Dangerous Flights | Episode 2: Flight From Hell | FD Real Show

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it's aviation's final frontier cowboy pilots who deliver small used aircraft you see how it's leaking through the fuselage across distances they were never meant to fly if it had happened over the atlantic ocean it would have been ugly that's not good there's a right way to fly an airplane and there's a wrong way and as long as there's money and fuel to burn we don't care if you spill a little bit they will fly anything to this day when i see some of these airplanes it's like wow anywhere i took that plane where it was never meant to go any time holy crap at a small airport in rhode island pilots bob rasky and yasmina platt have run into big trouble and oil change is a normal thing we were low on oil anyway they were hired to jockey a 36 year old single engine cessna from california to poland a flight over 10 000 kilometers long that will take them across the frigid waters of the north atlantic [Music] but the job is starting to look like a suicide mission first it was the left flap look at that thing oh is that working [Music] then a fuel link oh my god okay so it is leaking pretty good back there yeah i'm just concerned about electrical fire did that need to divert the nearest airport right now now metal filings in the oil filter indicate the engine is falling apart oh my god would you feel comfortable flying this across the north atlantic absolutely not so what do you recommend it's unear worthy for bob this is the third and last strike he refuses to fly this plane again without a thorough maintenance job it's actually recommended by anybody referring across the north atlantic to do that at least two to three times before you go including doing soap analysis that's recommendations his boss corey benson disagrees that's not how it works we cannot authorize work on someone else's airplane let's say they find something are you gonna pay to fix it because the owner could just as easily say well you guys authorize the inspection i'm not paying for it you pay for it and i know sure as hell i'm not gonna pay for it corey's in the business of delivering planes not fixing them but with his hired guns ready to bail he's got no choice but to talk to the mechanic the verdict the engine needs an overhaul this plane delivery has already been delayed by a week and in poland the client is running out of patience we are paying for the cessna and we have to pay also the rental aircraft so we're paying double that's why we desperately needed that plane she'll keep losing money until corey delivers the plane but now his pilots have second thoughts about finishing the job it's uh easy enough to acquiesce to the fact that we got it here we got to a certain point it might be time to hand it off to somebody else heading home corey's pilots are throwing in the towel rob and i have done everything we can and we've brought it as far as it would let us it needs another doctor to look at her they're calling it quits and cory's finding out that running a plane delivery business can be more stressful than flying i don't know what's going to happen first thing is it's more delays period i mean it it it could be as simple as just a new cylinder they need to put on it but if it needs a new engine it's at least 2-3 weeks worse the grounded cessna is just half of cory's nightmare now he's got another job to get off the ground and another client who wants the plane delivered yesterday when the plane's ready the client expects you to be ready and to leave right then i cannot tell them that they have to wait another week or two weeks because i'm doing another flight they want their plane now and so we have to have other pilots ready to go that are trained in the airplane that can ferry it if i'm busy corey thinks he's got the right guy to take on this new job carrie mccauley owns a skydiving school in wisconsin over a decade ago kerry made his living delivering planes across the globe and he signed on with corey to find out if he still got the nerve to do his old job once again [Music] i've crossed the ocean many times flown over africa europe middle east if i screw this one up all the people that know me and have heard all my glorious stories over the years are gonna be uh snickering behind my back or to my face that was a blast i needed that carrie might be a little rusty but he's no rookie some pilots they call the office and call the boss every 10 minutes they want every decision made for them they want help they want their hand held all the way across there she is if i don't bother corey if i just get the job done with minimal amount of interference and with a minimal amount of money he'll be impressed good morning guys george johnson and george kerry mccauley carrie steve sproul stu nice to meet you nice to meet you stu sprung will be carrie's co-pilot and this morning he's meeting the plane for the first time for me it'll be definitely uncharted waters flying over the amazon i'm not quite sure how that's going to make me feel it's a very low time airplane it's got about 2 000 hours total time year is it it's uh 1989. this is a beechcraft bonanza based on world war ii fighter plane technology the bonanza has been in production for over half a century it's a close cousin of the first bonanza which killed musicians buddy holly and richie valens in 1959. you know it's hard to see problems on some of these planes when they've washed them and waxed them and detailed them like that flying a plane for someone else is a lot like a high altitude blind date the pilots never really know what they're getting into people have told us this is great plants in great condition fresh out of its annual inspection but i need to see for myself and sometimes even the best airplanes have a dirty little secret you hear that sounds like something's rubbing yeah it's loudest right here last thing is we need is for one of those rods to wear all the way through and we're halfway over brazil they'll need to get this fixed before they can take off they've got a long flight ahead almost 8 000 kilometers from greensboro north carolina to puerto allegri in brazil so you're saying from st barts to grenada to georgetown and you want to make makapa in the same day that's going to be tough that would have to be a perfect day that's about 1400 miles and according to the latest forecasts the only thing perfect about the upcoming weather is a perfect storm a monster hurricane lurking on the outskirts of carrie and stu's flight path we don't need to have the whole conversation about being pessimistic we're optimistic we're going to make it i'm going to do a parallel plan i'm going to call it a realistic plan stu knows that flight plans almost always change but what's really bugging him is a problem that he can't fix just irritates me and even talk have to even think about it i mean ain't that the way it goes you know the one big commitment you have stu is a retired firefighter every year since the 9 11 terror attacks he's joined his fellow firefighters for a memorial and he took this job on one condition that he could be in new york city for the 10th anniversary [Music] that was a very devastating time i worked there with the new york city firefighters some of my best friends were new york city firefighters that uh passed away that day we made a pledge never to forget and so if i'm not there because i'm flying an aircraft to brazil it'll tear away at me just i just don't even want to have to deal with that we're a team taking care of each other and your well-being is my well-being that's true so let's talk about both our well-beings and this freaking hurricane that's bearing down on us some a hurricane of this size could shatter a small plane in a few seconds so the only way to survive it is to find a way around it a better boogie nice yeah yeah if stu has any chance to make it back to new york in time they have to get to the first stop before the hurricane game plan is just trying to get ahead of it the irony is if to beat the hurricane we have to fly right at it [Music] in rhode island the delivery of a 36 year old cessna 206 is in jeopardy and corey benson is here because his pilots walked out now the boss has no choice but to finish the job himself i had to drop everything to get out here and finish the flight so it's frustrating but my company's reputation is riding on this flight i got to get the aircraft there hey joe hi corey benson nice to meet you nice to meet you randy mcgee welcome to rhode island corey's convinced his friend and expert pilot randy mcgehee to lend him a hand this isn't the first time randy has been a life saver he piloted corey's first delivery a dangerous flight from california to australia slow it down here okay in case we run into any bad bumps we won't break our airplanes things got a little bumpy over the pacific that light means we have 10 minutes left of fuel i don't want to be freaking swimming in the ocean dude they both live to tell the tale holy crap we made it and now randy's back for more how's she look she looks pretty good now i mean we've changed the engine in it as far as used engines go with it's about the best you're gonna get i did everything i could test flying it running around the ground it's all yours now all right thanks a lot hey thanks joe appreciate it the refurbished engine might give the plane a second life or turn this trip into the last fatal flight the plane definitely has some major issues and that's a big red warning light walking into this situation but i can't let that cloud my evaluation of the airplane right now as the airplane sits there when cory and randy leave rhode island they'll begin a deadly game of hopscotch to get to poland landing on remote airstrips when their fuel runs low over the cold north atlantic where even a small storm can turn the little airplane into a cocktail shaker that's why both pilots signed up for a two-day survival course before the flight all right once you sit down grab your seatbelt yeah it's a little bit of uh excitement with some nervousness mix in there yeah for sure you're gonna hear me say ditching ditching ditching ditching is the controlled landing of a plane on water but for the pilots it's code for life or death we're gonna lower down underwater and submerge great reference point for you to use to find that jettison handle is a reference right off of your knee it won't do any good to survive the impact if they can't get out of the plane and if they don't find that jettison handle they might never get out [Music] if cory and randy go down at sea after impact icy cold water will fill the cockpit in seconds it was a very eerie feeling your sinuses fill up you're disoriented you have no idea where you're at you can't see anything you have to use your position points to to locate your emergency exit and to get out all while holding your breath [Music] and if you got in there and didn't have a plan to know what you're doing i don't think you make it i can feel that a little bit of fear or panic start to creep in a little bit and uh it's not a good feeling at all while the going is still good corey wants to take off if we wait a few more hours they'll just be embedded thunderstorms in the clouds so we've got a window of just a short time to get off the ground to be able to make our destination where we'll be stuck somewhere ready cowboy i'm ready today's flight to goose bay canada will be over land from there on it's do or die back down south over the caribbean sea carrie and stew are playing chicken with a monster hurricane over 600 kilometers wide just off the right of her nose that's not good [Music] one hour till hurricane time carries gambling the beechcraft bonanza can outrun the storm and leave disaster in his rear view mirror we've got a couple lightning strikes on the storm scope yeah and there is a big thunderstorm right in front of us that one right there that's huge that one there is huge saw lightning we might be screwed if they can beat the storm stu has a chance to make it back to new york for the 9 11 memorial of the terror attacks if this hurricane delays us by a day then i'm gonna be left with having to make a very difficult decision on whether i can complete the trip or possibly not go to new york there's some pretty serious airplanes that have been destroyed in the air just by thunderstorm stuff not a category two or three hurricane we gotta be careful too though because we're losing daylight yeah yeah if we go off course too far we're gonna get there after dark the six-cylinder engine powers the bonanza to a top speed of over 300 kilometers per hour and they're knocking off some serious mileage but their flight path is starting to look like a kamikaze mission [Music] the aging cessna has delivered randy and corey safely to their first fuel stop now they prepare to go head-to-head with the unforgiving and potentially deadly north atlantic well capitan here we go here we go dude my stomach's turning a little bit what do you mean by that all right man putting on these survival suits brings home the danger reality setting in this is a big flight this is uh by far the most dangerous flight i've ever done i just want to stay dry if the crash doesn't kill them the cold water will in about 15 minutes these high-tech survival suits might keep their blood warm and their hearts pumping long enough to get picked up alive by a rescue team it's gonna be hard to zip these up sitting down you know in the tiny cessna there's no way and no time to put these suits on in an emergency so they have to fly half zipped in the suit is like a full dry suit and plus it has a liner in there to help keep your body warm and so they're very bulky they're hard they're sweaty on the inside because it doesn't allow any water to get in at all i mean all the way from your toes up to your neck you're trapped in that suit all right she's climbing nicely this is no dress rehearsal it's show time no more land we will not see land for many hours probably 99.9 percent of the people in the world say they've never taken a single engine piston across atlantic you know that what's that say about us we're badass mo foes the first leg goes without a hitch just get us there old cessna they dropped in on a greenland airstrip and refueled now they're back up looking at more than 1 000 kilometers of white-knuckled flying before their next stop reykjavik iceland headwinds picking up we just lost five knots in the last five minutes down to 122 knots ground speed it's been 20 hours since they left rhode island and they'll be rubbing elbows in this cramped cockpit for at least another five hours before the next pit stop your speed just keeps declining on this flight it seems something is always going wrong and they're starting to feel like they're riding in a flying coffin what's our ground speed 99 knots ground speed is the measure of the cessna's speed relative to the earth and right now a headwind is slowing down the plane forcing the pilots to burn more fuel than they estimated well we can't maintain 95 96 knots ground speed we won't make it so we're gonna have to have some seriously improving performance man or we're going to make this going to be a short trip if the headwinds keep up at the current rate their tanks could run dry before they reach their destination so corey does the math okay randy here's basically what i came up with it took us 45 minutes to get to cruising altitude we're right at that hour of fuel reserve with everything staying the same i mean it's right on that it's right on that verge i don't i mean before this trip corey's team built an extra fuel tank to extend the cessna's range they rigged the homemade 58-gallon tank into the passenger compartment an additional piece of cargo that gives them enough fuel to cross the atlantic but it's like riding in a flying bomb you can only go out this way for about another 20 or 30 minutes or we're gonna and we're gonna have turn around and go back no choice but now even with the extra tank the fuel levels are running dangerously low and randy's getting worried because they're approaching the point of no return i think whatever we're gonna do we gotta do it now figure it out now the point of no return is a go or no-go decision for a pilot you only have the fuel to go forward so even if you want to turn around you can't make it i want you to look in that tank and tell me what you see or maybe i should do it because i know i've been looking back there i have a better gauge how much fuel is in there okay i'm gonna transfer control to you okay you have the airplane unbuckle and go mess with this fuel tank you have the airplane got the airplane the auxiliary fuel tank doesn't have a gauge so randy has to eyeball what fuel is left this is really difficult with these suits on man it's a pain in the ass oh what was that okay i'm taking off the cap well son that thing just flies up it was like an explosion man i took a huge whiff of fumes man and i don't feel too good fuel under high pressure just blew out of the tank into the cabin and now it won't take more than a tiny spark to explode if i could choose one way not to die it's i don't want to be burned to death i think it's awful and in an airplane if if you have a fire is something that uh can kill you very quickly and there's nothing you can do those fumes were nasty all the electronics we got in here fuel will burn the vapors explode and uh geez we got to be careful man we gotta keep this thing well ventilated randy cracks open a window to clear out the gas fumes do you need to check your pants man did you hear me yell i scream like a little school girl when the fuel tank blew in my face i was able to for whatever reason keep my cool and keep operating that airplane if you panic and quit thinking you're dead period but it's still a long way to the next pit stop back down south in the caribbean pilots carrie mcauley and stu sprung are avoiding a fight they were guaranteed to lose by steering the beechcraft bonanza around a deadly hurricane it's going to add about an hour or so under our trip kind of stretch our fuel a bit but we kind of got to do it now because that looks pretty nasty i don't want to wait tour right in it let's uh run away and live to fly another day they veer off to avoid the monster winds and violent rains boy i'm really glad we got that hurricane by this i mean that was a real stress builder it says uh steve barton at six would you say what nonsense it was 7 30. an hour be there by 7. i'll be there it's only three hours [Music] the good news is hurricane katya won't win this fight by a knockout the bad news is the detour puts them in saint martin after dark and flying blind is never fun what really gets screwy with these islands at night is completely surrounded by blackness and just this little tiny strip of lights saint martin finally hurricane missed you guys huh we're always great with it lucky when they miss us kind of wanted to see it i want to get a little closer but yeah it's not my airplane so i i should probably take good care of it the owner might not appreciate hurricane damage that's right a safe landing makes any day a good day but stu has other things and places on his mind something will jam us up i guarantee it for me when you get as lucky as we have on this trip it's almost a sign that something's gonna come down the chute and screw it all up every corner i turn i'm expecting it every day two or three things come up that can cause potential delays we just don't know what they are until they hit us back up north cory and randy are approaching iceland with 30 minutes of fuel to spare and enough fumes in their jury-rigged tank to blow them halfway to the moon [Music] wow cory you've come a long way on your fuel calculation since australia go yourself if randy is unimpressed by his co-pilot's flight skills he's not saying too much because the co-pilot on this flight is also the boss and he's signing the checks let's get out of here huh that flight did not disappoint the wind was terrible fuel problem that just makes it interesting man makes for a good story later right as long as you make it small businessmen like corey don't survive long without learning how to cut a few corners but there's something about flying a single-engine plane across the ocean that can make even the toughest men think twice this vent is supposed to be attached and that starts to give me a clue to some of the problems we may have been having while we were having the explosion something not right with that we gotta get a mechanic to take a look at that if the tank of extra fuel blew its top because it wasn't venting properly randy doesn't want that to happen again it doesn't look good this thing this is really tough and something you can fix quickly you think well no not quickly you know we're really trying to get out of here yeah i believe that so randy and the mechanic both know they'll need at least a day or more to make the fix and to do it right but for cory it's another crippling setback he's over a month behind on the delivery of this plane his reputation is on the line you've got to get the plane to the client there's a chance we're going to be here three or four days for randy he's willing to do whatever it takes to deliver the plane safely even if it means pulling rank on his co-pilot and boss [Music] way down south in the tropics close to the equator carrie and stu's beechcraft bonanza is 24 hours away from reaching their final destination and their spirits are high is this an old fairy trick very pilot trick that you have with the gps if we got a ditch in the ocean i would like to ditch in front of a cruise ship because we'd be in the hot tub with a margarita within the hour where do i shut off the gas these pilots only met a few days ago but the adventure has already turned them into old friends it doesn't always work out that way two pilots are flying together and their personalities don't click it's really going to be a problem 36 hours shoulder to shoulder with another guy will not be a lot of fun if you don't get along you have a great sense of humor shrug off the problems and just keep flying you'll have a great trip and you'll make a great ferry pilot well what we're gonna do now is we're gonna get some gas file a flight plan and hopefully make this stop less than an hour they're halfway through today's flight plan if things keep going along they'll reach brazil by sundown all right fueled up ready to go flight pines filed not so fast either having issues with the registration for this plane and they can't get permission for us to land in brazil so we can't take off on any other flight a delay like this would be no big deal but stu has made it clear from the start he promised his firefighter brothers he would be in new york for the 911 memorial even if it means abandoning his captain today hey cory it's stu how you doing so nothing from even the faa right this should have been done two weeks ago why do they wait until moments from entering brazil to say oh hey hey by the way we're literally about to take off why boss corey didn't get the brazilian paperwork done as a mystery but if stu bails out now corey will need a lot more than paperwork he'll need a new pilot this is the delay that can't happen it's not a small leg it's not a leg that we can make up the next day this is a whole day right here down the tubes we didn't make it to a hurricane but we can't make it through brazilian paperwork no pilot lands in a foreign country without permission unless he's looking for free room and board yeah i don't feel like going to the brazilian jail the only thing about that is they'll probably only take one of us to jail yeah but they always take the pretty one i'll make sure i'll bring you some smokes in prison boy i love you man you're always thinking of me my well-being i don't know oh how can you make me comfortable in a brazilian prison yeah i'm touched i'm i'm so touched that you were thinking of me how's it going all that's left to do is kill time in town and hope for news from the office before it's too late gary you're gonna love this what it's currently independence day in brazil so i'm having a hard time getting in touch with anybody no way but stu doesn't have to say what they both know all too well time is running out fast cory and randy have flown more than halfway across the frozen north atlantic seas and after being grounded for 48 hours in iceland for repairs the two of them are just dying to fly all right buddy it's game time let's get pulled up and let's get out of here gotta try and make up some of this time and corey's got a lot to make up it's game day we need to get this plane down to poland we have a job to do the clients are waiting for us assuming that the weather is cooperating we'll be in the air early and we'll get going the next leg will stretch the range of the old cessna 206. once again they'll be relying on that homemade fuel tank and randy wants to make sure it doesn't explode again this flight's no joke we've got about 600 miles of open ocean we can't let down our guard now because if this place taught you anything the unexpected is is gonna happen the next leg is a six hour journey to scotland across the unforgiving north atlantic it's a lot of time in a single engine plane with no place to land if anything goes wrong we should already be there by now corey's flying the same plane but he's being driven by a different kind of engine the money machine you gotta move quick the wind's getting stronger let's go let's do it to randy corey sounds less and less like a co-pilot and more and more like a nervous businessman he's got to realize that flying there's no mistakes we got one shot at it hey listen i'm gonna fly this leg yeah i've been taking this flight seriously enough i want to drive that point home with you okay so you're not gonna fly this leg i'm gonna fly it to start taking a little more seriously whatever you want cory might be the boss but randy puts his foot down this is one business where a shortcut can lead to disaster got her checklist seat belts doors and locks in the tropical heat of guyana carrie and stew have finally received authorization to land on brazilian soil we've gotten the proper paperwork uh cb was able to uh pull a rabbit out of the hat they're a full day behind schedule and stu's appointment with the new york 911 memorial is coming up fast all right let's get this show on the road today doesn't go perfect he's not going to be able to finish a trip and get to new york on time gear up carrie is determined to do whatever it takes to make stu finish the job that's why he's decided to fly seven hundred kilometers from georgetown guyana to goyania brazil with just one fuel stop oh what is that looks like a huge through the this is the kind of flight that can remind even the most jaded pilot why he fell in love with flying look at this holy cow that's huge the whole thing just looks like it's out of the lost world or something look at that wow unbelievable pretty impressive oh my god awesome you know this is why i fairy fly who else gets a chance to do this [Music] i got a new high point in my life that was that was cool [Music] over a thousand kilometers later they drop into macapa for refueling and customs clearance but there's a problem glass it's my startup customs apparently is closed for the day so that's can't be done the runway is closed from eight to noon for they're working on the runway eight to noon tomorrow it's like really i mean it's the bad news stu had feared all along i have to say i'm a little uh speechless right now there's no effing way i'm gonna be able to make it from here to anywhere else and make it to new york this is my last stop i'm done for stu this flight is over but he still has to break the news to his boss cory who's now flying his co-pilot on the flight to poland it's the big blow that we were hoping wouldn't happen [Music] up north cory and randy reach the green highlands of scotland after flying the shaky cessna over thousands of kilometers of treacherous ocean the rolling hills below their wings have let them forget about their differences [Music] by the time we landed i was really excited and like wow that was great by the time we parked that airplane i had tanked i was really tired um just uh really almost not even thinking quite straight anymore they might be exhausted but corey isn't wasting any time he's determined to keep moving [Music] you have to have incredible stamina to do this type of flying we put in a lot of hours in the cockpit every day we don't get a ton of sleep and we're expected to get up and do it the next day sometimes a pilot has nothing left to run on but sheer willpower that's very physically challenging jumping time zones being at altitude where the air is less and so that takes a physical toll on you it knocks you on your ass sometimes was a good one dude man i'm like fighting it hard over here corey wants to be in poland before sunset next is the final destination into uh poland it's a little grass strip that we're going to be delivering the airplane to so we got to hurry and turn and burn and get it there almost done one more leg left that gives him just two hours to get the cessna ready for takeoff but randy has just discovered they might need a little more time we have a strut problem our strut's starting to give us some issues so need a few minutes to think it over and do a little further investigation on the airplane and a little closer look at the weather and then uh then i'll make a decision whether we're gonna go or not the strut connecting to the front landing gear is leaking oil it's not bad enough to ground the cessna but if landing conditions aren't perfect on touchdown it could make the plane hard to handle and randy isn't going to chance it at our destination which i just found out is a grass field we're supposed to have rain showers and winds gusting 20 knots gusting at 35 knots that may keep us here for another day randy knows that even without the faulty strut a soggy runway and a strong crosswind could snap the cessna's landing gear right now we're not sure the plane's ready we're not sure the weather's gonna be good enough so we need to get going though and we have to we have to get it there tonight we don't have to do anything if it gets too late we'll just have to stay cory may be the boss but randy's word is law and he's not backing down a few hours later corey catches a lucky break where i think we can go really yeah i think it's looking good let's get the hell out of here all right [Music] the weather cleared so randy said okay to setting out on the final leg to poland randy it's going to be interesting when we land here in a couple minutes i know man we don't know what to expect i mean she could be really upset with us she could be really happy we don't know now that they'll be landing soon their thoughts have turned to their last and potentially biggest problem one hard-nosed no-nonsense polish customer i think she's just extremely frustrated with the situation because this plane was supposed to be here almost a month ago hey corey we're almost there let's do it right all right boss there is a concrete strip right there the concrete runway should be a lot safer than a dirt strip yeah it's concrete it's all broken up it's pretty cracked but there's only one way to find out if the leaky strut can absorb the shock of a bumpy landing and now that the new owner is watching their final approach they'd better put on a good show all right corey this is it speed's looking good everything's looking good let's hope this runway surface is good pretty bumpy yikes it's a good thing the customer is only watching from a distance because it's one rough landing but the gear holds up hello congratulations we finally got it here for you this is the key thank you so much how are you i'm corey benson nice to meet you nice to meet you we brought you a little present thank you as well as the plane that you've been waiting for forever her skydiving school has been hemorrhaging money on the rental of another plane but now that she's got her cessna she'll soon be out of the red and that means corey finally has a happy customer we definitely went through a lot for him and you know that's our job and um we're happy to do it well it's better late than never we got her here safely when we finally land and they're frustrated because it's a few days late if it's like wait a minute we just we just put our lives in our hand we just crossed the ocean in a single engine piston and come on way down south in the tropics hey cory it's stu how you doing carrie and stu's mad race against time has come to an abrupt stop uh we just landed in makapaw uh customs was closed early so we can't do any customs until tomorrow morning at eight and the runway is closed for maintenance from eight until noon tomorrow stu is on the phone with boss cory who's just landed in poland and he's giving corey the bad news he's bailing out that basically killed him so yeah i'd be committed to leaving from here so you're you're gonna come all the way down here to take my spot stu is going to new york to the 911 memorial and corey is flying into makapa to replace him which means carrie is temporarily grounded you're kidding me your am i forbidden to continue on can i meet him at the next stop i mean for me to sit here with a good airplane and good god the way stu tells it he held up his part of the bargain but he's still splitting up the team and leaving a job unfinished it's tough for me to leave you because i'm worried that it's leaving you stranded don't worry about me i'll be all right that will probably be easier i won't have to listen to your boring stories all right i've done tons of trips like these far more dangerous far more difficult by myself to have someone come down here to help me for the last uh third of the trip it's really unnecessary and just drives me nuts to have to wait [Music] [Music] you
Channel: FD Real
Views: 143,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Reality Shows, Reality TV Shows, Show (TV Genre), Documentaries, Factual Entertainment, Factual Television, non-fiction, Best factual series, FD Real, FD Real Show, Dangerous Flights, World's Most Dangerous Flights, Most Dangerous Flights, Cory Bengtzen, Ferry Flight, Ferry Flights, Trans Global Flight, airport, aviation, airplane, small aircraft, Cowboy Pilot, pilot, Daredevil Pilot, Barnstorming, Flying, Dangerous Flights Season 1
Id: tXvrtmT8R5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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