DANIEL 1 - Daniel's Diet makes you 10 times wiser! - Doug Batchelor

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we're gonna start with a story that you find in the Bible in the Book of Daniel Daniel chapter one and it's called babylons buffet and this is based upon Daniel 1 verses 1 through 20 once a whole chapter now Daniel is a book that deals a lot with prophecy but an intro it's interesting how the Book of Daniel begins with a test about 500 years before Christ King Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem and on his first attack of the city he carried away thousands of prisoners from Jerusalem to Babylon and among those he carried away were some of the princes of Jerusalem some of them the Bible foretold were descendants of King Hezekiah and they were taken and they were educated in the palace of Babylon and the King said look we're gonna teach you the language of the Babylonians he took the brightest and the best-looking of all of the royal children back to Babylon and he said I'm gonna train you in all the sciences of Babylon which was the most sophisticated place in the world at the time and after three years those who passed the test the cream of the crop will stand before me and they will be representatives to these other nations Nebuchadnezzar was really a very smart leader and he had great counselors and this was a wise plan so among some of the thousands that were carried from Jerusalem were four Hebrew young men their Jewish names were Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah Babylonian names were belts a belt a Shazzer Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego went to this school but then they found out that they were going to be required to eat from the Royal cafeteria now most captives would have been thrilled all the other students from the other parts of the world that Nebuchadnezzar conquered they were thrilled that they got to eat at the babylonian buffet they were supposed to be the best food in the world but right away Dalia Daniel his friends realized they couldn't eat that because there was food in there that God had designated as unclean and it says in Daniel 1 verse 8 Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the King's food or with the wine which he drank so Daniel went to the chief of the eunuchs that was in charge of their preparation and their training and he said let us just eat vegetables give us ten days and you'll find the King James where there is pulse some of your translations it just says vegetables and he said oh I can't do that he says the King's gonna look at you and say how come these young men are sick and I'm gonna say well they're not eating the food that you provided what my food wasn't good enough for me said he'll take my head off Daniel said you test this give us ten days if we don't look okay fine so for 10 days they ate nothing but vegetables a vegetable stew and a vegetarian diet drink water and the Bible says Daniel 1 verse 15 and at the end of 10 days their countenances appeared fair and fatter in flesh than all the children that ate the portion of the Kings food they were healthier than those who are eating from the cafeteria Babylon why does the Bible include this story the Bible says that when Nebuchadnezzar had them tested probably by himself as well as his other wise men in the kingdom they found that among all the captives that had been trained Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah we're ten times wiser ten times wiser than any of the others who had trained being a Christian is not just about a change in your thinking being a Christian is an entire transformation and whatever you eat whatever you drink do all to the glory of God it does make a difference what you do with your body your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and a truth that has been lost in recent years to Christianity both Protestants and Catholics and evangelicals is a very clear biblical teaching that we are to take care of our bodies we're to be careful we are to use self-control and especially is that important when we're living in a society is drowning in abundance number one what was the original diet that God designed for humans in the beginning we're going all the way back to Genesis now first chapter in the Bible Genesis 1:29 and God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed and that's talked about every plant and it goes on to say and in every tree in which is the the what the fruit of a tree yielding seed for you it shall be meat and that word meat there's the old english word it means food it's like the meat of a nut it just means the food so the original diet for Adam and Eve was what fruits grains nuts it was a fruitarian diet they probably didn't even cook any food back there how long did God intend for Adam and Eve to live when he first made them forever and then after sin God added one more thing to the diet because he said you can't eat from the tree of life any longer after Adam and Eve sinned it says what supplemental food did God then add to their diet Genesis 3:18 it says thou shalt eat the herb of the field that means the vegetable but a vegetable is technically well let me give you a testify now fruit or vegetable banana fruit Apple zucchini fruit eggplant fruit Brussels sprouts unedible Brussels sprouts are actually a vegetable celery is a vegetable potato it's a vegetable so any part of the plant other than the seed in the product of the flower of fruit is the product of the flower it's gonna be vegetable the stalk the leaves the flowers those are all considered to be vegetables the root you know they're tubers a potato so he added that to the diet and there's all kinds of important enzymes and things in there so there are benefits there's no question that there are benefits to eating a vegetable based diet for a while people thought that seventh-day Adventists were cooks but I don't know if you read the National Geographic a couple of years ago it said there they picked out the three longest living people in the world did you know that you can you know look this up number one there were people in Sardinia in the off of Italy in the Mediterranean the people of Okinawa and the seventh-day Adventists principally in the Loma Linda area where they had a University and there's a large concentration they studied them they lived the longest of any people groups in the world and when they asked why do these people live longer they said well seventh-day Adventist it's the community the rest from the Sabbath and they're largely not entirely but largely a vegetarian lifestyle healthy lifestyle and so what we're sharing with you is not some religious belief this is hard scientific fact that if you eat the closer to the biblical diet that God prescribed but longer you're gonna live the better you're gonna feel the less disease you're gonna have in the manual he tells you what the ideal diet is for man and following that diet will certainly make you feel better I'll share a little more personally with you as we proceed what does the Bible say it's more specifically about eating are there some mammals some foods that are clean and some that are unclean you know the endo said he wanted to file himself with the meat which the king's servants were eating what mammals does God permit humans to eat that's question number nine you look in Leviticus eleven verse three it tells us that there two criteria that are supposed to be in a mammal that is going to be eaten it says whatever does what parts the hoof and is clovenfooted and chews the cud these are clean now that would mean that goat sheep deer elk moose these things are what you would call clean animals but then he goes on to say some things that makes you to cut like a camel but it doesn't have a cloven hoof it needed both criteria they're unclean so I know some of you are probably thinking ohm Doug you tell me I have to get rid of my camel steak tonight after the program yes that's why Jesus made fun of the Pharisees he said you're hypocrites you strain in that what he meant by that was they used to pour their water through these straining cloths they said lest we have a gnat in there and it's unclean they would strain their water to prevent eating a gnat but when no one was looking they need a camel stake which was unclean biblically so you straining out and you swallow a camel you ever heard that expression before so he's talking monies and you're hypocrites you know camels unclean but you're so afraid of a little mat and when no one's looking at you camel stake if you're gonna eat me it needs to have those two criteria be clothin huffed and chew the cud now there's some of you to think and pastor Doug but didn't aren't humans designed to eat meat and isn't that why God gave us these you know canine teeth for the ripping and tearing of meat see this character on the screen he's got canine teeth too he's a vegetarian successes all kinds of myths out there matter of fact the animal with the biggest teeth as an elephant and a hippo they're all vegetarians so people say all kinds of things look at what happened biblically when before the flood you can see of course there's lots of vegetation back then you've got Methuselah 969 years Noah nine hundred and fifty years sep 9 2015 7 T Jacob one hundred and forty seven years David seventy years and David said now our years are threescore and ten that's about seventy as an average and he said if by reason of strength it's fourscore that's eighty said it's still with much pain and suffering and so hard time is limited but you know what happened after the flood all the vegetation was destroyed Noah was told to take the clean animals on the ark by sevens unclean just to why if they were allowed EP unclean animals there'd be a lot more extinct species right they would have eaten them during the flood but you're only allowed to sacrifice the clean animals what types of fish and seafood are considered plain biblically Leviticus 11 verse 9 these you shall eat of all that are in the waters whatever has fins and scales it needed both characteristics to be clean and the reason for that was because there's a lot of strange things that are out there in the ocean and some of them are poisonous the US Navy did a study a few years ago where they said what do we give as a rule of thumb to sailors or pilots that are shot down if they need to eat seafood why they're floating around these Rascals during World War 2 a lot of them they didn't know what they couldn't couldn't eat they spent millions of government dollars they did a study and you know what they came back with this is what the Navy study concluded if it has fins and scales it's probably safe to eat they could have saved so much money and just read what the Bible said now you can read on there in Leviticus and it says analytic as'll Evan verse 10 but all in the seas are in the rivers that do not have fins and skeins rivers seas lakes all the other water creatures that do not have fins and scales all that move in the waters or in any living thing that moves in the water they are an abomination to you why doesn't God want us to eat certain things these animals crabs lobsters United the kitchen they're scavengers they put some decomposing fish head in a trap and they are made by God to be the garbage cans in the world to clean the environment they eat all the toxins clams they soak up all the toxins we have one president that died from eating contaminated and these things are just they're not healthy shrimp when they serve shrimp they serve it and complete with the intestines are still the digestive tract still in there that's like god that's that's not good for you there's a down in the bottom of the bay where you get the oysters and the clams are all the toxins there these animals are made by God to filter and help clean the environment same thing with certain birds that are considered unclean which birds are unclean and Leviticus 11 verse 15 and 16 it says every Raven after his kind and ow and the Nighthawk and the cacao after its kind the Raptors and the carnivorous birds were considered unclean the clean birds there's not a rule like fins and scales but the clean birds were the foraging birds turkey the chickens pheasant so forth they would be clean are the laws about clean and unclean animals part of Moses ceremonial law which ended at the cross this is what some people think Genesis 7 verse 1 and 2 some people tell that those are laws just for the Jews those clean and unclean laws was Noah Jewish let's read this together come thou and all of thy house into the ark and of every lene the animal thou shalt take to thee by seven so does God make a distinction between clean and unclean animals even before there was any Jews quiz how many of you are related to Noah that's right everybody here and so God made it a there's a test I don't know if any of you managed to your ancestors survived the flood besides Noah everybody here's related to Noah God made a distinction these are things that were for mankind you can see it going all the way back to Genesis should a Christian biblically use alcoholic beverages some churches would say sure what's wrong with that Jesus drank wine it was not alcoholic it was grape juice the Bible says proverbs 21 the Bible doesn't contradict itself wine is a mocker strong drink is raging let's talk about fermented wine here and whoever is deceived thereby is not wise the Bible says give wine to him that is ready to perish the Bible tells us that Noah drank wine and he stumbled around naked and something embarrassing happened lots of daughters gave their father wine and he slept with their not his daughters good things do not happen when people drink alcohol Christians should not underwrite that and he might be saying pastor Doug I just have you know a little bit of wine you know once a week just a little I have no problem I don't have a drinking problem that may be but are you aware that one out of seven people does have a drinking problem alcohol is addictive do we all know that some people it is wrecks their lives it wrecks their marriages at wrecks their careers it wrecks their health there will be people in heaven that smoked I want to make it clear there gonna be people in heaven that drink alcohol Martin Luther drank beer I don't think he understood back then what we understand the man who wrote Amazing Grace John Newton he smoked do you know back when he smoked doctors actually prescribed tobacco for asthma can you imagine that how many of you knew that yeah but we know better now cigarettes are the number two leading cause of death preventable cause of death in North America tobacco it makes you prematurely aged it'll make your voice raspy and makes your clothes smell funny tobacco there's nothing good about it either there's no nutritional value and it costs a fortune I'm when I was a kid it was 25 cents a pack man I can't believe what people pay for a pack of cigarettes now you can buy a new car after quitting for a couple of years or the Bible health principles still practical today now we're gonna go through a list of several Bible principles and these are health principles and you're going to be surprised how much of the world now is realizing these are basic health laws that are all in the Bible first of all quarantine procedures control contagious disease with this Ebola discussion what are they talking about they'll look at the incredible lengths are going to to maintain a sterile environment and quarantine procedures in the Bible God gave that he said if someone is unclean they need to wash they need to stay outside the camp they're contagious there's all kinds of laws about contagion they understood this in the Bible number two basic thing again connected with Ebola if these things were being practiced in some of the countries it's as human body wastes should be buried I know it may not be pleasant to think about that but if you've traveled many parts of the world I go to even in big cities they still don't have regular sanitation and I know it would shock you and I won't name those countries because I don't want to offend anybody now but way back in the Bible even going through the desert God gave them certain rules about that see washing regular washing of the body and clothing controls germs you know that's in the Bible they had to regularly wash even as they went through the wilderness God always made sure they had a water supply Moses would strike the rock and water would run out and his river seemed to be reproduced and follow them wherever they went in their journeys so they could not only drink but so they could wash and frequently it talked about washing the Bible tells us that a lot of disease can also be prevented as we know today by moral living it prevents sexual diseases Leviticus 18 Proverbs 5 verse 1 through 12 and many other verses there are a number of sexually transmitted diseases and some people have received fatal infections because of immoral lifestyle an sri another bible principle about health animal fat should not be eaten not only fat but blood you know disease can be transferred from animal to animal you don't catch a disease from a plant you might get poison ivy but disease can be transferred from animal to animal and he says we should not eat blood by the way New Testament Old Testament both say blood is forbidden acts 15 read it yourself no question about it these some people say oh these are Old Testament laws it's repeated in the New Testament if another principle hatred and bitterness is the detrimental to one's health some people are sick not just because of what they're eating but because of what's eating them and having a anger and bitterness in your heart stress it really does cause health problems gee proverbs talks about overeating is bad for your health it's one thing to eat honey it says don't eat too much and you can even eat too much of good things and sumo wrestlers usually don't die of old age yeah because it's just obviously not good H our bodies need proper rest Psalms 127 verse 2 and Mark 631 Sabbath is all about that getting plenty of sleep answer I the importance of work not only does it say rest the seventh day it's a six days out short one work answer Jay a positive attitude is good medicine the Lord wants us to have good a happy heart is good like a medicine and even when I teach some of these difficult truths you know I think sometimes we need to just be able to smile because life is tough enough is God cancer with our physical health that God's only concerned with spiritual things that what the Bible teaches Matthew 4:23 and Jesus went all about Galilee teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and doing what healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people does the Lord care about our health yes and he many times will miraculously heal people sometimes sickness comes just because of genetics sometimes sickness comes because you're exposed to someone else who is sick there might be some environmental problem but you know the majority of sickness in our country is self induced because of lifestyle you know why there's a health care crisis and then the medical institutions are bankrupt and so expensive because of our lifestyles and particular in the Western cultures because the rich life the lack of exercise and the abundance people are bringing on diseases early in life and then they are struggling with these diseases for many years and it's causing catastrophic expenses we'd be able to put a lot of hospitals out of business and we just follow the Bible third John - beloved I wish above all things God says above all things that you may what prosper and be in health how even as your soul prospers so what kind of a level does he put it on I want health physical prosperity and I want spiritual prosperity now if you can only pick one pick the spiritual because what profit is it if you have perfect health and you're terrible sinner it's not going to save you for eternity but God says you know when you've taken care of the spirit make sure you take care of the body because having your mind clear and your body healthy makes it easier to serve God to resist the devil and do God's will another one John 10:10 it says I am come that they might have life and what kind of life does he want us to have more abundantly see the fellow in that picture his name was banana George he is skiing barefoot I've done it that is very very hard for a young man to do he is I think 80 years old in his picture he continues skiing until 92 didn't even start skiing until he was in his 40s he love bananas and that's why I always wear yellow he passed away way up in his 90s 2013 but I always was fascinated by that picture he was a picture someone just gave me this year this is someone Cara and I were pastors of this church in Northern California and the one since the last time we saw her she was 106 at the time this article she's passed away since she was a hundred and eleven then and I remember i sat with her and her brother-in-law and his wife her name is viola cook in their home and I would eat with him they had delicious vegetarian food she was vegetarian her whole life and I remember her her brother-in-law I used to say art how do you guys have such great health and strength here I was a young whippersnapper I try and do work for him I couldn't keep up with him and I notice he pushed away from the table I said you're done eating he said here's a secret to life dead stop eating while you're still a little hungry wake up when you're still a little tired and stop talking when you still have something left to say so that's the secret to happiness in life why is their health so important to God 1st Corinthians 6:19 your body in verse 20 is the what the temple of the Holy Spirit therefore glorify God in your body and your spirit which are gods again Romans 12:1 present your body a living sacrifice how holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service God says look even you're made in God's image you belong to God you're to present not just your spirit but sent your body you know we worship God not just with our minds we worship God with our lives and whether you eat or you drink whatever you do do all to the glory of God you
Channel: Christopher Harle 1of2
Views: 3,313
Rating: 4.961165 out of 5
Keywords: Daniel's Diet - Doug Batchelor, Daniel's Diet, The Bible rules for health, Babylon's Buffet, Healthy Living, Daniel chapter 1, 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 23, Daniel's Diet makes you 10 times wiser!
Id: zKMrnDaPRww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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