Data Analysis with PandasAI and Ollama - Locally and Free

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We live in the age of AI. Most AI tools are now based on large language models. Today, we'll explore how to perform data analysis using the Pandas AI tool locally. Let's take a look at what we'll cover in this video. First, we'll briefly explain what Pandas AI is. Next, we'll load our dataset. After that, we'll get a large model with Ollama. Lastly, we'll analyze data with this model. Keep in mind that, to work with the large model, we will not use any api key, such as the openai api key. This means that the analysis we'll do is completely local and free. Let's dive in! What we're going to do now is look at Pandas AI. Pandas AI is nothing but a Python tool. You can talk to your data using this tool. It allows you to explore, clean, and analyze your data using generative AI. Overall, using Pandas AI, it is very easy to perform your data analysis projects. Okay, we've seen what Pandas AI is. Let's go ahead and start the setup for our project. Now, we're going to create a virtual environment. To do this, we're going to use conda. Let's open the vs code terminal and write conda create, to give a name, let's use -n, and then let's name it genai. I already created this. After that, we'll activate this environment. Let's do this. conda activate genai Okay, our environment is ready to use. What we're going to do now is install the tools we'll use. To do this, let's create a requirements.txt file. We're going to click on the new file and then name it. requirements.txt After that, let's write the tools we'll use here. To read our dataset, we'll use pandas, pandasai, to import Ollama, we'll leverage langchain, langchain-community. For now, these tools are enough to analyze data. Now, we're going to install these. pip install requirements.txt Yeah, loading started. There you go. Our tools are ready to use. To write our codes, we're going to create a notebook file. Let me click on the new file and then give a name. Let's say, pandasai.ipynb After that let's select the kernel. To do this, let me click on the python environments. And then select genai. It's time to read our data. To load the data, we're going to use Pandas. First, let's import this library. import pandas as pd The dataset we're going to use is country populations. You can find a link to this dataset in the description below. Let's have a look at this dataset. This dataset includes the population of several countries. What we're going to do now is read this dataset with the read_csv method. Let's say, data = pd.read_csv("population.csv") Okay, our dataset is ready to dive in. Let's take a look at the first five of the data. To do this, we're going to use the head method. data.head() There you go. You can see countries and populations. Nice, our dataset is ready. What we're going to do now is initialize the model. To do this, we're going to use Ollama. To leverage Ollama, you need to install it. To install this tool, go to the Ollama website and then click on the download button. After installing this tool, you can use it in your terminal. Let me show you the version of Ollama. Let's write, ollama --version There you go. To load a model, you can use the pull command. To see the models you can leverage, you can click the models. There you go. Here are many models you can use. For this tutorial, we're going to utilize the mistral model. Let's pull this model. To do this, go to our terminal and then write, ollama pull mistral There you go. Our model is ready to use. What we're going to do now is import Ollama from the langchain-community. Let's write, from langchain_community.llms import Ollama Now, let's initialize our model. Let's say, llm = Ollama(model="llama2") Awesome, our model is ready. To talk to our dataset, we're going to use the SmartDataframe class. This class allows you to interact with a single dataframe. First, let's import this class. from pandasai import SmartDataframe After that let's convert our data into SmartDataframe using this class. df = SmartDataframe(data, config={"llm": llm}) Nice, our dataframe is ready to chat with it. Let's go ahead and start to talk to our data. The first question we're going to ask is to find the top 5 countries by population. Let's write,'Which are the top 5 countries by population?') There you go. You can see the top 5 countries by population here. It is important to keep in mind that we don't use any api key. We just leverage an open-source model from Ollama. This means that we performed this analysis locally and for free. Great, we've seen the top 5 countries by population. Let's go ahead and find the total populations of the top 5 countries. Let's write,"What is the total populations of the top 5 countries by population?") Let me run this cell. There you go. That was easy, right? You can explore your dataset with the prompts like this. Yeah, that's it. In this video, we've covered how to perform data analysis with PandasAI and Ollama. Using these AI tools, you can do your data analysis projects locally and for free. If you have any questions, let me know. The link to this notebook is in the description. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for watching. Don't forget to subscribe, like the video, and leave a comment. See you in the next video. Bye for now.
Channel: Tirendaz AI
Views: 5,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tirendaz academy, data science, machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, data analysis, ai, generative ai, generative ai python, generative ai tutorial, pandas ai, pandas ai tutorial, python pandasai, pandasai, ollama, ollama tutorial, langchain, langchain tutorial, pandas ai langchain, pandas ai python, pandas ai llama
Id: bw_e6xgGSTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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