Danica Patrick Opens Up Like Never Before

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hello everyone and welcome back to Kenny conversation brought to you by Jags the leader in high performance aftermarket car parts remember to go to jags.com to fix your hot rod up or your every day vehicle well as I always say deep breath everybody you're looking at her how you doing Danica makes me worried about what you're about to ask me deep breath what we're we're going to have good time oh I know we will we always do let's start out like this uh I thought to myself how am I going to introduce danob but but listen it's pretty easy there there's a lot to you and I know that and we're going to get to it but let's start like this Danica Patrick the most successful lady racer in American Open Wheel racing but I say the world I think you're the most successful lady World open wheel racer um I don't think there's anybody like you in the world with Open Wheel welcome to Kenny conversation I like it that's a very flattering opening thank you you've done a lot so um it was your birthday last week happy birthday thanks thank you God it's like I turned 42 and 42 sounds a lot like 42 but 41 still somehow sounds like 40 which could be 39 but 42 is 42 I follow you on Instagram I follow uh what's up it's a lot of fun you're busy but uh you look really Zen right now you're not you're not as are you still feisty oh like a 100% like that's that lives right below the surface it's just not all of my being now it's not everybody uh you know taunting you well listen your dad TJ uh for some reason we're friends I don't know why uh but I like him and he says that Danica is a lot of fun and for a father to say that he said you're a jokester but I don't I think he meant fun so that's the first question of Kenny conversation I like that are you fun my fun well I can't answer that because well I can say that I laugh at my own jokes so I'm fun for myself um I'm also like great alone like I'm a good introvert so you know that means that feels like it tells me I'm fun because I I can entertain myself um but I but I think it's a little like asking are you famous it's kind of in the eye of the beholder like if you have to ask if I'm famous I'm probably not if you have to a if you have to ask me if I'm fun I'm not sure I am so Kenny conversation is just what it is uh we don't have a a a line it can go everywhere and I want to remind you of something that you taught me uh sometimes people say to me hey remember when you said this so I'm going to do that to you uh you said that it's good to have two or three of you and uh you know a subconscious uh so you help me along the way because when people tell me I'm goofy I'm like well there's two or three of me so I don't it depends which one I want to give you today so I want to thank you for that you're really into exploring yeah for sure I do love uh I like learning about the occult which is just the hidden you know like what's really going on um including with ourselves uh I feel like in general life is just like a big cat and mouse game with oursel where we can't see ourselves so everyone around us shows us who we are whether whether it's how we're triggered H how we react to things what we like what we value or what we judge in someone it's all really just information about oursel because when we change the things we see change I mean the F perfect example of that is like it's silly but old music or for me it's old rap music you know I listen to it now and I go whoa that's what they say no wonder why mom and dad didn't want us to listen to it or oh the lyrics sound so OB obvious right they're more clear or I'm listening to them so you know that's just one silly example but yeah yeah I think that we have different aspects of oursel that come out at different times and um and I probably what you're referring to as far as different personalities or different different sides um is that you know I I've always been really fortunate that I feel like I've gotten to express a lot of those sides within my career whether it's through on track activity or interviews or photo shoots or any of those kinds of things I feel like people got to see different aspects of me and um and I and I was always grateful that that was welcome I like that because I agree with it because I don't want people to think there's this is me like like I get aggressive when people go oh you you're this way you're that way I'm like hold on there's a lot more to me than you think there is you know so back up uh yeah like what like give me an example like give me one thing I'm not crazy I'm not crazy you're not crazy I I pay well maybe I am maybe I am crazy but I also think that uh look at you now this is turning into pretty intense now you're interviewing me but I thought that it was a perfect opportunity because at the end of the day somebody might tune in because I'm on it but people are tuning in every week because it's you so everyone will want to know a little bit more about you too yeah well that I'll take that but that's humbling okay so we're going to get to racing in just a little bit but I did not want to start out by attacking you about racing I want to comment on what you just said do you remember that that movie The Truman Show where you're watching the movie and at the very end you mean the you mean the documentary about what we're really living in yes we're at the very end uh Jim Cary his little boat just runs into a wall and actually the whole world is watching and you're like oh my God that is us that's that's pretty deep do you think that do you think there's any there I mean there's a lot of I mean we're we're slipping into a total different like space here but there's of course like the idea that it's a flat Earth that it's a dome like that would be one of the references another one is that we are like an a simulation and you know there's like puppeteers moving dealing do moving the people around uh like a game um yeah yeah I me there's some possibility I think it's important to think like that because I also think that's why there's religion one time I asked uh Father John he married uh my my wife Kim and myself and uh I said uh how do I know I should believe in God and he said well it's all what you believe in what's your faith and I thought wow so he you know Father John said it's what you believe in there there's Baptist there's Catholic there's Pentecostal okay wow we're going deep I mean that yeah I like it you know you know me I get in I love these these uh conversations but there's my belief is that perception is reality so um if we and which all you have to do is think about what you know what your thoughts rule your reality you know if you think negative you have a bad day if you think positive you have a good day if you're excited about something's going to go great if you're optimistic if you're if you have a direction that you want to go a goal like your thoughts become things and your perception is your reality so you know if you believe that there's a God and that is your is that and that's your perception then the result is the same it's almost like a little bit of like a placebo we write Placebo off for being something that's doesn't really work but it does work like that's the kind of the definition is like something works without actually having an active ingredient it's happening um psychologically and um and so yeah it's yeah but that that's so true because um mind over matter if you think you're a winner you are but I I do like that comment you all I I've read that you've said that a lot where you know it's kind of like you know the food thing you know you are what you eat if you eat junk you're going to get fat you know yeah eat good you're going to be you're going to be healthy all right let's move on um like I said I follow you on Instagram uh Instagram is a really good site it seems like it's quality and I and I like what you show your sister you and your sister Brooke uh I think that's rare you love her oh yeah we get along great we're very close why do you think I mean I I think it's awesome I wish rust I love my brothers but but boy when you're with your sister I mean you really brag on her I yeah you guys are just tell me about you and your sister a thanks um I mean we're close in age I think that matters a little bit we're only two years apart um I mean we just spent so much time together like when we were she was the one who wanted to race go-karts not really no I just said I would do it too um so then she was eight and I was 10 and then it just led to us traveling around the country for the next seven years in a truck or a van spending hours together and so you know we spent a lot of time together and um and we have a lot of the same interests I think that I think we've also I think what really shifted into making us really close good sisters was um when she got her first job in Indianapolis at the hospital hospital she got her doctorate in physical therapy so she started working and um she started having her own money and her own confidence and her own thing and when that happened it was just like a switch flipped and she went from being possibly sometimes a little bit negative or you know not happy to just and she would probably say the same thing if she was sitting here with me and I was commenting on it she'd she'd agree um that that that was just a really big shift she had her own thing you know and I think that I had my own thing for a long time already um and she she she developed her own thing and I think that when we build our own confidence within ourselves we are able to when we when we when we see oursel in a really positive way we can then see the best in other people easier and um and so I it just really it just really made her into a a wonderful woman and um we've always gotten along but I'd say that's when it became like uh a true friendship where it wasn't like vicker sisters um we'll still have our moment she's actually doing a very good job I've always been like this very very very honest like straightforward can't hold it back thoughts yeah like that's you it's got a lot of downsides but it's got some upsides I guess um and you know she's also she's learning how to do that so she's learning to find her voice and be honest about stuff when it bothers her and so every now and again we'll have these moments where she'll be like Danica this really made me mad when you did this and it hurt my feelings and you know and and so I'm like okay and the thing is is that I've always delivered that kind of thing I've always been able to I always say the thing um but the truth is is I can handle the thing too that's that's what's hard for people to understand is it's a it it's not that the people that are uh um harshly honest or AG or or or say things that are hurtful or offensive or just super honest or cutting deep it's not like there it's not like I or we I guess I'm collectively using we I don't think that it's that we are just mean I think it's that that's literally where we how we like to to deal with life it's just say it be honest and so once she started to generate her own voice too along the way it's really made it a lot easier to keep the energy between us super clean too two things I find that when people are dead honest with each other they're a little mad it like the first time it happens but then they become really tight because now we know yeah where each other stands and now we get along and it's like uh yeah I I I totally agree with that and one other thing about that is that when you were talking so nice of your sister right there I like to have people around that add to my positive energy I don't want people around that I have to fix all the time because I'm happy and you said you're happy so Danica's happy Kenny's happy now let's surround oursel with people that that are happy too it gets exhausting fixing NE negative people and picking them up and yeah it does it does and and the thing is is you can until you're some enlightened Buddha where you have no no nothing which you know I'm not one of them um you know you can definitely lift people up and there's you know I'm sure that you know when I see you you automatically like lift my energy and lift my spirits up right um love seeing you love talking to you right now but in person's even better um but uh there are people that do that but at some point in time enough always is enough and people can people can get to you and um there's only so much so much in the so much in the bucket right okay so one more conversation before we go into uh your racing career so uh I remember Danica when she was the race car driver and she was feisty as my mama would say Dynamite comes in small pack and you you you're I I find it you're like my Mama she's going to tell you what she thinks um but that's really not the conversation here all of a sudden when you left racing I felt like just following you uh you became into you you got into mind and body Wellness you started I I kind of got a nickname I was doing my studying on you I got all these notes and and and kind of after I was doing this kind of like Danica the Explorer when when did this mind and body what made you go I think it's great what made you go that route uh I all you know it's funny because anytime I talk to somebody like in an interview or after racing um they go wow you've really gotten into this like you're really deep is this new and the truth is I like it yeah thank you um it's not but where was this time and space and need for it in a quick 3 to 7 Minute interview here and there along the way when we're referring to something that just kind of happened on track you know there's not like you know there really wasn't a lot of space for it now it has had time to develop in into a bigger thing for me and more awareness and more just more knowledge and more embodiment of the things that I've always was always curious about uh but but it's always been there like I I refer to the story of calling a psychic when I was 18 for my birthday because I wanted to oh boy I've just always been into that kind of stuff I I've been into the into the the universe and spirituality um religion's always been something interesting for me I'm like a general skeptic so um and maybe I don't know if skeptic's the full right word it's more that I'm super curious so I think sometimes my in Inquisition to somebody can feel like that like a Spanish Inquisition when really it's just my form of empathy of understand like I just I just very much want to understand all the way like down to the depths of your soul what's going on and or the depths of the universe what's going on um uh or the depth of this reality and what's going on is this a simulation is it not you know these are these are questions that as my dad would say you're never going to get an answer and I'm like yeah you definitely are never going to get an answer unless you try and so I think that you know as I learn more and more it uh I feel like I get more and more information from it about what's going on through different Pathways I I Hey listen I'm right there with you I'll sit there and I'll go okay what's beyond beyond so that they say okay there's outer space yeah but hold on what's what's beyond outter what's because it never ends so okay let's say we're a let's say this is us but what's out there I know right got do something at the end what's the the end the end is the what the end is your dad's right though so true are you like your are you like your dad or are you like your mama um I'd say I'm much more like my dad yeah my dad's deep too my dad's a thinker my dad's definitely a thinker um he uh you know I get my creativity from him I think my ambition um my but but generally like my dreaming I think is the biggest and best thing that came from him he's like throughout our whole lives he's just like always in always come up with new ideas for a company or you know a way to make the go-kart faster just like he's so creative um I mean for a long time my sister and I and my mom would get my dad would go pick out an outfit for us for Christmas like we'd have matching outfits every year and dad always did such a good job and then one year it was over because it was like vests in a hat and I was like no it's it you you reached the end of your of your of your of yourm you know term it's done um but but yeah I think that's some stuff I really get from my dad I do get some stuff from my mom too but um but but I'm mostly like my dad yeah I like well it's that's a good thing uh my mom uh when I grew up as a child my mom had this little statue sitting on our coffee table and it was The Thinker and it was the statue and and it was like a like a Roman guy and he sat here like this U so I understand there's a little bit more to you know when you say the Thinker it's just thinking logically you know and trying to make good decisions all right it's showtime now um I just dream that up I am going to introduce you uh and when I'm done we'll talk about it okay so what I did is and now listen I I do this with all the greats I did it with Tony Stewart did it with Harvick you know um these are 200 by the way I'm 60 years old okay here we go started racing at age 10 winning three World carding Association grand national championships in the mid 90s now you feel free to butt in if I get anything wrong um I want to come back and talk about this next one you went to the United Kingdom uh to race and then I have a question what was that like we're going to come back to that I'm introducing you right now uh you won the 2008 Indie Japan 300 the only win ever by a lady in Indie Car Series history first lady to win pole position in a Nascar Cup Series race and by the way it was the the biggest race of all the Daytona 500 this one's pretty cool NASCAR most starts laps LED and top 10 by a lady this one's also incredible highest finishing lady in the nd500 third and what a race you were Racing for the win uh and the DAT Tona 500 finishing 8th one of only 14 Racers man or lady for forget you're a lady one of only 14 racers in history man or lady to lead laps in the Indie 500 and the Daytona 500 now we can go on and on and on but I think those are the those are the granddaddy of them all when I say all that do do you remember that life and and tell me a little bit about that yeah I think the first thing that happens when a bio of sorts or accomplishments has been read is that my first thoughts are I wish I'd have done more um I don't know if that's a common answer or not but that's definitely um something that crosses my mind but then um but I like the way you finish that's probably one of my favorite stats is having LED Indie and Daytona and to be one of so few that have done that uh yeah I mean it was uh I had a really fun career I'm so glad that I got to do indie car and NASCAR and um and I was saying to someone not long ago that it's just kind of funny to be someone that's done something that no one else in the world's ever done before it's just kind of it's just kind of funny it's just kind of weird that's really cool it's a big deal and listen we're going to get to more of that I want to break some of your accomplishments down individually let's go back to uh when you first started racing I don't know why that caught my eye uh you where are you from are you from Illinois you're from bit Wisconsin or Illinois I was born in BL Wisconsin because it was the closest hospital but from grew up in Illinois that's what I thought okay so you left Illinois middle of America and you went to the United Kingdom or UK what what was that about that that that' be an incredible experience at at such a young age yeah I mean it was to race I'm it was so basically at 14 um we were contacted by or we were contact I 14 years old Indie 500 I went to this turn to Suite of this family it was called they were the meum family um they used to have an indie car back in the day and a family from Texas and there was some British guy up there and I was asking questions about racing and all I remember he said was that I could learn more there in one year than five years in the states and I was like wow that seems like a good deal and so that was when I was 14 and then two years later when I was 16 this family had been filing my career and they said we'd like to talk to you about you know racing um maybe in England or moving forward or representing you and um so my dad and I drove down to Indie it was during the month of May and uh we met with them and ended up driving home and uh what they wanted to do is take me to England to see if I was good and see if I could do it and see if I could develop into a you know professional driver someday and so I went over and tested a car and I guess it was good enough that I went back and did did what what would be called a winter series uh so um that's when I left that was junior year of high school then and so I was there like the first and last month of the first semester so I was gone for the middle two months and uh that was the last school I did um I pretty much only like went through sophomore year really yeah uh junior year I was only there for half of the first half of the year so uh and then I would I they offered me this opportunity to go to England and race and my parents just said I I mean it's a hard decision but it would be even harder to not have the opportunity and so I uh pulled out of school halfway through my junior year and moved to England and ended up living there for three years wow so you know I I alwaysed what's that got my GED my good enough diploma that's badass okay I've never heard I gotta write that down good enough so AB good enough but I always say uh they said they said Dale Earnhart Senor like was gone in the 10th grade or 8th grade and I I'm like look hold on listen one of the for men my wife says this she says sometimes men don't know what they want to do till they're 32 years old so my response I said but listen when you we go to school so we can do what we need to do because we're we're supposedly getting out to do what we want to do but if you know what you want to do by all means uh you know go do it yeah I went to my own College over there yes BEC that's what you did yeah I I don't I guess what I'm saying is I don't buy into that you must go to school and you know you had an opportunity I I'm not a super firm believer in the institution itself anyway I especially College I mean what Financial drain for so many um but high school and grade school even just when you look at the curriculum and look at what they learn it's like how much how much of that stuff do you use Kenny yeah how much of that stuff do I use like like none I mean the best thing that it's for is like you need to know yes Reading Writing ma basic math right like how often do you use algebra yeah never right okay so if you need to if you need if you want to go be an architect you'll learn that in your specialized degree go to a school for that exactly exactly but you don't need to know it for your regular life and so I think there's so much about the curriculum that's off anyway and then when you fast forward to college and how much debt is created within the schools and it's just like it's just it's crazy yeah so what you're saying is the UK is where you graduated yeah kind of in life even uh one more thing about that um were you there by yourself yeah was it wild being by yourself could you do what you wanted to do I mean it was exciting at first like think about being 16 years old you're an ocean away from your parents you're you know I couldn't drive yet though you had to be 17 to drive so I still to get driven around a bit um but uh but it was uh it was it was very cool the first year I lived with two girls and when I first got there I was sleeping on the couch and then there was two rooms and three of us and so one of the girls that was there full time had a whole room and then the other girl that left on the weekends was um in a tiny room and when I mean tiny room I mean a shoe box of a freaking room like it was so small and that's the room I ended up getting because she just she since she was only there during the week she's like pull did the pull out bed during oh um and then the next year I lived with a family um which was no fun and then the last year I lived by myself yeah okay uh I've always been intrigued about that because I I had heard you know 15 15 years ago that Dan went there by you know by herself yeah all right let's let's break some of these massive accomplishments down uh I want to go back to that Indie Car win at that was moige U I've been there when NASCAR went there what a what a different racetrack really uphill into turn one downhill down the back straight way I'm sure you could run that in your sleep right now you we mostly race on the oval the only time we raced on the road course was at the end the last year because we had to get um we had to go on the road course because that was just after that huge um tsunami like got like hit the nuclear plant and that like went like there was like a nuclear was it a thought it was a tsunami or maybe it was a nuclear explosion I can't I thought it was tsunami for some reason um maybe maybe it was just a nuclear explosion but anyway um so but there was uh yeah it must have been the tsunami because there's something of an earthquake but there was so many Tremors going on that we had them throughout the entire stay so and ended up moving the race from the oval to the road course the I'll be darn okay I didn't know that yeah yeah yeah that's why we're that's why we're having a conversation I'll be darn so you this is a historical moment uh I've seen the pictures uh you know it's it's big to win a race but now you're you're like the Statue of Liberty you're a lady you do the first nobody's ever done it um take me through that you know you not got to go detail but that whole Global you win you're in Victory Lane you get back to America tell me all about that that win well I always loved going to Japan I did it was like the time change put me right into my favorite time of day which is morning everybody was up so early and I remember every morning I'd just go run around the track because they leveled off the top of the mountain for the people don't know and they built a racetrack there so there's the oval and the road course so I would just go out and run all the way around all of it and come back and so you know when you're up at 4:00 or 5 a. and you don't have anything to do till like 9 you know you got um so I just and it was every year until the last year we were there during April which was cherry blossom season and it was just like the most beautiful time and it was so pretty to they had cherry blossoms all the way around the track and so so first off I just always like going there it was just like it felt really good and um and then the year that I won there was rain um so it was delayed a day and so we race kind of midm morning the next day and I remember that night in the hotel room there was track feed to your hotel room TV um which is pretty much more interesting than anything other than um sumo wrestling because I didn't understand a word anything anybody else was saying but the Sumo you know you can understand that yeah uh so watching the track feed and you watch you are fun oh you're watching these ladies these these these lovely ladies with towels and buckets sopping up the weepers on the track and like ringing them into buckets yeah I know oh my gosh I didn't know that's where that was going to go it's like sweeping water at the shore back into the ocean man it's just really really really pointless but um but there was some weepers was part of the problem why it took so long to dry the track so that's why we raced the next day and um and it was you know it was one of those races where Brian Hera told me maybe a year or two before he's like one of these days you're just gonna be doing the same thing that you normally do and you're gonna win like hm and so sure enough that day I was just doing the same thing that I normally do and and um and there was uh there was a caution and there must have been somewhere around 50 to goish and me and um Elio and a few others ended up pitting to play the play the fuel game Fuel strategy game and so I just started early like Kyle Moyer was my was my um my engineer and or my um my crew chief or no I get them all mixed up now because of indie car and NASCAR strategist strategist he's my strategist and um Kyle's kind of a legend and he just you know was giving me a number a target from pretty early on and I was just pretty diligent and I'm pretty good at that and uh and so when it came to the end of the race there was still some laps left but when I saw Elio I got by him as quick as I could because I thought if a yellow comes out and there's only a couple of laps left like I don't want to be of sa you know I didn't I don't want to have waited till the last lap just to be safe like I want to pass him to be safe so I passed him and I and I I think I I'm sure I pulled away I think I won by like five seconds or something like that so I had done a really good job of saving Fuel and um and uh and it all worked out and I just remember feeling really relieved mostly like I was excited but I was mostly relieved because I felt like I mean shoot I almost won my first year actually that so that would have been 2008 my first year was 2005 and in 2005 at moty I qualified on the front row I finished fourth and then I almost won the nd500 the next race so I was pretty sure that that was race number three and four I think that that was the way it went um so like I almost won in my fourth indie car race so it felt so overdue for so long that it took so many years to to finally get there and I'm sad that it didn't happen more often but um but uh but grateful for it you know that is that a uh that's a Kenny conversation too with Danica you know about looking back uh I never won a cup race you know run second three times that that's another story and we can dive deeper into that another year so you brought it up when I watched the indy500 and you were leading battling for the win you're legit forget being a lady because everybody wants to remind you you know you're a lady uh but that wasn't a a great Indie 500 take me through that as you're battling to win the nd500 dicing back and forth tell me about that race yeah um my first one um so I mean man I remember I mean rookie orientation I was the fastest like you know I think I was fast as I was fast as many days enough days that I got the big check at the end of the day and I had to go to the media center and we were like we had like words of the day that I had to get in during my interviews and we had a good time and I think I was fastest on carb day maybe um almost got the pole but I almost spun in turn one so my effort was still enough to put me forth to start the race uh but I started the race off and I stalled in the pits and so that I was running I top five somewhere is and and I stalled so that put me to the back and I was so inexperience that and it was back in the day when we had sequential gear boxes so I wasn't sure where I was at exactly and I didn't want to have them started and accidentally not be fully in neutral so I had the clutch in but you can't start the car with the clutch in and I didn't even know that then so I was like oh my God so as all the way to the back made my way through and I feel like I was somewhere around e fish and coming for a restart and just like looped it just got on the gas and just boom and as I spun around I don't know if I I don't know if there was some checking up I mean I'd have to literally watch it to see like what the what the what the train was doing but um but I spun either way and someone came across cleared my front nose off but it like spun me straight to head to the pit Lane so I like got on Pit Road pit in and pulled into the pits changed my nose um pitted while it was close so it was a penalty so then topped off on the way back through because I had to do another drive-thru and that was what put me in the position to go to the end of the race um but that you know that meant that I was stretching tires stretching Fuel and so I was I inherited the lead through a caution because everyone came in to get tires and fuel later in the race and then I led for a while it was very easy it felt very comfortable it was so quiet man the lead is so quiet um and then I was saving I think I I think I don't remember if I got passed then I got passed on track obviously and then there was another caution that came out and the on the restart I remember I came up on the came on the radio and I was like man everyone say a prayer here and they're like we've been doing it all day so the restart came and I got a great run and I passed Dan Welden for the back for the leag and my favorite clip ever is this like 30 second clip from a fan in turns one and two and it's just like a it's just a fan video and it's you know you can hear the cars start coming towards turns one and two and it sounds like you know rocket ships coming coming at them and all the fans start going she did it she did it she did it and like everyone's going crazy and they're like erupting like crazy like cheering so loud to the point where after the race people asked me if I heard the fans like did you hear the fans that's how loud they were yeah um and so uh so anyway took the lead back and back then we had eight fuel slots so eight was for uh caution so it would cut cylinders and save a lot of fuel but then you had seven fuel saving positions and so I started off in one and um you know quickly two three four and just kept going down I kept it was was like pulling away kind of holding steady I don't think it was until I got to like fuel slot five maybe or six that I actually started like Dan started catching me um and I just wasn't able to hold a low enough line with like my tires were 50 laps old and I just I just could not hold it low enough so he could get his wing just underneath me enough to get get air and um and then he got by and um and then they were like just save fuel save fuel so it felt like emergency mode of safe fuel to make it to the end so once I lost the lead then it was just really a matter of doing saving as much as possible and so I ended up fourth um and uh yeah um there was maybe a little more fuel left in that tank than they thought but you know it uh but that was that was how it went wow and you know that was a little bit ago and and people's brains are more powerful than we think because you just took me through I caught what what I as a race car driver you you said you you you know early like the day before whatever you got loose somewhere what is it and this is a this is a question I want to know because I've never drove an indie car when you get loose in one of those like you know our stock cars we do this what is it like getting loose in an indie car I mean it's just you just you just have such less time to save it it's like the death wiggle yeah it's not it's not even though let's saying qualifying when I about spun out in turns one in turn one um I probably got more respect for saving it than if I would have just qualified on the poll yeah I get it I understand okay wow those now is your I'm looking at you right now uh are you deep into thought about those times right now I mean yeah I mean I I'm looking at you right now you're living that in your brain right now that's awesome well you you did a lot you know you did a lot and and I know pretty much what you're thinking so when I won my first exfinity race it was like oh we did it now I got to do it again so for some reason we're just never good enough uh and got to do it again got to do it again but Danica uh you did it I mean you are one badass lady so let's clear our mind um because I was right there with you I got clear take me back and keep me in fuel Slot 4 yeah yeah that should be a movie you know fuel slot four started childhood get to the end of the movie and you're leading n 500 oh by the way this is this is real um okay let's move forward a little bit and and now we're in the part of Kenny conversation where we're 45 minutes into this deal and I I want to highlight these things in your life uh as I said we we can't go hours uh so you you start this NASCAR Adventure uh you know you you come to NASCAR so the first thing is you had success in Indie Car why did you make the decision to come nasar I was just kind of I was kind of sick of uh the D the indie car was going it was going more and more road course racing and I really enjoyed the ovals um when I started it was three road courses and it kind of went to five and then seven or eight and ended up being pretty close to half the schedule so I just you know I just didn't enjoy that as much and and also I didn't enjoy the situation that I was in with my team um I uh I think the the first time the only time I've ever talked about this was on the Joo podcast um and it was I was in a my contract with Andrey was a profit sharing contract or was a was a basically over a certain amount of money we split how much more how what was on the car um and so yeah a profit sharing situation and they just never really produced um like viable documentation and um or paid me what I should and so I sued them and ended up going through mediation all all the way to arbitration and yeah I just was not like happy in that situation anymore I just didn't like the team anymore didn't didn't enjoy like the direction of the races uh so I was just ready for a change and I felt like NASCAR really and I remember going to the I remember going to Phoenix and just kind of like messing around and hopping in a hopping in a stock car like climbing in a window while I was still an driver and everybody was like real excited about it and I was like oh maybe they'd like me here and uh and I remember the first test that I did so the the way I started was slow I didn't just jump into NASCAR I did part-time NASCAR parttime indie car or no part-time NASCAR full-time indie car still for two years and so in 20101 I did um some nationwide racing what was Nationwide then and I think I did 10 or so races and um and I remember testing for the very first time down in Orlando with uh Tony Yuri Jr and pops and uh I just remember taking off out of pit Lane and going oh my God this is so fun I'm home like I I just I don't know it just like felt so natural and um I just really liked him and really had a lot of fun and so that's how I started was just nice and easy I mean I just finished fifth in the championship in um in 2009 and had my best you know best Championship run ran in the top five qualified in the top five like every weekend it was my best year and so I I was definitely making a gamble to to leave but that's why I didn't just go fullon NASCAR I I want to I want to go back 10 seconds ago and then come back so the the racer and me signing all my contracts in NASCAR that profit sharing deal that that's interesting I'm going to say and you tell me if I'm right or wrong so the more money you made the more the better you did the more money you made they wanted part of it is that more about the sponsorship on the car okay got it so um yeah no that was back in those days I had like Motorola um Argent big ones Meyer one America um I had a bunch of them I mean I think our primary was like a $7 million Primary in indie car which was a big primary so yes and I and I made I think it was 40% above 9 million so and I knew Argent was a big one because Argent came from came from Ray Hall and so when when Argent and Meyer came from Ray Hall I didn't get paid at the end of that contract either because they're like you stole the sponsors and so I not only didn't get paid I had to pay I had to also pay the team some money so I like heavily paid for those sponsors to be able to be on the car and then they still cheated me out of money because first of all those sponsors were there because of you but whatever yeah I mean even Argent wrote a wrote a like letter saying the only reason why we went to this team was because of danah but they put the sticker on other cars and then they stood up there on the stand and said like oh they were very fascinated with jario and Ashley Jud and they wanted to it's like they were just so full of yeah oh I love that yes that sounds like right there yes uh and you got to call it out sometimes when it's so ridiculous like things in the world today sometimes you got to go look stop this is not wrestling okay if I was drunk I'd believe it more but I'm not drunk so I get that all right back back to NASCAR you caught that right I'm not gonna play along okay um back to NASCAR now I want to ask a rough question but I think it's okay because it it's what I would say you you came from Indie Car which for better term is wine and cheese uh you know and we love wine and we love cheese but more sophistication uh people are very clean shaven then you come to NASCAR um now you're dealing with this hey girl get on over here what did you feel any of that now this is a fun question but a little rough around the edges when you came from indicard and you came to NASCAR Was Nascar kind of rednecky or or was yeah of course like I remember doing seat fittings um Tony with Tony yuie Jr and and I was he's like something about you know where do you want to go to lunch and I was like oh I think there's a Panera and he called it Pandera he couldn't Panera's like good food you know it's there's no grease um and you know you go into the holler and gak would be on Great American country you'd be watching like shows about hunting in the morning because that's what they play before music videos and uh and you know there'd be hot dogs on a roll wheel outside and and some foods out on the you know it was definitely a little bit more casual and it and that's put that's putting it nicely this reminds me of when I watch Saturday Night Live and and Jeff Gordon it's like okay that was the day I don't know if you watched it but that's the day when we knew what the world thought about NASCAR at that time had all the Rednecks you know it was U yeah but I mean it it's it's just country and like you said the hot dogs outside the holler you know you grab you one and finger food you got dirt on your finger you grab the food you eat it and you do it again in and yeah that's fun the only time I do that's at Burning Man now you know everything's covered in dirt there okay so it it's here it it's at the very bottom burning man wow I think I want to go that looks like a Kenny Wallace trip 100% I think that you would have a blast I think you would be like the energy would transfer through you and you just like you'd add to the vibe too yeah I think I'd run around naked is what I would say you very much you wanted to the first day I'll tell the I went two the last two years and the first year when I went it was like the second day I was there and I it was quite a white out it was very like windy because it's in the Salt Flats so the wind kicks up and it's just a white out so people have goggles that's a big reason why you have goggles there and so I put the goggles on got on my bike everybody rides a bike everywhere because it's very spread out it's a and there's 880,000 people there so it's huge and I get riding on my bike and I turn around the corner and I'm like heading in into like the thick of things and here comes at me a naked parade and it is 98% men and a lot of penises yeah a lot of them I was like wow they're all so different say mindblowing what I was gonna say did any stand out oh yeah oh yeah definitely definitely things oh my god I think I'm read definite variety oh my gosh that's awesome so you'd be fine and actually not only that but the very first day when I got there it was like probably seven or eight o'clock at night just like rolling in and there was a dude buck naked with a backpack on like walking around inside of our camp and I was like okay that's how we're doing it here what so I was gonna ask you about Bernie man at the end but you brought it up what is Burning Man what is it what does it represent how did it come about it was like it started about 30 or so years ago and um they had I think I don't know exactly the history but it's it's like there was they they built this sort of like man essentially and they just have a bonfire and burn it and it just like kind of like and then it ended up moving locations for more space and it just became this like cultural um like different reality for a week where people ENT are it's interesting it it seems like there's a it's a place with no rules but it's in fact the rules that make it so free and there are 10 very very strict rules there um but they're all things about like inclusiveness and non-judgment and cleaning up after yourself and like leave no trace and all kinds of all kinds of very like respectful rules and um and so people follow the rules very well and so it's because of those rules that everyone is so free to be themselves free free spirit okay so back to back to NASCAR um when you came to NASCAR and listen I'm not going to exaggerate uh the world stopped it it was like wow I mean the view the ratings it was it was big it was it was bigger than big when you came to NASCAR did you feel that did you feel that all eyes were on you um a little I think maybe in my Nationwide days it was a little bit just I remember I was doing so poorly like I feel like it was I finished like 20th and they still wanted to talk to me after the race and I remember like running away like I like how can you possibly want to talk to me I just did so poorly um and then the next week was Phoenix and I think I had another bad day and I realized after that one because it was also like the home Go Daddy race that I was I was like wow I better like keep my together because this is not helping me in any way and I better clean the like clear the energy from the weekend before before the next one so that it just doesn't continue to like Spiral in the wrong direction um so I just remember like the fact that I was getting attention for that kind of stuff was like I but I also thought well it's because I'm new and I'm just starting and they're trying to talk to me about what it's like to now be in NASCAR but um but I I was always so fortunate in my career I always generally had a lot of attention so I it didn't feel like Leaps and Bounds different but it was um it was more you you you knew what you were doing you knew how to handle it you knew how to breathe I get it had to learn how to breathe yeah right right more I'm gonna this is an audible this means I was not going to ask this question but listening to you uh now I know you're with Sky Sports right now you're doing some formula one but Denny Hamlin I've watched you chew his ass out which was awesome it was just good good for you because you were standing your ground too it was just you know a guy two guys fighting except you were a girl and you're chewing his ass out so now when you see Denny Hamlin U I know you're not oblivious Denny Hamlin has said okay I like this I'm a bad guy now and I like it I'm going to talk a bunch of crap and now he's winning more he just won Bristol he just won when you he's really being himself okay go ahead you're awesome take it tell me about what you think Danny Hamlin's doing right now oh I think he's a total ass on the track like total like he's pissed off so many people not as many as like Joey lagano let's say but um hold on who's worse Danny or Joey yeah but good question they they both have some enemies but I think Joey has more um but you know uh and I had issues with both of them um uh also don't like Truex so I was not too disappointed to see what happened what did what did uh so I wasn't gonna go there uh what did TRX do that pissed you off so bad you know I just thought he was like I just end up feeling like on track he was just such a dick when he didn't need be he would just like drive way too close when he was lapping me like and like get me loose it's just stupid stuff like that where you just seem very disrespectful and unnecessarily aggressive um and then I never liked the way that I never liked the relationship with you know that that uh that he had like I always thought that he just could have done a better job um with Sherry so you know I know I caught a lot of fla for that not long ago but yeah but you're still a badass you know there there listen can't for me you can't separate the two like you can't separate you know the person on track from the person off track you know they they're all they're all you you know like for Joey I I actually got along with Joey off track just fine but on track he was just such a pain in the ass and and and so I can't I can't say oh you're a nice guy but then this is no you're not like you can't be a dick in one place and expect me to not think you're somewhat of a dick right so I No No Yeah well yeah but now now so these are all the questions I wanted to ask you but I wanted to show you respect and now I like you even more say it also like I don't have to like I don't see everyone every weekend you know I don't have to worry about this is my truth this is my experience this is also some of my opinions and everybody's gonna have different opinions you know I saw after the race you know uh Kyle arson who I love so much and is such a good friend and he was like you know you know Martin's like probably the most respected guy in the garage and it's like okay that's their experience I'm not saying that's wrong you can't say mine's wrong either yeah this is awesome because these are things I wrote down I went NOP don't write that down but I know how it feels because when I interview people I'm like there's certain things that you like kind of want to ask about but you don't want to be S you don't want to appear as though you're like setting someone up to be controversial but um but that's no it's all right I'm going there with you K Kenny conversation is about a celebration of the person not to throw at the wall yeah I know but but you know um that was really a big moment when you said I'm not a big fan of Martin Truex the way he treated Sherry at the end of her life uh you you felt you felt strong tell me bad stories and you know want to know what everyone texted me and said you said what we wanted to say that's that's big that's big I'm not would name a single name in my whole life but I want to say is that plenty of people were like go go girl you got more balls than I do right and you do um are you a tomboy no no you're all girl only a tomboy in the sense that I'm super like competitive aggressive um like the other day I'm playing golf and like I hit a shot out of the sand a 100 yards onto the green and like I just like got out of the sand pit and walked and threw the put the club back in and they're like smile they're like Tiger Woods would have been happy with that shot yeah and it's just like this disease of discontentment when competing that probably comes off as being a a masculine or tomboy but I'm not a tomboy like no no no no no I'm like girly girlly outside of the car like I'm the one that's you know like I'll wear like cute pajamas even you know match them you know or you know I'm one of those girls that you know like I don't do anything not ladylike in front of guys you know this is awesome other than try and kick their ass but only for the sake of being successful yes that's why I say when we win we win then all of a sudden it's oh I got to win again because that would you know that's only one now I got to have two yeah comp Father John you keep hearing me say that every once a while Father John said Kenny what are you GNA do I said I'll be a race car driver he said be careful Kenny competition will kill you and boy that was early in my life to this day that still sticks in my head because uh you know I often think about back in the Roman Chariot days and how barbaric they were and you know they just chop each other heads off you know to rule the world and yeah yeah so back to Denny uh Ben so you're saying right now Denny playing the bad guy is appropriate well look like you know anybody on the inside I feel like a lot of people that are going to listen and know the sport pretty well and know the personalities pretty well and Denny's one of the most seasoned that's been in the series for a long time and you know Denny Denny can be a Denny can be a handful off track you know like that's been exposed in different situations like I'm so happy to see him happy now and engaged to Jordan and the family and everything but like he isn't the most perfect human being and I would think he'd admit that um and on track he can I think he I think he's more fair than a lot but um but and I've always actually had a pretty decent time on track with him other than these moments where it just feels like he you know just pushes too hard you know and doesn't leave room for air and uh and so I think that I don't think he's he's not as bad as some but he's definitely I mean he's aggressive he's aggressive I think he waits for his moment a little later I don't think he's the kind of driver that's like he's not doing it from the beginning just to do it I think he he does wait a little bit he's a little bit more of the end of the race for a reason kind of guy but but he'll he'll lay a fender so he's he's trategic is what you're saying I think so yeah yeah I can't totally Debbie down his entire like strategy but yeah you know my very aggressive experience with him at Daytona felt a little out of place which is why I was so mad yeah because uh he took me out in practice like he so close to me spun me like on basically on the end of the back straightaway in practice and you know that kind of stuff was totally unnecessary I um I've had a conversation with Haley Degan uh last year and then about a month ago I I talked to Haley's dad Brian and uh what an incredible man you know uh he basically created the X Games and he he said to me kind of like you did early in this conversation he says why did why do you think Haley's having such a tough time and I I never said she was having a tough time I was just marveling at her doing what she's doing and I immediately answered him with no pause I said she's a girl there's a lot of male shinness out there she's been wrecked way more than she's wrecked anybody yeah so with that I want you to comment on what I told Brian do you feel like and listen I'm talking about you and her it's collectively I feel like you were hit in the left like I'd be watching a race I'm like oh my God they just wrecked her I mean I me this happened back in my Nationwide days like going down the back straight away at Fontana and the car just they this is me and they just went turn me into the wall so Brian asked a great question Brian Degan he said it wasn't my place but I almost went to NASCAR and said why aren't you doing anything about this so we would clearly see uh a guy wreck you or a Haley and and there was nothing said about I mean numerous of times did talk I love when people comment on me on social media and they're like oh all she did was wreck it's like well number one I actually had the longest streak of running at the finish uh in Indie Car his like I I don't remember where it ended up but it was something like maybe 50 or so um in a row where I was under my own power at the checkered flag that was a record I don't know if it still stands I have no idea but like I didn't crash in Indie Car very often in NASCAR I crashed a lot more because I got crashed a lot more I agree with that crashed more but I also was collected and crashes more because there's just a lot more crashing you know especially super Speedways and stuff like that like and the crashes because everyone's running closer in Indie Car you can't run that close it's just you can't and in stock cars you can so when one spins it collects six really easily so a lot of times there's just nowhere to go so you know there's generally just a lot more crashing in NASCAR more than anything I I I I do think people were I don't think yeah I don't think people want to be beat by a girl and you know why because I didn't want to get beat by a girl yeah I absolutely know how it feels because I didn't see myself that way so I I like saw myself as like a winner and like a guy and really competitive and really good and I didn't want to get beat by a girl I I know call me like a hypocrite or chauvinistic or whatever like uh but I I didn't want to get beat by a girls so I know how they feel because you are the girl you're you're you know Madonna said I'm a badass I'm number one and and I understood because I grew up in that environment you know where look we're the best there's nobody better than me stop stop challenging me so you are danap Patrick you are the leader of the pack uh and how dare another girl try to challenge me yeah and I think that I I don't know why I guess I I think because no girl was ever really very competitive against me so I just had the idea that I was the one like it was I don't know like I because what you just said is the way all Racers think I'm the greatest why you racing me I knew I was I know I'm not the greatest I know that like that's very I'm not I'm honest about that but I felt like I was by far the best girl and so well you were and mostly because I just never really raced against them a little bit in go-karting but I I I just always won and always beat them and so or it wasn't even close and so I guess anytime there was a moment where I felt like where someone or a girl was passing me or beating me in a scenario it just felt like so uh it was so rare that it made me think like holy crap what's going on okay that's how they feel all the time because I was competitive a lot man you're you're good at what you do because you've led me right into it uh I want to say this okay because I can ask this question a hundred different ways 100 guys show up at a racetrack and you find one that is the best you can't even get 100 girls yeah this is what I this this liter did you did you is this your example or do you are you are you saying my example it's your example I'm taking your word okay so you you created a firestorm uh stupid I mean you're you're right they're dumb uh you said it's uh you said racing is not normal for the feminine mind I understood what you said yeah then all the Formula One people in my opinion yeah it was F1 people they attacked you how how dare she say a woman cannot be a man now listen my wife Kim she doesn't want to be a guy she doesn't want to race I I understood what you said yeah so talk to me about that fir stor thank you and thanks for defending me you always and you defend me a lot I don't think that you do it just because you're gonna defend me no matter what I think you're willing to say it you know and I appreciate that and I hope that you know if I'm ever feel free to call that out too um but what I meant was that I remember talking to my I was like with a bunch of girlfriends and I described like aggression and like how I feel even just on the regular road if a car tries to let push their way in or do anything on the regular Road like I go into like crazy aggressive oh hell no that's not happening and I'll I'll make a spot where there wasn't a spot because they were being a jerk just to like make a point and Care zero for the fenders of my car whatsoever like and I'm just on the regular road yeah so I'm you know my line is I'm like they always lift you know like they don't want to crash um and so this is like all my friends I was kind of explaining this Dynamic and uh they're like uh yeah we don't think like that like like they're all like yeah we no that's not normal like to think in that level of aggression of like stealing that spot or pushing your way in or you know whatever that thing is that has to you have to do to make a point um so it was through that and a couple other scenarios where I was like it's just like the way my mind works is not a natural way for a woman's mind to work who is normally normally it's more caretaking neurotic like careful like not wanting confrontation not wanting um not not wanting to be aggressive and almost even not wanting to be competitive like I have some friends that a couple of friends where there's just like not a competitive bone in their body they don't they don't want to be in that SC they don't want to like they do yoga because it's just like non-competitive you know and and so they just they don't even like like competition and I think competition is such a masculine thing I think guys love to compete at everything and generally speaking and these are all generalities there's always Fringe in everything but it's more is like I'm a fringe right like I'm not saying it's not possible a girl can't think like this and do this but what's interesting is along the way every now and again I'll hear from someone they're like have you heard of this girl I'm like no and they're like she's got that thing like she's got that thing like you do she's like really you know it's identifiable when someone is different and when they're like they're they have that level of confidence and aggression that it takes to like really believe that they can do it it um and I just think it's less less of a less of a female brain and more of a male brain yeah yeah and and I I agree with that uh 100% because you know I really I heard about it I was in the middle of my Race season last year and uh when I studied into it more what really drove it home for me is is you saying look racing world is full of guys and it take it takes 100 guys to line up and like oh there's there's k Carson he's the one now there's 99 guys that don't make it m and girls I mean it's like oh my God there's a girl so you have less chances to find the one and that's what you were saying uh yes I get it okay good stuff um we're coming to the point where I want to highlight everything you're doing right now just kind of a quick synopsis that's a that's a fancy word uh I think yeah look at me go okay so um you are what I call worldly uh you don't say in one spot you're you're everywhere all around the world I mean I'm excited that I'm going to Italy in January we're gonna seek out all the that's gonna be so racing yeah I'm jacked up about that okay so I got about five of them and we we won't be long-winded on all of them uh okay the pretty intense podcast um it it's a pretty big deal uh you put a lot of effort into it how did that start because you're Vigilant you do it uh you interview the mo the people I've never heard of in my life tell me about pretty intense podcast um well this kind of came about in 2019 I retired in 18 and it was like beginning in 19 and um podcasts were really really hitting at that point just to really get rolling and um the idea came up for it and it was like you just have to ask questions and I was like oh I always have questions I have so many questions and so I was like I can do that um so that was it that was the start of it and I just you know we just we had I have quite a variety of people but it all ends up boiling down to being stuff about like health and wellness so whether it's about mental health physical health spiritual health um you know or knowledge which is power it's all about it's all about that stuff yeah it's good stuff um your Winery somnium uh Danica you you have your you have a wine uh Danica Ros Sam's mine and Danica Ros is mine okay I didn't know that thank you um that's awesome uh man my brother Rusty he will drink some wine uh like chardonay just white he loves it tell me about the wine life it I guess it's got to be relaxing out there it looks beautiful I mean I just fell in love with it I went to Napa Valley in 2006 and was standing on this top of the prop top of this beautiful property and at 10 a at 10: a.m. with a glass of white wine and just swirling it thinking man it would be so cool to have something like this someday and then a little over two years later I bought a property and started the process so that became somnium and um we finally started selling my 2014 vintage in 2017 because it was a piece of land that was just dirt so it had to start from nothing um and then in 2020 I got involved with a uh three other people um to create uh Ros from France from pance where Ros really is like it's like the home of Ros and um and so that got going but the the partners that were involved it wasn't me who NE necessarily started that I kind of got brought in late and then it ended up being my name because it was best for advertising anyway the group kind of like go they added another wine with somebody else and they then they started a company with that and then eight months after that they went public with it which meant they weren't selling my wine so they sold me the company for a dollar so they were nice well they goddamn should have been because because I put in a lot of effort for a couple of years and they didn't do what they said they were gonna do so um so I took over Dan Ros and it's now inhouse and so um I'm pretty excited that's one of those that could like that could be as big as as big as anything um we just have to find the right distrib distributor um distribution point and um but it's a great wine both they're all great wines I find and I started it because I just like drinking it people always like why did you start a wine company I'm like because I like drinking it yeah honest uh I've been out to uh you know obviously we've raced it at Sears Point whatever you want to call it a lot of different names for racetracks sometimes when sponsors come in but you know gone to somoma uh you know and had a dinner in the cave with the one light bulb that that the whole wine industry is kind of a Vibe don't you think it's so peaceful and it's like connecting and I feel like it's like getting back to Nature a little bit more you're talking about farming you're talking about weather um and it's a very like Hands-On intricate process you know there's ways to do it hands-off with bulk wine and big big big block wine situations but for the most part a lot of it's very very Hands-On very um it's like it takes a lot of love and a lot of attention um so um that's the kind of wine I make yeah and I just want to say one more thing about it I just find it absolutely amazing intriguing when you see a wine that has been in a barrel for years and now we're going to drink it I'm like oh my gosh kind funny actually it is kind of ironic oh it's unbelievable it's it's like opening up a time capsule that's the way my my brain thinks you know um okay let me see one two three three more to go here uh sky sports TV I see you on the grid for the Formula 1 races um tell me about going what's it like working for uh TV because I did it for 15 ever uh but you know Dan I just want to say this this is that audible that I talk about sometimes doing this is therapy for me too the whole time I did TV yeah right the whole time I did TV it's like I didn't want to do it because I'm a there's always this joke in the TV compound people would say hey Kenny you're really good at TV I'm like damn it I'm a race car driver I don't want to be good at TV and that was kind of a devil's curse for me I ended up quitting just because I hated the commercial airport I hated being in the hotel room by myself long weekends it's longer weekends when you're doing television than a driver hate it and I and I literally quit I mean just quit making good money now I see you doing it uh and I don't expect you to go where I just went I just wanted to tell you my truth it was good for me yeah you're very good at TV it was always fun to watch you so what is it like doing Formula 1 TV though I mean do you gotta you got to walk the line or can you be you I mean I watch you I mean more than anything at first I just didn't know that much like I mean I just I'm not the kind of driver that like follows everything that's going on even when I'm in it yeah I don't know every crew chief's name and everything about the car and you know I know about being a driver for sure and I'm happy to share opinions that's not something I'm afraid of um but uh but so I just really like had to learn the sport so now I actually really enjoy it I really enjoy watching it even um a little bit of is it to is to keep up with it of course because um starting in May will be Miami and then I'm doing seven races again this year so um I need to be up on everything but I also find it really nice because there's only like 20 cars and yeah right kind of get a you can kind of get the gist of like everybody's race but you know in NASCAR it's like you know you had a tough job to keep track of not just like 40 cars in one series but keeping track of what everybody's doing everywhere and there's just so many things going on so um I feel like uh I feel like it's um it's fun but it is way it is way more work way more time consuming because the drivers are there you're there surrounding everything the driver is doing so the driver just shows up for this practice the qualifying the race and I mean they have a little bit more to do than that of course but but for television you're there like hours before they're on track and you're there for a couple hours off after track after they're off track and so and then you know you're not the like sleeping Arrangements isn't the same as just like go to your bus in the compound in F1 you're going to a hotel so you get on the team bus and it might take an hour in traffic to get back to the hotel and you know you get back on the bus at 8 o'clock in the morning the next day to do it again so it's um they're really long days but um but I do like them it is fun it is interesting and um and I'm like I like it more all the time because I'm I'm I feel like I really know what's going on now I created a far storm about two weeks ago and and I want you to help me because uh I said max vers Sten he comes by me and about 10 seconds later another car comes by and then about 4 seconds later another car comes by and at Surfers Paradise it was packed standing room only every time a Formula One car came by every so are we talking about the race in Australia that they just had yeah okay okay but okay so what I'm saying is in Formula One they don't race very much there's not a lot of battling in my mind okay now over here's NASCAR they're beating the hell out of each other they're side by side yeah but but formula one is way more exciting in this world view what what do what do I got wrong what what don't I know um I mean I think that a little bit of it is um it's very glamorous you know you drive for Ferrari you know like I think there's some glamour element to it um I think that it's I think there's something to be said about the races being over with in under two hours I think that I think it's easy to keep like I can sit down and watch the whole race and not feel like I just lost half the day right you know I think personally NASCAR races are way too long I I can understand if there's some that are long but like man it's so hard to sit there for four or five hours and want like you you know there's pre-race and man it's like but you're there for three to four hours for sure for the race and it's like that's a lot of commitment and a lot of attention span so I think there's some benefit in it being shorter races um they're almost a little like I know they have you know their sprint races but even the races are almost like sprint races when they're trying to decide like you know one two stops may you know how are they going to strategize it it's like you're going so hard the it's it's not even common to have cautions in F1 so there's also a lot of um explanation of strategy of where the cars are going to end up bases like based on like undercut overcut um so it's I think they kind of cram it all into uh to it I think the cars are sexy they sound good um they uh you know they look cool running you know they look good on track they um yeah I think I think glamour I think shorter races I think I also think there's some good personalities you know I think they're in a really good phase with their drivers driver lineup in in Formula One and we see this in all SE all sports um sometimes there's just a wave of personalities in a sport that lifted up and I think f1's in that phase right now I think drive to survive played a big role um in not only understanding more about racing but also understanding more about the drivers and and CH choosing someone to cheer for um I mean shoot there was people like people cheer for like team principles now right like they like do they do that they don't really do that in any other racing I feel like because you don't really know them that well so um so I think there's quite a few reasons why it's popular um and it's Global you know it's a lot of different a lot of different people with their eyes on it I really am intrigued by it and I really want to go uh if I am to go to a Formula 1 race uh and I don't care how difficult it is to get there do you have any idea what is the one that everybody brags on what is the one I should go to have you heard um I can only speak to the ones that I've been to um but the one I would say that sticks out the most that I think would be cool I mean Singapore is pretty cool I like that was a fun one last year um and then I think Austin's a great one I mean you can go around and see a lot of the track um the racing can be pretty good there um great turn one um you know you're Texas so you know Town's a little ways away but it's uh you know great Foods so it's like a great it's a great weekend um so I think Texas is a pretty good one too Austin yeah so again I can always speak I'm this year I'm adding on uh Barcelona and Abu Dhabi at the end of the year so I'm gonna Abu Dhabi man they got some good lighting there that baby I love okay this is the end we got one more question and no better way to end it with my favorite subject that we're going to talk very minimal about but I'm going there geez you went on the Tucker Carlson show oh yeah and you said you said I'm gonna quote you you said and just like that I'm into politics yeah so I love politics but it's it's um it's taboo for me now because it drove me absolutely insane I would go to sleep at night I couldn't sleep so Kenny and myself had to look in the mirror and I'm not out of it I just don't comment on anymore I'm excited you were talking about it but what was it like to go on the Tucker Carlson show you went on there that was awesome uh yeah it hasn't come out um but I went at the very beginning of the year I went with my sister to a turning point event called amfest in Phoenix and that was in December and um I posted about it yeah and it of course looked like a meat Trump rally because it's all red white and blue and you know like that's just what it looks like so everybody just kind of seemed to think I was losing my mind or some kind of radical and it's like when did saying I love my country become radical and so uh so it kind of fired up and I feel like uh you know so that's amfest and Tucker was was um one of the guys that spoke at aest and so I've been connected with him uh and I was supposed to do his show back when he was still at Fox and then it was scheduled last year and then something came up I was supposed to do it maybe in Maine where he has a house that didn't work out it got ended up getting canceled so when I met him and his people it was like oh you know he he was even better in person like he's even better in person and uh so after that the team was like oh my God that was so great we got to get you on the show and I said this you know sooner the better like as the year goes on I get more busy and um so this was that like late December and then I was doing the show January 3rd so I flew out on the second and did his show on the third so um so it was a quick turnaround and they're like ah we love you we got to get him on your show too so um so I've got that somewhere in my back pocket at some point in time hopefully um but he was just great like he's just he's just great and he's a he has this like childlike wonderment in interviews you know it's like he's like got this like really you know like really like yeah like he gets really into it you know he's like surprised and he has like this genuine like you know refreshing sort of you know there's no like oh I knew that or jadedness or judgment it's just kind of like curiosity it's like this wonderment of a human and um and I think that's what makes him a great interview and he also really does a good job of continuing to ask questions to understand he'll be like oh I don't get it what do you mean you know and he really makes you kind of peel away until he gets it which is probably pretty good for everybody else getting it too so uh so yeah so he's he's he's a really cool guy I felt very cool when I got his cell phone number I was like oh my god oh no that yeah well I like him a lot uh so I had to back out of it because I was going crazy because I anyway I won't go there but but I got to say this when I was on social media about politics it was a war and and I would engage in it because sometimes I like to fight uh and I think everybody does but darl walri said something to me I'll never forget because he you know he's a little older to me he's a little wiser he says um when you get into politics you know you're going to lose half your friends um what do you think about him saying have my followers too you never know I definitely when I post about politics stuff it you see some drop in that but then you get some back because you know that's how it works yeah and so I'd say the same thing works with friends good good point you know you drop some friends but you're gonna pick some up too because you're gonna find more of your people and those are going to be it's gonna make you happier anyway and and that goes back to the start of our talk about an hour ago I want to be as surrounded with people that lift me up make me happy so yeah Danica listen um I got to tell everybody this right now we are in podcast form too uh so you can listen to Danica on the way to work and this is a long one and on your way back home and then on your way back to work and then on your way back home we are the Kenny Wallace show we're on iTunes we're on Spotify and uh d Patrick thank you so much I really appreciate excited for this Kenny I love you so much you're the best I I think that your your spirit is one of those needed spirits in the world you damn right right Hey listen uh a lot of people uh that I admire my family grabbed my phone behind my back went to Danica Patrick Ric Flair Jeff Gordon and you wished me a happy birthday and it was on my video my birthday video I turned 60 last year so I see you now thank you for my uh birthday video uh that that was pretty cool Danica all right everybody listen uh we got more in the pipeline Kyle Bush is coming up next until next time uh the Kenny Wallace Kenny conversation just keeps on roll it uh thank you all very much and see you later Danica bye Kenny
Channel: Kenny Wallace
Views: 122,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nascar, racing, Indycar, Danica Patrick, Kenny Wallace
Id: a_rSaYs7pWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 25sec (5425 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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