will never be out of my sight my presence will be with you everywhere you go I will be to him a father and he shall do be to me a son Hebrew one vibe he said I'm a father to you and you know that not even an earthly father that is an honest man would ever give up on his son we'd always be there to have him if he asked bread you've not yet a stone if he has officially not get a serpent I'll be a father to you you'll be my son thirdly I will lift you up in all your times of opposition and discouragement he shall not fail nor be discouraged till he has said judgment in the earth God said every time the enemy comes into your discourage I will be there and by my spirit I will lift that off of you and I will encourage you by my spirit every time you need it then he said I will highly honor you and give you a name above all the other names on earth heaven on earth where for God hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and then he said son after all of this and you have fulfilled all the terms of the Covenant on your part and I will bring you back to glory in victory and power and anointing what not Christ to suffer these things and to enter that into glory the scripture says there it is it's all written it's all out there in black and white for us to see now Jesus gladly accepted the terms of his father's covenant he agreed to fulfill the demands and the terms to become a sacrifice of his own body scripture said he made of himself no reputation he took upon himself the form of a servant he was made in the likeness of man and Jesus himself answering the father he said I was not rebellious father neither turned away my back I gave my back to the spiders I gave my cheeks to them too plucked off my hair I hidden up my face from shame in all the spitting he said they spat on me I gave my back but I knew this was the term of the Covenant and I was willing to fulfill it because there's a plan I do this for a reason I know father your love for your children and you sent me to save your children you sent me to keep your children and I that love because I sir the spirit of Almighty God he was not doing this for his own good it's for the seed for his children now think back if everything Jesus did if every person he healed of opening the prison doors of death and raising people right out of the grave like Lazarus all the miracles all the healings everything he did he was fulfilling the terms of the Covenant these were the things that God sent him to do he was not doing them on his own he said father I'm doing exactly we agreed way back before the world was created we agreed that I would do this I am doing it he went about doing good which was keeping the Covenant he was keeping the terms of the everlasting agreement the contract they made in eternity in hope of it you say I can't accept that that this covenant was made before time listen what the scripture says in hope of eternal life which God who cannot lie promised before the world began and that word promise there's covenant he coveted it before the world began second Timothy 1:9 according to his own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before the world began the Covenant being fulfilled in Christ Jesus before the world began hallelujah you see Jesus going after the last sheep taking his own bring it back that's what the father told him he would do in covenant he's just fulfilling the Covenant hallelujah and you you see him all through his ministry appropriating the promises God made to him remember what Jesus said and my God shall be my strength I will put my trust in him Hebrews 2:13 Jesus that I put my trust in him he made a cover with me and settled in sea turtle my father can't lie he's my strength I appropriated so what's that have to do with you and me it's all about the love of God for his people and for the lost the Covenant that was cut it was because God said he's not willing that any should perish now you see God gives his son and the son gives his life and we get all the benefits Gunn said I give you my son the son says I give you my life and why that you and I may have all the benefits by mutual consent this covenant was made to keep and preserve the seat of Christ his children I want you to see that in Psalms 89 are you still in psalm 89 start with mid verse 26 this is Jesus speaking the father I told you it's all in the word it wasn't hidden his contact wasn't made in secret verse 26 he shall cry unto me thou art my father my god and the rock of my salvation here's the father saying and I will make him my firstborn higher than the kings of the earth the father speaking to his son now my mercy will I keep for him for ever more and my covenant shall stand fast with him his see now who's the see the spiritual Israel you and I of the sea folks get this ask God to hold help you understand it this is for you and it's for me it is so glorious it's mind-boggling we can sketch conceive it his seed also will I make to endure forever and it's throne is the days of heaven and if his children forsake my law and walk not in my judgments if they break my statutes and keep my Commandments I will visit their transgression with rod and their with stripes and send them to hell what's he going to do with his sinning body his sinning children those who transgress those who grieve him what is he going to do read the next verse nevertheless my loving-kindness will I other will I not utterly take from him nor suffer or allow my faithfulness to fail my covenant will I not break I will not alter the thing it's gone out of my lips I will not lie to David the David there is Christ I'll not lie to my son I made a covenant with my son to keep him and by faith your in him and every promise I made to my son is yours hallelujah if you're in Christ by faith your is see the pledge the father made to his son is if you go my son I'll be faithful to you and I'll be faithful to all your children your seed and I covenant with you my son to keep him to preserve them just as I've kept and preserved you my faithfulness and I've shown you I will show them I swear to cause your children to endure I will keep them from falling I cannot lie remember what Jesus remember the pledge that father made to his son and isaiah 42:6 don't turn that let me read it to you I have the Lord have called the unrighteousness I will hold thy hand I will keep thee and I will give thee for covenant to the people and for the light to the Gentiles the Lord said to his son if you go they'll never be a time that my hand is not in yours there'll never be a time that you're away from my keeping power I will keep you from the power of the devil the apotheon I will keep you I will be faithful to this promise faith in Christ brings us into this blessing of the Covenant all these blessings of governent Bible said for as the body is one and has many members and all the members of that body of that one body many there's still one body so is Christ in other words you look at me on one body but I've got fingers this I got ten members right there I've got two members here I got two members here I got two members here I got ten toes ten members there I got eyes two members here I've got two members here while members of one body folks in fact Christ Jesus though we be many we are one body one body what is real Jesus was the one Jew and in this one Jew he brought the Gentiles he brought all nationalities everybody into himself and in eternity he coveted with the father father you will deal with me as one man I will bring all humanity that trusted me to you but we will be one man everything you promised me are claiming covenant for them he said these are my terms my blood sanctifies purifies and wipes out all the claims of the devil now and forever John 17 you find the greatest covenant conversation God and the father made and it's amazing that God allowed us to hear it and share it Jesus is praying covenant to his father John 17 we hear the Lord's last prayer before he leaves this earth he's already fulfilled all the terms of the Covenant now he's about to go to the cross and now he's taking on his meat-eater ship and the mediator ship of Christ has to do with covenant he mediates the Covenant to make sure that father's reminded that he's fulfilled all the terms and then to come and remind you and me that we have every right to come and lay hold of his covenant he mediates the covenant to us as well as interceding for our sins John 17 1 go to John would you please 17th chapter this is all covenant and you know what Jesus is doing he's going back into eternity he's reminding the father at that time they cut the Covenant it's amazing when the Holy Ghost been openness I just got up walked around my house weeping and rejoicing as oh god I've carried such useless burdens all these years I've carried such helpless guilt and fear and condemnation Lord I'm so ashamed of that God helped me to come into the Covenant 17:1 these words spake Jesus lifted his eyes to heaven and said father the hour is come glorify thy son that thy son may also glorified thee remember when the terms of the Covenant you come and then I will bring you back to glory I'll restore all the glory you had with me before you left he's saying now father I have completed all the terms that come and I'm going to the cross and it'll be finished the work will be done he said I have glorified thee on the earth verse 4 look at verse 4 also I have glorified thee on the earth I finished the Covenant I finished the work which thou gave us me to do I fulfilled all the terms it's all done everything you asked me to do to bring about the redemption of mankind and to bring your body into one study done I've finished it he's saying father you pledged in the Covenant that we cut to bring me back to glory when I've accomplished everything you sent me to do in verse five and now all father glorify thou me with thine ownself and the glory which I had with thee before the world was he said I am coming in to my part of the deal you made a deal with me father you would bring me back to glory when my terms were fulfilled there fulfilled now father I claimed the terms of the Covenant bring me back to glory read it now father glorify me with our own son the glory I had with you before the world was Oh glory to God Jesus stood up and claimed to cover it why shouldn't we Jesus said to the Father and I'm coming home but now let's talk about what's going to happen to those that I leave behind let's talk about the Covenant deal let's talk about the contract that we made from my seed that remains hallelujah verse 11 now I am no more in the world but these are in the world and I come to the Holy Father keep through thine own name those whom thou has given me that they may be one as we are you what he's saying I am bringing them now into the Covenant the oneness has to do with being brought into the Covenant the Holy Ghost the father Jesus and you and me it said we're all one now father I am bringing them into the Koenen it's all fulfilled everything is done and you made an agreement that they you would deal with my seat as you dealt with me the same faithfulness that you gave to me you give to them now father I am bringing them all into the Covenant before I've given them the words without gave us me they've received them and have known surely that I came out from thee and believed that God had sent me hot pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou has given me for they are thine and mine are thine and they are mine dine or - I am glorified in them verse 11 now I have no more in the world but these are in the world and I come to the Holy Father keep through thine old name those whom thou has given me that they may be one even as we are one while I was with them in the world I kept him in thy name those that thou gav'st me I have kept a none of them is lost of the son of perdition verse 13 and now come I to thee these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves verse 15 I pray not that you should take them out of the world but that thou should keep them from the evil one he's that that is the covenant cut between the father and his son God says I will keep you my son if you go I will encourage you now Jesus is saying this I claim for my seed you you promised me that you would be faithful to my seed to all my children and now I claim I come to the Covenant behalf of all my seed all my children keep them from the wicked one sanctify them keep them holy keep them pure cost them to endure as you cost me well folks do you understand that we are now by faith under an everlasting oath by a God who cannot tell a lie he cannot tell a lie he made an oath to his own son and his own son now is holding the father accountable to the Covenant father my seed my seat before I go my C secured them I kept tomorrow's here now I'm leaving now you're gonna send the Holy Ghost send the Holy Ghost Alleluia now here's a better part verse 23 that the world may know that thou has sent me and has loved them how as thou has loved me now listen folks if that doesn't get into your heart and bring peace and joy like you've never known you know what he's saying because of the covenant father this was what we agreed with from eternity that when I'm gone I've fulfilled all the terms of the contract I know how you loved me you were God to me and I was your son now I want the whole world to know that you loved them as much as you loved me just as much do you understand that God loves you by covenant right now as much as he loves his own son Jesus because you were in Christ how can he he loves the body he loves the body we are in the body of Christ he loves you just as much as he loves his own son think of it trying to comprehend huh are you loved next time the devil tells you that you're not going to make it you're going to be a castaway that you have sinned too much and you've gone too far and you can never get back and that you're unclean and you're unholy and you're no good and all these lies from the accusations of the devil you stand up and you lay hold of the covenants I'm under a contract with my Heavenly Father Jesus co-signed it with his own blood oh you're chasing me he'll spank me when I need it oh yes and still the wages of sin or death oh yeah you go out and fool around and you can get age and you can die but he said my faithfulness will be with you keep reaching out to me you trust in me confess your sins and repent I'll be faithful to you because I've made a deal I made a covenant think of it to walk around the sin cursed world and side know how much he loves his son he loves me the same he loves me as he loves his that's what Jesus said I it's in your Bible it's not I don't have a special one here look at verse 23 first read it out loud verse 23 I am damned and thou in me that they may be made perfect in love and that the world may know that thou has sent me and his love damned as thou has loved me there's even something even better if it could ever get any better this is verse 24 is all the Covenant father I will you know what he's doing this is the will of the Sun it was the will his will when he cut covenant with the father he said father it sure is your bringing me to glory you're gonna cover it with me that you'll bring my seed to glory also it's there read it verse 20 for once read it out loud with me to father I will that they also whom thou has given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou has given me for thou lovest me before the foundation of the world alright look that's it now he's saying for my will it is my will father that you bring them to glory hallelujah folks you're going to glory are you in Christ by faith do you understand that that's all God's been looking for all the time he's not been looking for somebody trying to figure him out he's not trying to get fine people get it theologically straight he's always been looking for heart confidence in him and heart love out of the abundance of the heart to love him and trust him and he cut this covenant so that we there could be no questions he's trying to remove every quit every question it says it if God's saying I'm gonna treat you as though you had no faith you had no confidence that you didn't even believe it thinking me I'm going to make it so clear I'm gonna make such a strong oath it's such a powerful covenant that you have to believe it but you can't escape the simplicity and the love of your heavenly Father folks there's problem with like in this I closed the majority of us have never come to grips with the fact that all these things the cross is suffering and all that the father has has done all the covenant everything was done because in spite he did all this for us when we were at enmity with him he did all this one we were sinners he made these provisions now that you're his now that you belong to him why will you not trust it folks I by grace I'm gonna lay hold of the Covenant and every time the enemy comes at me with an accusation with a lie it's a devil Jesus made a covenant with my father and my father made a covenant with my Christ that as long as I believe in him with all my heart there's long I'm in love with him as long as he is my lord and I'm under his lordship no way devil you can touch me oh you can harass me but you can't claim my soul you may abuse my body but you can't touch my salvation I am secure in the Lord and I'm on my way to glory I'm coming home to glory mother let's stand hallelujah blessed should be the name of the Lord I would everybody loves Jesus just raise your hands and thank him for this work that he has done Lord we thank you father we thank you Jesus we thank you for the Covenant we thank you for this promise everlasting unbreakable unchangeable it's eternal Lord it cannot be broken glory be to God glory to God could you just quietly now in your own way thank God for his love for you I don't care where you're at I don't care what has happened I don't care how discouraged you are I don't care what kind of temptation that you've been through or anything else I'm telling you now you've got to be convinced no matter what I'm going through no matter what my battle is I am loved I am loved that's where you start once you know that you are secure in his love once you know that God has pledged to keep you from falling once you know that then this great there should be such a response of love he said if you love me you'll keep my Commandments you'll keep my Commandments under the Old Covenant it was obey or else and it failed to bring a people to God he said I'm gonna make a covenant of love it's all of love God's not mad at you so brother whoops oh if you only knew what's in my heart he made this covenant then you were a devil full of hell a rebel at enmity with him he sent Christ he was always reconciled to you and me he said Christ to reconcile us to him God was in Christ reconciling the world to him he wants to heal some many hearts here tonight you need healing because you've been trying so hard it's so hard to love him and you fall so short you saying my love just it just doesn't make it because I think I serve him out of love and then something happens and I blow up I lose my temper I do crazy things yes we're his children and some of us are spoiled I think all of us are spoiled we think the wrong thoughts we say the wrong words but he shall tell you what you let my Holy Spirit work in you and we'll get to all that might be painful but we're going to get to it and God says I have secured you that I may sanctify you but until you know that you know that you know my father loves me he's not mad at me will you get out of your seat if God's dealing with you if you've been carrying a heavy burden say oh I I'm just I can't seem to shake away the fact that I have failed God now if you have sinned in your life you're living and open flaunted sin bring it to Jesus right now repent and say Lord I'm sorry I come to you by faith now I come to the Covenant I come to the blood cleansing the sprinkling of the blood Jesus will wash it all away and bring you right into the Covenant hallelujah up and a balcony go to the stairs on either side if something was said that was meant for you tonight you're carrying a burden to say our fear our guilt or condemnation bring it to this Alton tonight and lay it down and say Jesus by faith I come into your covenant right now I come into your covenant Jesus you are my covenant you're my covenant partner and I believe you and I trust you come and bring your hurting heart bring your heart upstairs go to the stairs on either side and come down any aisle I'll pray with you and let's believe the Lord for healing tonight bring it to him step of faith now there is no other way it's by faith alone nothing else not by works not been a good thing not by your promises by faith and without faith it's impossible to please him they that come to must believe that he is and he's a rewarder and that reward is the Covenant promises the Covenant promises of God is keeping saving healing power glory to God let faith arise in your heart we've come to him by faith right now pray and faith these words with me right now all who come for Jesus I thank you for your word I thank of your promises and I come to you now in my weakness my frailty my helplessness and I turn to you Jesus as the mediator of the Covenant I claim by simple faith the Covenant of the Lord Jesus it's security its forgiveness and its power Lord Jesus now I turn away from my own strength for my own ideas and I surrender now completely in confidence and faith in the faithfulness of God to keep his promise to me father as sure as you kept your promise to Jesus you're gonna keep it to me you made an oath you made a promise and I stand on that now I'll hallelujah give them thanks giving thanks I give you thanks hallelujah blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord now father I pray for those that are standing here that may not understand Lord let there be a beam of light break through letting that's something that was said tonight bring hope Lord if is just one sentence or one paragraph did this one thing that was said tonight that opened up a ray of hope and strength to show your love into the hearts of those who feel unloved those are Lord going through great struggles with guilt and with fear afraid that all the time you may cut them off living in fear that they may fall Lord take that fear away you said I'm gonna be faithful to you I'm gonna stand by you I'm gonna keep you by my grace and all I ask is that you come to me keep coming to me love me and trust me with all your heart trust me with your sins trust me for power over your sins through the Holy Ghost and according to your faith I'll reward you as your faith is given to me you will please me you're not pleasing me by your struggles not pleasing me by trying so hard you please me by surrendering to my will to my promises I promise to keep you the Lord says I promise to keep you how do ya thank you Jesus thank you Jesus that's if before you leave this service tonight folks and and what you're hearing more and more from the pastor's of this pulpit will be more and more of life strengthening help for you for the days ahead and you may want to get those tapes and study the scriptures and sometimes it's hard to get it the first time but if need to hear it three or four times until it becomes a part of your life the Lord has to keep pounding it into me you know when you remember when you in 1st 2nd 3rd grade that you were learning to write you kept going over and over and over until you learned how to do it and the Lord says you just keep learning it and learning it keep playing it over and over again until you get it until you understand it doesn't come all at once don't be discouraged if you didn't understand what you heard completely tonight the Lord will start opening it to your heart amen would you turn around and show the love of Jesus to at least 1012 people around you say God love you god bless you love you with everything in my heart God be good to you
Channel: Ahava Jerusalem
Views: 14,479
Rating: 4.8976746 out of 5
Keywords: David Wilkerson, sermon, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, love, peace, heart, hope, grace, mercy, future, heaven, youtube, google, facebook, internet, soul, best, now, new york, time sqare, bible, truth, freedom, prophet, word, life, right, search, overcome, pure, holiness, joy, music, will, conscience, time, believe, faith, church, sin, amen, glory, humble, victory, overcoming, purity, light, law of the spirit, life-giving, dominion, power, wisdom, might, knowledge, fear of the Lord, watch, righteousness, justice, sword, faithfulness, clouds
Id: vrfa1BxM8B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 44sec (3644 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2016
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