Daddy Bigweld Is a Himbo

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nothing valued as here no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here the center of dangerous here the danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically concept bootie shorts but they have longtime nuclear waste warning messages on them anyone noticed the new Fire Lord looks likely from the tea shop [Music] me looking at myself in the video chat not hearing a word anyone saying this morning I asked the post woman who is my local google if she knew of a valiant farrier who might be willing to trim the hooves of my wildly recalcitrant donkey I already saw one farrier who wouldn't even try and she said I'll give you the name of a good farrier she's a very very strong woman very muscular she can pick up your donkey and make him sit in a corner if he doesn't behave isn't life marvelous sometimes some of you didn't have tumblr before the band where you would literally just randomly be scrolling through your - and happen upon a series of aggressive gait just because one of your Mutual's happen to be active at night and it shows you ever open a message and think what the Frick am I supposed to say to this Beach I'm about to just disappears under mysterious circumstances hi waiter could I get the spaghetti I promise I'll behave this time I don't agree with tumblers hell you can't enjoy this thing because it's problematic like but watching friends is weird now knowing that the actor who played Chandler led an invasion of Japan in 1863 which led to the forceful westernization of the isolated country 1853 I'm sorry yes the actor who played Chandler and friends invaded Japan in 1853 not 1863 men should be required to make their Animal Crossing village asleep on a mattress on the floor until they get a bed frame IRL I'm not a man but I sleep on a mattress on the floor because I roll out of bed in the middle of the night and this way I just keep sleeping instead of being concussed am i valid you need a crib bro a himbo must must be kind beefy and stupid only kind and beefy that's just a hunk only beefy and stupid that's just a jock only kind and stupid that's just a decent man I think my favorite story is my visual friend's father hating that she like the same gender so he sent her to a Catholic school an all-girls school an enclosed space with nothing but girls I like to imagine him crossing his arms and thinking why yes this is a sound decision the perfect plan I kind of wish I lived in a world where the gods of Greek mythology did exist because a system where I could earn favors and avoid being smite it for my hubris by simply being too entertaining to be allowed to die is one in which I would thrive Hades okay look I've given it as long as I could but their times up they have to go the other gods no no no dude you don't understand this is the funniest crap I've seen in Ian's you can't just kill our court jester bro T il Russians do not actually use the term comrade and the term is actually translated as Topher a chant used as such Russians don't use the English word comrade may use the Russian word for comrade the redditors are not intellectual to put it mildly no one is allowed to use the word post-modernism because none of you know what it's frickin means post-modernism is when I don't like stuff this guy's got the right idea am i wet am i on my period did I pee my pants next on WTF is going on down there I'm so glad this is a universal wondering among neuro knows and also why do sometimes think I must be bleeding or something really bad and run to the toilet and then hardly nothing has happened and other times I think I'm fine and then later realize there's blood everywhere no enna feel proud boy a fellow gamer imagine a horror movie where all the characters are gently and not particularly scared of dying killer on the phone with a character I'm in your house and I will kill you character all right let's hurry up though sweet fruit vampires are paled because Aaron emic did you only just realize this they also suck blood because they can't get vitamin D from sun exposure take a multivitamin you melodramatic Victorian appropriating eternal dump one time a guy and I were having an argument and he pulled a knife on me and because I'm an idiot my response was to take out my knife and go what now genius and what happened next was we just stood there for ten straight minutes not moving because neither of us wanted to put the knife down first and basically that's our entire international situation regarding nuclear weapons what happened afterwards my mom showed up when will mom show up and stop the international situation regarding nuclear weapons hate when people are think I know stuff I don't know anything I just used Google by Google simple words because they look like they are spelled wrong and I can't be sure I google how to boil eggs every time I do it this is who I am I wonder if the young girls playing on the trampoline next door know that one I can see them too I can hear them singing you can't stop the beat from hairspray three they are really bad singers and four I can probably get a YouTube worthy video of them from my current position guys I put on my cousin's hockey mask and stood at the window and yelled stop your infernal singsong I'm trying to murder here and they screamed and tried to run away and one fell over and started crying gently places a small mushroom in your hand gently places another small mushroom in your hand little brown mushrooms are unit interfere ball worthless crap if you're going to hand me small mushrooms make sure they are some color rather than brown I have opinions about things the fruits of the earth do not exist to be worth something to us invasive thought that you will never be able to get rid of don't lick the dental hygienists and during your exam or cleaning this is my favorite ask I have a dentist appointment coming up and my views have changed when Fergie comes on in the club and you hear if you ain't got no money take you broke me realizing I'm now an adult with actual responsibilities God's joke went a bit far I trust Tumblr info more than I trust Twitter info I heard they're making a show about a pan shrek shill who's an introvert and anna shrek shill who's an extrovert get outta town there is literally nothing worse than accidentally eating a really soft grape maybe except you whole family being murdered in front of your face have you ever eaten a soft grape a boob on the tumblr sneaking into the kitchen at 3 a.m. like I hope we have some got our juicy juice boy crap I'm thirsty as a mother-fricker my on tried to make hard shape cookies and they all came out looking like tiny design laughing so hard literally just a picture of big world from robots [Music] bigweld was thick why must a story be coherent is it not enough to have a himbo who can wield two broad swords at once a chaotic [ __ ] wreck shalt wins with no sense of self-preservation a wildly powerful sorceress who at all times looks like she walked off of either a vogue sent a spread or a Victoria Secret runway and a teen refugee with more brain cells than all of the other aforementioned characters combined Arthur Merlin Morgana murdered yet the cook I would prefer not to I'm making it a habit to say track you later when I leave a room and I'm back here when I enter a rope pockets on clothes should be a requirement g-string with pockets do socks need pockets or do socks count as pockets I hate it here no no he's got a point coconuts have only been in the Caribbean for 500 years they just floated on over from Asia and took root that's hilarious wait really I always thought they were if not native at least brought over on purpose right I'm watching this nature dock and when the narrator said that I nearly spit my drink giggling they're remarkably buoyant and just above their way to a new Shore so carefree truly a fruit destined to be in the Caribbean are you suggesting coconuts migrate so I went shopping today and I saw this boy who was a done replica of Michael and me being me I went up to him and said I love you as a joke but he looked at me dead in the eyes and said I love you too princess do you also think I look like Michael from 5sos and my breath got hitched in my throat and I nodded and he laughed and said you're cute see ya around um shout out to advancements in video game graphics because people in the notes think someone decorated a really expensive car with this IRL I would like to become a bumblebee sit on flowers be yellow not go to school not understand capitalism bird feeders are probably making birds evolve longer beaks British people really like bird feeders I'm not going to tag the name of the bird because I'm pretty sure I will get tagged as NSFW if I did but I assure you their beaks are getting longer and it's probably because of the UK's obsession with bird feeders great tips gain massive peckers more at 11 fishing is dope you just lie to animals dang I'm hungry time to go emotionally manipulate some fish I threw a grape in the air to catch it in my mouth but it went too high and hit the ceiling and there was a spider there and the spider fell and so did the grape and they both landed on my face and I still haven't stopped screaming I read the first line in my head in the tune of call me maybe I'm so stupid I threw a grape in the air I went to catch it I swear it hit a spite of that fell and now they're on my face short people are inferior and unnecessary listen Beach when you need someone to fit into a small space where you Giants can't fit we won't help you because you've slandered us like this I can't heal you down there I'm busy taking cereal from the top shelf and being allowed on rollercoasters my mom got a bunch of nerds from school because she's a teacher and she's letting me book Kelsey this could have been worded better so one time when I was in eighth grade my school went on a camping trip at this camp and at night we all went around the campfire and told stories and one of the instructors pointed up at the hill where a bunch of beer had gathered he explained that baby deer makes certain noises to call their mothers over he said if we were really quiet we could hear them suddenly this huge black guy came out from the forest and yelled yo mama where you at what about one of these bro bro bro bro will you be my girlfriend I tried this on a female before she took the bottom middle donut that says girl and handed the box back to me leaving with five donuts that read will you be my friend tips fedora and shame creams owned again by another succubus metal detector this is such a stupid joke but donut it made me laugh dismayed not all Americans are fat like McDonald's like meat drink coffee all Americans pour their tea in the Boston Harbor have a pet Eagle this is not even a little bit true I'm an American and I don't have a pet eagle I have 13 one for each of the original colonies as do all true Americans twinkle twinkle little star why is art so freakin hard up above the world so high I can't draw the other eye twinkle twinkle little frake donut water I give up people who change their phone spawn - that squiggly one are not to be trusted if your phone looks like this year I'm saying excuse me but I mean why the Frick are you and your friends freaking standing in the middle of the hallway blocking everyone what the Frick you frickin I came out as a queer during football practice when my coach was like son you're having trouble throwing straight and I replied I'm also having trouble being straight it got very quiet and then coach just shook his head and said throw the dang ball Cooper I have been laughing for three million years I had an ex-boyfriend threatened to publish my noobs when we broke up so I published them myself with his threatening messages and tagged all his friends relatives and potential new girlfriends I think the boy still has whiplash from that plot twist you're my hero do you ever keyboard smash like gholson baccarat and think no that doesn't look right and so you erase it and try again last ghost fast uh yes that's how I'm feeling now never have skin again miracle aloe cream or natural paraben free enriched with vitamins item permanent skin removing miracle ala cream horrible curse for loving creatures but helps guard skeletal type undead against being injured by healing spells my friend has a bracelet that morphs from across to Shrek just like God intended the year is 2050 3 a girl lays on her bed wearing vintage ugg boots I was born in the wrong generation she sizes she listens to Taylor Swift and cries over a One Direction poster some kids are actually gonna be like this do you realize that this terrifies me I'll never forget the time I was waiting for my friend by the bathroom in the mall I watched a guy go into the men's room empty-handed and when he came out he had an ice-cream cone one time I left a can of drink in my lounge overnight and the next day I went to take a sip but then I was like WTF no it's gonna be flat so I went and poured it in the sink and it was like 2 percent liquid 98% and and it's been three years and my life is still flashing before my eyes I'm breathing in the chemicals new law why is this still going around wild small boneless three words that describe me are you a worm long Wiggly and ready to get Wiggly an elegant meal for one tonight today I was running late for school and I was sprinting down the street to make it on time and suddenly I turned to my left and my history teacher was running as well and he just screamed to me this is the first time I've exercised in 18 years I want someone who doesn't watch wrestling to explain to me what's happening in this scene competitive light bulb replacement do you ever get so upset that fictional characters have the same age as you and they've gone on such magical adventures and you haven't what do you mean you went on all of those adventures with them didn't you this is the best answer ever whoa me accidentally hits my lock screen button while watching YouTube YouTube you want to get YouTube bread you fricking dumb you really think you can play videos in the background without YouTube bread you freakin useless what is a hero without a villain useless what is a villain without a hero successful so what you're saying here is that we should all be villains yes have you ever seen a shaved rabbit put a hat on it and a skid to bust myths that comment holy crap a kid from my school just got expelled today for pretending to be Russian for eight months he pretended he couldn't read write or talk English he did good in all his classes because he had all the teachers and principals convinced he just moved from Russia so they didn't make him do any work some graduate as scholars others dropped out as legends gotta love knitting-needles I can make a scarf I can make a hat I can stab your eyes out I can make mittens what was that middle part I can make a hat [Music] look at this little baby that fell asleep on a girl's iPad during class where the fret do you go to school where felines are allowed to roam free in the classrooms I think I'm having two mental breakdowns at the same time and they're cancelling each other out when I erase a word with a pencil where does it go are you okay the moon passed between NASA's deep space climate Observatory and the earth allowing the satellite to capture this rare image of the moon's far side in full sunlight as the moon is tidally locked to the earth and doesn't rotate we only ever see the one face from the earth or some short so basically this is the moon if this is the moon but you say we are getting moved girlfriend decided to put a sock on my dog's foot and my dog seemed a little shocked to say the least I can't breathe xbox360 I never knew that but then what's the triangle button supposed to be the Illuminati this is literally a PlayStation controller I love it when I cook stuff for myself because like I just cooked pasta and yes Beach look at me providing for myself I could totally make it in this world it's almost as if I have my life together I take this back the pasta was crap I'm falling apart you never realize how loud your everyday actions are until you try to do them at 2:30 a.m. my college doesn't allow us to carry pepper spray for self-defense cause they claim it's a weapon I'm at a culinary school every single student is carrying several hundred dollars worth of knives around with the man they teach classes on how to break down whole animals easily with said knives but no pepper spray no that's way too dangerous [Music] bird nesting at the temple of Horus Egypt Oh perfect Birds tal that the stereotypical circus theme song we all associate with clowns and snap stick was originally written as a serious military March theme by Julius few sick what's the difference one time an eighth-grade math class all teacher who doesn't like Miko's Aaron goes to the store to buy a new personality because her sucks the one she wants is and I cut him off and said I wanted full personality but you took the last one he never bothered me again the next time there's an awkward silence try whispering did you forget your line or when you can't think of anything to say sigh dramatically and yell line [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 148,254
Rating: 4.9410801 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, tumblr memes, dank memes, dank, memes, meme, funny, lol, comedy, humor, r/tumblr, best of tumblr, top tumblr posts, funny tumblr posts, hot tumblr posts, funniest tumblr posts, cowbelly, comment awards, tumblr reads, tumblr trophies, tumblr awards, text posts, tumblr posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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