Dance Moms: The Reunion | OG Cast Remembers WILD Pyramid Scenes! | Lifetime

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Oh, gosh! [laughs] Pyramid was so long! [upbeat music plays] Hey, everyone! I'm JoJo Siwa. I'm Kendall. I'm Chloe. I'm 22 years old. You might remember me from when I was a baby. Chloe. That's gonna go in a shadow box <i> next to my pyramid picture.</i> Gonna make my own pyramid and be at the top. I'm gonna rank everyone that comes into my house. [laughter] [Abby]<i> At the beginning of each week,</i> I have kind of like a pyramid thing where <i> everybody's always trying to get to the top of that.</i> <i> It goes on behavior,</i> work ethic, attendance... <i> Have they followed all the rules?</i> All of that goes into <i> who's gonna be at the top of the pyramid</i> <i> and who's gonna get to compete the next weekend.</i> Pyramid was a crazy concept that, to this day, I never will fully understand. [Christi]<i> She puts these kids in a pyramid.</i> It is a nightmare for a child and an adult, because we have to <i> stand by and take it.</i> It was so unfair, and it was so cruel, and the fact that most of the time we were judged because of our moms' behaviors. First... I have Kendall. Kendall, I thought you did a nice job. You're here because your mother is way too needy. Abby, that's ridiculous! -Paige... -Every single one of them-- That doesn't make it right! Next, Kalani. She knocked this team down to make you guys look better and hand you your jacket. Payton, you were not the right replacement for this group. Where is your loyalty?! We have been loyal to her... [overlapping arguing] ...she doesn't want to dance! Nia, that's you next. I'm sure she would've fought about that. Get your act together and stop telling lies! You're punishing her for something I did. Bingo! There you go! On the top of the pyramid, we have, for the first time in the history of the Abby Lee Dance Company, JoJo! [upbeat music playing] No big fight, pyramid was anywhere from two to three hours. If there was a big fight, we would be there for four hours. If you're so good, you don't need to be part of Abby Lee Dance Company. [tense music playing] Can you put her picture back up? She deserves to be on the pyramid. -She was in the group dance. -She deserves nothing! It was dreadful. I had a permanent residency on the bottom of the pyramid. JoJo. JoJo. JoJo. JoJo. JoJo. On the bottom of the pyramid... JoJo. JoJo. JoJo. You were fifth. One, two, three, four, five. Like, I was the Britney Spears of Las Vegas on the bottom of the pyramid. It just... kind of became a running joke. Gia would be like, "Let's make a formation," <i> and I would go to the back-left corner.</i> <i>I knew that's where I belonged.</i> <i> I knew that I was on the bottom.</i> <i> I never cared, though.</i> If I was on the second row, or even not last, I was like, "It's gonna be a good week." [Abby] It was a quiet week. I didn't hear your mouth. That's a good thing. There was the pyramid... "that if you yell, I'm gonna cry" pyramid. Oh, no, no, no. No crying children. Well, if you yell at me, I'm gonna cry. Get out! There's the pyramid where Abby had the girls write a letter about me. "Sometimes she's very loud." "You lip-synch when you're on stage." "You're nice and a team player." There was the one pyramid where I was on top. On the top of the pyramid, we have, for the first time in the history of the Abby Lee Dance Company, JoJo. [all applauding] JoJo, it was great that you had that shining moment and it was all about you, but for us, you don't really care who wins as long as they don't win. Seriously. Can you just let JoJo have her moment? And also sharing the top of the pyramid... is Maddie. I had to share, but I was still on top. <i> I remember our first pyramid at ALDC LA.</i> <i> That was really cool.</i> First pyramid ever... First pyramid where Abby made fun of my headshot... First pyramid where she liked my headshot... JoJo, you're on the bottom 'cause you're not even on the team. Gonna move you here. You're not part of it. Better headshot, though. Cute. I think because I came into the pyramid knowing what it was like by watching it, I was more okay with it than other people were. I mean, the concept of the pyramid is absolutely wack <i> when you think about it, but also,</i> <i> like, from a kid like me</i> who is motivated by stuff like that, it was the best thing ever. For the first two weeks. Once I realized I didn't give a [bleep], it didn't do anything. [upbeat music playing] Oh, my God! -[corks popping] -[bleep] [exclaiming] [laughing] I can't take myself seriously. In the bottom row, I have... Paige and Brooke. What has changed? Hair has grown a lot. That pose was definitely Abby's idea. -[women laughing] -[laughs] Me and my sister always say we paid rent at the bottom of the pyramid. Brooke, you're back. But is Brooke really back? Yes. I don't think I've ever held it before. It was always on the bottom of the pyramid. [laughs] Brooke, great performance. And then you forgot the ending, didn't know what you were doing, and you just fizzled out. And on the top of the pyramid... [dramatic music playing] -Woo-hoo! -[Abby] Paige. Paige, your legs were straight, your feet were pointed, and you went out and won it. -Congratulations. -Thank you. The fact that it was that monumental, we had to hug. [laughter] I think everybody in the room just wanted to jump up and down for Paige. She has never been at the top of the pyramid, <i> and she really deserves this.</i> I think that was the only time I was on top. -I feel great! -Yay! I never had high hopes going into pyramid. We knew those first two spots were secured for me and her. -[laughing] -Yeah. The Zieglers and the Hylands swapped. -Yeah. -That was crazy. Somebody must have been on drugs that week or something. -[upbeat music plays] -[laughs] I loved seeing myself happy and feeling proud of myself because there's not a lot of moments like that on the show. <i> I feel like I'm always crying</i> <i> or getting torn down by someone.</i> I think this just taught me that I can do it. I think I never thought it was possible to be on the top of the pyramid. I was losing all confidence in that, but I was like, "I won first and I actually can be on the top." [cheering] [MC] Great job given by Paige from Abby Lee. I am excited. We've never done this. [indistinct chatter] [cheering] <i> Dance Moms!</i> You guys talk crap about my kid all the time! You're not out there, Kendall, so you don't know. Excuse me! Abby, I am not allowing this woman to talk to my child like that! Pyramid took all day. I feel like a lot of people don't know that. And it was hard being a nine-year-old being judged by a pyramid that has never been heard of before and it was never done before. <i> I think a lot of the times,</i> <i> the craziest pyramids</i> were when people would walk through the door that we had no idea were coming. What's our surprise? I'd like to know what our surprise is. Laquifa! [girls squealing] There he is! What's going on? No idea who these people are. [Jill] They're Abby's ultimate dancers. -Say hi, girls. -Hi, everyone. [Abby]<i> I'm holding an open audition.</i> -What? -Kelly walks in. -I don't have time for that. -[squealing] -This is your surprise. -Hello! Whether it was me coming back to the studio... I'm in the middle of a rehearsal! -You know what? Rehearse! -I cannot believe this. Or the Minis coming, or the Elite Team coming. Or Abby ripping someone's picture off of the mirror. No pyramid. Those were the pyramids that stood out to me. Or the time that I yelled at Ashlee. That was definitely a big pyramid for me. Abby, how do you really feel about moms who don't necessarily agree with the way the results went, automatically question-- Just stop. All you want is drama. Why don't we go on the pyramid? -We're talking about the trio. -I don't care. You guys never once take into account that this kid has feelings, too. Ever. Because everything out of your mouth is mean and hurtful. [Ashlee] You're just jealous that Brynn has had a better season than Kendall. [tense music plays] It's all over social media. It doesn't-- Kendall, don't listen to her. It's not all over social media. Trust me. She's a fool. You're not allowed to speak or look at my child. I wasn't talking to either of you. -I was talking to Abby. -I'm not dealing with this. I care about her feelings. So much that she has to tear down every kid to make hers feel good. -I have not torn down kids. -You do. You're the one who tears down kids every day. You guys talk crap about my kid all the time! You're not out there, Kendall, so you don't know. Excuse me! Abby, I am not allowing this woman to talk to my child like that! [Holly]<i> Wow. Kendall yelled at Ashlee.</i> Our kids are becoming like their mothers. And is that a really good thing? Grow the [bleep] up! I'm done. I'm leaving. Goodbye! -Jill! Jill! -[Jill] No! You can have her! Have her! Have fun! I'm leaving. I am so over this! This is absolutely... nuts. But if I'm gonna be honest, they all blended, and we were all just standing there like this. [Abby] I've been raising you for years now. Okay. [Abby] But there comes that time when you're playing a role where you need to dig down deep and remember that I saw you become frail... Everything was going in one ear and out the other. [chuckles] [upbeat music plays] Look, she's so up high. She's so high, she's up top. [woman] Beautiful! -Here, you want it? -[woman laughs] You want a frame? Why don't you be the adult and console them first? You yelled at Paige and told her she was stupid. I think the case in point is we know that you don't care-- Some kids are just special! I actually remember not really caring about my place on pyramid. On pyramid day, <i> on our way to the studio,</i> <i> I didn't sit there and fret</i> <i> over where I came on the pyramid.</i> Or, like, what she was gonna say about me. Chloe, time to face the music. You're not seven anymore. I suggest you get in front of a mirror and you work on your confidence. Fourth? Not good enough. Chloe is suspended. So is her mother. Disappointment. Deplorable. And I certainly don't think any of you work hard enough. I think the only way that Chloe will ever make it to the top again <i> is if she maybe reincarnates as Anna Pavlova.</i> Fights would break out during pyramids for sure. -First overall-- -She got first in pre-teen. You are not gonna ruin her! You yelled at Paige and told her she was stupid. And I got these for free, and I got these for free. It was really the only time we were very involved in the drama. I heard your teacher say last week that your girls could learn from JoJo's confidence. How will you women stand here? You're cowards! -I didn't-- -You're cowards! -We know that you don't care-- -Some kids are just special! You dangled a carrot in front of her and you just ripped it away! For what? For<i> her</i> daughter? Usually the moms tried to keep it far away from us, and throughout the week, they would take it right to Abby, <i> and encourage us to step out of the room</i> so we weren't part of it and didn't hear the yelling. But pyramid was the only time that they couldn't control that. You should let 'em all three do hip-hop. -Do whatever you want. -Oh my God! We almost had a normal pyramid without someone storming out. I was just always interested in pyramid because I wanted to learn what was coming next. [Abby]<i> This week the girls and I are in New York City.</i> Here we are, back in LA. We're going to Starpower in Lancaster. I was so excited to learn what city we were traveling to, what competition, <i> what dances we were gonna learn.</i> <i> What was our next story? Our next message?</i> <i> So I didn't even really focus on</i> the actual pyramid part of it, just kind of looking to what was coming. [upbeat music plays] [Abby] Bottom of the pyramid... we have JoJo. I've been on the bottom every week. She did the group dance. She did good. [Abby] Then we'll leave her. [cheering] I like that!
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 427,791
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Keywords: dance moms, aldc, dance competition, lifetime, lifetime channel, lifetime shows, lifetime tv, mylifetime, lifetime dance moms, lifetime full episodes, dance, moms, abby lee miller, abby lee, abby lee dance company, dance moms clips, dance moms full episodes, jojo siwa, dancing, dancers, compilations, dance shows, Dance Moms: The Reunion, Dance Moms: The Reunion clips, Dance Moms: The Reunion scenes, kendall, kalani, maddie, chloe, reunion, dance moms reunion, dance moms the reunion
Id: RIt45ZQ8n4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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