David Goggins: Suffering Makes You Grow Up

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did I got choked out ten years ago that I think about sometimes when I'm lifting I'll be tired and I'll think about a guy who caught me ten years ago I'd [ __ ] yeah that was great about life man yeah I think about not being choked out but I think about a lot of [ __ ] like that yeah pushing they grind on me like a [ __ ] man and that's what you're talking about earlier - it's like that the mind has these reserves you can trick it and pull them out yes inspirational reserves like you did when you when you guys were going through buds yes we just found that trigger and then all sudden you throw in that boat in the air the mind always has the tactical advantage over you why is that it knows your fears no insecurities it knows what they're hiding can't hide can't hide that [ __ ] man I'm not forget the tactical advantage on you son that's gonna get you man it's a beast that might be your best lesson right that your mind your mind knows everything you cannot hide from it so don't ever try don't try you know so go ahead and beat that [ __ ] yeah yeah keep going at it that's also what you did in this book you didn't try to like paint yourself in a glamorous or flattering way at any point in time you are honest at every step of the way which i think is just gigantic for people too because you can tell when someone's stroking themselves or all [ __ ] themselves and the messages won't come through right but this your you come through in this book you know like you who you are and what you became and how you became who you are and who you used to be and why you were the way you used to be all that comes through it's like there's no filter this is just your your thoughts like your what you remember about your life and what you think about right now just all comes out onto the pages hardest ever done my entire life I'm imagine I have [ __ ] I don't know how to go buy this book didn't I walk up to people people walk up to me I like what you thinking about [ __ ] what you thinking about hilarious I know right like you like open you know all about me hey how about you [ __ ] tell me something about you that's what people love right when they know some [ __ ] about you nobody that's anonymous trolls that's it man and they get at me they come oh there's a lot of those but they're all doing that to themselves they don't even understand when you do that you're doing it to yourself right if you are attacking someone cuz you know that they have a weakness but you're pretending you don't have one you are attacking yourself you are chipping away your own personal sovereignty so chipping away your own respect so true man can't respect yourself you know you're a [ __ ] but that's happened though Joe to me I start looking at people realizing I know something about you because they don't want to talk about it right I already know it yeah if you're talking [ __ ] about me yeah I know you're [ __ ] up yeah that's what all these cats that come out right now who don't like me whatever like really man that should happen thirty [ __ ] years ago fifteen years ago you still you're still [ __ ] up about that oh man I know something about you brother is that get over everything I'm good it's water under the [ __ ] bridge just grind it's the grind does is it that's it you're not grinding hard if if you're worried about something that someone did to you years ago you're being a [ __ ] to yourself man not getting out there and squeezing that [ __ ] soul out every day yeah if you grind hard I got ton of worry about your monkey ass I ain't got time about you man cuz tomorrow I got a go back to the grind and tomorrow I go back to the grind again and again and again again I don't have time to put you into the hate bank there's no hate it's all filtered out man through the grind if you don't get it there's there's great joy in the grind the great joy to suffer it's totally cleanses your body out man if any kind of hate makes you grow up
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 235,490
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: lrOH7WzOPPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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