David and Tamela Mann Discuss Their Book 'Us Against The World' + More

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club [Music] morning everybody is de jmv Angela Yee Charlemagne the guy we are the breakfast club you got some special guests in the building sir they've been married 30 years one of our young girls that works here her name is nyla now let's say man those two right there my relationship going 23 will married two years already so you guys have this memoir out David and Tamela Mann us against the world our secrets to love marriage and family yeah there's a lot of things that went on when you guys first met and first got married that the general public wouldn't know about because it didn't start off so perfect no David had a second child yeah well it was we'll see you tonight I wish it was that easy in that part plain and dry but in the chapter we have a chapter called the knock at the door and the knock at the door imagine five years into your marriage you going good the careers getting off the ground everybody cool and then there's a knock at the door and this to constable telling you you have a child from a previous relationship and I was like what the wait five five so it was right before we got married you know you had this relationship thing going on and hello and imagine me trying to tell her when she came home from work how did you tell her it was not easy so i'ma tell you like I literally sitting like came up with many different ways like it maybe I'll just come out and just say yo hey we got another child you know no no we it didn't know and so I wound up just sitting there dancing do you know the situation I got served today and we have another child and it didn't go too good talk to me Tamela hi I was upset was upset but the thing is is we started out friends so that I knew the girl that I knew that he had been with the girl so it's like it wasn't new but it was like man I just hate it was this person I hate to say it I didn't like her she didn't want any drums it wasn't a good no it wasn't good it wasn't good honestly so I just was like okay but the baby I know the baby to have anything to do with it but I just didn't know where we were gonna be standing because he was freeing here I already had we was friends when the first baby was born I was there when the girl was but when the baby was born so we're working together yes and it was like all that and then for this other one to come up I was I was a little upset like so she said I'm not say your own she said that we driving in the car and she say you're on your own with this and it just it took the air out of me I was like are you serious you're gonna leave me out here by myself so you can't leave me out here by myself don't do that please and I was just crying I was and so that's how the us against the world came about and I sit it down and explain to her like look I love my kids I'm a stand-up guy I'm gonna take care of my kids I'm gonna do that but at the end of the day it's me and you against everything else it was us against the world and when he explained it to me he did the oldest park thing he was like he gave me confidence that it was gonna be us and then everything else and that's what makes it made me was very open and communicating what your concerns were also as far as what your relationship would be like with David yeah yeah I was like where am i standing because I didn't want this person to come in because I her spirit was just like to come in and kind of like take over she didn't want nobody else to be able to come in and dictate our relationship no Chad and then even with the you know what the baby it's like what am I gonna do and once he explained all that to me I was really cool I was very I was able to forgive honestly how did your relationship with the baby mom and paying up it turned out we just you know work together because of the baby honestly I mean it's like I'm cars you I'll speak to her and because we were all like in church in like singing so it's like I would see her so it's like how you doing but I don't have no words I was like no we're not gonna but the thing is you would not know like if you've seen her and my daughter today you wouldn't even know that it's not her child why you think she didn't tell you before that like waited till the child was five to actually popping in cuz no cuz she was somebody else was in the picture I don't know I don't know if is it what it went I don't know you know to this day we still hadn't sat down and had a conversation about why she didn't say anything it wasn't you know it was just like look I gotta take care of my child let's get on with life I was it was upsetting for the baby you know once she got older and we explained everything you know some things it brought them it was kinda vision what else could be on like I got a charlie or now you know you got 25 years from there so after that it was it was good I mean it's like you know that's one of them things that early it almost broke us up so head and we were just thinking on the road like what if she just said we're done none of this would be possible like wow we would leave now a lot of people a lot of people don't you don't seem like you should be doing all that in the church you were getting hit on David I wasn't getting at now I was young have a true commitment here around Turkey already no not like that it was like they was we was local famous then you know what we were singing locally but we all wasn't where we are now we wasn't is grounded it's like of course I was 18 20 year old doing what we don't have a perfect picture here you know even with our marriage we don't try to paint a perfect picture we have ups and downs just like everybody else but we just learned the worth room and we took divorce off the table early that is not an option for us now we took divorce like we took divorce off the table but it was somebody beating you upside the head run so are you saying that for everybody don't try to stay in something that you don't need to stay here and you're very clear about this because you also talk in the book about getting married and feeling like you know Tamela was pregnant and you felt like it was the thing to do but you're very clear on don't get married just because yeah exactly cuz I mean cuz whatever you know if you do that and the child grew up you gonna be left looks like looking and trying to figure out who each other who are you who are you only because a kid I didn't want to get married because we had a kid and we she was pregnant I said no I got married because I was in love with this woman and she was my best friend that's what we based and we built our relationship on was friendship right like we were we were really right of die I mean you don't understand she was at the hospital when my first child was born like she came what you doing tomorrow you don't have to go to work come to the hospital we just chill 21 hours she stayed at the hospital just chillin that's my friend yeah I kissed her one time and she got you fell in love and we got married but that's the woman you do before how all these new you and Tamela came but we were just we come up she was the reason that I was even able to see my child cuz me and the mother fell out because they didn't give me yeah and yeah we didn't get mad she we fell out and it was like you know Tim was like hey I'll get the child you'll be able to see your baby and everything because I I knew the baby mama I knew her actually before ad he hated you she it wound up she coming she didn't say she hated me but she said she knew that I was interested but she didn't want friends I mean he was my friend and I thought it was wrong you know I feel like it's the wrong thing to do for a woman to keep the father from the baby I mean if y'all have misunderstandings that's cool but it has nothing to do with the child yeah in the middle it was like I went actually she lived kind of a ways away I would drive go get her and say I'll keep the baby that's why I think she was trying to get me because I felt sorry for the baby because he wanted to be involved in his child's life and I mean the baby was too young to speak up for herself so it's like I help you know Billie relation we had a lot going on even when his mom it's like soda mom his mother could be with a grandbaby cuz she was like one of the first grandbaby so and it was a girl so of course you're gonna want to be with the baby out of fire boys but David had his time running around Tamela to do everyday anybody else but a little bit after we start day after we start talking through shame and we was free as man see okay well do you notice her tone change like when she get in the house I'm just I'm trying to say it without spilling all the beans Tamela was engaged before I didn't get caught like some people got you got caught I just think it cuz I'm agent Bellamy it didn't make me better I just you know don't be bitter because I didn't get cold so what happened you're feeling well and he came behind if you know well we were singing together right we were staying together the fiance had left and went away in the service right so he's not he shall remain nameless he was naming he went to the service so why he was gone we had really just started talking and we started dating and then he asked me to marry him I said you're not doing the interview so he asked me to marry you but we were singing we were singing together and it's like all the time we were spending together it's just like I start falling in love with David because of all the time and seeing that he liked all the things that I liked and by the guy being away we really didn't get to connect like that right so we start we had a connection and when you have other women that David was running around with no y'all not gonna let this pass y'all stay don't be for like I really wasn't jealous honestly but I was just I was just kind of around I was around and just hanging again as his friend so it really wasn't if you know you have that hope that maybe one day he'll stop being a hole well not just that but I was talked about David good in bed with them got you guys know that you know till later now you were engaged in a man then went to the military broke he came country and you breaking his heart he hate well he came back and they had some words man David a guy yeah you put them holy hands on him baby he was about to because he had been kind of saying a few little things like what he could do and I did my yoga it was he was a fighter yeah he will fight so but no so what happened when this happened you out this in the book y'all making me tell oh they'll read it to get the detail we were at church right so when the guy came to your church and then I showed up so I heard he was gonna be there so they was outside about to have words so they been going having the word they bacon for me to come and I saw them two talking I just turn around and went back inside you need to come the thing is he's the nicest guy but he he could be very vicious we don't pray to the Lord thank you thank God for deliverance like I'm ready for war right now this there is a thing to those yes the word against the world we're fighting against anything that will come against the family structure that's what else against the word the U is for all of us because I just feel like our families are in attack or being attacked but the thing is is we don't understand I don't think we really understand the power that we have when we unify yeah and I just want us to unify to save our family and I know y'all president keep talking about make America great again it's not going to happen until we start at home with the families until we just get husband and wife on the same page and get family pulled together it ain't gonna happen dude know one thing you guys had to deal with it was success right and with success which of course you you know didn't I have to struggle but at the same time raising your kids right and you tell a story about traveling oh yes someone's acting up in school so just talk about that you know part of the whole thing was success it's a bittersweet because something has to be sacrificed and for us it was our kids yes well we it's it's hard to say and you know admit but your kids get sacrificed because you're trying to make a better life then we didn't have and so my son just started acting up I just say hey dude if you keep on I might get through with the show be on a plane being home and time enough to come and get you and be back in home be back for the next show well he woke up that morning I was laying on the couch he didn't believe me I came home and this is how cool he was I prayed with him and say son what do you think should happen he says I think I need to be dealt with then I got back but he hit me right let me tell you how hard he hit me he said you can get off the stage and come home when I'm in trouble but you can't come home and just see me just for nothing when I tell you I was devastated because he was right but he didn't understand at the time that I had to work I had that we had to go get it you know and so now he kind of understand because he works with us and his kids when he get ready to leave so you got to go again so he kind of gets those situations back then they're like it was yeah it was hurt because my daughter T is here now when she was younger she was like well why y'all why you I have to work out of town and you know and her dad explained to her some parents worked downtown but we work out of town so it's thank and she didn't ever understand for kids of both parents yeah yeah and we were at a basketball game with her one time and she's dribbling down the court and people are trying to take pictures at the basketball game she stops in the middle of the game her dribble and really this is what y'all gonna do at my game y'all not here half the time now y'all gonna take pity we just sit like that was cold [Laughter] she got the same temporaries our daddy I can tell daddy's the sweetest guy you ever wanna meet you guys have made a lot of sacrifices for each other and you actually were mister mom yes time and some man's ego won't allow for that to happen long as the check was coming I was cool with it I want you meet mr. mom she was working and you were taking care of babies so doing Tyler Perry's she went out on the road boys yeah he called me he was like well I don't know if David you know hi he feels about you coming out by yourself and I talked to him and he was like it's cool so he left and he hid cuz normally between his mom and my niece kind of helped us with the kids while we were gone our family kind of kicked in but when he stayed and he said yes he was mr. mom when I tell you I will that's the hardest job ever but it's the best feeling in the world it is I love I don't get it where guys say I had to babysit my kid I was like oh now see now like with me I don't you know no offense to anybody I don't need a woman to help me take care of my kid I could change the dye I could throw a kid up and before they hit the floor change the diaper in the mid but I was like I was mr. mom from our first child I got fired but I was born in June when I got fired in November and I get another job like eight nine months of my wife used to go to work and I had to be home with my first daughter somewhat but the reason I love dad is cuz me her got such a mom yeah because at that time that's see I'm so oh yeah so you take oh yeah say I knew how to take care of the kids so I didn't bother me the problem but he tried but you wouldn't believe what I used to do before I started doing this I was a hair stylist I could do it but I couldn't get them looked wigs the little ponytails some one of my daughter's was boy like what was like you said as a kid I'm big on Tyler Perry and I was like I didn't know y'all was really married I boxed I played football cuz I we used to have my mom's powers full of like and then I started realizing the ladies are making more money than I'm doing so I stopped doing Gaza it's like the most I could make back in the day off of a guy was $25 the least I can make off of a woman was $35 like the math is wrong yeah yeah I'm gonna do ladies hair so that's why so you still got that skill you do you ain't know they would get him to relax me yeah I quit nice wood trim and she was like come on trim my hair they would kind of convince him every now and then but he was like I'm not I said yeah brick you're poly peptide bond that's when you break them to relax or sisters you know I don't know about this yeah between I don't know if Maria gonna die for me he has no idea well you got to see you got to see one you ever see the place oh okay yeah you don't you're gonna come see the place that's all let's say the next play you gotta come see I grew up over the place I'm just like you're like yeah and they redid it every day backstage was terrible but it's nice we talked about the pleasure yeah not really because I think because it's something that I always wanted in my spouse or the person that I was gonna be with so it's just really worked out because our goals are the faint and it's like I dry I mean he his drive has made all of us the family pick up our steps because of his Drive so it really it kind of work it just works for us it may not work for everybody else but it works for us especially when you guys can make each other better - exactly I'm gonna read a little passage from the book mm-hmm and I love this part right and you talk about Tam being ready he said she just needed an extra push that's what we've been for each other when I thought I was at the end of my creative rope Tim would pushed me to go back to the drawing board in fact countless times she pushed me to further my career and acting and I was so grateful but you said I see in Tim when she doesn't see herself and she sees in me what I don't see him myself Tamara's committed to doing plays because that was my passion but that wasn't her singing was her passion that's the truth and you were nervous about that I was scared no not nervous scared yeah I was skiing funny my true Texan I was I was afraid you know cuz music is like like you said just read it was my passion and I was comfortable in it and it's like but acting it's like I felt like I wasn't truly in my skin or you know the direction but with him directing me and giving me guidance and then with what the direction - I saw of Tyler and people constantly saying that you got it it's like you know eventually you'll start believing it if it's really something positive it could be where they could work negative or positive and even with we do in the book we did a CD to it and I haven't sang for like 15 years in the studio and so quite honestly I was terrified I mean I refused to do it other times because she's been trying to get me in the studio to sing forever and I was just like no I'm not doing that and it was because I was intimidated I was intimidated trying to sing with her I was like I'm I'm not gonna do this and for like two hours I talked my first two hours I literally talked myself out of doing the project and I went to the bathroom went in the back and had a little come-to-jesus meeting with myself and talked to me and we came and did the project and she was like my biggest cheerleader yeah she made me better she was like dear you got this you can do this you've been doing it so that's what that's how we wound up doing the project on this I think breaks from each other I don't need a break she does I'm too much for her I go get my hair done but that's kind of like that's my me time you know it's because cuz some I do need it and I tell any woman a night for me well I just need time just for myself I miss you part yeah you're a little much if you can't be much good I never need a break from you but you he doesn't but I knew even for my that's what I tell them you have to take a drive or something but I tell my daughters that our mothers you have to make sure that you're together in order to take care of your family no I didn't I didn't used to need a break from her but like in the last year and a half this menopause stuff is killing us but is it it was much for me I'm like this ain't me this not me but I think that's what causes a lot of marriages and I know we're not talking about that to break up like once you see people quit after 20 30 years menopause and if both spouses we talk about a little listenable not in tune with each other it really can cause a breakup because we go through this thing that really it's like it takes over our body that we can't control but it's beautiful dokas y'all really growing old together we we are but I'm just trying that's what I'm trying to encourage other people not to quit on each other that's what this book is about is function David you don't know what's gonna happen in the future I got some peels only one ever had to deal with anything like go there's ways sir their way so I've never heard anybody talk about menopause and how much that changes the dynamics of a relationship before so that's interesting no and you were saying as people grow old together and you that far in and you're like damn what happened that's true but it well you know I had what really we had a couple of friends of ours that have been married 30 years and then they call say we got a divorce 30 so it was like 32 times and I mean the last we talked to him they was doing fine but I did see kind of how the snappiness that you can get with with it it's like I can be happy and then all of a sudden be like wool you know it's just like it changes so I kind of understood I say I think that's what happened to them once we start noticing what was going on with our sexy I'm so in tune with her yeah they do research attitude it's like really it's a it's like a switch it's almost like you're dealing with two people really yeah because it's like I could be fine then all of a sudden I just feel real down all of a sudden and see I noticed that when she started like snapping at me cuz she never like yelled of snapping me I'm like wait a minute son what are you talking about where they're normal but after so long you might not make making the extra divorce so fast you know cuz my parents been together I don't even know 50 60 years they still they still rock and I've been with my wife 24 we married seventeen like congratulations oh we still work you know we you know we 30 you still working for our group I love my baby but you know why do you think couples divorce so fast I think they people just don't want the commitment and it's like you feel like you know like they when they say the grass is greener sometimes people just want something new and and you know we have a chapter in the book called the art of arguing sometimes we argue to make sure you understand my point and I want to get my point across and that's all I'm concerned about but that's not the way it should be it should be to get an understanding when we argue to get an understanding then we can move forward but if I'm trying to make sure cuz seem early in the marriage I I'm quick with my words and so I would just cut her up two feet of sharks and tear up and I said piers I would talk about a family the dog that she had enough but see I was doing that not realizing that I was tearing her down I was just you know the more I did that the more you know respect that she lost for me and then I once I realized that I was like wait a minute I'm killing her with my word I feel like when arguing with your wife you got to ask yourself do you want to be right do you want to be happy I'd rather be happy I don't care about being well if for me it would be right in the beginning but now it's like he's a totally different person and it's like me I was really quiet but like now you know with age and with the menopause I just be saying it so the roles don't switch I just say whatever else I do do you realize you're yelling and I'm not listening if you're yelling so we got to bring this way down I'll bring it down again oh you can't I'm not listening if you're gonna be doing all this screaming yeah that's one thing I learned early on for a relationship to be successful like with my boyfriend I think you have to know how to argue effectively argue but it's just knowing how to argue so that it doesn't spiral into something bigger and you don't keep things bottled up and get so mad you just go crazy you have to learn how to talk to each other you know the biggest issue that couples have when they argue we don't we don't stick with you that's the main thing like cuz you can you guys said we always have something story everybody got something stored away that you want to say you know i'ma just keep that until we get into this next one and when the argument come up BAM that is you remember win about two years ago and they say you can't use the words always and never in an argument like you always do this or you never do or you're supposed to say it makes me feel like this yeah and that way they understand you that's true think about that I do you you know I know no word for us I know no word like we announced a dose it up now is it just that just makes me feel some kind of way you tell me shut up right you that be like I but I do that it's like to me I call it the peacemaker there you go so it's like and I I feel like this is not I'm it's not my battle right now I don't want to fight this one so I'm just going I totally you can apologize and you just say I'm sorry but nothing can be resolved yeah so you got yeah you got to resolve the issues and I'm you know writing his book it made us go back you know even there was some stuff that we learned I learned about her that I didn't know I didn't know there's a song we have on the album called mason jar and it came from I didn't realize that she considered herself as a shadow chick shadow chick would be like some girls that you only want to talk to bill most at night or you go by the place at night well I felt that way because growing up I didn't have like boyfriends I didn't have middle school even like the the time even with people that I did kind of I liked but they didn't like me back would only come by like stop by and even she thought she was a boy well yeah you know but they only wanted to hang with me at nighttime and I felt like you know to me I was really letting down my standard then I didn't understand that I know that now but it's like they become by then and this song is talking about what would they do when they come back mm-hmm have relations okay not know but it's that so I felt like that I would am I gonna ever find anybody to love me for them for me and a love that I could cherish for the rest of my life in mason jars talking about that that I finally found a love that I can cherish and put like in a mason jar like you would to preserve I didn't know that I didn't notice she felt that way now it made me feel bad once we were hung out with me so it's like we would be out in the open but he wasn't like everybody else that's why you felt I don't know she hadn't even ever been on a date like an official date like out with a guy so our official date wasn't actually official date but it was this we went to the movies oh no let me tell you what this guy wanted to go on today we're different that was like we was just friends then okay but this other guy that took me big Rick big rig are you swallow when you said big Rick is a big Greek swallow David but he was just a friend of mine and we were just friends so she he wanted to take her to the movies you know what she did my car let's take David he's really nice he's funny but see that's cuz I was liking David but David didn't it wasn't like say it but there was a gesture maybe I'll pay for dinner I see why y'all gotten to the church [Laughter] like you don't understand how cool we were we were like we were really rotted our friends like we were that's why we wind up falling in love and that's why it's like cool like now it's like fun we gotta spend on money we don't have to go nowhere we just can just hang out and we lay in a bed just to laugh at this guy like she's a big girl but she's never sick you know why because I keep a laughing I told you how to stay strong I would say if you start on friendship but try to outdo each other doing for each other that's one thing that we do we that's that's like something we do all the time cuz she can never she would never be able to outdo me doing fur so if I could get up make him breakfast turn around you know if you want some I know I mean seriously knock at the door it was cuz I felt unappreciated that's what happens when I had worked I had no I had been to work I had left work went grocery shopping and by me getting home late the ceiling that's all things when she go grocery shopping so I came home from work put up the groceries and everything and I was like this is so late I'm just gonna make tuna and you know I just made a sandwich chips and I served him I took a to him he bit it he was like no mind your way but you got to understand I didn't eat tuna before this and she started making tuna and she made the greatest tuna ever with a little hit the relish was the key to her tuna so when I bit the sandwich I asked her did you put any relish in this and she lost it like went off you ungrateful she caught me I know because she brought it to me she was tired she took her time out and I wasn't grateful I could have just got up and when he got the relish myself well this started a big explosion so she's like I'm getting my keys and I'm leaving well you know everybody but it's cuz I was met I was tired I had worked I did and I had served him and then it's like I felt I'm grateful like I mean I felt like I wouldn't appreciate that so and I was just I was hot I was just mad I was tired I was frustrated whatever in the word you wanna put it in there I was there and so I she was gonna leave but I got a key so she wouldn't leave I wanted to be right I wanted to be the one to leave so I got my key I was gonna slam the door I had all pitch it out I you know slam the door get in my truck spin out and you know make it really look good and dramatic I just forgot that my truck starter was messed up so when I truck my truck I'm in there and I'm trying to be like super bad you slam the door I'm just I'm just rockin my she runs out and opens the door like get my keys and when she opens the doors she hit my foot and by that time the truck started I know it started and the door hit her I don't do no physical stuff at all so that little thing could have turned into like her getting hurt and when when that door hit her it just stopped everything I was like look go in the house now cuz we got a problem cuz this door didn't hit you she just looked at me like okay and just walked in the house but that could have I could have been bad what if she over we had to cool off I couldn't go to work cousin you know but I didn't know if my truck was gonna stop or what so I was just trying to prove that I was right man I was young it was dumb it was really dumb that was like a six year six years like around six years it was it was crazy guy needs you yes okay man we empty-nesters now we we go and come as we please I understand it's just we just just living the life living the dream I mean we just tell y'all that y'all can make it happy elf's 1520 you ended 24 years she up and coming up I said up and coming q well it's us against the world our secrets to love marriage and family it's out right enjoy job nation thank you make sure y'all pick up the CD you know you know the record is well a lot of secular music on there it's our big people people like look at us as the gospel people but it's it's just genuine love the producers yes yes how much you charge off the beats he didn't charge us nothing it was for him to hit the food [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 549,963
Rating: 4.9002013 out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, david mann, tamela mann, us against the world
Id: fyMZM_OK-Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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