Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data | Bruce Schneier | Talks at Google

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interesting stuff and well articulated. the talk is a tl;dr of his book.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2015 🗫︎ replies
JAY: Hi, I'm Jay from the security team. We have a really great talk today. Bruce is here to talk about big data. "Data and Goliath" is his new book. And I had a hard time figuring out what to talk about, how to introduce him. There's the stuff you read. And you're a Harvard fellow, EFF, 13 books, well known in the security community. But last night I stayed up, and I read his book. I was up most of the night, and then I got up at 5:30 this morning. I was really tired, and with the time change it was like 4:30. And I wanted to take some notes, and I had an event this morning that made me appreciate the book, what was in it. And I got into my car. I started to drive away, and I realized that I left his book in my house. So I left my car running, went inside, got the book, left my door open. My car rolled down the driveway, took out my door, crashed into an oak tree, pretty much totaled my car. This is at 5:30 this morning. AUDIENCE: Aw. JAY: So 5:45 I'm on the phone with Geico filing an insurance claim. And it dawned on me, I am now even more involved in Google. I'm involved with Geico and big data. And in reading his book, there was a company that looks at car websites, right Bruce? Hey, you're looking for new cars, and when you go in to buy a new car, you read about this. They already know you're looking for a new car. They can sort of take advantage of that, and was it $300, $400 they can take advantage of you in that way? And I was like, oh my god. I was looking at new cars a couple of weeks ago. Is Geico going to say, hey, I'm not going to deal with your claim because you just pushed your car down the driveway because you wanted a new car? Or there's companies that look at where you drive. They're collecting your license plates. There's all this big data that they're generating. And I just realized that a lot of stuff that was in his book was completely relevant not only to what I do at work here at Google but in my daily life of, hey, I just crashed my car. What's going to happen? So just keep that in mind that I didn't realize that I would have this big data event right before this happened. But Bruce, why don't you come up here and talk about your book? It actually is a really good read, and there's a lot to go over. So thanks for coming out. [APPLAUSE] BRUCE SCHNEIER: Hey, thank you. Maybe we should talk about the value of the parking brake. [LAUGHTER] I want to talk about data. The book I wrote is "Data and Goliath." I appreciate the proper pronunciation. I didn't realize this, but there are lots of people out there who will pronounce it "Data and Goliath" and then not get the joke. "Data and Goliath," I'm happy with the title. The title was a collaboration between my editor and I. We were going around with different titles, and we came up with "Data and Goliath." I immediately loved it because it's so evocative, but the problem with "Data and Goliath" as a title is that Malcolm Gladwell just came out with a book called "David and Goliath." And that would be OK, except that Malcolm Gladwell's previous book was called "Outliers" and my previous book was called "Liars and Outliers." It came out after his. And aping him twice seemed like too much. So I wrote on my blog this story of the title that's great but cannot be, and I got an email out of the blue from Malcolm Gladwell, who I don't know, saying, you should use the title. And I said, thanks. Will you blurb book? And he said, sure. And I said, you know the publisher will put it on the front cover in a font bigger than my name. So it is on the front cover. It's actually not in a font bigger than my name, but I appreciate the permission to use the title and the kind words. What I'm writing about is data. I'm really writing about data in society and how it's used. You all know that all computers produce data about things that are happening, about what's going on, transaction records. So I'm writing about how these transaction records are generated, how they are increasingly stored and increasingly used, saved, bought, and sold by different companies. I look at Google. I look at license plate capture. I look at different systems that follow you around on the internet, cameras, all of these technologies of collection, which I think have been well talked about in the media. What's talked about less are systems of analysis. The media likes to focus on collecting this, collecting that, spends less time on analysis. And I think one of the common misconceptions I find talking to people is they have very human views of analysis, that people are looking at it or people-like entities. So you can hide in a sea of a big data. If you've got thousands or millions of records, they'll never find you. There isn't this conception that computers are really good at incredibly boring, time-consuming, repetitive tasks. And the intuition of how this data can be used, how things can be correlated doesn't apply anymore. And I'm reminded, this is only related of the programs that would take shredded paper and reassemble the documents basically by brute force, laying them all flat, taking a photograph, and moving the parts around until you got-- it's basically a puzzle. But it's a puzzle that a human being could never solve. So just like paper shredders are designed for a human adversary, not really a computer adversary, our notions of data and what happens to our data is conceptualized mostly based on human adversaries. So I talk a lot about this. I talk about the data being surveillance data. And I think this is a problem. Another problem in the popular conception, the notion that it's only metadata. We heard President Obama say that a year and change ago. And metadata is fundamentally surveillance data. To me the way to think of it is just do a thought experiment. Imagine I hired a private detective to spy on that guy, and the detective would put a bug in your home, in your office, in your car. And I get a report of the conversations he had. That's the data. That's the kind of thing President Obama says is not being captured for all Americans. Now I imagine I take the same detective and said, put this guy under surveillance. I would get a different report. I get a report of where he went, who he spoke to, what he did. That's all the metadata. The metadata is the surveillance data, and it's surprisingly intimate. Metadata speaks to our relationships, our associations, what we're interested in, what's important to us. It's really who we are. And it's much easier to store, to search and analyze. Take an obvious example of metadata is our location data produced by our cellphones. We carry them around all the time. Not out of malice. It's how the phones operate. They can't deliver phone calls unless they know where you are. But a pretty accurate picture of where you are reveals a lot. It's much more important for an entity trying to control us, whoever that might be, that we are all in the same room together much less so than what I happen to be saying from the podium. So we are in the golden age of surveillance. And there's a couple of characteristics of it. It's incidental. It's generally a side-effect of the things we want to do. We don't pick up our phone in the morning and say, I'm going to put my surveillance device in my pocket today. But it has to be that. Otherwise it can't operate as a cellphone. It's covert. We don't see it. If there were 50 people standing over your shoulder as you surfed the web, you would notice that. You'd say, hey, get away. I'm doing something. But if it's 50 cookies tracking you, you don't notice it. It's hard to opt out of. I'm always asked, what can people do to avoid surveillance? And the advice like don't carry a cell phone and don't have an email address is kind of dumb advice. Don't have a credit card. Don't have a Facebook account. These are the things you need to be a fully functioning member of society. And those aren't things we can easily do without. And it's also ubiquitous. It's happening everywhere. Simply because more and more of our life involves computers. Our commerce, our socialization, our research, our reading, intermediated by computers, so the data is collected. And ubiquitous surveillance is fundamentally different. It's not follow that car. It's follow every car. You can do more things. You can follow people backwards in time. You can do what the NSA calls hop searches. Who am I talking to? Who are they talking to? Who are they talking to? When you hear three hops, that's what they're talking about. You can do about searches. Don't search this person, but tell me who's spoken these words. Tell me who writes about this topic. Find me somebody that meets these particular surveillance characteristics. Maybe three time location parameters, probably a unique person, or flagging something based on interesting. This data is being collected and used primarily by corporations. It's surveillance is the business model of the internet. You guys know that. And we build systems that spy on people in exchange for services. A lot of reasons why this is so. When the internet began, there wasn't any way to charge for anything. Then it began to be used for commercial reasons. And then people expect the internet to be free just based on its pre-commerce history. So advertising was the obvious way to make money on the internet, and personalized advertising was the obvious way to extend that and make that more profitable. So I think of this as free and convenient as the drivers of surveillance. And corporations know a lot about us, and that's sort of an amazing amount. My cell phone knows where I live, where I work, when I go to sleep, when I wake up. We all carry cell phones. My cell phone knows who I sleep with. I used to say that Google knows more about me than my wife does. And that's true, but it's not even enough. I think Google knows more about me that than I do because Google remembers things that I don't. And I think all of us, when we're interested in something, we search for it. You guys know what kind of porn every American likes, and that's sort of creepy. Now, do you remember last year we saw that Uber post where Uber was looking at rides. It was looking at rides to a location at night and then rides from a location the next morning. So it basically found people using Uber to go have sex. And they published stats about this, what cities, what neighborhoods were the best for this. And they were all aggregates. They all hid the individual people, but Uber knows those individual people. Uber can produce the list if they wanted to of people who use Uber to have sex. It's probably in the license agreement that they're allowed to. And this is done as a side-effect of using a very useful service. Government surveillance largely piggybacks on these capabilities. We've learned that a little from the Snowden documents. We know that from China. It's not like the NSA woke up one morning and said, let's spy on everybody. They woke up one morning and said, look, these companies are spying on everybody. Let's get ourselves a copy. They do it a lot of different ways. They do it through legal compulsion, national security letters. They do it through subversion, when they hacked your data center links outside the US. They do it all different ways. And this really allows government to get away with a level of surveillance we would never allow otherwise. We would never agree that we would all put our tracking device in our pockets every morning. But we carry a cell phone. Or if the FBI said, whenever you make a new friend, you must alert the police. You laugh, but you all alert Facebook. Or give the police a copy of all our correspondence. No, we just put it in Gmail. I mean, I don't use Gmail, but last time I checked, about a third of my email is stored by Google because everyone else does. And government surveillance is largely driven by fear. On the good side, you can say it's fear of terrorists and fear of criminals. On the bad side, you can say it's fear of dissidence and fear of new ideas and fear of political organizing, depending on which country we're talking about it. But this is how it happens, and this is how it extends. So, I spend the first part of the book on that, on all this complex discussion of surveillance. Corporate and government, what I think of as the public-private surveillance partnership, how things are working together. I use a lot of the Snowden documents. I use a lot of things that happen in the commercial world. It's important to understand that this isn't just the US. The Snowden documents have given us an extraordinary window into US NSA surveillance, but there's no reason to believe that other countries don't do the same thing to the extent of their ability, certainly China, Russia, other countries with big military budgets. And a lot of what we see the NSA doing are straightforward extensions of hacker tools. To me, the most surprising thing about the Snowden documents is the lack of surprising things in the Snowden documents, that the NSA is not made of magic. You'd think with their budget there'd be some magic. But it seems to turn out that it's just putting more formal process and bigger budget and more people on the [? tach ?] tools, and you get straightforward extensions of commercial and hacker tools. And technology democratizes us. I make this point again and again. Today's top secret NSA programs are tomorrow's PhD theses and the next day's hacker tools. So when you see a really impressive NSA trick, it's a preview of what the hackers are going to do two years from now. The latest one was the ability-- we saw this from Kaspersky-- the ability to hide malware in the boot areas of hard drives, a truly impressive technique that even if you take your computer, erase all the memory, reinstall the operating system, it's still infected. So this, I guess in 2008, was a secret NSA program. After Kaspersky talked about it, I started looking at the academic research, and I found three papers over the past few years talking about the same techniques. So do we know that the government of China doesn't do this? I wouldn't trust that they didn't. I still believe the best way, when you come back from a trip to China, to scrub your computer is to throw it away and get a new one. So when we're looking at these techniques, we need to keep in mind that they're not NSA only. I spend the second part of the book on, it's a section called What's at Stake where I talk about why this matters, why privacy matters, why data matters. And I head on attack the two tropes you'll hear in common discussion about this. And the first one is security versus privacy. And the second is, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Those are the two main talking points you'll hear out in the common world. Security versus privacy, I think that's obviously not true. Whenever someone says security versus privacy, look at them and say door lock, burglar alarm, tall fence. There's a lot of security that has nothing to do with privacy. And also you don't actually feel secure when your privacy is violated. This notion that they don't go hand in hand I think just doesn't make any sense, that privacy is a part of security. To be sure, there are aspects of security that require a privacy violation, police investigating crimes. And we have lots of systems in place to ensure that that process happens fairly with minimal abuse. And I talk a lot about them. So the nothing to hide nothing to fear argument, that mischaracterizes privacy as something to hide. Privacy is much more about autonomy and power and control. Privacy is my ability to decide how I present myself to the world. And stripping someone of that is very dehumanizing. And lots of scientific studies on surveillance bear that out. And more importantly, privacy allows society to move forward. Right now in the United States, we're at the brink of two amazing social changes. Gay marriage will be legal in all 50 states soon, and marijuana will be legal in all 50 states soon, two things which right now feel inevitable but three years ago would have felt impossible. Now, the process to get from one to the other requires privacy. In order for pot to become legal, it has to be that sometime in the past, someone tried pot and said, you know? That wasn't that bad. And then a couple of generations occur, and more and more people think, you know? That's not that bad. But if you could imagine a world with perfect surveillance, and every gay relationship is stopped and prosecuted, absolutely you'd never get to a world where a lot of people are saying, why should I care? This is fine. It's a really interesting process from something being illegal, to illegal and tolerated, to illegal and really tolerated, to legal. And that process only works through imperfect enforcement. So I spent a lot of time on the value of privacy. I talk about the business reasons and the fact that we have a lot of trouble in the United States now that US products and services are not trusted. I remember sometime last year. It was after the muscular revelations, and Google did a bunch of things to secure their data centers. And it was Eric Schmidt who said that now he's confident that the NSA can't penetrate his systems. One, I don't think that's true. But even the best he actually could say is, the NSA can't penetrate my systems except for the ways I don't know about and the ways I've been legally compelled not to tell you about. We know in the United States companies have gotten orders to deliberately break their security and not tell anybody about it. And as long as we're living in a country where those sorts of secret orders are possible, we cannot get to a point where we can trust any company's attestations about its security. This is very bad. This is very dangerous. I'm amazed we are at this point. So I talk about all that. The third part of the book is entitled How to Fix It, and there I spend time on solutions. This is very hard. In the first chapter I just talk about the principles. And one of the principles I want to mention here is the notion that we have just one network and one answer. The NSA traditionally has a dual mission. You look back at their Cold War origins, they had two different complementary missions. One was to protect US communications. The other was to attack Soviet communications. And those two missions were able to coexist because they were separate. Think of radios. The US and Soviet Union had different radios on different frequencies, different hardware, different systems. And you could attack theirs while defending ours. If you were eavesdropping on an undersea cable out of Moscow to Vladivostok, you would never get conversations from Peoria in it. The physical object allowed you to separate the defensive and the offensive mission. That doesn't work on the internet. Now everybody uses TCP/IP and Cisco routers and iPhones, Chrome browsers. We're all using the same stuff. And it cannot be that you can defend ours and attack theirs at the same time. You have to make choices. If you find a vulnerability, you can either use it to defend ours. You can fix it, at the same time making them more secure. Or we can use it to attack them, at the same time leaving us less secure. And you have to make that choice again and again. And I think from everything we've learned that security is more important than surveillance. Take StingRays as an example. A StingRay is basically a fake cell phone tower. That's a product name. It's probably a series of products from Harris Corporation sold to the FBI that allow the FBI without a warrant to figure out who's in a location and get a bunch of data from their phones. FBI's been very secretive about this to the extent that they will instruct prosecutors to lie about it in court. Even though a lot of information is public, they're still very, very secretive. So last year, some website, I forget which one, started looking around DC and found these StingRays all over the city run by who knows who for who knows what reason. So here's our choice. Either we can exploit this technology, leaving all of us vulnerable to whatever other country or organization wants to exploit the technology. Or we can fix it, add some authentication to our air to ground, air to cell phone traffic, depriving the FBI of a tool but making us all secure. I talk about a bunch of these principles. I talk about things I think governments should do, things I think corporations should do, which often are government [INAUDIBLE] corporations. Things that I think people should do as individuals, technologies we can employ. This is very hard. Everyone wants to know what can they do to avoid surveillance. And a lot of the answer is not much, because so much of our data is in the hands of third parties. If Anthem Health gets hacked, there's nothing I can do about it. I can't even decide whether or not they get my data. It probably is mandated by my employer. And again, the opting out tools are just not viable answers. So we can do things like use encrypted email or SSL or OTR. But they tend to work around the edges. They don't affect the metadata, and they rarely affect third-party data. So we're living in an interesting world where the solutions are a combination of law and technology. Even worse, we're living in a world where law can undermine technology. Right? Google gets a secret court order to break their security and fights it in court, and it's two years out, and you lose. And we also live in a world where two caffeine-fueled undergrads at Stanford could write an app that undermines the law, which means that both have to work in order for us to get security again. And this is a thorny problem. What I want people to do, when people ask what should I do, the thing I say is, we need to start observing surveillance and talking about surveillance. Pew Research did an international survey on the effects of the Snowden documents. And one of the things they asked is, have you taken any steps to protect your privacy since the Snowden revelations. And they produced numbers by country. I did the calculation by population and percentage and came up with a figure that 700 million people on the planet have done something to protect their privacy in the wake of the Snowden documents and the NSA's activities. Now, probably most of the stuff people did wasn't effective. Probably some of the people who said I did something didn't actually do something. But what that is a measure of, it's a measure of people's changing their perceptions of data and security based on these documents. I can't think of another issue that moved 700 million people on this planet in the course of a year. That is truly amazing. What Snowden said is he wanted to start the conversation. I think this proves he did it. And I think we have to continue the conversation, so observing surveillance and discussing it. And it's not a matter of all surveillance is bad. I think this is a complex issue. This is an issue of designing systems to extract group value from our data while protecting people individually. And I actually think this is a fundamental issue of the information age. Our data has enormous value to us collectively, and our data has enormous value to us each individually. How do we reconcile this? What law enforcement will say is, we need to get your data to prevent crime. NSA will say, we need your data to prevent terrorism. Behavioral data is valuable for advertising. Medical data, I think there's huge value in taking all of our medical data, putting it in one big database, and letting researchers at it. Yet it's incredibly personal. Or something as easy as movement data, I like it when Google Maps tells me real-time traffic information based on real-time surveillance. That is a valuable service. How do we extract these valuable group benefits of our data while protecting us each individually? And I think this is a very core problem to big data and one we really need to address. And I've said this before, but I think data is the pollution problem of the information age. I think it's a reasonably robust analogy. All processes produce it. It stays around. We're discussing secondary uses, recycling, storage, disposal. And I really think that in the same way that we look back at the titans of industry 100 years ago, 150 years ago ignoring pollution as they built the industrial age, that we're going to be judged by our grandchildren and great grandchildren on the decisions we make about data here in the early decades of the information age. So that's the book I wrote, and that's why I wrote it. I'm happy to take questions. [APPLAUSE] AUDIENCE: I'd like to ask you a little bit more about Edward Snowden. Last year Governor Bill Richardson was where you were, and he said, I don't think Snowden is a patriot, I think Snowden, what he did was wrong. Do you think Snowden is a patriot? Do you think we need to keep relying on people like Snowden to keep exposing these things? And if so, is that any way to run a society, to really just fingers crossed somebody puts themselves on the line and has to go and escape to Russia and hope the CIA doesn't get them? BRUCE SCHNEIER: Well, that was a pretty extreme story. I think whistleblowers are extremely valuable in society. And I think they act somewhat as a random audit, and they do provide a great service. And yes, it's not something you want to rely on. But they are a safety valve. And Yochai Benkler has written a paper on this. I think it's called "Leaky Leviathan" talking about how good systems, robust systems are leaky, and the leaks are valuable. I personally think what Snowden did was moral and sound. But the discussion of patriot or traitor is really a history discussion. I tend not to like it because it focuses the story on the person rather than the documents. And I think the real story is the documents and the NSA, and not the method by which we learned about the documents and the NSA. AUDIENCE: Thank you. AUDIENCE: So in hindsight when the NSA proposed the Clipper chip, it was obvious that they wanted to do surveillance, and collectively we rejected it. And now we have the NSA hacking all our systems. Do you think some sort of key escrow or voluntary key escrow perhaps might be the way to go? BRUCE SCHNEIER: I don't. There are a whole lot of reasons why that was a dumb idea in the '90s and is an equally dumb idea today. The basic reason is I can't make it secure. Basically I can't build any back door into a system that somehow regulates for the morality of the person using it. That as soon as I build a method for access into the system, I have to assume that the bad guys will use it just as much as the bad guys, or possibly more. And I have a much better secure system if nobody has access. And that's why key escrow didn't make sense then, and that's why it doesn't make sense now. I tend to be OK with NSA hacking. It's interesting. One of the things we learned from the NSA documents is that cryptography works, that cryptography properly implemented gives us NSA trouble at least at scale. And I was saying this earlier, the NSA is not made of magic. And they are subject to the same laws of mathematics and physics and economics as everybody else is. And what good cryptography does is leverage the economics. I actually have no doubt that if the NSA wants to be in your network. They are in your network. Period. Done. If they are not, it's for one of two reasons. One, it is illegal under their very aggressive interpretations of the law. And two, you are not that important in the scheme of budgetary allocation. Breaking crypto, being able to read encrypted traffic en masse, is a much more cost-effective way of getting everybody's data. If the NSA has to target companies or individuals one by one, it's going to force them to target on the bad guys. And maybe if we're lucky the Belgian phone company won't make the cut. AUDIENCE: I had a follow-up question about ways of securely aggregating data. I know the biggest recent thing I've heard of is fully homomorphic encryption, which if it ever becomes feasible, could in theory aggregate data. Do you know of any other technical solutions for doing the hidden aggregation? BRUCE SCHNEIER: There really aren't. Homomorphic encryption still is theoretical. I'm not convinced it'll ever be practical. I mean, I'd like to be wrong, but it is going to require a lot more advances. Right now, I don't know if homomorphic encryption would change it because of so much hardware hacking. We have to trust the platforms that have our data. We have no choice. They are trusted in the sense of they can subvert our security, not that they are trustworthy. And because we are seeing so much hacking underneath the software layer, I don't know if homomorphic software-- how much is that going to help when you have all this hardware hacking? So we really need to rethink our trust models. They seem to be failing in this world of everybody hacking everything. AUDIENCE: Thanks. AUDIENCE: Thank you for coming here. I know you said everybody asks you, what can I do? But this is a particularly-- we are part of the surveillance system. And it was described to me when I first got here that the company only works because users trust us. If we lose user trust, then that's an existential threat to the company. And because of these revelations, we're kind of seen as the bad guy. Now, I know you don't particularly have a stake in the company, but people here tend to be pretty well meaning about this. What can we do to lean towards the good uses of surveillance as opposed to the evil ones? And how can we move the system towards that? BRUCE SCHNEIER: So, I have a few suggestions. The first one is transparency, that the more that your systems are transparent, the more they're trusted. And I'd like there to be some way to make the search results, the system that produces search results, more transparent. I know that's hard. I know there's proprietary data all through that. But the more transparency the better. And that's my first suggestion in all systems. The second is we need to fight this notion of secret law, that as long as you can be legally compelled to lie to all of us about how secure your stuff is, there can be no final trust. Now, this isn't your fault. This is something you've been thrust into. But you could help us solve this. So fighting these secret orders in every way possible I think would be a huge thing. And I think doing that, doing that in public is another way to engender trust. Microsoft is getting huge PR value out of fighting this court order to turn over data that's in their servers in Ireland. On a purely self-serving point of view, it's a great decision of Microsoft to fight, win or lose. The third thing is to think about encrypting Gmail. I wonder what the marginal value is from being able to get people's interest out of their Gmail. And my hope is and my thought is that it's low enough that you can offer more common encryption. I mean, yes, if someone's using Google Now, we need to figure out how to make that work. Or I guess you can't use Google Now if your stuff is encrypted, but some way to give more users easier access to email encryption is something Google can do and make an enormous difference. So those are my three suggestions. There's probably more if I thought about it. Those are three that come to mind. AUDIENCE: Thank you. And just as a note, there's a public project called End to End for doing client-side email encryption for Gmail. It's not widely rolled out, but we are working on that. BRUCE SCHNEIER: Yeah, but I want it almost to be default. I want it to be not just rolled out. I want it to be a thing that an average Gmail user without any technical knowledge gets. The reason SSL works to the extent it does is you're not thinking about it. It just works. And what you're doing on trying to make more SSL everywhere is great. And those are the things that make a difference, because Google can move so many users just by changing a default. AUDIENCE: Thank you. AUDIENCE: I get the sense that in this country people are more worried about government surveillance, and in Europe people are more worried about corporate surveillance. What do you think is the more damaging and risky to our society? BRUCE SCHNEIER: So, I think your generalization is largely correct. There are certainly exceptions. There are a lot of people in both countries worried about the other thing. But by and large you're right. I think the biggest problem is the two together, that separating doesn't make sense, that it's the public-private security partnership that I worry about. It's governments using corporate data. It's corporations getting government contracts and lobbying for government surveillance. Now, these things working together is really what's causing the problem, and separating them doesn't make sense anymore. Because it's all about power using data against the less powerful. You're going to be my last two questions. AUDIENCE: I'm wondering what you think of David Brin's thesis in "The Transparent Society" where he says that, essentially, a world of privacy is not something that we can achieve going forward, that loss of privacy is inevitable. But the choice we have is symmetric versus asymmetric loss of privacy, and that the worst outcome is the one we have right now where the powerful, the NSA, get to do their surveillance in secret, and that the way forward is in the direction that supports democratic accountability that there are real limits on their ability to do things in secret. BRUCE SCHNEIER: So, I think what Brin misses in the analysis is how power factors into it, that you're really talking about the powerful state and corporations, the less powerful individuals. And that just allowing surveillance in this direction doesn't even the score. When a policeman asks for your ID, asking for the policeman's ID also doesn't make that an even exchange. So I'm all in favor of transparency, and I like the idea of sousveillance and surveillance from below. But I don't think that changes things. I disagree with his thesis that loss of privacy is inevitable. I think that that's not true. That's too fatalistic, and we haven't lost. And there are ways to get privacy, maybe not technically but certainly legally, because that's the kind of society we are. AUDIENCE: Several years ago you published on how you maintained for the guests to your home an open Wi-Fi network. In 2015, and particularly in high-density areas like the Bay Area, would you still recommend maintaining an open Wi-Fi hotspot? BRUCE SCHNEIER: So, I tell you what I do. I still have an open Wi-Fi hotspot in my house in Minneapolis. I recently got an apartment in Cambridge because I'm spending a lot of time at Harvard, and there I have a password. So I guess your notion of high density is what made a difference to me. I still think it's fine to have open wireless. I think it's easy and polite. But in an apartment building, I decided that putting a password on it was the right thing to do. It's an easy to guess password, so-- [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Talks at Google
Views: 42,399
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Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data, Bruce Schneier, bruce schneier ted talk, bruce schneier 2020, bruce schneier security, security
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2015
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