Darius & False Promises - Battletech Modded / Roguetech Battle Armor Playthrough Episode 47

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hello my warriors how's it going and welcome to another episode of rogue tech guys we are going to play some missions today this planet still has a lot of spice however there is a financial report coming up in a five days our repair takes a little longer than that i gotta say uh actually put that to the front put that to the front and then that to the front so everything is in proper order and um i kind of said the same thing and then press the the button here it says that we have enough money but as soon as my people are coming out of fatigue and the first mech is repaired um our cost is gonna be higher than the funds that we have and i actually lost lost the game i was running out of fun so what we're gonna be doing now as we go to make bay we're gonna scrap a light make or whatever we have here uh strix strix um [Music] actually actually i'm gonna get rid of the ripper for eleven thousand and then maybe a medium got a bunch of hunchbacks cicada cicada can go right 23. daimono daniel let's go etzer let's go come on give me some value here light carrier is actually quite fine and then the phalanx i want to maybe rebuild that so now we can hit the button financial report should not kill us anymore there we go a solid hundred and thirty four thousand c bills beautiful so there we go now let's take a look at the command center there might be some duals popping up and if they are i think i'm gonna play there's one yeah perfect absolutely perfect what we need is a pilot and a hunchback yeah we are playing disgusting fists i'm gonna show you my disgusting fist let's go get some money get one part we are playing against the dryer conus combine i'm gonna try to load my dual loadout doesn't work oh the hunchback is still being worked on i see it's uh it's a three days okay cool one two three stop it here great so the crow is still being worked on the marauder is being worked on and we're gonna dive into the first mission for today which is again going to be a duel let's go i could have also taken mr warhammer but i think it's uh it's fine like that so dual loadout apply i think it didn't work it didn't work okay gotta do it manually then very quickly we're gonna bring the hunchback and the hunchback only let's see how this works so yeah guys the the idea is that we're gonna get some quick monies and then we are diving into something like a battle a recovery maybe an assassination mission and i still want to be a little bit uh you know higher on the difficulty rating since uh there is there is more heavy mechs and more assault max maybe to get so let's check that out still don't know what to do with uh you know the next melee mag i have my hunchback still it's kind of performing it's doing its thing but i want to upgrade it also what i want is another ams mark ii because these are great they are absolutely fantastic and um other than that let's get some more daca let's get some more ballistic options on the board we have a marauder coming up still just being repaired we have no build on this guy yet um but i can totally see this guy running uh rock fives heavy gauss rifle something like that all systems phenomenal we also probably need an xl clan engine in order to get the heavy gauss now i could get used to a place like this so we are fighting a warhammer we've got 10 evasion right now i'm going to keep that give the hammer a turn waiting for orders this is very suspicious he has a line of sight but he doesn't fire anything weird all right let's move forward all right let's see what this thing can do and i think i think i think i think i want to attack the ground in this general area and drop some smoke on there that is pretty solid please don't hit me yeah this is all right i'm pretty happy that the ppcs did not connect can we attack him already i think we can we got berserker let's use it we have never used it really so physical weapon attack 329 damage 83 hit chance uh let's go i'm still dropping smoke after that right yeah hit him no we missed him oh no that's pretty bad smoke negative damage repeat negative damage oh my god it's the squid the squid move we're like poof wall of smoke we have another chance to actually get it done 83 physical weapon attack we better get it done now let's also drop shaft and infernos help please copy that oh that's an arm only that's not enough something good how did we deal 300 damage and only hit arm and nothing else really what what's going on right there's no knock down he is maneuvering but our big ink cloud is uh kind of working you're running erppc with capacitators oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god uh let's turn off the supercharger we don't need it right now what we need is a good old-fashioned hit to the side torso physical weapon still shaft still inferno you got him right get down mister get down yeah we took a good chunk of damage to our arm but hey we made it mission successful mission successful let's go home let's go home and take some salvage with us there's one part of a warhammer possibly i think the engine is broken i i think it said it was destroyed so we cannot take it possibly oh hunchback huh oh interesting in atm6 your medial what about these er pcs with capacitator it's an 8-ton weapon for 70 damage and 70 heat as well as 1300 meters range recoil of 3 23 percent jam chance in sane i don't want it no lots of cooling exchange a double plus i think that's the thing that we should probably take got some atm ammo as well yeah i'll take this all right so the bright bloom extra range damage fall off yeah maybe i'm gonna get rid of that and hey we got a part of a heife sauce why not why the hell not that was the first mission of the day let's go over to the next one and see how this will go down let's check it out guys i do believe that i wanna ah do i want to wait still we have to wait probably four days for the recovery of arya maki the crow also has some repairs due let's see two days for the haunchy two days for arya okay so that's cool we only need to wait for two days that's absolutely amazing we're gonna race always a race it's a bit of morale and there we go cool let's go ahead play the next mission and as i was saying earlier i think i want to go for something good something big aggressive trippy shay that's a 2 out of 11. so it's a high value mission an extremely heavy mech with lyran heraldry yes exactly uh are more vehicles okay i want to go for that let's do it let's play ah man is this worth it getting two random salvage parts or 400 000 c bills i i think i'll take the money and we take two out of nine cool and then obviously we're gonna load our attack squad alpha there we go so eric eric was running the archer i think right was he bandit stormcrow uh hmm he bang is on the crow right now you are the crow um what about him mjolnir have we ever used that thing i cannot remember i have no idea i think we didn't so gaki what about a good old-fashioned mjolnir sure we'll take it uh and then we can put the oh the yellow jacket online on ecbert as well as basically anybody could be wildfire could be it should be rafa yeah censor lock is actually quite nice here do we put rafer with his evasive maneuvers on the jacket when we get focus fire here or a cold shot multiplier as well as more movement which also gets us a lot of evasion and then warlord yeah i think he's gonna pilot the oracle that's gonna be it to maximum evasion sure all right guys we could even bring the bandit i think oh actually we can't oh my god i just realized we have 450 tons we need to get 400 so 50 tons out of here and i want to run these i also want to get the crow online do we just run mix here do we drop the vehicles a hunchback is needed i want to test the mjolnir sure [Music] all right get out of here 380 tons we need to upgrade our tonnage actually and yes darius i know we need more than that we are fighting a four-skull high impact mission with only three lands value but it should be fine we have all the tools that we need problem is going to be that we are playing in the jungle the mighty jungle and we probably are not really able to traverse the map easily but we got some jump jets so that's good um the hunchback needs to get into close quarter combat but i think we can get this done there's also an option to just use mines but then again the more enemy movement happens over a minefield the better it is for us because they will take more damage the rough terrain or you know the jungle really um counteracts that because it slows down the enemy's movement therefore they are not running over that many mines therefore they are not taking that much damage uh it's better in open terrain um but we can try let's see playing for the word of blake against uh lauren heraldry okay so we're playing against steiner give me a king crab already come on i wouldn't say no to an atlas either [Music] but we only get two picks one lance only so far alrighty so we got some friends but they dropped here and i wa oh god i want to be here instantly sure let's actually stick to the road we are dropping a little bit far away from them so that we might skip the first turn yes we do perfect so this way the enemies are coming out of their spawn protection without firing at us and uh we can get things done early on they're also probably splitting up so they start in a cluster usually and now when they split up our mine fields are not gonna be that impactful let me quickly check what do we have here sarason hammer centurion this is lame this is mini atlas by the way this is so cool it doesn't have anything two lrms in the medium laser it's a 30 tonner but yeah thump artillery oh my god ultra light mars carrier i don't care about mars and another hammer okay so yeah i'm gonna move in now let's generate some evasion and get these enemies at target six evasion i'll take six plus cover you've got hostile contacts inbound reinforcements here oh my god uh right in our flank slash bags that's not good uh demolisher up here interesting is this our prime target this is the guy that we are supposed to uh hunt down like the extremely heavy mech when they say mac it could also be a vehicle i'll drop a scam firing on target minefields are good let's go i gotta remember that i dropped mines there that are not visible to me but yeah we got some damage on this guy now let me see what we got maelstrom okay difficult archer good epcs are flying and they are shooting our backs this is a vulture mark ii light gauss mml's ams mark ii and there's another vulture mark ii with the clan gals a heavy laser and some your mediums well then let's go wait these guys have no spawn protection right that means we can attack them already yes with a reasonable hit chance i'll go with uh apollo ams mark ii is a problem therefore no lk lk is easier to intercept let's go control bursts i don't want to jam my missile launchers we dealt some damage anyway so we kind of powered through the ams with our heavy mrms and keep in mind medium medium-range missiles especially the heavy variants have extra health they have more health and lrms so that is good crusader huh we have to we have to do the same thing this ams needs to be silent it is imperative to our battle plan and it is silent now nice reporting i don't know if we crit it or if he destroyed it or if it just jammed but i'll take it anyway he hits me nice nice for him bad for us ready for orders that allows us to to put fang in here um fang doesn't even need to expose himself we'll move here get entrenched motion commander take less stability damage and we're gonna attack the ground right here not with artemis we have the other things that are very helpful in this situation out of ammo already oh my god really dude you're gonna put more ammo in your mech all right what i don't like is that the thump artillery is probably gonna take care of my minds here huh most likely i should have shot directly these mines are probably not doing much 26 land mines exploded yeah that's okay so we have a um hunchback in turn nine at the very least the vulture is moving over the mines once so that's good and i think i think it's gonna be the target for us now yeah let's go double time let's go gotta make sure that he's not doing anything or at the very least not much that's very good got a bunch of his 69 heat nice let's go they're shooting whatever they can shoot that's good um i do have another activation what's my last mech again oh the mjolnir of course yes yes yes okay let's see turn 13 some yeah a little missile spam it's not much that they are producing there if it's barely doing anything these lrm5s are just not made for indirect fire here dealing massive damage turn 12. now the vultures turn he's moving fast wow taking a lot of leg damage how's it going oh i don't have jump jets on this guy ah yes yes yes forgot about that well then i move you got it that's the thing we can do let's be done also the ppcs again the counteract the minefields not the best option but i want to see what the thumper artillery is doing now it might completely obliterate my minefield anyway going for the guy up here no he was shooting the demolisher all right all right all right all right so next up is the crusader crusader can shoot and then move or we get into a good spot where we can actually fire at things at a reasonable hit chance i think i also want to jump lifting up there we go live evasion just like that is it the vulture that we are taking down the other guys yeah don't really fit um let's go a warlord because we can and we're gonna try to take it down i was contemplating whether or not i should go vigilant but i don't think we need it that was an engine destruction that's a lot of vulture parts if we wanted hmm interesting maybe we can get one of these nice omnis it's the maelstrom again that's a lot of energy weapons plus support energy probably laser ams just moving around let's do this it's kind of insane and i really have the feeling that this the monitor is the only target that we have here on the other flank so we're gonna wait with the hunchback it's currently quite evasive maybe the demolisher is closing the distance and then we can go for a charge attack hey you dealt damage nice heavy mrms this is perfect roger that commanders get the second vulture down the chance is not the best but i guess i'll take it the leg yes oh my god perfect that hit something good battle computers oh my god they have so many of them they're also about to fall man what we need is a bit of swarm yes do we have that i mean i could drop more mines in this area and then if he moves he's gonna fall and skip his turn and i don't think he can shoot and then move so he has to move first yeah i think this is the best option because it will deal damage to all of these enemies and then take the turn off of the vulture thank you [Music] so here's the hammer doing some hammer time things nothing's happening that's okay but yeah again the the two damage as soon as he moves he's gonna fall and if he falls he's gonna forfeit his turn i don't have line aside i cannot attack this no well then i feel like we wanna get into the mineral field let's get like four evasion that's good let's move um sporefield not mineral and i will not shoot the pulses i'll shoot chat chat and i don't know i might want to use smoke make it so that he's not uh hitting us next round i hope that we have initiative i should have gone honestly i should have gone vigilant here uh to ensure that i have the alpha strike okay 29 mines exploded there's a knockdown oh the collateral the mines exploded a little bit of splash damage was going to the vulture and as a result he was falling that's insane this is also quite a lot of damage here damage minimal panic level critical love to see it boom okay going for the demolition yet again i mean this allows us to [Music] this allows us to take the leg out but i don't want to again i want him to forfeit his turn he's still a structure here so as soon as he moves he's gonna stand up he's gonna fall down that's what's happening ah so what are we doing oh we can do this perfect acknowledged it's not the best hit chance ever but we got warlord and we're gonna try no srm range we missed everything except for two missiles well then well then still i'm gonna reserve this roger that standing by centurion don't you dare hitting this guy's leg please no all right fine i want to make a point here i want to show the audience what's going on sarasan we attack ignores cover that's good but it doesn't do anything because here he chances garbage my turn yet again i will reserve once more he's gonna move once destroy his leg and fall down end of turn unless he shoots first come on do it exactly so that is cool point proven turn down and now now we can move and shoot and i think it's a perfectly okay if we um i mean obviously we go for the other leg if we destroy the minefield now it's pretty solid he got so much damage all over so all right so we got the initiative on this guy thanks to the smoke cloud we only got a 60-something percent chance to hit um i hope that berserker is getting us a bit more you go physical 73 percent uh still smoke i'm gonna go inferno here i'm gonna go inferno and chat okay heading out now we stand here with two evasion and a double ac20 in front of us repeat negative damage okay okay this is fine i will accept the splash damage that's all right uh but we also got the smoke uh the the smoke screen and the uh what's the buff spore cloud plus four difficulty to get it getting hit because we were coming out of this uh sport cloud maelstrom is coming in yeah it has a lot of firepower we got to take care of this guy now taking damage ready to rock still gotta do something against the vulture but he has turned six we have the mjolnir in turn 12. yeah we have a bunch of options that's good so confirmed i'm going to take my heavy mrms i'm going to try to hit the the mults room or do i what's my what's my problem right now why do i have such a bad hit chance no sensors uh huh hi difference into forest why do we have no sensors negative five role oh okay so maybe we can do something here what is it already you also have a bad hit chance ecm shield target move so if i put the guardian to active dams enemies by 2 reduces the jamming it doesn't reduce the shielding we can do it with the mjolnir my god that thing comes with a nova cws that reduces shielding we just need to get it a bit closer so you know what i'm gonna reserve this we're gonna play it very tactically here let's go we need to wait until turn 12 then get the vulture down while also moving closer to this guy uh 16 ingredients i think we have the same problem we don't really have the same problems huh this is very acceptable okay we got some heat on the guy heading out let's get closer cool yes commander so what about our hitch hands now i mean we could also try to just knock him that's always an option move here it's tough i want to check i want to really check what happens in turn 12. mr is coming hammer is not doing anything that's perfect so yeah we're gonna do some make science today we're gonna do some uh ew electronic warfare science i think my violet circle is the one that we have to get over the millstrom maelstrom the maestrom that's what it's in german okay laser ams and ams mark ii oh it's jammed okay wouldn't quite reduce the damage yeah and as you can see the minefield is now gone because of the artillery huh now it's getting interesting he's not doing anything right i also want to get directly on the side okay let's get closer eccm affected now so that's good what happens if i go over here now uh we have medium range obstructed height difference into forest target move moved cell sprinted enemy effects yeah so we don't have the ecm effect anymore but still there's a lot of stuff especially the height which is really nasty uh let's finish this guy very good that's a lot of vultures salvage now so his ecm is not working anymore thanks to the ew counter measures the nova cews is really good for that and now we move uh over here with this guy with artemis possibly tagging him copy that man 40 damage reduction still becomes the carrier they really want to get that demolisher down but you know we have something that might help later this is our spot you got it we're gonna say hi i have no active abilities right now i'm always checking okay the damage is getting deeper and bigger [Music] ah we are shooting thunder that's the thing moving i was wondering why the heat change was so bad earlier look at this we got artemis there we go that's way better and we have a warlord as well i'm gonna go all in on this guy now still not enough wow crazy saracen is just moving back and forth doing basically nothing all right my turn uh we will control the bursts doesn't really make a big difference but let's go come on get me the cribs we got the structure exposed that's good we also have a monster now which is also nice and we will try to move to cover stay in low ground because the demolition is in our backs what do you want stormcrow yeah right stormcross sadly needs to move first and ideally we're gonna make a left side twist on my way commander this is not much alpha strike engaged get him this is insane he's still there crippled them commander oh my god standing by so maki what about you 73 chance to hit huh we're gonna try to end up in the sport cloud again and i don't think we need to shoot anything it's fine come on get him not good commander not good at all crusader get him down please affirmative uh what this is insane we didn't even destroy his his components we just crit him but i mean i'll take it but what standing by wow just wow can i can i get somewhere where i can properly shoot him i don't think so uh yeah i want to say honestly i want to stay out wait a second i want to stay out of the forest do we go for um the demolisher do we have a all right nine we don't get it okay so three sprint three evasion that's good out of the forest for our hit chance being a little bit better and i'm gonna try my best oh god guys please standing by please get your things together here oh man well there's no way i can go i guess i'll shoot in this direction then let's go also into a vigilant stance and hope that we can hit something almost got him actually almost interesting so let's see what the demolisher is doing because it's his turn now oh man crazy oh double miss that's good that is exactly what we needed mass carrier might even destroy yeah that's damage 22 structure is left hammer some lrms flying up against the archer up here man if only we had a bit more lag damage back shots not doing much it's also time we have our ams mark ii back that is the good news storm crop being head that's the bad news i mean it is a good with the mines and all the weapons that we have however it's squishy as hell so the hunchback didn't shoot although he could we really gotta finish this fight now this round is the key round we gotta do it 16 17 okay so we have another chance to hit this dude uh yeah roger that maybe i should have checked jumping no set what is wrong with you what's wrong with your sensors insane warlord it up um i don't think i have swarm ammo do i tandem emp uh chef i guess i'll shoot one shaft so he has a lower hitch we also got a headshot which is nice oh he's blinded um so turn everything off i think i need to attack the right side we go for a kick attack and i'll shoot my pulses let's go moving to position finally got the demolisher down it was a hundred percent so it was only one target man i'm not happy with the demolition i was hoping for a mech to salvage but they are still good salvage anyway we got the vultures and i think i want to pick them no unobstructed direct on a side happening so we do our best it's not much but let's see this is kind of what i was hoping for the hack doing things problem is it's his turn now where's my yeah don't lose anything please master component that's fine ready to rock it's okay it's not great but okay so what do we have left okay let's do it there's more damage to the legs now he is heavily unsteady and he's about to fall that's really good for us commander uh we're gonna wait on the plasmas i wanna sprint i mean he can also indirect fire right so no we don't run away in motion we do the opposite we go all in certainly got a knock down what does it help he's panicked yes he's getting another injury yes oh he's incapacitated mission successful i'll take it i will take it that was very close our crow almost got critical i mean his structure was open already so there wasn't much left but we didn't lose anything that's good so let's go home with some extra seabills as well as some man weapon systems you want to get those vulture parts huh you're going to get some double heatsink kits heavy lasers it's nice this is garbage though this is crap value i will refuse yes i will refuse i'm not taking any demolishers the maelstrom they have four parts but it's a full energy plus one ballistic marauder negative 10 weapon he generated at 20 affinity and one max evasion at 40. i think i want these vultures more than anything i mean look at all the quirks it's an omni it's a 70 tonner pretty good we don't have any mark iv do we oh i don't know i don't know i also want this ams mark ii as i was saying the gauss rifle is really good uh heavy lodge improved is so good um i would totally uh see myself running a bunch of these um some battle can harden this battle computer um beautiful two end of steels flight engine barrow pharaoh lamellor not bad double heating some protos also nice to have we have a turret mount yes yes there is good stuff i think i need to pick the vulture though i think i want to also get the 70 tonna um let's see where this is going we could technically get super lucky and get the remaining two parts yeah it's fine we got an archer we got the girls we got pharaoh tracker sensor is amazing and we get more more order canon 20 ammo so that's an armor-piercing ammo bin wait a second 50 modifier of through armor criticals and 50 more chance to deal a critical 15 damage directly dealt to internals that's not quite a solid tank buster you needed two of them to get a chance to destroy a tank instantly i think tender memo is better or you use that in combination with tandem and then we got incendiary body damage okay and 20 heat for two turns afterwards solid i like it all right let's go back to the mech bay because there might be a chance that we got some vulture parts of a different variant already there's a chance that we can build something but i believe the thing that we got in one of the last missions was a sexy toner like i think one or two parts i'm not entirely sure and wasn't there a button oh my god i think somebody commented that uh there is a new button on the salvage screen where you can actually check the magpiles that you have i need to see that damn it forgot to check it uh please yes get the repairs done now we'll take a look at our heavy mech section in our storage we can build another archer it's not the best archer in the world but it's an archer so we got one 60 tonne apart vulture mark iv yes that's it but it's okay now we have two more of the 70 tonna which is uh i don't know i don't see it right now there it is mad talk mark ii yes okay that's good it's really good do i want to build this archer it's a 2r it's not really great it's i mean it comes with a c3 unit 7s is i think better because they got four missile launchers also comes with missile evasion ignore and indirect missile accuracy both of them have the same thing but yeah having more hardpoints is i think better also comes with artemis it's just a better variant but this would give us immediate value by just having another archer on the board do we need another archer let me think about it we have a bunch of heavies i think our problem is not having enough max our problem is not having enough tonnage so the next big thing that we're going to be doing now is i'll go to engineering and upgrade nope not this one this one here another vehicle it we need to drive repairs i see let's get drive repairs then upgrading that so i'm also able to run all the mags that i want and all the vehicles that i want yeah guys i would say that's a good break point for today's video i hope you enjoyed it if you did as always don't forget to leave a rating subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and i hope to see you guys next time bye you
Channel: Baradul
Views: 8,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mechwarrior Online, mwo tutorial, mechwarrior online tutorial, mechwarrior online review, Mechwarrior, moltenmetal, molten metal, baradul, gaming, gaming channel, battletech, roguetech, roguetech project b, battletech modded, battletech playthrough, lets play battletech, battletech pc game, battletech gameplay, mods, modded, roguelike, battletech mod, battletech heavy metal, roguetech guide, battletech playghrough, roguetech mod, Battletech mod, treadnought, battletech review
Id: sBTeVT4KS_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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