Dad replaced me with a boy to please my psycho mom

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when i got home from school one day i heard loud laughter and glasses clinking from the lounge i got out of sight quickly before anyone spotted me ugh it was mom and her friends they always sounded like a group of hyenas when they got together i heard one of her friends say but seriously you're so beautiful can't believe your daughter is that ugly mom laughed and so did everyone else in case you haven't guessed already i don't like my mom in fact i hate her she really seems like such an airhead she enjoys nothing except gossip and shopping and i hate the way she dresses once she came to school and i wanted to die of embarrassment she was wearing the tightest shocking pink dress and had a ton of makeup on and she was strutting down the street like she was a runway model the boys in my class were staring and grinning at her it was so gross to make it worse i heard one of them say wow now we know where ella gets her looks from i should ask her out already yeah great except they weren't talking about me my name is mallory my sister ella who's a couple of years younger than me is one of the most popular girls in school people are so shocked when they find out we're related she looks just like mom and acts just like her too i told dad about how mom had turned up at school and how i hated the way she acted he sighed and said she didn't used to be this way before but she changed completely after her sister left i didn't even know she had a sister but her ditziness wasn't why i really hated her i still couldn't forget that night when i had woken up in the middle of the night feeling really thirsty i was on my way to the kitchen to grab some water when i heard mom's loud sobbing and dad's voice coming from their bedroom what's going on i wondered i crept up to their room and peered into the slightly open door dad was sitting on the bed his head and his hands and mom was kneeling next to him crying and begging him to forgive her how could you do this melissa dad said his voice full of despair and with my best friend you ruined everything please please don't say that mom sobbed even louder please say you forgive me it was a terrible mistake i couldn't listen to any more of this my head and heart felt like they were going to burst mom had been cheating on dad with jack god i had never liked that scumbag dad packed his bags the next morning and left he kissed me on the cheek and said he was going away on a business trip he looked so heartbroken i knew he wasn't going on any trip he was moving out i couldn't even see anything i just choked back my tears and nodded i couldn't stand to be around mom i could hear her crying in her room and i just wanted to smash something in her face it was all her fault dad had left and he might never come back just then the door opened and it was dad oh thank god clearly he had decided to forgive mom and give their marriage another chance i was so relieved to see him but i just couldn't look at mom in the same way ever again i had no respect for her the secret had been eating me up inside i hadn't told anyone except my best friend if i told ella she probably wouldn't even have believed me she was mommy's little puppy dog i could hear mom calling me down for dinner at the table she asked me how school was and i pretended i hadn't even heard her i turned to dad and started talking about an upcoming sports event at school when i took the first bite of the meatloaf mom had cooked i made a disgusted face and pushed my plate away yuck that tastes awful i'm just going to make myself a peanut butter sandwich again i said i could see the hurt look on her face but i didn't care i wanted to hurt her malory it tastes just fine dad says sternly just sit down and finish your food no i screamed getting up from my chair her food is terrible i'd rather go hungry and with that i ran upstairs to my room before i slammed the door shut i heard ella talking in her sickly sweet voice mommy the meatloaf is delicious mallory is just going through a phase probably boy troubles and then i heard them both giggle i felt so pissed off gosh could she ever stop sucking up a couple of hours later my stomach was growling so loudly i was pretty sure the neighbors could hear it i snuck into the kitchen and took a look in the fridge sadly they finished the meatloaf ugh i really would have to eat that peanut butter sandwich now i was sneaking back upstairs when i heard my parents low voices in the lounge and i heard my name mom was telling dad that she just had about enough of my behavior dad said he'd talk to me later but it was probably just me acting out as a teenager a couple of days later i woke up to some shouting too early to hear your screeching mom her voice was like nails on a chalkboard i walked downstairs to find mom waving something in dad's face i just want to know how these got in your car who do they belong to she shrieked dad stood there silently which seemed to make her even angrier she threw whatever was in her hands to the floor it was a pair of earrings and i recognized them immediately they were mine i rushed over and picked them up i felt so furious how dare she accuse dad of cheating i turned to her not bothering to hide my hatred for her one bit mom you're such a stupid psycho i shouted at her they're my earrings i probably forgot them in dad's car you have no right to talk to dad like that i don't even know how he puts up with you no wonder your sister left you mom looked completely shocked for a minute and then she burst into tears just then ella came running to mom's side and she glared at me and started screaming don't talk to mom like that you dumb cow seriously what is wrong with you ella said it was dad's turn to be furious also at me malory that's it you are grounded for a week go up to your room now dad said i ran up the stairs tears pouring down my cheeks thanks to mom's drama i was now grounded mom gave me the cold shoulder and i was more than happy to not talk to her on sunday i heard my family leave for church service and i let out a big whoop great finally i could go watch some tv in the lounge i ran downstairs joyfully grabbed lots of snacks and settled down on the couch when i heard something from the basement where dad had set up his home office i froze for a second no one was supposed to be home i tiptoed down the stairs and as i got closer to the door i heard dad's voice really flooded over me i was about to go back to my spot on the couch when i heard a woman's laughter feeling really curious i turned back around and peered in through the door dad was having a video call with someone on his phone emily we have to be really careful i have to make sure my wife doesn't suspect a thing dad said i tiptoed back upstairs feeling a bit sick suddenly i lost my appetite for snacks and tv dad couldn't be could he well even if he was cheating i couldn't really blame him for trying to find love somewhere else mom wasn't exactly wife of the year material later at lunch mom walked into the room with a bouquet of flowers and a wrap present which she placed in front of dad she kissed him on the cheek and said happy 15th anniversary darling oh oh why thank you melissa dad looked completely surprised and flustered he started apologizing and saying it had slipped his mind mom said it was totally okay but i could tell that she was really trying hard to not look hurt ella squeezed her hand and gave her a sympathetic look what a goodie two shoes it made me feel sick i was tired of being in the house around the two of them i was dying to go to my best friend's house and vent i walked downstairs to grab something from the kitchen when i saw mom in the lounge all by herself she was curled up on the sofa and sobbing like a big baby what now jeez mom your favorite soap actor died i said sarcastically she looked so dumb with all that mascara running down her face but her sad face turned to a furious one in seconds she jumped up from the couch and glared at me with bloodshot eyes she was a small woman but it scared me i've had enough of your nonsense i'm going to throw you out of my house and you're good for nothing cheating dad too mom yelled you're a paranoid freak dad would never cheat on you i managed to scream back ella had heard her screaming and come running to mommy dearest's defense i'm sure oh really we'll take a look at this and of all the people anna sent it to me she'll make sure i'm a laughingstock and with that she thrust her phone screen in my face i could tell in an instant that it was dad in what seemed to be a really fancy restaurant sitting next to him was a beautiful blonde woman dressed in red they seemed to be having a good laugh i fell silent for a few seconds trying to take it all in could this be what was her name emily i just looked at her coldly and said so what if he is cheating on you you deserve it you cheated on him first mom stood frozen on the spot her eyes wide her mouth slightly open ella looked equally stupid aha i know you cheated on dad with jack and i will always hate you for it i was shaking now mom sang to the couch after what seemed like ages she looked at me and said oh malory you've got it all wrong she then explained that she had made a bad investment decision with jack behind dad's back jack had turned out to be a con man and had run away with all their money it was a huge blow wait she expected me to believe her nonsense now really no my dad was better than her and we all knew that ella had the phone in her hands now and she was staring at the picture finally she said angrily how could he do this to you mom i looked at them and said no he isn't a cheater you idiot dad is innocent and we can ask him together mom was hurt and said he wouldn't confess then i said you know what i'm going to spy on him just to prove you wrong so here i was the next day a couple of blocks away from dad's office hiding out in mom's car she'd made me skip school and sent me off in her car half the day had gone by with nothing happening i'd almost dozed off when i saw dad walk out of the building a shiny black car had driven up outside the main entrance a leggy blonde and high heel stepped out of it my dad kissed her on the cheek and then he got into the car with her and they drove off i frantically revved up my engine and started following them where were they going i wondered we have been on the road for two hours now we left town and were on an empty road between stretch of fields just a few moments later the car turned left onto a smaller road leading up to a huge mansion i parked my car at a distance and walked up to it on foot i quietly slipped in through the main door i walked down the large hallway and heard dad and that emily talking in another room suddenly i could hear her clicking heels getting louder and in panic i ducked behind the huge plotted plant near me wow this really is a beautiful place em dad said and it'll all be yours soon yes thanks to you she said looking at him with a huge smile as soon as you can get that wife of yours to sign the papers her evil laugh echoing through the hallway made my blood run cold and what was worse dad joined her that wasn't the worst of it they started going up the stairs and suddenly emily lost her balance dad was quick to catch her oh my god em are you okay you really shouldn't be wearing such high heels dad said oh goodness yes yes i'm fine you're right i should be more careful what with the baby on the way she smiled shyly up at dad who smiled back in the wind upstairs my legs shaking i bolted towards the door and ran to my car i'd heard enough dad wasn't just replacing mom he was about to replace me with a shiny new baby i felt so heartbroken i drove back home like a mad person rushed out of the car and called out to mom there was no reply i ran up the stairs and looked in every room and i couldn't find her anywhere i had her car where could she have gone suddenly i noticed a large note stuck on the fridge hey mal your dad sent a car for me to take somewhere secret i have to go see what this is all about maybe i'll get some answers don't wait for me for dinner i've taken ella with me oh no no no i frantically tried to call mom but there was no answer this was so bad and there i was on the road again driving another two hours like a crazy person to some unknown location i knew exactly where that was i parked my car at the gate and rushed to the mansion emily's car was still there and mom and ella must have been inside because another car was parked outside i ran in through the main door and looked in all the rooms downstairs nothing i ran upstairs and heard voices from one of the bedrooms i peered in and saw all four of them in there mom and emily were crying i still don't understand why you suddenly left mom wept you just broke my heart em oh mal you know how hard it was with mom and dad i couldn't live that life anymore and i didn't even find out too much later about their accident which is why i never came to the funeral just please forgive me i will make it up to you emily sobbed i stood there in shock so this was the long-lost sister my sister was there crying like an idiot then mom hugged dad and thanked him for reuniting them and behind her back he mouthed i love you babe then he winked at emily who also mouthed i love you too babe i looked at my sister who had just witnessed this we exchanged worried looks then mom said we are all going to have so much fun together oh poor mom for the first time in years i felt sorry for her
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 1,954,107
Rating: 4.8529716 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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