Daily Routines Living In A Van As A Single Mom in the Forest 🍁🌲

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[Music] drift wood of ice something like that good morning you guys it's been so such a lovely day today the sun is out um we woke up kind of cold but I can feel the warmth sleeping in I'm hoping my solar panels charge from this angle because my battery is like halfway over the night so there's a lot of shade here and a lot of trees so that's kind of not a good thing I kind of want the sunlight to be seeping in but we're going to see how the day goes and hope for the best for our Sola panels [Music] I am so happy to be at our campsite it took us hours to get here and now that we're here I am Overjoyed with how beautiful this place is we immediately got outside to play and started painting and drawing and I noticed this is really something that keeps King busy for quite some time I like to have slow days where we just kind of keep ourselves busy with drawing and painting and he really enjoys [Music] it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] oh hello T SL I just want to take a quick second to discuss how I make weekdays easier as a single mom I feel like being a single mom my schedule is always so busy weekday mornings are normally really stressful trying to get everything ready while also like trying to manage everything that I have found to help busy mornings is just allowing myself to I already moved my van three times today and it's only 1:00 sun is just hitting in so many different like spots in our campsite so I'm trying to make sure my solop panels are charged we need one more Notch before it's fully charged and it's kind of stressing me out I'll be pretty honest here I get pretty tired I mean I make time to exercise and eat well and relax but I completely get that I have a very busy life even though I live in a van I'm just sitting here basking in the sunlight and being around nature and just just being very happy that we're [Music] here [Music] the [Music] work [Music] go eight times to be exact and I am kind of stressed two more days here at this Campground I did pay for this Campground which it's very nice it has showers it has the restrooms it has trash which is really good not have sunlight I need sunlight I have solar so that's been a big problem I'm having can't keep moving it's already going to be 5:00 p.m. I think what's going to happen is I'm just going to go back to my campsite I'm going to charge all of our devices while our batteries are okay and shut everything down for tonight I may not have to do that I may be being dramatic but that's the overall plan just finished up dinner and it's about that time to go back to our camp spot but this is Van life reality for you worrying about when next time you're going to have electricity and if you're going to have enough electricity so there's that I think I'm going to leave this place on Monday and we're going to head to another campsite um where it's more open and not so fory so it's looking like the desert being back in the van after traveling abroad getting used to like hotels and a bees and like you know the easy things it's kind of a lot to be honest so I huh I smell a campfire okay so cream and I have just wiped down in the van we have our sleeping clothes on we're currently eating our fruit for our snack before bed I'm going to recream a bedtime story and then we're going to crawl into bed and watch a movie possibly and call it a night it is 7:00 p.m. we usually are in by 6:30ish just because it gets really dark and there's no need to be out that late unless we're watching the sunset or we're around a fire or something so yeah so this is good night I'll see you guys in the morning here she's tasking at what is called the Lucas Tower good morning you guys G and I just woke up I got breakfast going and it feels really nice outside we're literally in our pajamas we're probably going to walk in a little bit and have a good day so how how was your morning [Music] sleep good let see the it's they everywhere huh yeah do the campire now W do it the campfire I do it I don't know if we can do a campire [Music] babe living in a van everything gets dirty pretty quickly which I've stressed a numerous amount of times on my channel and I think you guys get the picture but it's actually very therapeutic when I do clean I love having a clean space and a clean home especially living in such a small space it's very very important that I keep my area clean so that my thoughts aren't jumbled and Kareem isn't losing his mind as [Music] well and the shower was really nice it was hot it was only 3 minutes so I just put in a quarter each so we took a six minute shower it's very fast cre and I are thinking of getting our tent out as you can see the sun looks like it's out I have no sign for my silver panels can be my bud I'll be a more okay guys Kare and I just got done playing in The Meadows we played basketball we played tag and what else did we play we played soccer yeah we kept getting like those little Pokey things in our feet so we were like let's go back to the van have a good [Music] time yeah get that one it is such a beautiful night tonight I can't wait to get into the tent zip it up and lay down and watch a movie we are looking forward to going to bed we had such a beautiful day today and I are going to sleep in the tent tonight it's not cold but like I know in the morning when we wake up it will be I'm just making sure we're all bundled he has on like four layers of clothes I have on a few layers and we'll see you guys in the morning good night don't fall please I won't like you did yeah you can't want to much I'm drawing good yeah you're doing great I like drawing and pain with you is it your favorite yeah good job how'd you sleep good yeah did you have any crazy dreams today I have one dream yeah Was it crazy no it was scary was scary yeah don't Spirit Halloween and me and N was at you you're best mom I love you oh I kind of feel like I found a hack to make single parenting a little bit more easier just for myself I like to really be present with my son and balance my van chores with working while also making time for myself and not feeling exhausted I mean I know wiing the right daily routine as a single parent isn't always easy so I finally feel like I have a schedule that [Music] works I going fit on mine baby oh my God good morning you guys I haven't spoken to the camera much today it is 12:00 p.m. now so I'm going to start cooking lunch but I just want to say today's like our last full day here and it's been so beautiful yeah it's been super nice Kem has been loving it out here getting used to being back in our home traveling until we get ready for our next overseas trip which I'm super excited for I'll see you guys while I cook we're going to make burgers today I [Music] think [Music] [Music] in the fall Fage we're going to play ball we've been chasing each other around and he's currently just showing me his new awesome moves I wanted to drive to Colorado to check out ask SP but that would have been so crazy considering like I'm leaving in a few weeks so yeah like look how beautiful that is we are here and we're enjoying our time today's our last day so we're going to make the most of it so welcome to my videos and we just playing together and trying to C you just to go how get back down to a highway where's a highway as always thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next fan video
Channel: Jayla Hardimon
Views: 220,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanlife, vanlife with a toddler, vanlife with kids, living in a van, winter van life, fall vanlife, Cozy autumn vanlife, Camping, nomad, tiny living with kids, single mother, solo female travel, Solo female vanlife, winter in a van, snow camping
Id: EsPJtEiYtoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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