David Pawson - Phillipians & Philemon [1] - Unlocking the bible

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well now we come to Paul's letter to the Philippians another letter written from his imprisonment period in Rome the first time he was imprisoned or rather under house arrest now just let's look at the map and get Phillip I located it's right up here it was the first city in which Paul founded a church he called it a colony of heaven that's very significant for Philippi but there it is right on the main east-west Ignatian way of the Roman Empire right on the main route and he'd he landed at the port of Neapolis from Taurus but he didn't stop there because his strategy was not to go to every town but to go to the key town in the area and we shall see in a moment why philip i was such a key town well let me tell you now there is a range of mountains that runs right across the north of greece right here and there's really only one main gap in that whole mountain range from east to west and it's philip i and so the the main road runs just south of this range of mountains but at philip i'd as a road runs through them to the rest of europe and so that really was the key city to get hold of and that's why it was such a key city right through history we're going to find that many great battles to a fort at philip i for that gap in the mountains between the northern part of Europe and Greece well now let's start by looking at the city itself or what remains of it because it's in ruins now there is a modern city but it's well away from the ancient city here it is with those mountains in the distance now it's only a few years ago that an archeologist found a tomb here which was full of the most amazing golden treasures it was second only in its content to Tutankhamun's tomb in Egypt but you've all heard of Tutankhamun oh I'm sure but you haven't heard probably of this grey because it was overshadowed by the Egyptian discovery but it was the second only and it was filled with golden treasures it was a king's tomb and it was the tomb of Philip after whom the city Philip is named now Philip was the King of Macedonia the northern part of Greece but he had a son for whom he had very great ambition and his son was called Alexander and his son was Alexander the Great who conquered the then-known world by the age of 31 and then died so this is Philip the father of Alexander the Great and it was Philips tomb that they discovered and in those hills there are gold and silver it's a very rich mining area and that's where they got all the gold for his tomb well two thousand years ago was a large and prosperous City in this beautiful area as you can see and Philip built his capital there the battles that were decisive in history right here in this gap in the mountains were for example in 168 BC the Romans came and conquered the people then in 42 BC this was where Antony beat brutus and cassius and later in 31 BC just before Christ came here Antony and Cleopatra were defeated and came to their end so it all happened here it was a battleground and this became a Roman colony the Roman Emperor Augustus gave it a very highfalutin name he called it Colonia Julia or gusta Philip Ensis so he managed to get his own name in there or Gaston Snee managed to get Philips name but people call it Philip I for short it was a mini metropolis and it was given exactly the same rights as Italian soil so that Romans were encouraged to come and settle here and colonize here and have a thoroughly colonized bit of Rome here and were given all the same rights and privileges as they would have had if they'd stayed home now someone rather higher than the Roman Emperor had his eye on this city and that was God himself God wanted that city as a colony of heaven it was strategic it was the gateway to Europe and so God brought one of his servants Paul to start a colony here but it was to be a colony of heaven this Roman colony was to be colonized for Christ now you remember he brought Paul here from Galatia Paul was steadily working West but not nearly fast enough for God and for once God was in more of a hurry than Paul was that is why the Holy Spirit forbad Paul to go into Athena and into Asia and kept driving him west until he had the dream come over into Macedonian helpers and so actually Paul was not moving fast enough for God so God hurried him up and wouldn't let him evangelize the rest of this area and hurried him on to Philippi and that's why Paul calls the church in Philippi a colony of heaven and he emphasizes this colony aspect because it was such a strong Roman colony and so the gospel came to Europe but it started in a very small insignificant way there wasn't a single men whom Paul could start with there wasn't a synagogue there actually which was much to Roman what there was was a ladies prayer group now you probably know that in Judaism you've got to have 10 men before you can have a synagogue which is why they called Jesus rabbi because he had 12 men and even though he had one poor one he had eleven so he was called rabbi because he had a synagogue synagogue isn't a building it's a coming together of 10 men with a rabbi and so they didn't have 10 men but until you could get 10 men you could have a prayer group or a house group and so they had a ladies prayer group down by the riverside and the lady who led it was actually 4 not from Philippi from Asia and she was a lady of business seller of purple and she had slaves she had a household by the way the word household in the Bible doesn't mean family it included slaves and all kinds of relatives it's much bigger than our word family so this was the first household baptism when everybody in the house believed and everybody was baptized together it was Lydia's household the first men as far as we know to become a Christian in Europe was a jailer and he would be a slave a slave who was given the job of looking after the jail it was not considered a very nice job well so Paul preached as he always did he started with Jews and god-fearers around them and he found this little group of ladies by the river this that's where he started and that's how it all came to Europe well opposition very quickly started and it came in a very unusual way as Paul preached in the streets a girl kept following them and kept saying you must listen to these men they're from the high God you really must listen but they're telling her the truth now that you'd of thought was a bit of good publicity but it wasn't and Paul saw through it and it troubled him greatly and after a few days he realized that the demons were in this girl she was a clairvoyant and she was being used for money by her owners by the men who owned her and she would tell fortunes now it's very interesting if she demons can tell the truth but it's not helpful to the gospel when the wrong people publicize it and Paul cast the demon out of that girl and she stopped troubling their meetings but of course her owners now had no means of business and that was the beginning of trouble wherever poor Wendy stirred up trouble either with the Jewish people always others who were losing business like the silversmiths of if Ephesus and now this this girls owners so I'm afraid it wasn't long before he found himself in jail and it's interesting that the accusation this time was that he was Jewish and was advocating laws against the law of Rome which he wasn't at all but that's virtually now is anti-semitic whereas normally it was the Jews telling tales of Paul now it's Gentiles saying he's Jewish and he's against Roman law again it's totally false but it finished up with him in jail so what are they do in jail sing their hearts out and sing hymns and is so typical of Paul so here they are in jail in total darkness at midnight and they're praising God and having a good old sing song session Paul and Timothy sorry Paul and Silas and then came the earth great the walls collapsed and the whole prison was just thrown open and all the prisoners could have escaped now had they done so then the jailer would have been crucified and that's why he was so terrified when that happened that's why he yelled out I don't think he would have known what he was saying what must I do to be safe to say you know saved from what's safe from crucifixion we don't know what really he meant when he said it but Paul was pretty quick with his oaths we said you need Jesus and then the story is very condensed in the book of Acts but Paul preached him for hours through the night and to his household - that meant all his slaves as well we don't even know if the jailer and Lydia were married or not but we know that they had a household and of course they would in that position and so Paul spent the night preaching to all his slaves and then when they were ready he baptized them all in water and the church now was growing but then Paul used his Roman privileges and you could in Philippi they were very very hot on their Roman privileges and Paul said I was thrown into prison without a trial and that's against Roman law and they begged him to leave town and he said well if you come and get me out of jail and accompany me out of town I'll go and this little procession came and the leaders of the town came thus courted him out so he was only there for a very very short period matter of days or weeks at the very most and yet he left behind the first colony of heaven in Europe my what a mission er he was so the Philippians responded better than anybody anywhere they really had fewer problems in their church than any other Church that Paul founded not only that they were so grateful to Paul for bringing them the gospel that they decided they were the only Church that did this they decided to support Paul financially Paul never asked for anything but they were the only church that wanted to say we want to help you to go and share this gospel someone else and they supported him from then on and in fact it is a gift from Philippi to Paul in Rome that occasioned this letter to the Philippians years later Paul was arrested in Jerusalem's people - Caesar went to Rome in Chains and for two years he waited trial it was during those two years that dr. Luke wrote the two volumes that would be his defense at his trial and would eventually get him off but before the trial came up Paul received two things from Philip I one was a gift of money because of course he was getting none he was under house arrest literally he says in the letter I'm in bonds but the word for bonds is a linking chain which means a short chain about a metre long the other end of which is a soldier who has changed every eight hours a fancy being chained for eight hours to someone who speaks in tongues more than all the Corinthians I mean they didn't stand a chance and one after another of those soldiers was converted and Caesars household now had the gospel but that's another part of the story so he says I'm in bonds I'm in linking chains but he was in a rented house and he was fairly free in that sense so visitors could come and go and one day a man came from Philip I came all the way from Philippi with a bag of money to help him to eat during the time he was waiting for trial but the man didn't just bring money he brought himself and his name was a Pafford itis and he said they've sent me from Philip I to cook your meals and to look after you in your house to be your housekeeper isn't that beautiful the people of Philip Eyre where as soon as they heard Paul was under house arrest awaiting trial how can we help him well he won't get any money now so we'll send him some money and he's alone in that house and I'm sure he's not very good cook so we'll send him someone to look after and be as housekeeper now it's very interesting that app afroditi send all that way from Philippi to Rome to be Paul's house key is called an apostle an apostle now I've mentioned that because the word apostle a very flexible word it literally means a sent one from a greek verb Apostolou i send and an apostle is someone who's sent from A to B to do something and there are five kinds of apostle in the New Testament Jesus is called an apostle because God sent him from heaven to earth to save us so he is the chief apostle and that's his title he said the father sent me and it's interesting that Jesus himself did not begin his work until he was joined by someone else sent to be with him Apostleship is always in twos through the New Testament until we get to a paradises and Jesus didn't begin until the Holy Spirit was sent to him and then he began and whenever Jesus sent anybody out after that he always sent them out two by two isn't that interesting beware of an apostle on his own look for two on the second kind of apostle of the twelve who were witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus and sent out to the world to be witnesses to the resurrection and their qualification was that they saw Jesus before and after his resurrection they had known him before he died in there knew him after he rose therefore they could swear in a court of law that it was the same person and therefore they could be witnesses of his resurrection Paul could not be because he wasn't he hadn't known Jesus before he died but he was called by the risen ascended Jesus on the road to Damascus so he was a third kind of apostle it's obvious there are no 12 apostles now because nobody can be a witness to the resurrection now in that legal sense and Paul was unique the last of all is of one born out of due time there can be no apostle like Paul now because Paul could be an apostle to write Scripture there's no apostle today can add to the Bible so those three categories are finished the fourth category is Paul wearing his other hat a pioneer missionary sent out to plant churches whether a nun and there are many called a puzzle in the New Testament like that and there are many today like that and sent out by the church to establish new colonies of heaven whether are nun and they always went in twos at least often a larger team of men and women but always there were two men in an apostolic team there's still apostolic teams today doing the same thing interesting that the word sent in Latin is matome eteri from which we get our words missionary and missile you see a missionary is an intercontinental ballistic missile filled with the Dunamis of the gospel that dynamite of the gospel but that's what the word missile means sent you see and it's the same as the word apostle now that fourth category of church planting of colonising that's still around they don't write scripture but they do plant churches Paul in a sense what both hats he was he was both an apostle of revelation writing Scripture and an apostle of church planting and with him were many others like Barnabas and Silas who are also called apostles and many unnamed people the church at Corinth had its own apostles but we don't know the names of any of them people they send out to plant new churches that's how its spread and then we have the fifth kind app afroditi s-- and that means anyone who's sent from anywhere to anywhere to do anything so it's a very broad category and support rights to thank them for the money and for your apostle it Pafford I'd assume you sent to look after me actually years ago we had a wonderful caretaker in Guildford at the mill meat center and Don Martin and his wife we actually he was a brilliant carpenter he could put a sing like this together with now the nails and a glue and you couldn't pull it apart he was a brilliant carpenter and so we send him all the way to Nazareth we thought if you're a carpenter we ought to send you to Nazareth and he went to Nazareth to help build the hospital in Nazareth a new wing of the hospital and he went out there for six-month loan never been out of the country was the biggest thing in his life to be our Posse our sent one from here to Nazareth to use his skill as a carpenter I'm mentioning this because the word apostle is not this sort of up in the air word this special word it's anyone sent from any way to do anything and that last fifth category can cover someone sent to be a housekeeper in Rome by the church in Philippi and that just takes a bit of the edge off you know this sort of very special apostle said was baited breath that's anybody sent from anywhere to any way to do anything so this is basically a letter of thanks of thanks for the two things from Philip I the money so that he could buy food and someone to cook it for him and look after it the tragedy of course was that no sooner had a Paris got there than he fell desperately ill and was so ill that Paul was quite sure who's going to die that's very interesting that the healings in the New Testament are usually associated with evangelism and not with healing Christians and keeping them fit you know in a number of Paul's associates and he himself had physical problems that were not healed Timothy was told to take a bit of wine for stomach's sake cause Paul meant him to rub it in that and he left her famous somewhere sick and the healing ministry of the new Tessa was not to keep Christians fit but to demonstrate the gospel in evangelism I just mentioned that because I'm afraid we've gotten to a kind of thinking that all we're supposed to do is heal each other and keep Christians fit but no were to demonstrate the healing power of God as a demonstration of the kingdom when we preach to the outsider Frank it's much easier to heal unbelievers than believers a ton of you found that out but it is and so that's the place so Paul did not heal up Aphrodite's and he was sick under des and the word went back to Philippi that the man they'd sent was desperately ill and about to die and so Paul decided that the best thing to do was to send a paradise back to Philippi when he began to recover and he thought that would reassure his relatives back home and so the letter says I'm sending him back to you with that this letter of the thanks for the money I'm sorry to lose him he's been a very dear friend to me and he's really helped me but I'm sure you're anxious about him and there from sending him home but thank you for sending him so it's basically a thank you letter which is the only thank-you letter we've got of Paul's whether he wrote anymore we don't know whether he got any help from anyone else we don't know but there was this peculiar bond between him and the Philippians and they wanted to help him so much well so to the letter quite different from most others it doesn't concentrate on problems or crises or needs it concentrates on the relationships between Paul and the Philippians and therefore gives us a little window into those relationships there are no strong negative emotions no sadness no anger here there's much positive emotion warm tender intimate friendly and here we really get to know Paul as a person as a friend Ron as a preacher or a missionary and you get a glimpse of what a profound relationship there was between him and his converts there are some specific matters his prayers for their progress but that's the way you open a letter anyway by giving good wishes and he never did that he just said I pray for you and his prayers for their progress are there and his gratitude for their generosity one intriguing feature of this letter is that he didn't seem to know how to finish it and he kept saying and finally and finally and finally and finally like some preachers you know have you ever heard a preacher say my last point and you know it's at least twenty-five minutes before you get one on top well there are a lot of fine lives in this but it's typical letter writing he keeps remembering something else haven't you written a letter to a friend and then you keep saying oh I must mention that and oh there's just one I was thinkin it's spontaneous and he keeps trying to say finally and then he remembers something more than he wants to tell them but in all this one word figures cry prominently and that's the word Koinonia which is translated in our Bible fellowship but that's a word we really haven't understood fellowship of Koinonia is a very profound relationship we talk about we'll have a bit of fellowship over a cup of tea in the hall after the meeting as if a cup of tea creates fellowship it creates a bit of friendship but fellowship is far more than the cup of tea Koinonia was a word that was used of partners in a business we would say partnership so that if that business fails everybody involved in it goes down they have fellowship in the business they are bound up with each other so that if one goes they all go if one survives they all survive that's that's fellowship or to give you an even more startling illustration in those days as today they occasionally had Siamese twins born because there's no hope of separating them in those days even modern surgery doesn't always succeed that when Siamese twins are born if they're joined side-by-side they have the same blood stream and that's one the difficult of separating them if the blood is circulating through both their bodies and when Siamese twins were born in the ancient world they were said to have Koinonia in blood which means that if one died the other word die you see they're so bound up together that what happens to one will happen to the other that's Koinonia it's not just having a nice friendly cup of tea together in the church or after the service it's being so bound up together that what happens to one happens to a lot and if one rejoices all rejoice and if one is humbled all the humbled lets Koinonia what happens to one happens to everybody else and Paul keeps talking about our Koinonia our fellowship what happens to you happens to me what happens to me happens to you what affects me affects you that is a very very strong word Paul had been their parent but he now calls himself their partner well now there were some problems both general and particular they were having problems with two women one was called odious and the other called soon touchy I'm not sure that I'm pronouncing the names right but anyway there were two ladies who were problems and they had been good workers with Paul and he'd benefited from them but now odious and soon touchy were were really causing problems and he has a little word for them but the biggest problem they were having and a Paris sari Aphrodite's must have told him about this the biggest problem once there was a certain amount of disunity there it wasn't the kind of disunity of currents where they were following different ministers or leaders it was the kind of disunity that comes in when pride gets in when people just get a bit too big for their boots so when people become more concerned about themselves than about each other that was the root of it and when members get more concerned about themselves and each other then tension comes tension comes I remember an elderly lady coming to me once in our church and and she said oh she said I get frustrated pastor I said what bye she said these young people come into the church they they they come in and they they seem to get filled up with the spirit and speaking in tongues in no time at all and I've been asking for that gift for years and I never got it I said but you did get it she said when I said when they got it she said what do you mean I said well when they got it you got it because we're all one body here and if one member rejoices we all rejoice and what comes to one has come to us all and so if they got the gift then you got it we all got it because he came to them oh she said I didn't see it like that I said we'll go home and sang the Lord that you received that gift so she did she did go home she got underneath and she said thank you Lord that we did get that gift only she wasn't speaking English and what had kept her back was thinking they got it and I didn't but you see if someone in your body gets it you got it that's Koinonia it's when you start thinking of yourself as separate individuals rather than one body members one of another that disunity can creep in because you start making comparisons are you listening this I'm touching a profound thing here when the body gets anything it doesn't matter who gets it we all got it and we can all rejoice in what somebody else received because that added something to us and to our body it added an extra gift to the body when somebody else was blessed see now that kind of thinking keeps unity but the kind of thinking he got it and I didn't that's gonna begin to break it up a bit and this is what was happening in Philippi and Paul had to say when each of us cares more for the others interests than yourself you'll get back to your unity in other words what he's saying you care for me more than you're caring for each other and that can be easier for you to care for a missionary in Timbuktu than from the person in the next Pew in the church do you see what I mean the caring the Koinonia needs to be shared with everybody in the body not just for the few well there is one word in this letter which brings me to this picture on the left here and I'll bet you've been wondering who that is that is a picture of Paul but not the poor were talking about a man called Paul Schneider one of my heroes I want to tell you about him because he really is a remarkable man why have I put him up well let's just go back to Paul's letter to the Philippians here he is in jail losing a paradise the man is loved aftering facing a lonely future facing a trial which could lead to possible death and the most favorite word in the letter is joy and rejoice and Thanksgiving I'm just so happy and so grateful isn't that remarkable I asked somebody wants how they were and he said I'm very well over the circumstances only a Christian could talk like that and so his letter from jail is just full of joy and Thanksgiving now that's why I put poor Schneider's picture up in the 1930s poor Schneider was a pastor of a church in Berlin I've been to that very church his widow is still a member there it's on the south side near dalam on the south side of berlin and poor schneider in the 1930s from his pulpit preached against the evil of fascism and Hitler and his congregation begged him to keep quiet about this they said we'll lose you and they begged him not to even the mayor of their town came and begged him not to talk like this but he went on doing it and one day at 3 in the morning which is when the Gestapo always came to arrest you they came and they took him away wave goodbye to his wife he never saw her again or is two-year-old boy or the unborn child in her wolf and he went away smiling smiling they took him to Dachau concentration camp I've got an account here of what they did to him it's almost too horrible to read but they whipped him and finally they hung him up by his wrists and left him there to starve to death then they put him in a coffin and his wife and family came to pick him up and they said he was the best prisoner we ever had and he died of pneumonia that wasn't the truth at all that was Paul Schneider and I have at home his letters which he wrote from Dachau concentration camp to his wife as I read them the two words that come again and again I'm so happy and I'm so grateful to the Lord so that's another poll right up-to-date the same spirit of joy and Thanksgiving and I can come up even more to date I'm sure you noticed in the times the case of Mahad ID badge in a run just two weeks ago sentenced to execution for changing from Islam to the Christian faith he was in prison for nine years without trial the whole case was made very public in the West Bernhard Levin wrote a magnificent article about him in The Times here we have his statement which some of his head two weeks ago a statement finally he was brought to trial on the 3rd of December 1993 and made a magnificent statement to his judges he was on trial for his life and he began with all humility I express my gratitude to the judge of all heaven and earth for this precious opportunity they then went on to speak of his faith in Christ he says I have been charged with apostasy in Islamic law an apostate is one who does not believe in God all the prophets or the resurrection of the Dead we Christians believe in all three they say you were a Muslim and you've become a Christian no for many years I had no religion people say you are a Muslim from birth God says you were a Christian from the beginning they tell me return but from the arms of the Living God to whom can I return the god of Daniel who protected his friends in the fiery furnace has protected me for nine years in prison and all the bad happenings have turned out for our good and gain so that I am much filled to overflowing with joy and thankfulness there it is again you see this is Christians in prison facing death joy thankfulness incredible isn't it and that's the letter to the Philippians translated into modern dress it's the same spirit of God who's doing it why could he face all this as he did with joy and Thanksgiving first because he lived for Christ and therefore he had nothing to lose dear Mahadi DeBarge he says life for me is an opportunity to serve Christ and death is a better opportunity to be with him therefore I am NOT an entry satisfied to be in prison for the honour of his holy name but I'm ready to give my life for the sake of Jesus my Lord and enter his kingdom sooner his last words to his judges may the shadow of God's kindness and his hand of blessing and healing be upon you and remain with you forever amen if you live for Christ to die is prophet its gain he's eager to go but willing to stay and you know he says the Philippians you're worried about me actually it's the other way around I'm a bit worried about you I'm not worried about me at all he says I'm willing to be let off and in Ritz restored to my ministry but I'm eager to go you know when dear David Watson found he was had such serious cancer I wrote a letter to him he quotes it in his but little book fear no evil I said David there's a difference between being willing to go to be with the Lord but eager to stay and eager to be with the Lord but willing to stay somehow that just spoke to him and he prayed his way through until he was eager to go but willing to stay that's the biblical position and Paul had it and he said I'm willing to stay around if I'm needed a bit longer but I'm eager to go well you can't beat a man like that can you and when you live for Christ to die as gained 38 times in this little letter he talks about Jesus 38 times Christ Christ Christ and you remember what I said earlier about being in Christ rather than Christ being in us listen to the score on this he never once in this letters talks about Christ in me but 48 times he says I am in Christ Jesus 34 times I am in Christ and 50 times I am in the Lord when you add that up 132 times in this letter he used the phrase in him that's where he was that's his address it's where he lived well now I'll just have time we haven't finished with Philippians yet were going on in the next study but I just have time to mention the money matter towards the end of his letter he thanks them for the money and he said really I didn't need it but you needed to give that's a very interesting they mind you he wasn't rich he didn't have a lot of money but he said I'm thrilled with the gift not for my sake but for your sake because that makes you rich an unusual way to thank somebody for a gift isn't it he's congratulating them on giving it but he said it's alright and then he said this amazing thing I often test when I'm giving preachers classes I test them on this matter of quoting texts out of context which preachers are always doing especially now they've got computerized concordances which are a deadly instrument we've just got a lot of topical preaching now and picking texts out of all over the place out of context and I quote this text I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and I say now what does that text mean what things do you think you can do through Christ you're strengthened through and I get all sorts of answers he'll witness pray or all the rest of it not anybody mentions money but in context that statement is about money and what a message it has for today's church he is saying I can manage with whatever income I have whether it be large or small if I've got a lot of money coming in I can manage through Christ who if I've got only a little coming in I can manage through Christ who strengthens me because the one thing that Paul would never do would get into financial debt he called it a sin because to be in debt is to be withholding money from someone to whom it belongs and that's stealing so Paul says very clearly debt as a sin and recently in the church we asked the congregation how many of you are in debt and two-thirds then put the hands up for Paul debt was a sin because he's stealing and whether he had a lot of money coming here or a little he would never get into debt let me just add having a mortgage is not being in debt getting behind with payments is and therefore Paul says I've learned in whatever state I am to be content now there are two opposites in Scripture coveting is one extreme and contentment is the other and Paul says elsewhere godliness with contentment is great profit and he says I've learned to be content now that's remarkable because when Paul gave us his testimony in Romans chapter 7 he said the one of the 10 commandments that he found he couldn't keep was the tents thou shalt not covet because Paul was a typical Pharisee and the Pharisees weakness was they liked making money they were religious and rich at the same time Jesus told them you can't be both you can't live for making money and live for God you can't worship God and Mammon together the Pharisees laughed at him they said that's just because you poor but Jesus knew what he was talking about and this covetous man Paul as a Pharisee a man who liked money and light making money he said I have learned to be content now which do you think is easier to be content with a lot of money or content with a little think about it I find it's often those with most money who are least content but often the poor are not content either they want more and this man in prison says glad you gave the money because that makes you rich but I've learned I can manage because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and we spiritual eyes that text only but Paul financialized it there's a very down-to-earth statement and he says thanks for thinking of me but I have learned whether a lot comes in or a little I'm content here's a man who's at peace with himself man who's content a man who can just give himself to saying thank you Lord I'm grateful for everything well pause there and we'll continue to look at Philippians in the next study
Channel: BlueXiphoid
Views: 28,196
Rating: 4.7297297 out of 5
Keywords: David Pawson (Person), Epistle To The Philippians (Religious Text), Epistle To Philemon (Religious Text)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2013
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