Dangerous Eviction of a Council Property in South London | The Enforcers Pt. 2 | Free Documentary

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these are the officers who reclaim what is rightfully laws we'll be knocking on the door and we will get the money they have more authority than the bailiffs i'm not going to be leaving here without the payment or goods and possess more powers than the police they're obstructing a high court officer in the execution of his duty they're called in as the last resort high court enforcement officer to evict squatters hey it's the last time you throw a punch with me okay clear illegal campsites we've had instructions from the council they want to move and chase down debt he got quite threatening you've got minutes not days you get fraud you can't do the job people don't like other people getting away with debts using every tool at their disposal don't start threatening people with bottle calm down and with the full backing of the law [Music] who will actually be on site tomorrow when we're carrying out the eviction from this office in essex ritz for debt recovery repossessions and evictions are processed risk assessed and distributed to operatives in the field we've arranged for guys from a climbing team that will meet you there at 8 o'clock as well they're known as high court enforcement officers all of their cases require careful planning okay they've taken off the tiles and they're called in when all else has failed i'm now to finish this job to take back procession or to take goods or to collect payment i'm there they've had all their different chances and when i leave the job is finished scott hines is the company's longest serving officer if a job is particularly tough then scott is the man to call his task today is the eviction of a council property in south london like we've got a building here it's single story it's all welded up so the only access is the way the squatters are getting in which is through a hole in the roof at the back the vacant building is an easy target for squatters and it's been an ongoing battle to keep them out bad in here today they're entering an environment that is dark dirty and could well be dangerous watch the needles and everything man yeah it's so sticky together right now the officers have no idea how many squatters there are or how they will react when they're told to leave good morning i've got a bit of procession you're being evicted this morning the early morning raid catches the first occupants unaware would like to have to leave this morning yes do you understand what i'm saying but as officers move through the maze of rooms they lose the element of surprise [Music] he's got a big knife there as well yeah beside his bed he's got a knife don't go back in now please we'll have sort of like um people shouting making threats um picking up lumps of wood metal bars whatever they can find and like where a lot of these people are scared for their their own safety they'll have weapons beside their bed like literally maybe not to use against us but against other people coming to rob them so as i say he's got a knife beside his bed so we'll leave him to calm down a little bit before we go back in now hopefully the knife will disappear the discovery of a weapon means the enforcers have to be extra vigilant how many you got three two in there took four now yeah make sure no one goes through the roof for me you're being invented this morning yeah the rest of the eviction passes off smoothly and in all a total of nine squatters are removed there's a door open down there we can see the light squatting in a vacant commercial property is not a criminal offence so all the occupants are free to leave [Music] once the building is clear scott and his team can explore the full extent of the damage it stinks in here [Music] repossessing illegally occupied buildings and the cost of clearing them up runs into millions of pounds a year but if you can't look in that toilet then it's um unbelievable and when the property belongs to the council like this one it's the taxpayer that foots the bill yeah i haven't been in a lot worse than this for a long time you get a different class of squatter this is like the lower class let's say because they're prepared to live in absolute squalor scott does a last tour of the grounds and comes across one unwelcome guest who has slept through it all good morning um what i call enforcement officers everyone's been evicted from inside here today this little bit of the land as well really i'm afraid okay i said just wake yourself up when you're ready if you can get going for me thank you it's taken less than 20 minutes to clear out the squatters there is no guarantee that this will be scott's last visit well it's the second time i've evicted this building there's a chance that like literally now i know it's empty and they will come back to look and see if there's any security preventing them from coming back again [Music] the enforcer's legal authority is handed down by the high court every year over 70 000 writs are issued nationally their powers include the right to break into property and reclaim possessions they've paid the rent on the shop so obviously the landlord wants to shop back they provide a lifeline for those who have tried everything to get back what is rightfully theirs all right [Music] i'm dude hi jay so she'll thought we've got up this early oh he's so smart when he cleared the whole thing since when when the last time you went in here yeah that messed about was it everything leonora and her elderly mother let out the shopping leads to a family friend but then it all turned sour it's been about a year of intense trying to get the rent back and forth since last june um we had he owed over 4500 um and then he was paying on and off in between that's and consistently he wasn't paying on time uh so over a year it's been consistently bad leonora had hoped that the enforcers could seize the contents of the shop which could be sold off to raise the money she's owed but that hasn't worked out she's coming on a weekend and warned him that if he doesn't pay the rent bailiff's going to come but he's obviously just in the bunk before we've turned up to college stuck away yeah so if you can just sign that please and then print your name there that'll be cool the good news is that leonora now has her shot back if not her faith in human nature i feel like he's portrayed the whole family you know not just me but my mom especially who's 78 you know someone who's that mature that you you're kind of trying to get one over she was always trying to get one over and you know it's really disappointing to see that [Music] steve mitchell is the company's most dogged debt collector always determined to reclaim his client's money in regards to an amount owen of 51 000 yes tracking down people with outstanding brits is is a job in itself we travel all over the country we use all the databases that we can use by the office and neighbouring inquiries and effectively at the end of the day we do find them [Music] today he's on his way to a second-hand car dealer in salisbury to collect a balance on a debt of 9 000 pounds if he doesn't get the cash steve is going to take all the vehicles at least that was the plan huge buildup of post in there [Music] they cleared off on his last visit steve could have seized all the dealer's vehicles for auction and settled the debt all the cars that were previously here there were up to 10 odd cars here instead he gave him one last chance to pay he's moved them all onto an another site somewhere but he's left that if we take it it costs 100 something pounds to take it plus auctioneer fees it goes for eight nine hundred quid might make 500 quid on it that's about it should have taken and when i got here first off [Music] oh hi scott how are you okay so so you've got it all in here scott yeah it's estimated that today one person is declared insolvent or bankrupt every five minutes and that means enforcement officers are busier than ever in east london scott's first call of the day is on a shopkeeper who's run up a utility bill of over six thousand pounds they agreed to pay the balance by a certain date and that date's passed they have paid some but they've not paid the full amount so we're going in there today to collect the full amount obviously you know why i'm here you can either pay this now oh there's going to be a lorry here and then you're going to get even more freeze how can i pay this amount in one goal right now man are you having a laugh man you have to pay it today you have to pay it now oh i'm going to remove your stock are you not taking the piss man are you going to pay or not i will [ __ ] pay it right okay what i don't what you're doing is locking the door please listen was born now listen to me now okay no no you don't shout at me and you don't pull the shutters down on me simple as that because now you're falsely imprisoning me and i will call the police okay don't pull the shutters down on me simple as that don't pull them down on me don't pull the shutters down on me please okay because you owe money get the shutters up now please before i call the police don't go down no further okay get the shutters up please simple as that all the [ __ ] kids i'll get a place and i'll get a lorry okay you better get even bigger now daylight robbery [Music] high court enforcement officer scott hines has traveled to east london to recover a dead from a shopkeeper but it's the shopkeeper who is now holding scott prisoner can i have the police here please i've been locked into the shop and the shutters have been pulled down and the guy's getting a little bit aggressive and upset as well you're [ __ ] like stop shouting at me and stop swearing at me okay so i can understand he's upset and everything else but i don't like being locked in the shop and i don't like it when it gets this aggressive right the only person who's made this happened away is the days yourself by not paying when you was meant to have paid my office have phoned you a few times you haven't you was told to pay and you haven't you understand are you going to get these funds are you going to pay this [ __ ] you get the money right the [ __ ] is wrong so i'll give you five minutes to do that but at the moment i want you to get those shutters up please sometimes you can be scared but you can't show that you have to make sure that you're always in control i know you just pulled a shot why don't you just pull the shutters up for me the police have confirmed they're on their way but the shopkeeper's behavior is becoming increasingly unpredictable i'm not taking your pennies because i'm not taking them that's not money i'm not standing here counting out pennies okay well i'll tell you what i'll do then yeah he's money bro i'll tell you what i'll do that okay i'll tell you what i'll start counting those pennies and i'll charge you two hundred pound plus v-18 for every hour while i'm here don't [ __ ] piss me off [ __ ] i will [ __ ] [ __ ] you up ah bro [ __ ] wankers man honestly what what the [ __ ] am i doing all of these rather than giving it to you i will [ __ ] put up your [ __ ] [ __ ] don't start threatening people with bottles okay calm down don't start pushing me okay now you won't push me anymore it's as simple as that don't [ __ ] filming me bob calm yourself down [ __ ] calm yourself down and start why are you [ __ ] filming calm yourself down don't push me anymore okay with the situation threatening to turn really ugly help arrives just in time hello hello it's out of place yeah hello mate i'm i call enforcement officer i'm trying to enforce the rip he's pulled the shutters down inside he won't open them do you want to open the shutters for me please because the police want to speak to you your money out you can't all right so i need this to be sorted all right thanks for coming right um all right why do you close the shutters because they're gonna try and take my [ __ ] property we've got here the shutters seen [ __ ] wankers who are you calling the wanker oh you who do you think you're talking to now okay are you going to arrest me huh are you going to arrest i don't want to have to are you going to arrest who's going to have to pay then that would have to be if you get yourself arrested you're not in a position to pay this debt which means i'm gonna have to take all your stock look i make [ __ ] 15 be a [ __ ] pack yeah how the [ __ ] am i gonna pay it let's start getting a resolution yeah you need to calm down and we're not gonna get anything resolved while you're standing now swearing throwing insults there's listen listen where are you going i'm trying to [ __ ] pay the cuts what am i trying to do i'm trying to [ __ ] pay the [ __ ] faced with the prospect of having his stock taken the shopkeeper starts to pull together the cash so you've given me i ain't taking it in that getting to transfer you know i mean money is money money is money brother yeah well you're giving me 1 000. this is the english saying bubba money is money you're giving me 1 000 and 10 pounds [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm not bored look what do you get yourself 527 pounds thought the pain is [ __ ] money money's money that so yeah you're getting yourself all upset i think i've got a good job you know well i enjoy my job so not everybody could do my job it's in their blood look it's in their blood cuntness wankiness you know what i mean that's why he's doing this job that counts [ __ ] him wankers i couldn't go and sit in an office each day and push like a keyboard and work in front of a computer two hours after being threatened abused and then imprisoned scott leaves with the four thousand pounds required to settle the dead i knew that he was going to pay once he had calmed down and once he had seen cents he'd rather pay the outstanding balance and lose all his stock despite his ordeal scott decides not to press charges thanks a lot okay thank you for him it's all in a day's work thank you people call not just me people like me do my job loads and loads of different names all nasty names you know get called different names every single day it threatened everything else but you know if it wasn't me doing this it'd be somebody else it's 5 am in maidston and steve's up early chasing after more cars he's hunting a vehicle belonging to a debtor who's fallen behind with their repayments but like his trip to the car dealer in salisbury he's not having much luck we'll have a little poodle around because it's quite a large estate started parking somewhere else steve's been around long enough to know it's too early to give up they'll try and hide the vehicle if they know that we're looking for it hold on uh the defendant's just pulled up in the vehicle so we're gonna shoot down the block and i'm gonna go and block it in [Music] all right yep it is here now he's located the vehicle steve calls in the tow truck and goes to inform the debtor hello um i've met you before previously today the vehicle was uplifted is going to be taken unless you can arrange payment by closing business today i'm going to need the keys as well well someone pulled up in it earlier this morning at seven o'clock it wasn't here at five to seven and someone pulled up at seven o'clock so there are keys in the house but it's up to you if you want to come and collect the stuff now otherwise you can arrange it later later today it's up to you okay thank you this is the end of the line today in regards to this vehicle we've had two years of this debt outstanding just ignoring it it's not going to go away it will end up we'll be knocking on the door and we will get the money [Music] the very nature of their work means that the enforcers often have to deal with the most vulnerable members of society and that makes their job even harder hello madam hello there you go hi i'm a high court enforcement officer i've got a high call rate of procession which means you have to vacate the premises this morning for me please yeah but i have nowhere to go that's i'm not going to be rude to you but i'm going to be honest that's not my problem should we go in and talk about it man i'm rather than standing on your doorstep scott's in north london dealing with a tenant who hasn't been paying her rent i was advised legally to stay here until i had the balance right well then not a bailiff but high call enforcement officers stood here now and they must advised you as well that when that happened you had to leave plus the factory land all day told you what's happening as well so we're going to go around and around in circles we're going to get to the same end result when that is pack your goods and leave please private tenants who cannot afford their rent are often advised to wait for eviction they receive a formal notice and that means the council are legally required to re-house them i've got to leave and i'm just scared because i have nowhere to go and this is not what the council said what would happen thankfully i have a recovery center to go to which is because i'm ill at the moment so i can actually go to the nhs and ask for help but i don't know where i'm gonna go today i had a breakdown which has meant that i have to be on medication most of the time so it's all sort of falling apart because i have nothing left i didn't think it would happen to me because i was so on top of things if you take that as well i've got that saying that i've been forced to wreck today so that might help you get somewhere else to stay okay there isn't any point in beating around the bush and not telling these people how it is you know i'm there i've got a call order to take back the session of this property they're down they shouldn't be because the court has ordered that so it's not me saying that they shouldn't be there a judge has made that decision christine's fate is sealed she has just enough time to pack an overnight bag about your stuff in a bathroom toothbrush and stuff have you managed to get that the landlord agrees to look after christine's possessions while she seeks emergency accommodation as much as i can help them i always do but sometimes it just goes beyond that at the end of the day the mortgage company won't wait they want their payments and we use the rent from here to pay them these jobs aren't uncommon for scott and he's developed his own way of coping i just try to like not even listen if i can help it because i'll be going home and every night i'd be sitting in doors thinking i've just like literally made somebody homeless and you know and you can't keep on worrying about what you're doing whether it's fair whether i feel like what i'm doing is right or wrong doesn't come into it [Music] in his pursuit to recover debt steve drives over a thousand miles a week his next job is in foxton where the owner of an italian restaurant owes nearly two and a half thousand pounds for an unpaid utility bill that a payment arrangement no payments been made only the office has been trying to call been no contact whatsoever the money has been outstanding for over two years if the owner fails to pay steve is authorised to take goods from the kitchen to cover the dead hello sir yes here to execute the high court route you can see this is a removal attendance i can give you all the money now i give you a half it's no point telling you i can yeah then i'll give it a check and it will match he's gonna pay half of it so i'm quite happy considering the stock is only one the restaurant's been struggling to make ends meet since the recession people before they used to have a meal after the meal the coffee a brandy a cigarette another bottle of wine and so on so the takings was good hi goffstein can you take a payment for me please no they only come in eat quickly and they go we're going to try for one three three nine so our customers used to see at least once a month we see them once every six months every year you know nobody kind of practice anymore because i can understand they haven't got any money in regards to the remaining we better clear that in four weeks or is there any if you again i would yeah can i if i'll leave you my number on the back if you give me a call yeah thank you very much cheers bye-bye times are hard i do feel sorry for these small businesses he's he was more than reasonable and polite with me he's made a payment he's paid half of it so i'll speak to him again in a month's time i will pay that's for sure but i gotta eat today i gotta eat he's aware of what he can lose which is all of his stock which would have cost him more than what he's gonna fetch [Music] [Music] it's a windy morning on the south downs high court enforcement officer scott hines has arrived with a writ there are an estimated 100 000 members of the travelling community in the uk across the country local authorities provide them with special sites where they're legally entitled to stay this isn't one of them the enforcers are called in most weeks by brighton council to move this group on both sides know each other only too well they understand that somebody's got to do this job but a lot of them they don't like us got a high call wheel possession so you need to leave this afternoon please anybody else in any other caravans okay thank you you can treat them with as much respect as possibly you can but they still see us as like the nasty person who's making them leave and they've got nowhere else to go morning [Music] give me 10 minutes go away please so much fun being friendly today for the travellers the eviction order is all part of a pattern of persecution this is a nightmare for everyone involved we're not in anyone's way there's no neighbours anywhere we're living on a piece of disused land can't even see houses from around here well it can't be great but like today for instance that they've got soaking wet so i can sympathize a little bit but then they were told a few days ago that they had to leave they knew this day was coming and they knew they had to leave today i think they probably think we're just a bunch of dropouts really are you no [Music] you don't live this lifestyle unless you choose to but there's no way like you do this out of anything apart from your own personal choice and your own personal beliefs they know they're going to be evicted and that's just part part of what happens because they're opted out of society it's not a lifestyle i would choose people might not like what they see but it's still our home the travelers seem resigned to their fate and leave without a fuss i totally understand everyone's point of view you know we're travellers we live on wheels but all this comes at a price every eviction costs the local taxpayers thousands of pounds and the number has doubled over the past two years it's not just travelers that keep the enforcers busy landlord evictions are also on the rise we're at the eviction okay then jenny leave it with me i'll call the locksmith now thank you there are currently around 350 evictions a day with the toughest cases being handled by high court enforcement officers over in margate relations between a landlord and tenant have broken down as a last resort enforcer john holmwood has been called in with a repossession order are you going to wait just around the corner because she won't have the door to you will she the tenant hasn't paid any rent for quite a while she's obviously refused to get out by the day she's supposed to be out and so we've had to take the final steps and actually evict her unfortunately what's going to happen today is you're gonna get what you can leave with this morning you'll come back and make an arrangement with mr tran who's outside now to get your stuff but this morning you leave with what you can take out okay that's the way it happens all right so if you get your children ready i'll give you time to do that because you know it's like five months yeah sure your children have got to go to school yeah that's fine that's fine that's absolutely fine get the boys to school and then we'll deal with it afterwards all right all right he knows what we don't want to do today is to have a shouting match or anybody get into arguments do you know what i mean when we gave it to her it was in nice condition there was no rubbish and it was in a good state and she's unfortunately let it get into a bit of a state of disrepair and we've got quite a job in our hands to get it fixed up now the tension between the landlord and the tenants is running high and john's caught in the middle i could easily go out and knock his head off but it ain't going to get me nowhere so there's no point you swear to me he's not allowed to touch any of my stuff i'm sure he's got no interest in doing that anyway i don't trust him after you know knowing you know the time that we've got to leave he will allow you to come back and move yourself out if you sort the boys out you get yourself dressed and um grab what you think you you'll need this morning there's been one thing after they promised there'd be money coming promising she'd fix the house fortunately she'd clean the house promising she'd be out of the house on the time she said and because she hasn't she pushed us right to the limit really i'm afraid natalie says that losing her home is largely down to circumstances beyond her control i owe him rent because the council wasn't actually paying the rent so which then put us into renter is that's what's led to this the benefit system is absolutely diabolical they don't give you pre-warning of when they're going to stop your benefits or they just do it and you know you're left to face the consequences obviously you know it's basically my fault i suppose you know just gotta try and keep calm because obviously of the unborn child to put somebody pregnant on the street i wouldn't bit out of the worst enemy just going to put their necessities in the car take them over to mine and then i'm going to take ross and natalie down to the council sort out down there um and see what happens and if necessary they'll stay with me for a couple of days until the council hang out or somebody sort something out difficult situation the lady was pregnant she was just upset that uh we were there before the kids went to school which is understandable but um as much as i empathize uh with those people we're here for a reason and they're going straight down to the council and the council look after it [Music] steve's next job isn't as tricky he's heading off to oxford to chase up another substantial company debt he's after the owner of a perfume business who refuses to pay one of his suppliers in regards to a rit that was issued against the company just here to collect the remaining balance which is a thousand and seventy pounds and two p do you wanna do the payment here now no you don't i'll i'll pay you when i'm ready but it doesn't work like that i'm afraid but i'm afraid it doesn't i'm not gonna be leaving here without the payment or goods so can you forcibly break it yes i can can you yes i do have the power to do that it really is it's so medieval don't want to go down that line sir but it's up to you with the man being so defiant steve's not sure if he's going to get the money okay oh i dropped it when you finish with it stick it through the door yes sir i'll leave you a seat as well the debt may have been settled but the man isn't quite finished what i'm saying angry about is that you come here and embarrass me and [ __ ] me up have i embarrassed it oh don't eat a [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] off your dog nice gentleman it's pure arrogance that he believes he's above the law and he doesn't have to pay and by looking down and speaking to me in the manner he does he's still portraying this arrogance that he's um better than everyone else and why should he have to pay the debt that has now resolved move on to the next one [Music] back on the south downs the travelers have moved on they're now camped illegally in the car park of a local sports club at the moment down there there's about 15 caravans with all their vehicles and other materials they have dog kennels sort of dishes down there i've got no objections to the way they want to live but to show no respect to the way that we want to live i don't think it's right they have no consideration anyone else apart from themselves if i broke into a secure car park i would be kicked out straight away i do get very frustrated i do get very angry that nothing's done immediately to get rid of them the sports center make a complaint about the travel is illegally occupying the car park so once again the enforcers are called in this time it's steve and john's turn every fortnight without fail move them from one side to another moved them last week yeah today is the day uh we'll we'll we'll sort it out it will get sorted out soon yeah you know what i mean all right switch it a bit i wouldn't be best pleased if that was me to wake up and have 20 caravans and the noise that goes with it in the evenings last thing we want to do is live somewhere um right in everyone's way and causing you know an eyesore we quite often find sites that are well out of the way but get evicted just the same so we end up places like this this is the playing field kids come here to play football it's covered in dog faces all around here all the rubbish that's all been dumped here that's gonna have to be cleaned up [Music] the travelers pack up and prepare to leave for steve this is one job at least that looks like everything's going according to plan [Music] hello scott it's jackie from the office um just thought i'd give you an update on that eviction we've got a developed pub where there's been one guy who's refusing to leave scott's on his way to one of those jobs that every enforcer dread one that he's been told could have a potential for violence [Music] he's armed himself with weapons a piece of wood and maybe a knife as well a man has been squatting in a pub for nearly two months he has several convictions for drug offences scott and john are waiting for police to provide backup while they carry out the eviction getting in the building might not be that easy he has barricaded it like he has claimed claimed to have done so it might be a slow process of getting through barricades um it could go completely differently it could be literally he's there waiting for us and he just literally walks out and he um hasn't got any problem at all and he's polite and friendly and all this is for nothing um to say we'll find out in a few minutes hello david hello there hi call enforcement officer i've got a high call rate of possession gives me the power to come in through the door and to ask you to leave do not come in here please i'm telling you now please do not come in here i've got taylor here all right this is the front door offers little resistance but there is no telling what lies on the other side high court enforcement officers are breaking into a pub to evict a man who's been living there illegally for two months the pub has been blocked at every turn and it's clear the man has no intention of coming quietly [Music] taser armed officers follow the enforcers in they're on standby to take over if necessary do you want to be able to do this in a calm calm organized way david if you're here to talk you don't need to smash the door down buddy can i can i can i talk to you then talk away mate but you ain't taking me out that door buddy do you understand david i need to ask you incorporation operations you're gonna [ __ ] kill me though i'm not gonna kill you yes [ __ ] kill me my heart's already raising 280. we can stop all this put that down and then we can help put the weapon down right okay gonna now that david is under arrest scott is able to reclaim the property for the rightful owner i don't give a [ __ ] if you [ __ ] drop me [ __ ] up drop me down the stairs [ __ ] very very rare it's the first time i've seen it in nearly 12 years of doing this hey is this the medical help buddy is this going to hospital is it hey this is a cure music mate hey some people might think that this is hard and it's like quite an awkward and nasty job to do but you know i've done it for quite a long time now and to me it's no different to going to work each day and stacking shelves or driving a taxi it's just a job job to me you know and there's a lot more dangerous and a lot more stressful jobs out there than what this is [Music] yeah who's got the van mate back at the eviction steve has hit a problem not all of the owners of the caravans are on site steve knows that if he attempts to move the homes without permission there will be an almighty rail he phones the council for instructions got a couple of fans um there's no one here for them his orders are clear everything has to be shifted by noon so we'll take those take those to the pound yeah yeah this one here one on this and that brown one here there's no one here to claim ownership of them they'll be given a week to claim ownership if not they'll be scrapped there's no goods inside it which are of any value to us so then maybe of sentimental value there's only more we can do without instructions from the council they're the client they want to move the site's got to be cleared with the weather against him steve's chances of meeting the deadline look increasingly remote the wheels [ __ ] up [Music] to make matters worse one of the travelers turns up to find his caravan being towed away we didn't ask you because you keep gobbing off at everyone because you're [ __ ] taking the piss how can anybody talk to him like that you're just as much of a problem as the council are as long as you carry on doing everything that your bum-licking lackeys tell you to listen to because it's illegal you know it's illegal you know that this is the last fascist state this is the last bit of racism that's legal in this country why should i [ __ ] listen to you listen why the hell i've been listening to you people forever and ever and ever for 30 years my people have been chased around and harassed by people in dayglow arm yourself piss off carve yourself piss off yeah because this is fascism because you people are doing this job you shouldn't be able to bloody sleep at night you've got family you imagine seeing them all being made homeless yeah i've been doing this for 30 years i get moved on to a new site every seven days you tell me how many sites there are in the [ __ ] uk are you going to be moving this otherwise we'll be hooking it up simple as that i'm asking you a civil question in a civil tone yeah are you moving it or not are you moving it or not simple questions not a problem when the truck comes we'll remove ourselves it's about brutal horses because you're bullies steve and john the abuse is all in a day's work you never used to think you were born to be a mug of the monkey foul language is he's part of it it's a lot of hot air people are upset the heat at the moment they generally say things that they they didn't actually mean and it's water for ducks back really despite all the shouting the outcome is always the same we're going to be seeing you next week probably the week after the week after that so it's pointless falling out now all the best cheers taxpayers paying week in week out throughout the country for enforcement officers to move travellers on and there's never going to be a solution for it no one wants them on their land all we can actually do is turn up when we requested and move them onto another site it's taken six long hours to clear the car park but for the enforcers there's always another job waiting we're keeping on top of it that's all we can actually do that's how i'm here today to collect the payment in form or seize the vehicle with domestic evictions and debts we're collecting money for individuals we're not stopping the amount of debt that's being built up throughout the country at nine o'clock you're going out the premises so i've got rick here to see his goods and remove goods that's obviously escalated but it's never going to stop and that's always going to be there and that's effectively what our job is [Music] try and keep a lid on it as best we possibly can i've got a high quality of procession now don't shut down me [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 765,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), crime, crime documentary, squatters, eviction, london police
Id: mIQjPH0DpNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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