Dave Debates Wealth Equality

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sanding is with a sendees in Los Angeles hi Sandy welcome to the Dave Ramsey show hi Dave all right thanks for taking my call sure I think I believe in wealth the Equality of wealth being spread evenly among amongst us all one how now how we get there in the methods I think is what people are upset about you know lobbying groups can go in and Lobby your Congressman you know big big corporations so that Exxon gets a tax refund rather than to pay taxes why we subsidize the oil industry when you know subsidies are good for start-up companies but obviously we know that these companies are up and running and well I mean we're talking about individual wealth here Exxon's wealth um well it and so I think you you think that everybody's wealth ought to be distributed equally well I think the method in which when people don't understand go back to that answer the question do you think that do you do you think you said earlier I think well should be distributed equally well I think yes you know now again how we get there is why a different why shall be distributed equally well because well it's see that's what I'm saying the method in which we get there I think if method ever comes out of the why why do you believe it should be distributed equally because I think it makes for a better society you know I think so much of a spread if you have the robber barons and Koch brothers in today's you know today's era you know you think it makes a better society for everyone regardless of the effort or talent that they have to make the same amount of money and keep the same way.not money it's not going to make society perfect but it it makes it more tolerable it makes it where people aren't unruly because they feel hey they're getting the better of us have your laurette have you ever read Karl Marx Karl Marx no no I'm not a communist in III Arn by definition you are now it's not name-calling you truly believe in there even though tribution of wealth it's not name-calling you believe in autism it's exactly what you just outlined with all due respect Dave I think people want to go back to the way the system worked in the 40s right after World War two you know with the the brothers the Roosevelt era you know the new society and I think people in the long run start seeing that Republicans and some Democrats you know they're starting to tear down those opportunities that were once advanced oh what what what opportunity is not available to some women if opportunities are available what does it matter if everyone ends up with the same why would I care well the opportunity has to be there you can't let a company equal opportunity I'm okay with but equal distribution is where you and I would Park company but but you know what opportunities are not available that were available in the 40s well an opportunity that a high school graduate could go and work at a factory and carve out a good living you know a nice living just like my parents or my grandparents did so you don't think the high school graduate can make it in today's society it's a little more tougher because the companies aren't there anymore the factories aren't there you know and when they are there they want to just pay you just be thankful you get minimum wage I mean come on if you ever visited than any of the Nissan plants or any of the new core plants that I visited there are steel workers in in corn fields in Kansas making a hundred thousand dollars a year working in new core factories okay but I think that's the rare I mean that you know how many companies are there like that I think there's a whole lot more than maybe you realize that's my point I think I think you're believing a party-line or a talking point that you've not really backed up with actually she died I came out of the church at you know I was a Christian you know and and I am a Christian I bill so I wrote it Republican because I that that was a you know the drone that would beat all the Republicans are the Christians I got to do with what I just said well because now you're trying to label me that you think you know I I'm a certain party I'm not and I said you running for that's not a party I said you know you don't you you believe a party line of a party line a talking point regardless of a political party but you believe a talking point that there are no places for a high-school graduate to go when in America today and yet I didn't percent there's none but there aren't any percent of the current generations millionaires are first-generation rich well in and that's the other thing you know Henry Ford went bankrupt seventeen times before he made it big from teen times where did you get that information I don't get all look it up online seventeen times making up some of it is going to be true in some of its seventeen times 17 times is what my understanding from what I've read yeah you know and I don't think he would have been doing anything his entire life except going to bankruptcy court had he filed so many but that was what bankruptcy was for and you know yourself it was it was to get a fresh start so that the creditor still didn't have a strong hold on you so you think bankruptcy is an amendment that or used to build wealth what that I'm so your implication is is that bankruptcies the method that Ford Henry Ford used to build wealth no it gave them the opportunity to start over upon saying and now you do that now well bankruptcy and try to start over again because uh if you make a certain amount of money then you're going to hold you to payments so you should the difference you know that's all I'm saying is the loop I mean the the lobbyists for credit card companies four-bit Corp have allowed the lobbyists to make these gone into these congressmen to allow these laws and that's the feed people feel that the odds are stacked against us and so you back to your original statement and to make sure I have this correct you believe that wealth should be distributed equally and you think the devil is in the details the problem is where all the problems come up is how to do that correct because let let me tell you or let me tell you one of the problems for you to consider on an intellectual level once it was distributed equally talent good looks energy and discipline is not distributed equally and so once it's distributed equally it won't remain equal right that's the problem but at least give people the same opportunities and that's where people are they are getting frustrated that's where I think because we've been telling them they don't have the opportunity and they started to believe it instead of saying this is the land of opportunity where you have the right to pursue happiness and it's the greatest country the world has ever known instead we're running around going hey look how rich that guy is and you'll never get there because the game is fixed and that's that's when we stole their opportunity because we stole their hope with this fatalism right and so we need to address those questions that's all I'm saying that's what I'm saying so don't have don't let Exxon don't quit subsidizing big companies quit subsidizing these people that people this organization that organization I don't disagree with you I don't disagree with you let me give you an example of what's interesting on that the very jobs that you were wanting someone to have at a factory don't usually come if that factory ends up in your neighborhood the reason ends up in your neighborhood is if that municipality gives that company a tax break to come to your neighborhood now you shouldn't be because Walmart is the biggest offender of that thing but here's the problem though if you don't give them the tax break to come your neighborhood those jobs aren't there and they go to Mexico that's not true that's not true we're gonna go to another neighborhood what do you think what's what do you think plants decide to build they go where there's tax breaks it does that make it right no it doesn't make it right just because South Dakota gives all the credit card companies carte blanche to do whatever they want and and and let's say Indiana won't you know so everybody goes and runs to South Dakota that's not right yeah but in some of those jobs aren't those jobs aren't in Indiana those people that we're worried about having jobs an opportunity earlier you took their opportunity way because you're worried about subsidizing that company I'm not sure I agree with subsidizing these companies but that's the that's the that's the paradox of it is if you want a wonderful big fabulous company to come to your neighborhood your neighborhoods going to get my tax break and that's where those jobs come from it's called economic development and it's a paradox I agree with you on that part I don't agree with you on hardly anything else though and you do need to go read Karl Marx honestly you really need a grass book because it aligns with your philosophy and again that's not name-calling it's just you need to grasp what what school of thought that you've been sold and bought into because it's so desperately wrong this is the Dave Ramsey show you
Channel: The Dave Ramsey Show
Views: 317,579
Rating: 4.8046036 out of 5
Keywords: dave ramsey debate, dave debates wealth equality, dave ramsey wealth equality, dave ramsey wealth inequality, dave ramsey heated debate, dave ramsey equality, dave ramsey debates, dave ramsey fight, equality debate, wealth inequality debate, dave ramsey income inequality, dave ramsey inequality, dave ramsey wealth, dave ramsey uber
Id: BJlXDlMiTfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2014
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