Abandoned Colonial Church in Vietnam Jungle 🇻🇳

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have a sip yeah it's very nice this is interesting check out my eyebrows good morning guys I'm gonna quote riff in Hanoi with a new camera woman I'm being I'm being called out big time here in the rain so I stopped oh my do you have a sister something to open this one here we go how's it going I have to point it at Mohicans okay how does this work I see I see this is going to look interesting already broken this man okay very funny hello I go to the mountain okay thank you very much now I will not be so cold Oh a second one for here too it's okay it's okay alright guys as you've seen I am here at the gas station I was driving and it was mighty mighty cold I've already put my phone and everything in here so it doesn't so I so it doesn't break I've had that problem before on road trips in in Thailand but anyway now I'm good to go I I was not going to start vlogging until I'm actually at my destination but then I figured okay this will be this is a good place as I need to start so driven about half an hour from Hanoi I have another hour to go seen some pretty scenic interesting things in graveyards have seen the beautiful rivers the nature is just sublime as soon as you leave the city even in the city nature is sublime but as soon as you leave I mean it gets even more green more picturesque and all that so next time you see me I will be at the destination I'm gonna try and find an abandoned church a French Church that is in this Mountain which is now at the National Park so see you there daddy would you like some sausage sausages I've arrived I think I am in the park really abandoned I haven't seen a soul apart from myself I'm going to continue up through here up to over this hill this little mountain and then the church should be somewhere around here mighty tempting to go for a swim here but I'm gonna hold off until I find a waterfall I also see there's some big things moving around in here so I'm a little weary of of swimming in such a remote location with no one else around but we'll see how that goes so let's soldier on let's see if we can see how easy that was when you're not high on on snake Cobra hearts the Cobra blood and vodka shots now we have wood oh my god this wind is gonna wreak havoc at my sound and someone please tell the wind to stop doing that the crossroads left or right I think we go left because this will be go left terror goes against what I've said before when in doubt always go right but okay there's an exception to every rule I am the horse man [Music] we are really getting up there now I've now driven about the lake we're continuing over this rich and once I'm at the top I should see a little part to this abandoned church or at least those for the instructions I read online Wow fellow traveler hello there that's the first bike I've seen actually I did not I did not stop and turn around I continued and when I continued we came here let me do a little walk around there you can listen to the birds serene and pristine let's see what these guys have done beautiful hello where are you from from Vietnam okay I thought maybe you were from Japan or something all right where are you guys going up what's up there beautiful scenery alright I see you stopped for a selfie can I be in your selfie okay today all right I'm gonna do the Asian thing with the fingers - okay yeah all right guys have a good trip bye-bye awesome and they spoke English that I Castro film I did actually this is the lake again down here but it's so foggy and again this is a wide-angle lens I mean you're not gonna you guys are not gonna see much just listen to that though as soon as that beautiful there are some treacherous animals living in this territory I mean okay so you hear what you what you can hear is not what you have to be afraid of it's what you can't hear that should have you worried I wonder if they're trash-talking me now they're probably talking about there's a some albino wandering around there with some kind of weapon in his right hand alright let's continue what is this for a good time call Salahi ah he's got several numbers it's running quite the operation keep these numbers ago and then let me hear it in the comment section what they told you let's continue let's continue daddy would you like some sausage daddy would you like some sausages wouldn't this be a cool place to crash down on a bike beats me Danny would you like some sausage then even you like some sausages the Vietnamese bride in the fog I wonder if daddy would she like some sausage daddy would she like some sausages [Applause] some ethnic colonial structures out there Oh an abandoned swimming pool all right this graph to capture let's park here let's park here and then get kicked out okay okay you guys have seen me swim in some epic locations but this swimming pool is a real piece of work even for me oh there's even fish living here I see a gold fish down there this place must have mean so I mean it's still nice it's incredible it is it's fantastic I am just amazed at why this swimming pool is not in order when everything else is immaculately mint maintained there's two iron laws in this world the first the darker the berry the sweeter the juice the second the higher you go the denser the fog fascinating nature oh the perils of being a climbing blogger we're approaching the zero visibility point to the journey looking forward to that nothing quite like riding in fog and you can't even see a mirror ahead of you this road is a real piece of work the fog is dense is thick it is moist it is cold it is frightening it's epic it's arousing I guess I'll stop there it's getting out of hand and just when you thought it couldn't get any dancer and you could lose possibly lose feasibility the lease happens I'm not sure you could get any more off to be part of this this is sublime unreal well here there is a structure would this be it I do not think so there I see many structures here through the mist let me park here let's go and see what this is oh it's starting to rain again haha this is some thick jungle definitely some there is a definite old structure but if this is the church I don't know the only way to find out we'll go inside spider web we'll go inside and we'll check out the shape of the building why take the doorway and you can go through the the crack in a wall my sunglasses are staying on all today because I have had an all-nighter I couldn't sleep so all right so the shape of this building there's nothing really here reminiscent of a church whoops but it's still a magnificent building and it makes me wonder what it once was well since this is not the church we are we will continue until we stumble upon it now if you're wondering where the the Cobra I devoured the other day stems from it is in places like this they have all kinds of crazy snakes around here yeah Redax you have Burmese pythons there should be there should be some some wild ones here now will I be able to stumble upon any of them in an area like this yes this is perfect snake territory they like to have to hang in your walks and crevices and in places like this so I I fancy my chances actually running into at least one given how remote this area is you don't have many people here you are yes snakes generally don't like people so a lot of people walking about would mean less chances of you running into something a be very slim but in here I reckon the chances are pretty high haha there's something about old buildings and I I can't quite put my my my finger on it you know what it is about old buildings that intrigue me but this building does if this is the event I have the curious - this is the church or not Britain is impossible to tell I'm just gonna have to continue and we'll we will conclude once the trek is over anyone know what animal make that sound let me hear it in the comments below here we go guys look at this it's just 100 meters from the buildings I was just at maybe a bit more a couple hundred meters should we take the window entrance into the church why not why not why not why go through the door when you can go through the window and we are in church what a find I came prepared by the way oh I heard a motorbike on the road I'm not alone I'm not alone let's see who has decided to join me in church well let's find a good spot let's find a I love this - check this out older now this spider again this was built in 1860s I think it's called poured Vavi Church let's go out back you know what they say thou shalt not blaspheme in the house of God so let's blaspheme out back perfect spot I like this well I even have a little I was hoping there'd be something to sit on here I brought some soju recommended by noodles I was gonna sit somewhere but it's it's just mud and and nothing to really sit on so I guess we have to squat down like a slob I was that my phone started working again oh I must say I'm a become a big fan of soju ever since the Korean noodle rally with mr. noodles oh that reminds me mr. noodles is still in Thailand and he says a lot of people recognize him he says people come up to him all the time every day and say hey are you mr. noodles and he says he loves it it's really cool so uh a lot of people really liked mr. noodles and they told me you know please have him back in vlogs and so on I mean he works full-time in the u.s. she doesn't have time to travel more than once a year but sure the next time I'm in the u.s. I'll meet up in noodles as for people we have some visitors in church as for when people say hello to me too I mean I love it if you see me come up say hello I mean every city I went to in America every day almost everywhere I went to but people you know play hey are you that guy in the elevator at my hotel in Vegas people are like you know hey seen you on YouTube loved the india trip bartenders in in a strip club i went to in in vegas recognized me said they loved the india videos and yeah you know wherever you run into me say hello I am quite happy to talk to anyone who enjoys my my movies let's go and talk to the people that are here and see and see where they are from pleasantly surprised with the English of the the people I ran into White's the wedding party they've come for photos I'm gonna crash your photo shoot with my soldier I even see it's possible to do so if you use these steps here you can actually climb up to the tower I think I'm gonna have to go for that I think we can do that that would be awesome you're gonna need some help though can you help me out here could you could you hold my camera I want to try this I think you can go up here you see can you hold it like that it's I'm Bobby careful I'll try if I fail I fail I think it's possible just a little yeah a little hard to start whoa [Music] [Music] Laurie Tom I don't think I'm brave enough even harder to go back down thank you haha at least I tried oh my god guys it's really hard because the steps are so there's so many a lot of space between them anyway I could probably do it if I had a rope but we're in the middle of nowhere so Norway now be yeah you know Nobby it's far away yes thank you thank you very much all right so what was the challenge with that they have I guess yeah have you had a rope there the challenge was that such big how do I say this you kind of you're climbing right you're pushing yourself out and it's very hard to kind of remain plastered on the wall plus a lot of people coming on the bikes now anyway did my best kind of regret not going for it now how was almost there but uh yeah you fall here than you you're toast okay I think it's time we find that well health seeing as I do not know how the footage turned out hello a lot of photo shoots going on here today seeing guys that don't know how the footage from the Sony turns out in these conditions let's make some iPhone footage and then we had full of waterfall toast after that climb we sure had some kinky memory as far as atmosphere is concerned this is one of the top churches I've ever been to right time to head out back through the jungle this is interesting check out my eyebrows and this is from it's actually not raining this is from the the mist the fog here I'm now on top I drove for another maybe 15 minutes from that church a lot of a lot of twists and turns and it's supposed to be a temple up here according to the Google Maps but you can see nothing I don't think I've ever encountered mist like this outside of of Norway where it also gets pretty dense like here I'll walk around for a little bit though and see if I can I hear people talking but there's people here it's just hard to orient yourself and kind of figure out what it is to look at here so the only thing we can do is to wander around but what a place to get lost in when there's no reference points nothing nothing to hear some steps alright some foreigners to have you have you guys explored this area Oh what is there to do here down here all right we are trekking down to the prison the French prison colonial era prison that the newly engaged couple that didn't want to be on film said it was down here not quite sure why I am going here I have no interest in the prison I want to see the waterfall but my Google Maps decided to not work up here so kind of at a loss for where the waterfall is so this is the only option this is turning into a truly ridiculous walk and this is walking down just imagine what the trek back up it's gonna be like I'm starting to doubt whether there is a prison down here the only way is actually to crawl under here yep well get a spider no it's not spiders what is that unreal unreal come on can we get some ruins here soon before I am starting to doubt whether I'll be able to walk back up here have been okay so time reference probably good going down for twenty minutes which is a long time to walk down because that is gonna be better take a lot longer to walk back up oh now man what kind of ooh unreal unreal there we go try and tear apart my shirt and just when I was about to give up we do come to a a structure now if this is a prison or not who knows all right there Cobras if you see me now it's not the time for revenge compared to the church I mean it's not it's not much it was hardly worth the trek down here but whoa you have some hits and you have some misses this is such insane if any one of you have seen my movie when a snake took a swipe at me from Spain yeah this is also the type of place where a snake would do that because you're stumbling onto his little little nesting resting place I'm almost at the stage where I don't dare to walk here I actually do not think that I dare to walk here yeah I'm gonna walk where I came from I see see you back up walking for five minutes I'm dead he's a nightmare so much too left oh I can't wait for that swim continue and this was I remember these trees this was right when I was about to give up well there's no option on giving up now we're going back up to the motorbike whoa hello should have brought some water please give me some rain Jesus if you exist give this man some rain I'll sit there collect rainwater you know leaf like that and power up shoulda brought the soju I didn't get to enjoy this soldier because so many people started coming to that church and it's kind of bad for him sitting there enjoying some soju it just looks really bad so I just put it away let's go to the waterfall and enjoy the soju there speed up Oh daddy would you like some sausage daddy would you like some sausages daddy would you like some sausage daddy would you like some sausage daddy would you like some oh we have arrived they're laughing at me so long so far hi let me see they're washing the ropes here hello yes yes it's going on hey it is a temple after all so before I go in have to put my shirt on Oh which I was going to but she made me her where Oh etiquette okay good bye bye hey such a long walk they're laughing at me how sweaty I am that was quite a trick quite a trick but now wow when I was here before I could hardly see anything now I can actually see what's going on here okay let's see what they have anybody have some water I'm not going to explore these buildings so hint ow hello do you have a drink for the white man they have some kind of meeting I guess my white privilige doesn't work here you know there's the drinks only takes one of them to get up and give me one but they just wave in love so can I have a drink please no you're sleeping okay all right they're motioning that they're sleeping okay interesting business strategy I'm not sure that's going to work out for them because this is not a shopping area I think they just misunderstood the universal sign for want a drink interesting entertaining all right I guess we'll drink at the waterfall then I might regret not not going up here and so on but in all honesty temples is not my forte I prefer ruined abandoned structures and so on but all right back down through the fog I've sussed out where the waterfall is now it's actually on that that lake I drove through on my way here so we just have to go back down and then we'll be at uh I have the soldier sold you to the rescue who would have thought so all right let's see here then can ask you a question did you go upstairs am I missing something by not going there alright I'll trust you girls oh no we can't had too many steps already going down that was a mistake so I'm I'm stepped out Thank You then Cheers all right I'm gonna take their advice they're telling me not to go there so if there's something awesome up there it's it's their fault he's not mine see you guys I forgot I turned the camera off too quickly I was too eager for that swim I was gonna say soldier to the rescue that was only had a sip fire to go in there so oh here stir you like to soju mmm hey once I'm told you yes have a seat yeah it's very nice yeah yeah oh you wanna eat this all right oh she's taking a whole soldier oh no it's not empty I'll giving you a drink you know taking a whole bottle Wow some not that generous I'm generous but I mean when a man has has a near full bottle of soju I mean he can't be expected to abandon it now can he oh I must say Walter would have been better right now but you know a man's got a drink what a what a man has handy and right now the only thing is soju see you guys at the waterfall well in case you're wondering what it's like going down here if the visibility is any better let me tell you it's not there is fog and more fog as far as the eye can see a little rough going around the turns here with rights and Ric is not a strong anyway this is obvious ability right here it's not that bad actually or are you girls into the herb if you never heard that even you like some sausage check out Freddy got fingered Tom Green's seminal work one of the funniest movies of all time
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 253,274
Rating: 4.79638 out of 5
Keywords: abondoned colonial church vietnam, colonial structure, Vietnam jungle, Hanoi colonial building, Vietnam natural reserve
Id: oTWc4nEvduE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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