Dave Elman Induction: Mike Mandel Demonstrates the Elman Induction

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i'm dr mike mandel and today we're going to be talking about hypnosis i'm going to be demonstrating the dave ellman induction the one he's most known for and the reason i'm putting this out there is there's so many horrendous versions of it and there really are no versions of the element induction you either do it correctly or incorrectly so i'm going to show you the best way to do this where you can produce a somnambulistic trans very very rapidly with the subject even if they've never experienced somnambulism before this is not an instant induction i although i do teach those this is a rapid induction it's a very quick way to get to where you need to be in trance so here's how the omen induction works this is andrea and um she's volunteered to be a subject we have not planned anything in the sense of what you're seeing is actually as it happens so let us begin andrea can you imagine making a fist so tight that you couldn't possibly squeeze it any tighter yes sure i mean it's obvious i mean anybody can imagine that right so can you imagine the opposite relaxing your hands so much that as long as you hold on to that relaxation it just won't work why not that's the kind of relaxation the quality of relaxation i want you to get with this induction in a moment i'm going to ask you to relax the tiny muscles around your eyes so much that as long as you hold on to that relaxation they just won't work now anytime you want you could open your eyes but i'd rather you hold on to the relaxation and stay in control by keeping them closed so you'll bring your eyebrows up and down give them a good test and you'll discover it feels kind of interesting but as long as you keep those muscles relaxed your eyes just won't work so close your eyes now relax those tiny muscles around your eyes absolutely completely and give them a really good test put your eyebrows up and down see okay good that's perfect so stop testing keep your eyes shut and let a huge wave of relaxation go from the top of your head right down to the soles of your feet and in a moment i'm going to ask you to open your eyes and i'll pass my hand in front of your eyes and when i do i would like you to close your eyes immediately following my hand down and double your relaxation just go twice as relaxed instantly so you can open your eyes and double up relaxation as you follow the hand down that's right make it happen want it to happen and it will happen i can't do it for you eyes open and closed again double it again just permit yourself to wrap in a warm blanket of relaxation and sink way down and open and closed again double the relaxation make it happen want it to happen and it will happen that's right and open open and closed again that's right and continue to go deeper doubling the relaxation every time and open and closed and sink way down relaxed open closed way way down now this is fractionation i've done it six times which is all you really need after this the law of diminishing returns kicks in and you won't get much more relaxation than this so andrea in a moment i'm going to pick your right hand up by the thumb just a few inches to test your relaxation let me do all the lifting don't help me at all and when i drop your hand it'll fall just like a wet dishcloth so i'm going to pick it up now that's it and perfect relaxation let another wave of relaxation go through your entire body well this is physical relaxation but there's also another side to this which is mental relaxation and in a moment i'm going to ask you to begin counting backwards out loud from 100 like this 100 deeper relaxed and i want you to let those numbers just fade out of your mind then you'd say 99 deeper relaxed and as you count the numbers will fade or just drop out of your mind so after saying just a few numbers there won't be any left to say they'll all be totally gone so you can mentally relax by counting backwards from 100 now and now just drop the numbers out of your mind all gone banish the numbers push them out of your mind wipe the slate clean that's right just push the numbers out all gone excellent so don't even concern yourself about the numbers just continue to go deeper and deeper and really enjoy that trans state so now we have a something ambulative trans we know because we have number block and once we have number block like this we have the working state of hypnosis where we can create just about anything we need now if i touch the back of her neck now it'll feel like ball bearing is the way her head is on her neck and that's one of the great tests for sawn ambulance that kind of total physical relaxation plus the mental relaxation that is indicated by the numbers disappearing out of her mind so this is how you get to somnambulism nice and fast it'll only take you a few minutes a few caveats if your person is counting down and down and down and the numbers aren't going pick up their finger or their thumb again and say this time when i drop it the numbers will drop out of your mind and drop it down firmly and then you say all gone and they'll say yes you want to say are they gone or you want to say all gone you don't want to say are the numbers still there because if you say that you'll bring the numbers back again so ask if they're gone and sometimes the person will get aphasia as as elman pointed out they just won't say anything but the numbers aren't gone it's just too much trouble to say it their mind is slowing down they're going to a deep trance so instead you have to get a response when you say are the numbers all gone get them to either nod or say yes or something and then you will know that it's not aphasia but the numbers are wiped out and the person is in the somnambulistic state and andrea you can come back to the surface only when you realize you've learned even more about hypnosis now hi excellent the element induction
Channel: Mike Mandel Hypnosis
Views: 257,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypnosis, hypnotist, dave, elman, induction, direct, dr, mike, mandel
Id: W5rXsq3ZL9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2012
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