Dave bought a NEW CAR *Revenge Purchase*

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oh I heard my name on the radio I heard squash of course where they say ban him just you want him out of here welcome thank you thank you follow it yeah just pull in and they'll direct you all right thank you all right guys we are South OC Cars and Coffee there's someone in here is directing me I'm walking away any of his instructions Ryan dude how are you I love your videos thanks man it's the pro is the black Ferrari looking good at all oh it's looking amazing you have to watch the video tomorrow morning at 6am to find out all right thank you where am I going uh right down there they'll tell you where to go all right a very Gold Cup it's very gold where's the gold supercharger what's going on oh get on it I know seriously let's make some calls good morning good to see you good to see you too you're well uh I'm tired I'm an old man now you know 40. oh it's your birthday spring chicken wow it's all mindset uh mate it's good to see you I had to fix mine we're gonna put you right next to that very stock looking Camaro all right I'll follow their instructions I'm in blind cars here thanks guys so carbs and coffee is every Saturday we've been here many many times and I look I like it because it's not the earliest one it's like the 9am to 11 not like seven to nine Starbucks we held them accountable snitches yourself I was tired today any coffee some reason the Starbucks today opened at 10. every other day at seven well the car's a coffee morning or an entire world of people are here and everyone's lined up they even attend so I don't care anymore I can't say nothing so I'm Rogelio Martinez The Long Beach city mayor and here we go Saturday oh what's happened there Saturday oh that's gone uh we're at the HQ trying to get a plan for a video I leave tomorrow so I came Sunday to Sunday Damon stay back for a wedding with his dad his dad got married they didn't get married and and they're trying to get some people together for a drive it's a lot harder than it used to be it used to be like everybody was always out ripping around now it's uh it's changed a lot so we adapt there's some big builds under the way and some big trips planned but in the meantime I did do a cool little thing to Damon's car that I'm gonna make that a big part of this video then whatever else happens happens that's just the way it goes sometimes the skin is currently being skinny [Applause] Chris is doing some shopping Chris is bad with money I got some new shoes 12 those ones I'm bad with money yeah walking though and you got you got some too yeah those are yours yeah I did get these are pretty sick those are pretty sick Ness I already get enough people telling me how they want me to buy no more shoes and get a freaking secretary realistically I probably have four close to 500. 100 wow yeah 150 I could you could get the supercharger you still have some fun fact a lot of them are old they're like 2006 summer 2007. I just held on to them they still have value how do you get them clean I just don't wear them all the time is that the trick there's no way of actually cleaning this shoe I do clean them but like you just don't wear them all the time like there's some that I beat up I beat up more Vans than anything oh it's their Vans yeah but nobody I wear those more often than I wear these every once in a while I wear those every once in a while I was just a supercharger um well if it's just straight up 35 to 40 right somewhere in there I actually don't know anymore remember my yeah never mind yeah I don't think it's that much anymore I think it's come down a bit you think I think so okay I think around 30 I think okay and then he brought back acid to install it for you the best way to do is have the VF to do it because like they they like squadra Corsa installed in 2019 it's never been touched never been maintained nothing my injectors claimed and just uh change the color of the blower you can probably guess what color I'm not going to tell you it'll be the main Channel but we're gonna do a little uh yeah um higher mileage I request the injectors right yeah yeah how do you do that in mind for sure so we have a rule here whenever we come to visit you have to go and give Damon fryer 30 seconds of eye contact his photo so if you don't mind just coming over here okay close are you close all right all right and go I'll count you down you can't smile yeah answer cheekbones you gotta make sure you maintain it eye contact okay I can't even do this he was talking to me through the yeah he came to me David probably did first and the last person you guys in the meantime so that dish has 2 000 calories he asked me by workout I thought he's saying that I'm ripped but he know he's worried about my belly that's a full day's worth of calories right there right there it's worth it then we got some fettuccine alfredo add a boy and I got spaghetti and meatballs because I can't have dairy no we're good thank you very much appreciate it well it's been a hell of a week uh We've helped us a lot I'm pumped to build some of the products we made on my cars um we're really need to get dialed in on the F12 project and start seeing that come to life the challenge with projects of that magnitude is some of the steps to build it aren't exciting to watch but necessary so hoping that boys can get that banged out I leave tomorrow I came Sunday Sunday the downside is that the Fourth of July being a holiday I didn't film anything I tried I literally filmed all day I went out to events and things like that and just there was no video and then Sunday when I arrived the same thing as this is really hard because my team wasn't here oh gosh what Monday to Friday and the entertainment and I then we kind of find something but even then it gets kind of hard sometimes so we have to get more creative on how we schedule our time maybe do like a Sunday to Saturday so I don't wanna I don't want to be away from my friend my family and my kids if I'm not producing results that's that's the hardest part about this business sometimes is like all the way here and it is not productive it's like but there's lots that can be done like this is the business where it's Limitless what you can be working on but right now I'm getting finished uploaded I have to check some emails but like I could literally find 30 hours of work right now as far as just organizing the shop getting ready bring some ideas for new videos on the board even now for the 599 I actually I can cross off a bunch of stuff I got done by the way today I had a car some coffee someone dropped this on my windshield cars and Polaroids super cool I like old school stuff like that but let's uh let's cross off the board gated manual conversion that feels really good Wheels stolen Damon wrapped his mind haven't done that yet body kit haven't done that yet those are the big big ones left on that which uh I know they're probably gonna live around it now but that's just temporary needs to be crazier amazing Matt how crazy that car is and honestly that car is so fun to drive like I don't want to say I get better than the Squadron course looks I love the squadro but today when I got the car to go back to the hotel turn some lights on for you guys uh lights today when I got the car to go back to the hotel I grabbed the 599 it's having a clutch is so much fun it reminds me of my R8 if my R8 had balls because remember it was really slow uh Shop's pretty pretty quiet it's just me here so we can now um we have a lot of work to do in here still the one thing we haven't done yet is make it look cool and it's hard because without a vision for that or a plan just like you don't want to piece it together but then right now just crap everywhere there's wood on the walls like it all needs to feel like a DDE HQ like the Channel's wild and crazy the cars are crazy but I don't think that's pretty boring we do have sponsors going on the walls how we pay for all this and what's happening in the back room is obviously ad Revenue but more importantly sponsors it's critical to bring in sponsor money because everything we do costs a lot of money we're on a channel that's building or moving uh kids toys or building you know BMWs or Mustangs no offense to those cars but they cost a lot less to build so we have sponsors like a new one um Factory 75 which is meals which are phenomenal obviously Celsius another one we eat a lot of and actually it's a fresh package that came in I have an open line over here it's ag-1 it's basically athletic athletic greens is a brand name but it's a comprehensive and convenient daily nutrition with 75 vitamins minerals and Whole Food Source ingredients paid just for everybody now this is our sponsored post right now we do have one coming up basically all you do is you take this powder you put in some water I'll show you right now foreign it's really hard and I've noticed in my appearance and my energy that my diet has not been on point so I've made some changes um but one of them is fashion if I was prepared meals and it's really easy you order online and ship it to you takes two minutes in the microwave I'll try I'll show you what here hold on don't go anywhere right now see how these in your fridge this is a whole meal this is tomato roasted vegetable risotto like that poke some holes in it fire in the microwave I had this earlier for dinner really good and really convenient the crazy part and you'll have to go try it in fact there's a coupon code I'm not sure if I can yeah whatever it's um uh uh DDE 50 get half off your first meal so for Chicago by the meantime ag-1 take one serving and eight to 12 ounces of cold water to optimize absorption drink for breakfast and on empty stomach well it's late on the day right now I ate about two hours ago so ideally do this first thing in the morning but in there show what it looks like stir that up and get a spoon here by the way new shoes what do you guys think coconut it's like I was saying we're trying to find sponsors that obviously we have to make money like this is a business but when we find sponsors that Damon I truly enjoy the product it actually used off camera like I've been drinking Celsius long before they paid us to drink Celsius uh ag1 same thing I ordered a long time ago my fiance every day for years has been using this because it basically make sure like if you don't get all your vitamins and nutrition down with diet and uh instead of traveling around the road or hotels or airports I should have brought I forgot this on Gumball and that that probably got me in the end but anyways it helps you make up for the difference basically so cheers but it taste like it's hard to start the flavor almost like not minty it's the wrong word for just try it but AJ one's a sponsor of ours we appreciate them obviously Rock from the case I'm holding and many many more but if you're a company right now watching this I thought about advertising on dve we have lots of options we have Wall space which is coming soon we have lots of Brands out but they're looking for the walls or some product displays because we're building cars in here have never been built before with that to become millions and millions and millions of views so if you're a company looking to do some marketing we have budgets ranging all over the place depending on what you want it's business at dailydrivenexotics.com yeah it's been a hell of a week Vegas was tons of fun um I missed a few things there's somebody new new big huge round Arena that's one big LED light I didn't know about the outside of that I was about to go back for that and then plan that road trip with Damon across the U.S I'm not sure what cars we're taking I think this is a car people want us to bring and it might be the squash of course because together these cards are really cool like they're both the race version of those chassis uh it won't be miserable let's say the 550 and the 599 I have the okay to 599 but Damon cut out his AC so I don't think that's something he wants to do I can't find the key to the 599 so this is a first last night there's a few issues with the video just little continuity issues um so I asked Jimmy to to do an adjustment on the edit and uh it was super late but 2 A.M it was done I fell asleep on the couch I got it up I got a um done because you saw the video we don't miss uploads and then I fell asleep and I woke up at 9 30 on the couch no blanket nothing so I slept here last night on my couch at the shop I've never I've never done that and uh I was worried that I left the key to the 599 because I left it unlocked so I'm hoping that to the keynote Ferrari jacket it's my voice right now okay we're good so it is Cora 10 I don't know the hotel get my bags have a shower come back tidy up get organized and then jump in a flight and go home I've been here for a week I'm beat something about the desert the Heat ruined me and I know I need to make sure I plan better with meals um pack some statue 75s as well as some athletic greens just to make sure I can maintain like all the things in your body that keep you from feeling like crap all the time so lesson learned in the meantime um I don't know where I am right now I'm so tired I'll show where I slept right there no blanket no pillow I have no idea nuclear chiropractor but I slept like a soul almost seven and a half hours didn't wake up once you know confusing that is when you wake up and what am I doing here all right let's go make some noise in the 599 and then uh yeah let's get home back to Kelowna better my fiancee oh who's back in the game what's up dude I fell asleep here yeah last night uh the edit was done at like two I was on the couch no couch no no blanket no pillow and I fell asleep I woke up at 9 10. That's My Style looking good my daily driven uh really how's heard any issues no damage or anything looks good happy you need to wash your car there's Clips look a bit loose yeah those are always that way I just need to do something about it but yeah dude I need to need to wash it pretty bad I let it warm up for a super long time it's been sitting around um but yeah there's a bit we're not gonna talk about it right now it's a bit of a secret of why more customers Carnival but time comes we'll explain it in the meantime here's some serious brake dust [Laughter] two tires too but I'll just order that where's hers wrecked oh they were in the front and then I was doing front wheel drive mess with you guys for a while uh I just need to get new ones Towers in the 599 are completely destroyed yeah of course yeah from the desert no like horn a piece of torn off really foreign [Laughter] apart that's hilarious dude you guys are already hit cycle so much by Damon having him on the F12 it's pretty funny no they're new they're new because we had them remalanted yes when I stole them I see but I'm gonna go have a shower nice and come back my flight's at I bought at 1 30. yeah so I'll come back we'll hang out for an hour and a half if you're gonna be here I need to tie it up a little bit about everywhere yeah you're all good I was just stopping by because I was in the area there's factors 95 in the fridge if you're hungry and athletic Koreans if you want to have some vitamins and Celsius you want to get a pick-me-up yeah all three at once in a bit uh this is a problem that's the only place to charge my phone have two cables on there I've had a passenger for the rally and uh it just looks really janky when I'm filming super large everywhere so I need to figure out a plan for that oh 599 I love you and this I need some love it's much filthy I haven't washed it by the way and I probably won't that's kind of like my thing dirty cars I think you're a livery Jokes Aside because the little gold details on here are just temporary for the video but I wanted something crazy on this car I don't know what yet do I follow the gold theme or do I find something Wilder I'm gonna go back to like a stupid camo style theme or have a liberate oh yeah look up uh front engine rear wheel drive liveries on Ferraris what's already out there nothing's really inspiring nothing I'm like oh I want to do that so I have to really get creative it's not that strong suit way better freshly showered clean ish and uh back to the HQ drop off the car tidy up some stuff my desk I have all this paperwork to do we don't have like an admin team or a manager so we have like obviously like editors like Mark and Jamie who help Madison the brandos and whatnot but as far as like uh admin staff which is Damon and I and then Damon's wife Mrs fryer helps do Logistics bookkeeping for the Canadian company but we do need to bring somebody on just kind of manage just like the day-to-day stuff because I hate doing it's not fun but it's important but when you're making videos like you're not going to stop making a vlog to go and organize your desk and file stuff like it's called dollar producing activities and that's what that matters [Music] this is annoying no parking unauthorized Vehicles be towed away and yet I don't know who the freaking people think they are hey man you want another code for the door I don't want to be Petty but like they I put up pylons because people will Parker sometimes there's a uh thing down the road they have events on weekends or something and uh there's a sign saying no parking and now do I need these spots right now yes and no if I want to pull the cars out and clean them or if people come by it's just like we spend so much money on this spot these are private spots we've got 12 spaces all the way down to the end of here we pay for them it's in our lease that's really annoying people coming here and move the pylons to parts of their car those are pylons right there so what do we do what do we do probably nothing I pulled the 599 next to the squad or behind the squadra look how close I got bro bro that was a really really really really really really really really dumb if I just tap that rear diffuser and crack the carbon it's like 12 grand for that bottom section and you can't get another one could you imagine could you freaking imagine it's time for your boy Dave to go home I'm gonna pack up my stuff um this place is a mess I need to get it cleaned up his name it does do a bunch of garbage to pick up and um I have so much clothes here I need to get home as well it's just taking the time maybe I'm just lazy probably just laziness but I got all my clothes in here Damon is all nice and organized right his shirt's fold and hung I feel ashamed of myself oh my God I think we know game boys come true Baby oh I got what 15 minutes and I have a quick Factor 75 this is the tomato and roasted vegetable risotto two minutes in the microwave um in the meantime before I do that I just realized this is the first time I've had these cars together I got gold on gold and I want to hear your thoughts guys like what do you think of the gold action it was actually my idea this is it came from my brain and Damon's like yeah you got to do it and then I did this and I love it I really do love it I love the uh I don't know just the statement it makes it's pretty crazy and I never a million years thought I would do gold on anything but if you look at the cars right now there's a theme of obviously black black um which is really mean and cool looking but when you have like a really crazy jump out your face color it's just better at all honestly for thumbnails and for getting attention on the internet which is what we do but I do love just the memes and that's the look of like the 550. but I do think I think Damon's a little bit too I think it's time to do a livery on the 550. make it a bit crazier well I'll talk about taking an engine from a wrecked five nine or an FF it's the same motor essentially and put it in here to make the car sound like this because this car is just like it sounds the same as I Uber Alexis GX GX yes sick um last time I took care of Canada they lost my bag so you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna check my bag again it's DDE right there it means the bag is checked the theory is lightning doesn't strike the same tree twice so stay tuned in this video does the bag make it all the way to Kelowna a little travel hack for you guys if you fly to John Wayne at the first line I thought it was long it was a second one over here for terminal B it's all the same terminal this last always like a third or a fifth of the way so make sure you've got Terminal B when you're at John Wayne another travel hack here at John Wayne international airport every restaurant sucks so before you come here factory 75 filled me up I'm good humble I'm in an economy uh business was sold out now Damon and I for years through the economy the cheapest seats we could get and the one thing we committed to was business class it costs more not a crazy amount because it's a short flight it makes a big difference feel like get a meal meal asleep uh get on the plant there's not the plane first but I put my flight like way too late and summer so it's busy it would be really cool one day to have a plane and not flexing those stupid photos just the convenience of time off but I want to go home just fly home no TSA but it's so much money it's like having all of our cars combined so we're not there yet but maybe one day when you fly as much as we do you start to learn things about the rules of the air things you don't do number one don't take your shoes off unless you have like your own cabin shoes stay on number two in the plane lands and you're leaving the airplane you don't pass a non-passen Zone you unload by Row the person gets in their bag you almost skip ahead that's just the rules and we all follow them it'd be a lot easier but the flight went smooth now I'm in Vancouver she just said have a good flight and I said you too oh I was I don't know what to do there's no recovering from that you go back I mean like I mean you're not flying I'm fine you guys have time with you guys got my suitcase there's a second egg off I filmed something before now I'm in Corona I have a surprise for you guys something I haven't told you about the car I bought that nobody knows I have nobody now recently Damon fryer bought his daughter Mia Mercedes-Benz C300 and in that video he made her think that car was for me I was watching the video and I was like oh my God Damon bought me a C300 but it was all a lie so I went out and I bought a C300 I don't need this car I saw the Jew wagon but purely based on jealousy I present to you a 2014 Mercedes-Benz C300 AMG package sorry Mia Orcs kid
Channel: Daily Driven Exotics Stories
Views: 218,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F_r1owqe3X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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