Daily Life of a Tibetan Nomad Family Living in Altitude of 4800 Meters, How is Their Daily Life?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] a good morning and Tashi Del to everyone hope you are having an amazing day this is jamyang and welcome back to my channel this time I'm going to show you a day in the life of tietan normad people and I hope that you will enjoy this video thank you so much this is noru living with his 40 y in the nadic area of nanang County at an altitude of 4,800 M oh look they are wearing Yak hair blanket which are very light and very warm because the yak hair is so light and so soft speech [Music] spee speeech speech fore they are noru two son Tashi and Tenzing who came here to help noru during their summer vacation Tashi is 11 years old and tenzen is 9 years old most of the time they go to elementary school in Tempo County [Music] we [Music] so norus day begins with the prayer and water offering to Buddha we believe that the clean water will wash the bad Deeds away and bring happiness and prosperity and water is chosen as a symbol of purety and because in many places it is plentiful and does not require hurting other to give [Music] it this is dolma 52 years old and she is noru wife she just came back from the mountains looking for her lost yak and she spent the whole night in the mountains alone I think she's the bravest woman I've ever met in my [Music] life noru started making butter tea for breakfast and before work most of the Tibetan will typically enjoy several bowlfuls of this beverage and do you know butter is actually the main ingredient and butter tea provides plenty of caloric energy and it is particularly suited to high [Music] altitudes and at normadic area most of the time they eat SAA for the breakfast SAA is the most staple and main food in Tibet it has very rich [Music] nutrition and right after breakfast noru prepare to go up the mountain to Great Yaks and every morning to thanks to nature and animals domma will always burn incense as a Tibetan tradition and now nor start to untie whole his Yaks and do you know at night adults females known as D and their cves are tied up immediately outside the tent because for their safety and for ease of milking Yak hurting remains one of the main economic activities in high mountain regions and a tool for rench Land Management but noro doesn't see it as just a mean of earning income but an important part of culture and tradition and now nor is driving H his Yaks up the mountain to [Music] Great Yaks are actually bnes part of cattle family and are native to the Himalayas they only live at high altitude and provide wool and milk for local HS they are also used as load carriers and occasionally their meat is used as food [Music] a yak is actually the name for a male animal a female is called D and Yaks are often found at Heights of up to 20,000 ft 6,000 M and you know most Yaks weigh about 500 kg and females mostly weigh around 225 to 255 kg a typical female Yak will only give birth to one yak every two years and with an outer layer of their long hair and inner layer of soft fur Yaks can withstand temperatures ofus 40° and also can cross icy waters without affecting their core body temperature and when noro was grazing on the mountain dolma and her neighbors would take the baby yak to the other Mountain to save milk from the mother yaks andma is very careful woman who checks time and time again that her baby a are safe on the mountain norpo will normally spend about 3 to four hours in the mountains after the yak but back to home dolma does the most important part of work of NORAD like making butter and when they make butter Yak milk is first allowed to ferment overnight in summer the resulting yogurt like substance is churned for about 5 to 6 hours by plunging a wooden paddle repeatly into this tall wooden [Music] [Music] ch and generally Tashi and tenen must have to study and practice reading to batan for an hour and once all the yucks have arrived at the designated pasture the yucks will spend most of the day gring and finding water and then noru can finally go home too oh it seems like the neighbor are very worried about their lost yak and asked noru if he had seen the Yaks in the mountains but noru told them he hadn't seen their yak and dolma would always give noru a warm butter tea after returning home safely if you want to experience this kind of real tibat normad life please contact to my V chat or my email I will definitely bring you here to experience this beautiful authentic real life of tiat n people noru and dolma have been married for 34 years and noru always helps dolas with the housework and you can also see happiness on dma's face [Music] and after finishing all the housework noro will go to collect firewood [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] neighbors came to ask for help that they found their lost yuck which is already dead fallen from the big rock and now that noru and his neighbors have to go and bury this dead yak and they have to take a photo of this dead Yu and have to send it to the insurance company so that they can get some money for this dead Yu from insurance [Music] company [Music] and if the yuck died accidentally or killed by other wild animal they have to take the photo of this de Yu so that the insurance company will pay them 5,000 Y and usually after taking pictures of the burying dead Yak they bring it out again and leave it to Nature so that the other animals can eat it [Music] oh it looks like nor is going to cook lunch you [Music] [Music] M I wonder how it tastes like looks so organic I can't imagine playing footall on 4,800 M Tashi and tenzen they don't want to eat cabbage for lunch so they're asking dma to give them instant [Music] noodle [Music] noru and dma is going to start their lunch which is Tampa and fried vegetables and actually Tampa is a glutenous Meal made from roasted barley flour and usually mixed with Tibetan butter tea and it really helps promote the growth of healthy good bacteria oh my God they already turned it for 3 hours but still no butter finally the sun came out but do you know the rainy season in Tibet is from from June to August anyway finally noru can dry his [Music] cheese dolma also started cleaning and making butter lamps V patterns offer butter lamps every single day which means we offer the light of wisdom and knowledge to eliminate the darkness of ignorance for [Music] spee no purp where are you going and after 7 hours of churning domma can finally see her golden but in this wooden churn awesome and from 20 kilos of milk she can get approximately about 2 kilos of golden butter Yak butter is also known as deep butter and you know usually one kilo of deep butter cost 180 to 200 RMB which is about 29 us per kilo aha looks like Tashi has already arrived to the village and finished all his shopping and this is nor bru favorite place that he likes to rest here during the 3 hours Journey from the village to the nors hey be careful hey I'm back to home now noru is passing rice and all other shopping items to dolma and they don't have to worry about food for the next 3 month and when everyone came back Dorma served them fresh yogurt made in the morning noru and neighbors begin hurting the Yaks back to overnight shelters to protect them from the harsh weather conditions and also from wild [Music] animals [Music] [Music] he [Music] look [Music] okay [Music] and after noru took the yak back to the settlements domma helped noru put the r around the yak's neck and stabilize the yak's body to help control its movement during [Music] milking and after bringing each Yak home safely they will pray and than nature again and DOA need to establish trust with each Yak before attempting to milk it especially if they are not familiar with human contact and Yak milking is generally done twice a day once early in the morning and one again in the late afternoon [Music] oh it looks like the neighbor's daughter were attacked by Yak that means you also have to be very careful near [Music] Yak dolma can get a 23 kilo of milk from 40 Yaks every day and after milking Yaks dolma pays homage to Buddha every day to express her respect and Devotion to the Buddha and to express her gratitude to the Buddha's teaching and guidance prostrations also help to cultivate positive thoughts such as gratitude and compassion for all beings thereby purifying the [Music] mind and moreover every family in one neighbor to dinner every day to share experience and enhance the relationship between neighbors it seems that today is the time for norus family to invite other neighbors looks like the dinner today is vegetable noodle soup and because of the temperature is only about 2° now tenen and Tashi want to sleep first but they will chat until 10 [Music] p.m. the norm here in County live at an altitude of 4,800 M the temperature is around 5 to 10° in the morning 10 to 15 degrees in the daytime and 0 to 5 Dees in the evening and after everyone leaves after dinner they go to bed around 11:00 p.m. [Music] and this is all about today's video and hope you enjoyed watching this video and if you like my video please don't forget to give likes comment and subscribe this is jamyang welcome to tabat we are the one who can show you the original teabag bye-bye hello [Music]
Channel: Tibet Travel ( Tibet Vista )
Views: 1,321,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tibet, tibettour, tibetan nomad, visittibet, tibetanomad, dailylife, dailylifeoftibet, tibettravel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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