Danny Gonzalez Twitch stream 2021.04.28 - teaching kurtis how to play minecraft

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okay hello i'm seeing all the comments about not being able to hear it can you guys hear me can you hear me can you okay okay yeah i don't know i don't know what that was about um i was trying to i just tried to replace the audio with that that new song that i made and i guess that just isn't gonna work let me try one let me try one more time i'm gonna switch back over to it and see if stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna stream gonna start soon dream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon did that work oh it was working okay huh i don't know why it wasn't working before that is wait did i have it on i might have had a setting on because i was playing it for a while before i started i might have had it so that it it wasn't looping before um nevertheless we got a hype train going everybody hop on the hype train today we are going to be playing minecraft with curtis in the baddie zone um i hope everybody had a a big wednesday hope everybody got a lot done i filmed two brand deals and edited both brand deals and was also supposed to edit two videos to go along with those brand deals but i only got to the brand deal part because i i also got vaccinated today so if you didn't see my tweet in my instagram story i your boys been double vaxxed so in two weeks time i'll be all immune and ready to smooch whoever i please that's that's allowed after i'm faxed i can just kiss whoever i want that's the law um oh wait one second um yeah so that's pretty much what i did today um i so far i'm feeling fine from my friends that have gotten the vaccine uh who have felt ill it wasn't until like at night they said that they felt ill so it might not be till later maybe it'll hit me midstream who knows that would be kind of fun if in the middle of stream i just start like sweating and i get chills that would be that would be a really weird experience to start feeling sick while alive in front of a bunch of people um i will be staying hydrated i'm going to drink a lacroix which is the best way to stay hydrated i just had dinner they got oh wait i should probably open discord because curtis will probably tell me when he's ready um yeah i'm gonna drink a lot of water the guy who gave me the vaccine told me make sure you don't skip any meals today and drink a lot of water because uh that will help that will help with your symptoms so he was a pretty chill dude the guy who gave hello oh curtis sorry for interrupting you oh that's okay uh i was just saying the guy who gave me my vaccine was really chill and really good because i didn't even feel my like i didn't even feel it and he started putting on the band-aid and i was like what are you done because i like what i didn't want to look at it and he was like yeah i did it already dang i think that's like it so how do you know if you actually even gave i guess i don't my arm does kind of hurt so he does he definitely did something but i i guess i can't be sure i don't even think i ever saw like the vial or like the syringe so he could have just like stabbed me in the arm or something i don't know um well okay so are you ready to play minecraft or what i'm already already in it oh [ __ ] all right all right all right i i actually off stream i added uh a little extension to my room really yeah you know just to spread you know just to like you know uh spruce it up a bit okay dude i'm excited to see him guys lacroix is water it's just it's just carbonated water that's what it is so it is hydrating don't worry oh i'm in i'll go mode two floors yeah check it out guys i gotta i cuz before it was just stairs in my room that didn't really go anywhere but now now they go up here all right i'm coming to check it out oh oh wow look at th oh my goodness dude a balcony yeah look right up to i'm looking at the ocean dude this is like high class i like this wow i don't want to uh i don't want it to be too cocky but i i uh i popped off what is this who it's like a smiley face block yeah i don't know it was something that was like in my craft i said i could craft it so i was like okay i'll craft it i don't really know what it does he looks happy yeah i thought it looked cute so i kind of i just kept in there you guys know what it is in a way whoa what are these walls made out of it what is this wall it looks kind of nice i'm not really sure also can you guys hear can you guys hear any audio can you get my check can you guys hear any audio i feel like i can't yeah i can't or i can't hear anything that i'm doing in the game uh dom wants us to wish them a happy birthday happy birthday dom happy birthday dom oh [ __ ] okay i might have to close minecraft and then reopen it again like i did last time oh can you not hear minecraft no i can hear you and uh i think this happened last time and then you and then you were like it just turned off and turned around again and then it worked okay well go for it okay we are kind of running low on cows here i gotta i gotta give me some more cows guys pay no attention to my my desktop background what is your desktop background am i taking balls holy [ __ ] i feel like you're gonna need to say more than just like guys don't pay attention pay no attention to that guys that's pay no attention you know yeah don't be immature guys come on just forget about it don't mention it grow up we've all got we've all seen my dick and balls before there we go now we got audio guys all right hey even i can hear your grits all right it's uh just kidding it's a photo of uh neil breen that's it oh okay well that sounds nice yeah well but photoshopped over top of my dick and balls photoshopped on top of your dick and balls yeah but like 50 like opacity so like you can kind of see oh okay interesting okay so what do you think we'll do today well we need blaze rods right still dude are you still on that don't don't we needed to beat the game dude all you ever do is talk about blaze rods and going to the nether don't don't say it like it's a thing that i just am suggesting for fun i just like i you really okay yeah you really want to go to the nether to get blazer odds we can go i guess but you were the one who said that that we need blaze rods to beat the game oh yeah you do yeah so so we need to go there and get some okay but i do but i do need i need some better gear yeah i'm gonna need to suit up with a sword and all that jazz hey guys can um does anybody know if if trading with piglins can give you blaze rods i forget when i was trading with piglets uh on my other world did i did they give me any blaze rods can someone answer there's nobody answered i have yeah i have zero viewers in my uh on my stream right now i forgot to say what happened okay people are saying no uh i think just everyone sort of lost interest in my in my stream i'm taking too long to beat the game and so yeah literally no one watching everybody game up gave up simultaneously yeah at the same time whoa you have a chill zone what you have a chill zone yeah check it out so is it just like right here is it like the whole floor uh yeah it's sort of just like this block that you're standing on wow yeah you get like chill points for standing on here nice and that's kind of like the out like the like the [Music] like the secret way to beat the game is like yeah if you have like enough chill points oh so if you just stand here for long enough it like the ender dragon just just dies these guys are too chill he feeds off of like fear and and not chillness and so if we get too chill yeah he withers away he feeds off of bad vibes well now my room feels a little bit bare so i'm gonna have to i feel like i got to put in some more work over here oh also dude also what happened off of uh off of stream i went into the i went into the nether because i was like [ __ ] it i'm gonna find a fortress so we don't have to search for so long on stream oh okay and um and i didn't find a fortress i found a a big surprise i didn't find one what i was looking for but i found a i think it's called a bastion we found one of those live stream didn't we oh maybe you did i didn't but and then i went to the chest and i picked up a bunch of crazy [ __ ] i got a enchanted diamond pic silk touch diamond pickaxe whoa you got the silky touch yeah okay hold on check it out i don't know what it means and i got an iron sword mending then i got an enchanted dude people were just telling me about mending on my other stream they were saying it like every i think every time you kill something it like heals itself so you so it won't break well maybe i'll bring that that sounds cool so damn you kind of like popped off in the nether without me gilded blackstone i don't even know what that is it went in there i was in there for like 10 minutes i found this bastion thing and then i like opened like two chests and i found all the [ __ ] and i was like i can't even i can't even share this excitement with my with my friend i'm alone but shucks dude i guess i found it but that's pretty sick i mean kudos to you for like holding your own in the nether and everything you you kind of you kind of exceeded my expectations okay i i didn't think you had it in you yeah i know i know you think that's a compliment but to me it's hey buddy it seems like it isn't you did a great job considering i thought you wouldn't last two seconds without me and that is a compliment you can't just end whatever you're saying it's a compliment hey buddy you're [ __ ] stupid all right and that is coming from me anything coming from me is a confidence all right i gotta make some bread and then then we can go to the nether and try again i need iron in these do you have any iron uh yeah i do have some you can come get them from my chest also i watched a video about how to find a minecraft fortress because um did it have any valuable information it's i feel like i watched one and it was like yeah it's just kind of random literally that was pretty much it it was like uh go pick one direction on the x-axis and just go that way and maybe you'll find one baby you light up my world like nobody else yo that was awesome you said pick one direction i didn't i said sing i said take one direction don't sing yeah the article specifically said don't sing one direction pick one direction um there's a at the chicago airport like right when you're getting off the highway one of the exits like right by the highway or right by the airport is 1d so every time i go to the airport i see that and i'm like damn they really named a highway after after all 1d after a freaking band uh also i found a crossbow oh dude that is honestly kind of pog i would say that that would probably be helpful if we had any arrows i have 12 arrows oh do you oh we should get it we should get a chicken hole too because i think what we need for arrows is sticks and flint and feathers so if we just have a nice hole full of chickens that would be prime true uh also we can focus on that afterwards i guess when you trade gold with piglins is it do you give them gold nuggets or gold ingots ingots but you can make ingots out of nuggets i'm just gonna make a bunch of ingots so we can actually okay if you're if you're gonna do that i'm gonna go see if i can just like make a quick quick chicken hole okay it doesn't have to be anything too fancy i'm just gonna lure some chickens it doesn't need to be a fancy chicken haul um didn't i just have ingots where did i put them did you take my angus and then loose them or what i didn't think i could lose them oh there might oh i'm a dummy never mind never mind you're right okay i got them and i'm putting them back in your chest um organize this freaking hot oh my goodness oh my goodness i'm just trying to make a really quick sheephole or chicken haul and it's taking a minute here hi heather heather dude she's come to bless us on our way to the nether the queen of the nether is here damn heather please show us how to get to the fortress fix your sword your majesty how do you didn't didn't you say i can fix the sword when i kill people uh you can but you can also fix it manually if we make an anvil so i don't know if you want to do that uh sure how do you make an anvil i think you need you need iron ingots and also iron blocks which you make with iron ingots oh someone said you need so much iron okay that's good how do i get all this water out of here music thank you how am i going to get all this water out of here don't look abby stabby dan dan no i will not stab his daby dan dan as funny as that comment was i will not do it that is pretty funny that sounds like if you were like a like an old-timey murderer stab it in there yeah it's terribly snappy another one bites the dust thanks to stabby stabby dan dan i need 33 iron it reminds me of chitty chitty bang bang you ever heard of that uh it's a musical i think shitty shitty shitty shitty bang bang yeah why would they dress themselves like that yeah why would you make a musical that is already admitting how shitty it is stupid stupid musical time it's like a worse version of comedy bang bang this is this is shitty shitty bang bang not funny bang bang i don't even know where the best way to find iron dude i started um my own like server for my tier three subs oh yeah i was going to ask you about that um dude people are so good at minecraft it's ridiculous i was literally i i made it and then like i checked back like the next day and people's houses were like humongous there's like a there's like a panda thing like underneath our town that's like living there there's a glass you can like look into it they found a panda a panda and a polar bear dude i brought it back to the town oh my god dude i was looking for a panda for so long in my solo world because i needed slime and i guess sometimes they sneeze slime [Music] wow yeah people are really good at this game like my chat comes up with like the most genius ideas sometimes when i'm playing it's crazy i guess they've been playing it for like oh [ __ ] like literally yeah like probably like an embarrassing amount of time honestly i should probably be glad i don't know as much as they do yeah that's honestly kind of cringe it's kind of lame when people are good at this game yeah that's why i stay bad that's why i look you stay bad at this game okay i found one chicken and honestly he is all up in my face right now i just got to find another one here just give him an e give them an e give [Applause] is that a chicken have you seen that video uh yeah the kylie jenner yeah when kylie jenner's like i'm a chicken am i a chicken she has an existential crisis what am i yeah what the vine yeah that's the vine what's the vine the chicken vine yeah i remember that what was that all right i'm gonna you know what we should go to bed i'm uh i'm trying to lure chickens in the middle of the night and i'm just getting attacked from all angles i gotta we gotta go to bed okay i'll come back up i was trying to find iron oh i hear a witch down here oh dude i love the witch sound because it just sounds like some guy going like hey yeah all the other sounds are like actually sound like they could yeah all right i'm going to bed oh look at all those chickens oh yeah i guess there's a lot of chicken vines all right i'm going to i'm going to get some chickens now okay yeah so um an anvil would be good to have and then later on we should also make a uh enchanting table then we can enchant our own items so you can get a couple really helpful things are like efficiency it'll make it so that you're like if you put on a pickaxe you mine way faster with it okay and you can get lots of fun stuff i mean you can get protection for your armor or like sharpness on your sword that makes it uh work better dang so we'll die less easily if we have like enchanted armor and stuff okay cool which not to be that guy or anything but i think we kind of need you said it not to be that guy but we kind of need it you kind of need it what does the stone cutter do chat uh stone cutter uh will like uh you can use it to turn like cobblestone into cobblestone uh like slabs and stairs and stuff oh all right i'm not really sure how that's any better than just like using a crafting table because you can also use that right i think it maybe just looks cool or something yeah they do look pretty cool so we could we'll get our ann anvil anvil hathaway going so we can ella enchant our stuff whoa anvil hathaway because isn't she an ella enchanted right or that i don't know what that is so i don't know but maybe it could be chat chat with she and l enchanted yes she is all right so vote all right she was or she is because you said was she and then the chad said she is like she still is currently inch they won't let her leave ellen she's trapped in the movie what can i do with this turtle it's like a big turtle you put a saddle on it yo i mean that's i guess the reason you put saddles on animals to see you go faster so i guess that'd be a bad idea no sometimes you just want to enjoy the ride i guess i guess you're right come on i mean it'd be kind of nice like to to just be carried around at a slow pace yeah a nice leisurely uh turtle ride all right i got these chickens i got them on my tail i'm bringing them back to the base we're gonna have chicken noodle soup for dinner tonight dude oh you got to bring the noodles out i got the chickens i think i'm about to make chicken noodle [Laughter] soup you go to a doctor yeah if it looks like that all right come on in boys campbell's chunky stew oh [Music] all right now you guys stay in here maybe make love or something and have a chicken no i'm ella enchanted no i'm ellen degeneres hello degeneres i need more iron how much do you need for an anvil do you know no people said a lot i don't think it's like a it's not like a ton uh i have six oh okay let me look it up real quick it's definitely more than six uh what said i think i'm gonna i think i'm gonna clam chowder that is oh gross oh okay no you actually do kind of need a lot so you need three iron blocks which are each nine so you need 27 plus an additional four so you need 31. okay so maybe we don't make an anvil how do you even make an iron block uh you just you fill every slot in the crafting table with an iron ingot so it takes nine [ __ ] hell yeah [ __ ] hell guys i walked right past this let's get some diamond hype in the jazz oh curtis found some diamies okay hey i walked right over it dude there you go hey sometimes it happens like that and you don't find it until you're on your way back but as long as you found it that's what matters oh another one let's go i knew there wasn't just going to be one another one remember when dj khaled said another one yeah that one time that was funny yeah i was sort of quoting that in a way were you at the short you were at the shorty awards year that he was there right i i guess i probably was yeah but for some reason i don't remember like seeing him or anything i remember seeing him on the the red car or i guess like the blue carpet whatever the [ __ ] oh i think i remember seeing like everybody who won getting like pictures with him or something but i didn't i don't i don't know if i ever like saw him maybe i was like in the bathroom when he was on stage or whatever yeah probably i go to the bathroom a lot so you didn't say what he you didn't like hear what he said about you then here in the bathroom or what okay guys i'm feeding seeds to the baby because i have a theory that it's gonna make him grow up faster and oh and look at that he just grew up so he's ready he's ready to have a baby with his parents said i had enough to make an anvil are there eggs down there did i get eggs no yeah i know that when you they lay eggs you can throw them at the wall and it makes babe sometimes it makes a baby did you do it yet no people are saying i have enough but i don't think i do oh oh i just unlocked the recipe hold on yo i'm gonna go you know what would be kind of good actually is if i go to the nether right now and i build a little like fort around our portal and uh and we can have like a chest right next to the portal too in the nether and that would be kind of pog that way that would be helpful i think um so i'm just gonna hop into another real quick okay what i'm gonna wait i don't understand so basically what i'm doing is i'm in the nether right now and i'm building a little uh hut around our portal that way we can be safe when we right when we spawn in the nether and uh okay and then uh we can also have like a chest in the nether that way we can store stuff here it might make things easier okay i like that me like another one oh i just got a donation that asked if we are excited about beau's new special yes that's like the highlight of my day seeing that i know i saw his instagram post like a few days ago and i was like there's no way wait he posted what did he say on instagram he posted like just as like a picture of like the door at the beginning of the trailer i guess oh maybe i did see that and thought nothing of it i kind of did the same and then i uh no it sounds like you thought something of it because you said there's no way i thought nothing of it i thought i thought a little bit of something i guess okay it's just seemed like you lied probably oh now people are saying i'll go hut dude this the hut does not need to be handsome the hut can just be it it is i'll admit but you know what it doesn't need to be anything but a go as long as it works you know that's fine uh someone in the chat didn't know who beau is beau burnham is who we're talking about he's coming out with a new special that apparently he filmed completely by himself with no audience or crew which will be very interesting it'll probably somehow be better than any other yeah somehow somehow yeah um and they'll check oh you got it oh yeah oh let me come take a look-see it's up in my chill zone oh okay i was wondering oh there she blows whoa and kurt's crouched right next to it wait turn around again smack him on the ass there we go that looks congratulatory yeah good one bro nice job good animal man okay so how do uh eggs chad how do i use this thing how do i work this crazy thing so you put uh i mean do you want the chat to answer or do you want me to answer well i mean if you have the answer then uh you just put you put like the sword in one of the slots and then the like iron ingots in the other and depending on how many iron ingots you put in it'll heal the sword a certain amount and it also usually takes some of your xp do you know about xp yet um i know about xd rawr is that is that the same thing same type of thing yeah okay so you already know what i need to tell you okay okay so the green number at the bottom of your screen that's like what xp level you have and uh like whenever you enchant things or use the anvil it will take some of your xp so it might say like enchantment cost or something on the when you go to fix that with the anvil so that's how many like levels yeah so whatever level you are right now it'll subtract two from it when you do it okay yo marin these are the ten dollars that are really stressful thank you hopefully passed all your exams um i guess a name my freaking sword now guys i'm not gonna drop an anvil on curtis will that even do anything what they want me to hurt you bud they want me to hurt you bad okay i don't i don't like how that feels i know i know this is what you put up with almost every week but if you if your chat could just stop yeah it doesn't feel too good i i could dish it out but i absolutely cannot take it so he if he could stop to be great kurt gonna take it i'm wearing gold right yeah i am i named my sword gooby oh yeah see that's one of the cool parts about the anvil is you get to name your items yeah that's pretty awesome someone said if you drop it on him it goes clunk and he dies i like in the cartoons the cartoons yeah like when you pass your friend the aux cord and he plays cartoons exactly the car soundtrack life is a highway now that's a car my favorite cartoon life is eye [Laughter] guys this is about to be a glowstone pog who's about who's gonna have the cool room now who's gonna have the chill room now uh me or no i don't think so no i think it's actually gonna be me this time i need a new picky um i don't want to bring my well actually i have two diamond pickaxes so i could just bring one to the other and it's chill i don't know you might just want to make an iron one because diamond is you know pretty pretty valuable i have six diamonds yeah that's like not that much i feel like you're making it seem like you think that that's a time name name a number bigger than that name number bigger than six yeah try okay that's easy um four and a half oh [ __ ] yeah you're right wait four and a half yeah that's what i said chat this guy's a freaking genius never mind i stand what do you mean you stand corrected you you initially said that i was right and then you said wait hold on no you're right i stand corrected like you never actually said that i was wrong so you don't you don't need to say that you were wrong dog because you never said you know i know you said that they yeah you're good [Laughter] am i bringing the diamond picky or not i you know what make your own decisions dude i don't care jesus i don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude yeah dude ever since you got this second dose you've been a real jerk that's one of the side effects you're a jerk now i think i'm feel i feel like actually no i should i'm gonna go uh kill some of our cows and get some more food yeah that's a good idea probably because if it's one thing we know if you get stuck in another without food you get pretty hungry yeah and the chat says eats they say make mushroom soup even though you can't dude there's a type of enchantment you can get on a sword that uh it's called like fire or something and it like lights things on fire when you kill them or when you slice them so like if you slice a zombie once it'll light on fire and then it'll die quickly and then if you do it on cows it cooks the meat before you even pick it up whoa also come in come come into my room real quick and check out what i just did you like that whoa what are you like inspecting it really closely yeah i gotta do my quality of shirts i think it kind of looks better from like far away because you kind of like get a sense of it within like the whole room and it looks good like that you know yeah this dude if you could see my screen right now guys check this out i mean like oh yeah i'm sorry i was like inside your face like this yeah i didn't like that very much how are you going to get are you going to get some shut eye if this is freaking going right in the in your in your in your face this is how i sleep normally in real life just like with like lights all around me like flashing in my eyes light thing or whatever yeah right in your eyes yeah i just have that in like self-defense mode pointed right at my face while i'm trying to sleep that sounds that sounds god-awful i gotta say do you remember that jake and amir episode where he's talking about like his dad hitting him with a cast iron skillet in the back of his face yeah in the back of my freaking face yeah uh that's what that's what it reminded me of when i was like inside your head i could see the back of your face the back of my face maybe that's what he meant yeah like in in minecraft seeing the back of your face that makes sense okay my my chat is like so divided over my glowstone uh design here i did go a little bit off the rails with it so what i think it's random and that's what makes it hot it looks like it's a like i'm playing it like a mini game on like mario party that you got to step on these blocks to like survive you do you stepped off the block you're not on the blocks dude i'm sorry i have to do this all right someone just called it ugocor dude i like that that's kind of what i'm going for yo the glowstone i will not i will not i will not steal it i will not it's [ __ ] i will not oh guys i got i actually got what did he get what's he gonna say nobody knows how does that look guys what will he say i don't err okay wasn't is it lagging why isn't the door closing nope get get this glowstone out of my room i'm sorry i was trying to close the door i don't know why oh it's because when you crouch you can't do it okay i get it so uh what do you you put a chain next to your bed dude what what's going on you're getting freaky dude sticks and stones may break chase excite me it's right over my right over where your dick will be in bed when is it nighttime i want to see what it looks like i like it like it come out oh [ __ ] that looks awesome kinky kurt [Music] yeah that's epic what are you doing uh do you want to go to the nether anytime soon yeah okay uh did you did you get beef i got 10 beefs yep okay i've got like 13 bread i don't really know if that'll be enough but i guess oh we should make a we should make shields do you have a shield um i think i do actually yes i do let me go make one i like it like a camera all right fit check before i go into the nether oh [ __ ] uh i need burp check hey did you did you take all my ingots and not give them back by the way just out of curiosity um i may have used a lot of them in anvil if i'm being on and so is that you saying that they're all gone or i wouldn't say that they're all gone per se i'd say that they're sort it kind of looks like there are zero iron ingots left in our face i sort of say that they're not gone they're they're sort of uh m.i.a hey don't don't cry because they're gone smile because i stole them you said i could use them if i put them back yeah that's true [Laughter] that is a 100 correct all right let me just you're picky guys you guys think i'm gonna die in the nether some [ __ ] yeah honestly you guys are real immature with that [ __ ] we're gonna be fine you're saying i don't need my pickaxe to go in the nether yeah like i don't need a spoon either when i'm eating some soup come on when i'm eating some of my buddies cream of mushroom yeah when i'm sucking up some of my buddies cream of mushroom soup say i don't need a suit come on all right i'm just making a and don't worry someone said someone said breed your cows more dude i got like i have to wait for i guess i have plenty of wheat there it's kind of a don't you have to wear gold for the piglets to not fight you yeah but you only need one article it's having more than one doesn't do anything and gold armor is generally not as good as iron so that's why you kind of only want one i do see i see you right see you running back to your chest in all the gold armor after i say that that's a coincidence all right i'm ready to go oh same as i was let's go okey-dokey let me get some of this beefy weefy guys i'm bringing my diamond pickaxe and there's nothing you can do you guys can cry and he's got a diamond pickaxe he's gonna kick ass he's gonna die in the nether wow cause he's a [ __ ] ass my own ah my own daddy says this on my birthday he says it's your birthday go curtis it's your birthday my birthday's next week but i i'm just practicing you're practicing getting mad at people for wronging you on your birthday because you know they're going to [Laughter] you're like in the mirror being like really dude on my birthday really of all days of my birthday huh oh look at this oh this is nice i like what you're done with the plate all right so i guess let's just head out i don't really know where we're gonna go but one direction do you have a bow and arrow or uh or a uh i have a crossbow you have a crossbow do you have arrows with you uh yes okay we might want to uh did i just throw my sword yeah i guess i accidentally pressed q oh uh okay we might want to you might want to use the sword if we see one of those jellyfish again because or the crossbow okay um i'm turning off my shaders while we're in the nether because it helps me see better good idea i'm gonna do that too um was it details oh fog off yeah well yeah yeah so you can do you can do that you can also just like turn off sha like your shaders all together if you want but whatever floats your boat i'm i'm in like straight up ugo mode right now okay i'll just leave it like no fog uh well the x i'm looking at the x if we go just one way positive it's oh wait no is it this way positive x would be the opposite way of where you're going but we can go negative x oh wait yeah positive would be going towards the okay well sure let's go positive x yes oh dude that's like when you're still on good terms with her after you break up you've gotta get a positive ex yeah that's kind of true am i safe to mine these uh yeah i'll protect you from any pigs that might that might feel some type of way about it dude yes go off all right there you go all right now i got these ones i got these ones i got these ones okay this one's out here i got these ones back get back get back are you fighting a picture for your birthday really you're gonna come no there's no one oh you're just practicing again for your birthday yeah i gotta be sharp you're my big day uh oh yeah this way right yeah right someone said my hot bar is very disorderly sorry dude that's that's kind of just how i like it though that's how the baddies roll um mine the courts mind the courts oh yeah we can mine that quartz i don't really know what quartz is helpful for at all except for just like leveling you up a little bit okay i also don't know why i didn't just do that instead of mocking the person that said that do you know how you get xp um no every so when you just did that and you heard that little bing sound yeah that's you getting xp anytime you like mine something or kill something and those green little dots come out of it that's xp okay what's that over there whatever where and the other way behind you isn't that a bastion oh is that a bastion is that that's what i went to is that the type of thing that you found uh yeah it sort of looks like the exact same thing all right well there you go i've never been in one of these before oh oh wait oh are they mad oh he's mad oh he doesn't like me one bit it's wrong hold up dude he's guys i died in the nether still coming for me this brick how did he kill you so fast i i'm honestly impressed dude that was weird how did he kill you so fast it was like one hit did you have low health i had full health that is straight up bizarre oh no i see you oh whoa whoa whoa he's gonna get me he's gonna get me he took out like half my health with one hit i'm coming in my stuff uh i was too busy running away like a scared little boy oh yeah good luck getting me now a little piggy you guys pigs can't open doors right oh [ __ ] they can they can did it go in the lava no oh on your birthday on my birthday of all days guys ah he's in our base he went to the portal he's in our base this is going to ah oh god okay i'm wearing gold why did he want to kill me so bad i don't understand why he wanted to kill me so bad i was wearing gold do they just kill you when you go into the bastion oh no is this guy gonna kill me is this the same guy yo these piggies are thirsty get up oh my god yo i hit this dude into a boat he's just gonna be he's just in the boat now he forgot that he was mad at me he's like dude this is wild dude i hit him into a he's he's fine now the pig was chasing me i hit i was walking down like the little alley the little bridge that we have at our base and i hit him and he bounced and he landed in the boat and they just sat down in the boat and forgot he was oh never mind he killed me dude he put on all my armor i saw him do it i'm gonna cry i had so much stuff i had oh i think i have your i think i have your stuff oh i think the pig might have had your stuff and i think i have it now because i killed the pig i'm back in the i'm back by our base oh my gosh here come come over here pick up some of there's some stuff still floating around over here this is wild i didn't know he had it all is that it uh well i so i've got a ton of stuff i'll i'm gonna um hey let's go to a chest and i'll put it all in the chest but um i guess a more empty chest would probably be better wait that was wild he turned into a zombie pig which was weird and then i hit him into a boat which was weird it was all kind of odd curtis yeah that sounds that sounds goofy okay i'm putting everything in here uh i don't really know which of this armor is mine and which is yours but i think you had a lot of gold armor if i remember correctly yeah and i know i had like seven beef so i'll take that back and okay um i'm gonna assume that scooby dude let's go dude thank god uh is that iron chest plate that you're holding mine uh or did you or did you have an iron chest plate because you're wearing a gold one right now and then i die or okay so yeah this one's yours okay oh okay so i think we're going to not want to go in the bastion anymore if i had to guess yeah because for some reason that pig is like the most powerful thing in the game holy [ __ ] i can't believe we still have booby yeah it's pretty tight whoa holy [ __ ] jesus sorry was that loud yeah it's like really loud sorry dude uh oh someone said that pig was heather okay that makes a lot of sense oh it was heather but i watch her eyes as she kills me [Laughter] songs about a mean pig what a mean little piggy do you have another do you have two pairs of gold boots on you by chance um i got one pair and no rats did you have a golden axe or is that mine i think that was the pigs which judging by how strong it was might be like a really good axe i don't know yeah because that's what he was definitely using a gold axe to hit me okay i'm gonna leave gooby at home because i can't bear that i i i leave gooby at home because you can't bear to lose him again oh nice thanks ever seen this before ever seen this before points to chain hanging over bed right at dick level yo check it out check it out check it out how's it look horrid does it look cozy looks disgusting does it look like the chain is attached sort of to my uh there's like a little space between it looks like like you would need to like pull it down a little bit like it's on a pulley system and then you can tie it to whatever and then you can sort of like use a little crank to pull yourself up with it or something i don't really know what you would do but i'm just sort of spitballing here but sure to stick it in there like them in the matrix that's definitely what i would do all right well i guess let's go back we seem to be in pretty good shape after everything that happened all things considered yeah i'm gonna is there a way to only put like someone in the chat just said dick cheney how do we not think of that that's how he got his name attached to his dick oh that's really funny is there a is there a way to like um only put like certain amounts of things away like i have 21 gold ingots and i want to bring all them to another um if you like if if you have all of them in the chest and you right click it'll only pick up half of them and then if you like keep right clicking you'll like get rid of them that's you uh oh yeah that's kind of cool oh dude i lost all my arrows right click okay um please hang on your chain oh wait guys can you uh can you do uh uh can you locate a fortress like this is this cheating to if i did this because it's just taking us so long to find a fortress is there such a way to do this would this be cheating that's cheating oh everyone says that's cheating what all right all right all right well hold on let me just let me discuss this with curtis so right now if i go into like the uh chat in the game i could type like locate fortress and it would tell me where the nearest fortress is but everyone is in chat is saying that it is cheating um so some people people seem pretty split on the idea but i'm just throwing that out there it's an option but we can also just keep going and walking around how about we can try for a little longer yeah all right we'll try for a little longer because at this point it's it's getting a little ridiculous i mean my chat is emote only right now so they can't they don't really have a say in the matter i guess you could say it's getting a little redonkulous it's so redundant okay did you know you're not wearing pants i like that you're looking down because i know that if you look down you actually can't see your pants did you just put that chain there [Music] yeah dude let's lure that pig back here and tie it to his dick all right let's go let's bounce dude honestly let's go positive on the x enough it is bash and [ __ ] no more no we're not going to the bastion yeah let's go this way around actually this will be better sebastian sebastian balls we gotta stop going there oh i don't have a shield [ __ ] hey i don't have one either dog because you stole all my ingies i yeah you're right oh okay kelly skelly smelly skelly skinny oh yeah of course you don't get any fall damage is your special little skeleton he's a very special skeleton he's jack skellington he's our special little guy like you know in the um at the beginning of nightmare before christmas they say please make way for a very special guy and then jack skellington comes out yeah it's my favorite lyric um not a fan of this blue nether i'll say that the blue flame nether yeah so you can't go fast that's uh that's soul sand for you or maybe it's full soil one of them is soul sand and one of them is still soil i'm putting either way i'm soul soiling my pain ah hold up i've got i think i've got a bow and arrow i've got a bow and arrow and i've got your 12 arrows i'm going to try to take this prick down oh he's gone where'd he go i don't see anyone there oh there he is oh he didn't like that he didn't like it oh i hit you in the back of the head curtis i'm sorry i hit you in the back of the head oh i killed him yo dude he's gone he's done he's dead let's ah there's another one wait why did i just hear that where is he oh i can't even see him kill him okay i'll kill this one too kill him at once because i can't hit the thing back ah oh no i'm going to run out of arrows where is he you can't even see him i know he's too far away a little bastard come out and and fight face us like a man come on yeah he's like moving far enough away that we that like our game won't render him that's annoying stupid also how do you hit those fireballs back it's [ __ ] wait dude fortress what where over that way off in the distance i can't even see that oh dude i'll take you i can see it no hogs yeah dude you tell him oh man yes thank you let's get some pogs in the chat for this dude fortress check okay it's pretty far away how are we gonna get over there i can't even see it still i think my shaders are [ __ ] up uh you can turn up the render distance in your game or is there is is it like foggy over there or do you just need to turn up your render distance it seems foggy i have my fog like turned off just turn off the shaders then how do you do that oh just off in the shaders menu yeah can you see it now curtis uh is it that way the way i'm facing yeah no uh do you want to turn your render distance up maybe that's the only thing i can think of my render distance is set to 28. where's your video settings oh there we go i'll do 28. okay guys okay i think i see it okay our coordinates right now are 204 negative 87 but we're not quite at the thing yet 204 negative 87. i'll try to give you chords again when we get there i think we might want to go to the left this way it's got out up here [Music] wait did you say that you could see it now curtis yeah okay cool yeah i forgot how ago mode this game is without i know it is kind of ugly mode and it's like beautiful mode with the shaders on yeah almost sicko mode if you ask me yeah almost and with the shaders off it's like sicko mode but like sick as in runny nose and nasty fever diarrhea diarrhea skeleton i hear skeleton there he is ah he's no match for us oh there's not a big bad boom oh there's another skeleton up there so be wary i'm [ __ ] scared of pigs now dude i know oh this one's standing right next to a pig so if i hit the skeleton it's gonna hit the pig too yeah let's just get the [ __ ] out there there we go all right ah another one hey buddy leave us alone you and your friends come on geez louise we should have brought milk probably i forgot about the stupid s there's gonna be these dark skeletons and then fortress oh wait i gotta turn up my brightness okay don't come over here anyway it's a dead end is that better guys oh my god that's way better wow ow jesus another skeleton these guys are ah leave me alone oh i got you oh yeah oh oh this looks way better oh no did you hear that yeah i did hey guys right now good time for me to show up ma'am i wish i had a shield right now that'd be kind of fog can you give gold to just any of the piggies there's a certain type of piggy uh i think that i think maybe not those zombie type pigs there are pigs that look like zombies and pigs that don't i'm not 100 sure though okay um oh that's a fork just over there yeah we could like can we go up and over oh wait then we have to get down yeah what if we like tunnel down tunnel down like over to that platform right there wait sorry what it's where these two bone things are we could like like tunnel down there get something oh yeah yeah yeah okay and then yeah and then that that red forest probably will take us right there yeah okay epic gamer strat so make sure you tunnel down stairs does he see us he doesn't see us yet oh and then he just disappeared so that's really actually really great i wish they all did that tbh okay we're going here i think maybe right here would be best okay i'm just gonna gather blocks on the way down oh my god this is so scary hold shift near the edge right yeah yeah definitely hold shift um guys i don't currently have a shovel so i apologize for not using one it's just the way it is sometimes you know life gets kind of crazy sometimes and you forget to bring a shovel to the nether but i'll just use the back of my bow oh my foot fell asleep that's weird oh there is there is oh someone said i'm in love with the creeper i wish there was a song to help me deal with it ah there it is crazy very specific problem to have and one day we have the answers here to crazy but yeah honestly i mean it is a specific problem but very understandable yeah yeah it's probably probably the most normal thing ever actually all right let me i'm just being honest let me take a look down this way i hear something i hear like a pig i guess um oh here jellyfish okay i'm trying to see if there's a path here okay there i mean there might be a little bit more of a path this so could i give a gold thing to this guy yeah you have ingots yeah yeah go ahead and toss them one you can just right click them with it hey buddy nice dude i've never done this before i know it's it's fun he might give you something good and he might just give you some dirt or mushrooms or something oh i do have a shovel holy [ __ ] i'm so dumb it was in my hotbar i had a shovel the whole time wow and he gave me life really does come at you fast you gave me another quartz i want something better dude yeah give my friend something good give me a kiss at least yeah another quartz how about another kiss give me leather leather quartz nether leather yeah what else you got for me buddy soul soil yeah it kind of sounds like scooby-doo raggy we're in another reggae spectral arrow oh those are pretty good dude do you have your do you have your uh what's it called with you crossbow i do yeah those are pretty tight sick uh where'd you go oh you're down there i'm like tunneling downwards again back on my [ __ ] you know trap him why would i trap that nice little pig he seems like a good guy uh you can just trap him so he doesn't like keep walking around and you can just throw a ton of gold at him and just wait for him to process it all oh huh so it's not really a good area for us to dig down right here actually kind of a bad area actually for us to dig down i'm gonna go back this way is that netherright what's another right uh it's a thing that you can make armor out of but it's like ridiculously hard to find from what i can tell someone just asked was that is that netherright where i don't think it is i don't know did he miss nether did i miss another right you can call me miss netherrade if you want but did he give you another right i don't no i don't think so yeah i don't think so either all right i think it'll be better to dig down over here maybe oh there's a skeleton hey buddy nice thanks dude uh it was another bricks though oh lmao or uh happy birthday sorry i said your name wrong my birthday come on dude how am i there's no good spots to dig down let a boy dig down come on did your thing just break i just heard something break yeah i don't have a shovel no happens to the best of us i am the best thank you have us to you and you're the best so [Music] oh well at least we're gonna have a ton of nether blocks after this for what it's worth which is not much how are we gonna find our way back do you have the coordinates for the house the portal someone does i think well we pretty much just went positive on the x-axis right oh it's true yeah that's that's the benefit of having a positive x stop wasting your diamond picky what else can i use the only picky i got oh [ __ ] my pickaxe is gonna break do you have any you've got gold on you right you're just 17 nuggies okay because i might need to like make another pickaxe and a pinch and like maybe i'll make it out of gold okay okay you're going to need to do all the tunneling down now though because my pickaxe just did break we're just going kind of straight down like stair style yeah i guess so i'm hoping that we come out soon i kind of thought we would already you want to just dig straight forward and see what happens sure let me let me go back up real quick and try to see if i can see where you are oh wait no i can't never i i hear i'm hearing pigs yeah i'm hearing pigs i don't want to mind this gold just to be safe this is limoncello lacroix for those wondering it's pretty good pretty pog honestly um we might try digging up real quick actually we might be we might be under holy [ __ ] i wonder if we went too far has science gone too far [Music] have the boys gone too far i hear freaking jellyfish yeah i hear piggies and jellyfish this is they're literally right above me yeah kind of weirding me out right now god i wish i had a shovel oh i have a shovel like an extra one uh no one for me though doesn't really doesn't really help me but oh wait okay i found we're right here maybe i'll make a oh okay do you have an extra pickaxe where'd you go i'm behind you do you have an extra pickaxe no i can make one though yeah go ahead and make me one why don't you go ahead and just make me one go ahead make mine i'll um i'll put on a little show for you while you make it nice did you make it yet or what oh yeah i made it a while ago okay just enjoying the show huh yeah just you know pass up a free show and respect is that the fortress over there yeah right what yeah the fortress is this way okay now be careful about uh the big pig bore things okay also i'm gonna uh chop down these trees give you like wood so if we want to chop down some of these it might be helpful just to have some wood because i don't have any on me right now true always good to have wood i always say that yeah i've got i've got lots right now oh my my axe broke so guys we don't have shields and we don't have any iron so don't even try to tell me to make a shield right now it's not gonna happen i simply don't have the tools necessary i may only have two pieces of bread but i have seven pieces of meat we got the same pieces of meat number i could have said that i that was a bad sentence we have the same pieces of meat number hey what's your piece of meat number one i like your like your blood type hey girl let me get your piece of meat number yeah what what's i need your assign your astrological sign your height and your piece of meat number does this not connect i guess we got to make a bridge because this doesn't even like connect to where the fortress is we were kind of swindled by the game into thinking it it did i think all right we can make a break across we can make a bridge bridge oh what if we what if we just go yeah what if we just go yeah ever thought about that danny i guess not but that's kind of a good point we should kind of just go what are we waiting for this down here will be easier yeah yeah that's actually true there we go nice that's a little pause stay away from that big uh that big bad boy big bad boy did you ever watch beetle boards or is that a dude i did i don't think i've ever met anyone else that watched beetle borgs really yeah it's i was like obsessed with it it was like the it's like a knockoff power rangers yeah that were they like lived in as a haunted house for some reason yeah and they're like boss was like a clown or something or whatever he was yeah he looked like jay leno yeah he was like a blue jay leno anyone else as opposed to normal jay leno who's like green right yeah i think he's like yeah i think he's like sort of fluorescent he's fluorescent and omnipresent he is tr he truly is a king um how do you yeah dude i was like obsessed with beetle borgs oh wait what i'm how do you shoot uh an arrow i want to kill this boy so you you don't need to like load it into the crossbow or anything you just shoot the crossbow sort of use it like you would any weapon but i think you like hold it down to aim i think like yeah and then you release when you're ready and this the spectral arrow lights it up like that see how he's like outlined i got him all right i hit him again nice take that how strong is this guy jesus i don't know i kind of expected him to be dead well whatever he can he can rot now he'll he'll live in other days i don't want to uh i'm sick probably maybe i can just kill him from right here ah oh oh oh okay holy [ __ ] oops i didn't realize he could jump that high i didn't know the you know the boar had hops that boy wanted to be like mike i think kinda had the hops he had the moves uh okay so still not seeing a clear path to the fortress this is actually super annoying is that another boar oh it's a piggy it's a piggy i'm not even over there dude i'm somewhere else right now okay this might be a bridge bridgeable spot uh we're where are you i'm up top in the trees oh okay i think i might have found a bridgeable spot someone just called this the the ginger realm because it's red i guess oh that's a bridgeable spot if i ever seen one oh you're taking a look at my bridgeable spot yeah there we go it's nice of minecraft to at least include some bridgeable spots yeah most games i'm like so what's the button to do the bridgeable spot and it's like oh no no no no we actually didn't do that in this game not a big enough budget to do bridgeable spots [Music] did you have the what was that movie was like beatleborg's metallic i had a metallic beatleborg's action figures okay well i had i don't think i had those but i had the movie that that was about i guess um this is a fortress huh yeah so we're close to it now i wonder if i can just break through this wall and then we'll be in the fortress let's let me go take a look see this is current but i wonder if we should make a little like another little hut right here that's kind of like a safe spot to just like run back if we're yeah oh if we were really smart you know what we would have done mate i brought stuff to make a portal here yeah dude that would have been so smart i feel smart just for thinking of it now even though it's not helpful at all i mean it's the thought that counts that's what they say right i guess so i guess it probably depends when you have the thought too oh coordinates everybody are 476 and negative 162. that's 476 negative 160. all right as long as your chat got it as long as you love me is this gonna oh wait okay maybe we need to tunnel upward yeah we need to go we need to like do stairs up i guess maybe we just want to do this on the outside and like build a little uh yeah i'm just going to build up like this you got a lot of blocks yeah i got a bunch [ __ ] was that okay epic fortress moment this is so exciting i know you're excited for your first fortress experience i feel like i hear things spawning right now which is actually really scary yeah okay so now we'll be on top of the fortress which might be a good place to be actually unless there's gonna be blazes shooting at us right away okay i'm gonna make like a little uh fort do it for do it do it for like do it like does it fart do it fart oh yeah like how you always ask people to fart yeah okay well that's a huge fortress yeah it really is yeah i'd say it's kind of pog you know i was thinking about today speaking of the word fortress it's like in back whenever they invented other words like actor and waiter they also invented the words actress and waitress for like right and i was thinking today about how like we don't do that anymore when we make up words because we like we've as a society made up the words like youtuber and tick talker and how weird would it be if if we called like charlie demilio a tick-tock drew yeah i guess we've evolved to not need to like specify what gender someone of a certain occupation is gendering a a [ __ ] building this is a fortress yeah it's not a forter it's a fortress all right uh oh you know maybe i could make a door too hold up i think i might be able to make a little door for us even we're gonna have we're gonna have a nice little fortress of our own up here guys nice okay oh a crimson door oop that's in the wrong spot that is kind of a tight looking door though yeah thank you for those gifted subs there big nelson thank you dog oh curtis with the sign all right let's see what he writes someone said dortrus [Music] the fortress fort for the boys it's my birthday all right i know you're just practicing for them for next week so i'll let it slide um what else should i make guys yeah i guess maybe we should maybe we can make stuff real quick i don't know i wish i had a iron let's uh maybe do a little chest action sounds like what you say to your girlfriend when you're gonna grab her boobs it's a little chest do a little chest action real quick whoa how do i have pork chops i have raw pork chops on me for some reason damn oh did you kill that pig and get pork chops i don't know oh yeah the the boar thing someone said danny make a gun can you make a gun craft a gun bowl i need wood planks to make a ball what should i make guys goods you can make beds in the nether no do not listen to them they're trying to kill us guys that's [ __ ] up yeah that's [ __ ] up guys shields guys we can't make shields how come you need you should be able to make like a gold shield yo it's not even called mushroom soup it's called mushroom stew and i can't even make it i need i don't wha what kind of mushrooms you got you got any mushrooms on you uh zero i got zero mushroom okay that's interesting wow really interesting when i need him to have mushrooms he's got none i saw yo i saw this thing you can use a boat and it you don't get fall damage yeah because i saw dream do that or something i think maybe i'll do that just have a boat with you yeah we can try that out i don't care you're just going to be a the boat guy from now on uh oh scary guy he doesn't see me you're you're in the fortress he sees me now i just started like i just started making a little staircase oh and i see blazes right there okay hold on let's go let's go back up for a second because this well let me see is this guy coming towards me or what so there's gonna be like a skeleton in front of us and a blaze behind us oh and he's already shooting at us oh someone see a blaze they're shooting at us up top up top ah i must go inside we should have brought milk dude we should have brought milk yeah bro this is crazy we should have brought milk yo i should have brought my milk okay so i guess there's just gonna be like blazes on the roof over there that's gonna be kind of should we go to the roof then and try to or do you think they're i don't know there's also like one of those russian nesting doll things up there i don't really want i don't really know if i want to mess with all that okay what if we just go in what was the monster that was in here he was a skeleton and he's kind of easy to fight but he does curse you so when he hits you once he like he'll keep doing damage to you which is kind of annoying but i think we could oh wait there's also a blaze right behind this staircase i think we should take that blaze first let's let's try it what do you say okay okay yes dude hey oh i got a blaze rod let's go let's go oh there's another blaze right there okay so they shoot fire like that and they shoot it at quite a range i'm gonna go actually i'll probably just go put this back in the chest right now that way i don't lose it if i die okay good idea thanks all right i put it in the chest this is a pog moment oh yeah they shoot those pretty quick yeah but there's a lot of time in between that we can use to rush them so we'll just wait for them to shoot maybe we can wait one more time oh not that stupid skeletons back okay we're gonna have to take on the skeleton and him what if i just snipe them oh dude you we probably could actually oh i just gave you an arrow nice there's two blazes over there now actually oh we killed the skeleton let's go all right i'm gonna fire up another arrow all right i'm just gonna go over there and kill him now we we got one of them oh nice okay oh i'm on fire oh [ __ ] okay i'm good okay there's another skeleton and uh word up i got another blaze rod do you have one by chance did you pick no okay okay hold on i'm gonna put the uh place right away so now we've got two blaze rods and we're gonna need about eight what's in there is it good stuff a saddle golden horse armor yo we're gonna have a horsey let's go hey blazes blaze up here dude we're finding a lot of blazes right now this is it this is nice i don't have any more air i have one more ear oh is this some mushrooms or what is this for what does this help with oh is this so the spawner is or some [ __ ] another blaze rod let's go what is this nether wart uh ew dude i've got that's there's more blazes outside holy cow holy crap dude holy crud oh i'm on fire i'm running running and running and i'm running what's another wart i should go back i don't know it's not stupid honestly i feel like i should go back to the are you gonna die just i don't know i just i don't want to lose my horse stuff you know oh yes true okay we can go back because i have an i have a um blaze rod that i can put back there too okay we what does the netherward do gang make potions potions that's what people are saying in my chat okay well and we can bring oh shoot dude there's like a little baby uh pig right outside of our fort be careful did you see him i did not oh i guess he went away i can still hear him hello who's there is it a little baby pig oh he's he's sort of trapped over on the other side there oh what an idiot idiot huh loser loser pig uh i'm gonna i'm gonna see what's this way how many lasers do we need that's a dead end we need eight how many do we have now was that three um i don't know i think that's all okay i don't have any well you should probably i mean you should start getting some dude we're gonna need them so spooky guy spooky guy spooky guy like oh you uh like my song no never it's never like your song it will never be like your song all right holy [ __ ] almost walked off the [ __ ] thing oh wow that would not be so smart would it that would be kind of genius in a way it wouldn't be smart it would be genius [Music] all right i guess let's just continue on through the fortress okay now we need to remember where we came we came from behind this staircase right yes okay well maybe we should mark the way with some netherwards can i just like put this no i can't um i'll mark the way with some netherrack if you uh if you take a if you direct your eyes right over here i put a sign kind of busy dude all right what dude did they was that there already a sign yeah i just yeah i guess it was whoa i i didn't really know that like the people who lived in this place were like freaky like that it's kind of wild yeah i never put a swear word like that on a sign so it absolutely wasn't me all right so i'm gonna put i'm gonna put netherrack on the left side as we go that way we'll know which way we came from okay um i guess let's just venture oh that's his elephant straight up that end yeah that's scary don't go that way oh wow i would have kept walking yeah i know uh okay i think there's a skeleton up there yeah we're gonna have to fight him for sure and he has cursed me same okay yeah i have been cursed okay i've been cursed uh you'll just lose heart oh wait hold on there's another skeleton coming i feel like i might die okay oh oh damn he got me at the very end there i thought i was gonna kill him without him even cursing me i think i think my hearts were like ridiculously low there oh really yeah you were gonna die i was very close to it but i uh you know life finds a way okay this is a dead end okay i'm hearing i'm hearing a skeleton maybe it's right around the corner here this is like a weird fortress there's lots of like dead ends and drop-offs yeah there's stairs over this way yeah there's just skeletons that way so i'm more inclined to see what's down the stairs oh man oh more stairs okay weather skeleton rattles i just heard and then stairs back up just heard a jellyfish is there another way behind these stairs okay there is yeah so i i went up the stairs i'm just exploring what's this way first oh oh i think i i think that might be a blaze sound oh yeah i'm hearing oh i got a gold sword and iron horse armor all right hold on i'm hearing blazes what blaze crackles uh so i guess they're which where are they maybe or above i don't oh this one right here sounds like a blaze yeah oh okay i'm good how did i miss dude i'm dead i think oh and no blaze rod to show for it i missed anything every single like swipe with my sword he [ __ ] dodged it damn damn son where'd you find this [Music] okay there's many ways to go here oh man okay i'm not picking up any blazes on my sound radar skeleton's over this way i think er maybe not yeah oh it's an a regular skeleton i don't really want to i look like a dead end anyway i'm just gonna run away um all right which way you want to go down the stairs maybe i think the skeleton is still chasing me oh jesus dude get a life dude uh okay i think it was a dead in this fight yeah okay this way is the dead end lame wait we came from this way dude there's a pig on a chest there's a pig straight up on a chest oh that's it's a power move to be honest yeah i know excuse me sir i just want to oh oh oh oh he's cursed me back up actually correct i've been cursed don't hit the pig and you're in your struggle yeah there we go okay what was in the chest uh it looked like gold would we take it will he get madness if we take it i don't think so i don't think it's his really to be mad about see what happens i'll i'll i'll protect you take the gold i won't let him get to you okay nah he seems cool i don't think he even knew it was in there he was sort of just standing on it okay this dead end over here too what the hell oh rats what the heck and what's that another pig he's standing on the block that you placed dude it's a power move you're right he was just doing it just to kind of [ __ ] with me i think that's awesome someone said have you met technoblade i wish that's a dead end this way right yeah okay so oh wait a blaze right here oh nice behind the stairs there i'll come at it from the other side oh yeah oh no blazer out still isn't there like a spawn or somewhere that we have to find yeah probably i mean we can just wander around aimlessly and like they'll appear but there'll be a lot at the spawner so it would be easier and also harder because there will be a lot of them yeah here's skeleton oh there's a skeleton right here uh don't curse me don't curse me do not curse me he cursed me what a nerd oh man i don't have any food all right i gotta go back to the place our little area otherwise i'm doomed i don't really know what to do because i don't have any food now ah another guy i've been cursed curses yeah dude i wish you could eat bone meal yeah right i okay whoa whoa whoa i'm hearing a lot of blaze action though oh did you go um hold on sorry one second you go up i went upstairs yeah it's okay yeah i think there might be a blaze spawner right above this area oh yeah cause there's a blaze right there there's i heard a bunch of blazes but i'm running back to our little fort fort which i think was this way yeah yeah the poop sign i'm also i don't have any food shucks dude what are we gonna do now uh well you said you had pork chops right i have two ah no dude i gotta die no oh rats oh well at least we put all the freaking um blaze rods in the thing but that's so annoying did you die no i'm alive all your stuff is still here did you kill the skeletons no not not yet is there just one or how many were there i i saw two [ __ ] man they were like waiting to ambush us right outside our base it's like they knew oh yeah i see him it would be pog if you could beat them and save all my stuff so just see you know well well your stuff is right here i'm gonna put some of the stuff in this okay i'm just gonna oh are you in our base no i'm still in the hallway because they're like literally right above me okay well i mean you could barricade yourself in and then i can come try to find you and i mean that would be fine probably how about this because i am quite literally terrified uh hey it's okay i'm scared too i'm not scared i'm scared also you're scared and so am i i said i was terrified yeah that's what it's terrified is like scared but worse i'm not scared yes you are you're very scared i'm not scared i'm very scared it's very different yeah get your story straight get my story straight okay all right let me go breed some cows real quick maybe breed some chickens yeah these cows need some these cows need to love a little bit did i get everything okay i think i got everything nice and i put it in a chest oh sweet okay you're in a good position then not the chest by our house but oh just a chest yeah i fired it i barricaded myself in the hallway okay that's still pretty tight baby chicken time to grow up make danny bring a portal to the fortress yo yeah that's a pog idea if i can if i can muster the obsidian i will it'll take me a while though if you can are you still in the overworld yeah if you can you look at my chest i feel like i have some obsidian i think so okay yeah one second check all my chests i don't know which ones but i feel like i found one in a chest when i was on that all right i gotta replant all this wheat and then i will all right guys should i go and try to kill these skelly's i'm not hearing them anymore okay he's literally right there all right wheat in a spiral pattern okay now you said to look in your chest for obsidian ashley thank you oh dude you have 10 obsidian which is the exact right amount let's go yes all right the only thing is i still we still don't have any iron so i can't make a shield i could go try to find some real fast but this is just it's gonna make everything take a lot longer you're gonna be stranded there for a while okay so yeah i don't really know about that i mean i do i have to make armor anyway though because i actually don't have any armor so [ __ ] you can't walk wait the guy the skeleton can't walk downstairs is that true or is someone hating you there oh you liars oh no dude that's why you never trust the chat especially in moments like that he's stuck i killed one i killed one dude oh dude nice [Music] okay didn't mean to moan like that sorry let me uh let me go see if i can get some iron real quick because i gotta make i gotta make armor i gotta make freaking everything flint and steel and foo oh i need flint and steel too for another that's right i think i have that somewhere people in the chat are saying milk oh yeah milk milk will cure the uh the skeleton's curse okay that's how my mom used to get me to drink it come now curtis this will cure the skeleton's curse i don't want it i grew up in medieval what the heck is this guy in here get lost oh i guess i'm good i probably should have brought some uh i cooked two pork chops nice dude excuse me you're excused thank you i guess i just gotta find iron who is this curtis guy that's a good question more food bestie please i don't know [Music] [Laughter] that's when curtis finally lost it [Laughter] can i make like a hot mushroom or something mmm hot mushroom yo thanks for the one dollar yo you got a dollar in your chat i got a dollar in the chat he got a dollar in the chat with the dollar in the chat dollar dollar in the chat all right just so you know i haven't found any iron yet i'm looking i haven't found any you're gonna have to just make yourself uh comfortable for a while i saw a blaze up there i got a zombie pig guy here i have pork chops i know i don't want to eat them now yeah if you're safe i don't see any reason for you to be wasting them i could make mushroom soup you don't gotta tell me twice bro i doubt you can we didn't have the right type of mushrooms when i was there so i don't see why we would now tell dan to bring food yeah yeah i think he is yeah i'm gonna bring food don't worry yeah i'm totally gonna bring food yeah sure i'll bring food all right hey well the way that you're saying this makes me think otherwise also i didn't even put this on my freaking instagram yet oh so is there like is there like nobody in there right now no there's like five people just sort of just kind of hurling insults at me i kind of want to switch up the scenery i don't even know who you are they just stumbled into your stream yeah one of them is named why is this guy just barricaded in a room why isn't he doing anything yeah one of these guys name uh is named ninja he's being like extra he's like bro where are even are you right now is this what is this tomato town i don't even get what's going on here thinks every game is fortnite number one victory royale i can't believe ninja sang that song that's crazy he's got pipes though yeah he does he do got some pipes though all right where are you i'm just trying to find iron i'm so sorry i don't know what else to do it's like i need i i don't know if i can get to you without dying if i don't bring armor i guess i have gold boots do you think i should just try to brave it okay should i just try to sprint to you and then make the portal and then we can go home uh uh yeah yeah that might be the best way to go because it's getting to be almost almost eight o'clock anyway almost quit in time all right i'm gonna make a brave brave journey here folks wish me luck good luck good luck very good thank you it's me luke thank you for saying that i need some more blazes the chicken hole is coming along nicely just so you know so you don't got to worry about all that oh flint and steel [ __ ] you're right sorry i forgot about that uh oh i have it right here pog but i didn't bring the obsidian nut pog not pog [Music] that's such a luke moment that was a lukewarm moment that was the most luke thing you've ever done where did i put that obsidian can you zoom jack can you zoom what can you zoom on minecraft can i talk to my friends you know close to me on here can you like just look in look further oh you press c oh i thought that was a blaze spawner over there yo we're going in we're raw dogging the nether right now dude oh sorry disgusting all right uh what's okay so can someone hit me with the chords real quick while i run this is a speed running getting to my friend someone hit me with the chords 476 negative 160. interesting i have gold boots on right okay yeah i do okay it's going to be quite a ways for me to travel in the nether this is probably going to be the farthest i've ever gone in the nether before without dying if i do by myself okay it sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo oh okay huge oversight number one i didn't bring any like i don't have any weapons okay so you're just running for your life yeah sort of a running for my life scared situation oh but i can hold on i can i can totally make a sword this is fine i can make a sword we're gucci we're fine he will be but a stone sword but he'll have to do that was so scary i made a big bridge over the lava oh you're you're you're escaping you're making your big escape or what i'm trying to i'm just trying to get a lay of the land here you know yeah you're just trying to lay the land trying to get laid by the land she's trying to [ __ ] the ground man walk the ground oh i see a blow where'd that skelly go i guess he's gone because he went back to do whatever he does there is high yeah i know i don't i don't want to die either chad oh jesus all right if we just i'm making this fortress mike freaking [ __ ] dude don't do that come on not cool how the heck am i supposed to get this blaze if he's being a freaking jerk oh straight up fell he's literally so high he's awesome he's freaking high [ __ ] who am i supposed to this blaze i'm trying to kill him but he's like eight million feet above the ground oh that's awesome two blazes three blazes oh my jesus christ oh there's another blaze i gotta get out of here i gotta i gotta go four blazes were just sort of maybe maybe found the spawner though i think i might have okay now how did i go from here i forget i'm gonna have to kill that skeleton probably which is annoying oh whoa did we dig into the ground like right over here forget straight up do not remember bro please i think we went up did i go come on no oh i don't have any i don't have any freaking uh whatchamacallits arrows you don't have any watching my collets i lost all my what's my collet and my doodads my gizmos i see so many blazes but they're just all so far away yo am i gonna be able to just get to the fortress this way this might be kind of crazy it's not the way that i was planning on going but maybe i'll just go [ __ ] [ __ ] man did you die no okay well that's good at least i i feel like i'm very close hi bestie run okay all right dude i'm pretty sure i i'm feeling pretty good about making it to you right now that's awesome oh okay hold on so we i think we didn't end up going that way is this where we decided to dig down instead maybe maybe maybe use snowballs for blazes what i'm gonna throw snowballs in this game uh yes yes you can oh here [ __ ] yeah hell [ __ ] yeah did you make it uh i'm i'm finding the path that we took so i just found an area where we dig down and it was pretty pog and so i said hell [ __ ] yeah all right that's what that was okay i think i dig yeah i dig down right there it's all coming back to me now best you make a respawn anchor what is that yeah what is that respawn anchor like respawn stanker p.u with that suggestion it says just touch a bed i am not i'm not going to guys i might as well grab some of this one here if i put a bed down it died right i explode or some [ __ ] yeah i do not put a bed down they want you to die these fools they don't want you to succeed oh dude i'm so close i can taste you right now the fact that you guys are preying on my downfall it honestly says a lot about you and sis as a whole you know we we live in a society and you guys yeah guys you you all and curtis all live in a society right now no not me yeah you and curtis you guys all live in a society and but not no you should you should be ashamed of yourselves i am i saw this uh tweet today it was like that's sick um yeah you wouldn't you wouldn't believe it uh what did it say um it was like this picture of uh the joker on the on the tail on the phone and he said yeah [Music] he was on the phone and he said yeah little caesars can i get an order of regular bread because he's crazy oh wait do you do you what is her name elsie fisher the girl uh who was in eighth grade do you follow her on twitter oh yeah did you see when she made her yeah when she made her account the joker i was i was cracking up she had one tweet that was just like to him or he's just the joker just calls him al yankovic or normal al yankovic [Laughter] so funny okay hey respawn anchor i'm gonna freaking google this guy because you guys are if it seems like you guys are pulling the chain above my bed right now yeah you're yanking curtis's bed chain right now and honestly that's disgusting you're yanking my dick cheney uh dude i'm so close to you right now respawn anchor oh they weren't they weren't capping no they weren't to the joker he's just a normal hatter um oh there was one reason i think i i don't know if she tweeted this or if it was a response but uh it was just a picture of crazy frog and it said uh the joker [ __ ] loves this guy oh i hear someone hey dude that was the most treacherous perilous journey and now i'm gonna build us a portal okay it's obsidian and glowstone is what you need to make a uh a respawn acre oh interesting but i assume you have all we're gonna use all the yeah we're gonna use all the obsidian that i got let me just make i'm gonna make this jut out a little bit so i got some around here let's get some danny's back in the chat yeah everybody praise my back and he's back danny's back danny's back danny's back danny's back i'm really hoping that i don't do you have a diamond pickaxe on you yes okay so if i do [ __ ] this up we might still be okay but i think i i think i'm making this correctly that looks about right to me all right we've got a safe way to get back now here's the thing is we're going to be like eight times as far away from our home as we are in the overworld as we are here great so that's awesome yeah that's kind of pog actually yeah now that i mention it it is bug nice oh it's is it lagging i'm just gonna refresh it i wanna see where this is all right i'll go with you another another heather heather oh [ __ ] we're in a cave behind a waterfall what the [ __ ] i think we're like really far underground oh we're in the ocean uh this is like a cave in the ocean cave by the ocean [Music] i'm gonna put my shaders back on can i get this with this no and it broke okay awesome mine for me baby that's what diamond is singing in the cave mine for me baby uh i wonder if i can make it all the way up if i go up where will i end up okay oh just oh i can make it i can make it i can make it i can make it i can make it i can make it i hope can i oh [ __ ] oh okay yeah we're like in the middle of the ocean oh man well i have a boat we're not too far from land i have a boat okay cool well how'd you get how'd you get up uh you guys want these cords okay oh jesus dude we are far how'd you get up i went into the water and then just held space bar and navigated up yeah okay these coordinates are 3862 and negative 1240 that's 38.62 negative 1240 i'll say one more time for the folks in the back 3862 negative 1240. so you got a boat or what i was drowning [Music] yes all right now what's our house's coordinates coordinates are guys what's the coordinates for the baddie house you all got baddie house coordinates three 3860 and negative 1242. oh my someone said 69 420 dude i wish uh okay it's negative negative 130 negative 212 is what i'm getting what is it negative negative 30. negative 130 negative 212. so we got to go up on both of them oh wait no we got to go down on the x-axis and up on the z-axis so down down on the x-axis and up on the z so a little to the left no no no no no no no yes yeah about that way dude it's gonna take us so long to get home from here all right oh the blaze rods are in the nether that's okay they can stay there they can stay there honestly yeah we i just i just want to go home you know where they are yeah they're they're nice and safe yeah look at this we're in a little river and i feel like it's gonna be it's fine the stuff can stay there dude i just want to go home it's in it it's all in a chest anyway i'll just get it when i go back it's fine all right i guess we gotta go out end of the road wait do you have a saddle by chance uh i guess it doesn't really matter because there's two yeah all right so i guess we just have to walk thousands of blocks home all right let me put on let me put on shaders for this because this is we're gonna want to be out of ugga mode now oh it's oh yeah we're in beautiful mode now laggy it's laggy all right well i mean we're only going to be walking back to the house so um and you really ventured on ahead there while i was turning on my fangs but that's cool that's fine don't be sorry no wait i wasn't i never said i was well don't be i'm not i never would be oh it's going to be night time soon awesome yeah i wonder if i mean like would it be worth it to just die do we have like valuable stuff with us i guess go home i mean i don't know where the last place you slept is but i'm pretty sure the last place i slept was at our base uh yeah same i'm pretty sure which kind of makes me wonder why i spent all that time getting back to you when i guess you could have just died too and you would have been back in our face well no we needed another another portal there right did we i'm starting to wonder if we did now because like having it here is so far whoa whoa whoa wait what is this is this gonna be a what is this dude did i just find the for the stronghold where are you what is this oh wait no this is just gonna be is this just a nether portal ruin i think this is just another yeah this is just another portal ruin never mind yeah that's important if you're okay with losing all your stuff i i just don't i don't think i have anything valuable hey don't be too hard on yourself man i i'm just a worthless piece of [ __ ] i think that's more like it oh chest yeah that's probably good idea ah but there's a guy there's a guy i'm going the right way what was it what was the coordinates what were the coordinates again uh it was like 300 negative 100 or something maybe 100 negative 300 something like that either way a lot closer to zero zero than you are right now so if you just go in towards there all right oh [ __ ] my camera just died one second but i'm getting this out of the chest real quick whoa a clock and all gold armor with and a gold apple give me mod privileges so i or like admin privileges so i go creative mode [Music] dude that would be cheating you want me to cheat for you i know i got fire protection feather falling and that's fine what happened no i'm good dude when you scream you're it like clips out and i only hear the beginning of your screen and it's pretty jarring sorry uh i'm guys i can't change my camera battery right now because i'm gonna i'll die if i do so i gotta wait for it to be daytime for me to change my camera i'm sorry i don't know why it does this it seems a little silly but you're just gonna have to imagine what i look like right now a little sus let's see dude you have my boat yeah i do i love this thing he friggin steals my boat and he [ __ ] takes off i took off you took off i just booked it yeah you did uh i don't remember that happening like that i honestly don't remember that at all well what's this i'm stranded yeah i literally he [ __ ] stranded me what's all this over here what's all this then what's all this explain explain yourself what's this wait wait wait wait wait again you guys all this is what this is like a coral reef i just found coral wait where are you good are you where are you are you literally did you find it like glowing in the water yeah where are you are you about me where are you uh what's your coordinates right now i'm 2 2800 negative 690. okay you're kind of close to me okay we're looking at the same coral we could be looking at the same coral that's what i just said oh get the pickles get the sea pickles that's a good idea guys okay let me go down and get them because i can see that they're glowing now that's kind of cool let me go get some sea pickles uh while you're by the coral you want to grab some sea pickles or all right i don't know how okay that's okay how much how much how do i make a boat how do i make a boat uh you just need wood that's all you need all you need is wood i have a bunch of wood why is it letting me make a book i'm pretty sure you just need wood are you using the right type of wood like if you right click on it oh i need oak no you can just right click on it and pick the type of wood that you want to use right i think so i why didn't i pick that up oh i gotta go up up up up up up up up up i don't what do you mean shoveling wood i have a wooden shovel okay i have a wooden shovel i'm pretty sure you just need wood to make a boat i really thought so what does it say you need it if you click on it which shovel what shovel i know okay now what oh i don't have i guess i don't have the right type of wood if i had all every time i heard that babe you just don't have the right type of wood right now i need wood planks where's my boat how would a british person put there in this bottle of water you know what i've had enough like it's like how it's like how would they if they ever said that i mean like they don't ever say that so we have no way of knowing but like how would they if a british person did decide to say that eventually if they were to ever say something like that what was it it was like a freaking bat ah oh is it a phantom like flying monster flying monster type guy are you by that torch i can hear it i can hear it come i'm on the boat come to the water come to the water go to the water where are you wait you're not by the torch where's the toy where are you i i left how is it still hitting me come to the water i've got a boat i'm in the water i'm in the water where are you do you see the boat oh i'm so dead dude i'm so dead oh i don't know where you are curtis where are you oh no no no just dig down go underground if you can no oh no well i'm home [ __ ] i should have i should have i i should have went underground i can't believe i never saw you i went to like i saw like a little torch on a sandy hill and i went towards it i thought you'd be there ah well i saw her i didn't lose i saw i got time i still have two diamond pickaxes of my chest and i got gooby and you know what that's really all you need isn't it dude everyone was ganging up on me i had a freaking zombie sort of slapping my ass not in a swag way one second i gotta i gotta change my webcam so i won't be able to hear you for a second okay thanks katie happy birthday you were so bad at building all right shut up i know i am oh my gosh well i'll say this it's great to be home okay is it back on now okay it's turning back on am i back there we go um all right well i'm just in a boat rowing on home i'm not really sure how long it's going to take for me to get there well i'm i am home i hope i get there soon this is kind of boring what are your coordinates right now negative oh wait no uh 2500 and negative 500. okay you're pretty close what are my what's what's the uh what's what's that the house what's the house uh negative 100 negative 111. okay so i've got like negative in 300 negative negative 100 and negative 200 okay so i've got like 2 000 blocks to travel right now and i'm just in my boat kurdistan member thank you happy birthday in advance oh is this is this a scary place with the trident guys what is this what is this what is that ah thank you ah what the heck dig down dude there was like a one-eyed fish who was shooting at me ew yo there was a one-eyed fish that was shooting at me that's disgusting i know it was annoying it's honestly annoying dude oh man all right well you want me to wait for you or someone said astronaut it was an astronaut in the ocean um i mean you don't have to you can just log off i'll just find my way home i feel like i might do that what do you know about roland what you know about rowing down in the deep nice rowing back to your house when you when you came back from the nether and you're really far from your house dude that was awesome all right well i'll probably uh oh happy three months yeah i know that phantom was on ago mode thank you for saying that it means a lot actually um well danny that was fun thank you ggs good luck getting home all right i'll just be here for the next three hours rowing back to our house i'll come back next wednesday and you'll still you'll be almost getting there so yeah all right have fun bye bye see ya bye man all right i'm disconnecting from the discord all right i guess i'll stay on here for a little while while i uh row back home i'll turn on my text to speech too for the donors but i don't know how long it's gonna take me okay i guess i've gone a thousand so i'm like halfway there now we're just gonna be rowing guys how's everybody in the chat doing i guess our our fort is on the water so i can probably just row right on up to it okay doing good you like my hoodie oh i never did a fit check did i um i wish there was a way to just like turn on auto go on here but i'll do oh while i hold down the turned in my final so congratulate maybe congrats nittany um all right fit check this is um this is eddie's new merch that he just sent me he sent me a size large because i ask for large t-shirts because i wear large t-shirts but i don't really wear large hoodies so this is a little big but i really like the design it's really nice and jeans that's the fit check the everybody told me to make one okay and it made sense at the time and uh i really it was just so we could get out of the nether we wanted to make a quick escape from the nether but can you please wish me a happy birthday happy birthday katie um yeah it was it was i mean i'm not gonna say it was the most well thought through plan but now at least we have a portal there in case we ever need it for some reason uh-oh which way should i go here i kind of feel like i should actually go this way hi danny missed you missed you too i suppose that's it can i get a heck yeah i just enrolled into college again bestie whoa ray oh did curtis raid me oh thanks dude i'm just i'm still rowing here danny can you say happy tour we're just rowing along thank you happy what happy what did you have say happy tourist season if that's what you said then happy tour season for dinner and what did you get a panda last week welcome everybody to the raid thank you for this everybody follow me so you can watch my streams instead of his mine are way better um what did i have for dinner today i had chipotle today and i had streamers and very fun and streaming right now secret sleepover society yeah i'll try to look for them um as long as they seem cool are they streaming minecraft um okay tonight i had chipotle and last week at panda express i almost certainly had orange chicken and fried rice because that's what i have every time all right the hype train is complete what'd you say you confuse me sometimes dog i'm not gonna pretend like i like i'm good at this game i know that i'm not when you get back make a respawn anchor when i get back i'm gonna log off but then next time i will make a respawn anchor what's your chipotle order i like some i either get a steak bowl or steak tacos because of your videos and streams that's very nice that's a that's a very nice reason to be happy that's wild thank you did i did i pick the boat up seems like i got it how are you did you drink enough of mommy's milk is the dolphin stealing my boat bro did the dolphin steal my boat what i saw him pushing it around bro give me the boat thank you sheesh i thought he was supposed to be friendly and then he then he goes and pulls a stunt like that all right we're getting closer but we did get farther on one axis actually oh no i swear to god if it gets to be nighttime again before i get home yo can someone hit me with those wait can someone hit me with those coordinates real quick hype train wait oh [ __ ] no that's the wrong way wrong way my bad thank you for the hyping negative 100 negative 200 basically yeah okay who's curtis who's curtis yo loki i agree who who was that guy he was kind of weird i don't even know who he was growing moment the wrong moment is over now it's walking moment walking into the sunset oh my god i'm still so far ah i'm gonna oh my god this is low-key kind of boring dude dude i should just freaking i should have just we should have just gone home in the netherlands soon how do i live that was a goofball moment wait did you say you're finishing your masterson congrats that's awesome i i couldn't quite hear if that's what you said before my first ever math exam but math is temporary and danny is forever all right dude that's what i like to hear yeah if you miss that if you like [ __ ] up that math exam you'll be fine if you miss this stream i don't think you'd ever forgive yourself so i i like that mentality ow all right we're closer than ever make a bed are you having any symptoms unfortunately i do not have any wool um no honestly i'm surprised but so far i'm good i my arm hurts but i feel like that is a thing with any shot because they literally stick a needle into your arm so other than that i'm good i don't have like a headache or anything maybe like the second i get off stream it'll like hit me because i've kind of been just like not focusing on it but yeah we'll see okay so now i think i can just go that way it seems like i'm right on course on the x-axis am i close oh i can see it curtis was kind of a crago mode was he i thought we were working together pretty good was he doing stuff on his stream that was craigo mode that i couldn't see or what dude i'm so close i can almost see it the dream i'm dreaming uh how not pod would it be if i died right here that would be so annoying eat i don't think i have any food on me besties and there's a okay i got i just gotta keep running i don't have time to check i just gotta keep basically walking at this point back come on we're almost there oh no no tell me to do my last step no i don't want to do it oh i'm back home but at what cost dude i hope curtis isn't still here i hope he didn't i hope he doesn't i hope he never sees that okay which way do you think i was i'm not exactly sure i could probably go back and get my stuff oh let me sleep first that'll make it easier hold on let me i'll sleep and i'll go get it yeah i think i was that way i'm sorry for screaming so loud that was so i stopped paying attention for a second i turn around there's a creeper there of course of course thank you alyssa oh my god bro just leave me alone spiders all right not in the mood yeah it was definitely this way all right let me go snag my stuff real quick then i'll hop off this godforsaken stream if i can even find it i'm not gonna be able to find it am i it could be anywhere i don't even really know what my coordinates were ah that was a death moment love you danny can you say happy birthday to my sister jenna happy birthday jenna i hope you have a great day or had a great day i don't know if it's your birthday right now or what but go off what are your thoughts on macaroons wait is this even the right way guys i don't think this is even the right way this is not the right way i don't think i'm going to get my stuff back gang that is so annoying i walked i walked all that way for a freaking for my items just so that i wouldn't lose them and in the end i will be losing them chipotle is my life i'm not gonna say that chipotle is that most uh a small part of my life my sister pours chocolate milk first for cereal how do you feel about that mike did you just call me mike how do you feel about that mike by the way have a great night danny it was where i were originally spawned but that is isn't that the direction i was going it's like over maybe over here more uh thoughts on eating while brushing your teeth i don't think it was over here but maybe it is eating while brushing your teeth i don't have any thoughts on that i i never thought about that at all find her to see how much longer it takes my king all right if it's not right over here i'm gonna i'm just gonna go back to my house and i sneezed danny what's in your walls all right all right you know what we're i'm calling it quits this is it's it's not gonna happen for me tonight guys we're gonna we're just gonna have to we're gonna have to cut our losses i'm sorry i was excited about to see pickles but we can find them another time i just i it's it's like past the time that i want to be streaming anyway so i'm going to get i just have to get off but my sister thinks curtis is better than you can you tell her she is a disappointment no she's probably right everyone's entitled to their own opinions that's fine i don't like when uh people pit us against each other just because we make the same types of videos um yeah all right i'm not bored okay well well well that's the end of the stream i'm back home safe and sound i lost all of my stuff and spent a long time doing how was your day bestie rowing around for nothing uh all in all my day would live i guess now um that's probably my own fault let me uh plug back in before you were popping on vine wow the only creator i genuinely followed since the beginning so glad you blew up it's beyond deserve my that's kind of crazy yellow heart wow you should play animal crossing um that would be kind of fun maybe i'll do some animal crossing once i beat minecraft i'm trying to i was trying to figure out like what else i'll play um okay let me figure out who to raid and then we'll be good to go [Music] who did that person tell me to raid it's like sleepover something can you fuel my god complex sleep secret sleepover society is that what are they okay they're not playing minecraft though i might want to do i think i kind of want to do like a small minecraft streamer because that is always fun to do and and you guys obviously [ __ ] with minecraft so maybe that would be fun so let me do that good night gamer besties good night good night everybody um okay let's do this guy who is named jake he's got 78 viewers birthday tomorrow can you say happy birthday to jenna happy birthday jenna wait didn't you already say that didn't i already say that okay all right well we're gonna raid this dude his name is jake you're almost looks like he might be playing bed wars so hope you guys like bed wars um i'm getting the raid set up thank you for watching thank you for being so nice to me and uh uh hopefully i'll be posting a video on friday i actually might be posting two so we'll see one on my main channel one on my second channel because i have two brand deals that i have to do so yeah everyone have fun in this raid and bye-bye did you drink enough mommy's milk today i did thank you all right uh bye everybody thanks for joining the stream i'm turning it off now bye
Channel: L C
Views: 38,332
Rating: 4.8648109 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez
Id: SBDnBIVnlro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 16sec (9736 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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