Daredevil's Charlie Cox Talks In-Depth About The Role and Plays Random Questions

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here we are partnering with Collider who has been very generous with their support they've been fantastic with their online presence and Steven is going to be hosting this panel with mr. Charlie Cox Steven once you come on up how's everyone doing so oh there are at least five people here ladies and gentlemen I know you're not here to see me may I introduce the man Charlie Cox what's up Vegas it's uh what's crazy about comic-con and when this must be is this usual for you people following you around with all the phones phones yeah like with all the no pictures yeah yeah nowadays do you how often do you how often you do Comic Cons how often do you get to experience you know this kind of love with fandom um you know I guess every few months I manage to do one sometime it depends on the time of year if you're working it's very hard to get away but you know when we're not we're we're not filming the show you know I try to see if I can do like one a month I can you know do you have any favorite part about being at Comic Cons piece uh you know besides the fan interaction is there something with you shop for or I mean really I mean it sounds like an obvious thing to say but like um you know it's fun to travel the country and being from the UK there's lots of parts of this this country that I haven't seen so it's really fun to go to places I've never been before and also you know as an actor you tend to be surrounded by like friends and family who are always going to tell you you're great but when you you know when you meet fans that have no incentive uh that you know they don't know you're there in a met but met you before and they line up to meet you and they say I love the show is really important to me or it helped me through a hard time or whatever that you know that's really cool that we get to hear that it's so it's really it's really fun to meet you guys that's that's probably the best thing I have a bunch of questions for you and then we're gonna open it up to the audience to ask questions and the reason why you see all these toys here I'm sure you're wondering like what wTF is this McFarlane toys and scorpion comics gave me a whole bunch of stuff to give away on our panels so basically anyone who asks a question is gonna get a free toy or a free comic cool exactly free free stuff this is a minor we've all seen infinity war have we not I just want to make sure we've all seen it [Applause] obviously daredevil survives but do you think any of Daredevils friends were turned to dust I I haven't seen infinity warheads we just finished finished shooting I you know what I mean I haven't had a chance I'm really excited to see it but it's a good movie thanks for thanks for not ruining it for me you being honest though you've heard stuff about the movie but nothing okay well then although I've heard apparently some people who turn to dust so I'm not gonna say it we're just gonna move past that and jump into other things I had some fun stuff with infinity war plan but nope how early on do you find out that you're gonna be filming a new season of daredevil because it seems like they keep it very mysterious until all of a sudden set photos leaked you know then all of a sudden we all know oh they're filming season three but how early on are you aware of it I mean it depends it's been different every year it depends when you know sometimes I sometimes I might hear that they that they want to make another season but they don't know when other times I might hear that you know they've decided to make another one and we're gonna shoot it you know in this month or whatever so I you know it depends greatly obviously you know they like to don't like to publicize where we're shooting or what we're shooting or storylines or characters because obviously we want it to be a surprise we want people to to watch the show and and and enjoy the drama of it of course there are many people out there who are desperate to know facts and so I guess you know Marvel Netflix their job is to kind of try and keep it as secret as possible how involved are you at this point in trying to insert yourself in the writers room just to hear what they're cooking up and not a tool I know I don't view that as my job at all I think the writers do a fantastic job and have done from the beginning of this show and all the other shows and I just wait till they so I get sent the first scripts and I read them and and yeah I very rarely have any kind of thoughts all right you know I maybe I'll get on the phone with the writer and and say you know what can we look at this I'm not this is not sure I understand this quiet but for the most part I just I just let them do their job and I think they do an amazing amazing job for you just did you say you rapped on season three or are you still gonna have we rapped in how long ago did you rap I can't send you that then I'll ask this when you when season see when you found out you're doing season three how much did you know about the arc of the season prior to filming day one how much are you finding it out script by script well that's a choice some some actors like to know the whole story from start to finish before we before we begin I personally don't like to do that I don't like to know anything so I read the scripts episodically as they come in throughout the season so you know when we get to the final episode and we've been shooting for five six months I still don't know how it's going to end other other actors don't feel that way they know from the vet from day one they know everything that's going to happen but I like to I like to I don't know I like to experience the reading of the scripts in the same way that an audience member will will will devour the show when it comes out so that if I'm if I've shooting episode a and then I read episode 9 if there's something in that that's like shocking or exciting on or surprising if I knew that was gonna happen few months ago I wouldn't have that same experience in reading it does that make sense completely yeah so I like to I don't I asked to be told nothing the only thing I like to know is if there's any flashbacks because if we do flashbacks in terms of preparing for your characters journey a flashback is something that happened prior to what you're shooting so I'd like to know about that at this point now having done three seasons you've obviously gotten more comfortable doing the action how has your progression filming action helped shape what you can now do on a third season well technically is kind of a fourth season that's true if you want if you want to make some defender yeah well in terms of experience it's a fourth season show I mean yeah I think I think it's good I've got a I've I've been doing it now for four years and I've you know when you when you practice something over a sustained period of time you tend to get better at it so I you know I I watch what's been really thrilling for me is every season I've been able to do more and more of the action and and and and that's arguably the best fun that you have when you're shooting you know it's it's hard work and your body takes it takes its toll on your body and you know you can you you can you feel it as that as the months the weeks turn into months and you get near the end of the season you can really feel that your body needs a rest but it's it's so enjoyable that you you kind of just kind of get on with it you know it's I believe they've revealed that kingpin is coming back in season three I think that I think that's out there what were you excited to have him come back is it is it public knowledge as he's coming back is it cause Vincent's kind of been public he's said on Twitter I have no idea what you're talking about right I understand are you I'll leave it there alone I'll move on to the next thing I'd say let me rephrase how much do you enjoy sharing the screen with Vincent because he is a great actor yeah Vincent d'Onofrio's that taught it for us huh look at you know I don't think I could say enough good things about him what's great about Vincent is I always think of the scenes that I have with him is requiring very little acting on my part because he's you know he's so scary as Wilson Fisk and he's so big so I just know that if I learn my lines and when I say them it's unlikely to it's likely to work because you know so much of the acting is done for you because of just because of what he brings to a scene since it's just you and me in this room and no one's watching and there's no cameras I was thinking that you could share your preference I was gonna this is obviously I'm a joke a little bit but the how would you rank the Marvel Netflix shows do you have a preference besides stare devil do you like Jessica Jones Putney you know what I mean do you have a favorite of the others yeah there's there's ones that I like there's ones that I kind of appeal to to my tastes more than others I'd guess you'd say sure do you want do you want to share nope I like friends of mine what do you want me to do right nothing I mean but again no one's watching how much did you enjoy filming listen a lot of us really loved seeing everyone come together in defenders and it was only eight episodes while the normal all the other shows are 13 do you think that there's a chance of a defender season two is it something that you want to have happen you know I'm so sorry too I hate to kind of shut down so many of these I really it's really I'm really asked to not speculate on this stuff so I really have no idea if they're thinking about it honestly don't but you know when it comes to like kind of information about the show and characters and future seasons and the question that everyone loves to ask it is am I ever gonna be in the one of the movies I think I was I wasn't gonna ask that oh no no no I know I'm just saying that in general I've just I most of the time I know nothing and very wisely they tell me nothing but um but even if I either even I do they it's kind of difficult because just to even speculate about it in a public forum it then becomes something that people like to talk about and then and then that very quickly that becomes the Word of God so you know I have no idea about defenders I know that I had a great time doing the first season and and I love those guys and I love the work that we did and I love that I love all of their shows you know I really I feel very proud of this little world I say little it's now feels very big but you know 2014 we started this one show and in my mind we were doing one show of a superhero I you know I didn't know what the big plan was and I don't even know how much they didn't Marvel and Netflix knew what the what the alternate plan was you know if if those first few shows hadn't gone so well we may not have made the defenders I don't I really don't know but by the grace of God and this and this these the great writing and the great producing and directing and acting and and every aspects of the shows and the success that they've had have enabled us to kind of create this mini little world that we're now part of and it's so it's so you know we I see the other guys in the corridors you know I'm filming the last season the last episodes of daredevil let's say and you know there's Kristen starting up season whatever of Jessica and Finn's done Finn Finn lives in my building now you know what I mean so often like the other day I went down to get in the van to go to work and the drivers there and he look he goes and I look at it when I realize I've never met this guy before in my life and he's waiting for Finn not me you know so um but no I you know it's it's I feel very proud it's very cool I'm going to ask you some acting questions some people love the Clint Eastwood method of shooting the rehearsal or a take or two moving on others love the Fincher method of shooting 50 60 takes how do you typically like to work and what is it like when you're making daredevil yeah that's a really good question that you know that depends a lot on the scene if for example in Furyk's if it's a if this scene requires a lot of technical stuff like there's a lot of geography there's a lot of moving around maybe there's lots of characters or there's lots of props involved especially playing someone who's visually impaired like the handling of props if it's very technical I really want to I really want to have enough rehearsal so that so that I feel like I can say the lines and do my do the technical stuff and it not feel like I'm having to remember stuff because I always think you can tell if an actor is trying to remember his lines or remember if you have to like you know cook some some meal while you're saying lines it's it's just if you haven't practiced over and over again it's really hard to do and you can tell when someone's like trying to room in the lines and then they have to remember to do this and blah blah blah so for those scenes I really like to have time to rehearse and get it right so that when we shoot it I feel like it's something that you do is part of your second nature if it's like an emotional scene if it's two people chattering and there's a there's a emotion required I don't want to experience that during the rehearsal do you not I mean I don't want it to book I don't want to feel those very strong feelings because you can't always I don't know how many of you guys have ever tried acting of any sort but you know some for me and it's different for everyone but for me if I have to get very sad in a scene you know I can do that maybe at one or two three times but after a while it's hard to drum up you can't keep I can't personally keep doing it over and over again so I wanna I want to make sure that we filmed the the ones where where the emotion feels like it's on the surface it's coming like I can feel it does that make sense and so often I will in the rehearsal I'll ask if we can not even say the lines just kind of stand where we're stand and I'll just like mime them say kinda blah blah blah blah blah then you speak Papa blah blah blah okay now let's shoot it and then the first time you shoot it you say the lines for the first time and often that will kind of conjure they're the relevant emotions how and this not just for you playing Matt Murdock daredevil but as an actor in general some actors can leave the character they're playing on set like they walk off set they flip a switch and they're back to being themselves others take a piece of the character they're playing home at night like if they're doing a really thick accent or what it might be how much can you leave the character you're playing on set and come back to being Charlie the minute you walk off set and how much does a little piece come home with you I don't know I think that's hard to quantify you know III don't feel like I take any of the character home with me but but family members I think would disagree I you know when you're it's hot it's very hot I took the honest answer is I don't know I think that when you're playing a character and when you've been playing I've been playing Matt Murdock now for four or five years so you know I feel like that character or the way he talks to people or I feel like I've learnt things from him weirdly and and some of those some of the things that I admire about Matt Murdock i-i-i-i've I think subconsciously I maybe have incorporated into my own life a little bit but but for the most part you know I as soon as we someone calls cart you know I I go home I'm not I'm not thinking about being in character or anything like that but I just think through a weird like if you spend time with someone if you have like a really really good friend high school or whatever and you spend all of your time with them you know often you'll start laughing in the same way or you like have similar mannerisms you know I'm talking about right they just like people's personality you kind of you don't even know you don't you know try and copy their me they just rub off on you a little bit and I think that's what happens with actors if you play it if you spend a lot of time with this other character their mannerisms or their the way they think or feel or act often kind of the line between you and then becomes a little blurry I guess I know that you are very careful what you can say about daredevil and you don't want to give anything away so this is the portion of the conversation where we play random questions with Charlie Cox and we're going to see if you enjoy this if you hate it I will totally stop what TV show would you love to do a guest spot on okay I'm what I'm I have a not like for every question I have like five questions does it have to be on TV right now I am gonna say no I would love to have done a guest spot on friends I love friends that's like my I guess my creature comfort sure you know go to did you get into it on your own or was it like someone else who first hook you into it was it school in the UK and you know I guess I was probably 13 12 13 when that show came out and and and on a Friday night every Friday every Friday night I was at boarding school so every Friday at night we'd all go to the TV room to watch friends and I don't know it's just for me it was like I feel like that was a show that spoke to my generation like when I was a you know 15 or 16 I don't know it was something about the nature of that show and it always made you feel like for people who loved show friends it always made you feel like you were the you were the seventh friend you know what I mean like you felt like you would you were with those guys you were bonded but also you were watching at a time in your life where is a very important moment you know you're having you're having great friends at you know and I think you're learning you're learning how to be social as an adult for the first time you're learning about what it is to to go out and and chat and meet friends and and you know kind of make connections real connections and live with people who aren't your family and so that was it was it was pointed in that way do you have a favorite sci-fi or fantasy film I guess the matrix I thought I think the matrix is one of the best films ever made I just I you know I watch it probably once every year at least and and you know people come up people kind of often say to me how great the fight scenes are in daredevil they really liked a lot of people say oh my god the fight scenes are so good the fight scenes are so good and I was watching the matrix yeah not so long ago I mean like what I don't even know what you is that was that like 98 as filmed in 98 came out 98 right so that phone came that was nothing it was 20 years ago and I was watching that last year and I'm like these fight scenes are unbelievable like today like when people come up to me and they say the fight scenes in daredevil already good I'm thinking yeah they must be much better than any fight scene from 20 years ago but they don't they're not I mean it don't get me wrong I love the fight scenes in our show but like that that film was so far ahead of its time it just blows my mind I love that film it's really cool his work cuz I get every now and again I get to see carrie-anne moss walking around in the studio because she's on Jay Jay right and she was in she was in the defenders for a minute and so it's like I try to keep her cool but like that she's one of my crush when I was a kid Carey I must you're kidding me that's scene on the roof up to the helicopter crashes uh what film really scared you as a kid my my brother my brother showed me Friday the 13th when I was way too young you know that that messed me out real good that's a good answer yeah I'd say that that's probably there's probably just not sure I finished it you know what do you collect anything what's the most you've spent on sneakers or shoes I'm not a sneaky guy it blows my mind man you know you see those stores you know every now and again you like you walk down the street and there's a line like a mile long and you're like what is happening and then you find hat it's for shoes I just that blows my mind you know I'm not a there's a lot of sneaker heads out there yeah yeah I'm not in like check these out I was actually thinking this morning I really should get some new shoes I really should get like a new pair pair shoes do you own any movie or TV show props did you hypothetically borrow something as soon as I started asleep there's now Shh I mean you wouldn't have never taken it I'll tell you a quick story and forgive me if you guys have heard this one before I took real quick story so because of this show I got affiliated with the American Foundation for the blind and yeah really cool and and it's been that aspect of getting this job has been one of the great great you know by-product benefits and it's been incredibly rewarding so I was invited to go to one of their annual galas and they came to me and they said is there anything you can donate for the auction for the American Foundation for the blind for the silent auction and and I said yeah let me also I went to the studio and I said hey I'm going to this the garlic for the American Foundation and blind this was after season 1 and I said can you guys is there anything we can give them from the show to auction so they they came back and they said yeah we'll give you the bread glasses Matt Murdock's red glasses from the first season and you can auction them off so I was like oh great so I took them I had them framed I signed the frame and then I donated them to the but I what happens is when someone wins them you didn't send them you don't they just have a picture of on the day so anyway I showed up to this big gala and there's you know before dinner there's all these people walking around and you can go and look at the items and there's like 20 items and there's like a holiday in Bermuda and a you know a boat and a car and you know a free dinner that kind of stuff and then there's Matt Murdock's glasses from the show anyway right before dinner I just had a look and there was only $200 on the on the bid and I was like what like as Matt Murdock's glasses right there anyway so he went to dinner and that the dinner was at 7:00 to 10:00 or whatever and then the but the auction closed at 9:00 so two hours into the dinner like 8:45 I went to the loo went to the toilet and I snuck back in know everyone was at dinner now is empty and I look back and the bid was only $250 so so I bid on them I put down 500 bucks and I won them so so but the really embarrassing thing was at the end of the night you have to go and buy the item that you won so then so then I showed up to buy them from the woman who I donated them to and she was like which did you win I went I was like I won the glasses and she was like so so I guess pay for them and then just send them to yourself and I'm like I'll do that so I have the glasses at home that's pretty cool when walking around comic-con do you shop for anything you know I usually don't walk around just because I'm normally quite busy and and and other reasons but but I I actually had a walk around yesterday you guys are like really respectful so I'm I was walking around the comic the convention yesterday I did do something quite fun at the New York Comic Con I had a free couple of hours I was meant to go I was had a panel I was meant to go back home but there was a really bad rainstorm so I was just stuck in the convention so I I had a friend go and buy me a spider-man mask and I put it on and I went out into the convention just to walk around and see it for the first time I've never been out and then I started seeing people dressed up as so um so what we did it was like what we did is me and my buddy Sean it was with me we would go up to guys who addressed as DD and we were like hey can we take a photo with you and they would be like sure and then we'd be like oh no my phone is dead can we take it with your phone so the guys would be like okay and hand us his phone and then I would take the mask off and take a photo with a guy in DD and then I would put it back on and give him his phone back and walk away and it was and so we didn't for the most part we didn't get to see people's reaction cuz we gave them a phone and then when and and initially they were like why did that person would have photo with me and then with my phone and then walk away and then they'd look at the picture and they'd realize so um but what we did do is we one of the I don't really know how social media works but one of the guys at Marvel social media he went online and he did a lot of like searching because people tagged stuff right say he found I think we did like seven or eight people and we found five of them on social media that's really cool that they posted it been like oh my god I was walking through the kitchen and then someone asked me for a photo and it turned out to be Charlie and like it's pretty cool I'm gonna do it this year as well so if you guys want to dress up as DeeDee and walk around the New York Convention you may get lucky uh what would surprise people to learn about you well evidently that I'm British a lot of people a lot of people like get to the like if they come and meet me at the booth they'll be like oh that's weird do you remember what got you interested in being an actor was it a performance was it a movie do you remember that initial spark yeah so I went to as at Taj I went to boarding school and on the weekends we would all go my school was a boys school but there was a girls school like half a mile away so on the weekends we would all like go and meet the girls and like chat and like chat with the girls but when I hit like 14 I got like really bad acne you guys call it that like route like my skin just exploded and I was really embarrassed man you know I was really shy and I didn't I didn't I was too I didn't really want to go and meet girls I was you know I was you know those teenage years can be rough you know so um I had to come up with an excuse for why I didn't want to go and hang out with my friends so the only excuse that come up with it was if you got involved with theater you had to rehearse on the weekends so that was that I got into acting so you're you're literally an actor because of acne yeah there you go so you know in the end it goes to show you some of the worst things have a great silver lining you know I think I think we all know the answer then the next question but I'm gonna ask it anyway what TV show have you watched all the way through more than once our new friends right what you hang on hang on that's not true there was another show that I've seen I can't Road it what it is now friends what movie have you watched the most Toy Story have you seen it have you seen it isn't that a great movie Toy Story you know what I like and also like so like really good kids films or like films for like the whole family when they're really when they're bad they're really bad but when they're good I just think they're so brilliant when you find a kids movie that's made for the whole family so that you know the children really love it but also there's enough like there's enough sophistication in there for adults like another one for me it's hook I just think it look is so good I just got a real resentment against Rotten Tomatoes because they gave it like 50% how do you give hook 50% that's one of the great movies uh do you like this this is a random thing would you like ratatouille so I mean I've never seen ratatouille but the reason I've never seen ratatouille is ratatouille came out the same week Stardust came out yeah say no more in London and as a result I never got around to seeing it is it good it's it's really good is it better than Stardust Matthew Vaughn landed on his feet a favorite movie theater snack yeah I'm not a popcorn I don't like popcorn do you have a specific coffee order yeah recently I got really into hazelnut so it's not like I hate he's all nut latte no just just the ice hey ice coffee with a hazelnut I'm about to open it up by the way two people these are questions you guys have been dying to know that I don't get to know exactly I'm here we go so here's my last question for you before we open it up to the audience you have at least five questions to answer over there uh what is the background photo on your phone my Dalton that's a very good answer you have my daughter wearing my daughter you know for those of you who got kids what I'm discovering is you only learn they can do something when they do it and you didn't realize they could do it and the other day my daughter went into her she's just recently walking and stuff and she went into her bedroom and she came out and she was wearing in England we call them Wellington boots you know like what do you go out with you guys call them boots like for the rain she was wearing she'd put on she went into the bedroom and she was wearing when she came out wearing wellington boots and shades and I didn't know she could put stuff on you know what I mean so that's the photo on my phone that's a great that's great so just reminder if you ask a question we're gonna we're gonna try to do this quick because there's so many questions we're to do what's called lightning round which is we try to get through as much as we can when you're done you can take a toy just come up your when you're done grab a toy Thank You McFarlane Toys for giving us this huge pile of toys or a comic book from scorpion comics do you want to comment making sure and the first question is so as you pointed out you are very British and Matt Murdock is not also you can see it Matt Murdock can't I'm just kind of curious what your process was like getting into the physical aspects of that character because they are kind of difficult to play yeah the you know the the visually impaired aspect is probably the most tricky I worked with her with a guy a guy called Joe stretches become a good friend of mine he's been legally blind for 20 years and you know I just it's it's it's hard to do on camera I find it very tricky and and it just it's also an aspect of the of the character that I think is in imperative that you get right and so I just spent a lot of time with him working with him filming him a woman in the street once hit me because I was filming him I was filming him with his permission because I was trying to learn his cane technique but she didn't know that she thought this woman in the New York thought I was filming a blind man and she came up to me and she went oh that's rude and hit me so but no just you know just working with someone and and you know trying to get it right thank you great Chris grab one of the whatever to what you want what are you going for what are you taking comment you want to come but you want a comic hey Charlie hey quick question what would you say your favorite scene is from all of the three seasons you've done as Daredevils so far Wow cool well okay so we have a scene coming up that I think I'm not gonna talk about at all but there is a specific scene from season three which everyone is very excited about I'll put it that four put it that way is it a dialogue not saying anything about it okay that may be the answer but from the first two seasons and it may seem like a strange choice I just thought the route the way this show had been structured to lead to this moment when I read it I got goosebumps I thought it was so cool and it's the scene in season 1 episode 6 where Matt Murdock and the Russian are in have fallen through the roof into a basement and they're trying to get out and then suddenly you hear this voice and the voices can I speak to the man in the mask unless you've got chills remote bichri I remember reading it I just bring like this show is so cool I've met Phoenix so lucky that I was part of it and you realize that it's Wilson Fisk because he has access to the what the cops walkie-talkie right and then filming that scene the first time the Fisk and daredevil talk over walkie talkie I just thought that scene was so cool man so that's the answer your toy pick one what are you going for all right cool Thank You McFarlane Toys okay I don't know if you feel comfortable answering this question or not but what was your favorite season is shoot would the funnest I'd say you know it's really hard I loved them all so much but I would probably say personally season 2 was the hardest it was you know there's around about episode like five six seven eight when when when Matt Murdock went you know daredevil is trying to do the the Frank Castle trial and at the same time he's going out with a lecture all night and he's trying to balance these two aspects of his life and he's trying to keep all all these secrets and it's like he does like I was breaking down the script during that time and trying to work out like when is he sleeping and he also is he wasn't sleeping but as an actor that was like that that was so fun to do to see to see Matt Murdock who usually is very composed he's very you know when he's especially as the lawyer he keeps his he keeps he managed to keep his cool and it was just to begin to see that character start to come away at the seams I was just really fun as an actor to play with that thanks quick question comic or toy toy we're gonna see what and the pic is you can ask your question while we're right what is the most important personality trait of your character or the trait that stands out the most to you well you know I think I think it probably sounds like an obvious answer but I think I think what I love about Matt Murdock is I love I love when we get to play with his fear and I know he's known as the man without fear but I really I really like when we get to see him how how human he is and how the adversity that he faces causes him great fear like he gets I think he finds what he does as well as being kind of morally confusing I think he gets very frightened but but what Matt Murdock is able to do is he's always able to face the fear and to and to find the courage in order to do what he knows he needs to do next and so as a life lesson to people and to myself I think that's my favorite thing it's like is you know whenever you're faced with fear there's always it often and there's two paths is there's the path of continued fear or there's the path of courage which often requires you to do you know when you when you speak to your friends when you speak to someone and they say like I know I have got to do this I just I just don't know when I'm gonna do it and often that that knowing inside of you you know you have to do something finding the courage to actually see it through that's that's really that's really cool thank you thanks comic or toy hi it's been really cool seeing a superhero who has a disability that his powers don't completely like solve that disability for him what has been the most difficult part of playing you know someone who's blind been for you do you mean other than the other than the performance of it yeah just any aspect of it what was the most difficult part for you you know I like I just think that like that it sounds like a weird answer I sometimes it's really important to me that we that we it's really important to me that when we when we're shooting the show and when we get into like the story and every send the episodes are like very heavy plot based and like we you know the plot is thickening and there's more things going on and Matt Murdock's up against it and Daredevils gotta try and you know like figure some stuff out it's really important that we don't brush over the complications and the difficulties that a man who's visually impaired is is faced with it's too complicated to go into now cuz it would take too long but you know when we film a scene with Matt Murdock walking down the street with his cane often in movie time we don't have a lot of time to tell the story of how he navigates we see him walking for a split second and then we see him arrive at the building or where he's going right in real life you know just figuring out when you get to the site at the end of the sidewalk or knowing when you can cross the street and if you need to make a left knowing where the building ends and the new sidewalk begins and all that kind of stuff that's a real process you know that's it's and and so I always try and encourage us to to show that as being not just some guy banging a cane and walking down the street and getting where he needs to go you know getting on the subway if you're visually impaired is a can be a real ordeal you know what I mean and so it's difficult because I know we're making a TV show and it's about drama and it's about excitement and it's about all those things but at the back of my mind I'm always trying to make sure that we we did we do the the fact that he is one of the only superheroes with a with a disability we do that we do that justice thanks for asking great question and great hat toy or comic hi if you had a choice of any mark Marvel character to team up with MCU or otherwise is there someone that you would choose again I've to be ready they also have to be really careful here because let's say outside of your you know what's funny you've definitely learned that anything you say you know I mean I'm sure I can say this it's it's it's I'm sure I could say this because you know what I'm going to say it I and I just preface it by saying I can't um I I can't see how this would happen maybe it will maybe it won't but I have no information suggesting that this this would ever happen but it'd be really cool for I'd really be really cool to see I'd love to do something with the spider-man buddy what's your name that's nice I'm gonna say I think everyone in this room and around the world would also love to see you in spider-man Twitter comment so I was wondering what's your favorite memory from working on Stardust Robert DeNiro well you know when we when we started shooting that I remember I remember when I found out that DeNiro was gonna be in the film I remember when I found out they were gonna meet with DeNiro and I'd already been cast and I remember thinking um that's not gonna happen that's a waste of time and then they and then they found out he was gonna do the film and then I was like you know I reading the scripts and I was thinking about the scene where he dresses up like a woman and dances in front of the mirror and I just remember thinking like how does it what's gonna happen do you not I mean like how is that gonna does he know has he read that bit I mean like I was thinking is it gonna be removed from the film I just couldn't fathom and then I remember the day of that scene just big like I just feel like this is so weird I just couldn't imagine it and what was really fun is when we went to the when we started showing the film and like festivals and we went to the premiere and people had no idea what the story was or any anything I remember in that scene first plays in you see Jenny her in the dress like dancing I remember people were like would like Yelp some with horror and others with just like thought it was the funny thing they'd ever seen you know what I mean now there it was 10 years ago now and so it's kind of people those people who saw it you know it's kind of just part of history but at the time I remember like I'm thinking of Raging Bull you know I couldn't believe that was gonna happen so thank you thanks come on up toy or comic hi so my question would be if you could voice out there devil in any cartoon what would it be and why say second if you could voice out their devil in any cartoon crossover like daredevil in a cartoon as a cartoon daredevil what cartoon would you want to see daredevil win yeah it'd be cool if there was a I mean it's very fitting for this convention but be cool for it to be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when that'd be cool yeah thank you Thanks toi avec TOI some Spidey hey what's up my question was in the first season of daredevil when you had the black mask over your face the whole time could you see well out of that mask or the didn't like the directors have to be like watching out you're gonna walk into a wall I think the operative word there would be can I see well I wouldn't say I could see well like I could see some you know like I you know there's we have an amazing stunt team and so there was definitely a few fists that I did not see but you know it was doable it depend on how dark the room was but you could see more than you think you could see yeah thank you thanks Tyler comic high high unset the fight seems seeming dark is it actually like that on set or is it brighter you mean the filters that they use yeah it makes it seem really dark no that's that's something I mean sometimes the scenes are quite dark that's something that the showrunners in the creative people at Marvel decided at the beginning as they wanted to show to feel very oppressive and dark and like it takes place at a period of time and a period of day in general where there's a there's a sinister kind of feel to the world you know and it's kind of reminiscent of you know films shot in New York in the 1970s and stuff it's just got a kind of like a very yeah I guess like a darker edge to it you know but might you know they do that I feel like they do that in the comics you know if you if you go back and you read guardian devil like a lot of those panels that the colors that they're using the shades it's very dark you know sometimes I feel like season one was a little too dark some of that is lighting some of that is filter I don't understand all the camera stuff as much but okay yeah thanks the comics are now up there with the toys Oh Charlie yeah my question is that you already talked about Bobby DeNiro and Stardust also Vincent D'Onofrio how was it to work with Steve Buscemi in Boardwalk Empire and also like you know what was like do you have any good stories about working with him all right I don't I don't think I have any stories what I will say is that of all the people I work with Steve Buscemi is probably the nicest human being I've ever worked with I mean he's just a shockingly nice and a great and was really great for me as a relatively young actor to to work to work with the lead of a show who was that kind and professional and you know it's a it's that's how you learn that's how people learn how to be themselves you know and and I I just felt like he was an incredible influence for me I've been really lucky man I've been I've been really lucky to all of everyone I've worked with I've as I don't feel like I've worked with any terrible terrible people lovely but he stands out as one of the nicest I think yeah thanks man thanks hi how comfortable was the armored daredevil suit to wear on set they like the very first one yeah so there was a daredevil suit for the final episode of season one and a couple of episodes of season two I think that was not very comfortable that was like the first try and it wasn't very comfortable and then they kind of they reinvented it a little bit and they kind of took away the he had like armored protection around the wrists and the ankles when they took that out and they kind of just redesigned the shape of it at all and this and that was that was the that was really that was actually genuinely quite comfy the only the only difficulty with the suit itself is when we film in the winter it gets very cold because it's like kind of plasticy it's kind of like the material and and so that takes on the temperature of at the outside and so there were big nights when we'd be on a rooftop in 3 a.m. and it was very cold thanks good question it was there a particular run in the daredevil comics that you drew greater inspiration from when you were interpreting the character yeah I mean I think I think the Bendis meleave stuff is the hardest to beat tonally when it comes to this show there's been a number of really great runs that I've enjoyed immensely that I've used I go III often go back to the Brubaker lark stuff I thought that was that was really really fun and and the colors in that are great in the story lines fantastic I'll obviously I mentioned Guardian devil and of course Joe Quesada is very closely affiliated with the shows so that's really helpful to to have him as a resource but you know and and also I'd be remissed and not even to not mention Frank Miller you know I born again is just so special but at the beginning of every season when I'm when I'm getting ready to start shooting and I want to just dip back in and just reread some of my favorite stuff it tends to be the Bendis meleave stuff thanks one comic book left and some toys um I was curious on how you obtained the part or what was what the audition process was like for you yeah you know it was I got a call about an audition they didn't they didn't it was a secret they didn't tell us what it was called or what it was I just had some lines some of you may know but the story I tell is that I didn't I didn't know the character was blind in my first audition so I didn't do that and then you know it's quite a rigorous process I went to I had to I had a audition I had a Skype I was then allowed to read the first two episodes and then I had to fly to LA to have a screen test and then I had a meeting and then I had another screen test and then eventually I got the job so it was a real process like I had to I was really jumping through a lot of Hoops to get it and but when I eventually got it I went down to sit sit with one of the chief creatives of marble when I had now been cast and we were chatting and he kind of said yeah I was watching Boardwalk Empire a few years ago and I was like that's the guy who's gonna play Matt Murdock I was like wow we should have known that [Laughter] cool thanks great question what did you do before you were an actor I was at school yeah I was at school I was at school and I started acting and then I left school and I needed to make money to audition for drama school because I wanted to train as an actor and to apply to drama school you have to it you have to you have to pay so I worked as a photographer's assistant and I worked in the evenings I worked at a restaurant I waited tables and and then I got I got really lucky I got my first job my first film I played Tom Hardy's brother in a film and and then I after that I went to drama school so did odd jobs here and there walked dogs at one point not very well thank you great question yes I was hoping you can tell us a day same story for the set of the defenders I want to know who was your favorite actor to work with on the defenders look so look they're all great guys and they're very very those guys are very different as well and we had a really really good time together yeah ever go out as a group for like dinner and have everyone's oh did you know that story no oh oh yeah that's a good story he just reminded me so there was one day where episode 4 I think we're all in the Chinese restaurant yeah you know that one and there was one day where they were shooting and they were using our stunt doubles because it was like there was a rig which means there's some sort of explosion and when they do that they can't use the actors for insurance reasons so there was like a couple of hours where we were just sitting around and and then I realized that the set was really close to one of my favorite Japanese restaurants in will in Brooklyn and so I text the other guys we were on a text chain I text the other guys and I was like hey do you guys want to go get sushi and you're not really supposed to do that especially in costume but uh but I was in the suit I wasn't in the daredevil suit and the other guys don't really have costumes in the same way that I do so they were like sure so we snuck out we went to a to this restaurant and it was it was only like 5:00 p.m. so it wasn't busy and we sat in the corner and we had this meal and it's really fun but what was funny is as we were walking out it was like it was it was like his quite a skinny door or hallway I from this restaurant so we had to walk out one at a time and as as we were walking out like there was a guy who was trying to come in and he went like this as we walked out he went oh no way oh god no way like one of the time as we came out and then and then the last person who was Mike was was Luke age he was the last person and his the guy go ahead he went it was very funny man so that happened but yeah there's that there's your anecdote thank you that would have been me by the way yeah thank you by the way start us is my matrix oh thanks man I was wondering prior to you taking this role do you ever have any sort of martial arts or boxing experience and what martial arts or boxing experience have you gained since the role no none as I got older on and I just the only experience is I've just been training with the stunting you know I don't really know the net like I know that we as a character we incorporate lots of different martial arts we think of Matt Murdock if someone has trained in many different martial arts but he's more of like a pub brawler like you know what I mean he's more like his dad so he doesn't have to be technically perfect but but I don't know the names of what we do I don't have time to learn the names I just learn the sequences and often they'll be like oh this bits like mootai and this is Jiu Jitsu and this is that and I'm like cool just tell me what to do yeah but no I just it's everything I've learnt has been from this show thank you thank you so much hello I'm curious to know what your initial reaction to the to the daredevil suit was at the end of season 1 like when you first saw it no one of the things I've realized with comic book fans people who are fans of the of a particular character is that throughout the years there are so many different renditions and I know I haven't read many of the other comic books from other characters but I've read a lot of daredevil probably all of it now and I know that the daredevil from those first few epic is very different from what Jeff lobe did in in daredevil yellow and it's very different from the Bendis meleave staff and and you know the last couple of years that daredevil also feels kind of different from the 80s suddenly ages both in terms of the character themselves I mean it's the same character but people interpret them slightly differently they have that you know that there's some funnier and more dry other Daredevils are a little bit more sinister and dark and serious and so one of the things I've realized is you're never gonna please everyone everything people have very different if you try to do everything you'll you'll fail it'd be too weird you got to pick one and go with it and so when I when I when I read a script now or I saw when I saw the suit I just what I liked about it was that it was it was bold and it was specific and it it wasn't it wouldn't have been right to do a bright red suit for our show it would have felt weird I felt you had to have it if you you know after that first season felt so grounded I remember thinking I don't it's hard for me to imagine a person in a costume in this show yeah so when it came out I was thrilled because I believed that that guy who'd gone around in a black mask with a black like eight you know just a black training top and black cargo pants I believe that that guy I don't believe that he would that that guy would go and put on the suit that Ben Affleck wore in the film do you not I mean he wouldn't have been able to do that it would have been too much for him but I believe that he could look at that suit that Melvin Potter quote-unquote created and and because of the armor because of the protection and because of the need for that and because of what father lanthum told him about being a symbol that could be feared I believe that I can see him saying yeah I'll wear that I'll put that on and so that's what I liked about it thank you we I'm just gonna say we're running out of time we're gonna try to get through a few last questions but we're gonna go real quick because you know what less so there's no anxiety let's just let's let's say five more questions so if you're in the next five we'll do them otherwise but I want people to wait and then not make it so the little boy that little boy is the last one okay great thanks says okay thank you for coming that's I wanted to say that I daredevils my favorite Marvel character I've visited held kitchen because I I love it Matt's that city um everybody's asked daredevil questions I recently watched an interview with you and you someone was asking you about accents and you said you did a really good Northern Irish accent and I hate to put you on the spot but can you give us a little Northern Irish oh man it's been years man I can't even I don't even know so it's been so long the funny thing about it is I found with the Northern Irish accent is when you do it when you do it deep when you go into it deeply most people can't understand it anyway it just sounds like it's just like a salt like a hair so I'm just trying to think if there's anything um no not sure I'm not sure I know what to do about that there you go how's that sound it's perfect it's not mom thank you I remember I just remember this I remember that I remember when you do this sounds like really boring in technical but I find it really interesting see if you can hear the difference when you when you do there's something called a there's something called a postive constant like p is a plosive consonant so you say people it you spit it the peas get spat out people in Northern Irish the Northern Irish they don't explode those consonants I don't know why they just don't so if most people wouldn't be out of here it you have to really train with someone who who's a it was a dialect coach but they swallow the constants so if you're saying you know if I say there are loads of people did you ask this question no he's if you hey he's bored he's gone his lies answers way too long ha ha so if you say if you say there are loads of people in northern I should say there are those a table there are loads of people and yeah it's just a tiny little thing but I remember thinking that was really cool thanks sorry so I had a more of an acting question so my question was you've gotten to work with some of the best actors ever in a short time period as an actor who would be on your current like bucket list if you could pick who you get to work alongside like the best of the best who would you pick yeah I don't think he does movies anymore but Gene Hackman and that guy like he's I think he's one of the greatest uh you know gene gene Hackman fit for me this is and as many and if I was to if I was to choose someone of like my generation someone of the not like one of my heroes héroes it would be I really I really like that guy Oscar Isaacs I think he's so I think he's so talented I really like him and there's a there's a lot of really good acting around but uh but but my if I could pick anyone it'll be Jean Hammond you know I just think that what he can do what how he can go from being in the conversation or the French Connection that that's you know just that character and that and how dark and serious that is and yet how funny he can be in like get shorty or they're all Tenenbaums you know I just think that that's an that talent is just blows my mind so probably Jean happening they go thank you I have a question for you so remember I was telling you guys earlier about how I went out in the New York Convention with us spider-man mask like that can you put that on real quick all right for those of you who have not ever put on a spider-man mask I'm gonna tell you something that I discovered very quickly that is that is not what you expect but you wear that thing like that turn around so people see you you wear something like that after about five minutes you become acutely aware of how bad your breath is man I'm not kidding like I put that on you're walking around and then your breath is but you're breathing into this little bit of fabric and then it just stays there you know and I was like ten minutes was like oh I gotta take the insulin so I have to like start putting it up and walking around but just like this cuz I couldn't I couldn't take it off because those are the in the middle of the convention yeah anyway maybe that's just me haha thanks man grab one of the toys all right if you had to convince someone to watch your show daredevil how would you convince them to watch it huh if you had to convince someone to watch daredevil yeah how would you convince him to watch it I would say to them go to Las Vegas Comic Con to the amazing Comic Con and asked the crowd should they watch daredevil [Music] [Applause] thank you like your question now and the little help and the final question a little what's your favorite DC character [Music] it's allowed because you're a kid Toby Joker hey Joker yeah can I oh definitely okay who's they who's we got any four under fours under four year olds under five fibre under 5 or under huh what's your name it's Oni it going come to take one of these Antonia Antonia there you go you got any one of these my darling i underscore would you like one of those you wanna say your name we got Batman here Noah is that Noah that's Noah under seven all right basically if you're a kid Kim there's only a few left good go ahead oh yeah we only have seven left you want [Applause] all right thanks guys god bless you so much [Applause]
Channel: Collider Ladies Night
Views: 110,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: collider, collidervideo, tobeornottobethatisthequestion, amazing las vegas comic con, comic con, charlie cox, daredevil, marvel, netflix, tv show, tv series, Charlie Cox, Netflix, Video Interview, Comic-Con, Las Vegas Comic-Con, Amazing Comic-Con, Amazing Comic-Con Las Vegas, Daredevil, Daredevil Season 3, Marvel
Id: f4o7W2oRsjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 8sec (4088 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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