Data Engineer ROADMAP 2024 - How to Become a Data Engineer and Get a Job

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today data Engineers are in a huge demand as long as people are generating data businesses will keep needing data Engineers that's why it's no wonder that the average salary for data engineers in the United States is over 100,000 a year but before you jump into the wild world of data engineering you have to know your stuff and understand the skills you need so how do you do that my name is Daniel and today I have prepared a data engineering road map for you it is a step-by-step guide on how to become a data engineer so let's get into it what is data engineering before I start talking about the skills you need to know as a data engineer I would like to answer a few questions what is data engineering and what do data Engineers actually do well data engineering is so about crafting systems that can handle massive amounts of data imagine building pipeline that fetch data transform it into something usable and dig out all those hidden business Secrets it's the key to understanding everything from customer Behavior to sales strengths think of it as a decoding the secrets hidden within the data what do data Engineers do today data Engineers craft the backbone of the company's data setup they specialize in getting massive data sets ready for analysts to dive into picture this when an analyst needs data the data engineer steps in creating programs and routines to make sure the data is in the perfect shape for analysis their daily routine revolves around two key processes elt or extract load transform in simple words elt is a way to handle data integration it involves extracting transforming and loading data where the data is first loaded into the target system and then transformed within that system the second process is called Data enrichment this means adding more context to data by combining it this information from other sources it's like mixing what is you know internally with what you find externally data engineering road map folks it's important that you understand that data engineering is an incredibly complex and demanding job you need to learn a lot and work on many practical projects to become a pro data engineer and your pass might be different based on your existing skills but this guide can help you even if you're a complete beginner so step one building a foundation all right first of all you need a strong foundation with some basic skills that will help you on your journey ahead and a good way to start is mastering advanced math to be a data engineer it's helpful to have a grasp of mass Concepts and don't stress too much these concepts are usually part of high school Mass so you might already have the basics covered okay moving on to learning programming Basics knowing the very fundamental programming skills can be helpful when it comes to data engineering and python is a great choice as a programming language especially since it's gaining tons of popularity these days if you haven't learned it yet now is a good time to start the great news is nowadays many ETL and El tools require python on quite a basic level that's why learn about operators variables data types in Python Master python data structures and algorithms as well guys learning python is no joke that's why I made a dedicated python developer road map video feel free to check it out on my channel understand functions and regular expressions finally learn how to work with standard python libraries such as Panda sampy Beautiful soap and selenium another super important skill that's a must to have is understanding cql with the focus on understanding performance finally make sure you learn about Computing Basics once you get the hand of python you should dive into some basic Computing principles this is super important because the data sources you will be dealing with often demand a solid understanding of these Computing basics understand the concepts like shell scripting in Linux and apis and Master working with Git and GitHub step two developing your skills guys before we move on I try to make educational content in an entertaining way make it fun instead of boring and in a return I just asked to like this video And subscribe to my channel if you like the content I make that's all all right once you feel you are confident about the basics you will have to move on to more complex Concepts and the first thing to learn about this stage is database management folks data Engineers spend a lot of time dealing with databases whether is gathering storing moving cleaning or analyzing data that's why these guys really need to know their way around database management this includes being skilled in SQL which is the main language for working with databases you will also need to be proficient in popular SQL versions like plpgsql plsql tsql SQL server and postra SQL but apart from that data Engineers should also get the hand off no SQL databases these are becoming the preferred systems for big data and realtime applications so knowing them is pretty essential next learn about elt pipelines and Frameworks creating elt pipelines is one of the most important skills for data Engineers today in simple words elt pipeline is a method of taking data from various sources putting it into data warehouse and then tween it using operations inside the database like SQL when it comes to El Frameworks at data engineer should be familiar with popular tools like Azure data Factory or ssis and guys of course that's not all after this learn about Big Data Basics and tools big data is a mix of structured semi-structured and unstructured data that companies gather this data can be examined for insights and used in projects like machine learning and and predictive modeling as a data engineer you will need to have a good understanding of Big Data Concepts like 5 vs volume velocity variety verocity and value also distributed computation commodity hardware and clusters and again guys that's not all in addition to that you will have to understand the difference between structured semi structured and unstructured data I know step three learning Advanced Data engineering skills and finally once you have all that down it's time to move on to advanced concepts and one of the things to learn at this stage is Advanced programming now you should focus on improving the skills needed to complete your data engineering profile and you can do that by revisiting programming achieve advanced level of programming these skills are important for your growth as a data engineer and here is what I'm talking about functional programming Concepts immutability function composition higher order f functions modularity and others also don't forget about recursive functions in our case they are important too next make sure you learn about cloud computing today knowing your way around cloud computing is a must have skill for any data engineer many companies are shifting from heavy Hardware setups to cloud computing for data storage making engineer skilled in Cloud Tools in high demand the top three cloud service platforms are Google Cloud platform Amazon web services and Microsoft Azure however today many data Engineers choose Azure because it's more cost-effective solution these platforms definitely brings a bunch of perks for data Engineers you get scalable infrastructure computer and resources whenever you need them and a bunch of tools for analyzing data guys I'm planning to make a video series about each of them so stay tuned finally there is one more thing left to learn machine learning and deep learning it's no secret that machine learning leads to data the focus Fields today and if you're interested in diving in into machine learning you should already have a good grasp of the distinctions between supervised unsupervised and reinforcement learning people I will be honest with you in data engineering knowing machine learning and deep learning algorithms isn't strictly a must but it can be incredibly helpful and my mean a bigger salary all right let me explain why having a solid understanding of machine learning and deep learning can prove valuable especially since data Engineers support data scientist teams and if you want to grow in this direction as well make sure you learn about algorithms like decision three dimensionality reduction algorithms gradient boosting algorithm and Ada boosting algorithm key means KNN algorithm linear regression logistic regression naive base algorithm random Forest algorithm and svm algorithm guys starting the journey to become a data engineer demands dedication and promise to keep learning and following this road map will put you on the right track to gaining the vital skills for a successful career in data engineering becoming a Pro Data engineer guys stay curious practice regularly and never stop exploring New Horizons it not only enhances your knowledge and passion for data but also gives you topics to discuss with potential clients customers and employers there is always room to grow so as a data engineer you will need to be consistently improving your skill SKS and keeping updated and here are a few things I suggest you should do build your data engineering portfolio creating a portfolio is a great way to show your understanding of data engineering making various projects related to database design and development can set you apart from other candidates be active write blog post on platforms like LinkedIn and demonstrate your skills and knowledge to the world getting an entry level position guys here is the Ugly Truth more often than not data engineer isn't a junior your position this is why starting as a data analyst could be a good idea as you gather more experience and skills you can gradually move up to become a data engineer it's about taking steps and building your expertise over time get a certification certifications are like bages of credibility adding your employer trust you can get data engineering certifications from reliable platforms that offer practical courses stuff by experien Educators just be sure to read reviews about this courses and their instructors before signing up or watch my videos as I often review Great Courses and certification programs on this channel some of them can definitely help you on your way to becoming a data engineer I have the links to them in the description down below so feel free to check them out all right fellow developers that's all about my data engineering road map don't forget to like this video And subscribe to my channel thanks for watching until next time [Music] oh
Channel: Daniel Dan | Tech & Data
Views: 18,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data engineer roadmap, how to become a data engineer and get a job, how to become a data engineer, data engineer step by step guide, data engineer, data engineering, learn data engineering, roadmap for data engineer, how to become data engineer, data engineering guide, how to learn data engineering, data engineer full roadmap, data engineering roadmap 2024, data engineering roadmap, data engineer 2024, data engineer roadmap 2024, how become a data engineer 2024
Id: Uf7vLfvbL2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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