Junior Doctors Fighting To Save Dangerously Ill Patients | Casualty 24/7

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in the heart of yorshire our health service is hard at work f a dedicated team working around the clock in casualty there's 29 patients in the department we're 4 hour waight we are soldering on she's got a fe bre and burs in his face they're with us for our most vulnerable moments yeah I've managed to reserve as the honeymoon suite oh love stings isn't it facing life and death let me do this trauma and tears they might need to put you in medical Inu coma supporting each other through the toughest shifts it's being horrific want me to ring security to come and assist this is Bary casualty [Music] 24/7 on shift [Music] tonight sister Jane Hawksworth there's not everybody who would put up with my good self Tel you mean that's true consultant Dr D Hughes so when you were up the ladder when they say 10 ft was it your feet that would about 10 ft off the ground or your head sister Bonita way keep going yeah did y and regist our doctor Nick Manny your breathing is going to get worse and you can die from it so get ready to share a shift with Barnsley casualty you'll win that at the sports day won't you the hopping [Music] R around 250 patients go through through bsy casualties doors every 24 [Music] hours a busy night shift has left the new team clocking on with an overflow of patience and a shortage of beds the next one then is reource the next one's reource Nick's in there darling and I'm just getting this one ready sister Jane is my managing the Hub coordinating who goes home and who's admitted to one of barnesy Hospital's 350 beds it's just really busy at the minute because there's no beds in the hospital so we've got a lot of patients that are just waiting for beds morning morning how are you oh you know I'm here trying to wander through all this yeah I've been seen to L I'm just waiting for for a a bed on award so this has been this has been in bed since 10:00 last night yeah just no beds but then just the 6-hour doctor way there's already a bed shortage but things are getting tougher for the casualty team as ambulances continue to [Music] arrive a 67y old man has been rushed into Reus as he's struggling for breath good morning good morning I'm Nick man one of the this here okay right I'm sorry to hear that youve been on well what's the main problem sir my breathing okay by a Dage only I know I get back so that's reason I can't take as much out to the AG of my life and have you ever had a tube down you've been put to sleep and had the tube down because your breathing is been really bad now Paul has been hospitalized many times before due to an incurable lung disease this limits the life-saving treatments Dr Manny can give him Paul can I ask you has has anybody discussed with you if your heart or breathing or both stop at any point has anybody discussed with you what we can offer as as a as a team it doesn't mean that we're not going to actively treat you just now it just means that if that that situation arises the chances of us then to do any heroics and get you back is very very very small even if in a in in a in a very tiny chance that we get you back uh you you will end up with quite a lot of complications but we will do everything we can just now to try to turn you around all right I don't like to beat around the bush and the situations where you have to be brutally honest with somebody you have to put that patient interest first because at the end of the day if you don't do anything then they can they can die in The Hub sister Bonita is starting a shift hello Barnsley H yeah May How old uh chest pain yeah another critical patient is being rushed into [Music] recess 72-year-old Russell has severe chest pains Dr Manny now has two seriously ill patients to treat Russell takes priority as he could be having a heart attack right sir with the chest pain did you get uh were you sick did you feel sick no were you sweaty yeah you were sweaty yeah okay let's have a lesson whilst we're booking you in so that we can get you some treatments okay bre in and out please Russell so Russell I think this this is most likely to come in from your heart okay you you might be having a either a mini heart attack or a full-on heart attack all right yeah we will make you comfortable as best as possible just to make sure we haven't developed any newo thorax okay but I'm just going to have a listen to your heart and lungs if that's all right sorry we hadn't forgotten about you was just that we need to we need to [Music] jugle while Dr Manny is with Paul sister Bonita needs to stabilize his other patient Russell [Music] just thought this man's not well at all and with a chest pain he has potential to arrest um and that means for his heart to [Music] stop have you ever had the tight fitting mask very tight fitting mask you when was that you're the we did you you knew the tight fitting mask did you really tight fitting yeah all right all right I don't want one no you don't want one can't imagine the the pain that somebody's having when they have a heart attack just I it doesn't bear thinking about really okay chill [Music] bye if you can please attach the pad as well the need okay thanks and he needs to have these [Music] treatments the defib pads went on Purely out of just worry and concern and for in case that gentleman's heart stopped um for us to be able to act quickly but um yeah they go on when we're worried okay in recess Dr Manny and sister Bonita are under pressure they've been treating two dangerously ill patients Russell has been given blood thinning drugs to stabilize him and morphine to ease his pain I think Russell is having a heart attack all right and um most likely he's going to be sent to Sheffield to have a um need what we call angiography they go from his wrist or is growing to look at his heart vessels okay in the neighboring Bay Dr Manny needs to stop Paul going into respiratory failure so he must get more oxygen in his lungs as a matter of urgency okay so what we're going to do is we're going to try again just to put you on the ti fitting mask all right thanks for that cheers beg your pardon I don't want to go you don't want to go on it definitely because because the trouble is uh Paul it's fine if you don't want to but the trouble is that if you don't want uh if we don't put you on that the most likely outcome is that your your breathing is going to get worse and you can die from it I'm afraid yeah so yeah oh okay so I'm sorry about that we just need to be honest with you about things okay so these patients are coming in and essentially feel like they're drowning they can't breathe properly um and then to make things slightly worse we put a big mask on them which has the massive benefits um a little bit down the line but essentially where they making them feel even more claustrophobic he would have died of resp spiritual failure I have to be honest it is not nice though to put that on and that would have been a consequence unfortunately that a few minutes later Russell is transferred to Sheffield's Northern General Hospital for Urgent specialist treatment I think what it comes down to is what's best for the patient and if that means uh somebody like Russell needs to be transferred to a specialist center as soon as possible then then be it uh because that's what's best for Russell after an emergency procedure to have a stent fitted Russell stayed in hospital for 2 weeks he's now recuperating back at home for Dr Manny with one patient discharge from Reus he now turns his full attention to Paul you're all right okay good do you feel better you do okay good within 2 hours Dr Manny and the team have saved the lives of two dangerously ill patients I know this is very blunt but it's a job and we have to do that job to make people better hopefully and save their life B with is are almost done all right right Paul's breathing has improved enough for him to be transferred to a Specialist Care ward he was discharged back home 3 days later right okay that's fine I mean if she was fit enough for a chair I'd say yes but I'm not going to get her off a Charlie with an NG tube in and a gown on so now back in the hub there's too many patients and not enough beds [Music] he's going up to the ward it is um but they've only got one room and I decided that because the foot is a bit unstable and Mr Khan's been down see him a couple of times and made sure that it's elevated correctly I'm sending him to the ward and then Trevor can go after that be managing the patient flow and deciding who needs a bed is Sister Jane Luke would you do me a massive favor just do me a safety round is that all right uh here you go sweetheart just because I don't know who anybody is and then we might just have to get them some um I started a teach came lovely thanks darling I'd like to think that my colleagues think that I'm Fair um and generally quite easy going with them you know I don't have to tell them their jobs they know their jobs and they all work really hard for me there's not one that won't you know pull the way or work hard and working for love not money is volunteer Jane Allen sweetart can you move this lady to cubicle for us please excellent thank you very very much usually when it's when it's a busy day when I when I come on to shift so to speak you can tell there's all AB B there my you I think the trolley in the corridors probably give it away as well one day while we do us very best and try and maintain as much as we can with with patients uh it is difficult sometimes uh when it's [Music] busy blankets are low beds sheets are low uh gowns things like that I I'd love to know it pillars gutter I really would love to know it because I get loads and loads and then they disappear it's like Paul Daniels you know magic quick like Formula One hi yes see got 66 year old female exacerbation of COPD and what are robs like and how far away you that sound all right my lovely see you soon bye byebye bye paramedics are on their way with another patient struggling to breathe oh hello 66y old de's condition is critical so she's taken straight to recus hello lovely coffee now no I even had a drink so us that to Los deina is a regular visitor to casualty as she suffers with a chronic lung disease leaving her vulnerable to attacks of extreme breathlessness I'm Bonita sweetheart one of the nurses right I'm Bonita let's get you hooked up all right are you on oxygen at home no at all no for a patient that's struggling to breathe actually must be absolutely terrifying you have to act really quickly in those situations right I'll take these Bloods off yeah I get a doctor to come and have a look at you I suspect they'll probably do an xray of your chest all right see what's going off in there you sure I don't need any painkillers all right has anyone come with you uh somebody's coming oh coming I don't know if it's my daughter or my granddaughter okay do you feel like your breathing's any better after those nebulizers yeah but it's coming back it's coming back I'll give you another all right sister Bonita needs to stabilize deina and bring her oxygen levels back to normal all right it's a bit noisy for 5 minutes or so [Music] beds are also scarce in the casualties pediatric department with a tough shift ahead sister Jemma Ray is trying to keep the energy levels up he fishing chip if not be fishing chick what you gotand you've got beef sandwi all right I'll try something else a to me is chaos but it's also home um I just love working in a fishing ships what's that me I can see a paper cut to a really really sick child it is an accident an emergency but it's not always an emergency that I see sister gemma's next patient is 7-year-old Emily yeah are you hopping all the way yeah come on then so I'm Gemma and this is Rebecca okay so what's happened I was rning and then I tripped over but I didn't like fall I just twisted my an okay so you've running in your tripped over was that today or was it yesterday yesterday yesterday I love a broken bone and seeing the break you know how bad that fracture is and putting it into plaster sort of fixing them I do like the orthopedic side super let's have a quick look then so can you feel me touching your toes yeah they're cold they're freezing you show me where it hurts is it around here where it's very swollen yeah all right have you put your foot flat to the floor yeah yeah or is it too painful it hurts it hurts okay no worries all right right we'll let you hop back into the playroom all right and we'll get you seen as soon as we can getting good at that you'll win that at the sports day won't you the hopping race physician associate Emma bunting is going to assess what further treatment Emily needs shall we go in the princess room you go in I'll got the lights up do you think we can put both off so I can compare them so I think we just need to x-ray it did you you want an x-ray yeah really yeah why I like going to hospitals I just like you like hospitals yeah I like going to them oh okay okay I'll be back in a minute and I'll take you around for an xray all [Music] right you're right you did it I know did you know you were going to do it on holiday back in the hub Junior Dr George K is back from a twoe holiday with his girlfriend and he has some exciting news to share congratulations mate and there was me thinking you just saved yourself for me you weren't doing it in Hawaii because you were coming back to barnesley for me well what can I say J it was really nice coming back actually and being able to tell everyone that we' got engaged um it kind of didn't feel real before we came back home cuz I proposed about halfway into the holiday which would have been really awkward had she said No George before you quickly rush back how did you do it did you get down on one knee had you phoned a dad and already asked for permission really so you got down on one knee whereabouts over Moonlight River Beast of a waterfall in a jungle really oh my God and my husband got divorced and the decree n came through and I said to him I've bought the wedding that's how I propos to Wi well done [Music] lovely the casualty team have a backlog of patients and a shortage of bets but there's no letter as another emergency patient is on the way emerance department yep how old 68y old male a 68-y old man is being rushed in after falling 10 ft from a ladder and injuring his head Dr Hughes is waiting for his arrival in recour here hello youngone my name is Dr Hughes we're going to look after you so we're going to get you up on this scop okay let's try three two one lovely you guys okay scoop away that would be lovely thank you shall we so you're talking to me all right you know where you are and what day it is do you know yeah so I'm just going to ask these your lovely paramedic crew to tell me about yeah what they've had so Mel is 68 old he fell from a ladder at approximately 10 ft height onto concrete floor about an hour and a half ago he's got about a 2 in un to the back of the right head and is so I don't want you to start moving around at all I'm just going to pump the bed up a little bit and while we're going to have a good look at you you know what day it is yeah sted what day is it tell me any particularly sore parts do you tell me little bit there Dr Hughes is assessing Michael to check for any signs of internal trauma deep breaths in and out through your mouth if you can so when you were up the ladder when you say 10 ft was it your feet that about 10 ft off the ground or your head how many rungs were you up do you remember was it to three or was it further a lot further so how are you for pain at the moment can't feel the out can't lift okay arm lift cover up keep your on get you scanned make sure everything's all right on the inside okay I just took my eye off him for one second he was down on the floor Michael is sent as a priority to the CT scanner the danger is he could have internal bleeding in his chest or [Music] brain sister Jane is only halfway through a challenging shift in barnsley's casualty there's a shortage of beds within the hospital and it's causing a backlog of patients in the department oh diyr Codine you just Tak them one okay just let us know that you take them because if we give you something else then unb known to us we could overdose you you'll leave this in your arm uh just in case you need any FL to put it up right yeah yeah just give me one minute love while I do this it's all right I'm just me Ed at the minute I can't do more than one thing it's just a shed [Music] in Reus Dr Hughes is with emergency patient Michael who injured his head falling 10 ft from a ladder his wife joyes with him as they wait for the results of a CT [Music] [Music] scan and the land it was against TR conrete post and it just slipped I fell down and it myed on the complete CL if that hadn't to be there that would have be okay when he fell he toet the cat when he were crying really [Music] loud cat are all M did when I get home those ladders are going to I'm getting rid of them yes see no more L this anyway the L she will go to get out of cleaning my windows Dr Hughes has the results of Michael's CT scan so the um x-ray specialist has reviewed your scans and says that there's wear and tear in your neck but nothing else so we can take this clubber off now and the so when you've got wear and tear in your neck anyway damage to the not damage from this fall just the wear and tear of the ears um better a bit of Freedom you can move around a bit and when you're up a little bit more then you can swallow tablets then we can give you painkillers we've got a bed sward we'll take you around um just let you rest a to get you home later right okay good okay see you in a bit Michael is transferred out of emergency recess freeing up a much needed [Music] [Music] bed back in Reus sister Bonita is still caring for 66y old deina who has admitted with breathing difficulties she's been given oxygen through a nebulizer hello hello let's take a seat I'm just going to get to this side while I beding a bit of traffic ground he you're a bit traffic yeah sure yeah davina's granddaughter Jenna phoned for a number ambulance when she realized her grand couldn't breathe it makes a huge difference for um a patient to have a loved one there a massive massive difference they're part of all the Care that that takes place they're the ones that can support and light and the mood we'll s you yeah turn that off for a minute these jams are a bit rubby ground I know I told you Grand in yeah was he aw you walk him up no she was asleep he went to work oh he say he says ier this he says she will fine this morning when I left how are you feeling at the minute okay all right you don't sound as noisy right messy morning worse than what she is day you always she always says [Music] that with davina's breathing under control sister bonit is called to the neighboring Bay to help 31-year-old Cheryl she's been rushed into casualty with heart palpitations which can be caused by stress but may be a sign of a serious heart condition do you feel like it's going quick have you ever blown into a tube before and had your legs swung up I'm not going to answer that I to come out comment it's that know shall right I'm going to get you to blow into a tube but if we we can avoid giving you medicines and do it this way it's probably a little bit better for you all right the team are using a special technique to try to regulate chery's heart rate keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going yeah did it [Music] yeah it's not [Music] working mention right a lot nicer than the medicines we're probably going to have to give her yeah which can make you feel a little bit lousy all right to avoid giving Cheryl medication with unpleasant side effects sister Bonita asks Junior Dr Dan Buick to try the technique again no I haven't left to like that done that I haven't now you can stop stop no I did tell her she could stop I'm doing all to get out you know my name is Dan one of the doctors um we're going to try something very similar we're just going to measure it exactly try be more bear with me two minutes so vagel Maneuvers um just a series of movements to um stimulate one of your nerves whose job it is to slow the heart rate down thought yours were better thanks yeah hav anything yet hold on I'll put you the good word in well they've just mocked me out there never mind I he's one of my go-to people I get on really well with Dan he's very knowledgeable um and but doesn't make you feel stupid if you ask questions is f honestly I'm going to gra 50 m syringe as well and it's just a bit easier to blow all right I'm sure it's still it's fine it's fine it's fine Daniel I want to know why I'm doing things so I Pro I probe for information all the time and they'll always explain to me but yeah we get we get on really well deep breath in and then you're blowing out the trick is to keep that breath going as long as you can so we'll start on let's start on 10 and I want you to Halt and just keep blowing hang on hang on hang on very cleen start with you yeah kind a red bu in there you know no I've said no and you're going to maintain it I want you to maintain it for like 30 seconds for a long time when you've done that as soon as you've stopped I'm going to drop the bed down and going lift your legs up you ready I'm allow to do it so yeah so deep good seal blow blow blow blow blow blow blow it's one of the favorite parts of my job it's something so simple that people come in feeling really unwell with the heart absolutely racing and without medicine getting them to blow on a syringe does the trip it's great keep going keep going keep going [Music] the maneuver itself looks hugely bizarre uh and for somebody that's kind of walking past they'll think what's going on but um it's effective it works how are you feeling now a lot better it did actually work and so your your heart is in a in a normal Rhythm okay still on the faster side it was going about 170 180 it's now going and it continues just triple down down work I know fine the main thing is the patient sorted out and you kind of have to get out of that bit of competitive this no I'm pleased it has because at least you have to have that medicine and um send you a bit bigger the bigger syringe worked f is really good fun to work with you know the the department is full of uh really fun people to work with and just having that um having that vter is is part of the the fun of the job with her heart stabilized Cheryl is now well enough to move out of emergency [Music] resource please she how so she volunteer Jane has been helping the team to get through the he IC shift now she's ready for a well-deserved break we've got to a certain point in his life may my mother sometimes me husband uh that we want to see things while we're here because life is not short but it's precious and you just don't know what's R cor I've been packed about a week and a half now cuz I kept weighing it and taking it out and weighing it and putting it in uh I'm going to um May my mother we're flying to India to to Kerala we're picking cruise ship up we're going to Mumbai and mang and go my mother's 86 and you don't I don't know how long I've got her for uh she don't know how long she's got me for I suppose but we just try and do things that we can and see things while we can and enjoy life while we can she wants to my mother wants to go on a Tuk Tok I don't know what but she's got this about a Tuk Tok it's just a glorify lawn more is it but she wants to go a Tuk Tok so Tuk Tok she will go basically wherever my mother says she wants to go we go you she's like julith Chalmer some steroids yeah she's a lot better than me at packing my mother fact I think I could get her a job as a as a you know professional Packer I like going to my husband and we have a great time but I must admit I like going over my mother as well I go to more exotic places with my mother my husband's not quite got the travel bug that I've got sun sets in Sania nice in Croatia beautiful in Croatia but I think croaa is probably better than Santorini for Sunset but but as my husband says once you see seen one Sunset you've seen them all the old [Music] romantic Dr Buick's next patient is 62y old Jillian whose nose has been bleeding for 9 hours Jillian my name is Dan I'm one of the doctors who have you got with you AE atie smashy yeah have you had it before never no okay can we get you first off to pinch it so I want you so I'm going to do it first I want pinch like that and it's a good solid hold like that I want you to do that for 15 minutes your arms going to feel tired at the end 15 15 and the key is you just need to hold it and avoid that temptation to look down when you've got a big nose I don't think that's a big nose in my professional opinion well done if Jillian's 9-hour nose bleed can't be stopped Dr Buick will have to find out if it's been caused by a more serious health problem yeah take a seat there I'll be with you shortly okay sister Jane is 8 hours into a 12-hour shift and the bed crisis has started to ease there's an asmatic in um resource and she's fast asleep as is the overdose of C she can come out yeah yeah sister Bonita's patient breathing has now improved davina's daughter and granddaughter are with her as they wait for a bed to become available on a ward do you feel a little bit better she looks better than she did when we got to her this [Music] morning now way you going anyway they don't know which room which room though I bet you finish screwing your face bet I swear I just thinking that N I bet you I said bed 16 I I actually f n in the than you said itane do you know what bed going to be in no they taking BS they're taking [Music] BS I think it's funny we come with you we're not going to leave you we're going to come up with you then we'll leave you for 10 minutes wonder if any [Music] makes all right love with a bed now free deina is transferred to the acute medical ward where she'll be monitored for the next 48 hours no so it was in mid National Park that was like it all jungly base for waterfall no one else around got down on one do it properly got to do it properly it's like the most romantic thing I've ever done I'm not a romantic at all is that yeah that's it that's it my one and only romantic thing my whole [Music] life in the pediatric department an x-ray has confirmed that 7-year-old Emily has fractured her ankle when you're at home you sat watching telly or anything sit with your foot right up like that and that'll take the swelling down okay she'll be in plaster for the next 6 weeks hello got some crutches for you okay before she can head home sister Gemma has to do one last thing so we mustn't race okay when we race we can hurt our face okay cuz when we fall we put our arms out don't we yeah when you've got your arms in here you can't stop yourself from falling okay so you move these two forward and a little hop and again and a little hop see you're a whz already look at that Emily's all set up for her recovery so it's time to go home [Music] in the hub Dr Buick is enlisting the help of the ear nose and throat team for his patient Jillian whose nose hasn't stopped bleeding for more than 9 hours just seen 62y old lady who's got epistaxis from her left nostril she's not on any anticoagulants or any antiplatelets it's been bleeding all day if there's any uh details from a specialty that I'm missing I can pick up the pick up the phone and ask for some advice or ask to come and see a patient so this is the in doctor put a little apron over you you this can sometimes sing a little [Music] bit stinging a little bit no I feel something L okay how you stop at any point you're going in well done well done done oh I'll give you tissue you can drop your nose slightly that exess cream what I've done is I've burnt off the vessel that is bleeding at the front Okay um just because it was bit easy as well what I've done is put that little pack in which promotes it helps stop bleeding and that'll just dissolve and put some cream on it as well if you don't have any bleeding for the next half an hour or so happy to let you go home oh I'll leave you [Music] case no problem so once you got the cream free to go all right any questions for me before you do whatever you work till 10:00 why well I've tried to go oh I say yeah if I see your name I'll look out for you I hope not okay thank you very much pleasure thank you [Music] you it's the end of another busy shift at barnesley casualty the staff can go home knowing there are now beds available for the new team clocking on hello we're ready yeah we're wait outside that we wait we club club we'll go to Club for the P all right a minute [Music] he he's gone and then we're here will don't really know about it it's finally time for sister Jane to hand over to the night shift good [Laughter] luck because for one knows you're going to need it you been entertaining enjoy I hope you get see [Music] quickly for
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 50,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Responders, child injury, emergency care unit, emergency response team, fast-paced environment, fast-paced medical, healthcare decisions, healthcare documentary, hospital life, medical interventions, medical procedures, medical professionals, medical reality series, medical team support, medical trauma, paramedic work, patient diagnosis, respiratory distress, saving lives, stressful situations
Id: ZxuabC4MfVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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