Daily Juicy Memes 841+842

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fresh juicy memes every day 7 p.m british time money can't buy happiness me [Music] hi my name is jason ah nice to meet you parmesan when your dad tries to hug you but neither of you were raised to show emotion [Music] can i go to the bathroom my spanish teacher say it in a spaniel baba you like it me i like it me walking back to my car money can't buy happiness me google schools stealing your personal information you can't hear pig [Music] greetings we were on the verge of greatness we were this close me when i finally get that mosquito that's been annoying me insect my heart playing video games my mum calls me she calls me by my full name grandma you look so handsome with your hat me dad no cats in the house me gets a cat dad in the cat afternoon me the lunch packed by mourning me 1889 a.d van gogh your work is garbage 2015 a.d he was truly ahead of his time it's tragic how nobody understands an artist until long after they die 2285 80. girls at the wedding oh my god jenny has exactly the same dress as me the party is ruined guys at the wedding [Music] my mom locking down the cars in our garage so i can't leave destroy the escape pods and increase security on the hangar decks my heart thinking about your crush seeing your crush talking to your crush [Music] your name's not on our list of course not because i don't belong here i'm that vegan teacher extra hell just because i'm american does not mean i like burgers i mean i do like burgers but not because i'm american random internet dude that called me king me american english british english my country using both january 2021 this is my year i'm going to achieve so much september 2021 [Music] playing somber song european countries when they make fun of each other european countries when russia shows up unity is strength siblings when they tell you to be quiet i guide others to a treasure i cannot possess me i just saw a great movie someone who read the book no yoda baggles anakin baggles me watching tv at night my brain what if you turned the volume up to max shut up chinese government school administrators heavily filtering the internet a spider does nothing the majority of girls [Music] hey guys i have a story to tell i live in france and baguette baguette bonjour on an omelet do from aj canadian cyclist rode 101 kilometers in seven hours to draw a moose on map in downtown toronto he's too canadian to be left alive first look at mario and yoshi in super mario bros 2022 after you miss one call from your mother do you not care about family anymore you're still my baby i thought you were dead sorry mom after you haven't talked to your father in four months hey how's work but yours but love you bye love you too take our age add one wait for a year that's your age aldrin and neil armstrong michael collins so glad i grew up with this and not this me trying to take a screenshot my volume bar hello trade offer i receive views likes and subs you receive shame roast channels on youtube pentagon hexagon octagon your dad is gone were you about to press the skip button yes vladimir putin gets corrected by schoolboy about russian history the student correcting putin's mistake putin about to correct his parents mistake italians when you put pineapple on pizza meanwhile in britain when your homie says he can't kiss you good night anymore because he has a girlfriend yelling traitor patient gets a nose reconstruction surgery credit card declines doctor therapist lamborghini isn't real it can't hurt you lamborghini america exists the mean community can you don't frog is here don't be sad things will be okay the guy who made the lyric video for daft punks around the world no need to thank me i don't know what squid game is and at this point i'm too afraid to ask nobody chemistry teacher about to mix salt and water i'm the most famous gay singer no i am amateurs what was that punk amateurs i love starbucks caffeine is a drug what which would make starbucks a legal drug dealer what scientists trying to understand 4d people who make a d songs everybody is talking about luigi's mansion but nobody is talking about the luge is below average house christians and jews you can't have more than one spouse king solomon and his 700 wives anything exists 14 year old girls you're such an awesome animal monkey noises nice apple users how do i use google assistant samsung users that's a neat part you don't mom don't touch that cactus it will hurt you me how about i do anyway funny how the british conquered so much land looking for spices but then refused to use them time traveler hello i'm from the future me do they still make cringe among us memes time traveler what's among us me we won mr stark youtube after all why not why shouldn't i recommend this decade old video to you people who put the cereal after the bowl people who put the milk after the bowl me who puts the spoon after the bowl [Music] mop i've been awake for 13 hours so please leave me alone now me who was gaming for 36 hours straight are you challenging me trade offer i receive three dollars a month you receive more stuff me matic pro playing minecraft with friends yeah i've got time doing your chores quest i'm already on a quest police in turkey blast pride parade with water cannons accidentally create rainbow task failed successfully attention the ninth floor has temporarily been moved to the 15th floor what the hell happened here baked potatoes raw potatoes what the hell happened here lying on grass expectation reality people when old age disease disaster and the concept of murder exist guess i'll die me okay we are taking a test right now my brain sir this is a wonders don't cut the meme in half okay i won't when you're happy you enjoy the music when you're sad you understand the lyrics galileo galileo galileo galileo galileo for cairo magnifico you watch a funny video and laugh you see the tick-tock watermark trade offer i receive six hours five days a week you receive nothing schools me my dears at night me my dears when i'm trying to make a meme skip ad [Music] admit it you once loved a cartoon character halloween 2021 be like [Music] every masterpiece has a cheap copy no one literally no one youtubers for no reason daniel according to middle school girls [Music] mistakes make you stronger creator of minecraft [Music] teacher saying cleopatra was born closer to the iphone than the pyramids me who knows iphones are from china and cleopatra was born in egypt canada according to other countries history books canada according to our own history books me dude seriously get off twitter and facebook them no it's full of good information the information the elites don't want you to know this but the ducks at the park are free you can take them home i have 458 ducks who wants to start a free trial who wants to enter credit card info i'm a sneaky fox snuck in your house warmed your chair cooked you dinner finished your assignment middle-aged women very powerful not giving up anger issues targets the manager bob haircuts karen's me sees food and eats it person where is my sausage dog me star wars fans seeing purple and dual bladed lightsabers in the movies oh it's beautiful a lightsaber changes color in visions the sacred texts eight-year-old me after dodging head pat welcome to downtown coolsville someone sends me a friend request me adds them them do i know you me hold on this whole operation was your idea who agrees with thanos who wants to be on the dying side pov you are a kid psychopaths serial killers people who use microwave to boil water in the usa we have gas in germany we have benson in france we have essence in the uk we don't when you listen for the name of the song and the song but the name of the song isn't in the song [Music] me finally kills boss i've been struggling with for a long time my co-workers [Music] say something smart kovalsky every mirror you buy is used asia according to teenage girls [Music] when do i forget embarrassing memories that's a neat part you don't human body when it's temperate is 37 degrees celsius human body when the ambient temperature is 37 degrees celsius when your friend gives you suspiciously good mental health advice you will aren't you so sick of walmart employees having the worst attitude towards customers it's not my fault walmart is the only place that would hire you started new job at walmart ironic me when i go to the candy shop to buy my favorite candy but it's sold out my favorite childhood memory is having energy this is the super mario movie we cold had let me get this straight you think wooly is the best romance movie i do and i'm tired of pretending it's not explain irony in one image me remove the polish remove the polish vending machine when a dollar bill is slightly folded [Music] when you are photoshopped into in so many memes that your original picture looks photoshopped [Music] the school nurse when a kid comes in with a herniated disc nine broken bones and is partially decapitated best i can do is a bag of ice guys have only four ways out of depression if your girl can help you lift heavy things is easily turned on and easy to handle and admired by all boys then that's not your girl that's a cat diesel forklift dp30n pov it's the beginning of the fall by the day by the night console game sixty dollars to buy me okay mobile game zero dollars and five cents to turn off ads me you'll never get a cent out of me we made 1886 coca-cola recipe people who don't know people who know when you step on a dry leaf and the crunch level is insufficient begin to resize harry in 1069 others liked your post harry and 1069 others [Music] seven year old me after my parents told me that i can't learn spinjitsu are you implying that i'm not special the internet has ruined us all when your fitbit registers your panic attack as exercise health the pick i take of my man the pick he takes of me kid starts naruto running me oh does he watch naruto kid's friend now he got it from teenage mutant ninja turtles me it is acceptable japanese biker posing as a woman turns out to be 50 year old man using face app sometimes it takes a real man to become best girl mom at 2am blanket me awake with my phone when you hear your name in a conversation technoblade sets 28 day goal to raise 250 000 for cancer research chat and viewers best i can do is two hours me and my siblings reporting our finished chores to our mom sir we finished our sweep of the detention level me after spelling cheese with a z welcome to downtown coolsville quick the brits are asleep post pictures of normal teeth you're watching a documentary about a serial killer who never got caught panic your dad walks in calm he says ah the good old days panic how you imagine the trolley problem how it's actually going to be europeans waiting for america to collapse so they can recognize it [Music] these idiots are way off gets bad grades dad i'm disappointed son hi disappointed i'm son dad [Music] a baby's first cry after birth is a human brain startup sound change my mind adidas after inventing russians [Music] youtube tutorials then and now how to build a nuclear reactor how to create a windows folder 2020 in 2021 oh your girl is loyal put her in a room with him [Music] you make a new meme format no one gets the reference provide an example of a risk no the student as you see my jedi powers are far beyond yours marvel reportedly may rename the x-men to be more gender inclusive show me the chips i said the real perfection feminists when they realize something is mandatory and not were mandatory visible frustration [Music] falling off a roof as a kid i'm fine i'm not even hurt sleeping in a weird angle while in your twenties and feeling the effects the next day something's wrong my body i can't even stand when you realize you are wrong in the middle of argument me leaving a really good comment on a good youtube video knowing that the video will get famous and my comment will get a lot of likes sometimes my geniuses it's almost frightening teachers when kids haven't returned from the bathroom in over three minutes the prisoner has escaped there's no sign of tano or maul me and my homie asking the tall girl how much it costs for her to kill us with her thighs the plot the plot if he had used a gun doctor rats can't level up the world is not a game rats level 5 rat warning the rat on platform 2 is violent and has claimed the platform as his own please avoid reading german poetry what it says how it sounds non-english speakers when they forget to say sorry for bad english after saying to letters of the alphabet when a character you hate in a show is about to die injured good drawing on paper writing on paper writing on computer drawing on computer i don't really have any strong opinions on anything johnny depp assaulted amber heard me just trying to go about my day all the cringe stuff i've done in my life nobody anything extraterrestrial in movies i go to america six-year-old me turns on the light in a car dad the end is near an apple a day keeps the doctor away buys lots of apples cover the apples with a doctor fly calm down calm down coronavirus bro wake up it's 2017 let's play with our fidget spinners the bottle flips and dab yo they made an emoji into a real thing [Music] when you randomly look at a clock and it says 420 [Music] why you shouldn't wait until retirement to travel me when somebody does a sick joke [Music] thank you for watching today's episode of juicy memes tune in tomorrow at 4 p.m and 7 p.m for your daily dose of memes if you liked the video be sure to like and subscribe if you haven't already also be sure to check out my instagram page and discord server the links are in the description thank you for watching
Channel: Memenade
Views: 532,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VwPrTx0_RA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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