Database Lesson #7 of 8 - Database Indexes

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Good day, everyone. This is Dr. Soper, here. And today we will be exploring our seventh topic in our series of database lectures with this lecture focusing on the database indexes. To begin, I want to emphasize the importance of indexes to the overall performance of database queries. Of all of the strategies that we have for improving database performance, many people, including myself, would argue that database indexes are the single most critical tool that is available to a database administrator for improving the query performance of the database. An index itself is simply a data structure of some sort that contains an organized copy of some of the data from one or more of the tables in the database. And this data structure can be used to vastly improved query performance. Conceptually speaking, you can think of a database index just as you might think of an index at the back of a textbook. Imagine, for example, that I gave you a chemistry textbook and I asked you to find information about beryllium, which is the fourth element on the periodic table. Without an index or some other form of organizational framework for finding the information in which you are interested, it would take an extremely long time in order for you to locate information on beryllium that I had requested. In this case, without an index, your strategy for locating the desired information would probably involve flipping through the pages of the chemistry textbook, one by one, scanning the content of each page, and looking for information about the element beryllium. If, however, you had an organizational framework for the content of the textbook, such as an index that you might find at the back of the book, you could simply look through the index, which in this case would almost certainly be organized alphabetically, find beryllium, and then the index would tell you which pages within the textbook contained information about beryllium. You could then immediately skip directly to the pages in the textbook which contain the information in which you are interested. I hope you can intuitively understand how an index can thus vastly improve the speed with which SQL queries can be answered. When teaching people about database indexes, I always like to begin with an intuitive overview. Consider the table of names that are shown on the right side of your screen. You can see that we have 22 rows of data. In the first column we see the row position, row 22. And in the second column we see a person's last name. And again, the last names here are randomly ordered. Now imagine that we choose a name at random from this list. If we were to begin at the top of the list and move toward the bottom, examining one row at a time, how many rows would we need to inspect before we would be able to find our randomly chosen name? Well the answer, of course, is, it depends. And in this case it depends upon the name. If, for example, we had chosen Salehian as our randomly selected name, and we started at the top, moving down, we would find our desired name after inspecting only three rows. If, on the other hand, the randomly chosen name was Pham, we would need to inspect 20 rows before we would locate our desired name. Thus, the performance of our search strategy varies widely and depends upon the name which is chosen and the random order in which the names happen to appear. A more useful metric for assessing this search strategy then, would be to ask the question, what is the average search time if we were to repeat this process many, many times? So if we were to choose one of these names randomly and go through this linear search process of starting at the top, working our way toward the bottom, searching for our target name, if we were to repeat that process over and over and over again, constantly just choosing random names, what would the average search time be? And in this case, by search time, I'm referring to the number of rows that we would need to inspect in order to find our desired name. Well this search strategy is known as a linear search. And the answer to our question is, that the average search time would be equal to n plus 1 divided by 2, where n is the number of rows in the table. In our example here, we have 22 rows in the table and therefore, the average search time to find any randomly chosen name would be equal to 22 plus 1 divided by 2. Which works out to 11.5 rows. So on average then, using this linear search process, we would need to inspect 11.5 rows in order find the name in which we are interested. Another good metric for assessing the efficiency of this search strategy would be to ask, what is the maximum search time? That is, at most, how many rows would we need to inspect to find a randomly chosen name. And in this sort of linear search strategy, if, by chance, we happen to randomly select the last name in the list, in this case, the last name in the list is Israr, then we will need to inspect all 22 rows before we locate the name in which we are interested. Thus, in this sort of linear search strategy, the maximum search time will be n, where n is the number of rows. In our example, the maximum search time would thus be 22. Next, let's explore a different sort of search strategy. In this case, rather than having a table in which the names were ordered randomly, we instead have a table in which the names are ordered alphabetically. And as we will see, when we have this sort of organizational structure imposed on the data, in this case, an alphabetical sort, that one change alone and vastly improved the speed with which we can locate any randomly chosen name. Now that we know that the names in our table are listed in alphabetical order, what sort of search strategy could we use that could improve our performance. If we were to rely on the same linear search strategy that we used in the previous example, we would not experience any gains in our average search time. And the reason why is, with a linear search, we are not capitalizing on the fact that our table now has an organizational structure. That is, the names are listed in alphabetical order. Because we have an ordered list of data, we can instead employ something called a binary search strategy. And a binary search strategy is much more efficient at allowing us to locate any randomly chosen name because it capitalizes on the knowledge that the names in the table are in alphabetical order. So let's see how this binary search strategy might work. Imagine that we randomly choose a name. Again, we will choose the name Salehian. Strategy involved in a binary search might be described as divide and conquer. So knowing that the names are in alphabetical order and knowing how many rows there are in the table, the best place for us to begin our searches in the middle of the table. In this case, because we have an even number of rows, there is no precise middle row in the table. So we may select the row location at n over 2 plus 1 to begin our search. Since we have 22 rows here, that would mean that we begin our search by examining the value of row 12, which in this case, is the last name, Mishra. So when we examine this row, we will ask the question, is this the row that we are looking for. And since we know we're looking for Salehian and the row that we are currently examining is Mishra, the answer to that question is, no. But because we know that the names are in alphabetical order, we also now know that the row which we are seeking is below row 12 in the table. Thus, after examining a single row, we were able to eliminate more than half of the possibilities of where our randomly selected name might appear. That is, after inspecting our first row, we now know that the name we are seeking exists somewhere between rows 13 and 22. We next repeat the process again. We look at the row which lies in the middle of our remaining set of rows. In this case, we again have an even number of rows remaining. So we might look at the row that is at location n over 2 plus 1. And since we have 10 rows remaining, that would mean the next place that we will look will be at row six among our remaining set of rows. In this case, that means the second location, where we would look for our target name, would be the row which contains the last name Spievak. And again, we would ask our self the same question. Now we asked before to wit, is this the row that we're seeking. Again, since we are seeking the name Salehian, the answer to that question is, no. And because the names are in alphabetical order, we are now able to eliminate Spievak and all of the rows that follow as possible locations for our target name. Thus, after inspecting just two rows in this table, we've been able to narrow down the set of possibilities for where our target name resides to just five rows. We then repeat the process once again. Selecting the row in the middle of our remaining rows. And since in this case, we have five rows remaining, the row in the middle is Salehian. We would again, ask the question is this the row that we are seeking. The answer is yes. And therefore, we have completed the search process. In this case, we only needed to inspect three rows in the table in order to find the randomly chosen name in which we were interested. But again, a better metric of the relative performance of the search strategy is to ask, what is the average search time if we were to repeat this process many, many times, choosing a name randomly each time for which to search. With this sort of binary search strategy, mathematicians and computer scientists have been able to prove that the average search time will be log base 2 n minus 1, where n is the number of rows. In our example, we have 22 rows so the average search time would be log base 2 of 22 minus 1, which means on average, we need to inspect approximately 3.5 rows in order to find any randomly chosen name using this binary search strategy with an ordered table of data. That's much, much better than the average from our previous linear search strategy, which if you recall, required us to inspect 11.5 rows on average. As with our previous example, we can also consider the maximum search time required. And what is remarkable about this binary search strategy is that the maximum search time is simply equal to log base 2 n. So to whereas the average is log base 2 n minus 1, here the maximum search time is log base 2 n. That is just one more search than the average. Thus, with 22 records, the maximum number of rows that we would need to inspect before we would locate any randomly chosen name, would be log base 2 of 22, or approximately 4.5 rows that we would need to inspect. So the purpose of comparing these two search strategies, a linear search versus a binary search, is to demonstrate the massive gain in search performance that we can achieve if we impose an organizational structure on the data through which we are searching. In this case, that organizational structure was alphabetizing the list of names. Next, let's consider a few of the major concepts associated with database indexes. As we saw in the previous intuitive examples, without an indexing strategy in place, the database has no choice but to perform a table scan when it is asked to locate one or more rows within a table. That is, in the absence of an index, the database simply has to adopt a naive approach, where it starts at the first row in the table and says, is this the row I'm looking for. No, it moves on to the next row. Is this the row I'm looking for. No. And so forth until it finally locates the row has been seeking. With an index in place, the DBMS no longer needs to rely upon such a nice strategy. And it can locate the desired information much more rapidly. Indexes then could be created on one or more columns within a database table. Each table can contain potentially in many different indexes. And each column within a table might belong to many different indexes. As an example, imagine that we have a table and we want to create an index on the primary key column. So we instruct the DBMS to create the index. And the contents of the index will be the primary key value for each row in the table, along with the row's ordinal position. That is, its row number within the table. The primary key values in this case would be stored in a sorted order. So let's say that they are stored in an ascending numerical order. Thus, whenever a query is run against the database which involves the primary key for this table, the DBMS can search through the index rather than the table itself to find the primary key value using the sort of binary search strategy that we described previously. And then it can quickly locate the row position that is the ordinal position of the target row within the table. So again, this is just like looking in the index in the back of a textbook. If you know that the values in the index are in alphabetical order or numerical order, you can easily locate the information you want. And there will be a pointer which tells you on which page of the textbook you should look for your desired information. Again, although table can contain potentially many different indexes and although certain columns might be involved in many different indexes, there are certain types of columns upon which an index cannot be created. And the determination as to whether an index can be created on a particular column depends on the column's data type. Columns which have what we call a large object data type cannot be indexed directly. There are some strategies, such as using hashing algorithm, which I will describe later, that can be used to index these sorts of large objects. However, generally speaking, they cannot be indexed directly. In SQL Server, the large object data types include text, end text, which as we know is a data type which supports unicode text, the image data type, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), which, again, is a variable length character string that supports unicode characters. And of course, varbinary(max), which can be used to store binary encoded data directly in the database. So these six data types are all considered large object data types and columns which have one of these data types cannot be directly indexed. Another important concept to understand about indexes is that we are making a trade off that is, although when we properly use an index, we can vastly improve the performance of our queries, the cost that we incur for that performance increase are additional storage space requirements. And of course, all of the additional maintenance requirements that come along with the index. Put simply, the reason that using an index increases the storage space requirements of the database is that the index contains a copy of some of the data within a table. And we need to store that copy of the data on the file system. Let's see an example using our list of names from earlier in this lecture. Let's imagine that the table on the left is an index table. While the table on the right is our actual table of data from within the database. As you can see, the index table is storing a copy of some of the data from the actual table. In this case, it's storing a copy of all of the last names because we had instructed the database to construct an index on the last name attribute. Although our database now requires more storage space, we can reasonably argue that the performance gains realized through the expense of this extra storage space are well worth it. As we saw previously, if we were to use a binary search against this index, we could locate any randomly chosen name by inspecting just 3.5 rows within the table. And then the index would contain a pointer, which tells us precisely where to look in the actual data table for the row that we've been seeking. Because indexes consume extra storage space, it's important for a database administrator to know how to calculate how much extra storage space and index it will require. A simple way of estimating the required storage space for an index is simply to multiply the number of rows in a table by the average number of bytes that are required per row for the indexed columns. As an example, imagine that we want to create an index on two columns. Named, Last Name, and Department ID. And we know that within our table, Last Names require an average of 16 bytes per row while Department IDs require an average of two bytes per row. And let's say that our table contains 98,000 rows. We can then easily estimate the storage space requirements for our index by multiplying the number of rows, 98,000, times the average number of bytes required per row for the indexed columns, in this case, at 16 bytes for each last name on average. And two bytes for each Department ID on average. So we multiply 98,000 times 18 and we determined that our index will require about 1,764,000 bytes of extra storage space. Next, we'll talk about a few specific types of index structures. By far, the commonest type of index uses a B-Tree structure. And the B here stands for balanced. So this is balanced tree. In a B-Tree structure, we use pointers and layers of nodes in order to organize our data. And using this structure, we can quickly locate any data that we desire. Conceptually speaking, traversing a B-Tree index is exactly the same as the binary search strategy that we described earlier. So a B-Tree is arranged around several layers of nodes. We begin at the root node level. And then we might pass through one or more layers of intermediate nodes until ultimately, we arrive at the leaf nodes. And it is at the leaf nodes where we are able to get the information that we need for answering whatever query has been asked. Let's see an example of how this works. So here we have a sample balanced tree index. And again, we can give ourselves the task of locating any randomly selected name. So I will, once again, choose Salehian as my randomly chosen name. Beginning at the root node, we then can immediately traverse to the right side of the tree because we know that our randomly selected name begins with a letter which falls between the range M to W. We can then move immediately to the intermediate node for S. After which we arrive at the leaf nodes and we can locate our desired name. Recall that a B-Tree index is a balanced tree. And I hope you can see in this example where a term balanced comes in. The objective, when constructing B-Tree index, is to subdivide the data as evenly as possible in a balanced way. And in following this strategy, we can maximize the search performance. Before we move on to our next index structure, I want to speak briefly about clustered versus nonclustered indexes. In a clustered index, we can store the actual data rows of themselves, that is, the data rows that together, comprise the actual data table in the database, at the leaf level of the index. And this can improve search time because the database will not need to follow a pointer to the actual data row within the table. At the leaf level of the index, the data rows were already there. Because we are storing the actual data rows that comprise the data table at the leaf level of the index however, this imposes a constraint such that we can have only one clustered index per table. Primary key columns are, therefore, excellent candidates for clustered indexes. Returning to our previous example of a balanced tree index, imagine that at the level of the leaf nodes, we are not simply storing pointers here to the rows within the actual database table. But instead, we are storing the actual data rows themselves. Another way of thinking about this is that in a clustered index, we are breaking the actual table apart and storing its rows in a specific way such that we can maximize our search performance. In this case, the rows become the leaf nodes at the bottom of the B-Tree index. By contrast, in a non clustered index leaf nodes contain the values of the index columns and a pointer, which tells the database were to look in the actual database table, for the target row or rows. And of course, the actual data row itself might be stored as a leaf node of a clustered index, as we saw previously. Or it might just be stored in something called a heap. Where a heap is just the simple ordinary table that does not use a clustered index. A few important points to note about non clustered indexes are that nonclustered indexes are slower than clustered indexes. Because again, in a nonclustered index, the database must follow a pointer to the actual data row. An advantage of nonclustered indexes however, is that each table in a database can contain more than one nonclustered index. And another advantage of a nonclustered index is that the leaf nodes of a nonclustered index are allowed to contain values from non-indexed columns. And using this strategy can often substantially improve query performance. Because an artfully designed nonclustered index, which contains values from non-indexed columns, can be used by the DBMS to answer certain queries without actually having to look at the real table of data itself. For example, imagine that I have a product table where I have indexed the product name attribute. Now let's imagine, as well, that I have included the price attribute as a part of the nonclustered index. Now if I run a query where I'm attempting to find the price of a particular product, the database can locate the product within the index. And then it will immediately know the price of that product without actually having to look in the real data table itself. So it will be able to answer that SQL query without ever having to look in the actual data table. I hope you can understand how this can improve query performance. Next, let's talk about a different index structure. And in this case, we'll look at bitmap index. So in a bitmap index, we create a table where we have the values of one attribute listed along the horizontal axis. And the values of another attribute along the vertical axis. Each cell value contains a bit, that is, simply a value of 1 or 0, which indicates whether the value of one attribute is associated with the value of another. Important things to note about bitmap indexes include that bitmap indexes work best when one or both of the attributes involved in the bitmap index has only a relatively small number of unique values. Also, when they are used properly, a bitmap index can require only about one quarter of the storage space of a tree-based index and can also be about 10 times faster. Let's see an example. So here we have two attributes, Student ID and Student Grade, where a Student Grade exists along the horizontal axis of the bitmap index and Student ID exists along the vertical axis of the bitmap index. And we can see all the possible values for Student Grade are listed, A, B, C, D, and F. And the bits, that is, the 1s or 0s, which exist at the intersection of a Student Grade and a Student ID indicate to us whether or not that student is associated with that particular grade. So if I write a query which says, give me the Student IDs of all of the students who received A's, the database could use a bitmap index, such as the one depicted here, and performance bit-wise comparisons, which are computationally extremely fast, in order to answer our query. Next. Let's look at a third type of index, which we can call a hashed index. Conceptually speaking, the idea with a hashed index is that we use a hashing algorithm in order to convert some kind of input value or input data into a location within an index. And that location within the index, in turn, will contain a pointer to the actual data row within a data table. These hashing algorithms typically work by using prime numbers as input along with something called a modulo operation, which returns a remainder in order to generate a location within an index. These types of hash indexes are useful in several situations. Notably, in very large databases where parallel processing or a distributed database model is being used. A hashing algorithm can be used to quickly determine which database server or which processor is associated with the desired row or rows. And we can also use hashed indexes in situations where we need to index complex objects, such as images or other types of large objects. Here, we see an example of how a hashing algorithm can be used to allow us to index complex objects, such as images. So we begin by running the image through the hash algorithm. And the result of that operation is a location within an index. So let's say that we run in image through hash algorithm and it gives us a location within the index of five. We can then traverse our balanced tree until we get down to indexed location, which then tells us to look in row nine of the actual data table for the data in which we are interested. To finalize our lecture today, I just want to draw your attention to some index considerations and some guidelines for using and implementing indexes. First, remember that indexes require additional storage space. And because of this, we should generally only create indexes on columns that are involved in common queries. That is, columns which commonly appear in the WHERE clause of a SQL query. Or perhaps in an order by or group by clause. This also means that the database designer must know which sort of queries will be run against the database if he or she is to design an effective indexing strategy. A second point to consider is that indexes should be used sparingly on tables that are subjected to frequent updates. To understand why, consider that whenever an insert operation, an update operation, or a delete operation occurs which affects an index column, then the index for that column has to be rebuilt by the DBMS. Thus, if we have a table which is updated frequently, then we are also having to frequently rebuild the index. Because rebuilding indexes takes time, if we create a lot of indexes on tables that are frequently updated, the effort required by the database to constantly rebuild those indexes may actually slow the overall performance of the database. Finally, just a few indexing guidelines that I hope you will find useful when designing an indexing strategy for your database. Again, if a table is heavily updated, try to indexes few columns as possible. If you over-index a heavily updated table, it may act really slow the overall performance of the database rather than improving the performance. If, however, table is updated rarely, then, assuming that you have the storage space available, feel free to use as many indexed columns as necessary to support the common types of queries that are run against that table. Doing this will substantially improve the performance of those queries. With respect to clustered versus nonclustered indexes, remember that clustered indexes are most effectively used on columns that do not allow null values and whose values are unique. Because, by definition, primary key column it's contained unique values and values that are not allowed to be null, primary key columns are therefor good targets for clustered indexes. And finally, the performance benefits that you can achieve through the use of an index are related to the uniqueness of the values in the indexed column. That is, if an indexed column contains many, many duplicate values, the performance of the index will be quite poor. On the other hand, if the indexed column contains many unique values, that's when you can achieve the maximum benefit from using an index. Well my friends, thus ends our overview of database indexing. I hope that you learned something interesting. And until next time, have a great day.
Channel: Dr. Daniel Soper
Views: 123,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Database Index, Database (File Format Genre), binary search, B-tree index, bitmap index, hash index, clustered index, non-clustered index, databases
Id: Xk3cgUdoieU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2013
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