Daft Punk - Lose Yourself to Dance (Official Version)
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Keywords: Daft Punk vevo, DaftPunkvevo, acoustic, music, vevo, Daft Punk Lose Yourself To Dance, Daft Punk Lose Yourself To Dance video, video, instrumental, Daft Punk one more time, Daft Punk pentatonix, official, version, Daft Punk Lose Yourself To Dance lyrics, Daft Punk, Random Access Memories, dance, download, Daft punk within, electronic, Daft punk touch, karaoke, remix, lyrics, audio, official video, cover, Daft Punk Lose Yourself To Dance live
Id: NF-kLy44Hls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2013
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AMA Request: one of the extras in the video.
EDIT: Out of curiosity, what was the last full length music video they released before this?
Did anyone notice this guy?
Huh, so the full videos ended up being a thing. The single is supposed to be out today right?
I feel like this music video is a homage to the way music was back in the 60s/70s. First of all the poster does not look like it fits in with modern music. http://imgur.com/Uq76ssp at first it reminded me of the original star wars poster http://unleashthefanboy.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Star-Wars-IV-Poster.jpg
Secondly, the music video is shot similarly to the way early music videos were shot. Today music videos are shot with the intent of trying to express something with the music as the guide, but back in the day music videos were simply the artists playing their music. as far as I know this was the trend until MJ came along and bucked the trend. I cannot think of a better example than video killed the radio star http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iwuy4hHO3YQ from the older looking film, to the sparkles and even the silver jacket, it cannot be a coincidence that lose yourself to dance is so similar.
To the people who are disappointed by the lack of variety in the video, I have to say that I agree, but at the same time I am not really sure what else could have been done with this song. The song is about having a good time on the dance floor and forgetting about your problems. It is clear that Daft Punk was trying to express their love for music in a time when they were young, and what better way than to mimic the way it was done, right down to the poster. If something like this was done for a song like touch than I would have to agree with you because a song with such music depth deserves a music video for the ages. Until then, take it for what it is, appreciate the homage to music from a time when twerking did not exist, and most of all, let it take you back.
That recording must've been funky as shit for those actors in the crowd!
Robot Thomas singing into the vocoder makes me so happy inside.
That Soul Train vibe!
Since nobody mentioned Pharrell, I thought he looked really awesome and not awkward in this video at all!
finally had something to do with his hands, albeit one was in his pocket the whole time