David Boreanaz Discusses His Fox Hit Show, "Bones"

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[Music] that's some sort of a picture it was in the victims travel belt I've sent the original to Angela we'll see what you can do anything else on the victim just a passport house key we really don't know much recent graduate of UNC older sister says she's been traveling a lot hmm when's she coming in yeah she's uh she's on her way right so how's Brennan well she's you know given her history at all she's a lot tougher than she should be I'm living when the older sister gets it hey booth yeah tell there was nothing that you could have done yeah maybe not in the moment but there's a lot that I could have done this is so cool oh thank you so much for being here we're so excited to have you thank you for having me just saying yeah backstage it was a crazy Oscars night last night you were in route though on your way to New York actually I was I arrived so it was late afternoon right when the Oscar started so I was still part of the kind of red carpet nine our arrival thing that happens for nine hours probably and then you get to the actual Oscars but yeah I enjoyed it I thought it was actually pretty good was fun was fun Oscar's and I think Jimmy did a great job and you know I and just I think the Eclipse there was an eclipse last night did anyone know that it's a lunar eclipse so that the Eclipse is the time to kind of shed and let things go and I think that's what happened at the end the Eclipse messed up the whole thing the energy it's the Eclipse a lot of people are saying it's the Russians I don't know didn't get involved but it was a good show were you ever at an Oscars before I I went to a lot of the parties back in the day and um I didn't actually go to the Oscar event so no I've never been to an Oscars you probably have some good stories for us David I do I have a lot of good stories a lot of a lot of fun parties that you know you go to these parties and it's just a lot of people that are so excited that they won their war that they're just so excited to be out of that large kind of concept for six hours of sitting there you know so they're they're ready for a drink and and food it's a good time glad you caught it but we're here to talk about bones guys bones is ending 12 seasons guys watch it on reruns it's a fence you know it's it's it's one of those bittersweet kind of moments for me I've so enjoyed doing the show for 12 seasons and playing a character that I loved playing every day and not just for like hey let's do six seasons and just cash it all in towards the end I think you know you really have to be tuned into the actor and the aspect of the character and Emily and I have just had such a great time doing it that you know we just got to a place where they thought hey it's time to move on and then that's what happened we're moving on really sad Emily was here a few weeks ago she's a blast she said that her last day though on set which you directed the finale right correct yes that she when she left she was in a puddle of tears well we were shooting at this big that the series finale takes place over a lot of sequences and one of the bigger sequences at the end is this kind of explosion shootout kind of thing I don't want to ruin it for you guys but we had two days to shoot it there were some weather problems so we had to push the date so by the time we started shooting we had two days to do this whole sequence which was a lot to set up I just decided to shoot Emily out and the sequences to get her out so she wouldn't have to spend the rest of the night till 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning in Bakersfield which is cold and windy and really didn't want that to happen so I was able to get that done and it just so happened I'm like oh yeah I have one more shot left with you and then I'm thinking myself we're done I'm like it was so sad it was like and she's like really I'm like yeah it was I still have two hours of shooting to do on that day so you're finished you're wrapped so it was so late and the work was so arduous that day with the running and the shooting and a lot of scenarios that she I think it overwhelmed her in a in a bit that was it was a bit emotional for her and for me as well so it was strange the way she wrapped her series but I mean come on Emily she's awesome so she did such a great job and yeah there were some tears what was that like for you to kind of say goodbye to not only Emily but the whole cast and crew that you've been with for years and years and years it must must have been tough I mean when you're it's a family environment so for me it was you know I don't really like to say goodbye I was like good journeys we'll see you down the line fortunate to be on a show for that many years and and and really it's the cast and the crew that you have this family oriented a relationship with so it was tough and I think it became tougher as the week's went on after the show was over for me I mean going through this kind of decompression and walking around like how many pillows can I ready sheet at home and I kind of Drive my family crazy and before they go back to work do something so it was very emotional we did a scene in the series finale with the two of us in the office and what was great about it is we were able to kind of connect back to the twelve seasons and use that rather than not use it and there were some pretty good moments there so I was proud of that scene that's you guys haven't seen yet which you'll see in the series finale but it was an exercise in saying goodbye and I used that technique with her and it worked very nicely so there's only five episodes left of Bones right what can we expect what can we expect that's coming up how you guys wrap it up well you wrap it up in a nice little bow or I leave it kind of open-ended I think it's more um I won't say open-ended I do I do I will say that people some characters have been killed off maybe more I don't know I know someone may get shot and hurt and injured maybe me possibly you know I think it's done in a way that is open to the audience and the fans to say thank you for these twelve seasons but also there's hope for possibility of maybe a reunion or something of that nature down the line which I would never say no to depending upon what it would be like and how would be set up but it's a it's a it's a well presented kind of ending and it ends and it ends I'll say where it began so that's all I'll say about it which is kind of exciting a reunion though it all depends on the fate of your character booth cuz I might be you're throwing us off here I'm like wait why are you dying I might never know but I heal quickly yeah yeah I mean god I used to play a character that was dead already so I think about her heard of that guy right I'm kind of used to this character well speaking of that character are are you down for a reunion with that show if you're down for one with bones cuz you get this question all the time I do yeah I know so much free time now come on make it alright yeah no I don't think that would happen I think as when I was doing the show and how much I love doing the show I'm playing that character part of that audience and the fans were so supportive and great when that show came out and Buffy's actually having its 20th year anniversary I think it's coming up soon so it's hard to believe it's been 20 years since when that show came on the air and how it kind of tapped into a whole new arena and what Joss Whedon did with that and it was exciting when that was going on it was overwhelming it was it was just a lot of fun and then when we shifted over to to have my own series through David greenwall it became a different type of show was a darker type of show it was more about had an edge - it was more some more adult themes that were integrated in it the fact it was taking place in Los Angeles so you know for me personally I would say probably not just it's just the type of character I think that is youthfully oriented I mean David thank you that's very kind but you know I I just feel it's one of those things that is loved what I did and just kind of move on from there you know it was one of those first supernatural dramas I mean we have the vampire diaries we have Teen Wolf um are you excited that you could look back and say I started this John runo I was I was the man for a while well you know there was a lot I think there were other shows that were not as I mean I guess television shows there whether ever like shows like that or no really seriously okay all right well um that's kind of cool all right all right that's neat I'll take that all right it's like Kojak right it's a vampire without a lollypop I'm despite necks and kicking ass that was a fun show I mean I think that there are more shows that's spun out of that right there are other vampire shows obviously that are on the air that are successful so I mean look the undead is always fun to play right everybody likes that right I guess everyone loves Angel though a little more than it right thank you [Music] but what's it been like for you know you play angel for a long time and you've played booth for a long time is that something that six of you is that you play these characters for you know you kind of work them through this whole arc you looking forward to kind of playing a character maybe like one time in a movie and then being like see you later bye I don't you know maybe I mean I enjoy the work I enjoy the process of it I enjoy the directing the producing of it I for me it's really kind of a full process if it's going to be a series which nowadays the series are so short they're not as long I mean we do 22 episodes and that's a that's a pretty hefty order for a year and a lot of work so for me to get involved into a series again which may happen it has to be right and has to be the character that I kind of respond to and I remember reading bones and being so intrigued by the character and by its relevance to Romancing the Stone I thought of that movie and the connection of those two characters had and they give and the take and the back and forth and the humor that could be created while solving crimes and then you add the beautiful miss Deschanel and it's like a perfect lightning in a bottle combination you can't that was just the just very lucky to have that so that just unfolds and so instead of chasing certain things like that I just want to kind of lay back and see how it it goes what's the biggest thing that you'll miss about playing booth on screen uh you know he's a bit of a joker I mean I think deep down he had a lot of stressful moments being the fact that you know with whether it's PSTD or you know being an ex Ranger a sniper I think for him he didn't really get to exercise a lot of that pain throughout the twelve seasons we'll see a little bit of it in this ending of these five shows that we have but for me it was always the antics of being able to stretch the the broadness of him in situations whether arriving in a crime scene whether it was bickering with her the two of us were always reminded that it was always going back to two characters how can we make that relative so the strength was in that their relationship and that's something that I really loved I'll miss that thinking back 12 years is it well to that you know when you first started there was a different President of the United States social media wasn't really a thing it hasn't been weird to kind of grow into this a new age of Technology and yeah there was no iPhone when when we started there's I think beepers or just on the way out or something it's fascinating to me that when you look back and how its advanced so much technology I mean here we are in this fabulous building at AOL and there's cameras floating all over the place and you can live stream and you can pick up things off of your phone and it's a bit much for me I mean television has spread to what like over 300 channels and different types of stories that you can tell you have Netflix you have Amazon you have people that do short series long series two days series so it's like our special event that's on television it's spread very thin in technology so fast and the concern I have about is and being a parent edge my child is 14 and my little girls eight so I'm always like this allows a lot the immediacy of getting something and nowadays is it's it's like that so fast I mean it's it's like Vegas is buffet times 100 it's so much to choose from so it's overwhelming but it is great that you can connect more with your fans you can be more present with them you can update them you can kind of through that outlet show them where you're at so I think that's a really good thing I was saying with Emily how it's crazy that people can now go on Netflix or these streaming sites and just stream and binge watch all these episodes where I grew up and I had to wait week by week to watch which is what we have to do for bones yeah that's nice I mean I guess there is binge watching right you go out you just watch like a whole series for what's eight hours you take in four seasons or something that's crazy that's a lot I don't think I could do that I mean I've done it when I played golf I've been aged golf I got just run the course and get it done as fast as I can no shows that you currently binge watch er no no shows a currently binge watch I'm really strange with television I'll catch on to a series and I'll give it some time and then I'll lose interest pretty quickly you know I got into West world and then I got lost and then it's nothing against the I mean the characters are fantastically mind-blowing I mean Anthony Hopkins can just like so good morning there's your caddy you know I think it's it really is I think I love character-driven pieces I mean I think Sherlock on CBS is a pretty good show examines like how relationships Drive series and I think that was one of the reasons why I love bone so much is it's really the relationship that drives it and not the plot or not the you know I I couldn't think about doing a law show I'd be stuck in a courtroom for so many hours I would go crazy 30 years it's a lot that's a lot and that's like the Dick Wolf thing you know that's that's a long heavy material you'reyou're just looking at banisters and you know a cup of water and you're doing cross-examination the same in medical shows I mean which are great but you're just you're just there and you're in the hospital you're in the ER I mean you just got a lot of suave stuff Cotton's and blood and I mean at least we were able to get out you know I wasn't stuck to you know a forensic platform well Emily kind of was but she was fun because she wanted to get out which kind of create the relationship so I watch a lot of sports to answer your question I love sports and I like watching classic movies or I like to watch sports that have already happened because I know what's going to happen so I kind of feel like this is kind of cool I'm watching the sporting event let's pretend it's like there and I know exactly what's gonna happen and it happens and I'm like I just predicted that in my mind I'm thinking that that's how I messed up I am it's good for your ego it's crazy you know it's it's this bizarre I kind of like that we know what you've been doing at home well your days yeah driving everybody crazy pink pillows and watching sports I've been fighting appliances too I mean is mercury in retrograde is in my household every day it doesn't stop you know that's that's just the way it is what's next for you you know you did direct a couple episodes of bones as directing something that you're passionate about could you see yourself going in that route or do you still want to be in front of the camera well I'd love to direct I mean I've done over 14 episodes of Bones through the series and I've done you know the producing aspect of it I did a few on Angel I did a show called the finder I loved the directing because you just get a sense of being able to work with actor and really know as an actor where they're feeling where they're coming from and how they're feeling going into seeing and being able to guide them and encourage them through certain moments because it's always difficult when you're when you're acting and you know you got to get your lines down and you're so nervous and you're like okay everyone's watching and then the bell rings and that's quiet and you got to deliver and it's difficult it's a it could be very stressful you have to be in that zone and you kind of have to just kind of throw everything out you've done your work and just just have fun with it so I enjoy that process a lot I wouldn't say that I'm just going to strictly focus on one or the other I enjoy all of it so we'll see what happens do you think television is where you'll stay I mean I think what I like about television is the work aspect of it and the immediacy of it what I love about films is the process of rehearsal and the process of digging into a character for an extended period of time which I wouldn't love to do you know maybe that is something that's in my future hopefully it is and if I find a good character that I love and can really respond to a director and do something of some art pieces would be it would be great I mean I would love that yeah I do want to give a little bit of a not spoilers but I want to see where we're going here at the end of bones so we just saw bones lost her father and and she's grieving which I'm very upset about by the way I know I didn't because Ryan is so his character is so great is it hard for you because you've been in this world so when a character is killed off it's tough with Ryan because I loved being a I mean Ryan O'Neal I mean it's just that's like classic and that's a icon to me to what he's done the work and his is so amazing so it was tough to see his character go cuz I was enjoyed doing scenes with him but you have to sometimes kill those characters off in order to create the storyline for going forward it's important I think some would agree some would not I mean when John Francis Daley was killed off the show I know that was very difficult for a lot of people to see sweets go he was such a great character great person to be around on set but these things happen because the story evolves in that direction now some people may think that's wrong but it's the way it is so who is getting killed off next well I can't I can say that few people are gonna get shot and thrown over a mount a few maybe what is this George RR Martin's new series like oh gotta get a watch to see its I will say it's gonna be a fun ending it's good for the fans fox has given us a platform to deliver for that and some worse we were so gracious of them to do that for us and allow that instead of getting canned and cut from the schedule so we're really pleased about that so you know this week as I said bones was dealing with grief doing her typical thing where she kind of shuts you out um I don't get it you think she'd learn by now you would think yeah but she's good at that but I'm good at like poking her back and you know getting underneath her skins what's going on what are you doing why I'm right here you know make a noise you guys have like such a good rapport now is it weird to kind of be apart because you were together for so long just like your TV wife no yeah she really was she is yeah and it was great too I just spoke to her last week we stay in contact and we're both like it's so weird not seeing you hey and on the sets so many years and you know we've created such a bond and a trust with one another that we brought that to our to our acting coach for 78 years during the show and every weekend we'd meet and rewrite the script and go over those moments and blessed to have a co-star who was able to want to do that and also someone who was there through me with each other through times of grief or whatever because things happen and you do things in a way that with the characters that you're there for each other so you know what's going on in her mind as she does in your mind but the audience does know which makes for a really great chemistry connection the audience doesn't know much right now guys for bones he's not giving us any spoilers said someone gets shot there people get thrown off a mountain what else mark would you like I just I want you to slip a little bit you you're giving us enough that somebody might come out of a wheelchair maybe not he's been in this game a long time guys he knows what he's doing now before I pass this off to audience Q&A I did ask Emily when she was here what her favorite bone was so I have to ask you what's your ID my bone of contention with her Jian would suck that was fine dealing with her character's annoying sometimes could really get under my skin but I allowed that bone of contention I liked it alright who's up first for these audience questions here we go I'm sorry I'm nervous hi my name is sahaja I'm a huge fan my question is do you have any shows that have impacted you the way your shows have impacted your fans and also I would you ever do theater I know you did theater a long time ago but would you ever do theater yeah definitely would do theater again I think it's really the place where you really are the most vulnerable and just the most open as far as creating off of fear and space and time and just the the fourth wall I think that's ultimately the best journey as far as shows that have influenced me as a kid growing up hmm it's a good question now Planet of the Apes was cool and I mean I thought Steve Austin was pretty cool I like shows that were I mean the television was different back then I'm dating myself now but I also love the characters in comedies Cheers was one of my favorite shows mash was another great show that I love to watch wings member of wings relationship shows the stuff like that Seinfeld was hilarious friends was great I mean they really have people characters that are your welcoming them into your home there's either for us it was at the FBI or our house for them was a couch you know it's kind of a staple when you really think about it Archie Bunker was the best Norman Lear's as far as what he didn't transfer yeah I think he can really do that types of subject matters today in television if it has to be done very smartly so those types of shows really kind of influenced me for me it was Buffy and Angel guys I'm dating myself we're gonna take our next question from an online viewer so Lucy wants to know what are you going to miss the most about the cast and behind-the-scene moments behind the scene moments were always arriving for rehearsals and knowing like what director was going to be we were going to be working with so we had different types of directors obviously they changed I'll miss all those directors that came in and and touched our lives somehow through the work and we had one director his name was you know he was a French director great great guy so I always loved playing pranks on him and whether it was stuffing his bag with weights or bananas or like fruit and he wouldn't know and he'd leave and he'd be like busted from the guard I mean things like that to me were just priceless moments being behind with the cast and enjoying those moments with Emily as she would get in and know and be laughing that I'm going to miss those moments and the crew just the DP that we had Bobby Alban is great who directed this the next one I think it is the demolition derby one which is awesome that's a lot of fun that's a really good episode so I'll miss a lot of behind the scenes with that and the in just the craft service table is always fun you know yeah you know you qohen get a cup of tea you take a bite of a doughnut I wouldn't spit it out some people would I liked all that guy stuff the sets you know the props gluten gluten hi David I'm Emma so you're directing on bones has actually inspired me to go into directing when I'm older I want to go to study directing in film school I'm only 16 now some are you looking at that so I was wondering if you have any tips for an aspiring director I mean I can tell by the shot to use that you clearly you know have like a film aspect to the way you film it and I just want to know why you choose those shots and stuff like that well I went to Ithaca College and I can became a little kind of creative in the mind in certain areas of my life that opened up those doors I'm not telling you to go out and do that naked and that could be like just going to a diner and being taken back by their pancakes and omelets so many different ingredients in them but walking around cities and towns it's New York it's right outside there you can walk and just see different angles and use different lens sizes and frame certain areas really being around the people going to see theater I think for a director is so important because taking an acting class it would be great for you because you get to know what they're going through you get to know what the actor goes through and if you have that sense of understanding that then as a director you'll be able to you know understand that and bring them on this journey you know read some Joseph Conrad Joseph Campbell I mean it would be great you know myth and meditation stuff I mean I'm getting pretty deep we could have a cup of coffee if you'd like no I know you really want to get out there and just see and walk around your camera have fun and do small things with your phone make movies be creative because in today's world you have a lot to at your disposal so they'll use it you know great advice we go right over here hi I just want to say I'm really gonna miss bones and also I was wondering what was one of your favorite episodes to shoot like ever out of all the seasons out of all of them I loved well the 200th episode was exciting for me because it was kind of a throwback little Hitchcock II and although I didn't want it to be so like we're doing a Hitchcockian type of film us story here but as a director I was able to use just no steadicams a lot of dancefloor and dolly just shoot it the way they used to shoot at hard lenses so and this the challenges of getting a plane up in the air and doing stunts and building that plane on the stage was and the costumes I mean it was the where you were with the budget and how to make it look great was really the challenge of that kind of a type of a show on the dialect how they talked it was really a great I loved that that show that was a lot of fun that was one of my favorite shows good director - that was only the 200th episode guys all right we have time for one more question you mean hi it's me i'm michelle i stutter so bear with me do you ever have a day in all the seasons that that you've done that everything just went went to crap and you're like okay I'm done I'm enough I've had it yeah that's a very good question it happens really regularly in life but I think that you need to understand that things pass you know what you're going through and use it rather than fight it surance thing you know that you're not getting certain takes or messed up a line or you can't you're fighting lines you don't have the right shot or you're you got to get the camera off a crane and you're just upset because it's taking so long you just kind of put keep pushing ahead don't don't look sideways I look back don't listen to those voices inside just keep trucking just and really believe in yourself believing in yourself is such a very powerful powerful thing to have and I think that's that belief comes from inside and you can't listen to those voices great advice here from David thank you so much for being here and everybody should watch the final few episodes of Bones because we're done guys it's gonna be done forever until the reunion of it's okay till we do someone else yeah thank you so much thank you for having me thank you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: BUILD Series
Views: 55,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AOL Advertising, BUILDseriesNYC, AOL Inc, AOL, AOLBUILD, #Aolbuild, build speaker series, build, aol build, content, aolbuildlive, BUILDSeriesNYC, David Boreanaz, actor, Bones, dramedy, crime, 2017, LeighB, entertainment, final season, FOX, EmmyNom, PeoplesChoiceNom, TeenChoiceAwardsNom, Seeley Booth, Emily Deschanel, Far Field Productions, Josephson Entertainment, 20th Century FOX Television, FBI Special Agent, investigations, season 12, comedy, drama
Id: Yh9Jj8VXzfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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