Dave Ramsey on The Babylon Bee Podcast

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and now it's time for another interview on The Babylon B podcast Welcome to The Babylon B interview show we're here with our editor-in-chief Kyle Mann uh and our special guest Dave Ramsey Dave thank you so much for having us we're so happy to be here well we're I'm honored to be I'm on the beat it happened I've been on the bee a couple of times and some of them are funny and some of them but uh yeah you guys are pretty nice to me you've been you've been pretty kind to me there's a post to some of my friends who you're just completely trash but yeah we know you usually don't get this kind of exposure so we just want you to feel comfortable and uh you know don't feel too nervous speaking to our large podcast audience I'll I'll try to just yeah all right so breathe yes take a breath and it's gonna be all right um so we wanted to start out by asking you a few questions all right um You Say It's never okay to use a credit card but we have some scenarios that we think we can get you to say yes in that situation it would be okay 32 years people have been trying this on okay well yeah but Dave [Music] hey guys we at The Babylon B know two things how to tell a joke and what it's like to be censored and we're all out of jokes that's why we love telling you about Alliance defending Freedom a Christian legal Ministry that is fighting for your first amendment freedoms and god-given rights and courts and legislatures Nationwide while other groups may talk a lot about defending our freedoms ADF walks the walk They just won their 15th Supreme Court victory in the last 12 years that's over one a year with government officials and big Tech sensors ready and willing to silence you ADF is needed now as much as ever they defend their clients in court free of charge but that's only possible because of generous people like you your gift of 19 a month to ADF will help protect your right to live and speak the truth go to adflegal.org donate to start your gift today and make Freedom a part of your monthly budget now we know that's Dave Ramsey approved this has not actually been approved by Dave Ramsey it's about Dave's check okay so the first one is um the new Zelda game just came out for the Nintendo switch and you won't have the cash to buy it for six more days that's such a I don't know what a Nintendo switch is and I don't know what Zelda is so I'm thinking no so that's not it's not all right apparently it's not a necessity or I would know what it is okay I may be more compelling all right okay your pet ferret just broke his tail the veterinarian says you have to pay six thousand dollars for the splint otherwise your pet ferret dies you don't have any money can you put that on a credit card that's so sad for that ferret the parrot's gonna die he's gonna let the parents is he gonna let the Pharaoh die this is ferret yeah I'm sad um sort of sad but yeah it's awful all right well that didn't that one didn't work he'd let the ferret die um all right so Jesus himself appears to you in a vision we're gonna play the Jesus card okay and he says you know what Dave it's all right you can use a credit card just this one time yeah I would worry if that was last night's pizza or actually yeah because I'm one of those old-fashioned Christians that believes he's never inconsistent with his word and so I would think it's just a bad burrito you know I've had I've had a lot of things God told me until I found out later it was last night's pizza and yeah and stupid butt stuff I've done and blamed God on it and then it wasn't his fault and yeah so I wouldn't do that one either an imposter this is good he's consistent so far but I've got a real kicker for him okay you just keep pushing the edge here you're sick and tired of being sick and tired you're at Rock Bottom no money left can you use a credit card for a one-year subscription to Financial Peace University [Laughter] it's been tried before the problem is we don't take credit cards ah so yeah we only take debit cards and you know uh other methodologies of collecting cash but you know we don't do it that's that was a big thing you know when we started it was like people when they we for a long time wouldn't take even a debit card because everybody was accusing us of being Hypocrites you know and uh they're looking for a reason to be pissed off at us so they don't have to do our stuff because it's hard you know and that that's part of part of the lean in on it but I got too serious sorry no it's all good man um just don't be nervous all right be comfortable all right I'll try so um you fall asleep on the couch you know maybe you had a nice cigar and you're relaxing and you fall asleep on the couch and the TV's on you then wake up at three in the morning and there's a guy on TV that's telling you about this great new product that slices and dices and chops up you know vegetables Meats whatever you want um and it's only it's only 36 easy payments of 19.99 of course yeah is that sham wow for sure yeah would that be an exception to the that absolutely sounds like a nightmare yeah now what about this this one should be compelling to you okay getting a credit card to stay one step ahead of the payments that are due from the other credit card companies that you owe credit card debt to yeah that sounds sustainable doesn't it sarcastically ah we're not doing good here guys we're gonna have to we're all for six or seven yeah we really need to to kick it up a notch here well it's just the problem is I'm a hard head so I'm stuck on it my preacher said told me one time he said you know Ramsey you just say the same thing over and over and over again I said so do you [Laughter] it's not a bad thing for a preacher yeah not a bad thing for me it's working out all for you either you know and you don't have a credit card no no two debit cards in my pocket uh and two other pieces of plastic would be my handgun carry permit and my driver's license that's it and a whole bunch of uh redneck um emergency fund which is called um Benjamin Franklin's out there accepted almost everywhere oh yeah almost pretty crazy no nowadays I go to these places and it's no cash you know yeah because they're trying to keep their employees from stealing yeah yeah so they've gone to full digital yeah it's it's a thing it's a thing it's been it's been an interesting when we started all this there weren't debit cards we're telling people cut up their credit cards and there was no way to do the stuff that credit cards now debit card does everything credit card does so yeah you really got no stupid excuse except I don't really just want to do it you know that's the only excuse you got nowadays but um back in those days we had to talk people into really being extremely weird so but we did we did it a little bit back in those days but it's a lot easier to do it with a debit card absolutely when's the last time you used a credit card uh well I haven't had one since I went bankrupt because right after they wouldn't give me one to start with back in those days and so I was 28 so it's over 30 years I'm 30 I'm 60 getting ready to be 63 so whatever that is yeah so if you touched one your hand would like shrivel up yeah a lot of hissing and your head's spinning around you hear Charlton Heston in the background no no I I you know uh and we have a lot of fun stories with it like you know we have friends and family that don't do a thing I say and so you know we're out to eat and they're like I'm paying with a credit card I'm like you're paying so you do whatever you want so but yeah it just comes up for you just call them so you just call them stupid right yes right you're just stupid buy my meal yeah well you caught a lot of people stupid in your life you're probably the person who's called more people stupid than anybody else you know and I get accused of that but I think most of the time maybe not every time but most of the time I'm calling what they're doing that is stupid you know you bought that car that was really stupid I don't say you're really stupid very often I might have done it because sometimes I get wired up or caffeine up or whatever but um but yeah I uh uh but I've been stupid and everybody knows that I don't I'm not afraid to share I've been stupid with zeros on the end so anything anybody's done that's dumb I've probably done it Dumber but uh but it doesn't mean you have to just because you've done stupid doesn't mean you have to stay in it and be stupid but yeah it's a little um harsh for um some people's taste so that's where the haterade comes out in the middle of a radio show call when someone calls in triple eight eight two five five two two five I've got in my head because I've listened to so much thank you when someone opens up you guys are real suck up you know yeah that's pretty strong right there that's strong game yeah when someone calls in how do you make that Split Second decision is it based on their attitude or their word choice as to whether you're going to give them tough love or gentle encouragement again if I'm doing it right and if the Ramsey personality sitting beside me is doing it right this is how they're trained too uh we're not fatigued before we sit down with the microphone because it's live and we're not caffeinated uh to where we we're eating and so trying to kill somebody and but what we're listening for is um you know if someone's earnestly asking a question and they do not have the background of where we're coming from then to pounce on them would be not only rude but also ineffective from a persuasion standpoint because you just push them back rather than given the reason so you'll hear us you know we'll start unpacking and teaching and trying to pull that new person in but the guy that calls up and he goes you know I've listened to you for eight years I love your stuff I've been to been through Financial Peace University four times at least a car last week and I refused to pay off my student loan debt because Biden's going to pay it off well expect that guy to get his head taken off I mean because you just walked into the Tiger's cage and threw meat I mean but that's you know I don't know whether he's nervous on the air or whether he really did all this stuff or whatever and then the third one is the uh the question that's asked that's not really a question it's a passive aggressive statement you know like Dave you really don't think that getting all the points on the credit cards makes it worth keeping them that's not a question that's a statement equatement yeah exactly there you go well what about I mean this was something that came to mind because I've heard you say it I've been doing this since you were in diapers if someone calls in with attitude you give that to them but you have been in the game for a little while now we wanted to ask you've moved from Radio Show to now having a master I want to hear your day of impression a little more yeah that's pretty good wow how much did you have no your accent that you were just doing with that the diapers you got to do a micro impression to leave them one and more so I just give them wow you're really chickening out here man I'm a little disappointed do you like the impression I think it's fabulous he thinks it's fabulous I thought it was fabulous too I wanted to hear more okay who is the impression of again I'll give a little more in asking my actual questions so here's my actual question what has been the biggest change since you got into the financial advising world uh uh what the smartphone has done to our culture because we now have an entire we have two generations calling the show listening to the show that have grown up with the entirety of the world's knowledge in their Palm it's a magic wand they can push a button and stuff shows up at their desk and push a button and they have the answer to any question they can push a button and so there is a um it's a wonderful thing because they're so uh that those two generations are so empowered and they're so uh confident but the the downside of it is is they feel like they're knowledgeable about things when they don't have the wisdom you know not necessarily the whole generation but the person you know and so someone will call in with that and you know they're 23 and you know they've got maybe they're maybe they're dead for you maybe they got 500 000 or say which would be freaking incredible for 23. I wish I'd done that was 23 you know but uh but but then they start lecturing me you know and I got a few more zeros on the end of my age and on the end of my net worth and my income compared to that little guy and so we're not going to get lectured I'll celebrate with you that you're successful for your point but you know that doesn't mean you've got it all figured out how all this stuff we teach is wrong so we're not going to do that and that and yeah that that'll get you in hot water because it's great radio number one it's compelling it's fun to listen to that uh we don't trash people just for that but if you walk into it it makes it but the other thing is I can't if I went oh yeah you're right you know after 30 years I'm completely wrong I guess we should just turn off these microphones and go home because what are we gonna do tomorrow pack it up everybody all this thing was a whole sham you know no yes I can't I can't really you know if I was in person just me and him sitting and talking I could be a lot nicer and let him wander off into his delusion right but he walked in front of 25 million people I've got to correct it any limit options so yeah that'll get you in trouble yeah how much uh Bitcoin do you have uh Dogecoin any of those you know I had that that was exactly those two lean on each other I had a young man call uh yesterday on the show and he was uh 23 and he had um hit 150 000 save 30 000 of it in in crypto and he had a car payment um and he was making like a 220 000 a year in the early twenties and he said you know I listen to you all the time I do all your stuff and I said no you don't you can get three thousand dollars in crypto not listening to me I said are you gonna ask are you gonna do this thing you asked me a question you're gonna do this thing that I tell you to do when you didn't do that other thing I told you to do so you know are you willing he's like okay you got me all right I'll sell the crypto now what do you want me to do so but yeah no I don't have any crypto no he's he's so consistent and we keep trying to get him with gotcha questions but he won't bust out a credit card oh Kyle um I don't have my wallet on me and I don't have my hotel Key and I need to Jimmy the hotel door open uh Dave I know you said you don't have your wallet I got something Dave do you have a I got something I could uh okay well I was gonna ask I was gonna ask Dave do you I gotta cover this number I was gonna ask Dave do you have a credit card that I could have for a moment all right I got you covered you got me okay my wife still says after 30 years we'll be out somewhere hand me the credit card and I always correct her honey it's a debit card yeah I can't get her to quit saying it but she doesn't she hadn't had one in 30 years but she still calls it that do you have any gold or precious metals buried in various locations I have a really cool gold watch that the gold is probably worth more than the stupid Wad and I wish I could get rid of it but I've thought about selling it just for the Meltdown because it it's like it's like shoot it like weighs eight pounds and I never wear it because it's super gaudy but I bought it in a moment when I was thought I was celebrating and it was Dumb and it was a really dumb purchase but that's the gold I got I got some cufflinks there gold too okay yeah so no you're not a precious metals guy you're not like a Ron Paul no no ronzo he's a pressure oh yeah he's all about that he's got gold buried everywhere we tried to get him to tell us where it was buried and he went well he's in Kentucky so we know where it is yeah okay general area yeah we were trying to give him a hint like you know the old oak tree by the oh my gosh well we've got a headline here for you okay Kyle wrote it uh probably not autobiographical family does modified version of Dave Ramsey plan where they just never budget and spend way too much money your thoughts sounds like a Babylon B really it is right there I did perfect yeah and it happens like every day yeah we call them ish and you know if you do a little gravity-ish it hurts when you hit the ground so you're not into the modified modified Ramsay I I I mean I know yeah I'm into helping anybody that wants some help but when you the stuff we teach we didn't invent it comes from scripture it comes from your grandma and grandpa it's called common sense and you can do modified common sense and you'll get modified results I mean so yeah it's sorry it's uh you gotta go full Ramsay I'm I'm you know and it's working out for me you know I've been doing it for a long time after I went broke I said I don't really care what other people think and I'm doing this and I was a baby Christian and just learning what the Bible says about anything and um well Jesus this is his he loves me and he says this is what to do this is what I'm doing and some people aren't gonna like that you know when you're broke you don't care what people like you just I just went broke and your opinion I'm not trying to impress anybody at that point and that's kind of stuck around for about 30 years now so working out for me the Tuttle twins have distributed over 4 million copies of their Pro Liberty children's book series to young families schools libraries and homeschoolers across the country the these books teach children about the principles of Liberty entrepreneurship and real American history their goal is to raise ten thousand dollars to distribute more copies they cost roughly ten dollars to distribute just one copy of their books to a young student please support the Tuttle twins by making a donation of ten dollars fifty dollars a hundred dollars or even more by visiting tuttletwins.com forward slash Ramsay your gift will Empower a future generation of students to fight for our values and give young people an alternative to all the socialism that they're taught in classrooms again please visit tuttletwins.com forward slash Ramsay to make a donation and help the total twins reach their urgent goal I I joke about doing keto plus the idea of Keto is no carbs and then your body learns to burn fat instead of carbs you have to eat a high fat diet if you do modified keto plus if you do modified keto you eat high fat and some carbs you end up completely destroys the whole concept yeah yeah neutral that's just the whole the whole idea we'll all share it was it was a jolt when my wife and I heard one of your Famous Dave rants it was the title of the thumbnail I could still remember it was stop the ish and you just said stop doing Dave ramsey-ish and what happened was we were a couple years into doing Dave ramsey-ish that turned a corner for us and it was over the course of five years total that we paid down 126 Grand in students remember this came here in October with John deloney and Dr John deloney and Ken to do our debt free scream and it was it was that that caused us to turn B doing a dead free screaming we did your fall system we didn't do a thing wrong we did the ever dollar app didn't we we followed every jot and Tittle of your book and then that's when it worked and when it was Ish you were Treading Water you don't really look like you just eat rice and beans honestly it was the keto plus no that's how I kept my girlish figure rice and beans rice and beans no I'm kidding we and we didn't do it perfect but it moved Nobody Does it perfect nobody does anything perfect that was what that was what really helped us and it was student debt it was like 60 Grand from my Master's Degree 60 Grand from our undergrad we got in the hole but we dug out well you guys get a lot of mileage out of people in our in cultural weirdos that are um uh you know that they refuse to submit themselves to anything and you know I part of part of getting the best out of life is learning you know choosing carefully with wisdom what to submit to what what's going to be your boss because something's going to be your boss um you know somebody's gonna tell you what to do somewhere somehow something the marketplace is going to scream at you that you're stupid if you do something if we do something stupid at Ramsay they go you suck you know and so that item is not profitable and that's the marketplace having a conversation with you right you know so yeah that you know but you guys you you know submitting is a it's a it's a weird thing and you know High you know hire a personal trainer and he's got a six-pack and I got a keg and and I want to argue with him about his nutrition plan that's just it's so counterproductive you know well it's kind of you know that is the American philosophy and a lot of it based on Classical liberalism that we have this individualism you know that we can go do what we want and I mean is there is there anything to that or is is it just what's the Christian perspective on that because that's Liberty but yeah the individualism um it depends on you know what you're going to be I want to be independent good okay independent of what you know because you're going to be dependent on something and uh but but you know our struggle we've talked about this on the air last couple days a little bit I struggle with that phrase Financial Independence because you you know you never really get independent as a matter of fact the more stuff you own the more repairman you have to know so you know it's like there's never there's more an increased dependence the more technology I have the more dependent I am on somebody knows how to work it because I don't and so um you don't get away uh I mean hermit is a mental illness so you know being completely into independent is ludicrous and not it's not good spiritual mental health either one and and so if you're looking for to get enough money to not have to deal with people that's that's not a good motivation for that because uh the problem with wealth is it'll make you more of what you already are so if you're a lover of people and you want to help people and you want to you know be generous and you get wealth and that's expanded if you're a jerk and you're angry and you get wealthy that's expanded you're a big jerk and so um and we see that all the time and uh that's where sometimes the rich get a bad name it's because somebody that's a jerk gets money and it just magnified the fact that they were a jerk the money didn't make them a jerk they're already a jerk the money exposed it and so this Independence thing is tied into that so I don't really want to be financially independent I want to have wealth that I'm managing as a Christian for God's glory and for and that includes taking care of my family and changing my family tree that includes lifting other people that are struggling and hurting uh includes all of those things but I can't do any of that without wealth and so that's wealth's just a tool at that point but you're not independent you don't get I mean move to Costa Rica and hide in a cave I mean what are you doing where are you going I mean that's a that's a positive vision of wealth and it's the opposite of what you hear in popular culture y'all did the biggest study ever of millionaires I remember the prior one was you know 750 which was statistically significant but you said we're going to 10 exit and then you went a little further and you did over ten thousand and what you determined was the popular understanding which is that most wealth is inherited was totally incorrect why does that narrative why does that myth about wealth continue to prevail um communist college professor run the Babylon bewitch yeah I mean it's it's Marxism uh at its core is at the it's it's an underlying uh turbulence that causes a wealth inequality discussion and and it causes a uh and it causes a you know a universal wage discussion and all these kinds of things uh like I need a certain amount of level of stipend so I can only play Zelda that was the name of the game yeah Good callback a call back and so uh but yeah I need I need that and no you need to get a job and be like a productive part of the culture and stuff you know like help people and things serve somebody you got to serve somebody dude and so yeah that that uh that's I think that's where it comes from and so the way you defeat it is you say you know the reason someone's concerned about for instance wealth inequality is they feel like it's not fair which translated means I don't think I can and so it's a hopelessness and Proverbs says hope deferred makes the heart sick it's a sickness of heart and so and and so then it Tran you know it twists and it turns and it becomes an activist or it twists and it turns and it becomes an anarchy movement or something like that and and all of that is based on you know I guess if you're using liberal terms disenfranchised but but really what it is is heart illness sickness of heart a hopelessness this is sad it's sad and so what we're talking about with this stuff is not just to put those hope Stealers uh straw man arguments aside and just defeat them with sound data and with reason but uh but also to the reason for doing that is not just to have an argument or win a debate it's because they can't steal people's hope we gotta give them hope we gotta say you can do this in America today as a matter of fact right now at this moment because of that smartphone because of the way technology works you can just decide you're in business and you know in the next 20 minutes you've got an ebay store in the next 20 minutes you're selling stuff on your Instagram page in the next 20 minutes you're buying stuff at a garage sale and we talked to a kid yesterday in Phoenix who's 20 years old made 120 000 last year he goes and picks up people's used furniture off the curb that they've thrown out refurbishes it and sells it sells it and puts it on a Facebook Marketplace and sells it made a hundred twenty thousand bucks and 20 years old and you know and tell me there's a coupon to job you know flower beds but we'll have to flower bed that yeah we'll be bleeped out so I mean that tends to be an empowering message and it's it's from Proverbs that diligence wealth tends to follow diligence did you find that in your massive study of millionaires look at me being a suck up again did you find that in y'all's massive study of millionaires let me interject I want it also so you're saying communism is bad just to be clear but you know Dave Ramsey comes out again it's not it's not I'm not an ideal political I'm just a uh it's not even a political thing of me it's just an observation sure you can't find anywhere in history that the little man got ahead with it and I started with nothing and then I went bankrupt because I was stupid so I've done it twice that's how good America is I mean and you know you can't that that doesn't happen in Russia and that doesn't happen in China that doesn't happen in socialist uh uh you know Sweden you know you're stuck in the in the Old Country you're stuck in the feudal system and uh here you can just dream something up and in one generation your Mr Facebook oh my gosh and that was my question in your study of millionaires were a lot of the millionaires first generation millionaires 79 we studied 10 167 million or 79 received exactly nothing as an inheritance five percent received a small amount like granny left on five grand which mathematically does not make you a millionaire and another five percent received substantial money like 250 000 after they were already millionaires so they didn't so you know 79 5 and 5 is 89 9 out of 10 millionaires in America did not become millionaires because of inherited wealth statistically and and that's a that's a airtight research solid data to the point that if you don't agree with that you're what's known as wrong okay that's that's how that works so it's it's not I didn't make this up and there's no confirmation bias there's no anything going on we had outside research firm study our methodology because we knew we were going to be critiqued and argued with and the whiny lefties would go doing that and it was just we knew that was coming and it has come entire pages are dedicated to hating on me for this stuff but yeah we were able to extract some of the main stuff we wanted to extract for the Babylon B there's one big thing we'd like you to do what's that would you be so kind just to look into that camera which camera that camera this this camera yes camera this camera which one you want me to look at guys the The Producers would you be so kind as to say subscribe to The Babylon B absolutely hey we're huge Babylon bee fans we were fans of the B before the B was cool you should subscribe to The Babylon B that's all we came here for well there's another headline we'd like to share with you all right yeah Biden official calls Dave Ramsey's radio show for advice on paying off 31 trillion dollar debt that was actually one of y'all's releases wasn't it yeah did it do well did it get up these are all Babylon oh okay they're not real if I don't happen to open Instagram which is where I'll pick you guys up because I got off Twitter it's just full of trolls but it's called x-manage oh oh I'm sorry sorry about that Elon but the um it sucks but I got off of it and so I we're on it but I'm not I don't open the thing because it's just I hate Dave's stuff on there so uh uh but the uh uh if I when if I don't open up my social media fast enough to see you guys and you guys feature me on something six of my friends will go you're famous you're on the B Dave they nailed you it's like all these old boomers are calling me all day long ago because and they're just worshiping you guys it's so fun I love it thank you I like the idea that we can just make this whole day insane your phone's getting blown up he's on the air and silencing it so uh if so Biden if Biden calls in or let's say an anonymous caller calls in he sounds like an old guy and he said having trouble stringing a sentence yeah yeah he said something like hey man I got this 31 trillion in debt and I don't know what to do and it's an ice cream yeah I don't know what do I do today what's what's your advice wow that is just truly satire um yeah if you want to get serious about it I don't know I mean I I don't know if there's any party or person that has enough political Capital to I mean if you think about it in to cause people to embrace the level of pain that they're gonna have to do to straighten that out because a lot of people are going to hear a word they haven't heard in years it's an ancient word no and when you start telling people no in America today they get really angry tell them that they have to sacrifice to win tell them they have to pay a price that you know that no discipline seems Pleasant at the time but it yields a harvest of righteousness you know if you start telling people stuff like that live like no one else later you should come here I changed it and I call it live like no one else so later you can live like no one else but yeah that's how you would do it but I mean you know what that would involve is the number of uh things that you know my grandmother gets something and you just took that away and uh man you would be the most unpopular I don't know if anybody's got the political capital or the backbone to absorb that much hate because it's not just cutting it's also increasing revenues the incoming revenues and that's not a tax hike necessarily as art Laffer has taught us sometimes a tax cut creates more Revenue but some body doesn't some people don't like that because they call it Reaganomics that was it's not it's it's laughernomics he was Reagan's guy that wrote that but yeah trickle down came from our Laffer we'll call it ramsianomics yeah if we're going to spread the hate around let's do it um did you see the Barbie movie this week you know I missed that one you missed it what about Oppenheimer I'm gonna go see that one I hear to see it in 3D okay and I uh the one I did go see is a cavizel movie oh you saw something yeah well it's just dark and I I'm redneck and so I was just angry I was just like all of these people that harm little children I don't have good Christian thoughts about what should happen to them and so yeah um yeah it's bad I've got a lot of friends that do ministry and sex trafficking and and you know clean up that mess and um on several sides over the legal front or the door kicking side and get the kids out all this stuff and it's it's a brutal mess and for someone to come out and act like it's a made-up thing is just it's a q Anon adjacent conspiracy now I saw that that just when it's like based on a true story I mean I just added yeah I don't know if there's a narrative Liberties or whatever well it's a singular I mean it's a singular event was their point and it doesn't really happen and of course it happens it happens millions and millions and millions of millions it's really scary as a father of four young children I'm skipping it for now doesn't seem like a good date night flick for my wife and I no you would be you'd be like it's like you feel weird eating popcorn at a movie like that you know like same thing with Passion of the Christ which is also Jim also Jim cavieza two movies some serious downers yeah yeah what about Mission Impossible did you see it uh no but I saw the stunt the the the the cruise what a superhuman being unbelievable like uh talk about someone with an entrepreneurial bone as well as the acting chops of course he just got chops man I mean it's just unbelievable um I've never met him but I mean that just that jump and I'm and and I do some x-game stuff but nothing like that that's just bizarre stuff I mean I've done parachuting but but not hey jeez yeah it's wild and I'll go see it because of that thing because I watched that you know that YouTube thing was going around about the making of it it's pretty pretty cool it was pretty cool do you golf uh I'm just learning is it ball or no I go out there do you ball golf or disc golf yeah I started about five years ago so I suck I'm pretty much here I play with people that are good I played with some guys the other day they're real good my struggle with ball golf is that you have to uh you have to have a basic level of competence to have fun um yeah like if you're if you're just going on you know it's just not fun well or you know when I started I just I knew how I get to down the rabbit hole OCD serious about stuff and like I can't stand not doing something well I knew and I knew if we're going to start I was almost 60 years old before I started playing right so my wife and I are learning to play together we're taking lessons my my motto is the secret to happiness is low expectations and so we're just gonna go out here it's a pretty place I'm with my wife we're spending time together we lose 63 balls I can afford it my struggle with disc golf is that I'm a born-again Christian so they always pat you down to make sure you have your regulation bong or pipe and I never do yeah that's great I didn't know that was required nobody told me that part disc golf yeah that's you can get disqualified if you uh pass a director all right well we're getting close towards the end here but uh I guess we got a few more questions uh you can go back in time 10 years and talk to 20 year old Dave Ramsey you can say well look one sentence to yourself one tweet length this is gonna be harder than you think that's what you're saying this is going to be harder than you think I always thought it was going to just happen and I'm still waiting on it to just happen it's the way to arrive huh yeah when you when you arrive let me know but uh yeah it's still scratching and clawing still fighting and still pulling every single item it seems like everything we do is in ones I wish occasionally something was just hockey stick but you know you do that 30 years you're an overnight success but it is a lot of work well that's interesting because it is that is how people think of things that you arrive you know and we've talked to people that are you know successful Hollywood directors and stuff like when did you arrive and they're like I have like I'm still well the thing again I've talked to a lot of interviews like you have a lot of uh people that are very successful and all kinds of different things whether it's Ministry or whether it's satire Church yeah or or uh you know what and I say this all the time but it's old news but the the gleaming mountain of success is really a pilot failures this pile of garbage it's all the dumb stuff you did and you're standing on it instead of laying under it that's the only difference and so you know just don't don't don't do stuff that that's big enough that it takes you out like when I file bankruptcy it took me out I had to start completely over because I did stupid so big that I couldn't recover from it do little stupid little stupid little stupid not a big stupid thing there's the secret to success it's a little stupid I'm looking over your shoulder at a book by Rachel Cruz know yourself know your money you have three children we wanted to ask a parenting question okay did you have any pictures or videos of them taking their first steps their first baby steps [Laughter] it was funny in his head actually we do uh yeah but not their financial baby steps so you don't ever ask the IT department to take a peek at their every dollar accounts make sure they're up to stuff no no one thing is if you raise them and release them they should just stay gone and so I don't need to I don't need to manage their lives they need to manage their lives no Boomerang children yeah we haven't any Boomerang children hey you you uh co-authored a book with your daughter Rachel Cruz smart money smart kids that was her first number one yeah does that mean she's your favorite [Laughter] can you give us a ranked list do you want to rank them out yeah Rachel Rachel is the most like me and so she and I argue the most um and sometimes on the air to the great joy of our audience and good radio but yeah she sits on her operating board too and we really we have some arguments in there from time to time the whole operating board does this how we process stuff we're Hillbillies we fight so but the uh uh but she's yeah she'll lead the charge on that where my oldest daughter is more like her mom she's chill and she's a big Ministry heart very kind she runs our foundation all of the giving and so she's the sweet one um in that regard Rachel's sweet too but um and then Daniel's um is our president of the company and so he's um you know I run the day-to-day Ops around here so he's very entrepreneurial but they're very obviously like anybody's got kids or three different kids and they're three wonderful kids and and they turned out and they all three married well and they're great spouses thank God I think it's I think it's sweet that they all landed here it's you know none of them had a uh it's not my dream Dad it's yours well I mean they have the ability to do that Denise did it first Denise worked for a Ministry called Mercy Ministries with Nancy Alcorn and when she came out of college and uh when we started the Family Foundation we said hey we're gonna bring in somebody to be a director and we got to learn how to do this because I don't know how to do it and we gotta you know and do you want to come in and learn how to be the director and I'll learn with you and we'll do this and she said no I don't think God's called me to do that so got my own thing over here I'm and then about two years later uh I was still limping along with that thing and she said um I feel like I feel like my season's changed and I'm good so she ended up coming in but At first she stiff armed us which is fine she's allowed to do that we told them don't come to work here unless God calls you because it's a pain in the butt away with family none of them none of them went off and worked at American Express or anything we don't have any Heretics not working at a Bank of America well we uh we conclude each of our interviews with the same 10 questions the 10 questions [Music] hey everyone today we spoke with Dave Ramsey and the Ramsay show talks a lot about budget and giving every dollar a name before the month begins so you know what it's doing instead of wondering where it went unfortunately when you shop businesses pushing woke Progressive agendas those hard-earned dollars are helping fund the very policies that you fundamentally stand against policies that further divide Americans while eroding the future of the American economy so what is the answer well the answer starts with you and your wallet imagine a world where every single dollar you spend could go towards patriotic companies that share your values for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness with Public Square you can Public Square is a free app and website that connects freedom-loving Americans to a Nationwide platform with the largest gathering of patriotic consumers businesses and services our country has ever seen so take even more control of your money by putting purpose behind every dollar that you spend download the Public Square app today it's available from the Apple app store Google Play or visit publicsq.com that's publicsq.com again that's publicsq.com and the first one is have you ever met Carmen no but I'm of the uh age of Christian you're talking about Christian Carmen right that I was I followed all of it back in the day and uh most of your audience don't even know who that is probably probably and most of our guests most of our guests too absolutely no I I was a fan at one point but I and I don't know what happened to the guy but anyway yeah we've got bad news for you like Amy Grant and Michael W Smith and Steven Curtis Chapman right they're like on the Mount Rushmore of Christian music for me that's that's the age I am wait who are they again Amy Grant Steven Curtis Chapman Michael Michael Libby Smith yeah Stephen Curry Chapman's out here in Nashville yeah they're all three friends now so sweet you need a fourth one though okay I do because there's supposed to be four on there but I don't know who it is I'm sure there is but Keith Green yeah he's gone he's gone as well what about all three DC Talk members like as one horrifying among the nation you know that they would say that was horrifying um Rich Mullins yeah yeah there's a lot you can do a lot you know Sandy Patty I mean there's a lot of people you put in there that of that of that era but that's the Carmen era yeah back there in the 80s the the awesome 80s I would put kj5 too we've got another question for you all right calvinist or Armenian um it's one of my favorite t-shirts this t-shirt shows me I'm a calvinist in the back says I chose the T-shirt great shirt yeah yeah probably somewhere in between I can't get the five tulips of California get all there okay four and a half uh and yet I've had so many things happen to me that I have to stand back and go that was Providence I didn't choose at all but I also know if I don't plant corn none grows showing and reaping so that's you know that'll move you towards armenianism so yeah it's yeah you're right in the middle yeah somewhere all right depends on which day as to which direction yeah he's an Armenian uh you know if you're not a calvinist you have to be exactly according to California yeah yeah you got to go yeah you have to submit to the hospital you're right all right you should be killed yeah there's that but yeah you get to add one book to the Bible what is it oh you walk me into Blast for me oh well Jesus appears and he's like he's like okay well completely unrelated question what's your favorite book besides the Bible hmm hmm ah you know I I don't know but I tell you I J 20 years ago I read it and I just read it two weeks ago again man searched for meaning with Victor Frankel yeah um it I I really comprehend very well when I read but I it was like I read it fresh like I've never read it before it tore me up again right do you do audiobooks or physical books that was physical I like physical if I can but if I'm just running and gunning I'll throw an audio on just to keep something on the on you know in my ear that's productive we got another question for you all right cigars or pipes oh cigar I've got a pipe but I don't have the patience for it yeah it's a lot of it's a lot of work is it for the you got it makes you smarter though that your IQ goes up cigars make you more arrogant right and but a pipe makes you like my buddy Stephen Mansfield is a writer and uh hang out with him and he's a he's a pipe guy you guys don't take your pipes on the disc golf course different pie yeah you're talking about a Gandalf but not a disc golf type I'm thinking tobacco well we should have carved that time for cigars we should have scars with Dave I don't even think about it oh you get to hang out with any three people living or dead who are they and you can't pick Jesus they're hard you can't pick Jesus and you gotta do this off the top of your head and not and well we did send you the notes but you didn't say Jesus so Luther uh good choice Paul [Music] I'm thinking Rebel rousers you know George Washington I don't know uh yeah enthralled probably Daniel Boone yeah okay I'd love to see Daniel okay yeah good choices weird choices yeah whiskey or beer oh whiskey I'm a bourbon guy oh man I just said that where people all hear it wait a minute no I just lost five Baptist Churches oh wow uh what would be the first thing you would do as president uh not run I don't need that I would not be a good person they made you and you're there I don't I don't I don't have the patience for those people um Jesus appears and says you have to be first yeah there it is there it is he keeps appearing again we know how to pull the string yeah this is it yeah all right um you know I I think the only thing the president's position is good for is to use it as a as a bully pulpit a motivational lift to cause people to be the best versions of themselves um so that makes my favorite President Ronald Reagan and that's not a policy statement although I agree with most of his policies not all of them um but he and um in a weird way in a Twisted way Trump did some of that but it was so there was so much acrimony around it that you couldn't hear all that as you can hear the aspirational lift but um this idea that it's um I got to tell people all the time they call in here you changed my life I didn't change your life I showed you how you change your life you're the hero you guys went and paid off 126 000 I did not pay a dime of your debt you changed your life you're the hero of that story not me and so and presidents all too many of them and too many congressmen and Senators want to be the hero and the American people are the freaking hero if you make the people the hero they'll go fix these problems and Reagan did a lot of they did well with that and so the presidents to the extent they did that have been better president I like the idea that you would become president and then you would just set up the Ramsay show in the Oval Office start taking calls that's stupid that's stupid cancel the IRS that's the exact message of Donald Miller's building a story brand exactly it is that's how Donald and I became friends you're a key figure in that book and he says Dave Ramsey's operation does a great job of stepping back and saying word the guide and the mentor you're the Hebrew we were doing it before we knew we were doing it Donald gave us words to give us a vernacular to it and he goes this is what you're doing those debt-free screams you're making them the hero because they are they I'm under No Illusion that I actually did it but I did show you how I gave you the information the inspiration and and I wish more people in office would provide information and inspiration and let people fix the problems instead of like I'm here to help it's like yeah you're killing me we have a less dignified question now oh good Mr Ramsey have you ever punched anyone or been punched I I grew up in redneck I grew up I grew up it's been a long time but yeah what is your best punching story uh yeah or is it all kids all as a youth yeah it was all teenager and high College stuff or something I mean I grew up in a neighborhood where that was a normal process and so it wasn't um I mean the socio-economic environment was you know you just you just somebody's people somebody says something about you you know your relative or whatever your mother or whatever then they're they're you know we're not going to discuss this intellectually um yeah that yeah so no punching anyone recently no no no I'm Jesus has helped me in them that's good doing that a long time ago so yeah your nose looks intact no cauliflower ear they got broke once kid yeah yeah kid busted me pretty good that's the punching story that's the punching story you get to go to one concert any band in history who do you go see Beatles yeah never got to see them in live and so that's why we call that but I'm gonna my number one band would be Eagles and they're and they're and they're getting ready to end it yeah but you've seen them a bunch you've seen them yeah when they first came out I was there and so yeah I was 16 when they were coming out so yeah I hate it when I get this question but here we go all right this is the best question this is the best question maybe good conversation starters Jesus what came to you and told me I had Jesus a question do you accept Jesus as your lord and savior with every head and bound and every eye closed do the piano music soft organs I met God as I met Jesus as an adult and um so and was on my way up financially we started with nothing and we're starting to make real money for a kid that had never seen any money and I stumbled in the back door of a church and these people were raising their hands like they knew some answer to some question and uh I told my wife if snakes come out I'm out of here and that was that was so long ago people didn't raise their hands you know so it was that long I mean only the weird weird churches back then you know in 1982. so um but yeah these people love me and uh Pastor LH Hardwick became my spiritual dad and I learned the Bible there I got baptized there I met God there I got to preach his funeral 18 months ago and uh one of a few people that spoke I wasn't the only one who was and uh absolutely incredible man his sons are two of my best friends are like Brothers to me now and to this day and so yeah absolutely came on all right well it sounds like he was already converted but can we get a rededication can we re-baptize in some cigar smoke how many times have you walked down the aisle just the one time just once it stuck I won the kid at Youth Camp that every summer got saved and most of us I have ministered to a few of those over the years but yeah every summer a little bobby gets saved again Christmas the pots back out he's playing disc golf again he's back on the disc golf course again good call back thanks for coming on our show and thanks for donating uh our whole new set that we're going to take home with hey we have our own um Blended loading up here now look at that so that means we'll have to do this again yeah honor guys thank you so much thanks for having me thank you thank you for being here [Music]
Channel: The Babylon Bee Podcast
Views: 40,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babylon bee, babylon bee videos, babylon bee podcast, dave ramsey, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey 1 million debt, babylon bee interview
Id: QkrJOqbW3gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 31sec (3151 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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