Dangerboy Haiden Deegan explains the difference between the Factory KTM and the Star Racing Yamaha

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so you got the um 250f ktm and then you did some testing for the factory team what was the pr like forget about the deals and all that sort of stuff what was it like the first time you rode a factory big bike yeah i know ktm brought like a factory bike because it was right before contract time so they wanted to you know obviously test the good bikes see what i'm gonna be riding and you know you show up with the two ktm vans it's all professional and stuff usually i just go to the truck my van and dirt bike and uh it was like oh juice like it's like it's pretty cool definitely getting around to be around those guys dungey's testing the ktm it's like you're right next to like the big times big time guys so bike was like you hop on a pro bike it's a factory bike it's a lot faster a lot faster than your average mod bike so you're like getting used to and stuff and it's just crazy everyone you know kind of all the team guys are watching it's definitely a lot of pressure but yeah from there just you know just trying to find your comfort zone on the bike and see what's best for you what was the like what was your impressions of that factory ktm like motor-wise suspension-wise was it quite a big difference to what you were used to yeah definitely on my i had my stock 250f at the moment and uh jamie did some mapping on it to give me a little more power so i was riding a stock bike and then when i test the factory bike suspension was a lot stiffer i had like uh the basic wp stuff built on it so it wasn't like super stiff and i got in the ktm super stiff so we had to obviously soften the suspension up a little bit but like motor wise it's like a whole different world when you get on a factory bike from a stock 250 it's like the power is crazy on those things and especially ktm has a lot of mid to top power so it like pulls gnarly but overall it's pretty cool and then you go to the star bike another factory bike factory motor and you get on that thing and that thing's got the gnarliest torque i've ever ridden on a dirt bike it's so sick and uh obviously it has some gnarly midi top it pulls hard but right when i got on that starbuck i was like dang this is gonna make the decision a lot harder because this thing goes gnarly fast yeah crazy i was like oh sorry no you're good yeah yeah dude so um when we when i did the podcast with your dad i was just like have you ever ridden one of those those yz250s man cause like they're pretty ridiculous i went and rode at townley's in like 2019 i'd never ridden one of those bikes before i was like what is this thing like is this for real and uh yeah it just turns out it was just a stock um yamaha 250 and i was like uh okay this makes a lot of sense why the star bikes are so good because you get like this bass package and this bass motor that's insane so obviously when you start modding that thing um it's going to turn into a monster and then that's pretty much how it worked out for you you were just like what the hell yeah i know i was like dang this thing's crazy because obviously i went back to florida and tested their uh race bike like they used for the 250 class and pros to get a good feel on it and it was just like you just every corner wheeling out of everything i was like dude this thing's so sick but uh obviously a lot of good bikes are really close too in uh pro racing because they they got to make it obviously as close as they can so they're up front but the star bike definitely was crazy yeah and then the the first time you rode it um that the track was deep too man like super super deep yeah definitely um on the ktm the track wasn't sd cause i read paula and glenn helen so it was more fast speed and whenever the star bike in florida they had the track tilled so it was just uh definitely rings your ears like i rode the the factory bike and it's so loud it like i'd wear earplugs because you're just pulling you're going wide open through that soft stuff and there's a ring in your ears because it's such a gnarly power and just so loud but it just like pulls through everything it's so nice yeah and then i can imagine gone into supercross just having that that power everywhere that you want it um it's gotta make you kind of more confident yeah definitely um starbite on supercross is outrageous i rode supercross for the past two days it's got the gnarliest torque like you mess up with section you get you just get a little clutch right in the transition you're back tripling it's like it's it's a it's a nice supercross bike so i saw uh on the video at one point like ferandes is out on the track and i'm sure there are a bunch of other guys right it actually looked like you did a lot of laps that uh that first day that you rode supercross um how do you reckon obviously you're not trying to be speed wise like you're not going all the way as fast as you can and that's not the plan and it's not the move for you to just go out and try and go that fast first day but was there because i mean there's got to be a point where you're like you wake up in the morning and you know you're about to ride supercross for the first time on your factory bike you got to be a little bit like man like can i can i do this so what was it like your expectations wise and then did you see the speed that would go on and think like oh i can eventually do that yeah i watched like colt nichols dylan and uh i sat there before i went on road um just watched him go through the whoops they got some crazy whip speed and then just seeing colts like or how he hit the turns how hard he hit him and like uh like seeing how he races supercross and it's like oh that kind of makes sense he's hitting the turns that hard probably gives me a good reason why he's obviously up front so i was kind of just going to give that to myself to go out in the super garage track and kind of copy what colt was doing um not to the pace he was going obviously because not up there yet but um just got out in the track and just tried to be smooth first day on the bike so just getting the track figured out and uh we practiced the whoops a lot because i was trying to get those dialed on the 250. first time i ever wrote the supercrosstrack on a 250 and i got thrown on the gnarly fast bike so it was a fun time getting to hit all the fat rhythms and uh those bikes handle crazily good like you'll clip a rhythm barely feel it like the suspension's just crazy going through the whoops handles like super nice and uh you got the suspension guy there too with you watching you do the whole track so he obviously watches me through the whoops oh we'll make this change we'll do this it's sweet it honestly just sounds like fun like that sounds just like a fun day of writing yeah it's crazy you know everyone's just watching you and you're getting right at the factory guys it's like how would you ever want to give this up yeah well you're one of those factory guys now it's like you know you you saying like oh you get to ride with the factory guys like hey you're the factory guy now too yeah i know it's crazy getting to ride with these guys and be one of the guys so it's a definitely a good path if you enjoyed this content please like and subscribe and to listen to the full three-hour podcast search gypsy tales in your favorite podcast platform or click the link in the description below gypsy gang
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Keywords: Dangerboy, haiden deegan, the deegans, star yamaha, motocross, supercross, gypsy tales podcast, jase macalpine
Id: R192D7e8RjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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