Daily English Conversation Practice | Listening and Speaking | Questions and Answers | English 4K

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at home one where is Jane she is in the living room what is she doing she is playing the piano where is the car it is in the garage where is the dog the dog is in front of the door what is the dog doing the dog is eating at home one where is Jane she is in the living room what is she doing she is playing the piano where is the car it is in the garage where is the dog the dog is in front of the door what is the dog doing the dog is eating at home too where are you I am in the kitchen what are you doing I am cooking dinner where are Bill and Mary they are in the living room what are they doing they are watching TV where is the cat she is in the dining room what is she doing she is sleeping home to where are you I am in the kitchen what are you doing I am cooking dinner where are Bill and Mary they are in the living room what are they doing they are watching TV where is the cat she is in the dining room what is she doing she is sleeping my favorite photographs one who is she she is my sister what's her name her name is Jennifer where is she in this photograph she's in Toronto what is that building behind her she's standing in front of the CN tower my favorite photographs one who is she she is my sister what's her name her name is Jennifer where is she in this photograph she's in Toronto what is that building behind her she's standing in front of the CN tower location one where is the school it's between the library and the park where is the post office it's across from the movie theater where is the Royal Bank it's next to the supermarket where is the gas station it's around the corner from the church where is the barbershop it's near the bus station location one where is the school it's between the library and the park where is the post office it's across from the movie theater where is the Royal Bank it's next to the supermarket where is the gas station it's around the corner from the church where is the barbershop it's near the bus station location - excuse me can you tell me the way to the nearest bank yes it's on Geneva Street as a matter of fact I'm going that way myself so if you come with me I will show you thanks very much you're welcome location - excuse me can you tell me the way to the nearest bank yes it's on Geneva Street as a matter of fact I'm going that way myself so if you come with me I will show you thanks very much you're welcome color one may I help you yes please I am looking for an umbrella what's your favorite color it's black sorry we have no black umbrellas right now here is a nice umbrella but this umbrella is yellow that's okay yellow umbrellas are very popular this year color one may I help you yes please I am looking for an umbrella what's your favorite color it's black sorry we have no black umbrellas right now here is a nice umbrella but this umbrella is yellow that's okay yellow umbrellas are very popular this year color - excuse me is this your umbrella no it isn't are you sure yes I am sure that umbrella is brown and my umbrella is yellow color - excuse me is this your umbrella no it isn't are you sure yes I am sure that umbrella is brown and my umbrella is yellow video designed by English seven levels calm no questions are you married no I'm not I'm single tell me about your new car is it large no it's not it is small tell me about the questions in your English book are they difficult no they're not they are easy tell me about your new neighbors are they quiet no they aren't they are noisy no questions are you married no I'm not I'm single tell me about your new car is it large no it's not it is small tell me about the questions in your English book are they difficult no they're not they are easy tell me about your new neighbors are they quiet no they aren't they are noisy short answer is Alice young or old she is young is Bill tall or short he is short his Albert's apartment big or little it's small were the last examinations easy or difficult they were difficult is Julie married or single she is single short answer is Alice young or old she is young is Bill tall or short he is short his Albert's apartment big or little it's small were the last examinations easy or difficult they were difficult is Julie married or single she is single telephone call - hello jack this is Dave I want to return the book I borrowed from you last night will you be home at about 6 o'clock yes I will I'll be cooking dinner oh well then I won't come over at sex why not I don't want to disturb you don't worry you won't disturb me okay I'll see you at 6:00 telephone call - hello jack this is Dave I want to return the book I borrowed from you last night will you be home at about 6 o'clock yes I will I'll be cooking dinner oh well then I won't come over at sex why not I don't want to disturb you don't worry you won't disturb me okay I'll see you at 6:00 what's a grant my daughter is going to college that's great but it must be expensive yes but she has a grand a grant what's a grant the government is giving her money to pay for her education that's right does it pay for everything no she has a loan too what's the difference between a loan and a grant you have to pay back a loan a grant as a gift what's a grant my daughter is going to college that's great but it must be expensive yes but she has a grand a grant what's a grant the government is giving her money to pay for her education that's right does it pay for everything no she has a loan too what's the difference between a loan and a grant you have to pay back a loan a grant as a gift I'm busy on Friday would you like to go to a pop concert well I'd like to but when is it on Friday evening what a pity I'm busy on Friday maybe you could change your plans it's going to be a really great concert maybe I will I wouldn't want to miss it great I'll see you Friday I'm busy on Friday would you like to go to a pop concert well I'd like to but when is it on Friday evening what a pity I'm busy on Friday maybe you could change your plans it's going to be a really great concert maybe I will I wouldn't want to miss it great I'll see you Friday bless you that's who god bless you thank you you have a called yes that's why I'm sneezing so much I hope you feel better soon I get a bad cold every winter are you taking anything for your cold I'm taking contact does it help yes but it makes me sleepy you'd better not drive then bless you that's who god bless you thank you you have a called yes that's why I'm sneezing so much I hope you feel better soon I get a bad cold every winter are you taking anything for your cold I'm taking contact does it help yes but it makes me sleepy you'd better not drive then I don't feel well what are you looking for my jacket I'm going to the doctor why what's the problem I'm not sure but I don't feel well do you have a fever no but I have a pain in my chest what time is your appointment 11:30 I'm going now bye goodbye I hope it's nothing serious Thanks see you I don't feel well what are you looking for my jacket I'm going to the doctor why what's the problem I'm not sure but I don't feel well do you have a fever no but I have a pain in my chest what time is your appointment 11:30 I'm going now bye goodbye I hope it's nothing serious Thanks see you can you help me can you help me officer I'll try what's the problem I can't get into my car where are your keys they're in the car don't worry I can open it how can you do that with a coat hanger it's easy where can we get a coat hanger there's one in the police car wait here thanks a lot you're very kind can you help me can you help me officer I'll try what's the problem I can't get into my car where are your keys they're in the car don't worry I can open it how can you do that with a coat hanger it's easy where can we get a coat hanger there's one in the police car wait here thanks a lot you're very kind taking a cab hello hello where do you want to go 70 Maple Street please 70 middle Street no Maple Street Maple Street let's see is that near st. Davids Street I don't know I've only been here one week oh where are you from Toronto taking a cab hello hello where do you want to go 70 Maple Street please 70 middle Street no Maple Street Maple Street let's see is that near st. David Street I don't know I've only been here one week oh where are you from Toronto I hate to get up I hate to get up in the morning me too what time do you get up at 6 o'clock what do you get up so early I have to be at work by 7:00 I don't get up until 8:00 you're lucky what do you do I own a bookstore what time does your store open at 8:30 I hate to get up I hate to get up in the morning me too what time do you get up at six o'clock when do you get up so early I have to be at work by 7:00 I don't get up until 8:00 you're lucky what do you do I own a bookstore what time does your store open at 8:30 a hot day this heat is killing me me - it must be 95 degrees I would like a cold drink I'll get you one Thanks hmm this tastes good it does jeez this hot weather makes me lazy me too get me another drink I guess if you're lazy no one else is allowed to be thanks for understanding a hot day this heat is killing me me - it must be 95 degrees I would like a cold drink I'll get you one Thanks hmm this tastes good it does jeez this hot weather makes me lazy me too get me another drink I guess if you're lazy no one else is allowed to be thanks for understanding phone out of order one hey hey what's wrong there's something wrong with the phone I'm getting a strange noise are you I can hear you clearly hello hello this pay phone might be out of order I'll call you again with another phone hello how about now is there still a strange noise yes perhaps my phone is out of order you should get in touch with the phone company phone out of order one hey hey what's wrong there's something wrong with the phone I'm getting a strange noise are you I can hear you clearly hello hello this pay phone might be out of order I'll call you again with another phone hello how about now is there still a strange noise yes perhaps my phone is out of order you should get in touch with the phone company phone out of order too hey what's the matter with the phone here listen to this peculiar noise it doesn't sound like a dial tone it must be out of order we'd better notify the phone company how do we do that we can't use the phone let's go next door and use our neighbours phone he's always complaining about people I don't want to ask any favors of him how about across the street I forgot about mrs. Riley I'm sure she'd let us use her phone phone out of order too hey what's the matter with the phone here listen to this peculiar noise it doesn't sound like a dial tone it must be out of order we'd better notify the phone company how do we do that we can't use the phone let's go next door and use our neighbours phone he's always complaining about people I don't want to ask any favors of him how about across the street I forgot about mrs. Riley I'm sure she'd let us use her phone getting a visa does it take long to get a visa it depends on the season anywhere from one month to two months what do I need to do fill out an application form and wait will there be a long waiting period not if you don't run into any government delays getting a visa does it take long to get a visa it depends on the season anywhere from one month to two months what do I need to do fill out an application form and wait will there be a long waiting period not if you don't run into any government delays employing a new member well this woman may be suitable for the job but is she energetic enough yes she certainly seems to have lots of energy hmm she's got to be ambitious too is she yes she has plenty of ambition and we really need a flexible sort of person do you think she is hmm she seems to be determined enough but she's a little tough well I guess we'll give her a try and see how she works out employing a new member well this woman may be suitable for the job but is she energetic enough yes she certainly seems to have lots of energy hmm she's got to be ambitious too is she yes she has plenty of ambition and we really need a flexible sort of person do you think she is hmm she seems to be determined enough but she's a little tough well I guess we'll give her a try and see how she works out video designed by English seven levels calm a date what are you so happy about you're grinning from ear to ear sandy and I are going to go out this weekend oh yeah that's fast work that's great which night are you going to see her Friday or Saturday on Friday she isn't going to be in town on Saturday and Sunday she's going to visit a friend in Quebec what are you going to do on Friday I don't know yet do you have any ideas how about taking her to a Chinese restaurant I've heard that she likes Chinese food that's a great idea what are you going to wear on your date I'm going to wear my new suit that's too formal wear your jeans and a t-shirt how about your sports jacket are you going to wear it on Friday night no I am NOT go ahead and wear it a date what are you so happy about you're grinning from ear to ear sandy and I are going to go out this weekend oh yeah that's fast work that's great which night are you going to see her Friday or Saturday on Friday she isn't going to be in town on Saturday and Sunday she's going to visit a friend in Quebec what are you going to do on Friday I don't know yet do you have any ideas how about taking her to a Chinese restaurant I've heard that she likes Chinese food that's a great idea what are you going to wear on your date I'm going to wear my new suit that's too formal wear your jeans and a t-shirt how about your sports jacket are you going to wear it on Friday night no I'm not go ahead and wear it what did you do yesterday hi how are you you look tired did you sleep okay last night no I didn't why what did you do yesterday I went to a nightclub last night and danced all night oh yeah did you have a good time I had a wonderful time but I'm beat today what time did you leave the nightclub I left at about 3 a.m. I'm not surprised that you're tired which nightclub did you go to fantastic it's on Ontario Street it's really nice what did you do yesterday hi how are you you look tired did you sleep okay last night no I didn't why what did you do yesterday I went to a nightclub last night and danced all night oh yeah did you have a good time I had a wonderful time but I'm beat today what time did you leave the nightclub I left at about 3 a.m. I'm not surprised that you're tired which nightclub did you go to fantastic it's on Ontario Street it's really nice traveling by air do I check in here for Air Canada to Mexico do you already have your ticket yes here you are thank you can you put your luggage up here please sure I have three suitcases we allow only two pieces you'll have to pay an extra charge oh can I carry this one with me no I'm sorry it won't fit under your seat that's $45 here you are thank you you can choose your seat a window seat or aisle seat I'd like a window seat please fine seat 15a here's your ticket and your boarding pass enjoy your flight traveling by air do I check in here for Air Canada to Mexico do you already have your ticket yes here you are thank you can you put your luggage up here please sure I have three suitcases we allow only two pieces you'll have to pay an extra charge oh can I carry this one with me no I'm sorry it won't fit under your seat that's $45 here you are thank you you can choose your seat a window seat or aisle seat I'd like a window seat please fine seat 15a here's your ticket and your boarding pass enjoy your flight at the customs good morning can I see your passport certainly here it is yes that's alright have you got anything to declare yes I have I've got some whiskey and some cigarettes how much whiskey have you got a liter that's all right and how many cigarettes have you got 200 fine what about perfume no I haven't good open your case please pardon open your case please open it now oh dear look at this you've got three bottles of whiskey four hundred cigarettes and a lot of perfume does that mean I can't go at the customs good morning can I see your passport certainly here it is yes that's all right have you got anything to declare yes I have I've got some whisky and some cigarettes how much whisky have you got a liter that's all right and how many cigarettes have you got 200 fine what about perfume no I haven't good open your case please pardon open your case please open it now oh dear look at this you've got three bottles of whisky four hundred cigarettes and a lot of perfume does that mean I can't go a new baby well hello mr. Wallace you seem unusually happy today I just became a father congratulations a boy or a girl you never saw such a cute girl nine pounds three ounces and as cute as a button doesn't this call for cigars yes I forgot about the cigars here have one thank you how's your wife she's just fine a new baby well hello mr. Wallace you seem unusually happy today I just became a father congratulations a boy or a girl you never saw such a cute girl nine pounds three ounces and as cute as a button doesn't this call for cigars yes I forgot about the cigars here have one thank you how's your wife she's just fine is English difficult where are you going to Canada why are you going there I'm going to learn English there's a school there that has an excellent program is learning English going to be difficult yes I have to study and practice a lot where is your school it's in a town called st. Catherine's in Ontario I'm jealous I'll bet you're excited yes but I'm also really nervous is English difficult where are you going to Canada why are you going there I'm going to learn English there's a school there that has an excellent program is learning English going to be difficult yes I have to study and practice a lot where is your school it's in a town called st. Catherine's in Ontario I'm jealous I'll bet you're excited yes but I'm also really nervous washing his car where's Kevin he's in front of the house what is he doing washing his car not again yes he takes good care of his car but he never cleans his room I know it's always dirty and nothing is in order you're right his room is a mess maybe you should move into the car washing his car where's Kevin he's in front of the house what is he doing washing his car not again yes he takes good care of his car but he never cleans his room I know it's always dirty and nothing is in order you're right his room is a mess maybe you should move into the car at the restaurant this is a big menu yeah what are you getting chicken peas and baked potatoes I don't know what to get they have a very good Turkey I had Turkey yesterday how about steak perfect I'll get steak and mashed potatoes what vegetable are you getting I'm not getting any I don't like vegetables at the restaurant this is a big menu yeah what are you getting chicken peas and baked potatoes I don't know what to get they have very good Turkey I had Turkey yesterday how about steak perfect I'll get steak and mashed potatoes what vegetable are you getting I'm not getting any I don't like vegetables when's the baby due I have some good news what is it Lisa is going to have a baby that's great I'm so happy for her me too do they want a boy or a girl a girl when's the baby due in the beginning of September I'm going to phone Lisa tonight that's nice say hello for me when's the baby due I have some good news what is it Lisa is going to have a baby that's great I'm so happy for her me too do they want a boy or a girl a girl when's the baby due in the beginning of September I'm going to phone Lisa tonight that's nice say hello for me bus-stop Jean Barbara do you work around here yes I work in that building across the street really what do you do I work in a law office I'm a secretary oh that's interesting what about you what do you do I work at doer restaurant oh are you a cook no I'm a waitress that's a really hard job I don't envy you me neither in the bus do you live alone Jean no I don't I live with my family how about you I'm married no I got married last year really congratulations who did you marry his name's Jeff hunt he lives in my building Oh what does he do he's a doctor how wonderful I'm very happy for you bus-stop Jean Barbara do you work around here yes I work in that building across the street really what do you do I work in a law office I'm a secretary oh that's interesting what about you what do you do I work at doer restaurant oh are you a cook no I'm a waitress that's a really hard job I don't envy you me neither in the bus do you live alone Jean no I don't I live with my family how about you I'm married no I got married last year really congratulations who did you marry his name's Jeff hunt he lives in my building Oh what does he do he's a doctor how wonderful I'm very happy for you gardening your garden is really lovely thank you I enjoy working in the garden do you do everything yourself I trim the bushes and weed the flowerbeds myself who cuts the grass oh it's so big that I hire one of the boys in the neighborhood to do it for me well I must say he does a good job yes his work is more than satisfactory gardening your garden is really lovely thank you I enjoy working in the garden do you do everything yourself I trim the bushes and weed the flowerbeds myself who cuts the grass oh it's so big that I hire one of the boys in the neighborhood to do it for me well I must say he does a good job yes his work is more than satisfactory a lazy boy I'm very angry with my son Harry why what's the problem he's not doing well in school that's a surprise Harry's a smart boy yes but he never studies did you talk to his teachers yes I did what did they say he's a nice boy but he's very lazy maybe they're right I'm afraid so have you thought about getting him a tutor maybe that's a good idea I really want him to excel let's go look in the phone book now then a lazy boy I'm very angry with my son Harry why what's the problem he's not doing well in school that's a surprise Harry's a smart boy yes but he never studies did you talk to his teachers yes I did what did they say he's a nice boy but he's very lazy maybe they're right I'm afraid so have you thought about getting him a tutor maybe that's a good idea I really want him to excel let's go look in the phone book now then can I Drive there what time is it it's three o'clock oh no I'm late are you going to the dentist can I Drive you there sure that will help do you have a toothache yes and it's very bad I'm sorry to hear that I've had it for weeks and this is the first time that I could get in my dentist is always so busy I guess that's a good thing it means a lot of people like him can I Drive there what time is it it's three o'clock oh no I'm late are you going to the dentist can I Drive you there sure that will help do you have a toothache yes and it's very bad I'm sorry to hear that I've had it for weeks and this is the first time that I could get in my dentist is always so busy I guess that's a good thing it means a lot of people like him a new dress who is it it's me dear don't you have your key now let me in lets her in what's in that box what did you get a new dress honey but you have a closet full of dresses I know but I need a new one what's wrong with all the other dresses they're not this one a new dress who is it it's me dear don't you have your key now let me in lets her in what's in that box what did you get a new dress honey but you have a closet full of dresses I know but I need a new one what's wrong with all the other dresses they're not this one a picnic let's go for a picnic that's a great idea where shall we go let's go to the park how far is it about a mile is it a nice place sure it has picnic tables and a beautiful lake good I'll make some sandwiches I'll bring soda and cookies the kids will love it a picnic for a picnic that's a great idea where shall we go let's go to the park how far is it about a mile is it a nice place sure it has picnic tables and a beautiful lake good I'll make some sandwiches I'll bring soda and cookies the kids will love it video designed by English seven levels calm I'm going skiing we've got ten inches of snow wow that's terrific what's so terrific about it I'm going skiing skiing are you serious yes it's a lot of fun maybe but it's also dangerous you need to live on the edge and you need to make sure you don't fall off of it I'm going skiing we've got ten inches of snow wow that's terrific what's so terrific about it I'm going skiing skiing are you serious yes it's a lot of fun maybe but it's also dangerous you need to live on the edge and you need to make sure you don't fall off of it traffic rules Sara you can't park here it's a bus stop Oh we'll be back in a few minutes it's okay oh no it isn't you'll get a parking ticket if you leave it here no I won't it's half past five all the traffic wardens have gone home Sara yes is this your car ma'am traffic rules Sara you can't park here it's a bus stop Oh we'll be back in a few minutes it's okay oh no it isn't you'll get a parking ticket if you leave it here no I won't it's half past five all the traffic wardens have gone home Sara yes is this your car ma'am housework I'm really tired and now I have to go home and cook do you make dinner every night yes I usually make dinner and my husband washes the dishes I live alone so I do everything sometimes I eat out though there are some good restaurants in my neighborhood where do you live near the pen center oh that's good there aren't any good restaurants near my house does your husband help you do housework much um yes he sets the table almost every night and he makes our bed every morning but I usually make all the meals how about cleaning we clean the house together every weekend I vacuum the rooms and he usually sweeps the floor of the kitchen and he does yard work your husband helps you so much does he help do the laundry too well he's never helped me do the laundry housework I'm really tired and now I have to go home and cook do you make dinner every night yes I usually make dinner and my husband washes the dishes I live alone so I do everything sometimes I eat out though there are some good restaurants in my neighborhood where do you live near the pen Center oh that's good there aren't any good restaurants near my house does your husband help you do housework much um yes he sets the table almost every night and he makes our bed every morning but I usually make all the meals how about cleaning we clean the house together every weekend I vacuum the rooms and he usually sweeps the floor of the kitchen and he does yard work your husband helps you so much does he help do the laundry too well he's never helped me do the laundry oral exams hey Cindy have you finished the exam yes I have whew was it hard well yes it was hard pretty hard did you pass I don't know mrs. Lester didn't tell me what questions did she ask first she asked me what my name was well that was easy wasn't it yes except I couldn't remember then she asked me where it came from and how long it took to get here from my country and what else did she ask she asked how long I'd been studying English here in Canada and she asked how I would use English in the future yes yes go on then she asked me to explain the difference between my country and Canada anything else I'm trying to remember oh yes she asked if I spoke any other language is that all oh there were a lot of other questions she asked me what my hobbies were where I visited in Canada then I was asked to read a passage what did she say at the end hmm let's see oh yes she asked me to tell you to go in right away oral exams hey Cindy have you finished the exam yes I have whew was it hard well yes it was hard pretty hard did you pass I don't know mrs. Lester didn't tell me what questions did she ask first she asked me what my name was well that was easy wasn't it yes except I couldn't remember then she asked me where I came from and how long it took to get here from my country and what else did she ask she asked how long I'd been studying English here in Canada and she asked how I would use English in the future yes yes go on then she asked me to explain the difference between my country and Canada anything else I'm trying to remember oh yes she asked if I spoke any other language is that all oh there were a lot of other questions she asked me what my hobbies were where I visited in Canada then I was asked to read a passage what did she say at the end hmm let's see oh yes she asked me to tell you to go in right away would you call me well see you tomorrow I better go too Oh would you do me a favor sure would you call me tomorrow at 6 o'clock in the morning tomorrow's my daughter's birthday I want to get her a new robe and I have to pick up the dry cleaning and pick up the cake from the bakery anyway I have lots of things to do but I'm not sure I can get up early do you need a hand oh can you that would be great can you order the mall and buy her a new robe pick up the dry-cleaning and get the cake from the bakery then what will you be doing sleeping in of course would you call me well see you tomorrow I better go too Oh would you do me a favor sure would you call me tomorrow at 6 o'clock in the morning tomorrow's my daughter's birthday I want to get her a new robe and I have to pick up the dry cleaning and pick up the cake from the bakery anyway I have lots of things to do but I'm not sure I can get up early do you need a hand oh can you that would be great can you order the mall and buy her a new robe pick up the dry-cleaning and get the cake from the bakery and what will you be doing sleeping in of course can I let you know are you going out with Leonard tonight uh-huh he's supposed to pick me up at 6:30 what time is it now quarter to 6:00 you'd better get going you're kidding I haven't even taken a shower where are you going we haven't made up our minds yet maybe to a movie maybe to a party go and see Forrest Gump it's supposed to be interesting oh maybe we will I've heard the sixth sense is good too well personally I prefer Forrest Gump I really should be going do you want to go shopping tomorrow I'd like to go but it depends I might have to go to the store tomorrow and do some work can I let you know first thing in the morning okay that would be all right ring ring oh there's the phone it must be Leonard we'll all be going call me tomorrow I will have a good evening you too can I let you know are you going out with Leonard tonight uh-huh he's supposed to pick me up at 6:30 what time is it now quarter to 6:00 you'd better get going you're kidding I haven't even taken a shower where are you going we haven't made up our minds yet maybe to a movie maybe to a party go and see Forrest Gump it's supposed to be interesting Oh maybe we will I've heard the sixth sense is good too well personally I prefer Forrest Gump I really should be going do you want to go shopping tomorrow I'd like to go but it depends I might have to go to the store tomorrow and do some work can I let you know first thing in the morning okay that would be all right ring ring oh there's the phone it must be Leonard we'll all be going call me tomorrow I will have a good evening you two on the phone a less formal call good afternoon Scot and Smith may I help you may I speak to mr. Scott or mr. Smith please I'm sorry they aren't here right now who's calling please George Martin is there any message I can take mr. Martin no I'll call back later thank you for calling Scott and Smith on the phone a less formal call good afternoon Scot and Smith may I help you may I speak to mr. Scott or mr. Smith please I'm sorry they aren't here right now who's calling please George Martin is there any message I can take mr. Martin no I'll call back later thank you for calling Scott and Smith a cup of coffee can I get you something to drink a cup of coffee please with milk and sugar a little milk but no sugar I never drink coffee at night why not it keeps me awake what do you drink with supper tea it helps me relax I don't like tea there are so many kinds of tea maybe you should shop around and try to find one you like because coffee is bad for you that's a good idea a cup of coffee can I get you something to drink a cup of coffee please with milk and sugar a little milk but no sugar I never drink coffee at night why not it keeps me awake what do you drink with supper tea it helps me relax I don't like tea there are so many kinds of tea maybe you should shop around and try to find one you like because coffee is bad for you that's a good idea how about a drink how about a drink tonight I'd love to where can we meet how about the relaxed bar all right what time is 8 o clock okay yes that's fine I will meet you there I'm really looking forward to it me too about a drink how about a drink tonight I'd love to where can we meet how about the relaxed bar all right what time is 8 o clock ok yes that's fine I will meet you there I'm really looking forward to it me too I have a sore throat you sound terrible I have a sore throat you should rest your voice I know it hurts when I talk what are you taking for your throat hot tea and honey that should help are you going to work today no I'm staying home good idea I'll feel better tomorrow I hope so I have a sore throat you sound terrible I have a sore throat you should rest your voice I know it hurts when I talk what are you taking for your throat hot tea and honey that should help are you going to work today no I'm staying home good idea I'll feel better tomorrow I hope so on sale do you like my new coat it looks terrific I'm glad you like it how much was it $80 that's a good price yeah it was on sale where did you get it at Sears I'd like to shop there too they always have really good sales maybe you should go there today they have a sale on shirts if you're interested good idea I need some on sale do you like my new coat it looks terrific I'm glad you like it how much was it $80 that's a good price yeah it was on sale where did you get it at Sears I'd like to shop there too they always have really good sales maybe you should go there today they have a sale on shirts if you're interested good idea I need some not a cloud in the sky what a beautiful day yes there's not a cloud in the sky what's the temperature it's 70 degrees I love October me too it's not too hot and not too cold fall is my favorite season mine too the weather is almost perfect and the leaves are very pretty when they change colors not a cloud in the sky what a beautiful day yes there's not a cloud in the sky what's the temperature it's 70 degrees I love October me too it's not too hot and not too cold fall is my favorite season mine too the weather is almost perfect and the leaves are very pretty when they change colors cold and windy is it cold out yes it's cold and windy I'm going to wear my heavy coat good idea where are you going to the post office why to mail this package would you buy some stamps for me sure how many do you want 10 here's the money for the stamps okay I'll be back in 20 minutes unless I get blown away cold and windy is it cold out yes it's cold and windy I'm going to wear my heavy coat good idea where are you going to the post office why to mail this package would you buy some stamps for me sure how many do you want 10 here's the money for the stamps okay I'll be back in 20 minutes unless I get blown away it's beginning to snow do you like snow though I hate it why snow is so pretty yes but I don't like to drive in it well it's beginning to snow and I have to drive to work how far is it to work six miles are we going to get much snow about 12 inches they say oh no driving will be dangerous please be careful I will by the way can I borrow your car it's beginning to snow do you like snow no I hate it why snow is so pretty yes but I don't like to drive in it well it's beginning to snow and I have to drive to work how far is it to work six miles are we going to get much snow about 12 inches they say oh no driving will be dangerous please be careful I will by the way can I borrow your car a house at the shore when is your vacation it starts next week where are you going we're renting a house on the shore that's wonderful yes we love the ocean do you swim a lot not very much then why are you going to the shore because we all bought new swimsuits a house at the shore when is your vacation it starts next week where are you going we're renting a house on the shore that's wonderful yes we love the ocean do you swim a lot not very much then why are you going to the shore because we all bought new swimsuits a soccer game I'm going to play soccer who are you playing with some friends from work are you a good soccer player yes but I'm not the best player on the team what time does the game begin nine o'clock why don't you come with me I can't today I'm very busy okay see you later I hope your team wins a soccer game I'm going to play soccer who are you playing with some friends from work are you a good soccer player yes but I'm not the best player on the team what time does the game begin nine o'clock why don't you come with me I can't today I'm very busy okay see you later I hope your team wins not so young my son is graduating from high school today and my daughter is graduating next year how old is she she's 16 I remember when she was a baby I know we're getting old don't say that why not it's true no it isn't we were young when we got married that's right but we got married 25 years ago not so young my son is graduating from high school today and my daughter is graduating next year how old is she she's 16 I remember when she was a baby I know we're getting old don't say that why not it's true no it isn't we were young when we got married that's right but we got married 25 years ago is she single today is my cousin's birthday what's your cousin's name Kathy I'm going to her house after dinner how old is she she's 24 hmm she's my age is she pretty yes and she's very nice too is she single no she's married and has two children oh that's too bad it's not for her is she single today is my cousin's birthday what's your cousin's name Kathy I'm going to her house after dinner how old is she she's 24 mmm she's my age is she pretty yes and she's very nice too is she single no she's married and has two children oh that's too bad not for her to buy a birthday present what are you getting Jim for his birthday I don't know yet you can always get him a shirt but I got him one last year oh that's right let me think I want to get him something different how about a briefcase good idea his briefcase is getting old and it's something he'll use every day of course why didn't I think of that to buy a birthday present what are you getting Jim for his birthday I don't know yet you can always get him a shirt but I got him one last year oh that's right let me think I want to get him something different how about a briefcase good idea his briefcase is getting old and it's something he'll use every day of course why didn't I think of that telephone hello hello is Mary there I'm sorry you have the wrong number oh is this six eight five five two nine zero no it's not I'm sorry that's okay telephone hello hello is Mary there I'm sorry you have the wrong number oh is this six eight five five two nine zero no it's not I'm sorry that's okay a light eater would you like anything else you haven't eaten very much no thanks I'm already full oh come on have some more no I really can't I've never been much of an eater have some coffee then that would be nice how do you take it with sugar please no cream here you are thank you a light eater would you like anything else you haven't eaten very much no thanks I'm already full oh come on have some more no I really can't I've never been much of an eater have some coffee then that would be nice how do you take it with sugar please no cream here you are thank you a nice flat one this is a nice flat hmm there's a living room there's a kitchen a bedroom and a bathroom and there's a bidet what's a bad day it's like a toilet only better I'll let you figure it out well none of my friends have a bidet and even if I don't know what it is they will be very jealous when I tell them a nice flat one this is a nice flat hmm there's a living room there's a kitchen a bedroom and a bathroom and there's a bidet what's a bad day it's like a toilet only better I'll let you figure it out well none of my friends have a bidet and even if I don't know what it is they will be very jealous when I tell them a nice flat too well here's the kitchen hmm it's very small yes it isn't very large but there's a cooker and a fridge there are some cupboards under the sink are there any plates yes there are good are there any chairs in here no there aren't but there are some in the living room hmm there aren't any glasses yes there are there in the cupboard and or where's the toilet video designed by English seven levels calm a nice flat - well here's the kitchen hmm it's very small yes it isn't very large but there's a cooker and a fridge there are some cupboards under the sink are there any plates yes there are good are there any chairs in here no there aren't but there are some in the living room hmm there aren't any glasses yes there are there in the cupboard and or where's the toilet afraid of flying where is your meeting in Dallas Texas how are you going by plane do you like to fly sure it's fast and comfortable I'm afraid of flying that's silly flying is very safe maybe but I don't feel safe in a plane I understand a lot of people feel that way afraid of flying where is your meeting in Dallas Texas how are you going by plane do you like to fly sure it's fast and comfortable I'm afraid of flying that's silly flying is very safe maybe but I don't feel safe in a plane I understand a lot of people feel that way a plane reservation I'd like to reconfirm my plane reservation what flight are you taking flight 207 and your name please Henry Chandler yes sir you're booked on flight to 0-7 please check in at the airport an hour before flight time thank you a plane reservation I'd like to reconfirm my plane reservation what flight are you taking flight 207 and your name please Henry Chandler yes sir you're booked on flight to zero seven please check in at the airport an hour before flight time thank you getting together are you free Friday night I might not be in town I'm not sure yet a friend suggested I go to Vancouver well a few of us are getting together and I thought you might want to come too what are you thinking of doing we're not sure yet we might go to a bar but we'll probably go to see AI oh I haven't seen it yet well come then sure if I'm in town I'll call you and let you know getting together are you free Friday night I might not be in town I'm not sure yet a friend suggested I go to Vancouver well a few of us are getting together and I thought you might want to come too what are you thinking of doing we're not sure yet we might go to a bar but we'll probably go to see AI oh I haven't seen it yet well come then sure if I'm in town I'll call you and let you know how's your new job going Oh miss Wallace long time no see how are you good thank you how's your new job I started working today how does it seem so far it's demanding but I'm happy to be working what's your boss like he appears to be very thoughtful and kind but they all do it first I guess we will have to wait and see well I wish you the best of luck Thanks take care how's your new job going Oh miss Wallace long time no see how are you good thank you how's your new job I started working today how does it seem so far it's demanding but I'm happy to be working what's your boss like he appears to be very thoughtful and kind but they all do it first I guess we will have to wait and see well I wish you the best of luck Thanks take care we eat a lot did you see my car keys there on top of the TV you're right Thanks where are you going to the supermarket again yes we eat a lot do you want me to go with you sure if you can good the packages will be heavy there is a new health store right up the road maybe since you guys eat a lot you should try and eat more healthily maybe you're right we have all put on a little weight we eat a lot did you see my car keys there on top of the TV you're right Thanks where are you going to the supermarket again yes we eat a lot do you want me to go with you sure if you can good the packages will be heavy there is a new health store right up the road maybe since you guys eat a lot you should try and eat more healthily maybe you're right we have all put on a little weight I'll take you Diana Oh George hi how are you listen I'm in a terrible hurry the bank closes in 20 minutes is your bank near here yes it's only four blocks away on Vine Street come on get in I'll take you are you sure it's not out of your way no not at all that is so nice of you George thank you you're welcome I'll take you dianna Oh George hi how are you listen I'm in a terrible hurry the bank closes in 20 minutes is your bank near here yes it's only four blocks away on Vine Street what get in I'll take you are you sure it's not out of your way no not at all that is so nice of you George thank you you're welcome we must be out of them hi sorry I'm late I missed the bus oh that's okay I had time to clean up before you came you don't look very good I must be getting a cold I've been sneezing all day bless you thank you you must be getting a cold why don't you go lie down I'll bring you some aspirin I don't see any aspirin in the medicine cabinet we must be out of them I'll go to the drugstore is there anything else we need could you get some I don't know if they sell at you here but I'll check we must be out of them hi sorry I'm late I missed the bus oh that's okay I had time to clean up before you came you don't look very good I must be getting a cold I've been sneezing all day bless you thank you you must be getting a cold why don't you go lie down I'll bring you some aspirin I don't see any aspirin in the medicine cabinet we must be out of them I'll go to the drugstore is there anything else we need could you get some I don't know if they sell at you here but I'll check doctor's appointments when can I see doctor no he won't be free until tomorrow can I make an appointment sure how about tomorrow at 10 o'clock can you make it at 9:00 I'll check to see if he's available I'm sorry but he's tied up until 10 o'clock well can't you squeeze me in somehow I'm afraid not how about after lunch will 1 o clock be all right that's perfect thank you doctor's appointments when can I see doctor no he won't be free until tomorrow can I make an appointment sure how about tomorrow at 10 o'clock can you make it at 9:00 I'll check to see if he's available I'm sorry but he's tied up until 10 o'clock well can't you squeeze me in somehow I'm afraid not how about after lunch will 1 o clock be all right that's perfect thank you traffic rules too excuse me may I see your license I'm afraid I've left it at home in that case you'll have to take it to the police station within five days but why you were speeding ma'am but I was only doing 75 there's a 70 kilometer hour speed limit on this road ma'am is there I didn't see a sign well ma'am we've been following you so you were doing 75 - no ma'am we were doing 90 kilometres an hour and we couldn't catch you traffic rules too excuse me may I see your license I'm afraid I've left it at home in that case you'll have to take it to the police station within five days but why you were speeding ma'am but I was only doing 75 there's a 70 kilometer hour speed limit on this road ma'am is there I didn't see a sign well ma'am we've been following you so you were doing 75 - no ma'am we were doing 90 kilometres an hour and we couldn't catch you eating out waiter could we have the bill please can I put it all in one bill no we prefer separate checks your bills $18 that seems expensive would you check it again please sorry ma'am this is your friend's bill here is yours it's $24 and 16 cents eating out waiter could we have the bill please can I put it all in one bill no we prefer separate checks your bills $18 that seems expensive would you check it again please sorry ma'am this is your friend's bill here is yours it's $24 and 16 cents to buy a bus ticket excuse me yes can I help you yes I'd like some information about buses please where to to Toronto when this Saturday morning or afternoon in the afternoon about three o'clock there's one at 3:20 thank you that sounds perfect I'll take it to buy a bus ticket excuse me yes can I help you yes I'd like some information about buses please where to to Toronto when this Saturday morning or afternoon in the afternoon about three o'clock there's one at 3:20 thank you that sounds perfect I'll take it on the phone good morning Scott and Smith law office may I help you yes may I speak to David Waller please I'm sorry he isn't here yet may I take a message yes could you ask him to call Marjorie Vail how do you spell your last name v-a-l-e what's your phone number does mr. Waller have it no he doesn't it's six eight zero five two nine zero I'm sorry could you repeat that six eight zero five two nine zero I'll give him the message thank you you're welcome on the phone good morning Scott and Smith law office may I help you yes may I speak to David Waller please I'm sorry he isn't here yet may I take a message yes could you ask him to call Marjorie Vail how do you spell your last name v-a-l-e what's your phone number does mr. Waller have it uh no he doesn't it's six eight zero five two nine zero I'm sorry could you repeat that six eight zero five two nine zero I'll give him the message thank you you're welcome operating room mrs. Martin I'm dr. Thomas Oh doctor how is he well I'm afraid we'll have to operate Oh No he's always been afraid of operations don't worry if we operate now he'll be all right Oh doctor do you really have to I'm afraid so he's lost a lot of blood if we don't operate he'll die oh please do whatever you have to operating room mrs. Martin I'm dr. Thomas Oh doctor how is he well I'm afraid we'll have to operate Oh No he's always been afraid of operations don't worry if we operate now he'll be all right Oh doctor do you really have to I'm afraid so he's lost a lot of blood if we don't operate he'll die oh please do whatever you have to a car loan I want to go to the bank this afternoon I'll Drive you there Thanks I'm going to apply for a loan why do you need a loan I have to buy a new car what's wrong with your car they won't start and it's ten years old how much will a new car cost about $15,000 Wow that's a lot of money I know that's why I need a loan a car loan I want to go to the bank this afternoon I'll Drive you there Thanks I'm going to apply for a loan why do you need a loan I have to buy a new car what's wrong with your car they won't start and it's ten years old how much will a new car cost about $15,000 Wow that's a lot of money I know that's why I need a loan a cashier what kind of work do you do I'm a cashier at a supermarket do you like your job no it's not very interesting and you don't make much money that's right I make very little I think you should look for another job I am but it's not easy to find one keep looking you'll get one thanks I hope you're right a cashier what kind of work do you do I'm a cashier at a supermarket do you like your job no it's not very interesting and you don't make much money that's right I make very little I think you should look for another job I am but it's not easy to find one keep looking you'll get one thanks I hope you're right settling down how are you settling in oh we're still in a bit of a mess but Lisa seems to like it here that's good is there a garden for her to play in yes it's not very big but we've got a small swimming pool have you found a school for Gerry yes there's one near here it only takes five minutes by car that's good so you like it there do you Neil yes this is a very good place for my children settling down how are you settling in oh we're still in a bit of a mess but Lisa seems to like it here that's good is there a garden for her to play in yes it's not very big but we've got a small swimming pool have you found a school for Gerry yes there's one near here it only takes five minutes by car that's good so you like it there do you Neil yes this is a very good place for my children will you get some bread for me is there a bakery near here yes you can get there in five minutes that's good I don't have much time why are you going to the bakery to buy a birthday cake whose birthday is it my daughter's she's ten that's nice will you get some bread for me sure do you want anything else no thanks I'll pay you when you get back will you get some bread for me is there a bakery near here yes you can get there in five minutes that's good I don't have much time why are you going to the bakery to buy a birthday cake whose birthday is it my daughter's she's ten that's nice will you get some bread for me sure do you want anything else no thanks I'll pay you when you get back video designed by English seven levels calm buying a present in a jewellery shop I've tried to find a wedding anniversary present for my wife yes sir what exactly are you looking for I'm not sure really perhaps you can help me right I'll show you some pendants no I bought a pendant for her birthday maybe a necklace then these necklaces are made of gold yes I like this one what's the stone it's a ruby sir and it's only $1,200 well perhaps you could show me some bracelets then buying a present in a jewelry shop I'm trying to find a wedding anniversary present for my wife yes sir what exactly are you looking for I'm not sure really perhaps you can help me right I'll show you some pendants no I bought a pendant for her birthday maybe a necklace then these necklaces are made of gold yes I like this one what's the stone it's a ruby sir and it's only $1,200 well perhaps you could show me some bracelets then buying a present in a toy shop good morning perhaps you can advise me yes ma'am I'm looking for a toy for my niece oh yes how old is she she'll be seven years old on Sunday skateboards are still very popular mm-hmm I don't want her to hurt herself what about a Barbie doll set I don't think so she has many Barbie dolls have you got anything educational you see she's a very intelligent girl I've got the perfect thing I'd do it yourself kit where you can build your own Barbie doll who rides a skateboard buying a present in a toy shop good morning perhaps you can advise me yes ma'am I'm looking for a toy for my niece oh yes how old is she she'll be seven years old on Sunday skateboards are still very popular mm-hmm I don't want her to hurt herself what about a Barbie doll set I don't think so she has many Barbie dolls have you got anything educational you see she's a very intelligent girl I've got the perfect thing I'd do it yourself kit where you can build your own Barbie doll who rides a skateboard making a reservation can I get some tickets for plays yes is there a specific play that you want to see what plays are on tonight cats but it's sold out are there any seats left for tomorrow night yes how many tickets do you want two please where would you like to sit I'm not sure well here's a seating plan of the concert hall how much is it in the middle section $50 $50 that's a little too expensive for us how much is it in the back $35 that's fine what time does the play start at 7 o clock what time will the play be over at 9:30 making a reservation can I get some tickets for plays yes is there a specific play that you want to see what plays are on tonight cats but it's sold out are there any seats left for tomorrow night yes how many tickets do you want two please where would you like to sit I'm not sure well here's a seating plan of the concert hall how much is it in the middle section $50 $50 that's a little too expensive for us how much is it in the back $35 that's fine what time does the play start at 7 o clock what time will the play be over at 9:30 ready to go are you ready grace is still in her room she needs to rush we don't have enough time what time does the movie begin it starts at 7:30 what's the time now about 7:10 there's no hurry it only takes 10 minutes by car to get there I know but there aren't enough parking spaces around the theater well I'd better tell grace to hurry up she can take hours to get ready ready to go are you ready grace is still in her room she needs to rush we don't have enough time what time does the movie begin it starts at 7:30 what's the time now about 7:10 there's no hurry it only takes 10 minutes by car to get there I know but there aren't enough parking spaces around the theater well I'd better tell grace to hurry up she can take hours to get ready an interesting movie I thought that movie was terrific didn't you I don't know it didn't seem to have any meaning come on it seems that you expect intellectual stimulation from every movie I just think that a good movie should have a central theme at least yes but it doesn't hurt you to watch a funny movie once in a while relax and enjoy it you're right I'm too serious sometimes an interesting movie I thought that movie was terrific didn't you I don't know it didn't seem to have any meaning come on it seems that you expect intellectual stimulation from every movie I just think that a good movie should have a central theme at least yes but it doesn't hurt you to watch a funny movie once in a while relax and enjoy it you're right I'm too serious sometimes in the bus I see you're reading Harry Potter how do you like it I can't put it down have you read it yes in fact I just finished it the endings great don't tell me I have only 50 pages to go okay I won't tell you who died tell me anything okay but I'm biting my tongue goodbye hard such a shame though what is that Harry dies in the bus I see you're reading Harry Potter how do you like it I can't put it down have you read it yes in fact I just finished it the endings great don't tell me I have only 50 pages to go okay I won't tell you who died tell me anything okay but I'm biting my tongue good bye hard such a shame though what is that Harry dies a new job mr. Adams have you seen this ad in the recruit news yes I saw it but I'm not interested in finding a new job I've been here since I graduated from my university I like working here really I've only been here one year and I'm already tired of doing the same thing every day I'm afraid of getting really bored oh come on it's not that bad wherever you work you have to do the same thing every day to a certain degree well what's more I've been working about ten hours a day since last month but you've been getting paid more money for it haven't you yes but I'm not interested in making more money I'm going to apply for another job what kind of job a secretarial job well good luck thank you very much a new job mr. Adams have you seen this ad in the recruit news yes I saw it but I'm not interested in finding a new job I've been here since I graduated from my university I like working here really I've only been here one year and I'm already tired of doing the same thing every day I'm afraid of getting really bored oh come on it's not that bad wherever you work you have to do the same thing every day to a certain degree well what's more I've been working about ten hours a day since last month but you've been getting paid more money for it haven't you yes but I'm not interested in making more money I'm going to apply for another job what kind of job a secretarial job well good luck thank you very much a date to hello sandy is that you yes uh-huh who's this it's Gil Gil Gil who what do you mean Gil who Gil Dixon of course Oh Gil I'm sorry yes we had a date last night where were you I waited for one hour oh I'm sorry Gil I couldn't come couldn't come why not well I had to pack my stuff for my trip why didn't you call me I wanted to call you but um I couldn't remember your phone number and now I'm going to forget yours a date to hello sandy is that you yes uh-huh who's this it's Gil Gil Gil who what do you mean Gil who Gil at Dixon of course Oh Gil I'm sorry yes we had a date last night where were you I waited for one hour oh I'm sorry Gil I couldn't come couldn't come why not well I had to pack my stuff for my trip why didn't you call me I wanted to call you but um I couldn't remember your phone number and now I'm going to forget yours smoking do you smoke I've never known that when did you start smoking I started smoking when I was 18 so how long have you been a smoker I've smoked for 20 years how many cigarettes do you smoke a day I smoked two packs of cigarettes a day have you ever tried to quit yes I have quit twice once when I was expecting my baby Paul and the other time when I had a bad sore throat but I had a hard time if you knew what it was doing to your lungs you would think twice about it smoking do you smoke I've never known that when did you start smoking I started smoking when I was 18 so how long have you been a smoker I've smoked for 20 years how many cigarettes do you smoke a day I smoke two packs of cigarettes a day have you ever tried to quit yes I have quit twice once when I was expecting my baby Paul and the other time when I had a bad sore throat but I had a hard time if you knew what it was doing to your lungs you would think twice about it a death did you hear about the Smith family no what happened mrs. Smith passed away this morning that's a shame what from heart attack I think that's a terrible thing yes mrs. Smith went into hospital last night by ambulance and died this morning had she been suffering from heart disease yeah mrs. Smith had it for five years before she died did they try surgery she had two operations but they weren't effective I feel sorry for mr. Smith a death did you hear about the Smith family no what happened mrs. Smith passed away this morning that's a shame what from heart attack I think that's a terrible thing yes mrs. Smith went into hospital last night by ambulance and died this morning had she been suffering from heart disease yeah mrs. Smith had it for five years before she died did they try surgery she had two operations but they weren't effective I feel sorry for mr. Smith a birth have you heard about the good news in the Wallace family no I've been out of town mrs. Wallace went into the hospital last night and gave birth to a baby girl seven hours later that's very good but they already have a little girl don't they know they have a five year old boy so they wanted a girl this time right yes they wanted a girl for a long time was it natural childbirth no she had to have a cesarean a birth have you heard about the good news in the Wallace family no I've been out of town mrs. Wallace went into the hospital last night and gave birth to a baby girl seven hours later that's very good but they already have a little girl don't they know they have a five year old boy so they wanted a girl this time right yes they wanted a girl for a long time was it natural childbirth no she had to have a cesarean a coincidence Teresa what a surprise what are you doing here Timothy I don't believe it I'm going to see my daughter she will marry this weekend how about you I'm going to visit my parents when is your daughter's wedding Sunday Wow this Sunday is the 45th wedding anniversary of their wedding - this is a surprise anyway where is your train leaving from my train leaves from platform 3 over there how long will you now leaving from platform 3 train from Vancouver that's my train I have to run sorry we didn't get more time to talk that's okay I'll see you when you get back have a good time and say congratulations to your parents a coincidence Teresa what a surprise what are you doing here Timothy I don't believe it I'm going to see my daughter she will marry this weekend how about you I'm going to visit my parents when is your daughter's wedding Sunday Wow this Sunday is the 45th wedding anniversary of their wedding - this is a surprise anyway where is your train leaving from my train leaves from platform 3 over there how long will you now leaving from platform 3 train from Vancouver that's my train I have to run sorry we didn't get more time to talk that's okay I'll see you when you get back have a good time and say congratulations to your parents how have you been Raymond oh hi grace have you been good I hear you've been to Toronto for a few days yes I just got back yesterday did you have a nice visit really nice it was very good going around downtown and shopping and I saw the Toronto Blue Jays game at SkyDome it seems that Toronto is a very exciting City my brother's Stanley was there too you've met Stanley haven't you sure I met him when he was here in Hamilton last year what's he doing these days still teaching baseball yes as a matter of fact he just began to teach elementary school great how's everything with his kids have you met my nieces yes they visited you once in the summer didn't they right they're both fine I haven't seen them in a long time they must be really big well they will come over this Christmas let's have a great Christmas party together that's a good idea how have you been Raymond oh hi grace have you been good I hear you've been to Toronto for a few days yes I just got back yesterday did you have a nice visit really nice it was very good going around downtown and shopping and I saw the Toronto Blue Jays game at SkyDome it seems that Toronto is a very exciting City my brother's Stanley was there too it met Stanley haven't you sure I met him when he was here in Hamilton last year what's he doing these days still teaching baseball yes as a matter of fact he just began to teach elementary school great how's everything with his kids have you met my nieces yes they visited you once in the summer didn't they right they're both fine I haven't seen them in a long time they must be really big well they will come over this Christmas let's have a great Christmas party together that's a good idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Learn English with English7Levels
Views: 4,432,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, english listening, english conversation, learn english with subtitles, daily english conversation, speaking english, speaking english practice, speaking english conversation, english practice, english practice conversation, conversation, speaking, speak english, english speaking, questions and answers, questions and answers english, questions and answers english conversation, english speaking lessons, questions and answers practice, speaking lessons
Id: tnSAGgcxjK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 26sec (4886 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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