Darlene Zschech's Powerful Testimony

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acclaimed composer worship leader and pastor darlene check has experienced her share of life's mountains and valleys in a recent book the golden thread she talks about seeing god's love woven through challenges and seasons of transition she shares personal stories from her journey and opens up about trusting god during her battle with breast cancer in 2013. i know how to worship i know how to declare god's goodness i know how to dig into the word but i had to go to a deeper place what i found in my valley of the shadow of death is found the presence of god and i realized you know when it says the valley in psalm 23 of the shadow of death you can only have shadow if there is light and it's just a fact that god doesn't leave us just because we're saved doesn't mean we won't have troubles in fact god just says hey they're going to come but take heart take heart i've overcome it all i've overcome the world so yeah that's the golden thread talking about you know the presence of god in every season not just on your good days in moments of weakness being reminded of god's strength gave her courage it's not every morning i woke up going wow life is wonderful you know i had a couple of very near-death experiences remember my girlfriend flying down and jumping into bed with me and going right there's this new song called you make me brave and you were going to listen to it and i'm like no i am not i do not feel brave and she's like no you will listen to this song and you will sing this song until you believe it so we played that bethel song over and over until i really got it in my spirit that actually in christ i can do all things today is cancer-free and she has a renewed sense of priority i think cancer does change you it's changed me my kids are like who are you mom um i'm not as hard on myself i don't work as hard um i you know rest more i say what i think more my value system has just tightened up a little and i guess i know that i want to live for the praise of god i'm not worried about so much what people think and then i'm really about the local church i feel like it's part of god's great solution and i'm more than focused on you know being part of that answer i've kind of got no time for drama queens or drama and even with my own children i'm like yeah speak to the hand just go outside and sort yourself out and come back in whereas i used to be probably a little bit sweeter anyway but i think that's a good thing you know we are we all have a number of days on this earth and you don't want to waste it being buried in what people think you don't want to waste it in not really getting about what you were put on earth to do darlene's book speaks to people facing a new chapter in life in 2011 just before her cancer diagnosis she and her husband mark answered god's call to plant a church they packed up their home and moved to a new city becoming senior pastors of hope unlimited church in new south wales australia today their ministry continues to grow god just said empty your hands so we just let it all go and i realized you know you can't fill your hands with the new until you empty your hands of the old and we went on the journey so did our children our eldest daughter and her husband they're like we don't even know where you're going but we're with you and we kind of all went like a little pack and there were hard days for sure um but it's been incredible and now we actually have campuses here in the united states we have been in australia we have them across india we're just opening a new campus in calcutta starting with a new team of beautiful young people and just raising them up and releasing them into leading others in worship so yeah i could never have imagined that this would be our journey the golden thread features scriptures and inspiring quotes as well as lyrics darlene also discusses ministry and marriage parenting and being supportive of her grandson who has special needs she hopes her story will inspire people to worship through adversity and encounter god's love especially in difficult times because sometimes he can feel really far away it can feel like heaven is silent but actually when you take the time to take a breath and just say jesus i need you i need to know that you're here and you welcome the holy spirit you know the raw and dynamic being of who god is into your moment you'll experience him and that is my prayers people read the book and as they're struggling with whatever that they will find that he is as close as their next breath
Channel: 700 Club Interactive
Views: 134,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s0YETTvI63Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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