Dangerous Cave Scuba Diving in Hospital Hole @ Weeki Wachee River Florida

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[Music] [Applause] what is going on everybody Joe Oceanside here and today we are back at Weeki Wachee in Florida we are at hospital hull this is a hundred and thirty foot deep hole right in the middle of the river so we've got our scuba gear we're gonna drop down in the hole see how deep we can get and see what we can find down there if anything this is really dangerous so we're gonna bring a dive flag and a rope down with us so we'll be able to find our way back out if we need to so you know you guys I was out here at Weeki Wachee Florida and I ran into Brandon Jordan from jigging with Jordan no not yet we're about to get it yeah he has an awesome YouTube channel he does tons of scuba diving treasure hunting really awesome stuff man so if you haven't already check him out at chicken with Jordan on YouTube anyway let's get in and take a look [Music] the first unique thing you'll see about hospital whole are the different layers of water so you have to go through a murky layer and then you have to go through a swirly layer created by different salinity levels in the water meeting at a certain point I'm down now along the rim of the hole and I'm meeting up with my dive buddy we're dropping down to a deeper depth about 60 feet where you can see a little more clear now here's the side of the cavern and look at this there's all these scratchings and carvings on the side of the cavern where scuba divers have carved their names into the wall Hospital hole is kind of like hourglass shape so when you drop down you can actually go wider but you need to be careful because that means you have a wall over your head at that point and if you look up here it looks like you're swimming on the side of the Grand Canyon it's crazy it's just a cool experience [Music] take a look at my dog computer watch you can see them down at about 61 feet right now [Music] look at the sides of the wall here it's basically all rock at this depth there's no growth anymore we're at 68 feet the light does not penetrate deep enough into the water to make it grow now look at my dive buddy he's actually down in the murky lair you can barely see him we're starting to lose visibility down here and this is what makes hospital hole so dangerous if you go too low you hit the murky layer and you can almost not even see about three feet look my dive buddy's gone he's about six feet away from me and I can't even see him anymore so at this point we're at seventy four feet that's where the murky layer is so we either need to get below it or we need to just stay above it so we're gonna come back above it where it's a little bit safer here my dive buddy he's just hanging out look at all these scratchings in here all these carvings this is kind of interesting it's kind of like graffiti I don't know if I like it or not but it is interesting to look at with my dive light now it looks like my dive buddy found something interesting up here he's shining his light it's a little these are little captive air pockets here so these are a little upside down pockets and the air from our scuba tanks is actually getting caught in there and it's kind of interesting you can stick your hand up in these little Swiss cheese holes almost [Music] going along the wall more this is a huge wall and there's quite a bit to explore you have some cracks in here now this could be dangerous it looks like some of these boulders could actually fall out at some point this has been known to happen in caverns to have boulders fall out randomly so that's why you got to be really careful down here [Music] looks like my dive buddy found a little hole up here let's go take a look at it [Music] now all around hospital hold there's these little tubes and little holes that break off they form little caves and I'm not really sure where they go it doesn't look like they have an exit and this is extremely dangerous here this is how divers get in trouble if they go too deep into these holes they can either kick up silt and lose visibility or get stuck or they have an emergency and they lose their mind and they don't know to come back down and then up they try to go straight up into the hole and then they're stuck in there forever and they die so it's really dangerous I'm gonna go peek up in this hole and see what I can see see how far up in this hole we can get going up a little bit now look at that hole it just goes on as far as I can see my bubbles are just going straight up into it now this is about as far as I want to go so I'm gonna back up out of here this is not safe I am NOT a cave diver and I don't know how to do it properly so I'm not gonna mess around in here take a look at that little peace sign somebody scratching the wall and just above this peace sign is another hole that we could go through but we're definitely not going to go through now this is a really big hole here this is almost like a little cave [Music] again cave-diving is very dangerous and it takes a lot of training and experience to do it properly and I am NOT a cave diver I'm not interested in becoming a cave diver it seems really scary to me so we're just gonna take a quick peek in this hole and we're gonna get right out now you can see if I turn my bright light on it actually lights up all the silt in there and that silk makes you start to lose visibility and that's what's really dangerous for cave divers is silt when you kick up the silt from the walls of the cave you can lose visibility really fast we're gonna keep moving along this is a huge hole and it takes a little bit to swim around the whole entire rim of the hole but I want to show you this here this is what makes cave diving so dangerous this is silt so take a look at this ledge here this is like a crack ledge on the edge of the wall I'm gonna grab this and you're gonna see how fine this silt is this silt is is just years and years of decayed wood and organic material coming down from above and it settles on the rocks and look at this if you stir it up it's just like powder it just fills up everything you can't see through it very dangerous so now we're gonna go up very slowly when you're scuba diving you have to ascend very slowly if you go up too quickly you run the risk of damaging your lungs and you also run the risk of developing nitrogen bubbles in your bloodstream so part of scuba diving trainings you learn how to ascend very slowly and also you follow your dive computer and make sure you're not setting too quickly now we found in another hole here let's take a look up in this hole this hole is actually kind of interesting because you can actually see all the way up through this hole and I can see daylight at the top of this hole here take a look you can see daylight so this hole actually goes all the way up I could go through there but and I'm a little scared I don't think my dive tank is gonna fit in there [Music] no I'm not doing that maybe as a free diver you could go through there but again extremely dangerous if you started going up in that tube and you found out you couldn't fit it could be really bad I take a look we're up higher now this is the side of the wall where the light from the Sun actually penetrates and you're starting to get growth on the side like algae now look at this someone dropped a lighter on us we were swimming along and all of a sudden the lighter came down from overhead so someone in a boat up top must have dropped their lighter in the water take a look at it I'm actually gonna try and light it underwater and you can see the methane gas coming out of the lighter kind of cool I'm gonna put that in my pocket throw in the garbage later now look at this there's all these little bits of debris they're floating down from above maybe someone in a boat picked it up or something but it's just beautiful I feel like I'm in outer space or something man this is just like a dream world down here [Music] now I'm higher up in the hole I'm about 25 feet and I'm actually taking this safe and stop so scuba divers need to take a safe to stop after diving really deep when you go down really deep underwater the pressure actually forces nitrogen gas into your bloodstream and if you come up too quickly the nitrogen gas can turn into little bubbles and it's a very very serious condition that can in you or kill you my dive buddies all the way up at the rim of the hole [Music] and take a look here this is what can make Hospital hole so dangerous here is all this silt so people above you kick up all this silt and sand you can lose visibility really quick so if you're down there and you think you know which way is up and all of a sudden you lose visibility now you don't know where Troy is up or down it can make for a very dangerous situation so I'm coming up really slowly here and take a look at this there's air bubbles streaming out of the ground so those air bubbles are actually from our dive tanks when we're down there breathing and we're actually under in the hole those air bubbles get trapped up in the cave and they find a way to make it up to the surface so they stream out in different places that's pretty cool and then this hole here is actually the top of one of those little caves that we looked up through so it looks like a pretty big hole but still I wouldn't want to go through there with my scuba tank maybe with three diving so you can see now back in that swirly layer and I'm making my way up through the murky layer and then I'm back up at the surface at hospital hole on the Weeki Wachee River [Music] and check this out this is such a beautiful place this is one of the few places where it's almost is more beautiful above the water as it is below the water I love it in the middle of the woods the hard part about for us right now was was buoyancy size in the depth of the of the and the temperature of the water so we were kind of sitting there next to each feel yourself going a little bit deeper you put a little bit more air in yeah all right you guys that's Hospital hole we just got those scuba diving here it was really cool but it is a little bit dangerous and a little bit scary down there there's no fish there's not much to see there's a little caves and some little tubes that maybe you could swim through but man it's a little scary I don't know I wasn't brave enough to get in there I don't want to get stuck so we just learned around a few times we went down to about 75 feet and then right around 75 feet you hit this like murky layer and you can't see anything so it's kind of scary we didn't want to go any lower than that but we had a good time anyway if you enjoyed the video please give it a like and please consider subscribing to the channel for more great underwater content make sure you subscribe to dig away jordan's channel as well he was out here metal detecting today he's a really awesome youtuber anyway I hope you guys enjoyed it thanks again now get out there and explore
Channel: Joe Oceanside
Views: 4,440
Rating: 4.9117646 out of 5
Keywords: scuba, scuba diving, diving, cave diving, weeki wachee, weeki wachee river, weeki wachee florida, hospital hole, diving hospital hole, scuba diving hospital hole, jiggin with jordan, dallmyd, best scuba diving florida, weeki wachee springs, florida springs, ginnie springs, rainbow river, blue springs, devils den scuba, florida scuba diving, underwater exploring, freediving, best scuba diving
Id: 5oFKWBr9YtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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