Daniel 'Bobo' Kurlan - Mets Videos, GoFundMe Scam, Mom Calls In - Jim Norton & Sam Roberts

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Daniel Bobo curling Babu is on his way in you might know him from Twitter yeah he at one point had a show on compound media I believe off the air bubble and Bo Shetty is telling her on the night now it didn't it was not a hit with the audience well we'll find out yeah he's trying to prop that coat up on the chair tougher than it looks on my right boobs yeah it is all right now Daniel let's ask you really quickly now before we begin you did commit to doing the chip podcast today is that correct yep that's right 6:30 p.m. yep okay and Sam is gonna want you to go down with him so after shows your guy he'll spend time together and then go down to the podcast together unfortunately Bobo has a lot to do this afternoon so we'll just have to meet up at the podcast you can meet up before no comment a lot to do and whatever it'll it'll work either way all right I like the positive attitude yeah that's right you too easy here's the thing about Bobo that makes him better than most people is them they're in time for the show um there that's right yes right that's actually great philosophy yeah well I'm there on time for the show on there you're right Bob always a doer yeah whereas a lot of people are sailors they come in here you know what I'm saying but they come in and they go like this is what my plan is this is what I'm gonna possibly try to get done this is what my goal is what was like this is what I'm doing yep and as long as I'm there on time I'm there because if you're not on time what are you I'm late that's right so now Daniel what happened you had a show on compound media what was it called no there's a this was something that it was there was a Bobo and Bichette II think that's planned into works they had snow in them because I done shows yet yet but we did we did do a we did do like a little pop up cuz he needed to fill some stuff out before they before they had their third third third they're mourning God they're mourning guy announced right bill Schultz yeah yeah it should have been you guys but I know I know there's gonna be there's gonna be like some kind of they're gonna have some time slaughter side figure it out alright that that's that what they're still working on the timing how did Bill Schulz get the gig instead of Bobo and Bo Shetty I think that one was playing because they want because I think that time sought they that was that was saying they kind of wanted something similar in a time slot because they because they had cuz they Gavin McGinnis had it what's he talking about he has no idea is Roy no I'm asking why did why did why did Bill Schulz get the gig and not Bobo Shetty they want to sign that had a little new Z elements oh you guys don't do the news yet yeah there might there might be some new sometimes ever news happen so it does have a news Alamut to it yeah but it's not really does it doesn't have like an element that looks like the new Daniel into the microphone element that looks like it doesn't have like an element that looks like you knew you guys are more fun and freestyle yeah exactly so they asked it yeah it just kind of wild yeah yeah kind of yeah shock jock hurry yeah yeah yeah can your desertion crazy news of the day joke to the day it's all kind of it's it's off the rails believe me there there there there there sub it's planned in it that that III haven't nope I have a little computer file what one what's one what a computer fine watch out for those things yes oh my god I got stuff I got stuff on file in case uh like what one bit that you guys are thinking this is what we'll do when spud he gets launched well well one of the bits I thought I thought of was uh try to see who try to get flat flashed in every state we've been to so a good set you want to go from state to state trying to get women to show you their breasts well in good timing too so you want to get girls to flash you in every state now yeah I would love to have seen that happen to me oh boy you listen to the Opie and Anthony show a bunch right yeah does that seem at all derivative I don't know if it's only good like I'm not like I'm couraging people to like bass bass flashing if they doesn't remind you of the whippin out a little bit a little bit I don't know that like I guess I just broke down stuff I what else you get that soft what's another so the first bit is like getting women to ship but instead of see women mount Wednesday would be like women would show audience members their breasts Bobo's ideas for women to show the host yeah okay cool rests and if he's breathing in a very comfortable volume yes right Oh what else we breathe through our nose yeah yeah oh one one of the things I like to do harass telemarketers okay yeah fine right cool does that seem at all like it's been like you mean my jim Florentine does or different maybe you put your own spin on it well well Jim for jim Florentine did a CD about harassing telemarketers it's just me I'm trying to purposely get them me as more me my grudge versus telemarketers because I get it why not okay I'm trying to get some to leave me alone Oh different angle now when you did your pop-up show where did you do that we did that at the compound media studios see you didn't announce he just kind of popped up and talked they they add they asked me to come they asked me to come in the day before and do do this so it was announced yeah it would evolve well it was announced all fear to me to the Townsend announcement but I oh you're saying how did it go the show bike I think I think it went great who takes the lead I think we can't we kind of we kind of both take the lead but Marc at the same time I do kind of like to give a little Mike Bocchetti at seniority because he's been around for a while sure and you're more the comic relief anyway right yeah yeah come with the jokes yeah exactly what's one of the subjects you guys covered well well one of the things we were covering it's about how I like how how I how I think a female Met fans have the best we have the best females fans in baseball what makes you think that I don't know they just seem very attractive remember that time that you were actually on the field that's field and and you know how is that the reporter Alexa Alexa dad was asking you like Mets trivia question you ain't know the time I missed I misheard that last question that I I was like in like some big situation try to remember trying to process the questions in a certain amount it was a question what I thought she said was who hit the most home runs during the 86 postseason what did she actually ask because I was not being common processing it quickly how did she say was a real question who hit the boat what Mets pitcher hit the most home runs during the regular season 86 okay just totally different question yes again let's just go over this I think you're right the audio of it I entered the question what is your giant Mets fan you get to be on Citi Field next to a beautiful woman in a convertible car I mean what are you nervous yeah I was nervous and they I got the answer wrong because they Prague I like just clips am I know the reporter and so I got to be like oh my god you just met Bobo [Laughter] [Music] okay Cincinnati is correct a coincidence two right answers yeah we have good audio anywhere who would know it's just from the stadium fees although there was intelligence how it's always been yeah let's see what Tom Glavine Coronets the second one what med pitcher blast Mets pitcher to Homer in a consecutive start was the last best Mets pitcher to homer in consecutive starts you thought the question was who who hit the most home runs during the 1986 postseason well I was I was in a rush like not processing it quicker sometimes when you get nervous you just make up your own questions in your head no but maybe I was just processing it a little bit differently he says because all the noise in the RBI thing that tunnel-like sure what was the actual question the the actual question was what met pitcher hit the most homeruns starts I think when the last met picture the whole race starts it's been a while since I watch this video who's the last Mets pitcher to homer in consecutive starts yeah and you thought it was and because I answered it like the Komodo did you say what that was a question I thought it was the quote the the question I thought they were asking was who hit the most homeruns 386 postseason because because they told because I I kind of got a little hint of what the question was gonna be oh they didn't tell me the question but they gave me the hint like okay like frosting go at him yeah who's this quiz show yeah we won't give you the question yeah but they said the question somehow is tied to the 1986 CS and so I'm just I don't think do you think that they said that to him because I don't think that they do know supposed to be a million and they gave it to him wrong let's see the question maybe you get it right Lenny Dykstra's on a picture of hesitation and then he said Lenny Dykstra and the answer was Ron darling Ron darling what say yeah you said Lenny Dykstra I I am bummed out I missed heard that question because you might have misheard it but I mean yeah by mister that yeah 86 postseason none of that meant anything to do I know where you Thurman Munson would have been a better guest so so when she said no the correct answer is Ron darling did you look at her like Alexa debt you are a crazy woman there's no way there are darling no no but then I looked at the thing and I thought Ron darling I thought something because at the time I was hearing Ron darling talk about this something a lot in the broadcast booth how I had to you know like I'll say yeah I hit two homeruns in consecutive starts oh and as soon as I heard that I can't be into that that whole thing because I during the course of season I forgot so like use that happen and then you're watching and Ron darling is on commentary and he's like hey you know I hit consecutive starts home runs in consecutive starts and it would remind you of the time you were humiliated in the center of the place where you feel most comfortable yeah and I fir and I've heard him talk about this before that before the day that this this video was filmed so you sure yeah and somehow be I'm he bought me that I misheard the quest the question yeah on something that front darling brags about a lot so you blew it big time it wasn't that tough of a question is what you're saying yeah if I would if I would have heard it right and maybe maybe it maybe not made up half the question yeah or maybe not and maybe listened a bit more carefully right well that's a that's a that's a good lesson to learn what when we listen we we do better that's right we do is there any audio of the Bocchetti and uh Bobo show mastic we have it I mean I I think you'd have to so compound question yeah as thank you as a Mets fan er baseball fan what was a cooler moment being on on the field answering those questions or throwing out a first pitch I think probably through its throat throwing out a first pitch did you throw out a first pitch I threw out a first pitch at a Brooklyn Cyclones game do we have footage of how was that heard you did a good job that that was that was one that I was nervous because people were not cuz I'm my mother I was my mother was running late should you say I was she fell did not what she got there on she just barely got there on time to see it what an unfortunate because III let ila I left earlier to my mother did because I didn't trust my aunt to be driving cuz I I never trust her to be very punctual sure it's important to throw this in well let's see can we find Bobo's first pitch because I'd like to see I mean if Bobo did well you know yeah I mean you know the nerves are one thing but you know III think that did you get past him I think it kind of I think it kind of fell in front of the plate let me see you don't think it made the plate all the way well I was trying to give the hat tip to my to my to my mother insists and I'd like to thank a good friend of mine al for filming this for me you shouldn't you shouldn't thank him for well he went with me on the field to film this at the time I wanted to get this on film but after the pitch did you still want it on film well because it it happened it and because they think was only right that people seen it that it did happen ago you're right that's actually grateful yes I want to see the captive again okay like just like just like the captain right yeah just coming out there come on out Derek yeah it's a very quick horse here the Yankee captain IQ of two all right here he is at the bottom of the mound and what the [ __ ] was that what will you have to know like a did you not practice you know the thing about pitching is you have to know when to release right I was practicing it I was practicing it but and I said that that last-minute nerve is on the way off the field okay so he throws the pitch on the ground like not it doesn't hang on hit pause because it doesn't just not make home plate I mean it rolled he literally throws it a foot in front of them in hits the ground no see the pitch again yes yes please I think that like if a professional bowler would look at that and say good form well done yeah well maybe this wasn't as bad the hold on maybe Bobby he just didn't release the right time let's take a line let's take a look let's see he's up on the mound and we'll tweet out this video forever and immediately he just throws it and right to the ground hits a dirt of the mound and then bounces it hits the dirt of the pitcher's mound yeah so because the pitcher's mound there would be maybe a foot in front of him maybe it didn't even go a foot and they just rolled there I was always tell I was telling my sister that that time when I was privacy in the backyard I said we wheat all this time we should have practiced on on an actual baseball diamond right thank you that was a I said there's there's a baseball field what not you practice on Marie's pork and apprentice and I know well in a backyard in the backyard in the backyard of a dollhouse no no no the backyard of my house oh I told my sister I think I think I would've felt I feel more cut I would have felt more confident back to sing shark the thing on it on a on a baseball diamond I don't know [ __ ] wasn't that bad released a little early and you could tell too when you're in a backlit released a little late when you're in a backyard throw-in the ball and it and it goes eight inches that can feel like like you don't know until you're on a baseball team and that eight inches does not make it a point a home right yeah exactly what looks like when you like that's why I could a ruler out when I'm watching a baseball game on TV and it is eight inches from the pitcher's mound of home plate I don't have the biggest TV in the world but it is eight inches yeah I mean you really so little late I mean it when you threw that did you like I wouldn't mind having that one back exactly exactly that's what it is I didn't I would have loved to have prior I admit if I wouldn't if I could go into a time machine I would have told myself make sure you emphasize with your sister we gotta you gotta actually go with me Shannon you gotta go with me to maurice park practice on the baseball diamond there good use of a time machine what else would you do a time machine maybe I maybe I tell a certain friend not to not to not to let let not to let your girlfriend use periscope are you talking oh I'm glad wouldn't stop 911 no baby sister go to the ball field with him and he'd stop Anthony from playing with his girlfriend yeah well maybe I pull a John McLean and stop 911 maybe when you threw that pitch did you know that it was a it was a little late you released it could you tell everybody not sure I think I felt it after after I released it like did you know that you had thrown a bit a ball that you probably could have you would like to have redone or were you satisfied with the pitch in the moment as it's happening you don't know if it's gonna make it or not yeah like when you released that you weren't sure if it was gonna make the plate or not yeah and then when did you realize it was again him it was it was it when the guy came over was it the nanosecond after you throw it and hit the dirt two inches in front of you know when I said when I saw the ball start to drop I felt like start to drop you threw it you kind of throw it into the dirt yeah technically the ball started to drop before you released it we see this again yeah like show me Daniel at what point did you realize that this is one you'd like back here you are the old appropriate tippity-tap tip of the hat that's right relief pitcher here yep that doesn't make you cargo shorts foolish yeah cargo shorts a good at gaming yokes is quick to the mound and doing old-time movies wait let's go back yeah it is like watching Babe Ruth let's let's stay I'll say when you're gonna throw the pitch and when it hits the dirt because I wanted to know when in your mind you realize that this might not be the best pitch this is a good exercise yeah okay here we go you're walking out okay now he's on the mound and he is ready to throw he goes the pitch dirt okay okay yeah so there was a very very small amount of time between the actual release and the dirt when did you realize that it was going towards the dirt and maybe when the ball the the air kind of okay I get that I don't understand that answer no like I felt when the ball was in the air it might not in the air was it like when you would you mean when you when you were holding it on you threw it directly into the dirt no one liked the ball when I release the boy you release that you realized that it wasn't going forward it was going directly into the dirt technically do you say release if instead of pitching the ball you just dropped it yeah would you still say that there's a release ball it did it it's no longer in your hand that's actually true yeah you're right yes true no you're right so do you regret that one or do you think that it was like people probably didn't notice honestly did anybody say anything people saw it on the internet or write these yeah but it wasn't that bad of a like like you have to like look closely alright yeah I didn't quite make the play when they saw it on youtube did most people say actually that really wasn't bad well it was good I saw people said I may have been better than a Baba Booey I may have been better than a 50 cent actually I saw the Baba Booey pitch and his his was better than yours because it actually went some distance it didn't go near the home plate but neither did yours you know you threw your ball to the pitcher's mound yeah I mean people did comment on the video that it was a good pitch they did yeah what does it say nice bow bow that throw was steeped in folly Bobo's got some heat in that arm there you go you're the man bow bow I see that Bobo right on Bobo I've never seen anything like that Bobo holy amazing yeah yeah there you go okay so you got your support that's pretty [ __ ] cool Bobo I hope you had a blast once said I got it further than 50 Cent's did 50 Cent's we have an issue to discuss before we discuss the issue would you like to see a mags at the field yeah I want to see the executer this is it's an exited victory yeah okay so he gets off the mound what'd the guy say to you no I fit I didn't really I didn't talk to the guy yeah guy said NASA just took took the picture and that was it yes so what happens here you threw a pretty good pitch no not perfect but okay but okay the guy comes over to you he takes a nice photo with you you have that hanging up in your room I get I got I got a copy of the photo Hank did that'll be and I might hang up on my room one day what are you waiting for yes hey they don't mind it be spending on frames left and right that's also a good quote write that but I do I do want to frame one day plus that I got I I have to do some repainting in my room sure sure she wants just just stains on the wall ceiling no just just the room needs it needs to be just needs to be repainted fresh coat huh yeah don't eat those chips but that just needs to be repainted but it's not the repaints not high on a priority list but eventually it's gonna be my room's gonna be repainted I just realized that like do you understand yep the Ed McMahon - chips Johnny Carson the Bobo is going to be I think they're gonna be terrific together he's going to laugh everything chip says only if he thinks it's funny bubble is a tough audience he's discerning what's that noise what are you doing more than your slacks have gotten a little tighter yeah are you buying smaller pants Daniel no no you know I can't look tighter than the less we know it's just there's thermals underneath it oh they make the pants a little tighter okay cool all right let's watch every thermals under your chin all right cool here we go here we go oh look one more time toys toys home plate a little tip of the cap of that good you got to keep the ball and then you stopped almost to take a moment you enjoyed the some would say indifference but I think it was a nice rousing round of applause I do too yeah yeah might fame might the by family a gig gimme gave me a nice round of applause now let's go back to say to the second tipped row you can see them kind of going crazy you're watching yeah let's say wanted you to stop watch let's see the audience you can hear it yeah it makes the and there's the sparsely spread out audience they're going crazy for you though some right to mine it's a minor-league game oh it's alright Major League talent like yourself yeah I want to see a little bit of Daniel show with machete I think in my potential and maybe we could steal this from compound media we don't have it it's behind the paywall everything oh we don't have an account with them you have an account did you keep the ball Bobo made me pay for Nick yes I do have the ball pity where is it it thought it's on my shelf very nice Bobo going now wait what was better this show or the David and Bobo show I think this show was kind of better only because a date because David runs from anybody connected to him diversity work from those days green shirt yeah he said he made the mistake of wearing an invisibility cloak right no is that his shirt it looks like a green like fleece I yeah he's disappeared I think I think I did make a comment of it I said I said Bocchetti he looks like Bechet decides to wear an invisibility cloak today I see you come with the jokes he said that a minute ago yeah yeah but I'm just saying I did say that I wanted to say what did you tell him when you saw that I think I think I just made that that that comment about gentleman about the invisibility cloak oh you [ __ ] child yeah boo Shetty uh I guess made the mistake of wearing some kind of white green fleece because in the video that we're watching he's transparent his body has been green-screen down his body's never looked better actually that's right okay let's see why are you both scratching I don't know why he's doing scratching at the same time but I figured I'm the one he's for doing the rapping I'm doing the scratching scratching the desk no but I'm making the motion oh they could put it in post let me hear it again I mean like if someone wanted to do like a Photoshop of a picture of me scratching that's right I'm sure that's what they would have you doing yeah [Music] scratch when I go his name is kill me he is so cool hey Lang because he's not a fool his crew is ready to go he's got Keith the cop and Arenberg it's good muscle in the groove but biscottis our fruit hope you listen as you know scratch Brennan in East Side Dave's it's weird the bisetti estate all phony and filled with rage rage rage don't forget ally she's like handing in a major babe all the haters and trolls stick to Jon Stewart and Pauly Shore Bobo and me making some noise we're gonna bank some [ __ ] before this a sign-up compound media compound media compound media today today today today that's good you've maintained a certain motion how did I not notice that that a that a machete was trying to make the scratching motion between are you worried about your own thing you're not worried yeah yeah I didn't die I kind of know it's like little things when you watch these things so yeah let me see if I said this is what hold on why didn't you make the sound of scratching because if you listen to it you could just kind of hear in the background just like yeah what well because I wanted to leave room for let's say if someone wants to likely you know like maybe sneak and put an audio of like a scratching sound I see like what sound like like yeah I've been scratching it's good one more times we get clean audio of it video that big finishing pounded out that was actually good would be a clean audio though so if somebody does put it in they have clean audio of it not bad oh my god not bad now let's let's let me see this again front of the second was good thanks Dan I should have been a rapper but I think I missed my thing in life right yeah you did what about his hold on a second shetty's [ __ ] transparent yeah what the [ __ ] with this dumb shirt it's interfering with the green screen why is it what is he doing well there's certain colors you can't wear with green screen yeah you can't wait you can't wear green when you're doing when you're on train screen how did you not notice that I noticed it when he was doing it what did you say lead him there was a point in the show where I made ray stuck in a line saying looks like Mike decided to wear an invisibility cloak today a good comedian will acknowledge who's your least favorite person on this earth you're a good guy but I know you have some rage like me we both though well I'm not gonna mention a name but just just some boss that under underpaid me here's a here's a jackass I know you tell me about this piece of garbage but you know what then you're on your way who cares exactly right now then what's the deal with money I can't see him what did he wear my bow I'm invisible invisibility cloak I was thinking that in my head when he said that how long was this give me a four-hour show I think maybe an hour just pop-up they should do it longer we got to get to uh of course why I was here the main piece of business yeah Bobo I'm doing first of all yeah I heard there was an unfortunate mishap yeah my mom still is in on-and-off pains okay she still has to go go through therapy intense therapy by the way all right I'm recovering from an injury like that you see when athletes come back from a bad injury they got to go through intense physical therapy that's true stuff it's true there was an issue there's a couple of subreddits one is like don't fund me and I don't remember what the other one is called but they're dedicated to fake GoFundMe pages that are not the funds are not being used for what their accurately claiming that there are and Bobo you are one of the top threads on these things people say that you've had this GoFundMe up for a year because your mom slipped and foul and then hurt her they don't and they're not getting all the facts street what does it say sorry to interrupt you Daniel what did it say in the actual thing when you were looking for money well what was your little thing that you put well I don't remember the whole word from this cuz my sister typed up the whole thing show her perspective what happened now explain so you're getting this money right because your mom needs help alright but you've been going to many sports games since then you went to many Mets games you bought a tablet at one point you oh no I was at the time this thing was still going man bear in mind these tickets were weren't you give it to me as a gift from a from a friend of the family all right okay I'm not I don't use charity money on first stuff it's not supposed to be you're saying you deny these allegations um Denine these allegations right all right I would I would not stoop to a low like that oh okay money right I don't I don't control the GoFundMe who does a family member and the money is used for the medical expenses only how'd you get that tablet I had that that tablet was a gift end doing sugar daddy who's gifting you know first of all I had that tablet before the incident also but what is what's this what's to say here but I came to reading my Asha bed okay and who's the picture it's your mama's at you hit the mic that photo was taken at a man party there's also accusations of your sister traveling the country world traveling the world first of all my sister she was studying abroad nice no no I did that mean that means overseas oh and for one thing she was also working and when he had free time she did she did stuff but she's so well how is she funding these trips that it what it wasn't it was it was her own money right but it wasn't GoFundMe money where did she get the money from she get the would she had to work there were there were times she worked at at a hospital oh okay during that during that during when she studied abroad she worked at a hospital so what do you feel how do you feel that these allegations of misappropriated funds I hate them I hate that troll i also was talking to some people on a fellow a compound media person was talking to me about this and he says don't worry about this there that same person's going his attacking his attacking anthony oh ok was the person that compound media you were talking to right i was talking about was having conversations with pat nixon okay we got the information idea was tough yeah okay you do you do is tell you usually don't fold under questioning we have somebody wants to ask a question okay now dan i hope this is legit let's say this is legit hello Dan hey guys how you doing okay and the show a huge fan of Bobo um my question is I want to get his thoughts on the fact that he site Dave is now [ __ ] his mother Izzie said David having sex with you it's a little harsh to answer that way did he he no he never did but there is a joke of running bit that he does on the show where he hits on my mom it is an act is it though yeah he isn't really doing anything with myself divorced or is he going to divorce he daily divorced your mom is single thank you oh yeah thank you you know what Saved by the Bell they were all pretending to date each other but if you watch the Lifetime movie which I have many times they were dating each other and life - yeah a lifetime movie does overdramatize [ __ ] they say this Daniel Bobo Carla a lot of truth is said in in fiction true but it doesn't mean that it always is real right so sometimes truth is stranger then sometimes truth is stranger than fiction that's right absolutely correct so maybe your mom's having sex with with East Side days yes now some Tony Danza donated to the fun that's pretty cool no some guy pretend said he was Tony dan so he said thought some prayers and he donated a ago says his name now is that still up it's still up but I don't I don't know if that's the real Tony Danza okay so that's better say I know you could put in anything I could put in it whatever name I wanted to wanna on a go for me what are some of the names if I if I wanted to donate on the GoFundMe why would any but I don't I usually just hand them money direct to my mom instead of they go if I want to donate when I don't eat to her but if you hand the money directly to your mom then how do you end up getting the tablet I had that before the incident wait I want to I want to see the UM the GoFundMe I want to see all they all I want to see some of the names yeah let's see some other celebrity Barker you must be Bob acre Bob Barker good luck to your mother some nice P points yeah Dave McDonald what that I did get confirmation from Dave himself that he really did donate thank oh she's gonna take Steve why wouldn't he so your mom did she break her wrist it was hit like screws in her arms and there was a hair she screws in her arms and a hip hip replacement she had hip replacement surgery done yeah she had full yep she felt so hard she has again her hips or her hip replaced yeah that had to be a hell of a fall to get hip replacements Wow is she okay now she's still in pain she's mending so if it's it's recovering and everybody I know that's an expert on this thing told me it's a long recovery process it's a long recovery and it doesn't heal quickly sometimes it might take years okay I remember there's the end of a sentence so how long are you gonna leave up to GoFundMe because I earned two medical bills kind of done well until I know that my mom has doesn't need to worry about the insurance coverage well is she still going to the doctor she's still going to that she still has to go through that therapy still I see and until she does how are you gonna go to Florida recently yeah I I didn't and that was also a relative was paying for that trip but they can't sold because he was in town I'm telling the truth by the way I didn't say you weren't I'm just saying people say I'm I believe he is that like one of Troy's trips Troy goes on gigolo just showed you of a sugar daddy it's okay no no I don't have a sugar daddy I it does sound like you could yeah I mean it does sound but I don't have a sugar daddy okay I like the gentleman flying you around no well because here's the problem if it really was your relatives then why wouldn't your relatives just take the money that they're spending on your tickets to Mets games and trips to Florida and just give it to your mom they have done that as well you must have very wealthy relatives no I don't have but so sometimes the tickets are cheap oh they do not do not buying expensive tickets or cheap tickets they're cheap well said um how much are they well a little pricey right no might be give me maybe maybe somewhere in the 20s maybe three so yeah III don't know how much might I know and I know these threes does the sugar daddy fly you coach a business class if well my relative my relative well what's gonna fight it was gonna be coach I was gonna be flown on okay Troy got flown business when his uncle flew him someplace well he that that's it's a gigolo bo you're being compared to Bernie Madoff are you aware of this setup an ingenious financial scam that she did a lot of people out of a lot of money and people are worried that you're doing the exact same I'm not doing a saint I'm not doing that cuz my mother if she called you she would tell you that she's using that money for her medical expenses of course your mom she was yeah but because my mom does not lie Oh true well I'm not we're not saying she does we're just we're addressing the allegations as a news organization right at the end of the day Jim and I are journalists yeah we back you and she she would she would be in a lot worse situation financially without that go fund me so now what was your sister traveling to now where is she - she is in New York okay that's here yes she is in New York New York the city that never sleeps that's right so now I is everyone happy with the results of the GoFundMe not bad well I'm sure that they're happy if they know that my mom and the money is used for my mom's medical expenses how do you get the money from GoFundMe do they pay you monthly yeah I don't know how I don't know how this works I gotta talk to the why don't you get it out if you need to buy it's like shoes or something how do you get the money out of the GoFundMe that I don't go I don't I don't go there right don't don't go don't go there okay it's a money hire okay the money is that cuz we I don't use GoFundMe money I would actually refuse if I told if if I found if I hear of anyone trying to do that you wouldn't go for that no I wouldn't go for that I even make sure anything it was a anyone says it I said you're not using money for that alright because my mom my mom would not do that she only wants you some she's only using the money for her medical advances I mean look there's no honor and in taking this go fund me money and Daniel am i right there is no mana amongst schemers that's right no honor among scammers yeah so she had her hip replaced yeah okay now did just you know if you needed like a quick 20 you just throw an IOU in there that's fine no no I would not do that either oh I would not do that either so your family controls the GoFundMe money yeah we're a family you don't have to say their name but an uncle in addition a sister sister mom brother yourself I'm not gonna mention a relative the relation of okay every dad a respecter is she younger than you but at a respectability and it's not being it's not being used for anything good my mom's medical issue older a younger you don't the same who it is younger than me okay she is you don't have to say right now when you go to Florida the dad even flies you down III had I haven't been to Florida since 2015 okay oh so your daddy flies up no I know it's no one that's flying upper right is it a coincidence my kids do visit from time to time sure it's right I believe you I don't think you're taking the money you know what they say you can pick your nose you can pick your friends but you can't pick your relatives that's right they do say that that's right now when you end up being gifted a Mets ticket or a trip or whatever it is from a family member does it ever coincide with a fortune and especially fortunate time with the GoFundMe meaning that while you are unaware of where the funds are coming from no I am giving proof of where it's from where's no so this is to silence the haters right what's the proof Hatter's Hatter's because I know my relative that runs to go for me would not lie okay and this not only has she lied in the past never has lied never lied okay she's never lied okay so she's never lied to you um and you know her since she's a kid so she you trust her yeah if she lives in the same house thank you you're gonna catch her in a lie right yeah exactly all right I don't think you you miss use the phone I don't think so I mean your mom seems like an honest lady but actually he is Andrew on Staten Island has an observation Missy it should be brought into the conversation okay Andrew let's let's figure this out what's up hey good morning guys hello Bobo's not lying about the sugar daddy beat sugar daddy being a family member it's actually his brother who has sex with it's not him and I never slept with my brother you didn't use the go fund me movie money to get a hotel room at the Queen's Motor Inn I never did okay all right Andrew I'm glad you brought that thank you making allegations Daniel how do you respond to those allegations go screw yourself lawyer okay yeah good for you you could decide in item right an item but I read you also you want him to go screw herself yeah exactly so when did you get way would do this hurt your feelings and people thought this about you it hurts my feelings big time when I hear this why because you think that people should think of you is more honorable they should think of you more as like they shouldn't think of you as like a supervillain that breathes heavily exactly I I think that is the lowest all right whoa to do that steal money from a go for me I would not do that I think that is it would be like cutting your own son's hand off in a lightsaber duel yeah exactly that's absolutely I would I would not do that good I'm glad to hear it Plus that Plus that I would never do anything that Bernie Madoff I would never pull Bernie Madoff scam if any cuz you're not a I'm not a lawyer if anything Bernie Madoff Fred Wilpon 's budget who's Fred Wilpon owner the Mets Oh back it back home runs is the starter no but Bernie Madoff the everything of Lenny Dykstra Bernie Madoff may have hurt the Mets financially how long did this Lenny Dykstra pitch for he never did never did he never did he never did because the question was about pitchers that hit home runs and you said Lenny Dykstra I already told you I didn't hear that question correctly okay fair enough okay look and this is only so we can get everything on the table we do have a call on line three let's just get it out yeah let's just hello that is a guy pretending to be my brother i oh no no no no I know my brother's voice and that's not his voice really whoa all right I got hung up so maybe he was no he wasn't okay but he said he was anybody could call in and say that cuz no one's ever heard my brother's voice how many people know you have a brother not that many they know they know I do but they've never heard the voice how do they know you have a brother I never heard it I mentioned him before oh but they've never worked ice somebody on Twitter reported you your your GoFundMe to police why are you reporting Bobo there's no evidence she's just mad cuz I blocked this [ __ ] she trolls Oh everybody who is she I'm a troll that's what she is a troll but where's ready you ever send her flirty messages no I never did before this I never did good for you cuz up up hers right yep up hers yeah or him cuz you might be but you might be some scam artist yeah you got a message for her right up your nose with a with a knife Wow Ryan but it's effective that is yeah that's super effective man Wow um when did you start getting enemies on the Internet Bobo I don't understand this organize I don't need to take down Bobo because I like Bobo I think you said I enjoy your guy you should drive me crazy but I've learned to enjoy anybody that has any kind of celebrity sense has their enemies okay people that think it's cool to troll people cuz they cuz they're not that person so you say that your celebrity probably turns people off yeah people just want to troll cuz they're not me because you're jealous of success yeah wait wait Bob are you saying they hate us because they ain't us oh wow now do you consider yourself a major celebrity or minor celebrity I listen I think I may be low level well I'm a minor celebrity what letter would you get there's a list there's B list and there's you know some on the C list I guess where would you put yourself as a celebrity I might be d-list well well I know maybe I maybe I think maybe I may be famous enough that maybe inside a foreign country might I think I could um I feel like I could maybe trick to some Japanese into thinking I'm famous why would you have to do that if you're already famous yeah well maybe maybe a bit more you well how do you feel right now let's just let's just call this what it is how do you feel about the fact that Troy is looking for your sisters Instagram account while you're sitting in the room what's wrong that it's a public account it's a private account she actually has it private on the line so just to keep people creepy because I I've warned people saying about she doesn't want she's a civilian in this whole that's true not unlike you yeah she's a civilian she's not a celebrity yeah exactly and I don't want peopIe don't want people bothering her she's up how long's your sister she's in there she's in the early 20s okay any problem with that Troy attractive it's kind of surprising well she's very cute but yes how do you feel about Troy like I'd holler at your sister boo boo how do you feel about that problem fine get that's fine it's just shin doesn't want to deal with any relations or any kind of relation e act any sexual activity of any kind at right good girl good you don't want to deal with that stuff we have Bobo's mom is on the phone okay we should absolutely talk to her yeah hello this is some person from that's not my mother hold on a second let's hear how unfortunate ly Bobo scared her off she hung that's because that's not my mother cuz I know what my mother sounds like it could be your mother after all my mother may be in a weak signal area I know my mother's real voice Bobo it could be your mother after all home is where where the heart is absolutely you know I know what my mother's real voice sounds like and I know that's not her wel koude danya's mother call back if that's unless that's not her it sounded like that's not her that's not her I'll let you determine definitely I mean Jim to you I couldn't hear cuz he yelled over it so it sounds like it could be it might have been I don't know that's not her I could I could put I could put my real mother on the phone right now that's okay no no we'll let her call it no that's okay no she does she doesn't know the number to call it I don't know if you guys changed the number don't worry yeah so I don't did I just see a picture of you jumping into money where is that let me oh my god but jewels are doing the Photoshop do you I don't know that is your face that's a Photoshop do you have a giant pool of coin first of all do not jump into a big pool of coins because you will break your [ __ ] neck yeah and first of all I do not own a pool like that you'd have to be crazy to do that why did where do you put all the money people I I don't know a lot of money but I put it in a bank like everyone else Oh baby buddy you got your mom fake mom fake mom fake mom oh we ever talk to you there's something you would only answer something you would only know hold on a second yes that's not my mom's voice to the control over your piece Bobo Bobo yes listen Bobo thank you for coming on Jim and Sam show my mother does not have a driver's license that wasn't her I hung up on her I have to ask I mean you know yeah it was not my mom okay let's see here's one here Tuesday's Bobo's mom yeah all we can do is I mean is the screener in there trying to weed out the fakes yes Yeah right now all right try to weed out the face I don't know which I've talked to her she's a lovely woman she sounds like you can't get angry though yeah hold on let's see hello boys mom this is Bobo's mom just say hello hello hey that's not my mama doodoo yes well well red please my mom does not smoke all right I'm gonna take my word for it he doesn't smoke if you hang it up on the fake good for you I mean if his mom doesn't smoke the evidence is right there that as it was a four it was a phony if if if someone can give me a piece of paper with the with the phone number two : I could call my mom and I could call to speak to the real you got my actual monitor okay so yeah hello how you doing hello Bobo's mom that's you're not that's not my for sure we don't know for sure I will get my hold on boy hold on yes hello are you Bobo's mom or no what's going on boys mom well there's been a been a great mystery in Bobo's life oh yes he was adopted not adopted I really did come out of my mom's vagina okay I have to be you as it turned me he came out of his real relaxed Daniel or look up the phone number just call in to the Jim and Sam show Daniel I want I want them to speak to a real person getting to the bottom of this Bobo we're getting to the bottom of it we're like no no but I'm just offended by the people that are calling pretending to be you we are weeding them out though yeah ask her why she never told you you were da Bao land right okay yeah we are getting to the bottom all right they leave that she called it here we go there she is hello here we go okay hello brothers Milo Hey Bobo's feather hey we need to put it into these genetic sexual hang-up so man 5 we're getting through people pretending to be my mother and I want the real person all right here we go you just told her the call here she is there she is hello is this publish mom hello hello hey another fake hold on hello another face my mother does not have a British accent I'm leaving your father for a woman's well one thing how could you leave my father if you know my dad is dead Daniel corner where to go fist bump me on em oh boy I am a fat [ __ ] that right I know this benefit but there's one thing that does after is senators of any people pretending to be my mother okay goodbye that I'm gonna fended by that people can all be my mother we assumed it was your mother and you know what happens when we assume you make an ass out of you and me well at least one of the two mm-hmm you make an ass out of you and me all right here we go we do have boys mom okay here we go hello Bobo's mother hello better beat a real one let's see Bobo's mom just say yes oh hello yeah Clemmy the numbers are dropping another dude another dude okay mom ask you a question only your mom would know the answer to mom I asked a question that only your mom would know does the hospital you were born in exist still yeah she hump you know what he huh you were right you nailed them dude you got him Bobo will go for one more this is the right time I think this is her actually okay hello bubbles mom hello hello yes hey that's not my mother have sex with my brother oh all right I never have don't believe that my real mother would know that okay I never did good so you don't like people pretending to be your mom yeah I don't I don't like that at all and you didn't yeah I don't think Daniel stole any money I don't think so at all I don't think those accusations are false I would encourage people to donate to the GoFundMe yeah his mom's a lovely lady there's moms are wonderful ladies and I believe in they donate to my real the real mom my real person Yeah right and okay maybe this one cuz it sounds like it's from the right place from Brooklyn hello it's not from Brooklyn she's from Queens I know but it's nearby on the phone twice hold on hold on put on hold hello I'm offended by people I just want them to speak to the real person he's on the phone with his mom okay I tried to hang up on the fake caller right as it turns out you can't you can't you can't go online and look up the phone number to call it doesn't think that yeah I know one button III can only do as far as put you on speakerphone no no no it we put it on there like that hover just call it well you can tell her she's out in the air tell she's on the air on the air hello you're on the radio you do know that yes the Daniel - okay which one but you have to tell you that before we talk to you okay how are you feeling do you feel about all the other people on the internet that are accusing your son Daniel of misappropriation yeah being being part of it so he's you know he's being he's being compared to Bernie Madoff so you're you're saying there is no misappropriation fun's going on with your GoFundMe okay dad very very annoyed because people are pretending to be you and we don't know what you sound like so it's like Daniels been annoyed that like people who kind of sound like you have been calling in what happened that's okay you're welcome that's all right you very welcome I'm bummed to hear that you had you had a mishap as they said an unfortunate and then fortunate mishap yeah alright we tried to clarify Daniel Daniel said that there were some people calling in who are not you and again we don't know what you sound like so Daniel was adamant about getting you on the phone just to clarify well anytime you'd like to come in what well I'll make sure that just tickets left for you if you have you know it's okay I don't mind your friend and then Daniel's a friend so yeah I'll leave tickets free okay thank you well thank you so much we will uh will leave tickets for you and we're glad to clear this up okay yeah very glad all right hi missus Bobo alrighty feel better there we go alright alright so I think that as a show we can put our support behind Bobo's GoFundMe well hold on now this is a false accusation being made against us where oh line 9 hope he doesn't mean us yes Nelson in Virginia hey how's it going hello good hey uh you know it's it's obvious this dude ain't a hundred percent I just wondering why the hell you guys are bullying the dude I think you're misusing the word bullying we've known how long we known you Bubba ten years you've known me since two doesn't he okay sure almost 10 years he's been coming on the radio show and he put on a GoFundMe cuz his mom got hurt you just heard his mom on the phone did his mom his mom did she say that we're treating him badly or did she thank us for the support we're not bullying Daniel we're not bullying Daniel we're lettin Daniel speak and we're treating Daniel like we treat everybody else who comes in here what do you want us to [ __ ] it to kiss him on the cheek and hold him like he's a child is a grown man everybody's picking on the dude man we're not picking on him people are we can't stop that we I said I don't think that he misappropriated then he finds I really don't know we're clearing up we're clearing up as a show I don't think he's a real nuts fan I am I am a real Mets fan well you did think that uh I know I hate that shake but I am a real Mets fan okay he made a horrible blunder but we were trying to clear up this whole GoFundMe thing people asked us to talk about it and I know Daniel wanted to clear it up and we got his mom on the phone I just it shames me like you guys are picking on Addie no we're having no how to follow someone we've known for 10 years they're not they're not picking on me if anything some people pretending to be my mother was picking on me they were those people that were pretending to be my mother was almost worse than that troll who was trolling me and was also trolling Anthony and everybody on his network we're Bobo's friend all right Nelson thanks for the call Daniel's father all right come on we're not bullying Daniel or bullying is misused sometimes yeah I mean we're we're having fun with same way rich Voss or Bob Kelly or anybody else that comes in here a hundred percent you have a good time right Bobby I have a good time because we're your are but people think that you should be talked to like you're a child which is just idiotic well that's more insulting is much more insulting how long the fact that you thought that letting dykes was a pitcher that's yes yeah I'm I'm just gonna gig give a range late late twenties you don't want to give away late 20s early 30s somewhere but somewhere in that range
Channel: Jim and Sam Show
Views: 194,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Kurlan, Bobo, Jim Norton, Sam Roberts, Jim and Sam Show, sirius xm, faction talk, 103, New York Mets, Citi Field, first pitch, baseball, mom, go fund me, quit your bullshit, compound media, pop up shows, bill schulz, Mike Bochetti, opie & anthony, telemarketers, Jim Florentine, Alexa Dadd, Ron Darling, Lenny Dykstra, Brooklyn Cyclones, baseball catch, chip chipperson, east side dave, subreddit, trolls
Id: vM2u_XKuHhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 52sec (4072 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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