David Letterman on Larry King Live, June 9, 1995

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this is CNN I've been on his show Steve from New Delhi go ahead Steve he returns the favor like one of the top 10 things about celebrating my 10th anniversary on CNN he's getting the interview David Letterman on Larry King welcome to a special 10th anniversary edition of Larry King Live now live from the Ed Sullivan Theater here is Larry King hey MA we made it yet Sullivan Theater on Broadway the home of the David Letterman Show since it's been redone only the Letterman Show has been in this theater until they permitted us to bring our cameras in tonight to spend an hour with David we'll be taking your phone calls this is part of our 10th anniversary special also we're saluting Save the Children week and we're wearing Save the Children ties all week and David's gone a little crazy because he has the thing in his ear and I have to understand Letterman who is totally sick he has this thing in his ear doesn't like it in his ear now it's gonna bother you foul I just want to say one thing here Larry yes eight years old I've taken phone calls most of my adult life I've never had a thing in my ear to take phone call what do you usually say well there's some kind of a device on the desk and somebody says Dave you have a phone call and it just works on you and you pulled it exactly I don't have this but but it would look awkward don't you think if we had a phone set up a guy like you is worrying about somebody looking awkward come on David why did you agree to do this people come up to me he's doing a now nobody's come up to you comes up to you why would a person come up to you because I like you because I think the world of you because you represent to me the heart and soul of what broadcasting is shouldn't ought to be and because of the prestigious nature of the celebration ten years on the air anywhere did you like the fact that all this week with mr. Clinton like we mentioned you miss rice and we meant that as President Clinton looked you physically were you in person where there is a satellite deal no we were sitting there no White House really you got over the fence but you think he doesn't look good are you worried oh no I talked about I saw I'm like too years ago and he was enormous he was a huge man I'll bet you're close to 300 pounds but he's a big guy he's not so he can carry it I was just wondering you know how has he dropped any weight or is he still a drop away you all right now let's get to the interview David yeah are you happy yeah sure oh yeah oh why you do you Seymour was like worried well you got to worry but you know you you can also worry and still be very very happy but I think if you're not worried about something you're not hooked up right are you continuously worried well there's a lot of stuff to worry about it's a full day for me when your eyes open in the morning yeah is there a worry beginning oh sure you got to have one got to have that eye opener okay some kind of anxiety that let's slap you in the head get you out of the house then you can never be content no no that's not true that's not true no no just explain really well I mean it's I assume most humans are pretty much the same way you have things that you worry about and then you act on them you don't just let them consume you you're motivated by the worry the anxiety to accomplish some satisfactory resolution and then when you put your worries away it's it's like a day at the beach has success reduced worry no no no no no it increases your because the responsibilities are greater and you have more things to worry about you can't tell me that you're carefree a guy like oh I'm not oh you're on top of the world 10 years on the air on the day mmm you're right and it's cable right yeah but it's all over the world you know Larry my phone cable no it doesn't bother you no that's right you are on all over the world one or twenty times it shouldn't be that way what's your thing about theabout cable is when there's a big push to hook everybody up with cable and that the get these guys the cable installers you know come out to your house when they're looking around your house where where do you want the cable you know it's a lot of that and then sometimes you have to punch two and three holes in various parts of your house because you you know have more than one set what they do well are you moving me along yeah what they do their case in your house and then later when you're out there I'm serious they come back and steal you blind that's the real reason things you worry about so you but now I'm not worried about it I've seen it I know it for a fact you pay twice for cable once the monthly bill and then twice replacing everything you own okay what are you now a mogul are you know your your company right worldwide pants yes yes we have a company yeah I wouldn't say that we're reducing other shows you got Tom Schneider you're also producing what sitcoms well we have a half an hour situation comedy on the CBS fall lineup and I'm making fun of cable they accepted you on CBS in the fall yeah Bonnie Hunt III mean it just doesn't get anywhere that she's such a sweet lovely smart fascinating very very hands-on operator of the show no I mean are you close oh no the the her producer is a guy who used to be our head writer Rob Burnett who is just the best it's a wonderful combination and I think it turned out very nicely you'd like the business of business I mean do you like being in a business rather than being just a performer well you make it sound like the other choice is sitting at home you know taking a babysitting job no I mean some people don't I wouldn't I don't think I'd like to run a company really yeah well I'm not really running it we have a lot of people who know what they're doing who were running but you like the business end up I like have projects I love nothing more than a good project because what you active keeps you active I idle hands are the work of the devil and more things to worry about when you have you know man I'm telling you I want to tell you something you get into this primetime world and you're dealing with guys you know who use usually but working in puppet shows or something and then all of a sudden now and it's just it's crazy it's a whole different person I know there's a successful book out about it by Bill caught a very good book but what was that like that whole world of contracts and Leno and changes it seemed like endless at the time and it seemed it caught me by surprise because nobody ever paid any attention to me at all you know we were on at 12:30 we did okay we did pretty well but 12:30 you know the audience gets smaller not only smaller but shorter and they're way less and nobody paid any attention then and then suddenly I guess it was just this odd dynamic NBC and myself General Electric and myself Jay Leno and myself and you had like an ongoing soap opera and then you throw Michael Ovitz into the deal and suddenly whoo snowball of throwing what's it like to be in the middle of the snowball it was it was it was interesting but I tell you the most interesting thing is when you come through that like anything else and you have some perspective and I can't pretend that it was objectivity but having come through that and then talking to Carter one night for three or four hours for those yes silly book you didn't like the book I haven't read the book but by choice I mean by choice I just felt like I've been through it I know it and and things that are inaccurate will only anger me so what's the point so anyway having chatted to debriefing about that whole episode it was fascinating good thing oh my god and then that happened and then we had the offer from Mexican TV and I came very close to being yeah in your heart would you have rather it had been The Tonight Show with David not now no not now but but then you know you I don't because that's great vision at the time it seemed like it was The Tonight Show or I was out of business it really seemed like you either because I couldn't stay it at 12:30 I'd been there what you knew I'd all get in line for you didn't you no no you don't know that no no no you just don't know that no I I and I think they only did because of Michael Ovitz because he you know you think he engineered this oh yeah yeah he put me on the marketplace and made it seem like oh we can't wait to get what is it Dave yeah let's get that boy you know they're mean nobody really knew so he I mean it was to him do you think you could then mad therefore based on that manufacturer of personality with networks and get them into I'm not saying manufacturer I you know I've got pretty good me it's nice not that great but I have my own personality but he I think that because of this dynamic because of the the the politics of it the strategy of it the big guy the little guy the you know the one guy didn't get the job the other guy did I think that there was interest there and then and then Ovitz all of a sudden and also we had a lot of meetings we went to Los Angeles once it had these meetings with these people and I think that what made the real difference is they would bring in plates of fresh fruit and it was first-rate produce and I think that would rescue not me but I think that impressed every every other bonehead that came in you know we'll be right back with David Letterman he's our guest for the full hour tomorrow night for nobody so full all right cancel the car don't go away happy I never better study about it very cute well happy 10th anniversary Larry this is dolly hang in there happy Anniversary Larry happy 10th anniversary [Music] we're back with David Letterman you like that logo that very impressive yeah and then also the 10th anniversary that's nothing to be sneezed at by the way I mean who's to survive and prevail and and moreover to find your way in being a cultural fixture that's pretty nice accomplishment for what about but by the way I thought you stopped smoking no I'm not smoking this I'm holding it for a friend coming out of it and it's going into your mouth why are you doing this just something to do you know something to do that's all did you stop throwing I stopped four six eight months yeah and start it again why why not why why do I miss especially hypochondriac why I missed it desperately I missed everything about it I like to feel I like to smell I like to taste I like everything so you said one day what the hell yeah and then I one day what the hell I'll quit again and then I'll go back to it do you or how did you react to all that money I mean everyone thinks of making big money or huge money but you make ultra money oh I do not stop it reports or anniversaries are wrong I think Larry's feeling oh you make multi million never forgive myself you make a lot of money like a lot like to sign that yeah I mean I was I was happy it was nice but I've never been motivated by money in my entire life and I came from a background where you know we didn't have much money but we you know we didn't want much you know so it was never really a factor and I'm lucky that I have a make a comfortable living and I can do nice things for my family I can do nice things for my friends and I can do nice things for people who don't have that kind of money and that's the extent of it it's not like Yahoo I got money now it's gonna be babes babe babe you didn't go running out in the street saying you're a genius no Ovitz is a genius but it ain't for 12 million what's he like to have represent you it's great it's a guy what's he like yeah I mean oh I'm a man very very fond of the men ah I want to take something not that he needs me to say nice things about him but he has done things for me quietly personal things not big things but significant things that were important to me at the time for which I'll never be able to thank him or never forget knife why I'm not gonna share them with you you know they were personal and nice yes very nice didn't have to did not have to do them no no all right the trouble at CBS today Lesley moons M oon ves Moonves Liz this mm-hmm you know I've not met the man no what do you think of this move well you know I mean I can't tell a mr. Tisch how to run his company so if he wants to hire somebody fine that's fine we we think that the guy has pretty good credentials and we'll just get him in here and and I'm sure you know things would be a honeymoon period and then two or three months later it'll be a daily fistfight yeah what went wrong what happened to CBS oh jeez I don't know I just I just don't know I I don't know and and I'm not in a position to speculate I know things happen that that are troubling you know when NFL football went away that was troubling it was troubling to me because and I don't understand the intricacies of running a television network I mean you have the affiliates if the programming material you you have the news you have on and on personnel thousands and thousands we've I don't know but when the NFL football wonder where that got my attention because it seemed like CBS and NFL you knew that you know they had to go hand in it and it was also an excellent promotional vehicle for the rest of the week's lineup so when that slipped away was that been to you big danger assignment to me it was yeah because that's that's very helpful to us on the rest of the week that you got to four or five hours on Sunday to run promotion for shows through the rest of the week and then when that went that was a loss for us as a promotional opportunity how does CBS doing badly affect The Late Show it's not good for us it's not good for us because in the world of network television you try to and build and each you have a good foundation and then everything else benefits from the foundation that it matters what someone's watching at 10:30 I think it I think it does and and then there is the the overall perception you know well nobody really wants to watch something that's not doing well so I think that there's a it sets into motion a gradual erosion that eventually is is problematic so I think it's been been difficult for us there's it hurt you to put it down to put it down and I knew ya know although you have to be kind of careful because while I think that it's the kind of thing you youyou need to make fun of you you're well within your rights to make fun of it I mean if I was at NBC I'd be making fun of CBS if I were at ABC oh man I like the sound of that I'd be making fun of CBS so if you're here you have to make fun of it you know so but you know the only thing we can concern ourselves with is our nightly show and you know we still do a pretty good job does it of course you do but does it lead to any kind of metal down do you say to yourself Jesus look at this I made do you don't think you made a mistake no you know clearly didn't make a mistake this is the last two years have been the the best most successful years of my life and we went through horrible times at NBC we got there right after Fred Silverman left and and I think Fred Silverman knew what he was doing he was pretty good he had worked at every Network goodbye by the time he left NBC their net profit for his final year as a run in that company $18 honest to god Larry $18 did not clear 20 bucks so well that's when we jumped in there and so that was tough and then when NBC was a soul to GE that was difficult and then you know now NBC they have really good people and they put themselves back together and they're in great shape so we've been we've been through this before and I believe in my heart it's just the vagaries of any business on this very program two nights ago Mike Wallace asked Ted Turner to buy the network how'd that go well Ted would like to buy would you like them to buy it I think it would be nice to have it seems to me that the the present ownership and administration may be less interested in broadcasting than somebody who has spent most of their life working in broadcasting coming up through broadcasting I think it would not be a terrible thing but but again it's up to mr. Tisch I wants to run the company and you know so far all of the checks have cleared this 10th anniversary edition of Larry King Live with David Letterman in a little while will being your chance to talk to him attaboy daddy too many more happy 10th anniversary to Larry King Live happy 10th flash happy 10th anniversary Larry you don't look a day over the first year [Music] we're at the Ed Sullivan Theater our guest is David Letterman his name's out front what's that like to see you now you know that's gotta make my name can you refer to me as one of the great showman of the 20th century well from that outside you think so one of the great showman of the 20th century in the keeping with George M Cohan and whatever a tradition whatever David Letterman thank you gonna host the Oscars again if they ask me sure did you have fun I would say had fun it was endlessly interesting and entertaining the people who rapped that's part of it you know you you screw something up people are gonna get you did you think you screwed up not at the time and then later thinking about I think oh I guess I screwed it up turn it up so bad you know they decided they would not have the awards again next year and I heard today of reading an article maybe was your column where they're gonna stop making movies altogether make money do you have a favorite type of guest yeah this is gonna sound like I'm kissing up to you and believe me I seize every opportunity I can to kiss up to you a guy like you you need people who have stuff have life experiences make any difference what they do you know it's they always say oh we got a dentist who uses his feet you think great well it's not that it's the person and then the occupation sex person always first exactly so in fact tonight on the show we had this this woman from Idaho who won ninety million dollars in in that Lauer yeah and it was nice because here is just exactly what you want a normal person went in bought a couple of tickets two days later she finds that she is 190 million dollars very nice very sweet very happy still you know trembling just sort of the vestiges of shock over this episode and tip to me you know that I'll take that all day all night right now I'd love to have on next show captain o'grady coming back easy I found out tonight he's gonna be on our show when sometime next week a getting upset now aren't you Larry now I'm not upset you might want first don't you first know if he goes on you first I know I'll get information of course you're just gonna kid you like how can you kid about that the guy's blown out of the sky kid I mean it's a great story and it's a it's the kind of thing I mean that part of the world and then also Rwanda that part of the world for the last 18 months all we've heard has just been horrible human sludge and and massive violations against humanity and then you hear something wonderful about this so that you know I think I think people I think that fires people a little bit they think oh you know that lifts everybody so I'm very pleased that he'll be here come now me too if you don't know the night though I don't know okay could you do you have a subscription to TV Guide it'll be in TV Guide when you go home look in the TV Guide what do you do weekends where do you go I hide out was anything about you well we're but what's to know what what do you do on the weekend ago I got a round though Broadway today that part cracks me I never I know people who have walked down bro you you deny concern SIA way from parties I never went to parties even when I was I know it why I don't know I don't I don't want to do that I don't I don't want to go to parties do you live my own party Lehrer you'd like alumnus no not necessarily I'm very happy with the way my life is I've just I'm not driven drawn to motivated to go to you know parties and I'm in show business you're in show business let's say let's go out and buy socks I just that to me is you know show business ii guy even though you're a a major mogul in the business oh yeah that's right no that is strange of myself as somebody who's in broadcasting not necessarily show business and I'm more comfortable with that and and if i if it those two overlap and i guess they do and you know to the music city yourself a broadcaster entertain and not an entertainer broadcast yeah but i I've worked I've had great fortune to work all my adult life in broadcasting which is what I decided I wanted to do one day in high school and and I think you know who among us can say that that they've been able to do exactly what they wanted to do all that I wish yeah the thing with Leno personal rivalry or just professional rocks it's a professional rivalry yeah it's just it's like car companies Ford and General Motors you you want to do better than the competition and that's the extent of it is Carson the figurehead for everyone in this business to you I'm sorry I didn't get the name Carson I'm sorry well of course of course I mean that's yes the model figure well I've said it so many times here's a guy who was on the air not on the air he succeeded not only succeeded prevailed for how long five years ten years thirty years so you know that those are pretty good numbers to shoot for do you learn to do 30 years no no no we in fact it was I think in a couple of weeks will be the 15th anniversary of our first Network show at NBC the day times the daytime show and I think to myself you know you look at anything 15 years represents a pretty sizable chunk of your life and then on the other hand you put it up next to Carson and it's only half but you don't want to do you don't want to be longevity eyed no I don't think so I honestly don't think so I would like to force myself to try and find something else that was as as much fun and as satisfying as broadcasting has been for me on a film career know what heavens no get a hold of yourself take a sedative when we come back relax when we come back one of the great showman of the 20th century George M cohan will take your phone calls don't go away this is what I realized that you were the biggest star in the world we're visiting South Africa this past Christmas with the in gala Game Reserve so I'm saying to the trackers there hey do you know Michael Jordan you know who Michael Jordan is they don't know Michael Jordan they say to me do you know Larry King yeah I know Larry King but you don't know Michael Jordan Larry King Michael Jordan Larry King you are a really big deal [Music] anyways now Larry King is celebrating his 10th anniversary here we go number 10 leisurely stroll down Beach and nothing but suspenders old never die an evening of wine and slow dancing with wolf blitzer number 8 tying all this suspenders end to end slingshotting himself to neptune number 7 number 7 getting really drunken writing janet reno around town number 6 number six hiring dominatrix to tie him up in suspenders number five a one-time gathering of all mrs. Kings called wipe a Palooza [Applause] number four having suspenders permanently tattooed on his chest number three quiet romantic dinner with Marlon Oh that'll be good I wonder [Applause] [Music] number two pulling uh suspenders so tight his head in his ass which places and the number one way Larry King is celebrating his 10th anniversary new co-host Connie Chung [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know that's hysterical why are you in pain watching yourself well first of all I wasn't when I asked you if you had seen that and you said no no I had not when I said you want to see it I said no I'd like yes and maybe there will be something you know I know but but you look at yourself painfully well finish already Dave I mean I'm the homeliest man on television you don't like the way you look no you think you're funny occasionally a cave doc 10 lists a great idea I would say it's one of those wonderful ideas we have been blessed over the years by by finding writers have found for us ideas that have kind of a universality and that's one of the trick to it of course is making it funny every night and you know some nights they're not funny some nights they're the strongest part of the show but it's tough but you know we're very lucky that and like we do stupid Patrick's you know when I'm dead people will be doing that on the moon I'd not wait another great idea Connie before we take calls Connie Chung that's that's the question right well I understand I feel badly because I understand Connie is upset with me because of well I think we joked about her departure from CBS and I I feel badly about it if she's upset with us I'm terribly sorry Connie but what we tried to do we sort of you had to pick a side and you're always better off painting the corporation as the villain so we kind of tried to take her side in it and and why would she be male well I don't know yeah I mean she could be mad at me for any one of them eight ladies maybe you're a little nuts here no no I I'll grant you that she would at you if you took her side I think probably that a person in that position might fall prey more readily to insult than than under normal circumstances you'll have rather on next week - yeah I like Dan Rather you talk about a guy you know who's good guest a Tom Brokaw oh we're good you're always good Dan Rather and it's interesting dan Rather and Tom Brokaw I think a lot of people think that's the same guy they do the same thing for a living you know I mean it could but they are two completely different men oh and and both great in their own respective ways and equally entertaining in different ways dan Rather is completely different as a guest than Tom Brokaw but they're always first-rate Connie Chung you like I've always loved couch young and she married that she was married to a timed for time to Vince McMahon is that who she married who they're wrestling wrestling yeah I think she's still married I think he's yeah he still promotes yeah let's go to calls Montreal Quebec Canada key bear still adamant he better be back I think it's key back hello hello hi my question is is that really your mom no we found the Olympic game yes it was it wasn't still it was a bit because I've joked about it from time to time being it they're calling her the an actress he of course did what she became yeah yeah very surprised because the way that came about how are things in Quebec by the way are you still there ma'am gone go ahead adios a week as they say in Quebec adios yeah you know we were very surprised because CBS came to us and said look we got the Olympics anything you want to do and we thought oh great now all we got to do is come up with an idea I'm telling you Larry it's hard to come up with ideas yeah yeah yeah so you said my mother I'll send my mother said yes more or less and and we were very surprised and and to this day I'm not exactly sure why everybody took to that so nicely but it was the best of it is after years and years and years of disappointment from me by me this was something really nice that that I can do for and she had made it up to your mom I don't know that I've made it up to her but it was still she now regular you send her other places we yeah we've had her she went with us to London I we're next we've I don't know it depends on where we go but you have to be careful because we got away clean with the Olympics and you want to have that as a nice positive memory and moment for your mom so you know if you run it into the ground as we were prone to do with everything you get a good idea and then you beat it to death our motto but it turned out nicely for Seattle Washington for David Letterman hello yes hi Larry all right Dave congressman what you were saying before I'm wondering if you're aware that that's kind of a cultural phenomenon you're the thinking woman sex symbol well here now at long last we're getting someplace do you have a question thinking woman's sex symbol and are you comfortable with the fact that you are well it's a moment of flattery that'll get me through the weekend but and I certainly appreciate the sentiment but it's nothing I could have conjured on my own and I do a great deal of self conjuring if you know what I mean ma'am let's go to Grosse Pointe Michigan for David Letterman hello hi Larry hi Regis I just wondered Dave what you think you'll be doing about 15 years from now I don't know I know we have all 15 you do the math I'm 48 now 60 so 10 would be a 58 and then if you say 63 about 63 ma'am what will you be doing I have no idea I hope I'm still alive I hope I'm still getting around okay I will not be doing this when I'm 63 clearly really no no what is it true that after every show you go in and watch the whole show and so get very self-critical yeah yeah not after every show just the ones that I screw up which air how many out of 500 I say four out of five I want to be on the bench just between you and me why is it so cold here you know this is where because if you had spent any time in broadcasting Larry I like it cool it's cold we have look around you see electrical equipment you plug in your toaster you plug in your TV you plug in whatever devices you have at your house god knows what that might be and any it heats up and then you get 500 people off the streets of New York that heats up and before you know it what starts out to be about 15 20 degrees which is what it is now suddenly you're up around 80 or 90 and people are nodding off but now of course there's no one in the audience and it stays at 50 well I just see you squirm a little bit the entire crew is wearing leather jackets and it's summer we'll be right back with David Letterman or more of your phone calls don't go away [Music] Soleri thinks it's getting colder getting cold they're gonna start to hallucinate I'm not maybe it's a I'm Worf Larry it's fine it's I like it this is really comfortable to you I couldn't be more comfortable you know why because there's nothing blowing directly on you all well see something is blowing door who picked the chairs you picked the seat locations yeah whatever lace your jackets your yellow I would get you one we have a lovely line of merchandise by the way how much is I don't I think we mostly give it away you don't get a cut I didn't say that okay we never you know personal lives get dragged out everywhere and except for some woman bothering you all time we never hear about you right why not why don't we never to say no what do you what are your friends yeah a lot of many of them no one what is your name I'm not telling you the last time I mentioned her name people drove by her parents house and bothered them so I'm not I'm just not gonna do it let's say it's Debbie okay Debbie they're gonna marry Debbie oh one day sure oh you are in if Debbie hangs around long enough I want to raise a family oh I'd like to have a family I've always wanted to have a fella at age 48 don't you think go to start getting with it you know it's interesting I agree clearly I agree David Renner was on the show the other night and he's I think the world of David Brenner but you and I both know he's twice my age almost no no no I'm not almost he is he's twice my boy he's nice and he's sick Mae okay you say 96 and he just had the most beautiful little baby boy about six weeks ago and he was showing pictures of the kid you love that oh yeah sure no I think he should have another one no you oh oh oh yeah no I would love if you don't want to be a 75 year old dad no of course not just jeez it's a married my haven't get this now is how every weekend of my life goes why don't you write home in the car with I don't like speedy calls Berlin Germany for all about Berlin Germany come on sure yes hey hi sure if Berlin hello hello I always see your shows hi Mary hi Dave I hi hi pays I always hear shows every night yeah I'm staying up every night to see you show for you yeah I saw your show in which came from London yes sir well that's a certainly an interesting idea all you've seen in Berlin on the NBC put you up on a bird I think it's probably CBS puts us up so I think NBC has very little to do with us these know CBS had a bird I don't know I honestly I think maybe sky TV out of London I don't know actually we're we we have an outlet in Germany that's your big in Germany I don't know that we're big we apparently are seen there would you like to do a show from Berlin I would love to go to Berlin I've never been to Berlin I've only been to Germany a couple of times and I would be I think it would be endlessly fascinating to be in Berlin and just to see I mean heavens generation and generation and generation of interesting global history they're like traveling the show yeah it's always a great experience because when we travel the show we take everybody because we try and make it mean something to the people who work so hard to here everyday so it's not like we just take two or three people we take everybody every name that you see on the crawl and and many names that you don't see everybody goes with us so for me whether they understand it or not I take some satisfaction and being able to do that for example even going to London I found out that many of the people who went with us had never been to London before and had a wonderful time so that's that's great satisfying for me greatly satisfying Grand Rapids Michigan hello Dave we love in Grand Rapids thank you very much we're wondering how you came up with worldwide pants and we heard a rumor in Grand Rapids that the home office may be moving from Sioux City Iowa at the Grand Rapids didn't speak to that what now what would that mean to you if we could make that change would you have a parade forum oh absolutely we could arrange that is that like the home of the Gerald Ford library president bush doing there what's he doing there he's there for an Amway convention my convention Amway the Home Products people does it seem right to you that a former president is selling soap does it seem about right to you and how we got to take a quick break how'd you come up with worldwide pants I I wish I had a good answer for that well we'll move it sir it's done done so Monday yep grandma doesn't say in Sioux City they don't care they weren't that happy to have Rapids Letterman comes to you on Monday you to Debbie we'll be right back [Music] happy 10th Larry happy Anniversary Larry Larry congratulations on your 10th anniversary this is just the beginning remember how long you live I'm sure you'll live at least that long so several hundred years from now everybody will be waiting right after dinner to watch Larry King Live [Music] we'll be back with more of torture the hosts our remaining moments with Letterman after this [Music] yeah it's real controller welcome back to the Ed Sullivan igloo yeah losing the feeling in his extremities yes right it's starting to frostbite to do Letterman buck up okay Strawbridge or Strawbridge England hello hello it's barbets average in England yes I would like to ask Dave who is the most disappointing celebrity on the program other than present company you mean bearing in mind he'll articulate and have intelligence you are oh please who disappointed you Madonna no no that it surprised me certainly she did surprise me but it didn't really disappoint me I unfortunately I think the disappointments are more my responsibility because anybody who accepts an invitation to be on the show is going to give their best effort you assume you think you believe of course and so I think that if things don't go well it's usually my fault because you ought to be able to talk to almost anybody for eight minutes and get something out of it and if it doesn't gel I think it's my responsibility my fault who do you want to get the Javan got this is the same list that everybody is after we've been trying to kiss up to the Clinton administration since they took office and the gore yeah he was great you know he wait that was very nice and and III Bob Dole also was on I forget when it was and he was great too in the word for you I appreciate I think you gonna get them it would be nice because I think that that they come here maybe with some trepidation and people are so excited and interested to see one of these policy makers people who potentially can influence the lives of the folks who are in these seats and when when they're in here I think there's a an electricity that you may not get normally and I think some of these people some of these men and women could do themselves a lot of good by more exposure on venues like this and certainly they've had great great success do you think people like Newt Gingrich should come oh yeah we we have offers to him you know they're they're interesting they're worried that you're gonna put them down or something yeah that this is a comedy but also if they have been the victim or but of some of our jokes and comedy it's a great way to defuse that sir and neutralize it and get people on on their side at least for that moment and and we've been so hard on ted kennedy over the years just unmercifully if we're short of a joke we toss in a ted kennedy joke because it works it's knee-jerk it's reflex and it's if he came he would defuse that I think so you know it's wildly unfair on our part but you know we're in here every night fighting for our lives so you need a big laugh you that Ted Kennedy's at a couple of beers whoo August is two years yeah that's right how long you signed for I have no idea I honestly I keep them on but once or twice a week I make that call as you must have some memory of how long the contract is I don't know I've heard anywhere from three to six years I mean you could be saying goodbye a year from August I'll be here tonight anywhere I'm not saying goodbye at all we got a lot more stuff to do you mentioned ABC with a great deal of enthusiasm earlier well just I mean would you like to have that bounce Nightline and have them follow you yes straight out yes you know I you know Ted Koppel and I have kind of a friendly relationship and I just think the world of him and I think a commercial broadcasting is lucky to have a show and a format on a nightly basis like that with a man like Ted Koppel so you don't regard it as a rival no not at all no I mean he he deserves to be on the air that show deserves to be on the air and they deserve everybody that watches the boat shows deserve to be on yes but I mean he's exemplary you know he's just are you the kind of person who looks at the ratings every day yeah well that's the business we're in sure and do you measure it do you say oh we got a six and therefore this guest must have been good we'll have her back or we got a thought this guest was bad or you know in broadcasting the questions are infinite and there's only a handful of answers that's right and so it's it's the perfect way to torture yourself you know was it was that the color of the suit was it the way my hair looked was that the guest was that the temperature in the studio it's never the temperature in the studio no that always gets great ratings David I can't thank you enough for a wonder Larry thank you very much and I hope in some way I've been able to help you celebrate 10 years it's a nice accomplishment thank you very much my pleasure by the way say the children is a wonderful charity and they make these great toys all designed by kids this was designed by Kelly aged 13 you can order those ties as an 800-number and we'll be letting you know how to order them and we try to wear them as much as we can throughout June this tie and Save the Children tomorrow night Clint Eastwood heard of him yeah actor he's yella yella I'm scared of me I called him out once on The Tonight Show he wouldn't fight me uh-huh challenging him to come back Clint Eastwood tomorrow night David Letterman tonight this has been a great 10th anniversary a week thank you very much for joining us have a wonderful weekend and stop at night good night good night bring your mittens next time happy 10th anniversary Larry happy Anniversary Larry happy 10th very happy anniversary Larry happy 10th Larry happy anniversary 10 years old you don't look this is CNN's Oh [Music]
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 23,771
Rating: 4.8269229 out of 5
Keywords: David Letterman, Larry King
Id: J4BL62jTW2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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