Daily Juicy Memes 378

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fresh juicy memes everyday 7:00 p.m. British time me only one who did homework entire class eight year old me watching my mom drive past McDonald's because I was too scared to ask the nice of the house the harder to find the kitchen trash can your god damn right how everybody else sees ice how school nurses see ice I prefer the real corndog I said the real corndog perfection when you get paired with the popular girls during a class presentations realizing five years later she was actually giving me green signals using the Drake format using 2pac because he was a better rapper nerf bullets bouncy balls getting lost and then getting unintentionally found teacher what have you done during the holidays student I went on holiday with Joe teacher who's Joe students my brother the rest of the class my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined a chiller invites you to her house she takes you to her bedroom she gets out a new Lego set to build together introverts knowing that they will have less chance of conversation while wearing facemasks flat earthers when they find out that they've been breathing from the atmosphere [Music] scientists have found the 66 million year old egg in Antartica rest of 2020 video games feed runners after spending 300 hours just to get the fifth fastest time in a game made 35 years ago [Music] drinking hot chocolate with milk drinking hot chocolate with water Bill Gates go buy me coke and buy something for yourself to me when you fall asleep in class and Bell starts to ring on your feet soldier we are leaving youtuber reaches 10 subs rate shadow legends hey I would like to order a life that doesn't suck me too kid playing csgo on the plane and hearing bomb planted panic your laptop is muted comm you laptop is muted panic you look good at Pokemon but how is your chemistry grade when the game hits a little too close to home we emerge shining the time I told a really funny joke three weeks ago that everyone laughed at grabbing the right textbook without looking opening to the correct page on the first try watching everyone flip through the pages like the failures that they are meet the new grumpy cat house even angrier and grumpier than the og groomy cat how dare you stand away he stood a Karen yelling get off the road you're blocking traffic me a delivery guy riding my bike in the bike lane congratulations you played yourself do not cite the deep magic to me I was there when it was written YouTube when they see bell Delphine's music video after they bang a fourteen-year-old for cursing I'll allow it mild Hot Wheels cars my mom cast it into the fire destroy it 30-year old me no the kid who used to remind teacher of the homework arrives in Hell Satan well I just want to say that I'm a huge fan me dad what do you want for Father's Day my dad thermostat simulator me tries to pull water from one cup to another the water how do you spell the sound an elephant makes elephant noises no no he's got a point juvenile owls often sleep face down because their heads are too heavy you know I'm something of a juvenile owl myself me after performing a very cool fatality on my opponent everyone at the karate school a boy likes you but your crush doesn't like you girls your crush doesn't like you but another girl likes you boys teenagers in real life teenagers according to Netflix teenagers and anime I just don't think minecraft is a good game it gets repetitive you know excuse me I have some objections this is a 27th floor mop go play with the neighbor's kid the neighbor's kid teacher what did you do at holidays student I went to the beach with Joe teacher who is Joe students my brother the four guys who were already laughing we've been tricked we've been backstabbed and with being quite possibly bamboozled why does Venice Italy look like Patrick needing water there are no accidents master rude way everybody at the funeral sat my grandma after clutching the gilligan we hearing fireworks outside knowing that not all of those noises were fireworks but pretending they are anyway I have lower back pains it's probably cancer anyway here's some anxiety eight-year-old me after making microwavable noodles that one kid in gym class on your left the same kid after a lab me to myself when I grow up I won't be a cranky old man me not even ten years later seeing kids to fortnight dances angry old man noises Microsoft edge changing its logo see nobody cares girls after rejecting 86 guys nobody loves me win a free ride in a police car steal some candy do it thumbnails of top 5 videos be like someone answering my texts with a phone call me me in the middle of a very important online game match my internet connection now it's time to get funky cashier do you have our awards program me no would you like to sew you think Rick Astley never gonna give you up as a great song I do and I'm tired of pretending it's not snickles this post right here officer when you're hungry but your parents have friends over in the kitchen if you ever feel useless just know these exist when you spend $50 on your date and then she friends owns you the children are fast but the steamroller is faster the guy who Rick Rolled Rick Astley seeing all the memes about shut up about the factor guy Rick Rolled Rick Astley history isn't kind to men who play God Millennials only Millennials remember this early Gen Z I remember that me waiting for my mom to wake up so I can tell her how many legis I swallowed 2d girls might be used but front view side view when you borrow a pen from your friend and see it's the same than you lost recently teachers when you use Wikipedia teachers when you use a website that hasn't been updates since 2002 and is inaccessible on most computers when you see a meme with no punchline friend if you could create a new type of vending what would it be me [Music] little NASA X rodeo without car DB everyone like that caps are a liquid don't try to change my mind Jim one good reason I shouldn't shoot you in the face I'm driving when she says she's not into middle-aged guys when you write everything in italic and start living the italic no-trespassing we are tired of hiding the bodies hold up when you make an HD version of a meme but have no idea what to do with it I tie my head out me mentions name of a female human being once mom me hey mom could you wake me up at 7:00 in the morning my mom at 5:00 on you feet soldier we are leaving me going home because it's getting late people who kidnapped me monster is planning to eat me eight-year-old me not anymore there's a blanket fee only a worthy opponent our battle will be legendary I'm depressed I have attracted the big sad I may look fly but I want to die I'm dressed to impress but I'm stressed in depressed when you're zipping up and catch a little bit of skin cat wandered into kitchen where my daughter was baking and now apparently he's taking the hobbits to Isengard sofa nice what do you think of the city of love I wish it was the city of airplane parts guys literally only want one thing and it's airplane parts hey did you bomb the harbor yeah I did what are you going to do wipe us off the face of the earth USA I think I will friend you can't smell a picture me can't wait to be a father so I can randomly walk into my son's room and look at him like this check out Knight bucks he robots the best in the most comfortable pods for your everyday use providing you with high quality audio and a long battery life paired with fast charging also for a limited time you get a gaming styled silicone case to protect your precious pods for free just add both products to the cart and apply the code gift to claim your discount so check the link below to get the best pods out there and don't forget to use the code gift to claim your free case thank you for watching today's episode of juicy memes tune in tomorrow at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. for your daily dose of memes if you liked the video be sure to LIKE and subscribe if you haven't already also be sure to check out my Instagram page and discord server the links are in the description thank you for watching
Channel: Memenade
Views: 683,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OX7Oqn-zGAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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