Daily Juicy Memes 489

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fresh juicy memes everyday 7 p.m british time how i imagined 2020 would be how it is five-year-old kid if air is so important for human beings why don't we catch it in a packet and sell it to people blaze don't mind if i do me in college me in high school seven year old me takes a bath my spider manta two it's been an honor serving with you if you're good at something never do it for free how to spell depression my kids after halloween where are all of our peanut butter cups me me to my overprotective parents every time i leave the house and come back as you can see i'm not dead hospitals when someone donates a single kidney hospitals when i donate 200 kidneys chronos i'm the lord of time the guy who can cook my new trice in 58 seconds puny god can't stand people correcting me did you mean can't stand people correcting me thank you mr helpful this bear was accidentally brought to the dog shelter and had a great time there is one imposter among us [Music] three green keeps following me bob ross everyone needs a friend even a tree [Music] an 11 year old girl in zimbabwe jumped on top of a crocodile and gouged its eyes out when it attacked her nine-year-old friend florida man soon i will have a new apprentice one far younger and more powerful manga annie may netflix adaptation cop you're going to prison for forgery me slides him a 37 bill what about now ah yes the negotiator the worst she could say is no uh judge judy if you were the trophy at the end of my race i would walk backwards there is one imposter among us energizer launches smartphone with battery that will last a week between charges the first time i drop it on my face when you are playing minecraft for the first time and it starts raining and you see the enderman taking damage you afraid to get wet when your minecraft farm is so efficient it crashes the server suffering from success delivery guy brings three pizzas you must be having a party me boomer's trying to be funny you can't swipe it son you'll have to walk to the next painting zuma's trying to be funny e some medieval artists know trying to be funny can you hang out no it's my dog's birthday lol what everyone like that it's white my friend on discord told me when you're at a kfc and a bunch of kids are running around and making noise kentucky fried children biology teacher you have 206 bones me about to present with 207 [Music] some fine examples of purebred dogs [Music] literally any sane person look i've been around the world okay whatever it is i'll understand the us presidential election there's nothing about this i understand when my crush sees my boner i raise that boy i wonder if he's thinking about me does my dog really love me or does he just have stockholm syndrome parents telling me that they walked 10 kilometers to school me telling my kids that i survived a global pandemic my neighbor wow i love your halloween decoration it's so realistic me who forgot to hide the body [Music] if you disconnect because you are not an imposter you are scum when mom asks why your homework folder is more than 10 terabytes jedi business go back to your drinks a baby crying on an airplane the sound of literally two jet engines girlfriend i had an awful day and i need to vent me pretty sus not gonna lie i wish to be irresistible to men poof i think i forgot something if you forgot then it wasn't important yeah you're right dark mode rtx off rtx on when you're shopping with your mom and she sees a friend this little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years my husband runs a sawmill and look at these he cut today anyone else see a dog i feel like i see more of a sad pig turn on your monitor only us old folks can understand this picture me telling my kids that i survived a global pandemic karen claiming it never existed the first person to give birth must have been like seven has even in it yes so that's odd [Music] me enjoying the two weeks of my life before my mental health takes a giant dip again me making my first meme with every cell of my body my brother teaching me the order of the panels on memes do you trust me any movie based on a book releases everyone who read the book look how they massacred the book when you study chemistry all night but you fail on the test kowalski analysis 15 years old in real life 15 years old in movies 15 years old in anime 15 years old in boomer comics syd from ice age be like jonathan the tortoise turns 188 today he's the oldest living land animal we know of the oldest yeah right then did you stay up late again me no [Music] happy birthday my son if only i cold helped you leaves from the vine falling so slow among us among you a monkey remember if things get bad enough and we have to resort to cannibalism eat the vegans first they are the closest thing to grass fed when the other jeremy clarkson formats are too overused so you watch every episode of top gear to find a new one sometimes i amaze even myself with my brilliance anna keane's the father isn't he no what if i were to say to you me so been a bad girl nobody asian girls in pictures oh imposter of the vent what is your wisdom trusting me is better than trusting a politician i got it from joe joe yeah who the hell is joe jobimer genetically engineered cat girls are possible scientists say but we lack funding i'm throwing away my humanity jojo all i want for christmas is you played every 15 minutes retail workers just trying to survive maria carrie leaving early but getting all red lights so now you're late leaving late but getting all green lights so now you're early when you find five dollars on the floor as a kid when you find five dollars on the floor as an adult so far you've survived 100 of your worst days good job before taco bell after taco bell [Music] sony and millions of playstation fans in india okay i'm waiting for the punch line the guy who trademarked playstation 5 three months before sony there is no punch line it's not a joke me waking up from a quick five hour power nap feeling like i just put my body through inter-dimensional time travel [Music] when i ask my crush if she wants to see my 7 500 piece millennium falcon lego set and she says no you afraid to get wet what girls think guys want what guys actually want a hug being better than humans dwarves elves elves me with three years of five-minute crafts experience an airplane crash repairing the whole plane with noodles and toothpaste dog digs himself out of grave after being buried alive by owners in russia i just want to talk to his owner get caught and say who the other imposter is blame an innocent crewmate one thousand two hundred year old pagan temple to thor and odd and unearthed in norway i'm not sure it's a great idea to do that in 2020 a girl i like you my brain actually quantum mechanics forbids this new bubble wrap will no longer pop when you squeeze it you have provoked a gang war how i think my new mohawk looks how it really looks me an american anytime anyone speaks any language other than english i like your funny words magic man my friend has a bracelet that morphs from across to shrek just like god intended there are no accidents master rugby men don't understand true sadness yeah i know right [Music] the plans for the sleepover versus what ends up happening hey you yes you the one who is reading this you keep dropping this so i hope this helps annie may netflix adaptation boiling hot pizza pocket drunk me my taste buds saying their last goodbyes my sleep paralysis steven after watching me play doom for six hours straight thank you for watching today's episode of juicy memes tune in tomorrow at 4 p.m and 7 p.m for your daily dose of memes if you liked the video be sure to like and subscribe if you haven't already also be sure to check out my instagram page and discord server the links are in the description thank you for watching
Channel: Memenade
Views: 204,201
Rating: 4.9563951 out of 5
Id: JoC6agxgC4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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