Dark Tactical Naginata and Other Brutal Weapons!

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hey guys this week for weapons Wednesday we're testing out this dark tactical naganada in addition to some of the other weapons we just added the karatemart.com website but before we begin if you just like this video And subscribe to our Channel that would be awesome [Music] [Applause] so last week we tested out some of the newest weapons we recently added the karatemart.com website and then I asked you to go to the community Tab and vote for which one you like best and you guys went to the community Tab and voted for the rugged combat Bowie knife excellent choice guys I absolutely love this knife it definitely reminds me of something from Rambo and is built just so well you can see just how thick that steel is there so excellent choice but before we begin today I just want to go through some of the comments that you guys left on our YouTube channel this last week so the first one I have is from a guy named Magus habilis I'm sorry if I mispronounced your name some of these names are very difficult to pronounce but I think I got it right so Mega sabilis says I own one of those bowies I put mine through major abuse splitting kindling cutting up game pounding in tent pegs and finally after I got home cutting up a solid foam mattress all without even sharpening as a a former knife maker I can testify this is one to Bet Your Life on I mean that is quite the endorsement so I really appreciate that Mega sabilis awesome job leaving a comment like that all right and then next we had the same comment left by two different people from psychotic genius and Hudson chapman6177 they both said that the hidden blade Knuckles remind me of a bear claw okay let's just check this thing out yeah you're absolutely right does that not look like a bear claw what a good way to describe it I mean let's just test this thing out really quick oh man that just look how much that just digs right into that Wing Chun dummy I mean that works just like a bear claw so that is a great way to describe it thanks guys I appreciate that and then last we had a comment from Superior lombago 9260 again I apologize if I mispronounced that and he said he sure puts his blood and sweat into the videos we can pass on the tears no one needs those and you are so right I do put my blood and sweat into these videos but this is not wimpy Mart this is karate Mark so you're never gonna see tears for me on these videos so excellent comment I really do appreciate that but at the end of this video please go to the community Tab and vote for which weapon you like best and as always there's links in the description of the video so you can find out more information on each of these products but without further Ado let's go on to our very first item all right and our very first weapon is the dark dual blade Knuckles all right um okay so first off we can see that they come with this uh nylon case it's not the most heavy duty nylon case I'm just gonna throw that out there but it is going to protect your blade a little bit and it does have a belt loop on there so we could hang it from the side of our body if we wanted to but we don't really care about the case let's go ahead and check out the blade all right now that is strange looking right guys I mean this is just a little bit weird first off we can tell that this is made completely from a 440 stainless steel and that includes the body and the blades on this thing so we're gonna need to really test this out to make sure that it can actually hold up to some abuse so the first thing I kind of notice on this thing is these vicious looking teeth on the knuckles themselves but we can also see that on the back of the frame there's this kind of hole in space back there so when we're holding these I don't think we're going to be able to hold them in a swiping fashion because that's just going to dig into my hands I think we're going to actually have to hold them like we're punching with them so let's go ahead and start out by just testing that to see if this hurts my hands by using these things so I got the Wing Chun dummy over here okay I mean it dug in a little bit into my fingers but I mean overall I can strike pretty well and you can see that those teeth are just digging into that Wing Chun dummy I'm gonna try it in a swiping fashion just to see if that hurts at all actually that didn't really hurt at all that actually felt pretty good yeah and that's actually taking off a lot of wood but that's not the cool thing about these these things actually have dual blades on the sides of the knife I mean look at that that's pretty sweet right I mean that makes a very interesting looking blade let's go ahead and test this out a little bit because the first thing I notice is I've got this jimping up here so I can get really good control on the blades of this thing so I could use this in kind of like a slash like that but I could also use this on oh shoot okay it kind of dug in a little bit and pulled the Wing Chun let me I'm going to put my foot on it so that doesn't happen again yeah so it can dig in with both sides one thing I kind of think about with this thing though is if I was to actually use this for combat purposes I would personally take this one blade and kind of put it down and then I would use it like a trench knife so I've got my jimping up here so I can actually slash in like that I can actually strike with this thing like that and then if I need Hammer strikes I can use that just like that so that actually stuck in there pretty well just for Hammer strikes so now Amanda what do you think of this thing I'm just kind of curious what you think and how your hand fits it I mean this honestly looks a bit crazy to me if anything it kind of reminds me of something like from Star Trek or something were you a big Star Trek fan not as much as Star Wars but yes okay cool okay well let's try it with both oh yeah so when you're trying it with both is it both are both blades kind of sticking in oh cool yeah that's kind of sweet it didn't really hurt my hands at all either okay so you're actually hitting the middle of it and striking both blades in at the same time that's pretty cool okay and I guess I'll see what it's like for me punching I don't know how that's gonna be okay that's a good idea I mean that hurts a little bit for me but also for me since my hands are a little bit smaller it's kind of not as much like you have less room in there for it to move yeah I have a little bit more space because my fault like smaller hands but it doesn't hurt too bad it looks like it's fairly comfortable for you okay cool and then some other things I noticed on this is that the blades have very secure liner locks on them holding the blades in place now if we look at the general layout of this knife knuckle duster combo thing we can tell that it's got a lot of venting in it which is nice because it takes a little bit of weight off the weapon and it gives it kind of a cool skeletal design right Mel and that's that's pretty neat and then also if we look at the blades we can see that these are combo Edge blades they've got the plain edge here which is really sharp the tip is extremely sharp but then we also have the serrated section here which I could almost not even call that serrated because that looks like giant teeth to me doesn't that I mean that's like and those are sharp points too so that's pretty cool the overall length of the blades are actually two inches each when this thing is open it's approximately nine and a quarter inches when we close it it's approximately eight inches and the total weight is approximately 6.7 ounces but one thing I do want to mention is that you need to check your local laws on this thing because it is technically a knuckle duster weapon and you do not want to get in trouble for having something like this but that's about all I have to say about that so I'm going to go ahead and put this away and let's move on to our next weapon all right and our next weapon is the spiked OTF knuckle knife awesome awesome we've been showing off a lot of OTF knives lately and I absolutely love them for those of you who don't know OTF stands for out the front which means that the blade can actually eject and retract very very quickly but let's take a look at this one so first off we can see that it comes with this really nice nylon case and this isn't some cheap case this is actually a really nice heavy duty kind of soft nylon case but you guys don't care about that you just want to see the blade itself so let's go ahead and open this up and check this thing out I love it I absolutely love it so first off we can see that the casing on this thing is made from a zinc aluminum and then we also have this carbon fiber inlay in it which gives it a really nice stealthy look and then we can see that it has these steel spikes on there and then the steel glass breaker on the end these spikes are always interesting to me they kind of remind me of the Cobra knife from the 1980s movie which I'm always a little concerned that they're not going to hold up very well so we're definitely going to need to test those out but one thing I kind of noticed about this is that it's got this really nice glass breaker here and we also have this jimping here so if we did not want to use this as a knife we actually have really good control here to use this for pressure points or additional strikes so I do like the placement of this little glass breaker I think that's pretty neat now before we open the blade on this thing I actually want to test these little spikes out to see if they're going to hold up so let's go ahead and just strike the Wing Chun dummy a little bit I'm going to hold this in a punching fashion first because that actually feels really really comfortable to me oh yeah that actually felt really comfortable and that's digging right into there those spikes are not getting hurt at all it looks like it's going to hold up very very well for you also for Hammer strikes I mean that's just taking off the side of this Wing Chun dummy so that that little glass breaker there is going to be an excellent weapon in itself but you guys don't care about that you want to see the blade on this thing so let's go ahead and test that out boom oh I love that that blade looks so awesome clearly that's a spear point blade both sides are very sharp the tip is very sharp the manufacturer was not able to tell us what type of Steel this is they just said that it was some sort of stainless steel we've seen a lot of house eight stainless Steels lately we've seen a lot of 440s a lot of three CR 13s so it could be any one of those sometimes I can tell but because of the blue finish on this blade it's very difficult to tell what type of stainless steel that is but we need to test that out a little bit so I'm just going to go ahead and strike in there and look at that just stuck in really really nicely let's make sure that blade holds up just fine look at that looking great let's stab it a few more times because as you guys know with OTF knives there's always the chance that the blade is going to come off the rails if it's not a very good OTF knife so we need to test this out to make sure it's going to hold up all right I'm just going to do this kind of stab right here boom ah I mean I am really stabbing that thing in and look at that perfect perfect I love this thing I think this is awesome so we can also see that this does have a really nice heavy duty steel belt clip on there but I want to see Amanda actually test this thing out because it's fun to watch to see what she does with these different weapons so Amanda here you go give it a try yeah oh yeah it's pretty nice so it's not too stiff on her hands no probably not all right and let's try stabbing with it I guess I mean yeah really easy to stick in so very nice I guess I have to use it in the punching fashion let's see okay this one's actually really comfortable that's not hurting my hand I noticed that too I I didn't have to swipe with it or anything it just feels good when you're holding it in a fist fashion for me I guess this almost feels like a rubberized coating even though it's zinc aluminum it just makes it feel very comfortable as well just this area right here but overall I really like this one yeah I think it works really nicely awesome awesome okay so the blade length on that is approximately three and a half inches the closed length is approximately five and three eighths inches the open length is approximately nine inches and the total weight is approximately 9.8 ounces so that is a really nice weight for this OTF knife a couple things I want to mention though is this is only available on combative.com karatemart.com is more geared towards martial artsupplies combative.com is more geared towards tactical equipment and OTF knives so check out combative.com if you want to check out our OTF knives and then one other thing I want to mention is check your local laws because this is not only a trench knife this is also an OTF knife and a knuckle duster so check your local laws because you just want to make sure you're not doing anything wrong but that's about all I have to say about this so I'm going to go ahead and put this away and let's move on to our next weapon all right and our next weapon is the dark tactical Naga NADA check this thing out so first off we can see that it's got a really nice rubberized thermoplastic sheath on it so that's going to provide plenty of protection for your blade but you guys don't care about that let's actually check out the blade itself all right look at that look at that blade that is absolutely beautiful a couple things I noticed right off the bat is first off this is made from a 2cr13 stainless steel but it's been heat treated for extra hardness and strength so this thing is going to hold up for you very very nicely we can also see that it does have a two-toned finish on here so we do have this black finish here that's actually going to give you more corrosion resistance on your Blade the other thing I noticed right off the bat on this thing is it's got a really nice Tonto style tip on this so the thing that's so cool about that is we can use this as a naganada but we could also use this as a spear because that tip is super sharp and it gives us a good point for spearing so let's just go ahead and try this on the Wing Chun dummy really quick I mean that's got pretty good balance there and then also before I try it you can see that it's got some really nice grip lines on here so I can hold it kind of in the center I can also hold it at the end there and then look at the ergonomics up here if I want add good control on this thing just hold it right up there so boom Oh geez do you see that wood just split off of that I mean this Wing Chun dummy is bouncing all over the place wow that's pretty awesome that tip is still super sharp so very very cool but let's actually try spearing with this thing all right everybody out of the way okay see look at that that thing look how far that dug into the Wing Chun Nami that thing's in I don't even know if I can pull this thing out all right here we go okay oh yeah the other thing I love about this weapon is that it has a nylon fiber handle to it that's been reinforced by a steel rod so this nylon fiber handle is actually going to hold up extremely well for you and then if we look at the Tang on this thing we can see that the blade goes down about that far into that third screw there so that gives it plenty of space to hold the blade onto there very very securely I actually want to try slashing with this thing a little bit I'm going to throw on my safety glasses really quick because I want to make sure I don't get any splinters in my eyes but let's go ahead and slash with this thing a little bit oh yeah I mean that thing's oh yeah this is going to do a lot of damage so I think this is just an amazing weapon Amanda why don't you go ahead and give it a whirl real quick um I guess we'll see how this works okay um first I guess I'll start with stabbing I mean yeah for me not being able to be that strong compared to you do you want to try throwing it from across the room no okay okay well try slashing with it a little bit okay nice nice that sticks in really really well I mean that blade let's see how sharp that thing is oh wow that is an extremely sharp blade I mean I knew the tip was sharp but that blade is extremely sharp so I'm really liking this and you can tell that it's been heat treated really well so that's going to hold up just wonderfully now the blade length is approximately eight inches the total length of this weapon is approximately 44 and a half inches and the total weight is about one pound 15 ounces so that is an awesome weight for this weapon but at the end of this video please go to the community Tab and vote for which weapon you like best this week if you have any questions definitely leave them in the comments below make sure you like this video And subscribe to our Channel and check out karatemart.com because we've got all sorts of awesome weapons on there right now but until next week we'll see your weapons Wednesday [Music] [Applause]
Channel: KarateMart
Views: 2,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karatemart, martial arts supplies, self-defense weapons, martial arts weapons, martial arts gear, weapon review, weapons reviewed, naginata, japanese sword, japanese swords, otf knife, otf knives, dual blade knuckles, dual blade knife, bladed knuckles, bladed brass knuckles, trench knife, trench knives, unusual weapons, unique weapons, unique weapon, unusual weapon, japanese weapon, japanese weapons, modern weapons, tactical weapons, modern weapon, knife review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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