David Hockney’s Sketchbook

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now then so today we're looking at some some of the books on my bookshelf well one in particular and it's not particularly been on my bookshelf i only bought it last week so um but it's absolutely brilliant so we'll get straight to it let's have a look right this is a book i got for christmas and as you can see it says yes you can't see as you can see there it says secret knowledge and this is david hockney as you can see david hockney can't see the full book um this is absolutely brilliant but this isn't a book i'm showing you this is a brilliant book and it's about how the old masters used uh photography to produce some of their work um it caused quite a controversy when it first came out and um yeah it's a really good book but that's not what we're looking at the reason i showed you that is because that's the only other book i've got on david ugly apart from this one um so david ockney a yorkshire sketchbook and basically they've just printed one of his sketchbooks so this is exactly how this sketchbook was and as you can see yorkshire april 2004 um and this is exactly what a sketchbook should be like just a little practice of what your pen did um and a lot of the pictures in here i would say uh with pens i think this one looks like ink as you can see it's a road this is um more of a complicated one most of the pictures like this are just done with uh what you would call monochrome which is just a couple of colors uh so in here it was like a dark blue a blue and obviously white of the paper and this is like i said this is exactly what a sketchbook should be like um it's just recording what you see while you're out and about really quickly look at these just quick marks of a brush just like this and then just dabs to get the the feeding of the leaves all right just look at that you just know that that's a road hedgerow side of the road with all the trees and bushes growing just absolutely fantastic i think this looks like pencil so he's painted it and then put pencil over the top uh david ockney a few years ago produced a massive great big picture it did come to hull uh but funnily enough i never saw it in hull i saw it in york uh and he painted lots and lots of different canvases but it was all one picture but he painted them all separately a place called water which is uh a little bit north from us up bread bit further away than bread not much and now david is known for his bright colours in his pictures and things but these are quite subdued i mean this is it look to me looks like he couldn't go out because it was raining or something so he's got his washing on the radiator a little potted plant on the table some chairs um now this is what i was expecting the whole book to be a bit like really colorful really bright um but it's not it's uh there's a few pictures like this but it's all quite subtle sort of colors but it's the speed you can tell that these have been drawn really quickly proud field just a few lands that's sure that it's a proud field i'd like to stop and talk about this one for a little bit you can see it's just gray with a little bit of blue across the top and these these are all obviously grass growing at the front and then you know dark bit of but you can tell just by looking at that that's a summer picture even though there's not any color in there or not much color in there yeah it's it's really obvious a little house in the distance and then the rogan fields further away these are obviously power ons were a long way away but they're still quite big on the omni horizon land but if you just look at the at the mac making i think that's that's that's what this is all about he's he's done it with a brush and watercolor and so he's done words of grass coming up and then the ones at the front are a little bit darker so you can see the ones behind it look as though the bandit couscous are a little bit paler and then he's just done a few with the tops with the seeds and things and then obviously some some down here lots and lots of marks but then he's just done like a wash in the background obviously he's done that first and then put the grass over the top of it all the way across so that that's a field in the background so i think one of the things when you are looking at pictures is to just stop and really look and see what it's uh how it's put together i think that's one of the the important things when you're looking at other artists work is just see how they put it together now this one is obviously uh it's from a a room in a house you you assume it's his house where he lived uh and these are like the other houses down the street and then the tree and the grass can you see look lots and lots of just little vans and then dabs and then we've got the roof there and then you know he's out a little spillage there's just a few little spots in the sky but that doesn't matter because it's his sketchbook that's what sketchbooks are about don't think that when you're doing sketching it's got to be perfect all the time it hasn't it's got to convey a feeling about what's there and that's exactly what most of the pictures in here are like the really dark moody sky look so this is a what's called a wet in wet technique so we've done the background here a pearl good black ink and then you'd put the dark a bit and this dark a bit here would just run into the into the pig a bit there but then he's left white paper just along there to give that space between the ground and the sky i mean this is absolutely fantastic just to bend on the road with trees and i think what's what's so good about this is we've all been to these roads we've probably traveled on these roads that he's drawing there you go that's out with his window again look his curtains but if i go back to the one that he did before where is it there we go so if i go back to this one can you see this is a little bit more detailed around this area than this he's just put so this to me looks a little bit more like it's springtime whereas this is obviously summer and there's a lot more foliage and things he's spent a lot more time on this one trying to get this bit right and the house is then he has this can you see the the chimneys are just just color whereas there he's actually put details of the chimneys in and and there's sort of the towels crisscross of the towels where he's just put a collar there but you can still see that's the side that's those are houses and that's a roof so not all of your pictures have to be really finished and looking like a should be in a magazine because this is your sketchbook and this one this is a really good one i think because uh um at the time he was doing this he lived in bridlington and i'm pretty sure that's the morrisons up the north end of uh of bridgington this funny thing in the sky i think i i recognize um so obviously that's in the cap car car pack and somebody's just nipped in to the shop and he said oh we're here and while he's weird he's had a bit of a sketch in the car while he's been waiting so looks like there was a bit of a time though i bet there was a queue so now this one's just a drawing a little bit of blue in the sky but this is this is obviously pencil all right some of the leaves has put put a bit of detail in these but mostly they're just a shape but you know again these this is the side of the road that's the road leading off obviously it gets this more foliage around the road up there these are the tree the fields they're plowed fields with a greenery there that could be somebody's garden that's his windowsill and this is without a doubt this is the lighthouse at flambre and what i really like about this is put the light out dead in the middle of the book right on the crease and he's just gone round i think that's absolutely brilliant street weary gift maybe i don't know just guessing traffic lights up this one's the other way up cup of tea and then just practicing with these pens to see how we reacted on the paper that's one thing a lot of people do at the back of their sketchbooks is they just test the pen see how it works with the type of paper in the book right then so that's david octane's yorkshire sketchbook uh i've kind of spent far too much time just looking through these and studying each picture as uh i thought it'd be a nice little book just to have a little browse through but i've actually just literally sat down several times since i've got it just just looking through it i think i've got my money's worth out of that one definitely so what we're going to do is is we're going to copy a couple of the pictures out of here and i think if he was looking at david ockney you wouldn't think of this this type of work as being exactly his style um but i think it's it's really good to just uh just copy different artists work and see how they work and when you are copying something you're really looking at it um so it is is a very good exercise to do to look at different artists and and have a have a copy try try the same try and use the same techniques that they did and maybe try and use the same same materials so in the meantime before the next episode i'm going to do a little bit of research and see if i can find out what he actually used for this this sketchbook um from looking at it it was just some pencil but mainly it was a brush and a watercolor set but we'll have a i'll see if i can find out for real right so thanks for viewing viewers
Channel: Bransholme Community Arts Enterprise
Views: 59,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bransholme Community Arts Enterprise, Bransholme Art, Community, Community Arts, art, photography, Hull, Kingston upon Hull, painting, drawing, animation, puppets, analogue, analogue camera, analogue photography, alternative photography, alternative process, Workshops, activity, activities, How to, origami, craft, crafting, art and design, tips and tricks
Id: UVZfzh-k2rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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