Dave Ramsey Reads Mean Tweets From High School Students And Other Haters!

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now comes the segment show that is some of youse favorite and then he went include James and Kelly in the booth booster an associate producer they like when other people say mean things about me because I see mean things to them all the time so it's fair I guess but not really so yeah they collect these over several weeks and then I get to read them they're called mean tweets people say mean crap about me on the Internet and on the on the Twitter and account and James thinks it's funny so he collects them and then I get to read them and they're really kind of fall into two categories if you didn't know by the way great news aside from the mean tweets I just found out the meeting this morning we had our three millionth high school student graduate from Dave Ramsey's foundations and personal finance three million high school students have now been through that one in three high schools 34 percent of the high schools in America are teaching this curriculum consequently there are a lot of students sitting in class that are supposed to be studying but no they are tweeting about Dave I found this out the hard way years ago I this kid tweeted something and I just wrapped her man I went back at her I thought it was a full-grown woman and I thought you you test pilot for a broom Factory I'm getting after you you know and I and then I found that it's this fourteen-year-old kid man and I turned all my all my Twitter followers I mean seven or thousand people are pouncing on this poor kid and I had to go back on they're gay it's a kid it's a kid I found out later back off ever don't kill her I'm sorry I turned you loose on her oh so we have students mean tweets and then we have old people mean tweets I was going to say adults but I'm not sure based on some of these tweets that that's the case so talking about emotional intelligence anyway all right so John who is a teacher tweeted student just said in class you know Dave Ramsey wears the same thing in every video you'd think he could afford more than one shirt yes that's been said before hell Jake tweeted I will not let Dave Ramsey ruin my attitude for the rest of the good for you Jake Emily 20 tweeted I wish someone looked at me like Miss shoemaker looks at Dave Ramsey Oh teacher crash Rebecca I hate doing Dave Ramsey stuff in class I get it I'm 18 I'm poor Cameron says I'm tired of Dave Ramsey always telling me how to live my life well there you go Cameron it's been happening a long time baby flex there's a Twitter handle for you I'm little scared about what that might mean from a teenager Dave Ramsey root runs a get-rich-quick scheme thank you baby flex no gonna get rich slow scheme Emma said I'd like to thank Dave Ramsey not only for his shameless sexism but also for his ignorance of white privilege and socio-economic disparity this from a kid that's a teenager with an iPhone in her head yeah which makes you tech um expert on socio-economic disparity okay quasis hate you dave ramsey but i love you at the same time homeboy okay you got it quite Caitlyn says what high school student wants to watch Dave Ramsey the rest the week at school Taylor says watching a Dave Ramsey video and to be honest it was scarier than a church service yeah I don't know where you're going to church do but that's scary all right other mean tweets from old people not students Mike mission accomplished Dave Ramsey blocked me which means I don't have to read his pulp on entitlements when you guys retweeted cool that's good well it would have been easy easier to just not follow me in the first place doofus Oh Lord Travis says I hope Dave Ramsey burns in the deepest and darkest circle of hell well there you go how kind of warming up right now Steve set learning about Dave Ramsey is kind of terrifying it's almost literally a religion based on wealth no it's a Christian who reads the Bible Ames as Dave Ramsey is the most annoying little bald man I've ever seen in my whole life little usually isn't something that people throw at me they usually say big but anyways that's not good annoying you I get that one Caleb says I feel like Dave Ramsey just opens his closet and it's nothing but blue dress shirts brown belts and jeans and maybe head polish that's what my wife was saying this morning she said you need class she didn't say anything about the head polish though okay that's funny uh Shelby said jarrod and I listened to Dave Ramsey the hallway to Arizona and we are pretty much now seventy years old yeah it is you like like going blight speed you know great grant Dave Ramsey is like a bald Colonel Sanders with a country accent Sanders had a country accent okay yeah uh Leanna said Dave Ramsey has all the money in the world but he's still wearing a blue cotton cotton button-up from Walmart some Wrangler jeans and Crocs well clothes you know it didn't come from Walmart and I don't want my Crocs in awhile but I could get them back out I guess and Sierra says Dave Ramsey you're a savage oh yes no doubt there's your main tweet segment for the Dave Ramsey show James's week is now made he feels much better he feels justified now and he will continue to collect your craziness right before I block you yes so it's so tickles me so much to Twitter is such a dumb thing because you know it's like it's a voluntary thing you select who you want to follow and you know like I don't want to follow some left-wing nut you know and so I don't follow left wing nuts I don't follow right wing nuts for that matter um but I mean I follow people that I want to know what they say I don't follow people that when they say what I know they're going to say it pisses me off I don't get it that you people want to use masochistic your Twitter masochist yeah that's what it is you you want to bring pain into your own life because it somehow gives you I don't fulfillment or something I know it's weird but anyway it's a it's it's voluntary just don't follow and some but you know so I just block the crap out of people they unless they start this stuff the you know cussing like crazy I just block them I'm not reading that trash or just ripping me to shreds for no apparent reason oh wow why do I want to read I'm gonna read that I just block what I'm not gonna let you follow me there you go just like that hey guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video click the subscribe button to get the latest content and check out these other great clips from the show you can do this you know that really is a message whether you've got two hundred seventy thousand dollars in student loan debt or 27 thousand well you've got a fifty thousand dollar income or $500,000 income you
Channel: The Dave Ramsey Show
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Keywords: dave ramsey reads mean tweets from high school students and other haters!, ramsey, the dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show, clip, mean, dave, tweets, reads, dave ramsey, dave ramsey financial peace university, dave ramsey baby steps, dave ramsey budgeting, show, funny, celebrities read mean tweets, dave ramsey live, ramsey solutions, mean tweets
Id: IK1Rz5aPiiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2016
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