Daughter - Medicine (Sound Remedy Remix)
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Channel: MrSuicideSheep
Views: 52,603,830
Rating: 4.9279404 out of 5
Keywords: Melodic Dubstep, Vocals, Sound Remedy Remix, Electronic, Daughter Remix, SheepyPlaylistAll, Daughter, Medicine, Dubstep, Bass, Medicine Sound Remedy, Indie, Liquid Dubstep, MrSuicideSheep, Medicine Remix
Id: cSPfeTwl8Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2013
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You would like MitiS or Adventure Club.
This is remixed a bit differently. I guarantee you love it <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiV5CerSNRs&list=LL-qUgG-nOugdLhHudMPSAmA&feature=mh_lolz
Dude, I love this song!
I remember the day I first heard it, it went straight on repeat for the day.
Liberation by Sound Remedy is another good one. I find it a lot more interesting than this remix
I'm digging ittttt. Thanks for sharing :)
This song is now my jam ;)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld5O2cYIoh8 here's an acoustic from WatchListenTell. I knew I recognized this song from somewhere! It took a couple of minutes to make the connection.