Daesh, l’origine de la terreur

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Somewhere in Baghdad, Iraq. This prisoner of the Iraqi army is part of the Islamic State group. He is a violent man. He rejects the world who does not share his ideas. Before his arrest, he was a leader. He ran a t*** cell. Sentenced to death, he waits the application of his sentence. - Have you killed people? - Yes. - A lot ? - Yes. Yes, I murdered in 2006. In 2007 until 2010. I loved doing that. I was good. I could walk next to someone, laugh with him and shoot him a ball in the head. I was an artist, a real one! This t*** spent ten years in the heart of the d***. He knows the secrets and the methods of the Islamists. - D*** was born both inside and outside the prison. Most of the leaders were prisoners from Abu Ghraib and Boka. In prison, we had Koranic training and training to war strategy. I only tell you the truth. I am sentenced to death and no one isn't going to come and get me out of here. - What is D***’s strategy? - Propagate. Spread the ideology of the Islamic State, around the world. And this was decided well before the creation of D***. Before the birth of the Islamic State, everything was already written. In 2006, this d*** was recruited and trained behind the walls from another Iraqi prison. Abu Ghraib prison, at the time in the hands of the American army. According to sentencing him to death, this is where a part was born strategy, of what would become, the largest organization t*** of the world. Abu Ghraib is a symbol for the d***s. It closed its doors in 2013. Today, the d*** want to destroy it. - This is the entrance to the cells. On your right. For fear of reprisals, none of the site managers dare not appear in the image. I am requested to make the visit alone. Since its closure, this is the first time that a camera is allowed to enter. Remember. Images of Iraqi detainees tortured by American soldiers. It was here. Humiliated, some became radicalized. Inside, nothing has changed. Dilapidated walls. 2400 prisoners were locked up, in cells like this. With his only hobby, books now dusty. The only reading that they allowed themselves, was the Quran. The sacred book of Muslims. A little further, in a corridor, a fresco painted by a prisoner, a severed head, a d*** facing to enemy tanks. A premonitory drawing. For this condemned to death, the Islamic State group was born in 2006, in Iraqi prisons. For Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State group is born in 2013 in Mosul, Iraq, when he proclaimed himself emir of this organization. Where does the truth lie? The creation of the Islamic State group is not due to chance. These men have a story, a strategy and a built goal over time. My investigation begins in Syria, in Kobané. A town located on the border of Turkey. The Islamic State group tried during weeks, to get their hands on this city. Facing resistance Kurdish fighters, he never succeeded. At what price ? 600 dead, 400,000 displaced and a city in ruins. Mustafa is a Syrian Kurd. Before the war, he was a student. He survived the onslaught of those which they call black crows. - When I walk these streets, I think of everyone who lived here. I'm sad. The walls are not so important that that. Most important, these are the memories, that families and the children lost. And all because of the t***. Mustafa chooses to fight the d***s in his own way. He helps journalists in the field. The objective of my trip to the land Syrians is to discover, the origin of the Islamic State group. With Mustafa I will browse hundreds of kilometers, in a war zone. My goal, to meet the Free Syrian Army. They are the first witnesses of the arrival of the d***. - Hello, comrades. - Good morning. - We are going to the front line. - How ? - Towards the front line. - Go for it. - This road leads to Raqqa? - Yes, it leads to Raqqa and on the way, there are still areas held by D***. This route, I already borrowed it in 2011. I wanted to film these demonstrations, against the dictator Bashar al-Assad. At the time, they were peaceful. Faced with repression of the Syrian leader, an armed force was born to protect these revolutionaries. Its name, the Free Syrian Army. In their fight, they allied with the Islamists. The Free Syrian Army will be able probably explain to me, how could radicals in a few months impose itself. And end up holding a territory, as big as Britain. To meet them, with Mustafa, I will first cross the town of Tell Abyad. A city that was ruled by the d***s for over a year. Here, 30% of the population, would still support the men in black. It's also in this city that on January 10, would have lost track by Hayat Boumeddiene, Amedy Coulibaly's companion, the hostage taker from the Hyper Cacher de Paris. - I'll show you the cage, where D*** locked up all those who didn't follow his rules. And this before my eyes Population. And here is this cage. The inhabitants do not dare to destroy it. This is where part of it was filmed propaganda images of the d***, where Syrians were locked up like cattle. - They threw people into this cage for a day or 2, without food, without anything. They were padlocking this door. They terrorized people. They humiliated them in this cage. - How do you feel being inside ? - I feel bad. I really don't feel well. You imagine being there, in front of everybody ? Who deserves this? To be punished so savagely... The majority of the population of the city is Sunni. She gave in willingly or unwillingly, to the rules of the Islamists. This young woman, Erin, is a friend of Mustafa. For one year, she did not observe life, only through the mesh of his burqa. - If D*** was still here, we would have you cut your hand with your cigarettes. Today, she enjoys her freedom. She walks with her head held high, in a city that still lives to the rhythm of a***. - People are scared. You saw how they move away in view of a camera? - They lived under terror. And as the attacks continue, so they are afraid. They are all terrified. Women are circulating again alone in the streets. But this freedom remains fragile in a city, marked by barbarism. - This is the roundabout of death. This is where D*** slit people's throats. - After cutting off a head, they hung it here, on these bars. - They forced families condemned to witness this. - The children are today imbued with this barbarity. They have surely changed. D*** made the t***s of tomorrow. The road is long and risky towards the Free Syrian Army. You have to cross a territory today in the hands of the Kurds. Without their escort, no one can move around. On the road, not a living soul. The villages are deserted and the roads gutted by mines installed at night by the d***, behind closed doors. I arrive in Aïn Issa, a small town. Nobody on the horizon. This city was ruled ago just a few weeks, by the Islamic State group. I decide to stop there. Maybe this ghost town, can enlighten me on the organization of d***. Are there still the traces of an administration? The black color dominates the facades. A sign indicates the direction, from the headquarters of the Islamic police. Mustafa observes the place, hesitate to approach as if he still feared, to see a d*** weapon in his hand appear. On the facade is written: Islamic police in the region from Raqqa to Aïn Issa. As long as the door is closed, there is a good chance that the place is still trapped by mines. - Is it a cage? - Maybe. - You think we threw it people ? - I'm not sure of it. But behind these bars, there are probably cells. Everyone was thrown there, even children. Aïn Issa is the last rampart before Raqqa, the Syrian capital of d***. A strategic city. They are still trying to take it back. Every step here, recalls the crimes committed by Islamists. Behind this door, the temple of power. Since their escape, it has lost its splendor. - It's their acronym. It's a good one to receive food or bread. It's the same thing. Don't touch anything. Maybe behind these files, there is a bomb. - That's why you look like you're scared? - Yes, I don't want to touch it. The atmosphere is heavy. I have the feeling that the d*** still haunt the place. - Does it look like the boss's office? - It is that of the sheik or the emir. An emir who had the right to life or death to the population. - Here, look at a poster of D***. It indicates the method to impose Islam, their vision of Islam To the population. How to dress or recognize a disbeliever. Everything goes there. Rules from another age. - Come on, we have to go! The Free Syrian Army is no more only 50 kilometers away. Hurry up. The road is not safe. A curfew prohibits all traffic after dark. In the distance, a Kurdish observation post. Here they are women who face the d***. To get there, we have to wait for their green light. - Look, the comrade saw us! Armed women. A challenge to men who do not recognize no rights to the opposite sex. These combat units linked to the PKK, organization considered by the Union European like t***, were still inaccessible yesterday. Today, they are armed and trained, by France and the United States. To avoid enemy fire. They built trenches, but also hundreds meters of tunnels. - Come on, follow me. We're going outside. Very often publicized, these women all dream of an independent Kurdistan. - We close this so that D*** Don't spot us. As soon as there is something, an attack, we're getting out of here to get into position. They are not far away. It's hard to imagine that on the other side of the river, in this breathtaking landscape, hide in the shadows of the d***. Do you see this side? These are our positions. And on the other side of the river, behind this hill. This is where D*** is located. The day after, I will be able to meet, the Free Syrian Army, those who rubbed shoulders with the combatants of the Islamic State group. On the road, the cars calcined one after the other. But also hundreds of trucks loaded with goods. Even in times of war, business never stops. - Turn that way. I see for the first time, the faded flag of the Syrian revolution, float on these lands. And here is their basis. They are a handful of men facing the Islamists. Their nom de guerre, the revolutionaries of Raqqa. At my arrival, their leader seems preoccupied. A man out of nowhere approached, a little too close to the base. Abu Saif's head is now priced by the d***. He fears suicide attacks. - Hello, I have a request to make. This man came to ask for the right to cross the front line. He wants to go to the occupied zone by the Islamic State group. - You go back and forth between Raqqa and here? - No. Here, a few meters from the enemy. Difficult to tell the difference between the d*** and the others. - They are men like you who allowed D*** to be there. It's your sympathy for them. - I swear. I have nothing to do with it. - D***, do you like them? - No. - Come on, let's stop there. You have to leave now. The man doesn't get its right of passage. - This man doesn't want to admit it, but he's going to D***'s. They are uneducated people. And these are the ones who lost the head that goes there. There are those who want to get married. D*** pays for their ceremony. It is for these reasons that they are going to the enemy. This one is a D*** guy, a loser! The Free Syrian Army lost the power of its beginnings. After being applauded by the demonstrators, supported by the West, she has almost fallen into oblivion. A surrounded army whose voice no longer reaches us. They are the first to have experienced the arrival of the d*** and at the time, the radicals advanced masked. They had another name. Jabhat al-Nusra. - During the first fight at Tell Abyad, it was at a checkpoint. There was a group that wore the name of Jabhat al-Nusra. And here, I am sincere with you. Me and the fighters of the time, we found them very respectful. For us, Jabhat al-Nusra, was just the name of a unit like the others. We have never been Islamists. We just thought about defending freedom, democracy against the power of Bashar. - How were they ? Were they organized? - Very organized, very structured. It was impressive ! In your opinion, why did they succeed? It's thanks to that. It's really good afterwards that we discovered, that Jabhat al-Nusra were Al-Qaeda d***s. Jabhat al-Nusra is the branch Al-Qaeda army in Syria. She infiltrated the revolution Syrian since its beginnings. End 2012, during one of my shoots in Aleppo, Syria, I filmed a peaceful demonstration, where d*** were applauded by revolutionaries. - Jabhat al-Nusra, may God protect you ! Most of these Syrians were unaware of belonging, from Jabhat al-Nusra to Al-Qaeda. And out of sight, Al-Nusra fighters, did not hesitate to distill their ideas. A video proves it. It was filmed by cell phone, of a former revolutionary. It was sent to me by one of them at the risk of his life. This is the only video known to date, which shows how a d*** tries to convince revolutionaries. For him, their salvation cannot come as members of his clan. - First, the West did nothing for you, since the start of the revolution. Second, you don't have to accept anything, Jews and Westerners. You understood ? And we are here for you. We're not hurting anyone. - But still, if the West wanted us harm, they would have closed the border between Turkey and Syria. They would not have left pass on the weapons. And even you would not have could not reach Syria. - Listen to me carefully. The West is laughing at you. Westerners even deny the existence of God. These young revolutionaries about twenty years old, are an ideal target. So it's hard to stop the infiltration of the d***. An unexpected strategy will allow them to take root. Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, don't bomb them. He will concentrate his strikes on the Free Syrian Army. - We are a people simple and poor. Bashar al-Assad led us with an iron fist for 40 years. They succeeded to make fun of us. They attracted people with money or with their ideology. I'm furious now. The Free Syrian Army is collapsing, while Al-Qaeda imposes itself in Iraq and Syria. It's a rivalry in 2013, between two Al-Qaeda warlords, which will give birth to a new group, The Islamic State. And this under the gaze of their leader, A***'s number one, Ayman al-Zawahiri, successor to Bin Laden. These two lieutenants oppose each other. The first, Mohammed al-Joulani, the leader of A*** in Syria. The second Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He was responsible from the Iraqi branch of A***. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi wants to oust his counterpart in Syria, Mohamed al-Joulani. Al-Joulani opposes this. He declares this in a press release. - I, the leader of Jabhat Al-Nusra, I reiterate my allegiance to the leader of Al-Qaeda, Al-Zawahiri, God keep him ! Disavowed by the two other leaders, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi decides to leave Al-Qaeda. He chooses independence and proclaimed himself the emir of the believers. So it's March 2013 as al-Baghdadi declares, the birth of the Islamic State group. - Listen to me, my brothers. According to divine law, there will be on this earth than what is written by God. Sharia law must be applied and borders must disappear. A new flag is born. They plant it between Iraq and Syria. But who is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who emancipated himself from A*** before challenging the world? To answer this question, direction Iraq. And here is the only man who dared to help me, to enter the hometown of the emir of the Islamic State group. - Want to know more on al-Baghdadi? - Yes. Is Samarra his hometown? - Yes of course. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was born in Samarra. His real name is Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim from Samarra. - So that's his real name? Look, it's the mothers family in the city. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi lived in a conservative city, located 135 km from Baghdad. And here is the first mosque where he was an imam. So far, no cameras was not allowed to enter. - Why is the door closed? I want to pray. Hard to believe, than the one who is today public enemy number one, started his career behind this door. - He had an association to teach the Quran. He taught that to very young children. - Was that his job? - Yes, he was learning the Quran to children. The leader of the Islamic State group, who sponsors a*** in the Middle East as in Europe, headed here a few years ago. the prayer of a few faithful. - He stood there to make his speech. My guide knew him. He followed his preaching and prayed alongside him. - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, he held at the time, an extremist speech? - At all. His speech was measured, based on the precepts of Islam, true Islam. He wasn't violent. he was not pushing for murder. He was an educated man. How did this imam become radicalized? At the time, al-Baghdadi was a moderate. The American army, think the opposite. In 2004, suspected to belong to Al-Qaeda, she sends him to prison. - Why did he change in your opinion ? - It changed when the Americans put him in prison. I'm sure he suffered things there. When he came out, he was transformed. He had become violent. An extremist who pushes crime. You know everything very well what is being done in Iraq, in Libya, in Yemen. What D*** does. The family of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi still lives in this city. Nobody here, don't dare venture into its territory without being invited. - This is the neighborhood of the al-Baghdadi family. It's a big tribe. It is one of the seven great families of Samarra. To access your neighborhood, I ask for help from the Iraqi army. After hours of negotiations, the colonel of the Samara unit, agree to escort me. Tanks and armored cars, an exceptional convoy to access, in the emir's stronghold of the Islamic State group. - Where are you ? We will arrive soon. Put yourself in position on the road. In Samarra, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi no shortage of support. There are 1700 of them to bear the name from his al-Badri tribe. - He failed to put hand on his hometown, despite his powerful tribe. - He can't and God willing, he will never be able to. Samarra is a rock difficult to take. and moreover, we pushed back the d*** fifteen km, east of here. We are now in the neighborhood of the assassin al-Baghdadi. At the end of a dead end, here is his home. - Get me a car at the entrance to the street. And stand on the roof. - Lets' go. The house still belongs to him. And curiously, they are refugees Iraqis who live there. - Do you know who you live with? - At Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's house. - Where are you from ? - We are refugees from the region. - Why are you refugees? - Because of D***. - Because of D***? And you are installed at al-Baghdadi, the emir of Daesh. - This is compensation for you! - Al-Baghdadi destroyed our house. We live in his today. Consequence of the war waged by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, 5 million refugees are on the roads of exodus. Ironically, the members of this tribe, tolerate the presence of these refugees, for a few greenbacks per month. Inside, nothing exceptional. The Emir of the Islamic State group shared this three-room apartment, with his wife and four children. - Before, it was empty. People offered us something to furnish us with. Upstairs, residents of another kind. - This is all modest. - Yes, that's the house of al-baghdadi. A neighborhood imam who became in a few years, one of the men the most dangerous in the world. How to explain this rise? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was imprisoned in Iraq, in the same era, Saddam Hussein had just been ousted by the Americans. And his officers, to restore their power and reconquer the country, joined Al-Qaeda. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi spent time in prison, these former Iraqi officers. Did they help him build The Islamic State ? To check it, I will return to Iraq, to ​​Tikrit. In the historic stronghold of Saddam Hussein. His native region is located 150 kilometers from Baghdad. - I stocked up on gasoline because there are no more on the road. I managed to convince the most senior manager of the area, to receive me. These are the men who escort me on the road. The road is not safe. Iraq is now in the hands of around sixty militias. - Saddam had banned everyone the Iraqis to go there. - But could you go there? - Impossible. I was afraid to come to Tikrit. Coming here, I would surely have ended up dead or in a cell. And even today, I'm afraid of everyone. Shiites, D***, checkpoints, snipers, everything! This road is real shit. At the entrance of the city, Saddam's palace, reminds us that the heart of power was definitely here. It is also in this region that the American army, had succeeded in capturing Saddam Hussein. He had taken refuge among his own people. Today, some of these former officers formed a militia. They are all grouped together in this barracks. These people didn't join the d***. They fight them. Yasin Al-jubouri, their leader, is the most powerful man of the region. Son of a high dignitary of Saddam Hussein, he finances the war with his inheritance against the Islamic State group. As tradition dictates, this graduate of a prestigious London school, returned to his native land to lead his troops. We leave in convoy towards the front line. - At the time when the Americans were in Iraq, you were fighting them? - Yes. All Sunnis in Iraq were against the American presence. And of course, I was a resistance fighter. And I considered that all those who supported the Americans, deserved to die. Soldiers, like civilians, deserved to die. Here the enemy was first American, before becoming the Islamic State group. - Look at my men, they live in tents. In the rain, in the cold. They don't move. The fighters face to the d***. 20 kilometers of trenches, one of the largest front lines in Iraq. And here, the leader is respected and feared. Despite the shots. His officers take time to greet him. They saw the dust caused by our convoy and they started shooting. We fight back. The d***s are only there 700 meters away. - Do you hear their shots? No one is safe from a shell. His officers advise him to leave the premises. He decides to set an example and encourage his troops, before slipping away. Without knowing if I will have the opportunity to see him again, I decide to question him on the spot. - In 2005, when you were member of the Resistance, you thought the situation was going to become like this? - I suspected that one day, we were going to have to fight A***. But I never would have thought that he would become D***, with this striking force, I couldn't imagine it. - But at the time, Al-Qaeda and you, you were hand in hand to fight the Americans? - Yes but the danger today d***, is much bigger than that of the Americans. A colonizer ends up leaving. But D***, these are the children of the region. Fighting them is a lot harder and more complicated. The fighters, in the past associated with d***, have chosen their side. Today, they must forget that among their enemies, there is a member of their family. - You are Sunnis and you are fighting the Sunnis in your region, of your family, of your land. - Every t*** must be fought. The d***s don't belong to any tribe or any community. Okay, we are Sunnis and they are Sunnis. But we paid the price strong from this war against D***. Brothers turned enemies. The Islamic State group has succeeded to divide the Sunnis of Iraq. Yasin dreams of liberating Mosul, their capital. Former comrades battle of Yasin, those who chose the opposite camp, I met them ten years ago. At the time they were fighting under the banner of A***. Their target, the American army. We are in 2006. That day, they were traveling armed, escorted by a scout car, to avoid roadblocks from the authorities. It took a year of negotiations to convince these d***, to agree to speak to me. The conditions were defined in advance. Their mode of action was already to commit a***. Like the Islamic State group. - These are trucks that transport equipment for the American army. We, the d***s, are informed of the time of their passage and we make sure to pulverize them. You saw ? The fishing is good today! Former Saddam officers and members of Al-Qaeda, united in the same fight. - There is a checkpoint. We're turning around! Secularists and radicals together. It was a first in the story of the d***. Here is one of their HQ. A secret place in a house from the village of Abu Ghraib, a few hundred meters from the prison of the same name. As a challenge to the Americans. - I was part of the guard Republican of Saddam Hussein, until the fall of Baghdad. I became d***, a month after the arrival of the Americans. He wanted to show me films of their actions. These propaganda videos were also a first in the world of d***. By broadcasting these images, their aim was to attract funding. And new recruits in their ranks, like the Islamic State group Today. These men all met at Abu Ghraib prison, or that of Boka. - When leaving prison, what did you want me to do? That I kiss them? Should I make them some tea? If I have the strength to kill ten, with God's help, I will eliminate 1000 of them, even 1 million without hesitation! We're going to teach our children to shoot, because if we don't manage to win the battle, it is they who will succeed. - What do you do to the Americans? The change of the elders officers of Saddam Hussein, towards the d*** was on the move. This is what will allow construction, of the Islamic State group. But why do these elders officers of Saddam Hussein, did they join the men in black? In Tikrit, their stronghold, everyone knows the answer. But here, the golden rule, it's silence. I have a date with the only man who agreed to talk to me about it. These are the soldiers of his tribe who escort me to him. This is a former member intelligence from Saddam, a now retired general. These are his old comrades who would be today, at the head of the Islamic State group. - It is in prison that extremists, brainwashed to Saddam's officers. He gave them religion lessons according to their interpretation. They sharpened their hatred against the American occupation. When they got out of prison, they were totally radicalized. Boka prison and that of Abu Ghraib, were the first bases of the Islamic State group. Barely self-proclaimed emir of d***, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi frees his former comrades in combat, remained in prison. A party is even organized in their honor, in the middle of the Iraqi desert. The Islamic State gathers its troops, to conquer the territory Syrian and Iraqi. The black flag sets out to conquer from the Middle-East. Today, Baghdad lives to the rhythm attacks by the d***. A week after my shoot, a k*** got blown up, leaving 47 dead and around a hundred injured. Before leaving Iraq, I'm going back to Baghdad prison. I would like to know how the Islamic State group, managed to gain so much support, among civilian populations. What strategy did he apply? For this t***, the arab revolutions were a godsend. - If we take the Free Syrian Army, For example, she wasn't part of A***. The Islamic State took advantage of revolutions. And made sure to light the fire. At the beginning, the demonstrations were peaceful. Bashar al-Assad killed civilians. And we exploited the situation. - You mean that you have used revolutions? - Yes, we took advantage of the fury Population, to turn it all into war. And so, we recruited people, we financed them and we began our actions. Today, we are not going to stop. We are all over the world, even in America! We won't stop as long as the caliphate, will not be established. Today, the Islamic State exports its terror, until it hits the heart of Europe. The real losers are the populations of the Arab world, who believed in change. And fighters like the Syrian Abou Saif, who made a pact with the d*** before changing sides. He persists in believing in the meaning of the word democracy. - Do you want to come with us to Raqqa? - Yes it's possible ? - Of course. I hope we arrive soon to free the people of D***. It's hard for civilians who still live in Raqqa. - You look depressed to me. - You mean tired? Yes, I'm tired, but not physically. I just think of my people, to the inhabitants of Raqqa, to my country, Syria. D*** is today around the world. We started our fight against the dictator Bashar al-Assad, with slingshots. You know, those who serve to catch birds. If we have more ammo, we will take back these slingshots.
Channel: Investigations et Enquêtes
Views: 1,252,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enquête, Justice, Prison, Terrorisme, documentaire, documental, documentary, dokumentarfilm, export22, export22-MTA, reportage, yt:cc=on
Id: NbIfWL_Z6_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 26sec (3086 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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