Danganronpa Another Episode - Masaru Daimon pre-boss fight

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huh why is it so dark I told you in the freight of the dark it's okay I'm telling you it's not that dark the dark is more than talk enough [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] superhero of the Warriors [Music] you hey I won't let you escape demon oh what the hell what's with this dorky little Brad it's him he's one of the kids had put the wristband on me one of them don't treat me like some Chuck I'm a leader of the Warriors of hope I'm out latencies don't we call themselves leaders but hide like cowards the best leaders are the ones that stand bravely on the frontline that's a true hero or matheran diamond that was cool right looks totally cool right then right I'm narcissistic a little ingrate brats like him always get what's coming to them hey did you freak out when the leader of the whole group just popped up like that scary right pathetic just like I always say stupid little girls with no where's our total cowards weird kid he said winner winner you can't blurt it out weird like that oh how do decent you're reprehensible big stupid winner hmm local you don't have to keep repeating it all right brace yourself demon minutes shoulder toe me like a dog and beg for mercy you're gonna get it now free boy isn't that obvious this is a killer seal I'm gonna kill you demons so excuse you you dolt you can't even say it right there's no such thing as a kill it's him what it's pronounced Colosseum which is an amphitheater made in ancient Rome that's being all cool like that and not even knowing how to pronounce it you really are a kid I knew that it was just a special hero joke you are one melding demon what is this demon thing in the first place that better not be about us it's not just us isn't he talking about adults in general mm-hm yeah that's right you adulterer demon you are enemies enemies of kids that's why man the wires of hope are gonna hunt down every last one of you and that make a people paradise just for children in his town [Applause] boy is that what you can't tell just by looking these guys are the demons I've hunted down ha ha ha how about it isn't it awesome it's where the one-trillion Brazilian point Oh Maru you can't look whatever you do don't look at it oh my god yeah I told you not to look just because they gave birth to us and raise them they thought they could control up all AB hero I hunted them down everyone go free now now don't praise me too much I just did what any good leader would do how could you do this ok you won't realize that one day you will all be adults too right I won't become an adult I made a promise with the Warriors of Hope made a promise with Monica if I'm gonna turn into a dirty mean ugly smelly demon I'd rather die as a kid see you can hear right everyone loves me if they appreciate me because I'm their hero if I hunt down every single demon that nobody has to be afraid anymore they won't have to be afraid of the violence and the pain will have to afraid I smell anything I'm a hero [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] it's finally listen to me already please please stop we're not demons we won't do anything to you guys please do these kids are completely insane talking to them isn't going to accomplish anything they don't even respect life and death anymore they're beyond sanity entirely you guys you you look like you have lanky bodies maybe you aren't through demon yet pleasure almost cease you're going to be just like the demons I can tell and that's why I have to defeat you now before you turn into one [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I putted up Beesly terrific no sighs chuckles what should we do hmm we're going to get the machine so as long as you have that gun Nestor gave you your chance we'll be fine probably you
Channel: Duli
Views: 123,544
Rating: 4.9727759 out of 5
Id: dlpgW96a3CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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