David Glenn Lewis - Mystery Man

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hello everybody welcome back to another episode of coding the unknown i'm your host simon weimancer one of my writers in this case katie writes me a script david again lewis mystery man i'm gonna read it and i've never read it before i know nothing about that that's the format of the show it's a cold read we're going to explore together it's going to be a fun time look if you love this show why not leave it a review and hey if you're watching on youtube why not subscribe look at that getting those plugs in at the beginning like a professional [Music] an odd little mystery this when i first read the details while it was strange i thought it was pretty clear what had happened and i even debated dropping it it was a bit sad and depressing i'll adjust from my upbeat tone then but then i read more theories and delved into the nitty-gritty it seemed that my media take was not necessarily correct and there might in fact be conspiracy theories ahoy after all if you are already familiar with this story i doubt you'll find much new here as practically every article and blog post i read bemoaned the lack of information but hey they reckon without the old fact boy tangents my ability to just believe the most recent piece of information i hear or race excellent quality at a writer there a researcher what do you so after reviewing all of the information what do you believe the most recent one the last thing i read that's how it works this story is about david glenn lewis who what where why how exactly let's get on with it are people familiar with this i don't know this david glenn lewis never heard of him rip john doe or rib i much prefer to get rip rip on the first of february 1993 a man was seen along route 24 a two-lane highway out in the boonies near the small community of moxie washington united states reports vary as to whether he was walking down the center of the road or lying in the middle of it but a couple of motorists were alarmed enough that they tried to turn around and warn uncoming oncoming traffic about him unfortunately it was too late and he was hit and killed by a car the driver of which was never found when police arrived on the scene they found that the man was wearing what looked like military fatigues and work boots i find it strange that someone would hit and run that because it's like bro if you're just driving along oh maybe they had a reason to hit and run like if they were drunk or if they were driving on a suspended license or they'd stolen the car or something then i get it but let's say i guess the drunk things are most likely isn't it but if you if i was driving along the moat not that i'd hit and run someone anyway even if i was at fault because holy sh but if i was driving along the motorway and there's a dude and it's night and there's a dude lying down in the street and i hit him and kill him uh i'm not going to feel particularly bad about that because assuming i'm going the speed limit i'm driving safely blah blah blah because bro what you do in line in the street and then hitting rudd it's like suddenly what went from not a crime went to like uh-oh that's a big crime when basic tests were run he was found to have no drugs or alcohol in his system he wasn't carrying any form of id and nothing came up when they ran his fingerprints eventually after taking a few photos and tissue samples of the body the man was buried as a john doe near yamica yakima washington with a few strangers in attendance a sad and lowly end for this unknown person do they really have funerals for like or like a service when it's just an unknown john doe body who are these strangers who goes uh if you're going if you're if you just attend random funerals i would be i would be slightly worried about your mental status like who do you know do you know this person no no i just enjoy funerals just uh i don't know something about them they got a good vibe don't they no you always know how to cheer me up this is something that is for sure gonna kick off the conspiracy theory people because he's wearing military fatigues and did they say they looked like military fatigues or yeah look what looked like military fatigues and people will be like oh my god this is a secret government military thing and it's like now i probably just went to the army surplus store and bought some camouflage like when you're walking when you're driving around and walking around you see someone wearing camo are you immediately like he's a soldier or are you immediately like nice uh you know he's a hunter or a fisherman or he just thinks camo is stylish because his uh brain is in 1998. um i don't think this is why conspiracy theories are stupid rewind [Music] is this like this is how it's written it's like reminds me of that uh god speaking of the 90s isn't it like re he whined when the crowd say something selection something like this oh my god it's been a good 20 years on this same day of the 1st of february 1993 many hundreds of miles away in amarillo texas family man lawyer former judge an all-round community good fellow david glenn lewis had just been reported missing it had been a super bowl weekend and while that means nothing to most people is apparently a big deal over in the states where an hour of sport gets dragged out into into a four-hour television marathon a free-flowing game it ain't anyway david lewis had been home alone for the weekend while his wife and daughter had been having a girls trip out to dallas on the day of the final which was the 31st january david set the record button on whatever old-school vcr he had in the early 90s and maybe thought about eating one of the turkey sandwiches he'd made earlier and that were currently sitting in the fridge okay interesting detail what was he thinking about turkey sandwiches in the fridge i guess this is relevant somehow and then he disappeared we do have some eyewitness accounts of a few of his movements and activities across that weekend but they seem to raise more questions than answers let's go through a factual timeline of known sightings and other bits and bobs of information that came to light as the investigation commenced the known timeline most of the stories i've read about this case all contain practically the same timeline information seemingly taken from an article in the del rio news herald published about six months after david's disappearance on the 27th of june 1993. the headline is baffling trail stumps police searching for missing attorney and yeah it's pretty baffling i'm also mentioning this to again highlight the lack of diverse sources of information about the case while we can get into some more free-flowing ideas later on this part of the story is pretty well trodden in terms of language used so if you've seen or heard about it somewhere else there probably aren't any new developments coming your way is this some super famous disappearance case i've never heard of this i feel like we cover stuff and it's like yeah i know about that i know about that vaguely heard of that mostly because i've just made loads of videos and things come up you know these big famous ones come up again and again and never heard of this on thursday january 28th 1993 david left work early as he said he felt ill just a quick note the law firm he worked at was called buckner lara and swindle i just thought swindle was a slightly unfortunate name if you're a lawyer so i'll like to swindle someone out of money i didn't even put that together maybe pronounce swindell uh so you're at the swindle law firm it's swindle uh yeah i feel like that would hurt your chances of becoming named partner if your name was swindle it's like what's your name i'm mr joe scam esquire of scam and scam attorneys anyway he didn't seem to be totally bedridden as there's a record of him going to the gas station and then he had obviously recovered enough that day because he toured his evening class at amarillo college which finished at 10 p.m karen and lauren lewis left for their dallas trip that same day and didn't see david after he originally left for work that morning on friday the 29th of january 1993 at least according to this del rio news herald article a friend of davids had seen him hurrying through the southwest airlines terminal at amarillo's airport he was not carrying luggage later that night at about 10 30 pm a car matching davids a red ford explorer was seen by a police officer parked outside a county courts building and no flags had been raised yet this was just an observation at the time wait so they saw him at an airport you'd assume he's an airport to go somewhere and then they saw his car later on weird i mean someone else could be driving his car but he was home alone so he would be you think he's sherlock holmes no on saturday the 30th of january 1993 the red ford explorer was no longer at the courthouse and neighbors of the lewis's confirmed that their car had been parked outside their house that day a summer five thousand dollars was deposited into the lewis's bank account but seemingly no one can prove who did this while it isn't mentioned in the newspaper article that came up in the police investigation shortly after a plane ticket was bought on this day under the name of david lewis and it was from dallas to amarillo and that strangely is a ticket from dallas to amarillo right amarillo right because he was that's where his wife and daughter were going for their girls weekend so why would he ever i mean it could just david lewis is not a supernova super uncommon name but is a bit of a coincidence isn't it now we can't be sure that it was the same david lewis of course and it's unclear whether the ticket was purchased on that day or booked for a flight that left on that day 1993 isn't that long ago but it's in a frustrating era for investigations like these as there wasn't so much airport security and people could fly between states without showing id or even their real names the timing is interesting though and we'll come back to these breadcrumbs so let's crack on for now past it's like yeah yeah they just get on a plane not showing any id it's like oh my god times have changed like 1993 was a long time ago on the morning of sunday january 31 1993 the red ford explorer was again seen outside the potter county courts building and this time a sheriff's deputy saw someone who looked a lot like david lewis taking photos of it i mean given that that's where he lives right given that he drives a redford explorer and given that someone who looks like him has taken pictures of it there's got to be him right what are the odds later that day at the lewis household someone recorded the start of the super bowl at 5 15 pm it has been taken for granted that david was physically in the house to do this although i'm pretty sure my parents video recorder had a timer so you could set the remote control in the early 90s and we weren't even super fancy early adopters or anything like that yeah you definitely could there would be like you could just set the time on it because you could look in the tv guide find something on in the middle of the night that you wanted to watch and it would record it automatically i definitely did this in the 90s apparently the lewis's vcr didn't have the fancy bells and whistles on it that my modest family machine did and there wasn't a timer function on it this is a hotly debated point as it marks the difference between knowing where he was on the 31st of january and having absolutely no idea where he was but let's assume he was at home as there are a few other pointers his wife and daughter arrived back later that evening and at first nothing seemed to miss the game was being recorded they found some turkey sandwiches in the fridge there was laundry in the dryer and david's watch and wedding ring were by the sink as he habitually took them off to do the washing up this is good to know as if i came home to find my husband's watching ring on the side i'd immediately assume he'd left me why why would you take your watch off though it's like that's not a is it karen was not phased and just assumed that david was working late he had gone to watch the game with a friend or something on monday february the 1st 1993 karen lewis was notified that david had missed a couple of work appointments wait so we go from sunday to monday he's just like he went to watch the game with a friend and then it's monday what happened on sunday night was she not worried about where her husband was he's just gone out and he'd never came back this was unlike him and due to the fact that she hadn't seen him the previous day she called the police to report him missing on this day i'd be so worried oh my god if someone if my if my wife didn't come back like one evening and i expected that back i'd be like uh-oh i'd call the police that day the 90s remember on this day another airline ticket was purchased under the name david lewis but this time it was from la to dallas with a stop in amarillo once again it's not clear if it was purchased that day or if it was for a flight that left on that day nor is it clear if it was our david lewis who bought the ticket and still even more unclear is if this ticket or the previous one was ever actually used police investigates amazing the lack of tracking on airline stuff back in the day police investigating david's disappearance quickly found his car parked again outside the court building inside was his driver's license checkbook credit cards for gas and his house and car keys to me this would again scream disappearance or maybe even that had taken his own life yeah this sounds like he left his home he left his ship in the car and he's just vanished into the wind which um that's pretty intense he's just decided to disappear so he's probably got a new id and all of this stuff and just start in a new life apparently though this was again common practice for just david to leave all his crap in the car including his keys did this man not have at least one pocket about his person this doesn't feel fair i always i often leave my keys in the car like if i'm going somewhere and i don't need my car key if i've got my house keys on me and the car key's separate because it's little i'll leave my house keys in the like little center console compartment thing because it's like i know i'm coming back to my car later and then when i'm at my house i'll just take the keys with me like when i get out of the car and then i don't have to carry the keys around in my pocket and i'm always like you know it's like there's it's there's a there's a key for the main building there's two locks on there there's a postbox key there's my office keys and it's like i don't want to carry that [ __ ] around if i don't have to it looks stupid in a pocket cause you've got your wallet in there as well i don't even carry a wallet anymore i just carry my phone i'm like i don't carry i don't know anything about amarillo but i guess that car smash and grabs have been a thing since people started parking cars so leave all so why leave all your important personal belongings in there take your belongings with you folks and always lock your car yeah i always lock my car but i mean i'm not going to leave cash on display but my car parked somewhere else with my house and office keys in it they're not going to be of any use to someone because they're going to be like well where does he live and i don't keep like my id doesn't have oh does my idea my address on it i don't think so it definitely doesn't have my office address on it so i don't know i'm not particularly worried about that maybe i should be actually maybe my car registration documents does have my address on it so if someone broke in they could steal that they could steal my keys but then if someone stole my keys then i'll get my locks changed so i don't know i'm not so worried about this anyway this was not considered suspicious behavior and in fact when the police also became aware of the plane tickets they chalked the whole thing up to a voluntary disappearance i.e david glenn lewis had decided that for whatever reason he was ditching this life and moving on to something new of his own volition suicide was also suspected although as no new leads were uncovered the case went cold after about 11 months the family had a different take on things however karen lewis is quoted in the del rio news herald of saying all the family suspect foul play we have from day one karen was convinced that david had been kidnapped or at least forced to flee into hiding by unsavory characters what sort of lawyer is he is he a lawyer who just does like you know there's a big difference between yeah he's a lawyer and he's representing some guy who is uh a whistleblower for the mafia versus he uh he looks at contracts for a bank you know is a big difference and also i feel like the family are always ones they'll be like he'll never do anything like that and it's like yeah no he's having a whole secret life mate like people do this it happens i'm not saying that is what happened i'm saying that is a possibility during his time as a judge he or he had received death threats from disgruntled convicts and at the time of his disappearance he was waiting to be deposed in a multi-million dollar case that been brought against him some other lawyers and an industrial client lewis had represented karen lewis also later said that his files on this case had also disappeared the only other thing that seemed to be missing was some green sweatpants no other clothing or possessions of any kind wait she's saying that this is this backs up the idea that he'd been kidnapped well when someone's kidnapped there's a demand they don't just kidnap people for fun so that's not what i don't think it's a kidnapping whether he's been taken away or murdered because of something like a disgruntled person maybe i don't think that's particularly likely however should we consider that he is being sued for many millions of dollars and um that maybe that's why he wants to disappear and start a new life because he doesn't want to lose everything he has and that maybe by getting rid of those documents or whatever maybe it means that his i don't know i don't know why you'd get rid of those but maybe there's something there well i'm not sure but i think he's dead too after the case went cold the lewis family would not have any significant news until 2004 a whopping 11 years after david was reported missing one man two mysteries so far you may not think that this case is particularly worthy of a place here in decoding the unknown although we did one about a guy who made it rain indoors so maybe the bar is not that high yeah that was a silly episode it's like yeah i know you can make rain inside it's like no he can't it doesn't matter what you say he can't it's physically impossible it's pipes it's leaking pipes and everything else is just people misremembering and blowing stories out of proportion but here's the weird ending to the story in 2003 a decade after david's disappearance washington-based detective pat ditter was reading an article about how how hard it had been to solve missing person cases through the existing database and how so many people ended up falling through the cracks he decided to try using the internet to see if he could clear any of his local case load and he turned to google which i guess was to pretty still pretty newfangled in 2003. i mean 1993 sounds quite recent to me but at the time of writing it was nearly 20 years ago um wait 1999 do you mean 2003 because 1993 was nearly 30 years ago ah crap damn it i don't know 1993 i was uh six years old in 1993. she's like a really long time ago like google being new seems like a long ass time ago me being six i'm like i'm almost middle-aged there were a few unidentified person cases that he concentrated on and put what was known about their physical characteristics into the search engine to see if he could tally them up with anyone classed as a missing person and bingo after a few days he cracked a long cold case wide open but in the process added even more questions to the story you might have guessed but the man dressed in military style who was killed in the hit and run and buried in washington in 1993 was none other than david glenn lewis oh my god i totally forgot how this episode started yes from what has been reported of his timeline he was in his house at 5 15 pm on sunday january the 31st and the next day was hit by a car nearly 1600 miles away from home what on earth had happened in the meantime we'll take a look at some leading theories but i'll just quickly mop up the story first maybe some sort of mental break like he had something and he just lost his mind it can happen detective ditter found the missing person's report on david lewis and was pretty sure that it was his john doe who had been languishing in an unvisited grave for over a decade david lewis who wore those snazzy big old glasses with a double bar at the top and which are technically aviator glasses but but that would indicate that these looked cool when they really didn't anyway david needed specs to see and the john doe hadn't been wearing any there was a note about them in this file though and luckily his clothes had been saved and found some big old glasses and with the clothes jajondo was wearing when he died he sent a dna sample from one of the man's boots and tissue sample that had been preserved to the police in amarillo they compared it with lewis's mother and yes it was a match john doe had been identified and david glen lewis had finally been found he was reburied in westlaw memorial park in texas in 2004 the theories [Music] so let's go through the two main theories before talking about what i assumed had happened the first theory is that there was foul play involved his wife and family have believed this from the moment it happened so why are they so convinced there are a few things that point toward david having been kidnapped or being forced to leave against his will at his house nothing at all was missing apart from those green sweatpants which he might have put on to watch the game this might indicate that he left with just what he was wearing the timing of his disappearance is also quite suspicious it was just a week before this disposition that he was going to give and the fact that all the paperwork relating to the case also vanished does seem fishy who's apparently the last person left to be deposed i haven't found out much about this case but apparently it was his former law firm that he was supposed to be giving evidence against in a conflict of interest case david was representing a client from the oil industry wait did i totally misread that i thought the lawsuit was against him yeah it deposited a multi-million dollar lawsuit that had been brought against him some other lawyers and an industrial client lewis had represented so okay i'm not really sure according to his wife to whom he had been married to for about 12 years he had received death threats during his time as a judge and she thought it more than possible that he could have picked up enemies from any number of his cases projects or even from inside his own firm david worked on lots of community programs including bmm being a member of the moore county child protective services board and he was also chairman of safe places inc which assisted people fleeing from domestic violence and sexual abuse situations so you can see where his life might have rubbed up against some potentially dangerous or at least very angry people karen lewis did also say that he had mentioned getting death threats again not long before his disappearance but he never told her who they were from we only have her word about it it's also possible she was just saying that to give a bit more weight to her theory so let's say he was settling down to watch the game when someone turned up and kidnapped him how and why then did he end up 1600 miles away in just over 24 hours well it is possible to drive from amarillo to moxie in exactly 24 hours thank you google maps that would mean constant driving through the night with no traffic i suppose the kidnappers could have taken shifts but where they were going and why is totally unknown if this is the theory we're going with david was dumped or escaped at some point and was wandering down the middle of the highway when he was killed now he flew like were the chances of it just happening to be 24 hours straight drive with no traffic no stops nothing like that i guess google maps is only considering that you do the speed limit but also if you have someone you've kidnapped in the back you're going to be doing the speed limit we also have to assume that the hit-and-run was totally accidental as why drive over 1 500 miles then run someone over in front of witnesses apparently a chevrolet camaro was thought to be the car that hit him but no further clues had been found and while the driver might have panicked and fled the scene it's also possible that they had no idea they did a person and might have thought it was a deer or something as that particular road is dark and people like to speed along it yeah okay fair enough at the beginning i was like why would you hit a run and now there are reasons so maybe they took a plane yakima air terminal is only about 10 minutes from where david was found this seems unlikely in a kidnapping scenario unless the kidnappers had a private plane of course if they went commercial while i don't know about the route in 1993 if you wanted to go from amarillo to yukima today there are two stops on route hardly conductive to an easy kidnapping also about the paperwork it could be anywhere karen lewis left on a trip on the 28th of january david had at least two days to do something with his documents maybe he took them to the office or put them in a locker to keep them safe until his deposition to me though that doesn't really scream cover-up and while he was supposed to be showing up to represent big oil in this court case it was allegedly not a big deal and nobody would have benefited from david's disappearance i still think he just he just left i don't think there's foul play i really don't i think that's the family hoping there was to kind of explain it rather than him just being like i'm done i don't know i don't know i don't know just from an objective perspective that doesn't seem super likely let's move on to the police's belief that he left amarillo voluntarily this was the conclusion they decided on after finding out someone using the name david lewis had bought those plane tickets there was also an account from a taxi driver that he drove a man matching david's description to dallas airport from a hotel apparently the man was acting nervously and paid with a 100 bill of which he had a big watch detective james smith who worked on the cases quoted in the del rio news herald stating it has a lot of ear markings of suicide people don't always do what you'd expect that definitely rings true but why would lewis go all the way to washington to kill himself he had no ties at all personally or professionally with anything or anyone in that state so what was the point he wanted to go to somewhere that didn't mean anything to him smith pointed to the fact that lewis business maybe wasn't going as well as he hoped and it also recently failed to win back his seat as a judge lewis also was involved in a lot of other programs and stuff as i've already mentioned but when i say a lot i mean a lot and it's it's exhausting reading through all of the stuff he was doing as well as being a lawyer and teaching in college here's a list of the stuff he was involved with according to his memorial he was an active member of dumas chamber of commerce dumas or dumas dumas i don't know dumont noon lions club dumas discovery center board member former president of dumara moore country urged more and more county united way chairman of safe place inc member of the first baptist church in dimar teaching at the adult fourth sunday school class was active in the sanctuary choir an adult ensemble he was an organizer and advisor of the moore county teen court was on the board of directors for the dumar county community education advisory council and was a district chairman of the golden spread council of the boy scouts of america from 1986 to 1993. oh my god i do nothing so why would wario say what do you do uh spent time with his family and worked that's it i don't do any clubs i don't do any [ __ ] like this i mean wow maybe it was just stretch really thing and couldn't keep up was experiencing issues in one or more areas of his extremely busy life and it all got on top of him none of these are like things where you'd expect him to run into any let's disappear trouble though is there it seems much more likely that it was work or just the [ __ ] it i'm out midlife crisis you know i'm just like rather than buying a porsche he decided that he was going to just abandon his life and start a new life somewhere else maybe speculation so maybe we can see why iman might want to get away from it all maybe temporarily maybe permanently but then his actions still make no sense why go to washington and those plane tickets are still really bugging me let's combine these two theories together a bit and look at a strand where david did leave voluntarily but maybe he was going into hiding to protect himself and or his family this is one of a few scenarios in which the plane tickets make sense remember that two tickets under the name davis david lewis were bought on the day of his disappearance and the day was reported missing the first was from dallas to amarillo if david was at home in amarillo why would he have bought this ticket his wife and daughter were coming from dallas but it's not clear if they drove or flew and if they flew why would he only buy one ticket for them if he had needed to buy a ticket for them this would have been mentioned by his wife the other ticket was from l.a to dallas via amarillo this is totally odd if he was buying for someone else wouldn't he have done it under their name so they could use it does it matter though army didn't we just say earlier didn't we just say earlier that they're not checking ids it's just like a bus ticket like it doesn't say your name on it it's just you're like i've got a ticket there is my seat i will sit in my seat no one's matching it against id so you could buy it and then just give it to someone else also how is he going to get to la and then fly back to amarillo one suggestion here is that he was trying to throw people off the scent this does sort of make sense as i mentioned before there was no real security or rigorous id checks done when flying internally in the states in 1993. he could have bought himself a ticket to yukima air terminal for reasons unknown under a totally different name then just bought a couple of random flights under his name to make it look like he was going to be somewhere he wasn't this is all assuming of course that the david lewis that bought the tickets was r david lewis i think this is pretty accurate i still think it's more likely that he just decided i don't think he's trying to throw anyone off other than people who might want to like hire a private investigator like his family to find out where he buggered off to maybe it does seem that the only way he could have been where he was at the time of his death was by flying though if he drove himself he would have needed to hire a car as his ford explorer was left in amarillo his driver's license was still inside the car and even though air travel security was pretty slack he probably would have needed some form of id and a driver's license to rent a car his photo and name were put out there early on in the investigation and presumably police checked plates like local car rental agencies no record of him renting a car or anyone matching his description has emerged even if he did have a car it's unlikely that he'd be able to make it to moxie in time for his rendezvous with the almighty as mentioned earlier it's doable but he would have had to drive for 24 hours straight with no breaks and no traffic delays it just doesn't sound likely so why was he in washington was it his planned final destination or just to stop along the way were the people he was hiding from real threats or imagined i think he wanted to disappear he bought plane tickets in his name to throw people off and then he probably bought another plane ticket in cash in someone else's name to washington being like yeah john smith because apparently the past you could just do that and he hops on a plane goes to washington and his disappearance would have been complete if he hadn't been hit by a car the much used del rio news herald article finishes with another quote from detective smith i ain't got any plans just nowhere else to go he was talking about the case going cold by the way not what he was doing for the weekend still kind of a limp note for an investigation to end on this now leads to what i immediately thought when i read this story for the first time the actions are odd he was found in the middle of nowhere with clothes on that were not his surely this all points to some sort of psychological breakdown the clothes thing by the way while strange is not really a big deal there is an army training center in yakima an army airfield and all sorts of other military stuff around so there are military surplus stores too debbie could have easily picked up his fatigues near the airport before walking driving or hitchhiking to where he was last found anyway let's get back to this theory which makes the most sense for me for my money david lewes was experiencing a disassociative fugue this is pretty rare but when it does happen it causes people to basically forget who they are and have the pressing need to flee from their current location fugue comes from the latin fuga which means acts of fleeing and it certainly seems to fit into our mystery man's actions people who suffer from disassociative fugues are often under intense mental pressure or stress which while we can't know for sure it does seem like david was a candidate for with everything that was going on in his life at that point yeah this is fair so my assumption was he did this voluntarily and if we just throw in this fugue thing which i've we mentioned in previous video it's vanishingly rare but obviously it does sometimes happen and this could be one of those cases so it's sort of voluntary but also it just throws in that uh mental state element but does that mean it really had been so smart to buy like different plane tickets going places um to throw people off can they do that can someone do that in a fugue according to webmd symptoms of disassociated fugue include sudden and unplanned travel away from home confusion or loss of memory about their identity possibly assuming a new identity to make up for the loss so that to me indicates he couldn't have bought those plane tickets to throw the people off because he doesn't maybe he didn't know who his identity was and if you're like that then i don't think you're going to have the presence of mind to buy tickets to throw people off i really don't so if you ask me the armchair expert david experienced a case of disassociative fugue and left his house with nothing more than what he was wearing this date can last less than a day or can drag on for months but it might have already started happening to him as people spotted him acting erratically like rushing through his local airport with that without any luggage taking photos of his car and paying his cab driver from a stack of hundreds he then somehow made it to washington state got some different clothes and ended up walking down the highway he wasn't wearing his glasses when he was hit maybe he was purposefully trying to kill himself or maybe in his fugue he thought he didn't need them i'm not sure how far amnesia goes but i haven't heard that it cures myopia also while i was wondering why neither the police nor his wife had thought of this i realized i was reading the story already knowing the ending they had no idea that a person killed and hit and run several states over was david all they knew at the time was that he was missing so i suppose i'll cut them some slack i i just i just think he chose to disappear i still i understand where katie's coming from with the fugue thing but i think one that's unlikely and two there are these elements of planning which i'm not sure and obviously i don't know much about fugues i don't know if it had the presence of mine to do and also the the the um the stack of hundreds and stuff putting together a bunch of cash because until he gets a new identity or whatever however you get that um i don't know i i don't know i'm not sure so what do you think a kidnapping gone wrong a paranoid david abruptly leaving leaving for reasons real or imaginary a totally total disassociated fugue which sent him running to a place he had no formal links to a combination of some or all of these all we know for sure is that one day david glenn lewis was at home in amarillo and the next day he was lying dead on a road 600 miles away how he got there and why will probably remain a mystery yes and that's where we end today's video thank you so much for watching or listening if you enjoyed it please subscribe like if you're listening to it in its podcast form please leave a review and i'll see you next time [Music] you
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Id: FfxQIA2iloc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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