Dancing under the Moon - Native American Chant
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Sandra Morrison
Views: 1,189,717
Rating: 4.9287057 out of 5
Keywords: dancing, under, moon, Great, Spirit, Douglas, spotted, eagle, flute, chant, native, american, indian, land, sacred, cherokee, lakota, sioux, hopi, navajo, chikasaw, choctow, blackfoot, tipi, tepee, plains, meditation, shawnee, mohican, canyon, peru, inca, apache, cheyenne, chickasaw, nez, perce, chumash, pequot, oneida, seminole, iroquois, potawatomi, pocahontas, hiawatha, regalia, feather, buckskin, buffalo, fox, tomahawk, mother, earth, sun, father, sky, pan, pipes, tipee
Id: AWm87vQLnyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 25 2008
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