Dark Souls The Board Game Tutorial

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welcome children undead to the Dark Souls the boardgame tutorial there are two modes of play in Dark Souls the board game a regular play of Dark Souls the board game consists of fighting one mini boss and then one main boss if the players can defeat the main boss they have won the game alternatively you could set it up for campaign which follows most of the same rules although it might require players to fight more than one mini boss before fighting a main boss I'll explain the game for regular play and at the end of the video we'll talk about how rules can change for the campaign mode to start the game you need to gather your collection of tiles and set aside the bonfire tile the mini boss tile and the black tile shuffle the remaining tiles and draw four of them the remaining two or however many are in your collection can be returned to the box now place your bonfire tile on the table and take the four tile you pulled from your collection and align them to the bonfire tile in any orientation these tiles are never cited so you're free to pick whichever side you'd like as long as you align them against other doorways once you've placed all your tiles take the fog gate token and place it along an open doorway on the tile that is farthest from the bonfire beyond that gate is where the mini boss or main boss will be then take the spark dial counter and set it to the appropriate number for the number of players I'll set this up for three players so I'm going to need to set it to three before planners it would be 2 for 2 players it would be 4 and for one player it would be 5 and you can place it on the bonfire tile and then you must select the box which you're going to face if this is the first gaming your session you must select the mini-boss first after making your selection you must gather all the appropriate cards and models for that boss every boss will have a model a health counselor dial behavior cards as well as heat up behavior cards as they have the heat up symbol on them a main stack card and a number of legendary treasures associated with them gather all these cards and set them off to the side but keep the main stack card out for now you'll then need to populate the dungeon with Encounters encounters are separated by level we have a level 1 level 2 and level 3 encounter deck so be sure to shuffle the encounter decks by level and draw a number of random cards from them equal to the number at the bottom of your bosses stat card the gargoyle here requires that I draw three level 1 encounters and 1 levels 2 encounters you can then return encounter decks to the box then without looking at them place 1 encountering each tile on the board placing the lowest level encounters closest to the bonfire before placing higher level encounters and now players can choose their character each character will have a punch-out board that has unique stats and a unique heroic action when you select your character which I'll refer to as heroes from now on you're going to need to gather an S this token Eroica action token and a luck token as I've just done and put them in there ready state the unready state has an unenumerated side so you can tell the difference each character also has associated starting cards you can tell a card is a starting card by the different backs and the top right there will not be a charger box icon you may of course equip these immediately only one card can go to your character's body slot and separate hand slots a single character may only carry three weapon and yes shields count has weapons any weapons not currently equipped will go into this slot here so it may be possible that multiple cards can go onto this slot but as I said you may only carry a maximum of three weapons and one piece of armor each character of course has a miniature associated with it which will be placed on the bonfire tile and lastly each player will need to fill in their base stats regarding white cubes and placing them in the first square under base in their stat section of a character board you will then need to set up the treasure deck and finding all of the generic treasure cards the ones with the treasure box in the upper right corner also each character that is coming to this adventure brings along with in their class treasure cards each class will have five cards associated with them as you can see it has the class icon as well as the treasure box icon you need to gather the five cards from each class that's joining this adventure and shuffle them into your treasure deck be sure to not include the transposed class weapons denoted by this blue dot on the top right corner as these will only enter your charter deck after you defeated a mini-boss so if you're setting this up after you've defeated the mini-boss only then when you shuffle in the fire-trent those items and if you've already defeated the mini-boss and are setting up to fight your main boss locate the generic legendary treasure cards shuffle it then we deal five and shuffle them into your treasure deck because you'll need greater treasures in order to take out the main boss so after shuffling your treasure deck place it onto the treasure chest based on the bonfire tile here and now you're ready to begin if you are playing as a solo character as in you're the only one entering this adventure you get a bonus of sixteen souls going into your soul cache if you're joining us a party you don't get this bonus so let's quickly go over the information on your character board as I mentioned each character will have a unique heroic action in the upper left corner you can keep track of whether or not you've used this action with this choleric action token you can only use your heroic action once per spark spark being the number on this tile so you can use this heroic action whenever you'd like as long as it follows the rules of your specific action here at the bottom is an SS flask during your activation at any point you could choose to drink your Estus flask and you'll cause you to recover all endurance and all health taken and lastly this luck token can be used at any time to reroll a single dice you have rolled this can be during your turn or during the enemies and as I said he's only reset after you die or choose to rest at a bonfire thereby reducing the spark count these stats here in the bottom right corner show you which equipment you're allowed to equip as each equipment card here test fat requirements you must meet the minimum static wire man in order to equip any item as I mentioned you start the game with your base stack sold out if you would like to advance your staff in order to equip better gear you must pay souls in order to do so to advance from base to tier one we must pay two souls to advance from tier 1 to tier 2 you must pay for souls and to advance from tier 2 to tier 3 you must pay 8 souls but once your stats have been increased they remain so permanently until the end of the game so let's go over the information on the piece of equipment if you have a weapon like this each weapon I have arranged in the upper left corner 0 being the space that you are directly on top right shows whether or not it's a treasure deck card or a character starting card to the left stat requirements you must meet these in order to equip it to the right whether or not this card takes up one hand or two hands two-handed cards looking like this below that whether or not the game came in the dark souls core game or any expansion and then some weapon cards might have multiple different attacks depending on how much stamina you use to perform the attack will have a different attack profile and so this will show you which dice you're rolling and any additional modifiers at the bottom you'll see whether or not this card contributes dice to your physical defense your magical defense your dodge capability or whether or not the item can equip multiple upgrade cards armor following the same rules except of course it won't have an attack profile and has an armor icon instead of a hand icon to show you where this piece of equipment goes on your character talking real quickly about upgrade cards you see if they also have stat requirements and have a different icon in the upper left corner the silver got the upgrade armor upgrade weapons and of course the bottom will show their specific benefits so how exactly do you equip these upgrades onto your cards well if your cards have slots for upgrades in this case this assassin arm would not but if you add inside this shadow armor you'll see that it has a 2 under its upgrade slots I mean that you can equip up to a maximum of two upgrade to that piece of equipment when you're equipping armor upgrades you must meet the fat requirements as usual and you might freely attach it under your armor just like that and if at any point you decide that you no longer need it you may freely remove it replace it create it do whatever you'd like however if you're upgrading a weapon such as this holy sword it only has one slot available for upgrades so if you decide to upgrade it get upgraded what you attach to it is permanently attached to that weapon and cannot be removed if you decide to trade this to one of your allies they must also meet the start requirement for the weapon and any upgrades associated with it so make sure you're 100% positive when you want to upgrade a weapon as those are permanent while drawing through the treasure deck you might find an ember if you do it says to me discard it and to take an ember token and place it on your character this of course may be given to any character amongst the party and there's a spot for it on your character board you cannot have more than one ember token if it happens to be the case that everyone in your party has an amber token and you draw another Ember card you must have said shuffle it back into the treasure deck and draw a new treasure card but with the benefit of the amber token if any point your character suffers three or more damage from an attack you reduce the damage by one so it helps in your defense however if the characters die you lose the amber token so let's move on to the meat of the game and then we'll talk about the action the player can take on the bonfire tile the players choose an adjacent tile to travel to and then slip the card on that tile each card will show you which monsters and tokens to place on the tile and specifically where here it shows that we'll need a hollow soldier and Holocaust bowmen and place it onto the single sword node on the tile then we'll need another hollow soldier and a hollow cross woman at the to store node on the tile the starburst node will be empty and the last remaining node will have a treasure chest token to gather all the monster models as denoted by the encounter card and there's that card it's possible for some encounter cards to have these arrows at the bottom which means that it'll be a trap encounter if this is the case you need to find the trap token shuffle them and deal them to all the remaining empty normal nodes on the tile they're not along the wall of a doorway so these are not valid spots nor here nor here so you would place traps as such but being at this encounter is not a trap encounter I will not need these the other icons you can find or icons for barrels and gravestones all of these tokens block that node so characters and monsters cannot move on top of them however barrows can be moved on top of only if the character moving on top of it whether it be from a run a walk or a dodge they must spend an extra stamina in order to move on to the barrel node and once they do that barrel node is considered destroyed and so now may fully be walked upon we will have to worry about that here after the encounter has been set up the characters then place themselves along the nodes that were adjacent to the doorway they came from a single node may only carry a maximum of three models if an actual model for any reason be it enemy or ally attempts to go into that spot it must first push out another model before being able to enter anyway the heroes make the decisions on which nodes they would like to be on when they enter the encounter and then the group decides for one player to receive the aggro token aggro of course meaning that they will probably become a high priority target for the monsters so be sure to give it to someone you believe will survive the first round of the encounter because one the monsters will activate first before the heroes and two if any character dies at any point during an encounter all characters go back to the bonfire and all the tiles reset so now that the players have entered the tile it is time for the monsters to activate you look at the stat cards for the monsters on the tile and they will activate in order from threat highest to least if you look at a monster card we'll see the threat in the upper left corner your health and the upper right the icon for that monster below that to the left is the monsters arranged in the middle and on the left is the monsters physical defense value to the right of that their magical defense value on the far right their dodge difficulty rating and at the bottom here is their behavior when performing a monster the behavior you do it from left to right so in this example the hollow soldiers will attack first players of course will choose which one to activate amongst those and must complete the activation entirely before moving on to another monster so here the players can decide to move this hollow soldier first and if you read their behavior we see that they are trying to move one space closer to the nearest character here the icon you can find is that they're moving in relation to the character with the agro token so here they're trying to move to the character that is closest it might be difficult at first to see how these nodes connect to one another but look at it like this if you take this board turn it now you see it is a simple three by three grid just turned on its side a bit so that means this soldier can move to any of these adjacent nodes for one space now they're trying to move towards the character that is nearest so you must first determine the monsters target and this target will remain the same throughout this monsters entire activation so the nearest character following the shortest path could be any of the characters here so if there's a tie between two or more characters priority goes through the character with the aggro token if the character with the aggro token is not amongst those who are tied for nearest character it then goes to the character with the higher threat value a character's threat value is a number to the left of that character class so this hollow soldier has to move one space closer to the character that is nearest to them and in this scenario it would be the character with the aggro token but how if that monster moves is completely up to the players as long as it moves them one space closer and the shortest route possible so we have two valid definitions for that moving to either of these nodes would only put them one space away from the character that they're targeting so it's up to the players to determine how they want to move the monsters and this is where half the strategy is then according to this monster behavior they will attack the nearest character which is still determined by the character they target initially at the beginning of their action if the icon here has swords it'll be a physical attack and the number is how much damage they'll do if the attack icon has these squirrels it'll be a magical attack however this hollow soldiers range is only zero meaning it can only attack characters on the node it is on so I'm also moves forward tries to attack does not have the range and still misses however the other hollow soldier has the range if the monster is of course trying to move towards the target and is already on the node which is targeted on them doesn't move and will set perform the rest of his actions so here the hollow soldier will attack the knight and the knight has a choice looking at the Knights equipment the knight could choose to block or to dodge this attack and this remains to for all attacks players continues to dodge or to block if you choose to block you must find all the dice on the equipment you have currently equipped and see the block rating so here the knight has their armor which contributes one blue and the shield will contribute one black and because it is a physical attacks testing the value we're looking for if they were being targeted by a magical attack you'd have to look at the magical resistance value and gather those dice instead if you choose to dodge you must gather a number of dodge dice equal to the dodge rating of all the items you have a quick but here the knight has no dodge icons from the equipment they have they of course will choose to block instead blocking doesn't require stamina you simply gather dice from your equipment roll them and reduce the damage by the number you rolled so here the hollow soldier attack before damage the damage was reduced by four so the night suffers no damage a perfect block if they did suffer damage they would take a number of red cubes equal to the damage suffered and fill them in on their endurance tracker at the bottom of their board damage fills in from the right going towards the left whenever a character uses stamina they'll take black cubes and fill in their tracker from the lac going toward the right if at any point all the spaces on this tracker has been filled that character is dead [Music] so proper management of your health and your stamina usage will be the difference between life and death in this game if you choose to dodge dodging always cost you one stamina so after you've determined I'm going to dodge first you pay the stamina then you are able to move your character one adjacent node and lastly you then roll to see whether or not you successfully dodged if you do Congrats you take no damage if you don't and you roll blanks then you take the full force of the damage it can all enough in gamble when it comes to dodging but it's up to you to determine whether not the risk or worth it but anyway the rest of monsters will activate performing their action and the character will block or dodge appropriately and potentially suffering damage as the monsters activate once all the monsters have activated now the heroes get to make their counter-attack if this is the first activation in the entire game the players are free to pick whoever goes first and they would give the first player token to that character however after this token has been given to someone the turn order would then proceed clockwise around the table and remain this way for the rest of the game so when it is your turn you will perform the following steps first you will recover to stamina from your character board if you have any stamina on it only stamina not health then you will take the aggro token for yourself thirdly you may swap items in your inventory between your hand slot in case if you have multiple weapons for different situations then you move on with your proper activation when you activate you may move an attack or attack and move so be sure to take that into account when performing your actions when you move you're able to move one node for free and then you may perform one attack with each weapon you have in your currently equipped and slots here the hero would like to attack with their spear and they can choose which attack they'd like to perform if they spend three semla they can use the bottom action here one black dice plus one however that action cannot be performed on a monster that is that range zero from them so they choose the target this hollow crossbowmen they said we get there's a dice roll them and apply any modifiers here they roll - and that attack is a physical attack so we look at the monsters stack card and we see that the physical defense value is one so they reduce the incoming damage by one I wrote it - and because of the attack that I used it even gives it a +1 modifier meaning I roll it 3-1 means that there is two damaged remaining and this crossbow hollow only has one health so it is defeated and removed on the board after one character is activated it will then be the monsters turn again and play will continue to proceed for the heroes in clockwise order as I mentioned so let's talk about other situations that can arise here as I mentioned you have to move once for free if you would like to move an additional time you can do so by spending one stamina for each additional node you would like to move other icons you'll find concert monsters is this push icon in the upper left corner it can be attached to movement or it can be attached to attacks so let's say we have this large hollow soldier here with this Herald and now the large hollow soldier activates is trying to move towards the nearest character and it will push them and when it does it will deal 5 damage to them well if you're already on the node what happens well first it pushes you for free and you're able to pick any of the adjacent spots and place your character there our reduced push doesn't cause you to take damage it is simply to kind of get you off the node so that then it could perform its proper movement one space towards the nearest character then it moves and then you are given the choice to block or dodge this push if you block it of course take your dice roll it reduce the damage but then because the attack move they'll hit you still suffer the push meaning you get pushed another adjacent node if you're choosing play if you dodge it you of course move yourself however which way you like and if you are successful you don't take the push because you weren't hit by it but if you dodge and were unsuccessful and unfortunately take the hit the full brunt of it you also get pushed again the same sort of rules apply within a pack only if you are hit by the attack do you suffer the push if you dodge and therefore it don't take the hits you don't suffer the push another icon you'll see on this attack card it is icon in the lower left corner that icon means that it will attack all characters on that note only the player characters monsters going to attack each other so if this field knight swordsman would attack the nearest player one of them being on this node it would also hit every player on that node and so each character will need to either block or dodge respectively so lastly what's to be able traps if your tile has traps on it and you move on to a node with the trap on it you immediately spring the trap and you flip it over if it's blank nothing happens congratulations but you leave the trap there if it's not blank you will need to suffer the damage or successfully dodge it meaning you must still spend one stamina you may move and then you roll your dice challenging difficulty reading on that specific trap you may not block traps so be sure to remember that when encountering a trap tile so let's say all the monsters have finally been defeated congratulations you now get to reap your reward the most important thing the players get to do is recover all their health and stamina from their endurance tracks then if your tile house it treasure chest on it you may open it and immediately draw to close your cards players may choose to immediately equip this if they have the stat requirements and if not they'll go to the party's group inventory on the bonfire then all traps are reset but they remain on the node that they were on so I hope you've got good memory in case you've ever need to encounter this tyre again the encounter card for that tile remains face up so you know that you've already defeated it if there is any broken barrels on the tile they remain broken unless everything resets by the players dying or the players manually resting at a bonfire in which case the barrel would reset again count the card would be flipped back facedown to show that it's been reset however the treasure chest remains open and cannot be opened again but enough doom-and-gloom time for your real reward after completing an encounter players will take two souls per character and add them to their soul cache so here with three players you reap six souls so now we can return to the bonfire tile after the players defeat in encounter they may return to the bonfire tile without any sort of consequence and can choose how to spend their souls I already mention that you can level up your stats by spending souls depending on how you're upgrading your tears but you can also spend souls to recover treasure from the treasure deck for each soul you spend you may draw one treasure card and of course players may choose to equip it or not if they don't they put it into the group inventory for potential use later please continue spending souls until theatres have no souls left to spend or choose not to spend any more souls the players can of course choose to rest at the bonfire reducing the spread counter and resetting all the encounter tiles cleaning out the players will have to go through all of them again in order to make it to the final destination of the mini boss or main boss if they of course choose to rest at the bonfire they also get back all the tokens on their character board once everyone's rested and ready to go they again pick another tile to face don't forget to keep track of who the next player to go is depending on whose turn it was last at the end of the encounter the next player token will go to the player who is meant to go in clockwise order so this token always serves as a reminder of that rule but enough small fry after having your fill of lower-level encounters your party can decide that they are finally ready to fight the mini-boss or main boss you of course enter the box room from the fog token until be moving the other tiles aside to space if you're fighting a mini boss you will take the mini boss tile and attach it to the board if you're fighting the main bar you will add the main box tile to the mini boss tile for one large boss arena the fitting of this epic fight so how do you set it up first you take your main boss from in your boss and place it on its appropriate node facing the doorway these larger models have four arcs forward backward left and right so be sure to face it in its proper direction as facing is extremely important for a block fight for the lower level monsters it didn't matter but for the boss fight it makes the entire game so you find your boss back card you find you can behave your cards and the heat up cards that you set off to the side as well as the monsters health dial set the house to its maximum in this case the gargoyle is 26 put that aside and then you look at D behavior deck size here is there's a behavior deck to the size of four so you take the generic behavior deck here shuffle it and draw four cards from it any unused cards are returned to the box if during your adventure through all the tiles you revealed a number of gravestones on those tiles and the tiles in which they belong to have encounters that are faced up as in you cleared them properly and you may look at one card for every gravestone you revealed with the face of the counter on it now the players might know what they're going to be up again then take the behavior deck and you shuffle it and set it off to the side plays well then of course enter the boss room along the nodes the doorway they're entering and the boss fight is ready to begin of course after entering any room the players nominate who has the aggro token and just so we're clear I did not shuffle in the heat up cards these are still set off to the side after the players are set up the boss makes its first move take the top part of the behavior desk and slip it face-up now bosses behave a little differently the generic monsters and that because their attacks don't change their facing here we see that the cargo is going to do a tailwhip first it will attack and it's going to attack everyone on the node within a range of 1 not just at a range of 1 that is on their right and bottom arc if you look at this diagram the green arcs of the arcs litter is going to attack the red arc is its weak arc and the left arc is a normal arc that it is not attacking the orientation of this is always going to be put the top arc being its front left and right and back so first it attacks all the characters here and on its node that's nobody Congrats then it's going to move one space away from the character with the aggro token when moving the boss whether it be towards or away you face it so that it's targeting the nodes of the character is on if it cannot because a boss can only face one in eight directions then you face it towards one of the adjacent nodes that is closest to the priority target that they can to make a straight line too so because it trying to face the character with the aggro token these two nodes are appropriate choices and the players choose how they want to turn it but moving backwards here does it help anything nor does moving backwards like this but because the enemy now has a front arc that is weak and exposed the players could choose to capitalize on this so we're going to leave it like that then the players of course could be performed their actions let's say it was the Knights turn to go even losing one note for free and then spend an additional stamina to move on to the bosses node to do this you have to look at the arcs of the box note these lines will split these nodes in half if you notice split in half like that it counts as being in two of the bosses arcs in this example this node is counting as being in the front and left arc as well as this one so when you're approaching the boss and you come from one of these nodes you must go into base to base contact so that you remain in the same arc if the knight was approaching from a node that counts as being in either or arc you can choose to either go into bass the bass on the front arc or bass the bass on one of the side arcs that he appropriately came from but here he moved straight in and then he performs an attack when performing an attack against the monsters weak arc as noted by the previously played behavior card you get a bonus of one black dice so you would add that in conjunction with however much stamina he was using for whatever attack and roll it of course reducing the damage by the physical resistance of the monster and then changing their health dial appropriately and then the boss continues on to its behaviors here we have tail sweep it's going to push all characters on its node first when you're pushed by a monster you must remain in the Ark which you are in if you're on the monsters node so here the knife could choose to move on to any of these three nodes from the push then the box is going to target the nearest character and move forward again pushing the night so now he's limited to which nodes you must move on to then you will attack all characters within a range of one in the front arc and on the left arc the knight being on that node but the other two heroes not so he chooses to block or dodge as appropriate if you're in base to base contact with the boss you can choose to move around the boss just like normal movement but remaining in base to base contact so you can change which arcs you're in just keep in mind a single node can only have a maximum of three models regardless of the models base size this will go on and on back and forth between the boss and the players until the boss runs out of behavior cards at this point instead of shuffling the behavior deck you would dead simply take it except its back facedown bosses have patterns that the players can memorize and take advantage of so the boss will continue to perform the same move the players have already seen in the same order whenever the boss is brought to or below its heat-up value which you'll have a reminder on on the box's health tracker as noted by the small fire symbol and also shown on the boss's stack card at that point the boss is going to heat up when this happens after the attack that caused the monster to go into this state completes you'll find all the heat up behavior cards for your boss shuffle them randomly take one and shuffle it into the monsters behavior deck now the box's pattern has changed and it has acquired a new and powerful attack to deal with the players if the players are unfortunate enough to be unable to persevere and someone dies everything will reset the boss's health will go back to its maximum the heat up card will be removed from the behavior deck and when the players re-enter the encounter you must be reset up again but if the players win and they bring the monsters health down to zero they have successfully defeated the boss encounter [Music] the reward for doing so don't get a number of souls equal to two multiplied by the number of sparks remaining on their spark dial they also get all the legendary cards associated with that boss placed into the player's group inventory and they are free to be equipped by anyone they're also unique icons you'll find only on boss monster behavior cards such as these turning arts and this elite symbol the turning arts are self-explanatory that's how the monster is going to move it's going to turn in that same manner either 180 degrees or 90 degrees in a certain direction left or right if the monster is leaping what it means is that it's going to target a specific character you pick the monster up and you slam it back down on its target whoever it is needs to almost always push as well so that player is able to reposition themselves in any adjacent node and suffer any damage as necessary of course have the option to block or dodge facing doesn't change so be sure you memorize what facing it had when it leaked but that's how block fights work but this is only half the battle after you beat a mini-boss it is then time to reset up the entire game for a bottom encounter only then can you declare the you've beaten the dark rose board game you'll find that main bosses also have their own treasure cards however if the goal of the game is to beat main bosses that means you wouldn't need the treasure cards associated with them well that's because in future expansions there will be something called mega bosses timing the fight isn't even over after you defeat a main boss it hasn't been released yet like I'd only assume that after you defeat the main boss you reset again to fight the mega boss it's also possible that future expansion will include future campaigns they require multiple main bosses to be defeated and so the treasure cards will apply then so I mention campaign rules are different from the main game as I've just described the difference is that campaign scenarios have you follow encounters in a specific order so here we have the first journey which replicates Dark Souls 1 and require you to take different counter cards as opposed to what would be necessary for a regular setup the next thing that's change that you can add and drop players at will if you add a player reduce your spark toner by 1 if you drop a player increase your spark counter by 1 and adding in dropping players of course changes your maximum spark value you can also dash through encounters that you don't want to fight after setting up the encounter and performing all the monsters first action the players can choose to skip it by removing all the monsters from that tile and slipping the encounter card facedown to so that they have not yet defeated it but that means if they ever choose to go back through that tile they must face it again or - through you can also by sparks in a campaign you can by sparks at a cost of two souls per character in the group so for 4 players to buy one spark it would cost them eight for two would cost for etc etc however you cannot gain more sparks than your maximum spark limit every time you defeat a mini boss or main boss or mega boss you gain one spark which is different from the main game because in the main game your sparks reset entirely and lastly purchasing levels from the fire keeper requires a different number of souls to go from base to tier one is four from tier 1 to tier 2 is 8 and from tier 2 to tier 3 is 16 and it's also possible to go to tier 4 that's not represented on your board but tier 4 can be purchased at a cost of 20 Souls and the stat that appears at tier 4 is 40 the hard limit for any stat attribute so it's possible to max out your character completely but it will require many more souls to do so but hey you're in it for the long haul because you're fighting in a campaign I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and if you did like and subscribe to the channel as I will be posting gameplay videos in the future so I hope you look forward to that we wouldn't want you going hollow now would we but that's all for now thanks for watching let's keep on rolling
Channel: CynicallyAwesome
Views: 167,885
Rating: 4.9370852 out of 5
Keywords: dark souls, the board game, steamforged games, tutorial, how to play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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