Dave Matthews Band - All Along The Watchtower (from The Central Park Concert)
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Channel: davematthewsbandVEVO
Views: 1,172,738
Rating: 4.7475533 out of 5
Keywords: dave matthews band, dmb, listener supported, dave matthews band listener supported, crash into me, dmb ants marching, dave matthews band live, dave matthews band you and me, all along the watchtower, dave matthews band all along the watchtower, All Along The Watchtower, Dave Matthews Band, Pop, RCA Records Label
Id: p7wAohYGf04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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Good lord, why do we have to turn All Along the Watchtower into an acronym?
Butchs solo on two step from this show always blows my mind.
What a great night this was - never had so much fun being packed in like sardines with no access to food water or bathrooms for hours on end