Dashcam Captures Scumbug Pulling A Truckers Kingpin After Leaving His Rig
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Channel: Kostadin Petrov
Views: 2,496,593
Rating: 4.0021415 out of 5
Id: uTMQJWKyvqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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why would you even do something like that?
That 5 minutes video could have just been 30 seconds
Driver got Munsoned.
2015, what ever happened to the guy? if anything.
Absolutely a dick move. No question about it...
However, I'm no trucker, but I've worked around big equipment before...When you come back from an extended time away, the first thing you do is check to make sure your safety shit is set appropriately...Is that not standard procedure for truckers?
I've read the wikipedia article but am still confused. What does pulling it achieve?